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Case Study

Vandana Luthra is one of the biggest and celebrated Indian

entrepreneurs. She is the founder of VLCC Health Care Ltd and also the
chairperson of the Beauty and Wellness Sector Skill and Council
(B&WSSC). She was first appointed as the chairperson of this sector in
2014. This is an undertaking of the government of India that provides skills
training for the beauty industry. Luthra was ranked #26 in Forbes Asia list
2016 of 50 Power Businesswomen. VLCC is one of the best beauty and
wellness service industries in the country. It has its operations up and
running in 326 locations across 153 cities in 13 countries in South Asia,
South East Asia, the GCC region and East Africa. The industry has 4000
employees including medical professionals, nutrition counsellors,
physiotherapists, cosmetologists and beauty professionals. Luthra once said
that her journey has taught her a number of lessons that have been life-
altering in many ways. One of the major things she learnt is to have strong
core values for the organisation and stand by it at all times. It takes years
of hard work, dedication and commitment in order to build a brand. It is
important to keep going and not looking back.
Vandana Luthra had a desire to impact people’s lives right from
her childhood. She would tag along with her father on his work trips to
Germany. She noticed that the health and wellness industry was doing well
back then in Germany and was still an almost untouched subject in India.
This led her to complete a degree from the Polytechnic for Women in New
Delhi. She had the vision to start an outlet for health and wellness in India.
She completed her studies in nutrition and cosmetology in Germany and
set up the first VLCC Centre in Safdarjung Enclave in New Delhi in 1989.
Her determination and hard work have been her strength ever
since she started VLCC. She once said that when she started her business
back in the 1980s, there were hardly any women entrepreneurs. The
environment was highly sceptical of women entrepreneurs and she has also
faced criticism. However, she believed that her concept was unique and was
being introduced in India for the first time. Luthra also gives much credit
to her husband who supported her. He offered to support her financially,
however, she was determined to make the dream come true on her own
efforts. That led her to book her the place for her first outlet after she
availed a Bank loan. Within a month of the establishment of her first
outlet, she was attracting a number of customers and celebrities living in
the vicinity. The customers were extremely satisfied with the service he was
offering. She started getting a return on her investment too. She once said
that she approached her work scientifically and started working with
doctors from the first day of her work. She wanted her brand to be clinical
and not about glamour. However, convincing doctors to work with her on
health and wellness was tiring at first. She faced backlash when it came to
convincing nutritionists and cosmetologists. It took her a long time until
finally, a few agreed. The results eventually helped her gather many health
Today her dream and vision have impacted people across
the globe. According to a report, 40% of her top clients are from
international centres. She continues travelling across the world to
understand their needs regarding wellness. According to a report, VLCC’s
estimated annual revenue is $91.1 million. She gives credit to internal
funding by investment partners who are the major causes of the growth of
her company. Vandana Luthra’s take on Women in Business She says that
women are great business leaders. She believes women have exceptional
business abilities and can be anything they wish to be. Women are great in
everything be it sports, social socials service, business or even
entertainment. She says that the Indian government is very keen on
supporting women to grow and become entrepreneurs. The National Skills
Development Corporation and the Ministry of Labour are working
consistently toward improving the fitness and beauty sector. VLCC is also
a major part of the government’s Jan-Dhan Yojana. Vandana Luthra is
determined determination and courageous courage personified. It’s true
that the journey to success is hard, but if self-determination remains,
anything is possible..

1. Do you agree that women are great business leaders? Justify your
answer in the context of the case
2. Discuss hurdles faced by women entrepreneurs in their journey
3. How Vandana Luthra established as one of the biggest and
celebrated Indian entrepreneurs.

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