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During the process of the MGMT 8300 project, there are some conflicts that I have
experienced and mentioned in the following points:

1. I submitted the wrong assignment in the first week of this project, which was Project
charter, due to which I got zero grades, but I thought that the professor forgot to
release the grades for me. At the end of week 4, I realized that my assignment was
utterly wrong, and I failed to understand the whole concept of the topic.

2. I have faced some technical issues with my internet connection for few days due to
which it also affects my regular studies. During my mid-term exam, the same
problem occurs due to which my exam file got submitted without even attempting
all the questions, but the professor was very cooperative. After analyzing my
situation, he gave me another attempt, for which I am truly thankful to him.
In my perspective, both the conflicts mentioned above are significant and can affect
the project's result, and can be able to make the project unproductive.

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