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Saint Vincent de Paul College

Bachelor of Science in Midwifery

Pathologic Obstetrics

Name: _________________________________ Score___________________


1. Case: A 23 yr. old has 6 term and2 preterm who are both alive, the LMP – January 19, 2019
comes for vaginal bleeding. On prenatal 1 week prior, her BP was noted to be 140/70 mmHg
from the usual of 110/70. On abdominal examination, there is a presence of abdominal
tenderness was noted by the examiner.

a. Compute for the AOG ?

b. What is the expected date of confinement?
c. Compute for OB Scoring
d. What is your diagnosis?
e. What are the risk factors or causes?
f. What is the pathophysiology?
g. How will you manage the patients

2. Patient Baldinar, 38 y.o. 6 terms, 2preterm and 1 abortion, LMP: July 26, 2019 arrived at the
emergency room, semi- conscious, pale palpebral conjunctiva and cold clammy skin w/ the vital
signs of BP: 160/110mmHg, HR:100 bpm, RR: 25Cpm. Patients husband told the doctor that she
had blurring of vision associated with nausea.?
a. Compute for the AOG ?
b. What is the expected date of confinement?
c. What is your diagnosis?
d. What is the OB Scoring
d. What are the common causes?
e. Give the Pathophysiology?
f . what are the complications?
H. How will you manage the patient?

3. Mrs. Antad, age 29 y.o. is presently pregnant had 7 terms ,2 premature, 1 abortion her LMP –
December 9 ,2018 . She arrived at emergency room , lethargic ,pale palpebral conjunctiva, and cold
clammy skin with vital signs of BP:100/70mmHg ,HR: 90bpm RR: 19cpm, Patients husband told the
doctor that she had vaginal spotting for the past few days.
a. Compute for AOG?
b. What is the EDC?
c. What is the OB Scoring
d. What is your diagnosis?
e. What are the common causes?
f. Give the Pathophysiology?
g . what are the complications?
h. How will you manage the patient

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