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0 2y Z

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1) Determine the value of X, Y, Z when A= X Y −Z is orthogonal.
X −Y Z

Orthogonal matrix is define as AAT= I

0 2y Z 0 X X 1 0 0
A= X Y −Z ,
X −Y Z | T
A 2 Y Y −Y 0 1 0
Z −Z Z
0 0 1 || |
AAT= 4Y2+Z2, 2Y2-Z2, -2Y2+Z2
1 0 0
2Y2-Z2, X2+Y2+Z2, X2-Y2-Z2 =
0 1 0
0 0 1
-2Y2+Z2, X2-Y2-Z2, X2+Y2+Z2
Since AAT= I therefore
4Y2+Z2=1…………….. (1), 2Y2-Z2=0…………… (2), -2Y2+Z2=0………………. (3)
2Y2-Z2=0…………….. (4), X2+Y2+Z2=1…………… (5), X2-Y2-Z2=0…………….. (6)
-2Y2+Z2=0……………. (7), X2-Y2-Z2=0……………. (8), X2+Y2+Z2=1…………….. (9)
From equation 2, 2Y2-Z2=0 therefore Z=√ 2Y 2= Y√ 2
Put Z=Y √ 2 into equation 4Y2+Z2=1 therefore

4Y2+( Y √ 2 )2=1

= 4Y 2+2Y 2=1

=6Y 2= 1
Y= √ = 0.41
Put y and z value into equation 5 X2+Y2+Z2=1
= X2+(0.41)2+(0.41∗√ 2)2=1

X 2 +0.1681+0.3362= 1

X 2 =1-0.5043

X 2 =0.4957
X =√ 0 .5= 0.7071
Z=Y √ 2= 0.41*√ 2= 0.5798
6(3+ j 2 w)
2) Find the inverse Fourier transform of H(w)=
(1+ jw)(4 + jw)(2+ jw )
Let jw=s

6( 3+2 s) A B C
Therefore =
(1+ s)(4 +s )(2+s) (S+1)
+ (S+ 4) + (S+2)

A(S+4) (S+2) + B(S+1) (S+2) +C(S+1) (S+4) = 18+12S

Let s=-4
B(S+1) (S+2) = 18+12S
B (-4+1) (-4+2) =18+12(-4)
6B= -30, B= 6

B= -5
Let s=-1
A(S+4) (S+2) =18+12S
A (-1+4) (-1+2) =18+12(-1)
A= 3 = 2

Let s=-2
C(S+1) (S+4) = 18+12S
C (-2+1) (-2+4) = 18+12(-2)
-2C= -6
C= −2 = 3

h(t)=¿) u (t)
3) Solve the following differential equation using Laplace transform

d 2 V (t ) dV (t)
+4 +4V (t) =e−t
dt dt

Where V (0) = V 1(0) = 1

Taking Laplace transform of each term
[ S2 V ( s )−SV ( 0 ) −V 1 (0)] +[ SV ( s ) −V (s )]+4V(s) = S +1

( S¿¿ 2+ 4 S +4 )V ( s )=S+5+ ¿ = S + 6 S+ 6
S+1 S+1

s 2 +6 s +6 A B C
V ( s )= = + +
S +1 S +2 (S +2)2
( s+ 1 ) ¿ ¿

For S2 =1= A+ B

Therefore B = 1-A…………………1
S1=4 A+3 B+C=6
6= 4A+3(1-A) +C
6= 4A+3-3A+C
6= A+3+C
A+C= 3

S0=4 A+2 B+C

6=4(3-C) +2(1-3+C) +C
6= 12-4C+2-6+2C+C
6-12-2+6= -4C+2C+C
C= 2
B= 1-A= 0
4) Find V0(t) in the circuit below where V1(t)= 3 e−2 t

The Fourier transform of the input voltage is VI (w) =
2+ jw
The transfer function by voltage divider rule is given as
V 0(w) JW 1
V 1(w)
= 1 = 1+ 3 JW

V O ( w )=¿V 3
i (w )∗ H( W) ¿ = (2+ JW )(1+3 JW )
Divide the numerator by 3 and denominator of 1+3jw by 3

(2+ JW )(0.33+ JW )

Let jw = s
1 A B
(2+ s)(0.33+ s)
= +
S +2 S +0.33

Let s = -0.33
A(S+0.33) + B(S+2) = 1
A (-0.33+0.33) + B (-0.33+2) = 1
B (1.67) = 1
B= 1.67 = 0.59

Let s = -2
A (-2+0.33) + B (-2+2) = 1
A(-1.67) = 1
A = −1.67 = -0.59
0.59 0.59
V 0 (W )= −
2+ S 0.33+S

V 0 (t )= -0.59(e−0.33 t −e−2 t ¿ U (t)

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