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Sir Baltazar Brimington

Male elf Fast Hero 1/Smart Hero 2/Archaic Weaponmaster 3/Mage 14/ Black Lodge Initiate 5/
Archmage 5; CR 30; Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d8 plus 2d6 plus 3d10 plus 14d6 plus 5d6 plus 5d6;
HP 101; Init +8, Spd 30 ft.; Defense 46 (10 base, +24 classes, +8 vest of the archmagi, +4 Dex), touch 46,
flat-footed 42, Fire Resistance 15; BAB +15/+10; Atk +20/+15 melee (1d6+5 piercing/18-20,
swordcane); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Arcane Skills, Arcane Spells, Brew Potion, Gifted
Incantations, Granted Incantations, Hidden Allegiance, Imbue Weapon +1, Increased Spells, Low-Light
Vision, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Scribe Tatoo, Skill Bonuses, Spell Immunities, Spell
Mastery, Spontaneous Casting, Summon Familiar, Total Spellcasting; AL earth, the lodge of shadows, self;
SV Fort +17, Ref +20, Will +27; AP 43/366, Rep +6; Str 14 (+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10 (+0), Int 24 (+7), Wis
16 (+3), Cha 14 (+2).
Occupation: Hedge Wizard (Concentration, Decipher Script, Knowledge: Arcane Lore)
Skills: Balance 8, Climb 8, Computer Use 12, Concentration 34, Craft (Chemical) 19, Craft (Electronic) 9,
Craft (Mechanical) 10, Craft (Visual Art) 10, Craft (Writing) 16, Decipher Script 26, Demolitions 6, Disable
Device 11, Drive 6, Escape Artist 8, Forgery 8, Handle Animal 3, Hide 8, Investigate 20, Jump 8,
Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 48, Knowledge (Art) 10, Knowledge (Business) 8, Knowledge (Civics) 8,
Knowledge (Current Events) 8, Knowledge (History) 20, Knowledge (Popular Culture) 9, Knowledge
(Streetwise) 17, Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 9, Listen 10, Move Silently 8, Navigate 8, Pilot 6,
Research 20, Ride 6, Search 10, Sleight of Hand 6, Spellcraft 42, Spot 10, Swim 4, Tumble 12, Read/Write
Ancient Greek, Read/Write Common, Read/Write Elven, Read/Write English, Read/Write Gnoll,
Read/Write Gnome, Read/Write Goblin, Read/Write Halfling, Read/Write Orc, Read/Write Sylvan, Speak
Ancient Greek, Speak Common, Speak Elven, Speak English, Speak Draconic, Speak Gnoll, Speak Gnome,
Speak Goblin, Speak Halfling, Speak Orc, Speak Sylvan.
Feats: Archaic Weapon Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus (swordcane), Weapon
Specialization (swordcane), Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Magical Affinity, Magical Heritage
(Detect Magical Auras, Mage Hand, Read Magic), Educated (Arcane Lore, History), Dodge, Mobility,
Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Finesse (swordcane), Eschew Materials, Still Spell, Silent Spell,
Improved Spell Capacity (6th), Improved Spell Capacity (7th), Improved Spell Capacity (8th), Improved
Spell Capacity (9th), Blood Magic, Spell Focus (Evocation), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Shadowbane
Spell, Reach Spell.
Talents: Savant (Knowledge: Arcane Lore), Evasion.
Mage Spells Per Day: 8/10/10/8/7/5/3/2/2/2; save DC = 17 + spell level, 19 + spell level for Evocation;
Caster Level: 24th, 26th to overcome spell resistance.
As an ancient and powerful elf, Baltazar knows and can prepare the following 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th level
spells, despite such magics being virtually unheard of.
6th-Guards and Wards, Chain Lightning, Move Earth; 7th-Spell Turning, Greater Arcane Sight, Project
Image; 8th-Dimensional Lock, Screen; 9th-Power Word: Kill.
Special Qualities:
Elf: Baltazar is immune to Sleep spells and effects, and recieves a +2 species bonus to saving throws
against Enchantment spells and effects.
Gifted Incantations: Baltazar can spend an Action Point to gain a 1d6 bonus on all Skill Checks to
complete incantations.
Granted Incantations: Baltazar suffers no penalties for failing incantations.
Magical Heritage: Baltazar can cast Detect Magical Auras, Mage Hand, and Read Magic each 24 times
per day.
Spell Mastery: Baltazar can prepare the spells Comprehend Languages, Hold Portal, Power Device, Data
Read, See Invisibility, Fireball, Gaseous Form, Nondetection, Dimension Door, and Synchronicity without
the need of a spellbook.
Spell Immunity: Trails of faint golden light criss cross over Baltazar's body, the result of weaving ancient
and powerful protection magic over himself. Baltazar is immune to Magic Missile, Web, Fireball, Bestow
Curse, and Phantom Projectiles.
Possessions: As an ancient and considerably powerful elf, Baltazar has amassed a veritable fortune and
can easily obtain virtually any item, magical or otherwise, he desires. Among the items he likely has with
him, or immediate access to, are a translator's earpiece, spectacles of speed reading, vest of the
archmagi*, dancing & defending sword cane +3, shoes of speed*, tempus fugit watch, ring of
surveillance detection, ring of fire resistance 15, caduceus tattoo, tattoo of invisibility, tattoo of body
adjustment, tattoo of spell resistance, tattoo of natural armor, tattoo of spider climb, ring of knock (as
wand, 9 charges left), broken arrow ring (as potion, one use only), ring of vehicle handling (as potion,
one use only), ring of feather falling (as potion, one use only), ring of water breathing (as potion, one
use only), leather satchel containing an eldritch cell phone, pen of invisible ink, booklet of stamps of
delivery (three left), pad of notebook paper, rod of technology, universal ID, Master Key*, Vault Key*. In
his extradimensional residence, Baltazar also has access to a replay mirror, statue of mystic veil*, index
of Alexandria*, robe of Archaíos*, video camera of true seeing.
*Detailed below under New FX Items.

New FX Items
Shoes of Speed
These shoes can come in any style. As a free action, the wearer can click her heels together, enabling her
to act as though affected by a haste spell for up to 10 rounds each day. The duration of the haste effect
need not be consecutive rounds.
Type: Wondrous Item (magic); Caster Level: 5th; Purchase DC: 34; Weight: 1 lb.

Vest of the Archmagi

This gold-brocaded, burgundy garment seems fit to be worn by the gods themselves. The vest of the
archmagi provides the following benefits to its wearer.
*+8 armor bonus to Defense
*+5 resistance bonus to saving throws
*+2 enhancement bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance
* As a Swift Action, can recall up to three times per day arcane spells up to 5th level that the wearer has
previously prepared and cast.
*As a Swift Action, the wearer can expend a prepared arcane spell to heal himself of physical damage
equal to five times the level of the expended spell.
Type: Artifact (magic); Caster Level:20th; Purchase DC:--; Weight: 1 lb.

Robe of Archaíos
These robes, along with its tall pointed capirote, are made of rich crimson silks and decorated with
orichalcum threaded brocade, aiguillettes, and runes embroidered along the edges. Powerful and
ancient magics are weaved into these robes, providing great protection and facilitating the wearer's
ability to cast incantations. The robes provide the following benefits to the wearer:
*+3 bonus to all saving throws.
*+6 bonus for all Skill Checks to cast incantations.
*The casting time for incantations are decreased by 50% (round up). This does not decrease the number
of Skill Checks needed to cast incantations.
Type: Artifact (magic); Caster Level:--; Purchase DC: 80; Weight: 5 lb.

The Eye of Odin

This heavy medallion is of a closed eye with Norse runes encircling it. When worn, The Eye of Odin
protects the wearer as if under a continuous Nondetection spell. Furthermore, the Eye can be
commanded to open. This nullifies the Nondetection effect for as long as it's open, but allows the
wearer to see as if under the effects of a True Seeing spell. Commanding the Eye to close ends the True
Seeing effect and initiates the Nondetection effect.
Type: Artifact (magic); Caster Level: 10th; Purchase DC: 60; Weight: 1 lb.

New Incantations
Baltazar's Clypeus
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcane Lore) DC: 30, 12 successes; Failure: 2 consecutive failed skill checks;
Components: V, S, M, XP; Casting Time: 12 hours (minimum); Range: Touch; Target: Willing creature
touched; Duration: Permanent; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Factors: Ward Seed (+30), nullify one 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th level spell (+12), increase duration from
hours to days (+6), increase duration from days to permanent (+10); Mitigating Factors: Increase Casting
Time to 12 hours (-12), XP Cost: 1,000 (-10), Expensive Material Component: Purchase DC 30 (-4), Caster
is exhausted (-2).
This incantation weaves together a network of abjuration magic that permanently protects the target
from a single 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th level spell, chosen at the time the incantation is performed. The
caster of this incantation must also be able to cast the spells to be protected against. If the spells target
the warded person, those spells simply do not manifest. If the spells have an area effect, the space the
warded person occupies is unaffected (for example, a Fireball's blast warps around the warded person,
but affects the rest of the area normally). If a spell has an area effect that persists (for example, Web),
the warded person is able to move through the affected area without consequence, as if the spell effect
simply doesn't exist for the warded person. The caster becomes exhausted for 24 hours after completing
the incantation.
Failure: The caster is deluded and believes the incantation worked as intended, but the incantation
provides no actual protection against the chosen spells.
Material Component: Miniature of the target made from solid gold and encrusted with gems (Purchase
DC 30).
XP Cost: 1,000

Baltazar's Blade Ballet

Conjuration (Creation)
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcane Lore) DC: 34, 6 successes; Failure: 2 consecutive failed skill checks;
Components: V, S, F, XP; Casting Time: One Round; Range: 0 ft.; Effect: conjures ten animated
swordcanes to fight on behalf of the caster; Duration: 6 rounds; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance:
This incantation conjures forth ten non-magical swordcanes that surround the caster in a circling motion.
They attack the caster's nearest enemies within 30. Only one swordcane attacks a particular enemy. If
there's less than ten enemies within range, the remaining swords simply circle around the caster,
waiting. Each swordcane attacks with the caster's base attack bonus, and can only attack once per
Failure: The conjured blades attack the caster instead.
Focus: Baltazar's dancing & defending +3 swordcane.
XP Cost: 1,000.

1 headband, headset, hat, or helmet (Translator's Earpiece)

1 pair of eyeglasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, or goggles (Spectacles of Speed Reading)
1 amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, necktie, or scarab
1 suit of armor
1 robe, jacket, windbreaker, or coat
1 cloak, cape, poncho, sweater, or mantle
1 vest or shirt (Vest of the Arcmagi)
1 pair of bracers or bracelets, or 1 watch (Tempus Fugit Watch)
1 pair of gloves or gauntlets
1 pair of earrings
2 rings (Ring of Fire Resistance 15, Ring of Surveillance Detection)
1 belt
1 pair of boots, shoes, or sandals (shoes of speed)
6 tatoos (, Tatoo of Invisibility, Tatoo of Spell Resistance, Caduceus Tatoo, Tatoo of Body Adjustment,
Tatoo of Natural Armor, Tatoo of Spider Climb)

Eldritch Cell Phone, Pen of Invisible Ink, Stamps of Delivery, Replay Mirror,

Artifacts: Statue of Mystic Veil*, Elder Wand*, Cloak of Invisibility*, Ressurection Stone*,

Empower Spell (2), Enlarge Spell (1), Extend Spell (1),

Epic Feats
Enhance Spell [Metamagic][Epic]
Prerequisite: Maximize Spell.
The damage cap for your spells increases by 10 dice (for spells that deal a number of dice of damage
equal to caster level) or by 5 dice (for spells that deal a number of dice of damage equal to half caster
level). An enhanced spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell’s actual level. This feat has
no effect on spells that don’t specifically deal a number of dice of damage equal to the caster’s level or
half level, even if the spell’s effect is largely dictated by the caster’s level.
Without this feat, use the damage dice caps indicated in the spell’s description.
You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, the damage cap increases by 10 dice
or 5 dice, as appropriate to the spell, and the enhanced spell takes up a spell slot an additional four
levels higher.


There are archmages, and then there's the selu'taar of the elves, or more commonly known, high mages.
These elven masters of magic have spent centuries dedicated to learning their craft and can weave magic
in ways lesser archmages can only dream. They are especially adroit at complex incantations, able to
master certain rituals to such a degree that they can perform them with little effort.

To qualify to become a selu'taar, a character must fulfill the following criteria
Skills: Knowledge (arcane lore) 20 ranks, Concentration 20 ranks.
Special: Ability to cast 5th level arcane spells. Know at least three incantations, including at least
one custom incantation made by the character. An elf selu'taar is known as a high mage, while a human
selu'taar is known as a grand magus.
Class Information
Hit Die
Selu'taar gain 1d6 hit points per level. The character's Constitution modifier applies.
Action Points
Selu'taar gain a number of action points equal to 7 plus one-half their character level, rounded down,
every time they advance a level in this class.
Class Skills
The Selu'taar's class skills are as follows: Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (chemical,
electronic, mechanical, pharmaceutical) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Demolition (Int), Disable Device (Int),
Investigate (Int), Knowledge (arcane lore, art, behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, earth
and life sciences, history, physical sciences, popular culture, streetwise, technology, theology and
philosophy) (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Repair (Int), Research (Int), Speak
Language (none), Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 7+Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
The following pertain to the Selu'taar prestige class.

Incantation Mastery
Starting at 1st level, the Selu'taar chooses a single Incantation to master. From now on, he recieves a
competence bonus to all skill checks for casting that incantation equal to his Selu'taar class level +
Charisma modifier. For each additional level of Selu'taar, choose another incantation to master.

Incantation Efficiency
At 2nd level, the Selu'taar decreases the casting time of incantations he has mastered by 50%, rounded
up. This does not decrease the number of skill checks necessary to cast an incantation.

Incantation Preparation
At 3rd level, the Selu'taar can prepare any single incantation that he has mastered, just like a normal
spell. To prepare an incantation in this manner the Selu'taar must perform the incantation as normal,
expending the time, resources, and XP accordingly. The effect is then suspended in a magical matrix
around the caster. If the incantation requires a target, the Selu'taar must choose the target at the time
of preparation. However, the Selu'taar can later change the target by expending an Action Point. A
prepared Incantation lasts for 24 hours. If it hasn't been cast within that time limit, the preparation is

High Arcana
At each level the selu'taar gains the opportunity to select a special ability from among those described
below by permanently eliminating one existing spell slot. A selu'taar may choose to eliminate a spell slot
of a higher level than that required to gain a type of high arcana.

Arcane Fire (Su)

The selu'taar gains the ability to change arcane spell energy into arcane fire, manifesting it
as a bolt of raw magical energy. The bolt is a ranged touch attack with long range (400 feet + 40
feet/level of selu'taar) that deals 1d6 points of damage per class level of the selu'taar plus 1d6
points of damage per level of the spell used to create the effect. This ability costs one 5th-level spell

Reach Spell
The selu'taar can use spells with a range of touch on a target up to 30 feet away. The
selu'taar must make a ranged touch attack. This ability costs one 3rd-level spell slot.

Improved Counterspelling
When counterspelling, the selu'taar may use a spell of the same school that is the same
level or higher than the target spell. This ability costs one 3rd-level spell slot.

Mastery of Elements
The selu'taar can alter an arcane spell when cast so that it utilizes a different element from
the one it normally uses. This ability can only alter a spell with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic
descriptor. The spell’s casting time is unaffected. The caster decides whether to alter the spell’s
energy type and chooses the new energy type when he begins casting. This ability costs one 4th-level
spell slot.

Mastery of Shaping
The selu'taar can alter area and effect spells that use one of the following shapes: burst,
cone, cylinder, emanation, or spread. The alteration consists of creating spaces within the spell’s area
or effect that are not subject to the spell. The minimum dimension for these spaces is a 5-foot cube.
Furthermore, any shapeable spells have a minimum dimension of 5 feet instead of 10 feet. This ability
costs one 2nd-level spell slot.

Spell Power
This ability increases the saving throw DC of the selu'taar's spells by +1. This ability costs
one 1st-level spell slot.
Table: The Selu'taar
Base Attack Fort Ref Will Def Rep
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 High Arcana, +1 +2
Incantation Mastery
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 High Arcana, +1 +2
Incantation Efficiency
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 High Arcana, +2 +2
Incantation Preparation

Blood to Acid: 4th lvl

Blood Weapon: 1st lvl

Bloody Mess


Level: Mage 3; Components: S; Casting Time: 1

round; Range: Touch; Effect: One Target; Duration:

Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Fortitude half; Spell

Resistance: No

When this spell is cast, the target of this spell will

cause blood and other bodily fluids to gush profusely

from each and all of their bodily orifices including

their eyes, if they have them. Within a few seconds of

this spells effects, the targets body and clothes will be

complete covered in blood and other bodily fluids.

This spell deals 1d6 Constitution points of damage

and causes the target to lose its Dexterity bonus due to

being rapt in intense pain from the effects of this spell.

Thicker than Blood


Level: Mage 3; Components: V, S; Casting Time: 1 action;

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels); Targets: One opponent;

Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Fortitude negates;

Spell Resistance: Yes

With this spell a caster will cause the target blood to coagulate,

in laymen terms thicken to the consistence of thick jello, and

will cause severe damage to the target. The coagulation of the

blood will cause the target a number of points of damage equal

to 5 times the caster’s level.


Secret Knowledge: FX abilities (arcane magic), occult knowledge, artifacts
Common Missions: Investigating, locating, identifying, and securing arcane lore, magical threats, and
items of power.
Requisition Limit: 45 (illegal)

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