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Short Operating Manual

Short operating manual

with SELOGICA control

Software-Version 3.0xx ARBURG GmbH + Co

Postfach 11 09
72286 Lossburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 74 46 33-0
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( GH1432Z )

The purpose of this document

is to provide you with an overview of the
SELOGICA controller. The controller is briefly
introduced and the operating elements and the
data input is described. This short operating
manual does not however replace the main
operating manual. Also observe the short operating
manual for control of the machine.

Symbols used
Three symbols occur frequently in the short
operating manual.
Symbol Explanation
u identifies a list of items
l requires an action from the operator
¡ identifies the reaction of the machine /
controller to an action


Observe the prescribed guidelines in chapter 1 of

the main operating manual when installing and
connecting the machine. Read the safety
instructions before putting the machine into
operation. Do not change the machine and its
safety features.
Functions may be described in this short
operating manual which are not available on your
machine (options).

Copyright 1998 ARBURG GmbH + Co.


l Inspect the safety devices:

u after each mould change
u after conversion to a new working position
u at the start of each shift (with interrupted operation)
u once a week (with continuous operation)
l Also inspect to ensure the following:
u stipulated condition
u intended location
u secure fastening
u prescribed function
l The machine should be switched off immediately if
malfunctions occur! Allow only suitably qualified
personnel to repair the malfunction!
l Do not change or remove any of the safety features! Do
not prevent the action of a safety device by changes to
the machine!
l Never climb on top of an operating machine!
l Maintenance work is only to be undertaken when the
machine is switched off!
l Work on a heated cylinder is only to be undertaken
when suitable protective gloves and a protective face
mask are worn!
l Ensure correct cylinder and nozzle temperatures!
Combustion and explosion could result from incorrect
l When changing the material never mix two materials of
which the processing temperatures do not overlap!

1. Switching on the machine .......................................... 1

2. Manual control panel .................................................. 2
Operating modes .......................................................... 3
Manual control panels .................................................. 9
Manual control panel for additional functions ........... 11
3. Data input ................................................................... 12
Parameter designations .............................................. 12
Inputting data .............................................................. 13
4. Parameter panels ...................................................... 14
Selection of fixed dimensions of mould and cylinder 16
Production controls .................................................... 18
Mould closing ............................................................. 20
Clamping programme ................................................. 24
Mould opening ............................................................ 26
Ejector advancement .................................................. 30
Ejector retraction ........................................................ 34
Nozzle ......................................................................... 38
Nozzle contact force ................................................... 42
Selection of injected part formation ¹ ......................... 44
Injection ....................................................................... 46
Holding pressure programme ..................................... 48
Dosage / Cooling - Decompression ........................... 50
Temperature regulation injection side ........................ 53
Programme administration ......................................... 56
5. Mould installation ...................................................... 66
Determining/adjusting the clamping force ................. 71
Mould protection ........................................................ 72
6. Zeroing the stroke measurement systems ............77
7. Diagrammes .............................................................. 80
1. Switching on the machine

l Turn main switch to “I“.

¡ The controller starts independently.

l Wait until the control panel is displayed in the monitor.

¡ The controller displays the message: “Please press
start key after unlocking emergency-off”.
l Press start key (1) underneath the key-pad.
¡ The operating panel now appears in the monitor.
The controller is ready.
l Read in data set from diskette, if necessary.
l Switch on motor and heating.

( GM1343Z GB1306ZA ) 1
2. Manual control panel

1 Alarm reset
2 Start machine function
3 Select manual/automatic operation
4 Manual control panel
5 Emergency-off switch

2 ( GB1307ZA )
Operating modes

You can operate the machine in various operating modes.

The selected operating mode is displayed as a symbol at
the top left of the monitor.

Selection of operating modes

With the key “production control” you determine which
operating mode is effective at f041 or f042 in automatic or
manual control. ¹
l With this key you call up the production

l With this function key you call up the

Operating mode
parameter panel “Operating mode

Operating Modes
Automatic operating mode: Manual operating mode:
f041 = dry cyc. f042 = set up

f9163= automatic switch over

after standby
f046 = operating mode change to f9747= motor off with standby
manual with stop at cycle end t961 = min Stand still to
Switch over after stand by
f9430= simultaneous movement
in manual mode


On/off ↑ Return /
Operating modet
autom. switch continue

¹ depending on the machine equipment

Manual/auto key ß à
Automatic Manual
on the
operating shell

Selection of
function panel Symbol key Production control
â â

Automatic Manual oper. mode

Selection of
operating mode u Automatic u Manual
u Dry cycle u Set-up
u Conversion

Manual Here you make the machine movements

using the keys on the operating panel.
The speeds, pressures and strokes that
you inputted for the respective processes
are effective.

Set-up Here you make the machine movements

using the keys on the operating panel.
The machine moves with the fixed, pre-
defined pressures and speeds.

In the “Set-up” operating mode monitoring and stroke
limits can be partially switched off, depending on the
programming in the parameter panel “monitoring off in
set-up mode”.
Incorrect operation can lead to damage of the mould!

Automatic A new cycle begins automatically at the
end of the cycle or after the part
weighing scales have signalled that the
part has been weighed.

Dry cycle The new cycle begins at the end of the

cycle. Various processes can be
excluded. This cycle is determined in the
production sequence.

Operating panel
In the first operating panel there are nine keys with
symbols. These keys are used to switch various functions
on and off. An LED is integrated in the keys.
When a key is activated, thus switching on a function, the
LED lights up as a control. When the key is pressed again,
thus switching off the function, the LED is off.
The keys have the following functions:

Motor on/off
Function: switches the pump motor on and off.

LED on à motor is switched on.

LED off à motor is switched off.

Heating on/off
Function: switches the heating on and off.

LED on à heating is switched on,

LED off à heating is switched off.

Alarm reset
Function: If the controller displays an alarm
message, machine movements are no longer
possible . The alarm message must first be erased
with the “alarm reset” key.

Function: With this key you switch over between
manual and automatic control. Various operating
modes are effective in both manual and automatic

LED on à automatic mode active.

LED off à manual mode active.

Function: Switch over to the “Set-up” mode. Here
the machine movements are moved with the keys
on the operating panel. The machine moves with
fixed, pre-defined values for pressures and speeds
(not in automatic mode).

LED on à set-up programme is active,

LED off à set-up programme is switched off.

In the Set-up operating mode monitoring and stroke
limits can be partially switched off, depending on the
programming in the parameter pane l “Monitoring off in
set-up mode”. ¹

¹ not standard
Function: with this key the machine can be set in a
switch-off state.

In automatic At the end of the cycle the switch-off

mode cycle is started and the motor is
(production) switched off. If the automatic switch-on
is activated the machine starts
automatically after the programmed time
with the start-up cycle.

In manual Standby
mode The cylinder and mould heating is
reduced to the programmed temperature
(standby). The motor remains on.
Standby with automatic switch-on
Change also from manual to automatic.
The motor is switched off (without
switch-off cycle) and the heating reduced
to standby. If the automatic switch-on is
activated the controller starts
automatically after the programmed time
with the start-up cycle.
LED on à Switch-off state is activated.

Stop at cycle end

Function: switch-over between stop at cycle end
and continuous cycle.

LED on à The machine stops at cycle end.

LED off à A new cycle begins automatically at
end of cycle.

Start of the machine functions:
Function: With the start key you start a new cycle in
automatic mode. Every automatic programme is
started with this key.
l Press the start key and release it again.
¡ The LED is illuminated as long as you keep the start
key suppressed. The LED flashes when the
controller requires you to press the start key.

Zero position key

Function: To determine the machine zero positions
for the stroke measurement. When pressed the LED
is illuminated (only in Set-up mode).

Dry cycle
Function: With this key you switch the machine to
the “dry cycle” mode. 1
Here the programmed production sequence is
started. However, the processes that have been
switched off in the “sequence marking” are not
carried out.

¹ Only with respective machine equipment.

Manual control panels

In manual mode you operate the machine using the keys

of the manual control panels ( manual/automatic key not
actuated, LED is off). The respective function is carried out
as long as the key remains pressed. The movement stops
when you release the key or the end marking or the
mechanical end limit is reached.
The keys for “conveyor belt” and “sorting unit” can also be
used in automatic mode.

Mould opening
The mould opens with the speeds and pressures
input at “Mould opening”.
Mould closing
The mould closes with the speeds and pressures
input at “Mould closing”.

Injection unit advancement

The injection unit advances with the speeds and
pressures input at “advance nozzle”.

Injection unit retraction

The injection unit retracts with the speeds and
pressures input at “Retract nozzle”.

Ejector retraction
The ejector retracts with the speeds and pressures
input at “Ejector movements”.

Ejector advancement
The ejector advances with the speeds and
pressures input at “ejector movements”.

Screw advancement
The screw advances with the programmed values
for speed and pressure.
Screw retraction
The screw retracts with the programmed values for
speed and pressure.
Sorter unit 1
The flap position of the sorter unit is switched over.

Conveyor belt 1
The conveyor belt begins to move . The movement
stops when you release the key.
The screw doses the programmed material volume.

Mould blow 1
The mould blow device demoulds the part as long
as the key is pressed.
Core insertion 1
A core is inserted in the mould with the
programmed values.
Core retraction 1
A hydraullically activated (or non-hydraulic) core is
retracted from the mould with the programmed

not standard
Manual operating panels for additional functions.

Open safety gate 1

The power actuated safety gate is opened.

Close safety gate 1

The power actuated safety gate is closed.

Programmable outputs I-VIII 1

With the keys for the programmable outputs the
functions of the respective output can be activated
in manual mode at the programmed position in the

not standard
3. Data input

Parameter designations

In the parameter panels the parameters have different

designations. They are comprised of a letter and a
Letters designate the type of parameter
d = diameter, input in mm
e = sensitivity, input in pC/bar
f = function, input yes/no, or count
F = force, input in kN
p = pressure, input in bar
Q = flow, input in ccm/s, l/min
s = stroke position, input in mm
S = switch/input, (display only)
t = time, input in s, min
T = temperature, input in °C, or °F
v = speed, input in mm/s
V = Volume, input in ccm
Y = valve, (display only)
SK= scale
Numbers designate the order in the cycle
0 = order data, automatic on/off
1 = mould closing, safety gate
2 = nozzle (injection unit)
3 = injection, holding pressure, pressure measuring system
4 = dosage, decompression
5 = mould opening, conveyor belt, sorter unit
6 = ejector, handling device
7 = core pull
8 = temperature, mould temperature control devices
9 = operating data, alarm programme, diskette, cooling system.
14= production data protocol
22= programmable in/outputs
Example: Q401
Q= flow (pump volume)
4= fourth function in cycle = mould opening
1= first speed of mould opening
Inputting data

l Select the desired parameter panel with the panel keys

and the function keys.
¡ When the authorization switch is switched on, a
position in the monitor is highlighted with a bright
rectangle. This is the cursor (position display).
l Move the cursor to the required position with the
cursor keys á â ß à.
¡ In the input field at the bottom left the selected
position is displayed, as well as the permissible
input values min./max. or Y/N.
l Input the required value here with the keys of the data
input key-pad.
l Press the “Y“ key.
¡ The value appears in the parameter panel after the
selected position.
l If you have made an error or want to delete the input
value, press the “N” key and input a new value.
l Yes/no functions designated with fxxx are activated by
pressing the “Y” key and deactivated by pressing the
“N” key.
l A blank input is permissible at Txxx when”N” is
displayed in the lower display area. A blank (empty
space) is set with the input of “N” or “Y”.

If more than one input is possible for a parameter, you can

display the selection possibilities on the monitor with the
info key.

4. Parameter panels

The parameters and functions described on the following

pages are related to the cycle in the production sequence
shown below.

14 ( GS1335D )
When you activate further functions on your machine,
additional parameter panels and parameters appear on the
monitor. The appearance of the different parameter panels
depends also on the functions which have been activated
and the cycle sequence programmed. Further information
on this is to be found in the operating instructions.

Always keep to the following order when creating a data
1. Creation of the production sequence.
2. Production control, input of order-related data.
3. Input of the physical process parameters.
4. Activation of production controls as well as
measuring and monitoring functions.

Selection of fixed dimensions for mould and cylinder

l With this key you call up the parameter panel

“Selection of fixed dimensions”.

Mould and Cylinder Parameter Selection

d9104= mm screw, programmed
d9105= mm screw, available

f9100= mould f9106= cylinder

s9100= mm mould height s9101= mm nozzle zero point

s9103= mm ejector length
f9103= mould cavity count
m9163= g part weight m9162= g shot weight

Mould / Additional Order ↑Return /

Order data
cylinder functions info continue

Mould/ l With this function key you call up the
cylinder mould and cylinder-related data.

d9104 Screw programmed

Input here the screw diameter of the current
cylinder module.

f9106 Cylinder
Here you can input a designation for the cylinder.

s9100 Mould height

Input here the height of the current mould.

s9103 Ejector length

Input here the length of the hydraulic ejector.

s9101 Zero point nozzle

Input here the zero point of the nozzle.

dependent on the machine equipment
Production control

l With this key call up the parameter panels for

the production control. ¹
l Call up the parameter panel
Operating mode
“Operating mode selection” with this

Operating Modes
Automatic operating mode: Manual operating mode:
f041 = dry cyc. f042 = set up

f9163= automatic switch over

after standby
f046 = operating mode change to f9747= motor off with standby
manual with stop at cycle end t961 = min Stand still to
Switch over after stand by
f9430= simultaneous movement
in manual mode


Operating Autom. on/off ↑ Return /

mode switch continue

¹ depending on the machine equipment

Operating mode selection
f041 Automatic operating mode
Here you determine which operating mode is
effective in automatic control. ¹
Operating mode in Automatic Control
u automatic
u dry cycle

f042 Manual operating mode:

Here you determine which operating mode is
effective in manual control. ¹
Operating mode in Manual Control
u Manual
u Set-up
u Conversion

f046 Change of operating mode to “Manual” with “Stop

at cycle end“
If the machine is operating in automatic mode and
you activate the key “Stop at cycle end” on the
user-shell, the machine stops at the end of the
cycle. If the function f046 is programmed with
“Yes” a change to manual mode is also made.

¹ depending on the machine equipment

Mould closing

l Call up the parameter panel “mould closing”

with this key.

Mould Closing
t101 = s delay s119 = mm platen protection on
f101 = step count
Step 1: Step 4 protection until s105:
Q101 = l/min pump volume Q104 = l/min pump volume
p101 = bar pump pressure p104 = bar pump pressure
s101 = mm end step s104 = mm end step
Step 2:
Q102 = l/min pump volume High pressure start up
p102 = bar pump pressure Q105 = l/min pump volume
s102 = mm end step s105 = mm coining position
Step 3: —— Actual values ————————
Q103 = l/min pump volume
p103 = bar pump pressure v101I= mm/s speed
s103 = mm end step F101I= bar pressure
s101I= mm stroke

Clamping Monitoring

t101 Delay
The start of the mould closing movement can be
delayed by the time input here.
f101 Stage count
Here you determine the count of speed stages (1 to
4) for the mould closing movement. The last stage
is moved with mould protection force.
Q101 to Q104 l/min. pump volume
Speeds for the individual closing stages.

p101 to p104 Pump pressure
Pump pressure for the individual closing stages.
s101 to s103 End stage
Switch-over position for the individual closing
stages. Zero position is the closed mould.
s104 End stage
From this position the mould closes with the data
high pressure start-up.

High pressure start-up

Q105 Speed
After switching over to high pressure (s104) the
mould is moved with low speed (v105) until switch-
over to high pressure occurs at s105.
s105 High pressure on
At this mould position switch-over to clamping
force occurs.

Actual values
v101I Speed
Display of the current mould clamping speed.
F101I Pressure
Display of the current mould closing pressure.
s101I Mould stroke
Display of the current mould stroke.

Mould closing to intermediate stop

l Call up the parameter panel “mould closing”

with this key.

↑ Return / l With this key you call up the

continue parameter panel “Mould closing to
intermediate stop”.

Precondition: In the production sequence the process

“Close mould to intermediate stop” must be programmed.

Mould Closing to Intermediate Stop

t111 = s delay
f111 = step count

Step 1:
Q111 = l/min pump volume
p111 = bar pump pressure
s111 = mm end step
Step 2:
Q112 = l/min pump volume
p112 = bar pump pressure
s112 = mm inter stop position —— Actual values ————————
t111 = s delay
s112T= mm inter. stop tolerance v101I= mm/s speed
F101I= bar pressure
s101I= mm stroke

↑ Return /

Mould closing to intermediate stop
t111 Delay
The start of the mould closing movement can be
delayed by this time.
f111 Stage count
Here you determine the count of speed stages (1 to
2) for the mould closing movement to the
intermediate stop.
Q111to Q112 Pump volume
Speeds for the individual closing stages.
p111 to p112 Force
Closing pressure for the individual closing stages.
s111 End stage
Switch-over position for the closing stages. Zero
position is the closed mould.
s112 Intermediate stop position
At this position the mould can be stopped, for
example to load with inserts.
s112T Intermediate stop tolerance
Maximum permissible tolerance for the
intermediate stop position. If exceeded alarm

Clamping programme

Clamping l With this function key you call up the

programme parameter panel “Clamping

Holding Program

F132 = kN from mould closed

K132 = crank handle rotations

—— Actual values ————————

Mould closed monitoring: t133 = s force 1 run time
s107 = mm nominal value F101I= bar pressure
s107T= mm tolerance s101I= mm stroke

Clamping Monitoring ↑ Return /

programme continue

Clamping programme
F132 after mould closed
This clamping force becomes effective as soon as
the mould is closed.

Mould closed monitoring

s107 Nominal value
At this position the mould should be closed.
s107T Tolerance
If the mould stroke exceeds the nominal position
s107 by more than this value the machine goes on

Mould opening

l Call up the parameter panel “mould opening”

with this key.

Mould Opening
t501 = s delay
f501 = step count
Step 1: Step 4:
Q501 = l/min pump volume Q504 = l/min pump volume
p501 = bar pump pressure p504 = bar pump pressure
s501 = mm end step s504 = mm open position
Step 2:
Q502 = l/min pump volume s504T= mm tolerance
p502 = bar pump pressure
s502 = mm end step
Step 3: —— Actual values ————————
Q503 = l/min pump volume t501 = s delay
p503 = bar pump pressure v501I= mm/s speed
s503 = mm end step F501I= bar pressure
s101I= mm stroke

t501 Delay
The start of the mould opening movement can be
delayed by this time.
f501 Stage count
Here you determine the count of speed stages (1 to
4) for the mould opening movement.
Q501 to Q504 Pump volume
Speeds for the individual opening stages.
p501 to p504 Pump pressure
Opening force for the individual opening stages.

s501 to s503 End stage
Switch over position for the individual opening
stages. Zero position is the closed mould.
s504 Open position
Position of the opened mould.
s504T Tolerance
Tolerance of the position of the opened mould. If
the actual position of the mould deviates by more
than s504T from the nominal value s504 the
machine goes on alarm.

Actual values
v501I Speed
Display of the current mould opening speed.
F501I Pressure
Display of the current mould opening pressure.
s101I Mould stroke
Display of the current mould stroke.

Mould opening to intermediate stop

Open to l With this key you call up the

interm. stop parameter panel “Mould opening to
intermediate stop”.

Precondition: In the production sequence the process

“mould opening with intermediate stop” must be
Mould Opening Intermediate Stop
t511 = s delay
f511 = step count

Step 1:
Q511 = l/min pump volume
p511 = bar pump pressure
s511 = mm end step
Step 2:
Q512 = l/min pump volume
p512 = bar pump pressure
s512 = mm inter stop position —— Actual values ————————
t511 = s delay
s512T= mm inter. stop tolerance v501I= mm/s speed
F501I= bar pressure
s101I= mm stroke

Open to
interm. stop

Mould opening to intermediate stop
t511 Delay
The start of the mould opening movement can be
delayed by this time.
f511 Stage count
Here you determine the count of speed stages (1 to
2) for the mould opening movement up to the
intermediate stop.
Q511 to Q512 Pump volume
Speeds for the individual opening stages.
p511 to p512 Pump pressure
Opening pressure for the individual opening stages.
s511 End stage
Switch over position for the opening stages. Zero
position is the closed mould.
s512 Intermediate stop position
The mould can be stopped at this position, e.g. to
remove a part.
s512T Intermediate stop tolerance
Maximum permissible tolerance for the
intermediate stop position. If exceeded alarm

Ejector advancement

l Call up the parameter panel “Ejector” with this


l Call up the parameter panel “Ejector

advancement ” with this function key.

Ejector Advancement
Step 3:
v603 = mm/s speed
F603 = kN force
s603 = mm advanced position
s603T= mm tolerance
t601 = s delay
f601 = step count
Step 1:
v601 = mm/s speed
F601 = kN force
s601 = mm end step —— Actual values ————————
Step 2: t601 = s delay
v602 = mm/s speed v601I= mm/s speed
F602 = kN force F601I= kN force
s602 = mm end step s601I= mm stroke

Advance Retract

Ejector advancement
t601 Delay
The start of the ejector advance movement can be
delayed by this time.
f601 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to 3) for
the ejector advance movement.
v601 to v603 Speed
Speeds for the individual advancement stages.
F601 to F603 Force
Advancement force for the individual stages.
s601 to s602 End stages
Switch over position for the advancement stages.
s603 Advanced position
Advanced position of the ejector.
s603T Tolerance
Maximum permissible tolerance for the advanced
position. If exceeded alarm occurs.

Actual values
v601I Advance speed
Display of the current ejector advancement speeds.
F601I Advance force
Display of the current ejector advancement force.
s601I Ejector stroke display of current ejector stroke.

Ejector advancement to intermediate stop ¹

l Call up the parameter panel “Ejector” with this


↑ Return / l Call up the parameter panel “Ejector

continue advancement to intermediate stop”
with this function key.

Precondition: The process “Ejector advancement to

intermediate stop” must be programmed in the production

Ejector Advancement to Intermediate Stop

Step 2:
v606 = mm/s speed
F606 = kN force
s606 = mm inter stop position
s606T= mm tolerance

t605 = s delay
f605 = step count —— Actual values ————————
Step 1: t605 = s delay
v605 = mm/s speed v601I= mm/s speed
F605 = kN force F601I= kN force
s605 = mm end step s601I= mm stroke

↑ return /

¹ not standard
Ejector advancement to intermediate stop ¹
t605 Delay
The start of the ejector advance movement can be
delayed by this time.
f605 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to 2) for
the ejector advance movement to the intermediate
v605 to v606 Speed
Speeds for the individual advancement stages.
F605 to F606 Force
Advancement force for the individual stages.
s605 End stage
Switch-over position for the advancement stages.
s606 Intermediate stop position
The ejector can be stopped at this position for
example to remove parts.
s606T Intermediate stop tolerance
Maximum permissible tolerance for the
intermediate stop position. If exceeded alarm

¹ not standard
Ejector retraction

l Call up the parameter panel “Ejector” with this


l Call up the parameter panel “Ejector

retract retraction” with this function key.

Ejector Retraction
Step 3:
v613 = mm/s speed
F613 = kN force
s613 = mm retracted position
s617T= mm + tolerance
t611 = s delay s618T= mm - tolerance
f611 = step count
Step 1:
v611 = mm/s speed
F611 = kN force
s611 = mm end step —— Actual values ————————
Step 2: t611 = s delay
v612 = mm/s speed v611I= mm/s speed
F612 = kN force F611I= kN force
s612 = mm end step s601I= mm stroke

↑ Return /
Advance Retract

Ejector retraction
t611 Delay
The start of the ejector retraction movement can be
delayed by this time.
f611 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to 3) for
the ejector retraction movement.
v611 to v613 Speed
Speeds for the individual retraction stages.
F611 to F612 Force
Retraction force for the individual stages.
s611 to s612 End stage
Switch over position for the retraction stages.
s613 Retracted position
Retracted position of the ejector. s613 is the enable
position for mould closing.
The mould closing movement can only be started
when s613 has been reached (input value in
practice: approx. 0,2 to 0,7 mm).
s617T +Tolerance
Maximum permissible plus tolerance for the ejector
zero point. If exceeded alarm occurs.
s618T -Tolerance
Maximum permissible minus tolerance for the
ejector zero point. If exceeded alarm occurs.

Ejector retraction to intermediate stop ¹
Precondition: In the production sequence the process
“Ejector retraction to intermediate stop” must be

Retract Ejector to Intermediate Stop

Step 2:
v616 = mm/s speed
F616 = kN force
s616 = mm inter stop position
s616T= mm tolerance

t615 = s delay
f615 = step count —— Actual values ————————
Step 1: t615 = s delay
v615 = mm/s speed v611I= mm/s speed
F615 = kN force F611I= kN force
s615 = mm end step s601I= mm stroke

Advance Retract ↑ Return /

interm. stop interm. stop continue

¹ not standard
Ejector retraction to intermediate stop ¹
t615 Delay
The start of the ejector retraction movement can be
delayed by this time.
f615 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to 2) for
the ejector retraction movement.
v615 to v616 Speed
Speeds for the individual retraction stages.
F615 to F616 Force
Retraction force for the individual retraction stages.
s615 End stage
Switch over position for the retraction stages.
s616 Intermediate stop position
At this position the ejector can be stopped, for
example to remove parts.

¹ not standard

Nozzle advancement

l Call up the parameter panel “Nozzle

advancement/Nozzle contact force” with this

Nozzle Advance Nozzle Contact Force

t201 = s delay F221 = kN force f. inj procedure
f201 = step count F222 = kN force f. dos procedure
F223 = kN force f. cool time end
Step 1: F224 = kN force from venting
v201 = mm/s speed
F201 = kN force
s201 = mm end step

Step 1:
v202 = mm/s speed
F202 = kN force Actual values:
t201 = s delay
s202T= mm nozzle advanced tol. v201I= mm/s speed
F201I= kN force
s201I= mm stroke
Advance Retract BS0029UK.TXT

Nozzle advancement
t201 Delay
The start of the nozzle movement can be delayed
by this time.
f201 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to2) for
the nozzle advance movement.
v201 t0 v202 Speed
Speeds for the individual advancement stages.
F201 to F202 Force
Advancement force for the individual stages.
s201 End stage
Switch over position for the advancement stages.

Actual values
v201I Advancement speed
Display of the current nozzle advancement speed.
F201I Advancement force
Display of the current nozzle advancement force.
s201I Nozzle stroke
Display of the current nozzle stroke.

Nozzle retraction

l Call up the parameter panel “Nozzle retraction”

with this key.

Nozzle Retraction
t211 = s delay
f211 = step count

Step 1:
v211 = mm/s speed
F211 = kN force
s211 = mm end step

Step 1:
v212 = mm/s speed
F212 = kN force Actual values:
s212 = mm retracted position t211 = s delay
v211I= mm/s speed
s212T= mm tolerance F211I= kN force
s201I= mm stroke

Advance Retract

Nozzle retraction
t211 Delay
The start of the nozzle retraction movement can be
delayed by this time.
f211 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to 2) for
the nozzle retraction movement.
v211 to v212 Speed
Speeds for the individual retraction stages.
F211 to F212 Force
Retraction force for the individual stages.
s211 End stage
Switch over position for the retraction stages.
s212 Retracted position
Retracted position of nozzle.
s212T ± Tolerance
Maximum permissible tolerance for the retracted
nozzle position. If exceeded alarm occurs.

Actual values
v211I Retraction speed
Display of the current nozzle retraction speed.
F211I Retraction force
Display of the current nozzle retraction force.
s201I Nozzle stroke
Display of the current nozzle stroke.

Nozzle contact force

l Call up the parameter panel “Nozzle

advancement / Nozzle contact force” with this
Nozzle Advance Nozzle Contact Force
t201 = s delay F221 = kN force f. inj procedure
f201 = step count F222 = kN force f. dos procedure
F223 = kN force f. cool time end
Step 1: F224 = kN force from venting
v201 = mm/s speed
F201 = kN force
s201 = mm end step

Step 1:
v202 = mm/s speed
F202 = kN force Actual values:
t201 = s delay
s202T= mm nozzle advanced tol. v201I= mm/s speed
F201I= kN force
s201I= mm stroke

Advance Retract

Nozzle contact force 1
F221 Force during injection
This nozzle contact force is effective from the start
of injection.
F222 Force during dosage
This nozzle contact force is effective from the start
of the dosage process.
F223 Force at end of cooling time
This nozzle contact force becomes effective as
soon as the mould opens.
s202T Tolerance of advanced nozzle position
Maximum permissible tolerance for the advanced
nozzle position. If exceeded, alarm occurs.

Actual values
F201I Contact force
Display of the current nozzle contact force.
s201I Nozzle stroke
Display of the current nozzle stroke

dependent on the machine equipment
Moulded part formation selection ¹

l Call up the parameter panel “Moulded part

formation selection” with this key.

Moulded Part Formation Selection

Injection process regulation:
f315 =
0 = injection pressure
End injection via: 1 = channel 1 pressure
f312 = 3 = channel 3 pressure
0 = stroke f314 = press. profile base points
2 = channel 1 pressure regulated via pres.meas.sys
4 = channel 3 pressure Parameter for inj process regulation:
6 = time f320 = cavity
f317 = enable volume 0 = screw ante chamber
V317 = ccm enable volume 1 = cavity
2 = editable parameters
f313 = pres. ramp with sw. over Parameter set 0, screw ante chamber:
f330 = control cct 1 max. pres. P324p= KP P-gain
f331 = injection time regul. on P324d= KD D-gain

Mould. part Quality Qualit. par. ↑ Return /

form. select. parameter Monitoring continue

¹ dependent on the machine equipment

Moulded part formation selection ¹
f312 End injection via
Input here which condition determines the end of
the injection process.
f313 Pressure ramp with switch-over
When you input “yes” here, the pressure is
switched over from injection pressure to holding
pressure via a ramp function. In this way abrupt
pressure changes are avoided.

¹ dependent on the machine equipment


l With this key you call up the

Injection parameter panel “Injection“.

V403 = ccm dosage volume Step 1:
t301 = s delay Q304 = ccm/s injection flow
f301 = step count p304 = bar injection press.
Step 1: V304 = ccm end step
Q301 = ccm/s injection flow Step 1:
p301 = bar injection press. Q305 = ccm/s injection flow
V301 = ccm end step p305 = bar injection press.
Step 1: V305 = ccm end step
Q302 = ccm/s injection flow Actual values:
p302 = bar injection press. V4065= ccm switch over volumes
V302 = ccm end step p4072= bar switch over pressure
Step 1: t301 = s delay
Q303 = ccm/s injection flow Q301I= ccm/s injection flow
p303 = bar injection press. p301I= bar pressure
V303 = ccm end step V301I= ccm material volume

Mould. part Quality Qualit. par. ↑ Return /

form. select. parameter monitoring continue

t301 Delay
The start of the injection process can be delayed by
this time.
f301 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to 5) for
the injection process. ¹
V403 Dosage volume
Here you determine the material volume that is to
be dosed in the dosing process.
Q301 to Q305 Injection flow
Injection flow for the individual injection stages.
p301 to p305 Injection pressure
Injection pressure for the individual injection stages.
V301 to V304 End stage
Switch over position for the injection stages.
V305 Pressure regulation on
Switch over to the holding position occurs at the
latest at this position .

Actual values
Q301I Injection flow
Display of the current injection flow.
p301I Pressure
Display of the current injection pressure
V301I Material volume
Display of the current material volume.

¹ depending on the machine equipment

Holding pressure programme

l With this key you call up the

Holding pressure
parameter panel “Holding pressure

Holding Pressure Program

f311 = press. profile base points
Q311 = ccm/s flow t317 = s time
p310 = bar limit pressure p317 = bar base point 7
t311 = s ramp time t318 = s time
p311 = bar base point 1 p318 = bar base point 8
t312 = s time t319 = s time
p312 = bar base point 2 p319 = bar base point 9
t313 = s time t320 = s time
p313 = bar base point 3 p320 = bar base point 10
t314 = s time t300 = s sum of t311 to t320
p314 = bar base point 4 Actual values:
t315 = s time t311 = s ramp time
p315 = bar base point 5 Q301I= ccm/s injection flow
t316 = s time p301I= bar pressure
p316 = bar base point 6 V301I= ccm material volume

Mould. part Holding Qualit. param. ↑ Return /

form. select. pressure monitoring continue

Holding pressure programme
f311 Pressure profile base points
Here you determine the count of base points (2 to
10) for the holding pressure profile. ¹
Q311 Flow
Maximum flow volume which is permitted to be
effective during the total holding pressure time.
p311 to p320 bar, base point 1 to 10
Input the maximum pressures for the various
holding pressure stages here.
t312 to t320 time
Here you determine the length of effectiveness of
the individual holding pressure stages.
t300 Sum of t311 to t320
Total holding pressure time.

Actual values
Q301I Injection speed
Here the current injection speed is displayed.
p301I Pressure
Here the currently effective holding pressure is
V301I Material volume
Here the current material volume is displayed.

¹ depending on the machine equipment

Dosage / Cooling - decompression

l Call up the parameter panel “Dosage / Cooling -

Decompression“ with this key.

Dosage Cooling / Decompression

t401 = s delay t400 = s cooling time
f401 = step count
Step 1: Decompression before dosage:
v401 = m/min circumfer. speed Q411 = ccm/s flow
p401 = bar back pressure V411 = ccm volume
V401 = ccm end step
Step 1: Decompression after dosage:
v402 = m/min circumfer. speed Q412 = ccm/s flow
p402 = bar back pressure V412 = ccm volume
V402 = ccm end step Actual values:
Step 1: t400 = s cooling time
v403 = m/min circumfer. speed t401 = s delay
p403 = bar back pressure v401I= m/min circumfer. speed
V403 = ccm dosage volume p401I= bar back pressure
V301I= ccm material volume

Dosage Dosage Qualit. par.

selection decompr. monitoring

t400 Remaining cooling time
Input the remaining cooling time for the moulded
part here.

t401 Delay
The start of the dosage process can be delayed by
this time.
f401 Stage count
Here you determine the count of stages (1 to 3) for
the dosage process.
v401 to v403 Circumferential speed
Screw circumferential speeds for the individual
stages of the dosage process.
p401 to p403 Back pressure
Input the back pressure for the individual dosing
stages here.
V401 to V403 Dosage volume
This volume is dosed in single stages. The total
dosage volume is reached at V403.

Decompression before dosage

Q411 Flow
Decompression flow for the decompression before
V411 Volume
Input the decompression volume here.

Decompression after dosage
Q412 Flow
Decompression flow for decompression after
V412 Volume
Input the decompression volume here.
Actual values
v401I Circumferential speed
Display of current screw circumferential speed.
p401I Back pressure
Here the currently effective back pressure is
V301I Material volume
Display of the current material volume.

Temperature regulation, injection side

l Call up the parameter panel “Temperatures

Cylinder 1” with this key.

( EA0245D
Temperature regulation, injection side
T801 Temperature nominal value, feed zone
Nominal temperature for the material feed zone.
T801T Temperature tolerance, feed zone
Input of temperature monitoring for the feed zone. If
the actual termperature deviates by more than this
tolerance from the nominal temperature T801, the
machines displays a warning. In automatic mode
the machine sends an alarm message or registers
the error.
T802 to T80x Nominal temperature Zone 2 to x 1
Nominal temperature for the individual cylinder
zones. The nozzle is always the zone with the
highest number.
T802T to T80xT Zone 2 to x 1
Input of the temperature monitoring for the cylinder
zones. If the actual temperature deviates from the
nominal temperatures T802 to T80x by more than
this tolerance the machine issues a warning. In
automatic mode the machine gives an alarm and
registers the error.
T859 Nominal temperature, feed yolk cooling ²
Nominal temperature for the feed yolk cooling
T859T Tolerance of feed yolk cooling
Input of the temperature monitoring for the feed
yolk cooling. If the actual temperature deviates by
more than this tolerance from the nominal
temperature T859 the machine issues a warning. In
automatic mode the machine gives a warning and
registers the error.
depending on type of injection unit
² option
T8002 Lower enable tolerance
Screw movements are not enabled until all cylinder
heating zones have reached their nominal
temperature within this tolerance.
T8003 Upper switch-off tolerance
If one or more heating zones exceed their nominal
temperature by more than this tolerance, the
respective heating group is switched off.

Programme administration

l Call up the parameter panel “Diskette

programme administration” with this key.

Diskette Program Administration

Program on diskette: Program on level 1:

f902D= program f902E= program
mould f9100= mould
material f903E= material
mm screw diameter mm screw diameter
size size
type type
controller softw. vers, controller softw. vers,
special software vers. special software vers.


Dataset Index Level System

diskette admin. diskette

Diskette programme administration
When this key is pressed the currently active level is
displayed on the right of the monitor and in the status line
as a symbol.

Programming level 2 is the preparation level for a follow on


The machine always operates with the data from level 1.

f902E Programme
Input a designation for your programme in level 1
f9100 Mould
Input a designation for your mould here.
f903E Material
Input a designation for the material used here.
Controller software version
Display of the controller software version.

Saving / loading data sets
l Call up the parameter panel “Diskette
programme administration” with this key.

Diskette Program Administration

Program on diskette: Program on level 1:

f902D= program f902E= program
mould f9100= mould
material f903E= material
mm screw diameter mm screw diameter
size size
type type
controller softw. vers, controller softw. vers,
special software vers. special software vers.


Data set Index Level System

diskette administration diskette

Saving datasets

l Insert a formatted data diskette into the drive.

l Input a designation for the programme at f902.

Write l Press this function key to save the

dataset you have created.
¡ If the programme name already exists on the
diskette the message “Overwrite this programme?”
will appear.
l Stop the saving process with the “Interrupt” key or
overwrite the dataset on the diskette with the “confirm”
¡ The old dataset is erased on the diskette when

Loading datasets

l Input the name of the dataset that you want to load at

l Press this function key to load the the
Read dataset.

¡ The current dataset is overwritten during loading.

Diskette directory
l Insert the diskette with the data set into the drive.

Index l Call up the directory of the inserted

diskette with this function key.

Diskette Directory 1
No Program Date Time No Program Date Time


Select Read Further in

Erase Return
programme directory directory

l If no directory is displayed press the function key “read
¡ The directory of the data diskette is displayed. You
can page forwards with the key “Further in
l Select the desired data set with the cursor keys and
confirm with the function key “Select programme”.
l The data set is now displayed at the top right of the
monitor in the current level. On the left of the monitor
the selected data set on the diskette is displayed.
l If you now want to load the selected data set press the
function key “Read programme”.
l Press the function key “Confirm”.
¡ The data set is now read into the current
programming level. The old data set in the level is
overwritten during loading.

You are advised to make regular back-up copies of your
data diskettes !

Formatting diskettes

l Call up a sub-menu with this key to
diskette format empty diskettes.

Diskette Program Administration

Program on diskette: Program on level 1:

f902D= program f902E= program
mould f9100= mould
material f903E= material
mm screw diameter mm screw diameter
size size
type type
controller softw. vers, controller softw. vers,
special software vers. special software vers.


Data set Level System

diskette administration diskette

You can store up to 50 data sets on a data diskette.

To store programmes use only diskettes of the type 3.5

inch 2HD.

Empty diskettes must be formatted (prepared) on the

machine beforehand.

l Make sure that the write protection on the diskette is
closed. Only then is formatting possible.
l Insert the diskette with the metal slider foremost into
the drive. The label must point to the switch cabinet.
The diskette must snap into position easily (under light
l Press the function key “format diskette”.
¡ The controls display the message “Diskette is being
¡ The diskette is formatted. This process takes a

Make sure that the diskette you want to format is
completely empty or that you want to erase the data
Any existing data on the diskette will be erased.

Programme administration of level ¹
Level l Call up the parameter panel
adminstration “programme administration level”
with this key.

Diskette Program Administration

Program on diskette: Program on level 1:

f902D= program f902E= program
mould f9100= mould
material f903E= material
mm screw diameter mm screw diameter
size size
type type
controller softw. vers, controller softw. vers,
special software vers. special software vers.


Copy Copy Exchange Chenge

2 to 1 1 to 2 1 with 2 level

Copy With this function key you copy the data

2 to 1 from the currently inactive level to the
acive level. The data from the inactive
level is “read” into the active level.

¹ depending on the machine equipment

Copy With this function key you copy the data
1 to 2 from the currently active programming
level into the inactive programming level.
The data from the active level are
“written” into the non-active level.

Exchange With this function key you exchange the

1 with 2 data from level 1 with level 2. The means
that the data of the production level are
now in the preparation level and the data
of the preparation level are now in the
production level.

Change With this function key you change the

level current level.
Production level ↔ Preparation level

Writing and exchanging are only possible in level 1.
When copying (writing and reading) data into another
programming level the data in the level into which the
data is being copied is erased!
Save important data beforehand.
Level 1: - Reading and exchanging is only possible
when the machine is in standstill.
- Writing is only possible when following
order = “no“.
Level 2: - Reading is only possible when the following
order = “no”.

5. Mould installation

1 Screws for clamping platen

2 Clamping screws for adjustable platen
3 Lower installation height with hand crank
4 Raise installation height with hand crank
5 Socket wrench

Mould and ejector system must conform with the
installation dimensions for the ALLROUNDER 221K.
l Input suitable data for the set-up (e.g. low speeds for
mould opening and closing).
l Clean clamping platen surface.
l Retract injection unit fully.
l Retract ejector fully.
l Open the clamping unit fully, by inputting max. value
at s504.
l Remove screws (1) on the clamping platen (3).
l Remove clamping screws (2) on the adjustable platen.

l Measure height of mould
l Pre-adjust the adjustable platen with the crank to the
measured mould height +20 mm.
l Read installation height off the scale.

1 Crank
2 Read off installation height here
3 Scale on the safety gate

l Insert complete mould in the receiving bores of the

fixed clamping platen and fasten.
l Do not tighten screws yet.
l Close clamping unit carefully until the toggles are in
extended position.
l Move the movable clamping platen forwards until it has
contact with the mould.
l Fasten mould to the movable clamping platen. Do no
tighten screws yet.

68 ( GR1287Z )
l With injection through the parting line the mould must
be aligned parallel to the upper edges of the columns.
l Check with a depth gauge acc. to illustration and align.

l Turn crank further until the sprung mould protection

platen has firm contact with the fixed clamping platen.
l Tighten fixing screws for both mould halves.

( GP1266Z ) 69
Coupling the ejector

l Couple the ejector with coupling piece (2).

1 Ejector connecting rod.

2 Coupling piece
3 Cylinder screw as installation aid
4 Ejector rod from mould

Zero ejector as described on page 48.

70 ( GU1266ZA )
Determining / adjusting the clamping force

The clamping force is adjusted by moving the adjustable

platen forwards by a further number of rotations of the
crank, depending on the projected surface of the moulded
l Bring mould to operating temperature.
l Determine clamping force according to diagram on
page 82.
l Input the determined clamping force at F132 in
function panel “Clamping programme” and press the Y
l The controller calculates the count of crank rotations
and displays the value at K132 in the same function
l Open clamping unit.
l Move adjustable platen forwards by the count of
rotations displayed at K132 (turn to left).
l Tighten upper screws on the clamping platens.
l Tighten screws at the front and back on support of the
adjustable platen.

Electro/mechanical mould protection
ALLROUNDER 221 K machines are standardly equipped
with an electro-mechanical mould protection. This mould
protection serves the purpose of preventing damage to the
mould if foreign particles or injected parts get between the
mould halves during closing. When the mould protection
reacts the controller interrupts the clamping process and
issues an alarm.

The sprung mould protection platen with end switch S104

is located on the fixed clamping platen. When the mould
closes, the programmable stroke marking S119 must first
be reached before the sprung mould protection platen is
pressed against the fixed clamping platen hereby
activating switch S104.

If there is a foreign particle between the mould halves the

mould protection plate is pressed against the fixed
clamping platen and activates switch S104 before the
stroke marking for the mould protection is reached. For an
illustration of this, please see the following diagrams.

programmed stroke marking is reached before switch
S104 is activated, → cycle continues.

Foreign particle (7) causes switch S104 to be activated

before position marking s119 is reached → alarm.

( GR1432ZA GS1432ZA ) 73
The minimum spring resistance for the mould protection
platen is approx. 2 kN.

With stiffly moving cheek moulds the spring resistance of

approx. 2kN could be too low which means the mould
protecion might react without there being any foreign
particle between the mould halves. For such cases
stronger compression springs are available for the mould
protection platen.

s119 Mould protection off

As soon as the stroke position s119 is reached, the
mould protection is switched off. The switch S104
is no longer monitored.
f105 2nd start attempt after t105 ¹.
Effect: When the mould protection has reacted
during mould closing, the controller does not issue
an alarm immediately. The machine opens the
mould and activates the ejector. It then tries to
close the mould again. Only when this 2nd attempt
is unsuccessful, does the controller issue an alarm.
f102 Immediate machine stop.
When “yes” is input the machine stops immediately after
the mould protection has reacted.

¹ not standard
Hydraulic mould protection ¹
Instead of the electro-mechanical mould protection with
sprung mould protection platen there is the option of a
hydraulic mould protection. With the hydraulic mould
protection the otherwise sprung mould protection platen is
firmly attached to the fixed clamping platen.

On closing, the mould must move the last centimeters

within a certain time with low force. This distance is called
the mould protection stroke. If foreign bodis or injected
parts left in the mould prevent the mould from closing
unhindered, the time programmed for the completion of
the mould protection stroke is exceeded. The controller
interrupts the closing process and issues an alarm.The
mould then re-opens and normally remains undamaged.

¹ not standard
s104 The controller switches from closing force to
protection force (F104) as soon as the mould
reaches s104. s104 is the starting point of the
mould protection stroke. The measurement of
mould protection time t4052 starts from this point.
s105 Clamping force on
The controller switches from protection force to
clamping force as soon as s105 is reached. s105 is
the end point of the mould protection stroke. The
measurement of mould protection time t4052 ends
at this point.
F104 Protection force
F104 determines the force with which the mould
moves through the mould protection stroke (s104
to s105). F104 should be as low as possible. The
controller switches from closing force to protection
force F104 as soon as the mould has reached
position s103.
t105 Mould protection
Effect: The mould must complete the mould
protection stroke (s104 to s105) within t105. If t105
is exceeded the controller issues an alarm.
t4052 Measured time
The time that the mould actually takes to complete
the mould protection stroke is measured and
displayed at t4052.

6. Zeroing the stroke measuring systems

The stroke measuring systems of the machine always start

the measurement from fixed zero points which you cannot
alter (machine related zero points). You can however input
all data for the movement sequences in absolute values.
To make this possible each mould must have its own zero
points for the stroke measuring system. These are
determined in a simple way by “zeroing” the stroke
measuring system.

The following stroke measuring systems must be


u Ejector movements
Zero point = ejector retracted
u Nozzle movements
Zero point = nozzle at mould

Contrary to ALLROUNDER machines with fully hydraulic
clamping unit, the moulds of the ALLROUNDER 221 K
versions with toggle system are not zeroed.
The zero point is automatically the locking (or extended)
position of the toggle.

Zeroing the ejector
l Call up the function panel “Ejector
advancement” with this key.
l Press this key to open the mould.
l Press this key to retract the ejector.
l Keep this key suppressed and press the key
“←0→” simultaneously. Suppress both keys for
approx. 2 seconds.
¡ At the bottom right of the monitor the value
“0.0mm” now appears at “s601l- actual
value”. This value can increase to 0.2 mm as
soon as you release the key. This does not
matter, the ejector only bounces forwards a
little as soon as the retraction force is

When the mould closes, the function “Ejector
retraction” is activated again independently of the zero

Zeroing the nozzle

l Call up the function panel “nozzle” with this key.

l Press this key to close the mould.

l Press this key to advance the nozzle. When the

nozzle has contact with the mould keep the key
suppressed and press the “←0→” key
simultaneously. Keep both keys suppressed for
approx. 2 seconds.
¡ At the bottom right of the monitor the value
“0.0 mm “ appears at “s201I-actual value”.
This value can increase to 0.2 mm as soon
as you release the key. This does not matter,
the nozzle only bounces forwards a little as
soon as the contact pressure is released.

Before you begin to set up the programme for a
different mould you must zero the stroke measuring
systems of the ejector and the nozzle.

7. Diagrammes

Determining the closing force


projected moulded part surface A 50 cm²

selected specific clamping force ¹ 5 kN/cm²

required clamping force = projected moulded
250 kN
part surface x specific clamping force
crank rotations according to the diagram for the
1 1/2 + 1/8
required clamping force, rounded up to the next
is approx. 1 3/4
1/4 revolution =

¹ Standard value: 2.5 - 5 kN clamping force per cm² injected part surface
80 ( TB00240A )
Adjusting the clamping force

Crank rotations anti-

clockwise to move the
adjustable platen forwards.

( GO1287D ) 81
Stroke volume / screw stroke
Injection unit 100

1 mm 1 ccm 0,1 mm
Screw Ø
equivalent to equivalent to equivalent to
15 mm 0,18 ccm 5,7 mm 0,02 ccm
20 mm 0,31 ccm 3,2 mm 0,03 ccm
25 mm 0,49 ccm 2,0 mm 0,05 ccm
30 mm 0,71 ccm 1,4 mm 0,07 ccm

82 ( TB00270A GM1266D )
Circumferential speed / rpm

( GN1266D ) 83

Important ARBURG addresses

Head office
Postfach 11 09
72286 Lossburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 74 46 33-0
Fax: +49 (0) 74 46 33 33 65
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Ambachtelijke Zone Tachbrook Park Drive
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Czech Republic:
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198 00 Praha 9
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Tel.: +45 36 77 63 99
Fax: +45 36 77 19 99 Indonesia:
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Fax: +33 (0) 1 48 65 13 54

( CA0048Z )
Important ARBURG addresses (continued)
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20068 Peschiera Borromeo Huehnerhubelstr. 60
Tel.: +39 (02) 553 79 91 3123 Belp
Fax: +39 (02) 553 022 06 Tel.: +41 (0) 31 / 818 81 11
Fax: +41 (0) 31 / 818 81 10
NO. 35, Jalan PJS 11/24 ARBURG PTE LTD (Thailand)
Bandar Sunway Industrial Park 19/3 SOI Sampobnarumitr,
46150 Petaling Jaya Sukhumvit 62 Road, Bangjak
Selangor Darul Ehsan Prakhanong Bangkok 10250
Tel.: +60 (03) 736 62 13 Tel.: +66 (2) 331 98 60
Fax: +60 (03) 736 62 15 Fax: +66 (2) 331 98 61

The Netherlands: Turkey:

Haverstraat 35 Enjeksiyon Makinalari
Industrieterrein Spoorzicht Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
2153 GB Nieuw-Vennep Beylikdüzü Mevkii,
Tel.: +31 (0) 252 62 93 00 Leylak Cad. No: 15
Fax: +31 (0) 252 67 58 39 34900 Büyükcekmece / Istanbul
Tel.: +90 (0) 212 875 41 11
Poland: Fax: +90 (0) 212 875 41 13
Opacz, ul. Polna 33 USA:
05-816 Michalowice ARBURG, Inc.
Tel.: +48 (0) 22 723 86 50 P.O.Box 311178
Fax: +48 (0) 22 723 82 97 Newington, CT 06131-1178
Tel.: +1 (860) 667 65 00
Fax: +1 (860) 667 65 22
ARBURG Pte. Ltd.
63 Hillview Avenue
# 01-04/05
Lam Soon Industrial Building
Singapore 669569
Tel.: +65 (7) 65 06 88
Fax: +65 (7) 65 07 88

Avda. Can Bordoll, 101, Nave 2
Polígono Industrial Can Roqueta
08202 Sabadell (Barcelona)
Tel.: +34 (93) 727 38 05
Fax: +34 (93) 727 34 63
To file
u fold the sheet on
the dotted line,

u and punch it at the

marked locations

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