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Citra Raya komplek Graha Pratama Blok U1 No. 53
Kecamatan Cikupa – Kabupaten Tangerang – Banten, 15710


Kelas : VII Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Hari/Tanggal : 14 Agustus 2019 Waktu : 35 menit
Nama : Nilai :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d.

1. Tiara : Hi Ninda. We have a new roommate. This is Saskia. She will be in our class.
Saskia : How do you do, Ninda?
Ninda : …, Saskia? Welcome to our dorm.
a. How are you c. I’m fine, thanks
b. How do you do d. Nice to meet you

2. Martin : Hi, my name is Martin. I am a student at Bakti Nusantara Junior High

School. Pleased to meet you.
Sandy : Hi, Martin. ….
a. Pleased to meet you too c. Pleased to meet you
b. Nice to meet you d. My name is Sandy

3. Dodi : Bagas, …, Anton. Anton, this is Bagas.

Bagas : Hi Anton. Glad to meet you.
Anton : Glad to meet you too.
a. This is Dodi’s brother c. I want you to meet my friend
b. Glad to see you d. How do you do

4. Luki : I have to go to the teacher office now.

Abby : It was nice to see you. Goodbye.
Luki : Goodbye, Dina. ….
Abby : Thanks Luki.
a. See you later b. Good luck c. You may go d. Have a nice day

5. Rose : Hi, good morning, Ben.

Ben : Hi, …, Rose.
Rose : How are you?
Ben : I’m fine, thanks.
a. Hello b. Fine c. Good morning d. See you

6. Mr. Hopkins : Good morning. I am Johnny Hopkins.

Receptionist : Good morning, Mr. Hopkins. … Nice to meet you
a. I am Nicole Wilson c. I am from Jakarta
b. I am 30 years old d. See you later

7. Tika : Hendra, this is my friend, Alessa.

Hendra: Hi, Alessa. My name is Hendra. …
Tika : Nice to meet you, too.
a. Pleased to meet you b. Nice to meet you c. Goodbye d. Hello

8. Zen : this way, please. What size?

Gerry : size 7, it’s for my daughter.
Zen : this would be lovely for her
Gerry : I guess so. Thanks for helping me.
Zen : …, sir.
a. Thank you b. Please come back c. It’s OK d. It’s my pleasure

9. To introduce our friend, we say …

a. What is your name? c. Let me introduce myself.
b. Hi, this is my friend, Tina. d. Nice to meet you.

10. You may introduce your friend in front of the classroom with the following expressions, except….
a. May I introduce myself to you?
b. Let me introduce my friend. This is John.
c. I would like to introduce my friend, Renata.
d. Allow me to introduce my friend.

11. Ocha : Nina! Found you! I’m sorry for … you wait.
Nina : Don’t worry about it, I just arrive 10 minutes ago.
a. ignoring b. keeping c. coming d. leaving

12. Ms. Ida : May I have a glass of strawberry smoothies?

Waiter : Sure. Here it is.
Ms. Ida : ….
Waiter : My Pleasure.
a. Thank you very much c. Why not?
b. That’s good d. Any time

13. Ms. Lina : Have you cleaned the bookshelf in the library, Tiara?
Tiara : …, teacher. I forgot to do it.
a. No problem b. Please forgive me c. Thank you d. don’t worry

The text is for questions number 14-20

My name (14)… Danu. My complete name (15)… Danu Rachmadianto. I (16)… a new
students in SMP Tunas Bangsa. It (17)… a very big Junior High School. I have 25 classmates. We
(18)… all from Tangerang. My students’ number (19)… B020112356. I (20)… really happy to be
the student of SMP Tunas Bangsa.
14. a. is b. am c. are d. was

15. a. is b. am c. are d. was

16. a. is b. am c. are d. was

17. a. is b. am c. are d. was

18. a. is b. am c. are d. were

19. a. is b. am c. are d. was

20. a. is b. am c. are d. was

II. Fill in the blank with the correct answers
21. You borrowed your friend’s novel, but then it lost. Apologize to him/her and promise to replace it.
Write down the sentence!
22. You meet a public figure/celebrity on the road. How do you greet them?
23. What do you say to greet someone at 1 p.m?
24. Rearrange the expression below to make a good dialog
Robby and Sakti
 Certainly. Let’s go.
 Will you go with me?
 Any time.
 Let’s go to a mechanic to fix your bike, Robby
 Millions of thanks, Sakti.
25. You have to introduce yourself in teacher’s room. What will you say?

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