Dream High Quotes

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dream high

I like Dream High because for the first time, the protagonist is a raging arrogant bitch. While
most dramas, movies and novels present the typical lead character sketch as someone who is
predictably saint-like, consistent do-gooder, and a weakling for most of the time, Dream High is
realistic. It gives us a non-biased view of the characters. We see where everyone is coming from
and more importantly, it shows us that everyone has stories to tell and a bunch of valid reasons
for their actions. It also allows us to think of ourselves as possible lead characters in our own
circumstances even if humans as we are who are part bitches, part weaklings, part good, part
dumb, and a kaleidoscope of defects and strengths, our actions can be justified when such
circumstances are viewed from our standpoint. Dream High opens an equal chance for anyone to
dream regardless of how one is perceived by people who saw only a couple of minutes of one’s

Like a typical Asian Drama, Dream High also has its share of loopholes, diversions, shallow
circumstances, unnecessary web of events and so on. However, I would say that such
weaknesses did not punch a critical hole in the otherwise solid plot and storyline. If anything, I
think that the additions of such spirals added to the rooting and development of the characters.
I’d say that such an approach is rather effective than destructive since Dream High is a multiple-
protagonist kind of drama in a sense. Think of the complexities as pieces of the puzzle that make
up a simple bigger picture. That it ended exactly as how it started sealed the story, and thus,
preserved its unity.

 Also, the scene transitions are awesome. It’s like I could read the screenplay right when I was
watching some particular scenes. If it were a literary piece, it would have been a good one as
well. Here they used appropriate objective correlative, metaphors, anecdotes, symbolism etc.
Here they exploited the human’s instinctive interest in geniuses, prodigies, music, movement,
competition, conflict, change of heart, success stories, and dreams. With the perfect cast (I’m not
saying that they’re all brilliant actors/actresses but I really believe that some actors/actresses just
perfectly fit some particular character roles and in this case, I think everything fell to place.
(especially Kang Oh Hyuk ;P)) and the perfect production team (I like how the writer reconciled
sensibility and level-headedness (although there are still a number of loopholes but not as much
as most dramas) with humour and magic. Plus the buzz-worthy Choreography and Music).
Shooting through both the brain and the heart, it’s no wonder Dream High instantly established
its own fandom just after its first airing. And growing.

Lastly, I love love love Go Hye Mi. I even love her arrogance and inconsistencies. I love her
cool and indifference, her bitchness and gentleness, her stubbornness and pride, her being
straightforward, fearless, and bold. I like how she refuses to be treated like a princess, how she
does things her own way, and how she isn’t bound onto anything or anyone. I like how she only
has that same face when she’s worried, happy, angry, sad, and sorry. I like the contradiction of
her toughness and innocence, not knowing about intimacy and running away from affection. She
has this way of making people hate her and therefore make them love her more. I like her
because I understand her…the way she contradicts herself more than anyone else. Most of all, I
like the journey of her heart, how she grew up and matured.  She’s probably my most favorite
girl drama protagonist of all time.   


“Break Shot. Do you know what that is? It’s what sets the game into play. It’s referring to the
starting kick-off shot. Although this start is an easy task, even with the same dynamics and
tactics, the ball can move in different directions. Where the balls will go is hard to determine
because the moment the break-shot is done, my hands are free and everything else is up to them.
After the opening first strike, the balls will move in different paths. And the game will have
started. The same can be said with important changes that happen in life. If ever one comes
across such defining ‘break-shot’ moment, your once peaceful world will shatter into pieces.”
(Director/Bae Yong Joon)


 “Don’t beg. It’s worse than a third-class person’s behavior.” (Director/Bae Yong Joon)


 “Just like you said, they are inadequate people. But I have a feeling that they will do well.”
(Director/Bae Yong Joon)

 “If you lied to someone you should apologize, not throw your temper at them. If the shoe is
damaged, you have to fix it. If you are sad, just cry out loud, not throw a tantrum.” (Jin Guk)


 “My dad said that when someone says this kind of words, it’s because of two reasons: one is
having no confidence and the other is being afraid.” (Go Hye Mi)


 “What kind of person are you really? There are times you act like a villain. There are times
you’re like a poor princess. And there are times you’re like a moth, so brave. Sometimes you
make me worry…my Asura.” (Jin Guk)


 “If we meet an obstacle, all we have to do is cross it.” (Song Sam Dong)


 “Sincerity is simply singing for somebody out there.” (Kang Oh Hyuk)


 “Stubbornness is a loser’s excuse. Stubbornness is really very tiring.” (Go Hye Mi)


 “All these ‘what ifs’ are only right if all of us had not been born.” (Jin Guk)


Samdong: A fake showcase…we can just not do it. You don’t have to do so much for me.

Ohhyuk: It’s not because of you. It’s because I want to see. I really want to see a stage belonging
to you guys. It was just that the admission ticket is going to be slightly expensive. You once
mentioned that your dreams were always out of reach and out of sight, right? I am also the same.
So let’s make full use of this chance and let me see your talents. I want to know what dreams are
made of so I may be able to grasp it.


Ms. Shi: This is not for them. If it’s really for them, you have to tell them that their children
don’t have the skills to get on stage. Do you think there is any parent in this world who would
not do anything when their children are wasting their time dreaming of something that won’t
come true? Mr. Kang, you are way more cruel than me.

Ohhyuk: Hello. I’m Kang Oh Hyuk, a teacher here in Kirin Art Academy. I want to take this
chance to express great gratitude to the parents and audience here that clapped and cheered for
our students’ performances. I am on stage today because there is something I must apologize for
to all of you. The showcase that you all saw today is actually a fake showcase. I am very sorry.
The students who performed in today’s showcase are those who failed in performing in the
actual showcase. This stage was planned and created because we didn’t want the parents to learn
about this sad truth. Parents always ask us these questions: “Does my kid have the potential to
become a star? Should he continue doing this? Does she seem to have any talent?” You may be
afraid that your children may be falling into a cliff and get hurt because they don’t know how to
fly. In fact, I don’t know whether these kids have talent or not. But the one thing I am sure of is
that these kids want to fly more than any of you here. They love the stage and they really want to
stand on the stage. As they were cutting papers to be used on stage, they desperately wanted this
opportunity so much. Su much that they would pull many all-nighters for this performance that
doesn’t even count towards their grades. Because they really love the stage. Because their dream
is so pretty. They’re kids who believe that the path to their dreams is happy too. To these kids,
isn’t it cruel to tell them to not even begin since they may get hurt? I think being in love with
something is a talent as well. And today, I clearly saw their talents. So, with faith in their talents,
I want to tell these kids to fly high. I don’t know how big their wings are but I want to tell them
to try. And I will do everything in my power to make their journey happy. And of course, a
safety net would be needed. A safety net that would catch them if they do fall. I believe that
family is that safety net. From now on, please encourage them and cheer for them. I humbly ask
you. For listening to this long speech, thank you so much.


 “Do you remember what I told you? About me not seeing my dream because it’s running away
from me? Now, I can clearly see it. My dream…is really really pretty. It is pretty enough to drive
me crazy. So now I really want to get to that dream. Also, I think my path to that dream will also
be full of happiness.” (Sam Dong)


 “I realized it when I got my own dream. In this world, there are no such things as a worthless
dream.” (Jin Guk)


“If I take away my honesty, I’m nothing but a corpse.” (Oh Hyuk)


 “If it were to last this long, the story would change. You realize what your problems were,
reflect on them, change, and then mature. If this goes the way these kinds of stories do normally,
the leading lady of this drama winds up being you. You still have a long way to go until your
drama’s over so don’t be discouraged that it’s not progressing quickly. If you go slowly, there’s
more you can learn along the way than someone who goes faster than you. If you were to ask me
who wins between the two, I’d say the one who goes slowly but experiences more.” (Oh Hyuk)


 “My dear, do you know why the saying ‘beauty is skill’ came to be? Because with effort, it can
be changed. There are no ugly girls in this world, just lazy ones.”


“If you think for too long, you will lose all your courage.” (Oh Hyuk)


Pilsuk: I still am your fan. That’s why I’m saying this.

Jason: Fan? Does a fan make a fool out of the other person?

Pilsuk: Yes. A true fan who cares. I think that’s what I am.


 “Someone who can’t clap for his friend’s success and can’t truly be happy for his friend’s
happiness, his heart is already in hell. I don’t want to live in hell.” (Go Hye Mi)


 “The strange thing about a stage is if you ask it something, it answers you. And it’s scary how
precisely it does so. Whether you kids have the right to go solo or not, go ahead and ask the
stage. How much you kids prepared, just how skilled you are, the stage knows well. It knows and
it’ll applaud you. However, if you’re lacking in preparations just a little, or are cowardly, the
stage will know that too like a demon and it’ll start ridiculing you. For whoever’s ready and
whoever has the right, the stage will be warm and welcoming. And that’s when you’ll conquer it.
However, in front of those people who don’t have the right, the stage will be frightening and
unwelcoming. Then you kids will be eaten up by the stage.” (Oh Hyuk)


“If one side is 100%, that’s the answer not a choice. Fifty-fifty. People call it choosing because
it’s hard to decide. Anyway, you have to choose one, what else can you do about it? When you
make your choice, you shouldn’t look back but instead make that 50 into 100. Try your best and
prove to yourself that the choice you made was correct.” (Jin Guk)

 “People say that there are two kinds of happiness in the world. The first is the kind of happiness
where you realize that it was a happy moment after time passes and the second is the kind of
happiness where you realize at that moment that you are happy. The happiness which you realize
that you are happy at that particular moment is supposed to be so rare since that happiness is the
best kind, one that you can treasure for the rest of your life. We will live on remembering that
moment when we shined so brilliantly.” (Jin Guk)                


Samdong: How do you think you will feel when you become the greatest?

Baekhee: Like the word itself —- wouldn’t you feel great? That would be so awesome.

Samdong: I don’t think like that. Being the greatest means you will be at an exceptionally lonely
and shaky place, don’t you think?

“It takes only a minute

to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone
and a day to love someone… .
but takes a lifetime to forget someone”
—  woou couple : dream high

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