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+ACUMEN Storytelling for Change

Module 4 Workshop


Welcome back! Here’s a preview of the activities for this workshop and how you should allocate
your time. Time required will also depend on your team size.


If you are taking this course as a team, you will start your workshop with the EQ Check-In.
Then, move on to thinking about how your story will be integrated into a presentation by looking
at a framework for a successful presentation.


You’ll share your initial responses to the questions related to ‘Audience, Goal, Benefit’
presented in the reading, and get feedback from others.


You’ll share your initial ideas on the visual aids/props for your expected presentation. You will
use the time to get input from your peers. If you see Assignment 4 submissions are already
accessible on the platform, you can learn from others’ ideas before finalizing Assignment 4.


What to bring

• Personal reflections from Reading 4—particularly your responses to the Audience, Goal
& Benefit Questions
• Any ideas you have listed on visual aids or props for your story

Recommended Supplies

• A printed or electronic copy of this guide

• Something to keep time with

Complete the EQ Check-In as a team (15 min)

The team facilitator can ask these questions to the team:

• How are you feeling?

• How present do you feel? (in terms of %)
• What is going on for you personally or professionally that is preventing you from being
100% present?
• Any additional questions

Reviewing the Key Concepts

In this module, we started talking more about the effectiveness of your presentation as a whole
rather than focusing exclusively on your personal story.

We’ve included the one pager ‘Successful presentations – Plan your presentation to fit the goal’
on the next page. Use that to go through the exercise suggested below.

First, replace the phrase ‘raisin’ with ‘personal stories’ or ‘visual aids/props’ and individually
review this structure carefully to see if it will fit the presentation you were planning to make.

Then, discuss:

• Does this structure work for you?

• If not, which part will you adjust to fit your needs?
• Are any of the other ‘Raisins to the Oatmeal’ listed here relevant to the presentation you
are working on?
Here is a simplified framework:

5 Steps to Integrate A Story in Presentation

1. State the context

2. Transition to the story
3. Tell the story
4. ‘What I learned from this story’
5. What we can learn from this story’

Plan your presentation to fit the goal

How can your presentation be structured and delivered to best serve your goal and convince you
audience of these benefits?

Structure of a good presentation

Tell them what you’re going to tell them:
• Start with a “raisin” or two (see bottom of page)
• Create a relationship with the audience
• Introduce theme, overall message, issue or problem
• Give them your key messages (three max)
• Acknowledge their concerns: illustrate benefits
• Keep the raisins coming!
Tell them what you’ve told them:
• Summarize
• Issue a “call to action”
• End with a bag- what do you want them to remember?
Invite questions
Create a dialogue:
• Repeat or paraphrase questions so everyone in the audience can hear
• If there are no questions, you can ask them some questions

Add “Raisins to the Oatmeal”

• Personal stories • Props

• Humor • Questions
• Analogies, metaphors • Visual aids
• Quotes • Surveys, polls, quizzes
• Demonstrations • Interesting statistics

Prepare to share (5-15 minutes)

Please have your responses for the ‘Audience, Goal, Benefit’ exercise in the reading ready to
share with your team.

Discuss the prompts below:

• Which questions were difficult to answer?

• Were there any other questions you would have added to the list?
• Were there any questions that you have not really considered in the past when working
on presentations?

Share (30 minutes)

Each of you will get a chance to share your responses to the ‘Audience, Goal, Benefit’ questions.
Others will ask clarifying questions and provide feedback where appropriate. Recall the tips for
giving feedback from previous modules.

Note: This exercise will help your team to understand the context of your presentation even
better than before. Then, they will be
in a much better place to provide you with useful feedback such as how and where your story
could fit in your presentation.

What are your Visual Aids/Props Ideas’?

Visual aids/props are used support your key message within your presentation by supporting the
story directly. Think about these prompts individually first:

• Do you have ideas for visual aids/ props to incorporate while telling your story?

Reflect on these questions before sharing within your team.

If you already have ideas...

• When will you use the prop?

• What do you plan to use?
• Why did you choose to use this prop?
• Is there anything you are concerned about?
• What are the things you plan to avoid doing within your storytelling in respect to visual

If you currently do not have any ideas...

• Reiterate your presentation plan to your peers and briefly share your actual story
• Then, seek for ideas from your peers on effective visual aids/ props you culd use in your

Discuss together

Did anyone check the Discussion Forum for this module?

If your team has any interesting questions related to the use of visual aids/props
during storytelling, please share with
the Forum. We always enjoy thought provoking questions coming from our course participants!
Nice work! Congratulations on finishing your fourth workshop. Let’s finish up with a moment
for ‘Ahas’ and prepping for your next workshop.

AHAS (5-10 minutes)

Reflect on your Ahas individually and then share them with your team.

Take 1-2 minutes to write down an Aha from Module 4: a key take-away, a new perspective,
a memorable comment or questions, or a parting thought

Share your Ahas in your team Take your team photo

Preparing for the next workshop

Make sure your next Storytelling Workshop is on the calendar and that all team members can
attend (approximately 1.5 -2 hours needed)

Appoint a team leader who can be the facilitator for the next one

Don’t forget to submit Assignment 4 before moving onto the Module 5 Lecture!

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