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Optimization list

The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 1/21


Abhinav Jain
24.07.2021 18:00


My aura is strong and stable.

4th chakra • heart chakra • Anahata chakra • astral spiritual body • color green
Present state

The person cannot feel joy.

The heart chakra is shining in the sacral chakra color orange.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics relationships, self-love, unconditional love, unconditional giving, acceptance
and heartfelt joy by strengthening the vibration color green in the heart chakra. I am feeling groundless joy.
The heart chakra is shining in the heart chakra color green and the themes of the heart chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the power of unconditional giving and the responsibility for one's
own topics is integrated. Through the unconditional love for oneself, unconditional love for others becomes
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 1/21

7th chakra • crown chakra • Sahasrara chakra • causal body • color purple
Present state

The terms God or soul have been perceived as emotionally extorting and punishing. In many religions the image of
the punishing God was or is a means of emotional extortion.
The crown chakra is shining in the root sacral chakra color orange red.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics highest creator, self, soul, father, authority, inner light, empathy, feeling of unity,
life direction, sources of intuition and guidance by strengthening the vibration color violet in the crown
chakra. I perceive the terms God or soul as neutral or positive.
The crown chakra is shining in the crown chakra color violet and the themes of the crown chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the existence of the soul and the responsibility for one's own
topics is integrated. The experiences with the highest creator are anchored in faith.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 2/21

1st chakra • root chakra • Muladhara chakra • physical body • color red
Present state

The person faces their conflicts at home, experiencing a perceived lack of harmony. Change is imminent.
The root chakra is shining in the color turquoise.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics maternal relationship, money, home, work, trust in life, security, survival and
fear by strengthening the vibration color red in the root chakra. My home is a safe place full of harmony. I
am in the flow of life.
The root chakra is shining in the color red and the themes of the root chakra are further anchored: there is a
deeper knowledge of the security and safety through the mother. The responsibility for one's own topics is
integrated. The trust in life gives confidence that life is carrying you.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 3/21

3rd chakra • solar plexus chakra • Manipura chakra • mental body • color yellow
Present state

The person tries to embody the ideal image of the father on the personality level. However, the father's expectations
prevent the development of the personality of the son or daughter.
The solar plexus chakra is shining in the crown chakra color violet.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics strength, power, control, freedom, personality, responsibility, judgments, values
and decisions by strengthening the vibration color yellow in the solar plexus chakra. I am a strong and
independent personality, independent of others' expectations.
The solar plexus chakra is shining in the solar plexus chakra color yellow and the themes of the solar plexus
chakra are further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of responsibility towards oneself and the
responsibility towards one's own topics is integrated. The experience of personal freedom allows a person
to be as they really are.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 4/21

3rd chakra • solar plexus chakra • Manipura chakra • mental body • color yellow
Present state

The person feels emotionally extorted and hurt. They clearly perceive the resulting control of the outside world.
Aggression is also perceived, but there is no outlet for expressing it.
The solar plexus chakra is shining in the root sacral chakra color orange red.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics strength, power, control, freedom, personality, responsibility, judgments, values
and decisions by strengthening the vibration color yellow in the solar plexus chakra. I am in my strength and
feeling free. I let my feelings flow freely and I am able to express them.
The solar plexus chakra is shining in the solar plexus chakra color yellow and the themes of the solar plexus
chakra are further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of responsibility towards oneself and the
responsibility towards one's own topics is integrated. The experience of personal freedom allows a person
to be as they really are.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 5/21

7th chakra • crown chakra • Sahasrara chakra • causal body • color purple
Present state

The person feels a sense of belonging to a community only when the same feelings are shared.
The crown chakra is shining in the sacral chakra color orange.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics highest creator, self, soul, father, authority, inner light, empathy, feeling of unity,
life direction, sources of intuition and guidance by strengthening the vibration color violet in the crown
chakra. I feel a sense of community even when different feelings are lived.
The crown chakra is shining in the crown chakra color violet and the themes of the crown chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the existence of the soul and the responsibility for one's own
topics is integrated. The experiences with the highest creator are anchored in faith.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 6/21

6th chakra • third eye chakra • Ajna chakra • spiritual body • color indigo
Present state

Due to a lack of spiritual awareness, the person confuses the feeling of unity (soul level) with the spiritual level
The forehead chakra is shining in the crown chakra color violet.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics spiritual consciousness, individual consciousness, YIN/YANG consciousness,

roles in human life, extrasensory perception and intuition by strengthening the vibration color indigo in the
forehead chakra. I have a clear idea of unity (soul level) and spirit level (individuality). I make the spiritual
experiences that are meant for me in my life.
The forehead chakra is shining in the forehead chakra color indigo and the themes of the forehead chakra
are further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the existence of consciousness and the incarnation of
the spirit. The responsibility for one's own topics is integrated. Extrasensory perception lets us look behind
the curtains of life that cannot be perceived with just the senses.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 7/21

2nd chakra • sacral chakra • Svadhisthana chakra • emotional body • color orange
Present state

Due to the experience of emotional injuries, there is fear or uncertainty about feeling what needs to be felt.
The sacral chakra is shining in the root chakra color red.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics sexuality, reproduction, feelings, emotions, appetite, food intake, eating, body
awareness and parenthood by strengthening the vibration color orange in the sacral chakra. I have
integrated all my experiences and I am in harmony with my emotional world. I am respecting and living my
feelings in an authentic way.
The sacral chakra is shining in the sacral chakra color orange and the themes of the sacral chakra are
further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of one's own emotions as an expression of the emotional
world and the responsibility for one's own topics is integrated. The experiences with one's own sexuality are
perceived as happy and fulfilling.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 8/21

2nd chakra • sacral chakra • Svadhisthana chakra • emotional body • color orange
Present state

The person is suppressing fears regarding this life theme. They don't know why, but they have deep-seated fears,
even panic attacks.
The sacral chakra is shining in the color black.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics sexuality, reproduction, feelings, emotions, appetite, food intake, eating, body
awareness and parenthood by strengthening the vibration color orange in the sacral chakra. I know about
the challenges in this life theme, accepting and blessing them, full of trust and love.
The sacral chakra is shining in the sacral chakra color orange and the themes of the sacral chakra are
further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of one's own emotions as an expression of the emotional
world and the responsibility for one's own topics is integrated. The experiences with one's own sexuality are
perceived as happy and fulfilling.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 9/21


5th chakra • throat chakra • Vishuddha chakra • aether body • color blue
Present state

The person is expressing themselves through spirituality or religiosity.

The throat chakra is shining in the forehead chakra color indigo.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics communication, personal expression, following one's intuition, abundance, fluid
manifestation of desires and unconditional acceptance by strengthening the vibration color blue in the
throat chakra. I am expressing myself also about aspects that go beyond spirituality or religiousness and I
am living out all facets of my being.
The throat chakra is shining in the throat chakra color blue and the themes of the throat chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the power of unconditional acceptance and the responsibility for
one's own topics is integrated. One's individuality is brought into the world through communication.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 10/21


7th chakra • crown chakra • Sahasrara chakra • causal body • color purple
Present state

The person feels fear of authorities like police, judges, teachers, supervisors etc.
The crown chakra is shining in the root chakra color red.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics highest creator, self, soul, father, authority, inner light, empathy, feeling of unity,
life direction, sources of intuition and guidance by strengthening the vibration color violet in the crown
chakra. I have trust in authorities and I work in harmony with them.
The crown chakra is shining in the crown chakra color violet and the themes of the crown chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the existence of the soul and the responsibility for one's own
topics is integrated. The experiences with the highest creator are anchored in faith.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 11/21


2nd chakra • sacral chakra • Svadhisthana chakra • emotional body • color orange
Present state

The person is experiencing a confusion of love and sexuality, which they try to control simultaneously.
The sacral chakra is shining in the solar plexus heart chakra color yellow green.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics sexuality, reproduction, feelings, emotions, appetite, food intake, eating, body
awareness and parenthood by strengthening the vibration color orange in the sacral chakra. I have a clear
vision of love and sexuality and dedicate myself to both of them with confidence.
The sacral chakra is shining in the sacral chakra color orange and the themes of the sacral chakra are
further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of one's own emotions as an expression of the emotional
world and the responsibility for one's own topics is integrated. The experiences with one's own sexuality are
perceived as happy and fulfilling.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 12/21


5th chakra • throat chakra • Vishuddha chakra • aether body • color blue
Present state

The person clearly communicates their needs and receives what makes them happy and what they want.
The throat chakra is shining in the color blue, therefore expressing the harmony that flows through the
whole body. The themes of the heart chakra are perceived as harmonious.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics communication, personal expression, following one's intuition, abundance, fluid
manifestation of desires and unconditional acceptance by strengthening the vibration color blue in the
throat chakra. The existing state is further anchored: I communicate my needs clearly and receive what
makes me happy and what I want.
The throat chakra is shining in the throat chakra color blue and the themes of the throat chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the power of unconditional acceptance and the responsibility for
one's own topics is integrated. One's individuality is brought into the world through communication.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 13/21


3rd chakra • solar plexus chakra • Manipura chakra • mental body • color yellow
Present state

The person enhances their personality through relationships.

The solar plexus chakra is shining in the heart chakra color green.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics strength, power, control, freedom, personality, responsibility, judgments, values
and decisions by strengthening the vibration color yellow in the solar plexus chakra. I am a valuable person
even when I am alone.
The solar plexus chakra is shining in the solar plexus chakra color yellow and the themes of the solar plexus
chakra are further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of responsibility towards oneself and the
responsibility towards one's own topics is integrated. The experience of personal freedom allows a person
to be as they really are.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 14/21


6th chakra • third eye chakra • Ajna chakra • spiritual body • color indigo
Present state

This is about YIN/YANG consciousness: Due to a lack of individual consciousness the man feels hurt by the mother,
later women, in his role as a man.
The forehead chakra is shining in the root chakra color red.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics spiritual consciousness, individual consciousness, YIN/YANG consciousness,

roles in human life, extrasensory perception and intuition by strengthening the vibration color indigo in the
forehead chakra. I feel accepted and reassured in my role as a man.
The forehead chakra is shining in the forehead chakra color indigo and the themes of the forehead chakra
are further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the existence of consciousness and the incarnation of
the spirit. The responsibility for one's own topics is integrated. Extrasensory perception lets us look behind
the curtains of life that cannot be perceived with just the senses.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 15/21


1st chakra • root chakra • Muladhara chakra • physical body • color red
Present state

The person is feeling emotional extortion at home.

The root chakra is shining in the sacral chakra color orange.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics maternal relationship, money, home, work, trust in life, security, survival and
fear by strengthening the vibration color red in the root chakra. I perceive my home as a safe and free place
for development.
The root chakra is shining in the color red and the themes of the root chakra are further anchored: there is a
deeper knowledge of the security and safety through the mother. The responsibility for one's own topics is
integrated. The trust in life gives confidence that life is carrying you.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 16/21


1st chakra • root chakra • Muladhara chakra • physical body • color red
Present state

The person has a strong need for harmony at their workplace, so that they give up everything for their colleagues
and the business, forgetting their own needs. Through this pattern, disappointments often arise, until the person
makes the decision to care only for themselves anymore, not depending on the well-being of colleagues or the
company anymore.
The root chakra is shining in the heart chakra color green.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics maternal relationship, money, home, work, trust in life, security, survival and
fear by strengthening the vibration color red in the root chakra. I have my own roots that nourish and secure
me so that I can take good care of myself and protect myself. I am paying attention to my own needs.
The root chakra is shining in the color red and the themes of the root chakra are further anchored: there is a
deeper knowledge of the security and safety through the mother. The responsibility for one's own topics is
integrated. The trust in life gives confidence that life is carrying you.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 17/21


4th chakra • heart chakra • Anahata chakra • astral spiritual body • color green
Present state

The person only feels worthy of being loved and accepted through parenthood.
The heart chakra is shining in the root sacral chakra color orange red.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics relationships, self-love, unconditional love, unconditional giving, acceptance
and heartfelt joy by strengthening the vibration color green in the heart chakra. I am valuable and worthy of
being loved and accepted the way I am.
The heart chakra is shining in the heart chakra color green and the themes of the heart chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the power of unconditional giving and the responsibility for one's
own topics is integrated. Through the unconditional love for oneself, unconditional love for others becomes
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 18/21


5th chakra • throat chakra • Vishuddha chakra • aether body • color blue
Present state

The person cannot accept the messages from the outside because they think they know better. This prevents them
from perceiving the outside as a mirror of their own system.
The throat chakra is shining in the forehead chakra color indigo.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics communication, personal expression, following one's intuition, abundance, fluid
manifestation of desires and unconditional acceptance by strengthening the vibration color blue in the
throat chakra. I accept the messages of my surroundings and use them constructively for my self-reflection.
The throat chakra is shining in the throat chakra color blue and the themes of the throat chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the power of unconditional acceptance and the responsibility for
one's own topics is integrated. One's individuality is brought into the world through communication.
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 19/21


4th chakra • heart chakra • Anahata chakra • astral spiritual body • color green
Present state

The person experiences acceptance when they are nurturing other people.
The heart chakra is shining in the sacral chakra color orange.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics relationships, self-love, unconditional love, unconditional giving, acceptance
and heartfelt joy by strengthening the vibration color green in the heart chakra. I am accepted and
unconditionally loved the way I am.
The heart chakra is shining in the heart chakra color green and the themes of the heart chakra are further
anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the power of unconditional giving and the responsibility for one's
own topics is integrated. Through the unconditional love for oneself, unconditional love for others becomes
Optimization list
The applications are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of scientific evidence in the sense of
conventional medicine. The analysis and optimization lists and the associated possible choice of words, e. g.
"healing of..." and "resolution of causes..." are not a healing promise in the medical sense, but serve the positive
influence similar to an affirmation, where a goal is defined, which one wants to achieve. The following optimization
does not represent a medical diagnosis or therapy! It cannot replace an examination or treatment by a doctor or
non-medical practitioner.
24.07.2021 18:01, App Version 1.17.0 - 20/21


6th chakra • third eye chakra • Ajna chakra • spiritual body • color indigo
Present state

The person knows that they are a spiritual being. Because of this perception they are not identifying with the
physical form, so they can see behind the things of life and understand every situation in life as an experience of
human consciousness. This is an expression of harmony.
The forehead chakra is shining in the color indigo, therefore expressing the harmony that flows through the
whole body. The themes of the heart chakra are perceived as harmonious.

Desired state

Harmonization of the topics spiritual consciousness, individual consciousness, YIN/YANG consciousness,

roles in human life, extrasensory perception and intuition by strengthening the vibration color indigo in the
forehead chakra. The existing state is further anchored: I know that I am a spiritual being. Because of this
perception I do not identify with the physical form, so I can see behind the things of life and understand
every life situation as an experience of human consciousness. This is an expression of harmony.
The forehead chakra is shining in the forehead chakra color indigo and the themes of the forehead chakra
are further anchored: there is a deeper knowledge of the existence of consciousness and the incarnation of
the spirit. The responsibility for one's own topics is integrated. Extrasensory perception lets us look behind
the curtains of life that cannot be perceived with just the senses.

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