MUHAMMAD SYAFI B. YUSOP Computer Based Information System

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31 MAY 2021

1) Acknowledgement 3

2) Computer Based Information Systems (CBIS) 4

 History
 Introduction
 Elements of CBIS
 Types of CBIS

3) Infographic Poster 9

4) References 10


First, I, Muhammad Syafi Bin Yusop would like to thanks to everyone because I finally
successfully finished my first individual assignment in IMS552 for this semester. I have taken
efforts in this assignment as soon as possible. However, it would not have been possible
without the encouragement and help of many individuals and members. Therefore, I respect
and would like to thank my lecturer, Madam Hairani Binti Wahab for giving me an opportunity
to do this assignment work and provide support which made me complete the assignment, I
deeply grateful to him for providing all such a nice support and guidance also teach me in
complete this assignment as much as possible.

Second, I would like to thank my classmates who helped during the process in
completing this individual assignment. Also, I am grateful to have such a supportive parent
who encourage me and keep me motivated in this online distance learning.

Computer Based Information System (CBIS)


For decades, people have used information systems. For example, merchants, traders,
armies, and governments used them to record transactions and monitor expenses. They
were sluggish and cumbersome because they relied on armies of clerks. While tools such as
the abacus and simple calculator made the process easier, it still took days, weeks, or even
months to get a response. It wasn't until the invention of sophisticated computers that
information systems were complex and capable of providing fast responses.

Companies who wanted to streamline their accounting processes used the first
practical computers after they were created. Organizations soon recognized the advantages
of computer-based information technology that could provide information to direct decisions
as computational resources and the ability to store data electronically improved.
Organizations gradually created integrated computer-based information systems capable of
managing and monitoring entire organizations' output.


A CBIS is a well-organized system that combines hardware and software technologies with
human factors to create fast, accurate, and usable data for decision-making. CBIS is a type
of IS that uses computer technology to complete part or all of its functions. A computer-
based information system (CBIS) is a system that performs tasks using computer
technology. CBIS is an organised integration of hardware and software technologies and
human elements designed to produce timely, integrated, accurate and useful information for
decision making purposes. CBIS is a data processing system that converts raw data into
high-quality information that can be used as decision-making, teamwork, and control tools,
as well as visualization and analysis. A computer-based information system, or CBIS, is a
system that collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and distributes data for a particular
purpose, such as achieving a business goal.

Below are terms that related to CBIS include:

1. Data
 A list of raw, information.
 The term "raw" refers to evidence that have not yet been processed.
 It may be made up of numbers, characters, symbols, or an image.

2. Information
 Data that have been processed.
 In making decisions, information is helpful.
 It has more significance than data.
3. System
 a collection of elements or components that work together to accomplish a
common goal.
 Systems are abstract and concrete structures that are made up of many
interconnected components which is input, processing, and output.
4. Information system
 It is a comprehensive collection of components for gathering, storing, and
processing data, as well as providing content, expertise, and digital goods.
 Information systems are used by businesses and other organizations to carry
out and conduct processes, communicate with consumers and vendors, and
participate in the marketplace.

Elements of CBIS

A computer-based information system (CBIS) is one in which computers play a significant

role. There are 5 elements in CBIS such as hardware, software, data, procedures, and

1. Hardware

The physical components of a computer and associated equipment are referred to as

computer hardware. Motherboards, hard disks, and RAM are examples of internal
hardware equipment. Monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners are
examples of external hardware. Internal hardware elements of a computer are often
referred to as components, while external hardware modules are often referred to as
peripherals. They all belong to the group of computer hardware.

A CBIS may use a single computer or thousands. Input and output devices,
storage devices, and communication devices are also included in the support

Figure 1. These are the example types of hardware
2. Software

` A collection of commands, data, or programs used to run computers and carry out
specific tasks is known as software. That is the inverse of hardware, which
represents the physical characteristics of a device. Software is a broad term for
applications, scripts, and programs that run on a computer or other system. It is the
transient component of a program, while hardware is the constant component.

The hardware would be useless without the software. The second component
of a CBIS is software, which instructs the hardware on how to operate. It collects,
organizes, and manipulates data while also carrying out orders. Anything you do on a
machine is handled by software.

Figure 2. These are types of software

3. Data

In general, data refers to any collection of characters that is collected and interpreted
for a specific reason, most commonly research. A person or a machine can't do
much about data that isn't contextualized.

The third component of a CBIS is data. Software cannot function without data,
just as hardware cannot function without software. This is the information component
of an information system, and it includes statistical details, sets of instructions, lists of
names, and even graphics and animations.

Figure 3. These are types of data

4. Procedure

It is widely said that "procedures are to people what software is to hardware."

Procedures, the fourth component of CBIS, are the laws, explanations, and
guidelines for how things are done. Procedures are commonly covered in instruction
or user manuals that explain how to use the hardware, software, and data in
computer-based information systems.

5. People

People are the most often ignored and crucial component of a computer-based
information system. Computer based information systems need people to run them.
People can build and use computer software, as well as choose how it is used.
People can understand information relayed by a machine, and therefore it becomes
intelligence. The computer systems would not be able to function without humans.

Types of Computer Based Information Systems (CBIS)

1. Accounting Information System

The accounting information system oversees the firm's accounting application. Since it is a
data-driven application, it can generate some data. A firm's data processing tasks include
collecting data describing the firm's operations, converting the data into information, and
making the information accessible to users both within and outside the firm.

Advantage: Adhere to relatively standardized methods.

2. Management Information System

A collection of information from different information systems. It makes information

accessible that is relevant to the user's needs. An MIS is concerned with information that
can be obtained on a daily and systematic basis according to predefined laws. To perform
the tasks, such systems should run in real time, allowing them to process information as
soon as it is obtained.

Advantage: It is capable of handling inquiries and is result-oriented.

3. Decision Support System

The decision support system improves the capabilities of the MIS. The term's etymology.
Decision forces on decision making in problem solving help necessitate computer-aided
decisions with sufficient structure and system integration of all subsystems, as well as the
suggestion of a combined man machine and decision setting.

Advantage: Better decision are taken.

4. Knowledge Based System

The CBIS subsystem that has piqued the interest of computer scientists and information
specialists is the knowledge-based machine, which is a subset of artificial intelligence or AI.

The expert system is a common type of knowledge-based system. It is the practice of

giving devices, such as computers, the ability to exhibit behavior that would be considered
intelligent if found in humans.

Advantage: Flexibility

Infographic Poster


By Staff Writer. (2020, March 29). What Is a Computer-Based Information System?


Computer Based Information System | Types of Computer Based Information Systems.

(n.d.). Tutors Globe. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from

Hardware Definition. (n.d.). TechTerms. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from

Computer Based Information System Information Technology Essay. (n.d.). UKEssays.Com.

Retrieved April 30, 2021, from


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