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e T ic k e t R e c e ip t Prepared f or

/ Dr Soumya Thakur

Passenger Name: Seat s: eT ic ket Rec eipt (s):

Dr Soumya Thakur 983898507368


ISSUE DATE 05-Mar-21 00:00
TICKET NUMBER 983898507368
ISSUING AIRLINE Air India Limit ed

Booking Reference ZMJN70


DEPARTURE: 26- M ar - 21 08:4 5 Please verify flight times prior to departure

Air India Limited LHR DEL Meals:

AI 162 London Heat hrow Airport Indira Gandhi Int ernat ional
Airline Reservat ion Code:
Durat ion: AI
Aircraft : Seat Number:
Class: Economy St op(s): 0 -
St at us: Confirmed Depart ing At : Arrival At : Fare Basis/Fare Choice:
Baggage Allowance: 2P 2 6 - M a r - 2 1 0 8 :4 5 2 6 - M a r - 2 1 2 2 :2 5 ULE6MG BI
Not Valid Before:
T erminal: T erminal: 2 6- Mar- 2 1 08:4 5
T ERMINAL 2 T ERMINAL 3 Not Valid Aft er Choice:
2 6- Mar- 2 1 2 2 :2 5

Air India Limited DEL LHR Meals:

AI 161 Indira Gandhi Int ernat ional London Heat hrow Airport
Airline Reservat ion Code:
Durat ion: AI
Aircraft : Seat Number:
Class: Economy St op(s): 0 -
St at us: Confirmed Depart ing At : Arrival At : Fare Basis/Fare Choice:
Baggage Allowance: 2P 0 3 - M a y - 2 1 0 5 :2 5 0 3 - M a y - 2 1 1 0 :1 5 S LE6MG BI
Not Valid Before:
T erminal: T erminal: 03- May- 2 1 05:2 5
T ERMINAL 3 T ERMINAL 2 Not Valid Aft er Choice:
03- May- 2 1 10:15

Getaflight 68A George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1LW

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Not es: Baggage discount s may apply based on frequent flyer st at us/online check฀in/form of payment /milit ary, et c.


Carriage and ot her services provided by t he carrier are subject t o condit ions of carriage, which are hereby incorporat ed
by reference. These condit ions may be obt ained from t he issuing carrier. Passengers on a journey involving an ult imat e
dest inat ion or a st op in a count ry ot her t han t he count ry of depart ure are advised t hat int ernat ional t reat ies known as t he
Mont real Convent ion, or it s predecessor, t he Warsaw Convent ion, including it s amendment s (t he Warsaw Convent ion Syst em),
may apply t o t he ent ire journey, including any port ion t hereof wit hin a count ry. For such passengers, t he applicable t reat y,
including special cont ract s of carriage embodied in any applicable t ariffs, governs and may limit t he liabilit y of t he carrier. The
carriage of cert ain hazardous mat erials, like aerosols, reworks and ammable liquids is forbidden aboard t he aircraft . If you do
not underst and t hese rest rict ions, furt her informat ion may be obt ained from your airline. Dat a Prot ect ion Not ice: Your personal
dat a will be processed in accordance wit h t he applicable carrier's privacy policy and, where your booking is made via a
reservat ion syst em provider ("GDS"), wit h it s privacy policy. These are available at ht t p://www.iat at ravelcent or
from t he carrier or GDS direct ly. You should read t his document at ion, which applies t o your booking and speci es, for example,
how your personal dat a is collect ed, st ored, used, disclosed and t ransferred

Getaflight 68A George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1LW

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