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Introduction 1

Unit 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Computer Communication
1.3 OSI model of ISO
1.4 Computer Network Types
1.5 Internet
1.5.1 Evolution of Internet
1.5.2 Applications of Internet
1.5.3 Internet Service Provider (ISP)
1.5.4 IP Addressing System on the Internet
1.5.5 Accessing Internet
1.6 RFC
1.7 Client-server Architecture
1.5 Summary
1.6 Check Your Progress
1.7 Questions and Exercises
1.8 Key Terms
1.9 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you should be able to:
z Understand the concept of Internet.
z Discuss the network models.
z Explain the client server model.

1.1 Introduction
Data communications refers to the transmission of this digital data between two or more
computers and a computer network or data network is a telecommunications network
that allows computers to exchange data. The physical connection between networked
computing devices is established using either cable media or wireless media. The best-
known computer network is the Internet

1.2 Computer Communication

A system of interconnected computers and computerized peripherals such as printers is
called computer network. This interconnection among computers facilitates information
sharing among them. Computers may connect to each other by either wired or wireless

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Classification of Computer Networks

Notes Computer networks are classified based on various factors. They includes:
z Geographical span
z Inter-connectivity
z Administration
z Architecture
z Geographical Span

Geographically a network can be seen in one of the following categories:

z It may be spanned across your table, among Bluetooth enabled devices,. Ranging
not more than few meters.
z It may be spanned across a whole building, including intermediate devices to
connect all floors.
z It may be spanned across a whole city.
z It may be spanned across multiple cities or provinces.
z It may be one network covering whole world.
z Components of a network can be connected to each other differently in some
fashion. By connectedness we mean either logically , physically , or both ways.
z Every single device can be connected to every other device on network, making the
network mesh.

Network Architecture
z Computer networks can be discriminated into various types such as Client-Server,
peer-to-peer or hybrid, depending upon its architecture.
z There can be one or more systems acting as Server. Other being Client, requests
the Server to serve requests. Server takes and processes request on behalf of
z Two systems can be connected Point-to-Point, or in back-to-back fashion. They
both reside at the same level and called peers.
z There can be hybrid network which involves network architecture of both the above

Network Applications
Computer systems and peripherals are connected to form a network. They provide
numerous advantages:
z Resource sharing such as printers and storage devices
z Exchange of information by means of e-Mails and FTP
z Information sharing by using Web or Internet
z Interaction with other users using dynamic web pages
z IP phones
z Video conferences
z Parallel computing

1.3 OSI Model of ISO

Networking engineering is a complicated task, which involves software, firmware, chip
level engineering, hardware, and electric pulses. To ease network engineering, the
whole networking concept is divided into multiple layers. Each layer is involved in some
particular task and is independent of all other layers. But as a whole, almost all

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Introduction 3
networking tasks depend on all of these layers. Layers share data between them and
they depend on each other only to take input and send output.
Layered Tasks
In layered architecture of Network Model, one whole network process is divided into
small tasks. Each small task is then assigned to a particular layer which works
dedicatedly to process the task only. Every layer does only specific work.
In layered communication system, one layer of a host deals with the task done by or
to be done by its peer layer at the same level on the remote host. The task is either
initiated by layer at the lowest level or at the top most level. If the task is initiated by the-
top most layers, it is passed on to the layer below it for further processing. The lower
layer does the same thing; it processes the task and passes on to lower layer. If the
task is initiated by lower most layers, then the reverse path is taken.

Figure 1.1: Layered task

Every layer clubs together all procedures, protocols, and methods which it requires to
execute its piece of task. All layers identify their counterparts by means of
encapsulation header and tail.

OSI Model
Open System Interconnect is an open standard for all communication systems. OSI
model is established by International Standard Organization (ISO). This model has
seven layers:

Figure 1.2: OSI Model

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4 Internet and Java Programming

z Application Layer: This layer is responsible for providing interface to the

application user. This layer encompasses protocols which directly interact with the
Notes user.
z Presentation Layer: This layer defines how data in the native format of remote
host should be presented in the native format of host.
z Session Layer: This layer maintains sessions between remote hosts. For example,
once user/password authentication is done, the remote host maintains this session
for a while and does not ask for authentication again in that time span.
z Transport Layer: This layer is responsible for end-to-end delivery between hosts.
z Network Layer: This layer is responsible for address assignment and uniquely
addressing hosts in a network.
z Data Link Layer: This layer is responsible for reading and writing data from and
onto the line. Link errors are detected at this layer.
z Physical Layer: This layer defines the hardware, cabling wiring, power output,
pulse rate etc.

Like OSI network model, TCP/IP also has a network model. TCP/IP was on the path of
development when the OSI standard was published and there was interaction between
the designers of OSI and TCP/IP standards. The TCP/IP model is not same as OSI
model. OSI is a seven-layered standard, but TCP/IP is a four layered standard. The OSI
model has been very influential in the growth and development of TCP/IP standard, and
that is why much OSI terminology is applied to TCP/IP. The following figure compares
the TCP/IP and OSI network models.

Figure 1.3: OSI and Tcp/Ip model

Comparison between seven layer OSI and four layer TCP/IP Models
As we can see from the above figure, presentation and session layers are not there in
TCP/IP model, and Network Access Layer in TCP/IP model combines the functions of
Data link Layer and Physical Layer.

Layer 4. Application Layer

Application layer is the top most layer of four layer TCP/IP model. Application layer is
present on the top of the Transport layer. Application layer defines TCP/IP application

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Introduction 5
protocols and how host programs interface with Transport layer services to use the
Application layer includes all the higher-level protocols like DNS (Domain Naming
System), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Telnet, SSH, FTP (File Transfer
Protocol), TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) , DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol), X Windows, RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) etc.

Layer 3. Transport Layer

Transport Layer is the third layer of the four layer TCP/IP model. The position of the
Transport layer is betweenApplication layer and Internet layer. The purpose of
Transport layer is to permit devices on the source and destination hosts to carry on a
conversation. Transport layer defines the level of service and status of the connection
used when transporting data.
The main protocols included at Transport layer are TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

Layer 2. Internet Layer

Internet Layer is the second layer of the four layer TCP/IP model. The position of
Internet layer is between Network Access Layer and Transport layer. Internet layer pack
data into data packets known as IP datagrams, which contain source and destination
address (logical address or IP address) information that is used to forward the
datagrams between hosts and across networks. The Internet layer is also responsible
for routing of IP datagrams.
Packet switching network depends upon a connectionless internetwork layer. This
layer is known as Internet layer. Its job is to allow hosts to insert packets into any
network and have them to deliver independently to the destination. At the destination
side data packets may appear in a different order than they were sent. It is the job of the
higher layers to rearrange them in order to deliver them to proper network applications
operating at the Application layer.
The main protocols included at Internet layer are IP (Internet Protocol), ICMP
(Internet Control Message Protocol), ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), RARP
(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) and IGMP (Internet Group Management
Layer 1. Network Access Layer
Network Access Layer is the first layer of the four layer TCP/IP model. Network Access
Layer defines details of how data is physically sent through the network, including how
bits are electrically or optically signaled by hardware devices that interface directly with
a network medium, such as coaxial cable, optical fiber, or twisted pair copper wire.
The protocols included in Network Access Layer are Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI,
X.25, Frame Relay etc.
The most popular LAN architecture among those listed above is Ethernet. Ethernet
uses an Access Method called CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision
Detection) to access the media, when Ethernet operates in a shared media. An Access
Method determines how a host will place data on the medium.
IN CSMA/CD Access Method, every host has equal access to the medium and can
place data on the wire when the wire is free from network traffic. When a host wants to
place data on the wire, it will check the wire to find whether another host is already
using the medium. If there is traffic already in the medium, the host will wait and if there
is no traffic, it will place the data in the medium. But, if two systems place data on the
medium at the same instance, they will collide with each other, destroying the data. If
the data is destroyed during transmission, the data will need to be retransmitted. After

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6 Internet and Java Programming

collision, each host will wait for a small interval of time and again the data will be
1.4 Computer network types
Networks are distinguished based on their geographical span. A network can be as
small as distance between your mobile phone and its Bluetooth headphone and as
large as the internet itself, covering the whole geographical world,

Personal Area Network

A Personal Area Network (PAN) is smallest network which is very personal to a user.
This may include Bluetooth enabled devices or infra-red enabled devices. PAN has
connectivity range up to 10 meters. PAN may include wireless computer keyboard and
mouse, Bluetooth enabled headphones, wireless printers and TV remotes.

Figure 1.4: Personal Area Network

For example, Piconet is Bluetooth-enabled Personal Area Network which may contain
up to 8 devices connected together in a master-slave fashion.

Local Area Network

A computer network spanned inside a building and operated under single administrative
system is generally termed as Local Area Network (LAN). Usually,LAN covers an
organization’ offices, schools, colleges or universities. Number of systems connected in
LAN may vary from as least as two to as much as 16 million.
LAN provides a useful way of sharing the resources between end users.The
resources such as printers, file servers, scanners, and internet are easily sharable
among computers.

Figure 1.5: Local Area Network

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Introduction 7
LANs are composed of inexpensive networking and routing equipment. It may contain
local servers serving file storage and other locally shared applications. It mostly
operates on private IP addresses and does not involve heavy routing. LAN works under Notes
its own local domain and controlled centrally.
LAN uses either Ethernet or Token-ring technology. Ethernet is most widely
employed LAN technology and uses Star topology, while Token-ring is rarely seen. LAN
can be wired, wireless, or in both forms at once.

Metropolitan Area Network

The Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) generally expands throughout a city such as
cable TV network. It can be in the form of Ethernet, Token-ring, ATM, or Fiber
Distributed Data Interface (FDDI).
Metro Ethernet is a service which is provided by ISPs. This service enables its
users to expand their Local Area Networks. For example, MAN can help an organization
to connect all of its offices in a city.

Figure 1.6: Metropolitan area network

Backbone of MAN is high-capacity and high-speed fiber optics. MAN works in between
Local Area Network and Wide Area Network. MAN provides uplink for LANs to WANs or

Wide Area Network

As the name suggests,the Wide Area Network (WAN) covers a wide area which may
span across provinces and even a whole country. Generally, telecommunication
networks are Wide Area Network. These networks provide connectivity to MANs and
LANs. Since they are equipped with very high speed backbone, WANs use very
expensive network equipment.

Figure 1.7: Wide area network

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8 Internet and Java Programming

WAN may use advanced technologies such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM),
Frame Relay, and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET). WAN may be managed by
Notes multiple administrations.

1.5 Internet
Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks for sharing of
information. It serves billions of users worldwide. Its a network of networks which
consists of millions of private, public, business, and government networks which are
linked by a broad array of wireless and optical networking technologies.
Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services. The term
internet is derived from two words INTER and NET, that is it is a network of many
computers around the world. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the
world to communicate with each other effectively and inexpensively.

1.5.1 Evolution of Internet

Arpanet is basically a LAN , which was developed by ARPA(Advanced Research
Project Agency) in 1968, a research arm of DOD. It was designed to service even a
nuclear attack. It uses the concept of Packet Switching, and its network consist of
subnet and host computers. The host can send upto 8063 bits to its IMP ( Interface
Message Processors). In 1983, the management of ARPANET was handed over to
the Defense communications agency (DCA), which separated the military portion into
separate MILNET. By 1990, ARPANET was shut down and dismantled, but MILNET
continues to operate.
Next step of ARPANET and NSFNET is INTERNET. In mid 1980, people started
imagining the interconnection of many networks and the internet came into existence. It
was started growing exponentially and all types of existing network getting connected to
internet. Now around 20 million people share it and its number is increasing every day.
In internet the interconnection of computers is achieved even via satellites.

Figure 1.8: Evolution of internet

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Introduction 9
Some of the major networks contributing to the growth of internet are as follows:
z USENET (User’s Network)
z CSNET (Computer Science Network)
z BITNET (Because It’s Time Network)
z NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network)
z WWW (World Wide Web)
z NREN (National Research and Education Network)

1.5.2 Applications of Internet

The internet is treated as one of the biggest invention. It has a large number of uses.
z Communication: It is used for sending and receiving message from one and other
through internet by using electronic mail. Some of the web sites providing this
service are etc
z Job searches: Getting information regarding availability of job in different sectors
and areas. Some of the web sites providing this service are,,, etc.
z Finding books and study material: Books and other study material stored around
the world can be easily located through internet.
z Health and medicine: Internet provide information and knowledge about field of
health medicine people can have information about various disease and can
receive help .
z Travel: One can use internet to gather information about various tourist place .
z Shopping: Internet is also used for online shopping.
z Stock market updates: You can sell or buy shares while sitting on computer
through internet. Several websites like,, provide
information regarding investment.
z Research: A large number of people are using internet for research purposes.

1.5.3 Internet Service Provider (ISP)

The internet service provider is an intermediary (connected to the internet by
specialized lines) which gives you access to the Internet, using a number which you
enter using your modem, and which enables a connection to be established.
The ISP is connected to the Internet’s backbone which is the “permanent cabling” of
the Internet. This backbone may consist of a Copper Wire, Microwave and even
Satellite Connections between any two points.
When you are connected to the Internet through your service provider,
communication between you and the ISP is established using a simple protocol: PPP
(Point to Point Protocol), a protocol making it possible for two remote computers to
communicate without having an IP address. In fact your computer does not have an IP
address. However an IP address is necessary to be able to go onto the Internet
because the protocol used on the Internet is the TCP/IP protocol which makes it
possible for a very large number of computers which are located by these addresses to
communicate. So, communication between you and the service provider is established
according to the PPP protocol which is characterized by:
z a telephone call
z initialization of communication

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10 Internet and Java Programming

z verification of the user name (login or user id)

z verification of the password
Once you are "connected", the internet service provider lends you an IP address which
you keep for the whole duration that you are connected to the internet. However, this
address is not fixed because at the time of the next connection the service provider
gives you one of its free addresses (therefore different because depending on its
capacity, it may have several hundreds of thousand addresses.). Your connection is
therefore a proxy connection because it is your service provider who sends all the
requests you make and the service provider who receives all the pages that you request
and who returns them to you.

Figure 1.9: ISP

The basic requirements of internet
1. A computer
2. Modem (modulator-demodulator)
3. Telephone connection
4. A computer with good Pentium processor
5. A browser software
6. Internet service provider.
The basic requirements for internet connection are :
1. You should have a Pentium Processor with 64 MB or more memory (RAM).
2. An Operating System like Windows XP/Vista with CD-ROM must be installed in your
3. To keep a check on Virus Problems on the Internet, you must load an Anti Virus
Software on your system.
4. A Modem must be connected to your system which should have a speed of 100
kbps or more.
5. A Telephone connection must be there to connect to the Internet if you have a dial-
up connection.
6. The Internet Service Provider (ISP).

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Introduction 11
1.5.4 IP Addressing System on the Internet
IP headers contain 32-bit addresses which identify the sending and receiving hosts. Notes
Every host and router on the internet has a unique IP address, which are 32 bit long
.These are assigned by the network administrator.
A numeric address has four parts and is referred to as a dotted quad. For example, This is also known as an IP address. Each number in the dotted
squad is called an octet which cannot exceed 255. The lettered IP address is mapped
to the dotted called an octet which cannot exceed 255. The lettered IP address is
mapped to the dotted quad before a machine is accessed. It is recommended that you
know the IP address of the computer.

1.5.5 Accessing Internet

Access to Internet depends on two things, the user’s interface connection and the
installed browser.
z Dedicated Access: A dedicated connection allows the user’s computer to remain
connected to the Internet all the time. Dedicated access is direct link to the Internet.
A router is used to transmit data from one network to another. Backbones are high
speed phone lines that move data to and from mid-level servers. The server pass
on the data to local networks.
z Dial-up Access:
IP Accounts
When a user needs to access the internet through a service provider, the user can
have two kinds of accounts—SLIP account and PPP accounts, collectively known
as IP account.
SLIP stands for Serial Line Internet Protocol, and PPP stands for Point-to-Point
Both SLIP and PPP connections are similar to a dedicated line, though PPP
connections are faster than SLIP connections. With an IP address, the computer
appears to be a node on the network like a dedicated account. The software which
the user uses on the machine is downloaded on the user’s machine and not on the
service provider.

1.6 RFC
Request for Comments (RFC)
Memos in the Requests for Comments (RFC) document series , it contains technical
and organizational notes about the Internet. They cover many aspects of computer
networking, including protocols, procedures, programs, and concepts, as well as
meeting notes, opinions, and sometimes humor. Below are links to RFCs, as available
from and from Note that there is a brief time period when the two
sites will be out of sync. When in doubt, the RFC Editor site is the authoritative source
RFCs associated with an active IETF Working Group can also be accessed from the
Working Group's web page via IETF Working Groups.

IETF Repository Retrieval

z Advanced search options are available at IETF Datatracker and the RFC Search
z A text index of RFCs is available on the IETF web site here: RFC Index (Text).
z To go directly to a text version of an RFC, type
into the location field of your browser, where NNNN is the RFC number.

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12 Internet and Java Programming

RFC Editor Repository Retrieval

z RFC Search Page
z RFC Index ( HTML | TXT | XML )
z Additional listings of RFCs
z RFC Editor Queue

1.7 Client-server architecture

In a client/server architecture, some application program act as information providers
(servers), while other application programs act as information receivers (clients).
A single client can access many different servers and a single server can be
accessed by a number of different clients. A user runs a client application, such as a
Web browser that contacts one server at a time to obtain information. Because, it only
needs to access one server at a time. Client software can run on almost any computer,
including small handheld devices, such as personal organizers and cellular phones
(these devices are sometimes called Web appliances). To supply information to others,
a computer must run a server application. Although, server software can run on any
computer, most companies choose large, powerful computers to run server software
because the company expects many clients to be in contact with its server at any given
time. A fast computer enables the server program to return information with less delay.

1.8 Summary
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY can be viewed as "the study, design, development,
application, implementation, support or management of computer-based information
systems". Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks for sharing
of information. The internet service provider is an intermediary (connected to the
internet by specialized lines) which gives you access to the Internet, using a number
which you enter using your modem, and which enables a connection to be established.
In a client/server architecture, some application program act as information providers
(servers), while other application programs act as information receivers (clients).
Computer stores all its information in binary form (0,1) called bits. The amount of data
that a computer network can transfer in a certain amount of time is called the bandwidth
It is measured in kilobytes per second (kbps) or megabytes per second (mbps).

1.9 Check Your Progress

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which Common language is used to create web page :
(a) Java
(b) HTML
(d) Macromedia flash player.
2. WWW is also called as :
(a) Client
(b) Server
(c) Web
(d) Super computer
3. Access protocol used on internet to access hypertext files is :
(a) TCP/IP

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Introduction 13
(b) HTTP
(c) Tablet PC Notes
(d) Super computer
4. Program used to view various kinds of internet resources found on WWW.:
(a) Browser
(b) Internet
(c) Domain
(d) Bookmark
5. Which part of TCP/IP is responsible for reassembling the received packets at
recipient computer :
(a) TCP
(b) IP
(c) None of these
(d) Both of these.
6. Which of the following is an identifier for a particular machine on particular network:
(a) TCP
(b) IP
(c) HTML
(d) WWW
7. A network which follows IP but is exit within an organization:
(a) Local network
(b) Internet
(c) Inter network
(d) Intranet.
8. The first network which pioneered the internet was :
9. Top level domain ID ”mil” stands for
(a) Military
(b) Organization
(c) Militant
(d) all of these
10. Combination of multimedia and hyperlinks is called:
(a) Hypertext
(b) Hypermedia
(c) none of these
(d) Both of these

1.10 Questions and Exercises

1. Describe the two addressing mechanisms used for web site on the internet.
2. What are requirements needed to make internet connection operational on your PC.

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14 Internet and Java Programming

3. Define modem and explain its type.

4. Write advantages of web.
5. Explain briefly URL.
6. Name any two extensions used with web address.
7. Explain how internet originated.
8. Describe the functioning of internet.

1.11 Key Terms

z Internet Browser: A browser is a piece of software that can find, retrieve, interpret
HTML documents, ultimately translating the code into the text, sights, and sounds
that make surfing the Internet such a rich experience.
z URL: Website URL begins with "http://" (for example, "").
z Web server: Piece of software that enables a website to be viewed using HTTP.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the key protocol for the transfer of data on
the web
z Web client: Application that communicates with a web server, using Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Check Your Progress: Answers

1. (a) HTML
2. (c) Web
3. (b) HTTP
4. (a) Browser
5. (b) IP
6. (b) IP
7. (c) Intranet.
8. (d) ARPANET.
9. (a) Military
10. (b) Hypermedia

1.12 Further Readings

z Sergei Dunaev, Advanced Internet Programming: Technologies & Applications
z Java:A Primer by E.Balaguruswamy
z Java programming, shah and keyur, TMH.
z Ramesh Vasappanavara, Anand Vasappanavara, Gautam Vasappanavara,
Pearson Education India.
z Application in java, sahni, sartaj, MGH.

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Introduction to World Wide Web 15

Unit 2: Introduction to World Wide Web

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Evolution of web
2.3 Architecture of WWW
2.3.1 How the web works
2.4 Basic feature of Web
2.5 WWW Basics
2.5.1 How to Surf the Web
2.5.2 How to Search the Web
2.6 WWW Browser
2.6.1 Browsers and URLs
2.6.2 What is a Browser History?
2.7 WWW server
2.7.1 History of Web Servers
2.7.2 What Does a Web Server Look Like?
2.7.3 Web Server Advantages
2.7.4 Web Server Features
2.7.5 How Web Server Works
2.8 Hypertext Transfer Protocol
2.8.1 Structure of HTTP Transaction
2.9 URL
2.10 Summary
2.11 Check Your Progress
2.12 Questions and Exercises
2.13 Key Terms
2.14 Further Readings

After studying this unit, you should be able to:
z Understand the concept of WWW and its feature.
z Discuss the Web browser and server
z Explain the HTTP and URL.

2.1 Introduction
The World Wide Web (WWW) is a system of interlinked hypertext documents which are
accessed via Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain
text, images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

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16 Internet and Java Programming

The World Wide Web was developed by a computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee
within the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
Notes Berners-Lee combined several existing ideas into a single system to make it easier for
physicists to use data on the Internet. An early prototype Web became operational in
1989, and the idea quickly spread to universities in the rest of the world.
In 1991, Tim burners-lee at CERN, invents software named ”WORLD WIDE WEB”
for the next computer, he dream up for html which unify file/display format and uses
postscript. In this unit we will going to explore web.

2.2 Evolution of web

The World Wide Web is also known as the 'www' or the 'web'. It is an architectural
framework of information system fully implemented in 1994 on the Internet.
It contains millions of electronic documents called Web Pages. A web page
contains text and graphics (drawings) which are linked to related information. The name
'web' is based on the fact that the text, pictures, animation, sound and information that
make up a document may come from anywhere in the world. Thus, a single document
can be perceived to stretch 'weblike' throughout the world.
The Web is not internet. At times, people confuse the two terms that are related but
not identical in meaning. The internet evolved from the military Arpanet in 1960s with
the purpose of' creating a network that would continue to work as a whole, when parts
of it collapse'. The Internet means a network infrastructure that is built on certain
standards, which are followed by all participants to connect to each other. The Internet
Protocol (IP) defines how the flow of information is organized. But it does not specify the
types of information or services to be exchanged. World Wide Web lays down the
specifications of information and services to be exchanged with its Hyper-Text Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). Thus, the web offers the exchange of documents via HTTP.
Besides the www, there are other protocols that enable people to communicate via e-
mail (POP3, SMTP, IMAP), chat online (IRC) or participate in newsgroups (NNTP). The
www is thus one of the numerous services offered on the internet. It does not specify if
a certain web page is available in the internet intranet or extranet. The World Wide Web
provides a simple-to-use web interface that allows people with very little knowledge in
computing to access web services all over the Internet. The web services include
content products and services, which can be viewed or ordered through the web
browser. It may be noted that the web browser allows customers to self-service
themselves over the web.

Figure 1.1: Web

Note that when you are on the Web, you are on the Internet but not the other way
round. For example, those sending e-mail are not on the Web, unless they are sending
e-mail via a Web browser.
In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee a programmer at Particle Physics Laboratory, wrote a
program called a hypertext editor that allowed information highlighted in a document to
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Introduction to World Wide Web 17
link to other documents on a computer network with a mouse click. Soon, physicists
associated with the lab began to use the hypertext editor and the Internet to send
papers to each other. Later on, their electronic mail became more elaborate, as they Notes
built links that crossed the Internet to transmit information and documents. This virtual
space became known as the World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web, also known as the WWW or the Web, is an organization of
files designed around a group of servers on the Internet programmed to handle
requests from browser software that resides on users' PCs. The name is based on the
fact that the sound, text, animation, pictures, or information that make up a document
may come from anywhere in the world. A single document can be perceived to stretch-
weblink-throughout the world.
When a document is accessed in Washington or Singapore or Madrid, all of the
components are pulled from different computers worldwide and integrated in the
document displayed on the user's screen. The request is received by one computer,
which interprets its content to see if it has what is requested. If not, the request hops
across other computers until the entire document IS assembled.
The physical structure or architecture of the Internet is hierarchical:
There are high-speed backbones at the top, with regional and individual networks at the
bottom. The bulk of Internet traffic is fed onto the backbone via Network Access Points
(NAPs), which are maintained by Sprint and other service providers at strategic
locations throughout the United States. This grand network of networks shares a
common set of communication protocols called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) suite. The TCP/IP allowed for a communication to be broken into
packets that were routed separately to their destination as separate packets, and then
reassembled to the communication's original form.
The newness of the Web, along with its rapid, phenomenal growth, has been a
challenge for corporations that want to create a presence on the Internet. They have
found it difficult and too costly to invest employees' time in doing professional Web
design work. The demand has created a new industry specializing in Web design and
Web mastering. Because of the increasing number of Websites, Webmaster or
developer is a lucrative new career.
The web is one of the most flexible and exciting tools in existence for surfing the
Internet. Using mosaic viewer, the www made it possible for a site to set up a number of
pages of information containing text, pictures, sound and even video with embedded
links to other pages. By clicking a link the user is suddenly transported to the page
pointed to by that link.

2.3 Architecture of WWW

World Wide Web is distributed client/server, in which a client using a browser can
access a service using a server.
z Hypertext: These are documents which are linked to one another over many
locations called sites.
z Browsers: It interprets and display web document.
™ A Browser consist of a controller, client programs and interpreters.
™ A Web document can be classified as static or active page.
™ Static document are fixed document which are created and stored in a server.

2.3.1 How the Web Works

The following steps explain how a web server and web application server work together
to process a page request:

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z The user requests a page by typing a URL in a browser, and the web server
receives the request.
Notes z The web server looks at the file extension to determine whether a web application
server must process the page. Then, one of the following actions occur:
™ If the user requests a file that is a simple web page (often one with an HTM or
HTML extension), the web server fulfills the request and sends the file to the
™ If the user requests a file that is a page that a web application server must
process (one with a CFM, CFML, or CFC extension for ColdFusion requests),
the web server passes the request to the web application server. The web
application server processes the page and sends the results to the web server,
which returns those results to the browser.

Figure 1.2: How the Web works

So, to access the Web, a user must have a computer connected to the Internet and
appropriate software.
The connection between the user's computer and the Internet can consist of a
permanent, dedicated connection or a temporary dial-up connection. To access the
Web, the user must invoke the browser and enter a request. The browser then acts as a
client. The browser contacts a Web server, obtains the requested information and
displays the information for the user.
A web browser is the software program used to access the web, first browser called
NCSA MOSAIC, developed at national center for supercomputing applications in early
1990.The function of web is to interpret the language of web page and transform into
words and graphics that can see on your screen. All documents are stored on
The browser contacts a Web server, obtains the requested information and displays
the information for the user. Information on the Web is divided into pages, each of which
is assigned a short identification string that is known as a Uniform Resource Locator
(URL). A URL encodes three pieces of information: the protocol which a browser should
use to obtain the item, the name of a computer on which the item is located, including
its domain name, and the name of the item. The domain name indicates whether the
site is operated by a commercial or nonprofit business. For example, .com is a
commercial site whereas .org is a nonprofit site. Many other domain names exist,
including .edu for websites established by educational institutions.
If the protocol is omitted, a browser assumes “http://”, and if the name of an item is
omitted, the server chooses a page to send. Thus the, which
consists only of a computer name, is also valid.

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Figure 1.3: How the Client Server works

Before it can obtain information, a browser must be given a URL. A user can enter the
URL manually or click on a selected link. In each case, once it has been given a URL,
the browser uses URL to obtain a new page, which it then displays for the user. The
URL associated with a selected link is not usually visible because the browser does not
display the URL for the user. Instead, to indicate that an item can be selected, the
browser changes the color of the item on the screen and keeps the URL associated
with the link hidden. When an user clicks on an item that corresponds to the selected
link, the browser consults the hidden information to find the appropriate URL, which the
browser then follows to the selected page. Because a link can point to any page in the
Web, the links are known as hyperlinks.

2.4 Basic Feature of Web

The basic features of the web are as follows:
z Hypertext Information System: The idea behind hypertext is that instead of
reading text in a riding, linear structure (such as a book) you can skip easily from
one point to another. You can get more information, go back, jump to other topics,
and navigate through the text based on what interests you at the time.
z If the information did not take up much disk space, and if it were freely available,
and you could get it reasonably quickly anytime you wanted, then things would be
more interesting.
z Graphical and Easy to Navigate: One of the best parts of the web is its ability to
display both text and graphics in full colour on the same page. Before the web,
using the internet involved simple text-only connections.
z Web provides capabilities for graphics; sound and video to be incorporated with the
text and web browsers include even capabilities for multimedia and embedded
applications. the interface to all this is easily navigable-just jump link to link, from
page to page, across sites and servers.
z Cross-platform: If you can access the internet, you can access the World Wide
Web regardless of whether you are running on a low-end PC or an expensive
graphics workstation. You can be using a simple text-only modem connection, a
small 14-inch black and white monitor or a 21-inch graphics accelerated display
system. The World Wide Web is not limited to anyone kind of machine, or
developed by anyone company. The web is entirely cross-platform.
z The Web has Global Reach: The web is successful in providing so much
information because that information is distributed globally across thousands of web
sites, each of which contributes the space for the information it publishes. You, as a
consumer of that information, go to that site to view the information. When you are
done, you go somewhere else, and your system relives the disk space. You do not
have to install it, or change disks, or do anything other than point your browser at
that site.

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z The Web is Dynamic: Because information on the web is contained on the site that
published it, the people who published it in the first place can update it at any time.
Notes If you are browsing that information, you do not have to install anew version of the
help system, buy another book, or call technical support to get updated information.
Just browse and check out what is up there.
z Accessing of Many Forms of Internet Information: There are dozens of different
ways of getting at information on the Net namely, FTP, Gopher, Usenet news,
WAIS databases, Telnet, and e-mail. Before the web became as popular as it is
now, to get to these different kinds of information you had to use different tools for
each one, all of which had to be installed and all of which used different commands.
Although the web itself is its own information system, with its own internet protocol
(HTTP, the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). Web browsers can also read files from
other Internet Services and you can create links to information on those systems
just as you would create links to information on web pages.
z The Web is Interactive: Interactivity is the ability to "talk back" to the web server.
Unlike the television, the web is interactive. It means the act of selecting a link and
jumping to another web page to go somewhere else on the web. It also enables you
to communicate with the publisher of the pages you are surfing.
z Conferencing: In addition to an Internet telephone, we may also have a video
communication. A digital camera and a video digitizer, which converts a picture into
a digital message is required for the purpose. With a combination of Internet video
communication and Internet audio phones we can have a conference between
people who may be located in different continents.
It can be observed that on the Net we can establish all kinds of contact instantaneously
except physical contact. The Internet has thus promoted the understanding between the
people in the world, by bringing them close together virtually.

2.5 WWW Basics

A browser is an application which provides a window to the Web. All browsers are
designed to display the pages of information located at Web sites around the world. The
most popular browsers on the market today include Microsoft's Internet Explorer and
Netscape Navigator.
Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used features of a browser.

Figure 1.4: Overview of a Browser

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Introduction to World Wide Web 21
Information on the Web is displayed in pages. These pages are written in a standard Notes
language called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) which describes how the
information should be displayed regardless of the browser used or the type of computer.
Pages also include hypertext links which allow users to jump to other related
information. Hypertext is usually underlined and in a different color and can include
individual words, sentences, or even graphics. A Website is a collection of related Web
pages with a common Web address.

Web Address
Websites and the pages they contain each have a unique worldwide address. This
address (or Uniform Resource Locator, URL, in Internet jargon). The address for
Microsoft is For most sites, this is all you need to specify and it
defaults to the main page (or home page) for the site. In some cases, you may also
need or want to specify the path and file name such as

2.5.1 How to Surf the Web

With the tidal wave of information on the Web, learning how to surf is an important skill.
All you need to do is...
Enter a Website address in the "Location" box and hit the return key. You will jump
to the home page of the site. If you are not looking for a particular site, a good place to
start is Netscape's "What's Cool" page which can be found by pressing the "What's
Cool" button located under the address location box on Netscape browsers.

Figure 1.5: Yahoo

Mouse click on any words on the page that are underlined and highlighted, like this.
These words are hypertext links which jump you to other related information located on
the page, on the site, or other sites.
As you jump from page to page and site to site, remember that you can always hit
the "Back" arrow button to return to any page. The browser automatically saves all the
Web pages to your hard drive (the disk cache) so you can immediately go back without
having to reload the pages.
In most cases, you will start out surfing a particular site or topic and through
numerous hypertext links find yourself somewhere completely unrelated but interesting.
Now you're surfing!

2.5.2 How to Search the Web

There are basically three major search services available for handling different tasks:
Directories, Search Engines, and Meta Search Engines.
Directories are sites that, like a gigantic phone book, provide a listing of the sites on
the web. Sites are typically categorized and you can search by descriptive keywords.

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Directories do not include all of the sites on the Web, but generally include all of the
major sites and companies. Yahoo is a great directory.
Search Engines read the entire text of all sites on the Web and creates an index
based on the occurrence of key words for each site. AltaVista and Infoseek are powerful
search engines.

2.6 WWW Browser

A web client is an application that communicates with a web server, using Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the protocol behind the World
Wide Web. With every web transaction, HTTP is invoked. HTTP is behind every request
for a web document or graphic, every click of a hypertext link, and every submission of
a form. The Web is about distributing information over the Internet, and HTTP is the
protocol used to do so.

2.6.1 Browsers and URLs

The most common interface to the World Wide Web is a browser, such as Mosaic,
Netscape Navigator, or Internet Explorer. With a browser, you can download web
documents and view them formatted on your screen.
When you request a document with your browser, you supply a web address,
known as a Universal Resource Locator or URL. The URL identifies the machine that
contains the document you want, and the pathname to that document on the server.
The browser contacts the remote machine and requests the document you specified.
After receiving the document, it formats it as needed and displays it on your browser.
For example, you might click on a hyperlink corresponding to the URL Your browser contacts the machine called and requests the document called index.html. When the document
arrives, the browser formats it and displays it on the screen. If the document requires
other documents to be retrieved (for example, if it includes a graphic image on the
page), the browser downloads them as well. But as far as you're concerned, you just
clicked on a word and a new page appeared.
Browser, short for web browser, is a software application used to enable computers
users to locate and access web pages. Browsers translates the basic HTML (Hypertext
Mark Up Language) code that allows us to see images, text videos and listen to audios
on websites, along with hyperlinks that let us travel to different web pages. The browser
gets in contact with the web server and requests for information. The web server
receives the information and displays it on the computer.
There are different browsers for various things you do on the internet. There's a text
based browser. With a text based browser you are only allowed to see text. Graphical
material are not displayed. Hyperlinks are accessed by typing it in through the
keyboard. An example of a text based browser is LYNX. There's a graphical browser
and that allows the user to see all types of multimedia.
There are several types of browsers but the one thing they have in common is that
they carry out the same function; they transfer hypertext.
Here are some familiar common web browsers:
z Mozilla FireFox
z Netscape Navigator
z Microsoft Internet Explorer
Every browser features a toolbar that allows you to perform various functions like:
z Go back to the first page you started on the internet which is called Home.
z Book your favorite websites

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z Print content you find interesting on web pages
z Check your web history, like the websites you visited in the past
z You can go forward and backwards to see the previous sites you viewed
There are two basic ways that you can navigate through the browser: You can click on
links on different web pages. Those links will lead you to other web pages. If you know
the URL or the address of the website you can type it in write in the browser's box all
the way at the top. There's no need to type in the: http:// part when inserting the address
because the browser automatically places it in. Then you have to click enter.
Once you click enter you have to wait for the page to load. While it's loading you will
see the browser icon. Usually a little box will appear at the bottom with bars. It's called a
status bar. When all the bars are filled you will know that the page has finished loading.
So every time you click or a link or enter a URL your browser will request the
information from the web server. If your browser returns to the page with an error
message the address you typed in could be wrong on you may not be connected to the
Web pages can look different in various types of browser. It's always important to
download the latest version of your browser. Today most web pages are designed to be
viewed in updated browsers. By keeping up with the most up-to-date version of your
web browser you will be able to get the best of the web for everything that you need.

2.6.2 What is a Browser History?

Every time you get on the internet on your computer, the computer saves a copy of
every page that you visit while on that computer. Basically speaking, the computer
keeps a record in an archive right in its own software that shows the exact history of
every page that you have been to during the duration of your stay on the internet.
There are some programs that prevent a history from being documented and most
systems allow you to erase this history at will. There are also external programs that
save copies of these pages on an out of computer archive. This is usually used by
concerned parents that know that their children have the knowledge of how to erase the
browser history. It is used to monitor the activity of children on computers. Some
workplaces also use this kind of server that externally saves a list of all web pages
saved on the computer to make sure that employees are not visiting inappropriate
pages while on the clock or not logging on to time wasting websites while at the
workplace. This is done because there is no way for the employee to access or
manipulate these databases while at the workplace so they may not control what their
employers see.
Browser histories are largely a security measure for computers, but they are also
widely used as a simple archive for the computer. If a person forgets what site they
found a certain bit of information, they can easily find it by getting onto their browser
histories and checking what the site was called that they found the information on.
On more advanced systems of browser history saves, users may even go to the
exact page that they were previously on simply by clicking on a link that references the
site that they were previously on. The browser history is the most advanced form of
archiving on any PC because it is wholly automatic and users may filter what
information they want saved and what information they simply want removed.
The Browser history feature was first made popular by Internet Explorer during the
late 1980's and early 1990 are when the World Wide Web was just becoming used by a
common demographic. It was originally formed to simply keep tabs on websites that
people visited because it was not so easy to document and remember what sites were
visited and what type of information was on them.
As practical application of computers evolved, so did the functionality of the browser
history. On some computers, there was a feature that demanded a password to access

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the browser history. This was both for privacy and for security for concern parents
whose children were beginning to lap them on their knowledge of technology.
Today, browser histories are used for the same purposes that they were used for in
the beginning of their existence. The only difference is the sophistication of the systems
that are now used. The application of the browser history has not changed as it is still
used for the main purposes of memory and security. The only difference is that the
browser history can be just as secured as any other piece of critical information that
may be stored on a computer either domestically or professionally.

2.7 WWW Server

A web server is a piece of software that enables a website to be viewed using HTTP.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the key protocol for the transfer of data on the
web. You know when you're using HTTP because the website URL begins with "http://"
(for example, "").
The primary function of a web server is to deliver web pages on the request to
clients. This means delivery of HTML documents and any additional content that may
be included by a document, such as images, style sheets and scripts.
A client, commonly a web browser or web crawler, initiates communication by
making a request for a specific resource using HTTP and the server responds with the
content of that resource or an error message if unable to do so. The resource is
typically a real file on the server's secondary memory, but this is not necessarily the
case and depends on how the web server is implemented.
While the primary function is to serve content, a full implementation of HTTP also
includes ways of receiving content from clients. This feature is used for submitting web
forms, including uploading of files.
Many generic web servers also support server-side scripting, e.g., Active Server
Pages (ASP) and PHP. This means that the behavior of the web server can be scripted
in separate files, while the actual server software remains unchanged. Usually, this
function is used to create HTML documents "on-the-fly" as opposed to returning fixed
documents. This is referred to as dynamic and static content respectively. The former is
primarily used for retrieving and/or modifying information from databases. The latter is,
however, typically much faster and more easily cached.
Web servers are not always used for serving the World Wide Web. They can also
be found embedded in devices such as printers, routers, webcams and serving only a
local network. The web server may then be used as a part of a system for monitoring
and/or administrating the device in question. This usually means that no additional
software has to be installed on the client computer; since only a web browser is
required (which now is included with most operating systems).

2.7.1 History of Web Servers

In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee proposed a new project with the goal of easing the exchange
of information between scientists by using a hypertext system to his employer CERN.
The project resulted in Berners-Lee writing two programs in 1990:
A browser called Worldwide Web; The world's first web server, later known as
CERN httpd, which ran on NeXTSTEP.
Between 1991 and 1994, the simplicity and effectiveness of early technologies used
to surf and exchange data through the World Wide Web helped to port them to many
different operating systems and spread their use among socially diverse groups of
people, first in scientific organizations, then in universities and finally in industry.
In 1994 Tim Berners-Lee decided to constitute the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) to regulate the further development of the many technologies involved (HTTP,
HTML, etc.) through a standardization process.

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2.7.2 What Does a Web Server Look Like?
That depends on which web server you choose to install. Here's an example of Notes
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.1 looks like:

Figure 1.6: Internet Information Service

The left pane represents the various websites, FTP sites, and SMTP virtual servers.
When an item in the left pane is selected, the contents are displayed in pane on the
right hand side. In the above screenshot, there is one website (called "Default Web
Site"), one FTP site (called "Default FTP Site"), and one SMTP virtual server (called
"Default SMTP Virtual Server").
You can right click on an item to display it's properties. For example, you can right
click on "Default Web Site" to display (and configure) the properties of that website.

2.7.3 Web Server Advantages

There are many advantages to using a web server within your development
environment. Of course, in a production hosting environment, a web server is essential.
And, depending on your website, a web server could indeed be essential in your
development environment.
Here are some advantages of using a web server within your development
z Your local website behaves more like the live one: For example, you can configure
directory security, test your custom error pages etc before commiting them to the
production environment.
z You can use server-side scripting languages such as PHP and ColdFusion.
z Allows you to standardize your coding. For example, you can use root-relative paths
for your image references and hyperlinks (i.e. "/directory/image.gif"). In other words,
your paths can represent the website structure, rather than the directory structure of
your computer.
z Knowledge. The knowledge you gain from using your own web server will help you
understand how it works in the live environment. This will most certainly help you
when you need to communicate with your hosting provider - you'll be able to use
terminology that makes it easier for them to understand your request/issue.

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2.7.4 Web Server Features

Notes There's a common set of features that you'll find on most web servers. Because web
servers are built specifically to host websites, their features are typically focused around
setting up and maintaining a website's hosting environment.
Most web servers have features that allow you to do the following:
z Create one or more websites. (No I don't mean build a set of web pages. What I
mean is, set up the website in the web server, so that the website can be viewed via
z Configure log file settings, including where the log files are saved, what data to
include on the log files, etc. (Log files can be used to analyse traffic, etc.)
z Configure website/directory security. For example, which user accounts are/aren't
allowed to view the website, which IP addresses are/aren't allowed to view the
website etc.
z Create an FTP site. An FTP site allows users to transfer files to and from the site.
z Create virtual directories, and map them to physical directories
z Configure/nominate custom error pages. This allows you to build and display user
friendly error messages on your website. For example, you can specify which page
is displayed when a user tries to access a page that doesn't exist (i.e. a "404 error").
z Specify default documents. Default documents are those that are displayed when
no file name is specified. For example, if you open "http://localhost", which file
should be displayed? This is typically "index.html" or similar but it doesn't need to
be. You could nominate "index.cfm" if your website is using ColdFusion. You could
also nominate a 2nd choice (in case there is no index.cfm file), and a 3rd choice,
and so on.

2.7.5 How Web Server Works

Whenever you view a web page on the internet, you are requesting that page from a
web server. When you type a URL into your browser (for example,
""), your browser requests the page from
the web server and the web server sends the page back:

Figure 1.7: Web Server Works

Your web browser first needs to know which IP address the website ""
resolves to. If it doesn't already have this information stored in it's cache, it requests the
information from one or more DNS servers (via the internet). The DNS server tells the

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Introduction to World Wide Web 27
browser which IP address the website is located at. Note that the IP address was
assigned when the website was first created on the web server.
Now that the web browser knows which IP address the website is located at, it can
request the full URL from the web server. The web server responds by sending back
the requested page. If the page doesn't exist (or another error occurs), it will send back
the appropriate error message. Your web browser receives the page and renders it as

2.8 Hypertext Transfer Protocol

In order to access any website, the web browsers are used which are assisted by the
URL that uses the http scheme. It is the URL or the port number that assists the
browser to link with a Web site. The server indicates a computer connected to the
Internet while the port number indicates a type of socket to which the browser plugs in
to link with the Web server. The web server not only provides the requisite web pages
but also describes a computer program that runs on a computer to provide web pages.
When a browser receives an URL will attempt to connect with the server computer
having the required web pages by connecting to the specified port number. The URL
can be provided to the browser either by typing it at its specified location or by clicking
on the link available on some already displayed web page or document.
It is the role of the browser to connect with the server where the requisite requests
from client or user is stored or available. When the web server receives the request
from browser it replies back to the browser, which is client in this case. The information
basically contains the HTTP protocol version, name of the server, the media type of the
document and date, etc. The media type of the document is quite important information
because the browser is required to know what kind of document this is before it can
process it. HTML is the most common media type transferred over the Web. Other
media types are GIF image and JPEG image. Several times when a response like
“HTTP 404 Not Found” is displayed which means that the request document is not
available at the link. There are different responses defined in HTTP. Briefly, in order to
access a web page, HTTP involves browser that issues a request followed by a few
headers. In response, the server replies back with a few headers and a document.
The web server basically maps the URLs to files on its hard disks. The web server
interprets the path in any URL to map it with a filename on its hard disk. In order to
make it work to map with the requisite file, the web server is configured to contain a
“document root” directory relative to which all URLs are resolved as filenames. Let us
take an example, suppose the URL is, and the document root
is D:\WWWFiles\. When a user types the URL
unit1/networking.htm into browser, the browser requests the server for the document
/unit1/networking.htm. The web server begins searching in the directory
D:\WWWFiles\unit1 for a file called networking.htm. If the requisite file is available it
responds with a header followed by the document. If it is not available, it responds a
404 Not Found followed by a helpful error message telling the user to search
HTTP is defined by the HTTP specification, distributed by the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) at If you are writing commercial-quality HTTP
applications, you should go directly to the spec, since it defines which features need to
be supported for HTTP compliance. However, reading the spec is a tedious and often
unpleasant experience, and readers of this book are assumed to be more casual writers
of HTTP clients, so we've pared it down a bit to make HTTP more accessible for the

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2.8.1 Structure of HTTP Transaction

Notes All HTTP transactions follow the same general format, as shown in Figure 1.8

Figure 1.8: HTTP

2.9 URL
The World Wide Web uses a URL or Uniform Resource Locator to represents
hypermedia links and links to network services within html documents... An object may
be a file, a picture, a movie or anything. It identifies a particular internet resource. For
example, a web page, gopher, server, library catalog, an image or a text files. URLs
represent a standardized addressing scheme for internet resources.
z First is the protocol required to get the object.
z The second is the piece of information, which is the machine name where the object
is located.
z The third is the path name of the object
For example, to retrieve an HTML document, the protocol used is HTTP (Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol). The location of the HTML document or machine name may be as
URLs consist of letters, numbers and punctuations. The basic structure of a URL is
hierarchical and the hierarchy moves from left to right. The format of a URL is“
protocol://machine name/path ”. For example, a URL to the above mentioned HTML
page could be as follows:

2.10 Summary
In 1991, Tim burners-lee at CERN, invents software named ”WORLD WIDE WEB” for
the next computer, he dream up for html which unify file/display format and uses
postscript. Web Browsers are the information retrievers. It is a client software that acts
as an interface between the user and the inner- working of the internet, specially the
World Wide Web. A website in computer science is a file of information located on a

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Introduction to World Wide Web 29
server and connected to the World Wide Web (WWW). The addressing on the Internet
is a systematic way to identify people, computers and internet resources. The World
Wide Web uses a URL or Uniform Resource Locator to represents hypermedia links Notes
and links to network services within html documents A set of rules or protocol that
governs the transfer of hypertext between two or more computers. It is only because of
HTTP which makes it possible to encompass the information on the World Wide Web.

2.11 Check Your Progress

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Language we use to write a web page:
(a) HTML
(b) URL
(c) FTP
2. Registration services are made available ti internet community by:
(a) Bookmark
(b) InterNic
(c) IETF
(d) None of these
3. Partial URL is :
(a) Absolute URL
(b) Relative URL
(c) Direct URL
(d) Edit data
4. Web site is a collection of :
(a) Graphics file
(b) HTML document
(c) Audio and video file
(d) All of these
5. Protocol is used for WWW is :
(a) FTP
(b) HTTP
(c) HTML
(d) All of these
6. Communication protocol used by internet is :
(a) HTTP
(b) FTP
(c) TCP/IP
(d) WWW
7. Which first page user normally view at websites :
(a) First page
(b) Home page
(c) Banner page
(d) Information

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30 Internet and Java Programming

8. The Digital information is converted into analog information by the modem at :

(a) Destination computer
(b) Source computer
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these.
9. An internet is a network which exclusively exist within :
(a) An organization
(b) A city
(c) within state
(d) Super computer
10. Combination of multimedia and hyperlinks is called :
(a) Hypertext
(b) Hypermedia
(c) none of these
(d) Both of these

2.12 Questions and Exercises

1. What do you mean by web server?
2. Describe the various features of web servers.
3. Distinguish between clients and servers.
4. What do you mean by WWW
5. How the web works
6. Explain the basic feature of Web
7. Explain the concept of Surfing the Web
8. Describe how to search a word on web

2.13 Key Terms

z Internet Browser: A browser is a piece of software that can find, retrieve, interpret
HTML documents, ultimately translating the code into the text, sights, and sounds
that make surfing the Internet such a rich experience.
z Windows Internet Explorer: It is a series of graphical web browsers developed by
Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems
starting in 1995
z URL: Website URL begins with "http://" (for example, "").
z Web server: Piece of software that enables a website to be viewed using HTTP.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the key protocol for the transfer of data on
the web
z Web client: Application that communicates with a web server, using Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Check Your Progress: Answers

1. (a) HTML
2. (b) InterNic
3. (b) Relative URL
4. (d) All of these
5. (b) HTTP

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Introduction to World Wide Web 31
6. (b) FTP
7. (b) Home page
8. (b) Source computer
9. (a), (b). (c) An organization, A city, within state
10. (b) Hypermedia

2.14 Further Readings

z Sergei Dunaev, Advanced Internet Programming: Technologies & Applications
z Java:A Primer by E.Balaguruswamy
z Java programming, shah and keyur, TMH.
z Ramesh Vasappanavara, Anand Vasappanavara, Gautam Vasappanavara,
Pearson Education India.

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32 Internet and Java Programming

Unit 3: WWW Browsers

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Netscape Communicator
3.2.1 Netscape Navigator
3.2.2 Working in Netscape navigator
3.2.3 Changing Text Size
3.2.4 Printing A Web Page
3.2.5 Viewing an HTML Page
3.2.6 Using Bookmarks
3.2.7 How To Manage History
3.2.8 What Is History List?
3.2.9 What is Shortcut Menu?
3.2.10 How to view Source Code in Navigator
3.2.11 Keyboard Shortcuts
3.2.12 Netscape Navigator Menus
3.3 Microsoft Internet Explorer (Mise)
3.3.1 How to Specify Start Page (Home Page)
3.3.2 How to Change Text Size
3.3.3 Printing A Webpage
3.3.4 Using Favorites
3.3.5 Managing History
3.3.6 What is Shortcut Menu
3.3.7 Viewing Source Code
3.3.8 Keyboard Shortcuts
3.3.9 Internet Explorer Menus
3.4 Summary
3.5 Check Your Progress
3.6 Questions and Exercises
3.7 Key Terms
3.8 Further Reading

After studying this unit, you should be able to:
z Understand the concept of Web browser.
z Discuss the Netscape communicator
z Learn the concept of Microsoft internet explorer.

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WWW Browsers 33
3.1 Introduction
Browser is a program which lets you to visit different sites on the internet and display Notes
their offerings on your own computer. You visit a site by supplying the browser with an
address, or URL. MOSAIC was the first web browser to come into market but Netscape
Navigator and MSIE are the two most popular browsers. Browsers available in the
market are Mosaic, Netscape navigator, Internet explorer. Browser has a number of
features–buttons, menus, scrollbars, etc. that let you control its operation, Depending
on the browser you choose, there may be superficial differences in the way displayed
documents look.
The primary purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the user
("retrieval" or "fetching"), allowing them to view the information ("display", "rendering"),
and then access other information ("navigation", "following links").

3.2 Netscape communicator

Netscape communicator is a complete suite of internet application, not merely of a web
browser; it includes Netscape navigator, html editor, Netscape messenger, Netscape
conference and Net casting. In this unit we will study about Netscape navigator

3.2.1 Netscape Navigator

The Latest release of it is Netscape Navigator 9.
1. Starting Netscape Navigator
2. Click on Start All Programs.
3. Programs submenu Appears
4. Click at Netscape Navigator folder
5. Netscape Navigator’s window opens on your screen.

Figure 3.1: To Start Netscape Navigator

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34 Internet and Java Programming


Figure 2.2: Netscape navigator home page

Components of the navigator window
z The Title bar: It displays the title of the current page.
z The Menu bar: It displays the list of various menus, e.g.-file, etc.
z Navigation Toolbar: The navigation toolbar offers some very useful buttons that
are used for navigating. The screenshot shows you navigation toolbar in Netscape
Navigator along with the functions of its buttons.
z Location Bar: The website address or the URL of the document is to be typed in
this place. In MSIE it is called Address bar.
z Status Bar: It is displayed at the bottom left corner of the browser window. It shows
the statue of the web page being downloaded.
z Access Indicator Icon: It is situated on the upper right corner of the browser, when
your browser is retrieving data; it tells so by animating itself. If your click on it, it
takes you to 3. Netscape’s home page.

3.2.2 Working in Netscape navigator

There are various common things which you can perform in Netscape Navigator

Specifying start page (your home page)

To specify a start page of your choice, follow this sequence of steps:
1. On the browser menu bar
2. Click on Tools g Options
3. Select different options under difference tab, i.e., Main,
Tabs, Content, Feeds, Privacy, Security
4. Advanced to apply the settings of your home page.
5. Now click on the main tab, you will see following options.
6. Under the startup choose the desired option e.g., show my home page, show a
blank page and show my windows and tabs from last time, by choosing one of the
three option startup page will be set. Under Home Page type the address of the
web page you want as your start up page. In this way choose another option to set
your home page.
7. After making changes, click on OK.
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WWW Browsers 35
Loading a web page
To load a web page, type its URL in the location box of Netscape Navigator and then Notes
press Enter.

3.2.3 Changing text size

One can change text size choosing Increase Font or Decrease Font option on View
Shortcut keys
Ctrl +] can be used to increase font size
Ctrl + [can be used to decrease font size.

3.2.4 Printing A Web Page

To print a web page
1. Select Print command from File menu
2. Click on Print button on Navigation toolbar.
3. Some web pages are divided into multiple independent sections called frames.
4. You can also choose to print a frame at a time.

3.2.5 Viewing An HTML Page

To view an html page
1. Type the filename along with its complete path in the Location box.
2. Select Open File command from File menu.
3. Search the desired file on your computer by clicking on Choose file... button in the
Open File dialog box.
4. Click on Open button in the Open dialog, once you’ve selected the desired file.

3.2.6 Using Bookmarks

Some of these sites are visited by you regularly. time to visit these sites, you have to
type their URLs. Don’t you think, there should be a way that saves your typing of these
frequently visited URLs? And to your delight, there is a way called bookmark or

Adding a bookmark
To bookmark a page
1. Go to webpage you want to bookmark, i.e., open it in your browser.
2. Click on Bookmarks g Bookmark This Page.
3. An Add Bookmark window will appear, Now click on ok and you’ll see the new
bookmark added to bookmark’s list.
4. Add Bookmark window.
5. Newly added bookmark

Edit a bookmark
One can use Bookmarks g Organize Bookmark command. The Bookmark Manager
window will appear, select the added bookmark and go to edit menu or right click
choose delete option, it will delete the added bookmark.

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36 Internet and Java Programming

3.2.7 How To Manage History

Notes The Location toolbar of Netscape Navigator displays the URL of the page currently
displayed in your browser window. But when you click at the down arrow symbol to the
right of URL box, you get to see a pull down menu of URLs. This pull down menu shows
the URLs of sites and lines to Webpages you have visited so far.
By default Netscape Navigator stores the lists of URLs visited in last 21 days.

3.2.8 What Is History List?

History List can help to view and access the History list’s entries by selecting Tools g
Options command. You’ll get a Options Window as shown in screenshot.

How to change history days

One can change this number under History option; enter the desired number of days in
the box provided for it.

3.2.9 What is Shortcut Menu?

A Shortcut menu is activated by clicking right button of the mouse and the menu which
displays commonly used commands in a particular context. For a file, the shortcut menu
might display options like Open, Cut, Copy, Rename, Properties, etc.
When you right click at a hyperlink while viewing a webpage, a shortcut menu as
shown in screenshot. As you can see, you can click on Open in New Window to open
the hyperlink’s webpage in a new browser window. You can even select back Forward,
Stop, Reload command or you can view the source code of the web page by clicking at
View Source command. Similarly, you may even create bookmarks or shortcuts from
Navigator’s shortcut menu.
The shortcut menu changes with the context i.e., for an image, the shortcut menu
may be different from that of a hyperlink’s shortcut menu. The shortcut menu is also
called context sensitive menu.

3.2.10 How to view source code in navigator

1. Select View g Page Source command
2. Netscape Navigator will open the source code in a separate window.

3.2.11 keyboard Shortcuts

Commands available on Netscape Navigator menus and submenus are:
Command Keys
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Cut Ctrl+X
Close Tab Ctrl+W
Go Up One Page Page Up
Go Down One Page Page Down
Go Up One Line Up Arrow
Go Down One Line Down Arrow
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z
Find Ctrl+F

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WWW Browsers 37
Find Again Ctrl+G
Open Context Menu Shift+F10
Select Main Menu (switches to the first drop-down menu at the top of Alt or F10
the window. example: "File" in Windows)
Open a New Netscape Browser tab Ctrl+T
Select All Ctrl+A
Open Help F1

Page navigation shortcuts

Command Keys

Open History Sidebar Ctrl+H

Reload Ctrl+R

Force Reload (not from cache) Ctrl+Shift+R

Back Alt+Left Arrow or Backspace

Forward Alt+Right Arrow

Stop (stop loading your page) Esc

Home (load your home page) Alt+Home

Go to Bottom of Page End

Go to Top of Page Home

Select All Text in Location Bar Ctrl+L or Alt+D

Open Selected Link in a Web Page Enter

Open Selected Link in a New Tab or Window (depending on Ctrl+Enter

how your Tabbed Browsing preferences are set)

New Netscape Browser Tab Ctrl+N

Move to Next/Previous Link or Form Element in a Web Page Tab/Shift+Tab

Open File Ctrl+O

Close Tab Ctrl+W

Save Page As Ctrl+S

Open Link in a new Window (when a link is selected) Shift+Enter

Print Page Ctrl+P

Go Up One Page Page Up/ Shift+Space

Go Down One Page Page Down/Space

Go Up One Line Up Arrow

Go Down One Line Down Arrow

Turn on/off Caret Mode F7

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38 Internet and Java Programming

3.2.12 Netscape Navigator Menus

Notes Commands of Netscape Navigator menus are:

File menu
1. Opens new navigator window.
2. Opens new tab in navigator window.
3. Open existing file.
4. Close the window.
5. Close the tab.
6. Saves the document in window.
7. Format the page.
8. Shows the view of the document before printing.
9. Prints the document.
10. Closes the current navigator window.
11. Exits program.
Edit menu
1. To copy selected text.
2. Selects entire text of document.
3. Finds text in current document.
4. Make changes in document.
View menu
1. Makes font larger.
2. Makes font smaller.
3. Reloads current document.
4. Refreshes window contents.
5. Stops loading of page.
6. To stop animation.
7. To select language.
History menu
It gives your access history
Bookmark menu
In this one can stored web page address so that one can easily go to that address by
Tool menu
It highlights the web search box. You can then type in the terms you wish to find on the
Help menu
1. Help for international users.
2. Give information about security.
3. Give Information about installed plug-ins.

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WWW Browsers 39


Figure 1.3: Different types of menu

3.3 Microsoft Internet Explorer (Mise)

A very popular Web Browser. Most Microsoft products user uses simple web browser.
How to start Msie:
To start MSIE
1. Click on Start
2. Select All Programs.
3. Programs submenu appears
4. Click on Internet Explorer.

Figure 3.4: Internet Explorer Web Page

Components of Microsoft internet explorer
z The Title bar: Displays the title of the current file.
z The Menu bar: Displays the list of various menus.

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40 Internet and Java Programming

z Standard Button Toolbar: The standard-button toolbar offers some useful buttons
that are used for navigating or browsing. Screenshot shows the standard-button
Notes toolbar of MSIE.
z Address Bar: URL of the document is to be typed in this place
z Status bar: It is situated on the lower left corner of the browser, which reports the
progress of the data download.
z Access Indicator Icon: It is situated on the upper right corner of the browser, when
your browser is retrieving data; it tells so by animating itself.

3.3.1 How to specify start page (home page)

1. Click on Tools g Internet Options On MSIE bar
2. If MSIE is your default web browser, then you
3. Click on Start g
4. Settings g Control Panel
5. From the Control Panel window
6. Click on Internet Options.
7. Internet Options dialog appears
8. In this dialog box, under General tab Enter the URL of your desired home page

Load web page

To load a web page, type its URL in the location box of INTERNET EXPLORER and
then press Enter.

3.3.2 How to change text size

One can alter the text size, by choosing the desired text size from View g Text size
menu. Screenshots show a web page and the same web page with increased font size.

3.3.3 Printing a webpage

To print a web page
1. Select Print command from File menu
2. Click at Print button on Standard Toolbar.
Some web pages are divided into multiple independent Sections called frames.
One can also choose to print a frame at a time.
1. Select a frame by clicking in it.
2. Click on Print button
3. Select only the selected frame radio button from Print dialog box which appears
after you click on File g Print command.
Viewing html file
1. Type the file name with its complete path in the address box.
2. Select Open from file menu.
3. Select desired file by clicking on browse.
4. Click open.

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Figure 4.5: Viewing Html File

3.3.4 Using Favorites

There is a way called bookmark or favorite, to view a page quickly and easy, rather
than typing URL again and again. A Favorite is a link to a web page to have a quick and
easy access to it later.
To add a webpage to your favorites
1. Go to the webpage you want to add to favorites’ list i.e. open it in your browser.
2. Click on ADD to favorites.
3. It’ll ask you to specify the Name of this favorite in the Add Favorite dialog box.
4. Click on OK.
5. Now it’ll do the necessary things to accomplish this task.
6. Finally you’ll see the new favorite added to favorites’ list

3.3.5 Managing History

The Address bar of MSIE displays the URL of the page currently displayed in your
browser window. Click on the down arrow symbol to the right of URL box, you get to
see a pull down menu of URLs. This pull down menu shows the URLs of sites and links
to web pages you have visited so far.
By default MSIE stores the lists of URLs visited by for 20 days.
Viewing history list
History List can help to go back to a web page you found 10 days ago
1. Click the History button on the browser toolbar
2. History bar opens
1. Click on View menu
1. Point to Explorer Bar
2. Click on History.
It displays a record of all the sites you have visited in the last 20 days, including HTML
pages on your computer. The number of days that History keeps.

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42 Internet and Java Programming

How to change history days

Notes By default MSIE keeps pages in your history list for 20 days. You can change this
number in Internet Options dialog.
1. Click on Internet Options Present in tools, under General tab
2. Enter desired number of history days in the box provided under History option.

3.3.6 What is Shortcut Menu

A Shortcut menu is activated by clicking right button of the mouse and the menu which
displays commonly used commands in a particular context. For a file, the shortcut menu
might display options like Open, Cut, Copy, Rename, Properties, etc. When you right
click at a hyperlink while viewing a webpage, a shortcut menu as shown in screenshot.
As you can see, you can click on Open in New
Window to open the hyperlink’s webpage in a new browser window. You can even
select Back, Forward, Stop, Reload command or you Can view the source code of the
web page by clicking at View Source Command.
Similarly, you may even create bookmarks or shortcuts from Navigator’s shortcut
menu. The shortcut menu changes with the context. i.e. for an image the shortcut menu
may be different from that of a hyperlink’s shortcut menu. The shortcut menu is also
called context sensitive menu.

3.3.7 Viewing Source Code

To view the source code
1. Select View Source command
2. It will open the source code in a separate window.
Saving an image from the web
1. Move your cursor over the graphic.
2. Click and a pop-up box will appear.
3. Save the image to your hard drive by
4. Selecting one of the Save options.
5. Accept the current file name or rename the file.

3.3.8 Keyboard Shortcuts

Go to your Home page ALT+HOME
Go to the next page ALT+RIGHT ARROW
Go to the previous page ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACE
Display a shortcut menu for a link SHIFT+F10
Move forward between frames CTRL+TAB or F6
Move back between frames SHIFT+CTRL+TAB
Move to the beginning of a document HOME
Move to the end of a document END
Find on this page CTRL+F
Refresh the current Web page F5 or CTRL+R
Stop downloading a page ESC
Go to a new location CTRL+O or CTRL+L
Open a new window CTRL+N

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Close the current window CTRL+W
Save the current page CTRL+S
Print the current page or active frame CTRL+P
Activate a selected link ENTER
Open the Search box CTRL+E
Open the Favorites box CTRL+I
Open the History box CTRL+H
Display the next page to be printed ALT+RIGHT ARROW
Display the last page to be printed ALT+END
Zoom out ALT+MINUS
Zoom in ALT+PLUS
Display a list of zoom percentages ALT+Z
Close Print Preview ALT+C

3.3.9 Internet Explorer Menus

View Menu
1. Show or hide toolbars.
2. Show or hide status bar.
3. Stops download.
4. Updates the web page.
5. View the source code of the web page.

Favorites Menu
1. Add to list of favorites.
2. Organize list of favorites.

Tools Menu
Set new settings for Internet.

lp Menu
View help contents and index.

Figure 1.6: Various Menu

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44 Internet and Java Programming

3.4 Summary
Notes Browser is a program which lets you to visit different sites on the internet and display
their offerings on your own computer. To load a web page, type its URL in the location
box of Netscape Navigator and then press Enter. One can change text size choosing
Increase Font or Decrease Font option on View menu. One can use Bookmarks g
Organize Bookmark command. The Location toolbar of Netscape Navigator displays the
URL of the page currently displayed in your browser window. By default Netscape
Navigator stores the lists of URLs visited in last 21 days. History List can helps to view
and access the History list’s entries by selecting Tools g Options command. One can
change this number under History option; enter the desired number of days in the box
provided for it. A Shortcut menu is activated by clicking right button of the mouse and
the menu which displays commonly used commands in a particular context. A very
popular Web Browser. Most Microsoft products user uses simple web browser. To load
a web page, type its URL in the location box of internet explorer and then press Enter.
The Address bar of MSIE displays the URL of the page currently displayed in your
browser window. Click on the down arrow symbol to the right of URL box, you get to
see a pull down menu of URLs. A Shortcut menu is activated by clicking right button of
the mouse and the menu which displays commonly used commands in a particular

3.5 Check Your Progress

Multiple Choice Questions
1. First web page which loads when you start a web browser is :
(a) Home page
(b) Web crawlers
(c) User web page
(d) all of these
2. Keyboard shortcut related to reload documents :
(a) F5
(b) F6
(c) F7
(d) F8
3. Which list stores the name of server that URL of webpage and links visited in past.:
(a) Link List
(b) Page list
(c) History list
(d) None of These.
4. Which of the following is not a web browser :
(a) WWW
(b) Netscape navigator
(c) Mosaic
(d) Internet explorer.
(e) Search engine
5. A software which lets you to visit different sites on Internet and display pages :
(a) Brower
(b) Server

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(c) Laptop
(d) Super computer
6. Search engine works with the help of :
(a) Agents
(b) Web crawlers
(c) Spider
(d) all of these
7. Chatting on internet is :
(a) Talking face to face
(b) Talking on phone
(c) online textual talking
(d) all of these
8. CU in e-mail stands for :
(a) See you.
(b) CPU
(c) control unit
(d) all of these.
9. MSIE , Firefox, chrome are :
(a) Search engine
(b) Home page
(c) web browser
(d) all of these
10. L in URL stands for :
(a) Locator
(b) Location
(c) List
(d) None of these.

3.6 Questions and Exercises

1. Write steps to see source code of web page.
2. Write the components of MSIE and Netscape navigator.
3. Define web browser and name some web browser.
4. Write steps of how to save picture from internet.
5. Write some keyboards shortcut for Netscape navigator.
6. How will you view web page in a browser.
7. How will you manage history.
8. Write steps to add bookmark.

3.7 Key Terms

z Internet Browser: A browser is a piece of software that can find, retrieve, interpret
HTML documents, ultimately translating the code into the text, sights, and sounds
that make surfing the Internet such a rich experience.
z Windows Internet Explorer: It is a series of graphical web browsers developed by
Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems
starting in 1995

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46 Internet and Java Programming

z URL: Website URL begins with "http://" (for example, "")

z Netscape Navigator: It is a web browser developed by Netscape Communications
Notes Corporation which was very popular in the 1990s.

Check Your Progress: Answers

1. (a) Home page
2. (c) F7
3. (a) Link List
4. (e) Search engine
5. (a) Brower
6. (d) all of these
7. (c) online textual talking
8. (a) See you.
9. (c) Locator
10. (a) web browser

3.8 Further Reading

z Sergei Dunaev, Advanced Internet Programming: Technologies & Applications
z Ramesh Vasappanavara, Anand Vasappanavara, Gautam Vasappanavara,
Pearson Education India.

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