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Outstanding work, Ally. What a joy it was to teach you.

I love how you entered the lesson with

so much enthusiasm. Today we talked about furniture in a house, different rooms in the house,
and made your wish list of furniture. Our session today was fun and engaging. You are a quick
learner and had a good grasp of the material. Your reading, speaking, listening and
comprehension skills are very good. I am very impressed with your performance today. Keep up
the amazing work. See you soon.

Outstanding work, Willy. It was a pleasure meeting you again today. Thank you for coming in
my class for the third time. I love how you entered the lesson with so much enthusiasm. Today
we learned about South Africa and with some accompanying vocabulary words embark, diverse,
cramped, and majestic. I was very impressed with your skills in reading, listening, speaking, and
comprehension. Well done! You were able to answer questions correctly and share your ideas
about the material. Keep up the amazing work. Hope to see you again.

Outstanding work, EZoe. It was a pleasure meeting you again today. Thank you for coming in
my class. I love how you entered the lesson with so much enthusiasm. Today we read about
Armed Monkey Scares People and learned Grammar: Prefixes Re- and Dis- and unlocked some
accompanying vocabulary words tame, primate, terrorize, captivity, and veterinarian. I was very
impressed with your skills in reading, listening, speaking, and comprehension. Well done! You
were able to answer questions correctly and share your ideas about the material. Keep up the
amazing work. Hope to see you again.

Outstanding work, Willy. It was great to see you again. What a joy it was to teach you. I love
how you entered the lesson with so much enthusiasm. Today we learned about "The Biggest
Banks" and discovered some interesting things about banking. You were very attentive and
showed great interest in the lesson by participating. I like that you were incredibly inquisitive.
You are a fluent reader who has impressive intonation and speak exceptionally well with great
fluency, which shows you have a good understanding of the English language. I am very
impressed with your performance today. Keep it up. See you soon Willy.

Outstanding work, Baron. It was good to see you today. Thank you for coming in my class. In
today's session we learned about "Travel the Philippines" and different places we can visit in this
country. You have done such an amazing job throughout the session and I am very proud of you
because you did practice your speaking, reading and comprehension skills very well. You
answered all the activities correctly and shared your ideas and opinions about the material.
Thank you for the excellent participation, you made the session great. Well done! Keep it up
Baron. See you soon.

 PM

Outstanding work, Lucas. You were very attentive and showed great interest in the lesson by
participating. I like that you were incredibly inquisitive. You are a fluent reader who has
impressive intonation and speak exceptionally well with great fluency, which shows you have a
good understanding of the English language. You spoke clearly and with confidence. Your
sentence construction abilities are also fascinating. Keep up the amazing work. See you soon.

You are such a dynamic and cheerful Robert and resourceful when it comes to induced
conversation. You are a fluent reader who has impressive intonation and speaking
skills. Your sentence construction abilities are also fascinating. The level of your
performance requires that you read more upmarket English literature and watch movies
that will increase your knowledge even more. You are great Robert.🌼❤
 KD
Wonderful work in this session today, we focused on business meetings and learned
phrases that can help us in the future meetings we would attend. Keep up the great
reading skills, and thank you for your hard work! See you soon!
 08/06

Outstanding job today, Robert. Thank you for coming in my class today. Our session
today was fun and engaging. Your performance was amazing. Thank you for sharing
your experience. Your reading skills and comprehension are excellent. Keep it up. You
are on the right track. Hope to see you again.
 PM
You are such a dynamic and cheerful Robert and resourceful when it comes to induced
conversation. You are a fluent reader who has impressive intonation and speaking
skills. Your sentence construction abilities are also fascinating. The level of your
performance requires that you read more upmarket English literature and watch movies
that will increase your knowledge even more. You are great Robert.🌼❤
 KD
Wonderful work in this session today, we focused on business meetings and learned
phrases that can help us in the future meetings we would attend. Keep up the great
reading skills, and thank you for your hard work! See you soon!
 SN
Robert, you were brilliant. Your reading was fluent and you are well spoken. You
showed a great understanding of the lesson through your answers and you also
constructed sentences correctly. It was great to have you in class and well done for
doing a fantastic job and remember "valet - valey".
 MN
His reading was very good and so was his pronunciation. He participated a lot during
the lesson. He was a great student, keep up the great work Robert.
 NG
Robert is a very outgoing, energetic student who gets along well with the other
students in the class. I would like Robert to practice more descriptive sentences in
speaking. He needs to pay more attention when reading aloud as he occasionally makes
unnecessary mistakes. Robert has proven to have a key understanding of the Facial
Expressions topics we have covered in class. Keep up the good work, Robert!
 AN
We had a great lesson today Robert, well done! your reading is great and you have a
very creative way of constructing your sentences, good job! Your overall participation in
the lesson was excellent, you had a great understanding of the lesson. well done once
again and I hope to see you soon :-)
 SF
Robert performed really well this lesson. I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with him. He
read and spoke well. Keep up the outstanding work and well done.
 KM
I am unable to give you adequate feedback because you were unable to participate
however you can try to make some time to go through the slides and do the questions.
 KM
It was a pleasure teaching you Robert. Your reading skills are very good and
pronounced all the difficult words correctly and you were able to share your answers.
Keep up with the good work.

Jason, your performance was outstanding! ⭐️You were very attentive and showed great
interest in the lesson by participating. The lesson was about keeping your mouth 😁 and
teeth 🦷 healthy. You learned these new vocabulary words - appointment, checkup,
dentist, floss, toothbrush and toothpaste. You comprehended the lesson really well and
made clear, complete sentences using the vocabulary. You also practiced making
sentences with words that are both nouns and verbs. For example, I floss(verb) my
teeth with floss(noun). Jason, you read well and pronounced words correctly. You spoke
clearly and with confidence. Thanks for a wonderful lesson and keep up the great
work!🏆 I hope to teach you again soon.❤️Remember to leave feedback because I want
to know how much you enjoyed the class.
 07/24

Today, Lucy's lesson was about different sounds from the letter P. We had pn, ps, and
pt words where the p is silent (pneumonia, pseudonym, and pteradactyl) and words
where the p is paired with an h (ph) and the blend makes an /f/ sound (telephone,
alphabet, and pharmacy). Lucy learned about each of these words, what they mean and
how to use them. Lucy participated well and worked hard. Good job today, Lucy. I'll see
you soon!
 JP
Lucy's lesson today was on the many different subjects for students at school. We
learned about math, geography, history, biology, physics, and chemistry. Lucy was able
to read about what a student would study in each of these subjects. Lucy's favorite
subject is math. She shared with me that she has 8 subjects each day. Lucy
participated well and practiced her fluency during our session. Keep up the good work,
Lucy. I hope to see you again soon.
 LG
Thank you for joining me today, Lucy. Today's session was about school idioms. You
were late for class today and there was a problem with the microphone. Once that was
sorted we went through idioms; bookworm, copycat, brainstorming, to pass with flying
colors, to read to oneself, to read aloud. Your reading comprehension is good and you
seemed to understand the material. You were able to answer questions with prompting
and answered comprehension questions. However, you answered mainly with simple
sentences. I encourage you to try and provide more detail when answering questions
and try to create more complex sentences. Please review the vocabulary, sentences,
and any new expressions from today's session. Thanks again :)
 nancy was a good student and was able to follow the lesson. nancy had good
speaking and learning skills when the lesson was being taught. The lesson went very
smoothly with nancy asking questions and having a conversation with me on what the
vocabulary means. I slowly explained the words that she couldn't understand. At the
end of the lesson she was able to learn about the lesson.
 HT
Nancy, you had an excellent performance during class. You are an incredibly happy and
energetic student! I love that. My suggestion is to practice using the vocabulary learned
in the lesson. Today we talked about words that describe a family. You did an excellent
in the reading exercises. You are a very impressive student and well on your way to
becoming a fluent English speaker with continued dedication. Thanks for your great
work and effort! 😃😁😃😁
 JS
Well done today Nancy! You did a great job. It was very interesting to speak with you
at the start of the lesson about your drawing. I think you are right that it is very hard to
draw people. Sorry you had some technical problems so I couldn't hear you some of the
time. You did a great job matching the vocabulary to the words. You also showed me
the medals you won. That's brilliant. Remember that people "drive" a car around a
"race track". Nice work today!
 JD
Nancy is an enthusiastic and energetic learner who is always willing to share her ideas
and thoughts with the class. During the lesson we read a story about a boy who was
trying to learn the Waltz. Although Nancy found the lesson material slightly challenging,
she displayed an excellent effort when attempting to pronounce new words and
managed to comprehend a fair amount of the topic being covered. Nancy was slightly
distracted by her sisters during the lesson, which may have limited her comprehension
of the lesson material. Great work Nancy!
 LG
It was great to meet Nancy today. Nancy did fantastic in this lesson. topic: Sammy
snake goes swimming, words relating to swimming. vocabulary: swimming, swimming
pool, indoor pool, outdoor pool, inside, outside, swimsuit, goggles, diving board,
sentences: Swimming is a fun sport! It is good for your body and easy to do. When we
go swimming, we can go to a swimming pool. We can swim in a swimming pool. Need
to improve: Practice words like easy, pools, swimsuit, Nancy's reading and answers
were outstanding. Well done.
 YG
Thank you Eason for coming to class today, you did a fantastic job in the lesson, you
read so well and speak so well, your grammar and articulation is very good, you
answered and responded to all the question i had asked you and you where very well
prepared keep up the amazing hope , hope to see you in my next classes
 ZU
Eason was very active and interested during the session. We had a lesson on: OH! My
aching... We learned and practiced words: ache, blood vessels, trigger, migraine,
persistent, tension, persistent...Eason followed the lessonmaterial very well. He needed
some support with pronunciation. He is a focused student but he needs to learn more
vocabulary. Keep practicing, Eason, thank you!
 BH
I always enjoy my lessons with you, Eason! You're a great student, always on time, and
you stay attentive throughout the lesson. Keep making yourself proud; you're doing
wonderful work in class, and I see that you're learning a lot. Today, we read a story
called Love and Time (I believe the answer to the last question was actually Time!). We
read about an island full of emotions and virtues. They had to leave because the island
was sinking. The only person to help Love off the island was Time. You thought critically
about each question asked and provided insightful answers. You read each passage
very well. Continue doing your best, and I'll see you next time!
 TL
Eason is a friendly student who makes a big effort in class. Eason has become very well
behaved and does well in-class activities. He makes an effort to speak up in class and
gives amazing answers. He was able to understand me and the new material easily.
Eason has shown a detailed grasp of the 'Let's go to the circus' material we have
covered in class as he was able to read fluently and excellently as well as give answers
in full.
 BH
Outstanding work, Eason! You really gave it your best today! Our lesson was about
"Fashion". Our vocabulary words were: trend, attire, spree, and secondhand. This
lesson focused heavily on free talk, so there were plenty of opportunities for
conversation. You excelled in your responses to the many fashion-centered questions
and topics we discussed. Your answers are always honest and thought out. The lesson
material may not have been many boys' cup of tea, but you remained focused and did
great. Have a great evening, and continue to study hard!
 SV
Eason, it was a pleasure having you in my class today. We talked about society and
different terms used for society- unsocial, social exclusion, solidarity, multicultural
society, etc. You showed excellent pronunciation and comprehension. Your command of
grammar is also excellent as well as your speaking skills. You express yourself clearly,
using well structured sentences. Keep up the great work. I hope to see you soon.👍👍👍
 KR
Sean, you were a great student. You interacted well and gave good answers. Tips:
Practice speaking in English every day, learn 3 new words in English every day, and
watch movies in English. Well done Sean!!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
 KM
Sean is an excellent student! He showed a high level of comprehension of the material
taught and was able to respond to questions throughout the session. My suggestion to
Jason is to work on expanding his vocabulary with new words and phrases to improve
fluency. Great job today, see you next time!
 SN
Hi, Sean. It was a pleasure meeting you in today's session. You used good reading
comprehension skills, as you were able to use relevant vocabulary. I recommend that
you listen to more English content so that you can improve your listening
comprehension skills. You also paced your reading well. Excellent job!
 GL
It was nice having you in class Sean. you participated so well and was active in class. I
am impressed with your grammar, pronunciation, and fluency. you also have great
conversational skills. I hope to see you again in class.
 AN
Sean was exceptional in today's lesson, and his performance was very good. He read
the vocabulary words very well and was able to show his understanding of the words by
using them in sentences. He also answered questions very well and showed an
understanding of the lesson content. However, he should review the lesson for further
practice. Overall, I was impressed by his willingness to learn. Keep up the good work
Sean! 😊😁🌸P.S Please remember to leave me some feedback
 MS
Hi Sean, you did a great job today. You pronunciation was very good. You were able to
understand the lesson well. Keep practicing the ED words.
 SM
Hi Sean, it was nice meeting you today. You did an excellent job reading and holding
conversations. I hope to work with you again soon. If you get a chance would you
please send me positive feedback? It means the world to me. See you next time,
Teacher Stacey;-)
 FK
Thank you very much for coming to class, Sean. Your pronunciation and fluency skills
are great. You understood the material perfectly and I like the way you took part in the
lesson and answered all the questions. Overall you are a brilliant student so please
keep up the good work as I would like to teach you again.
 ER
03/01 smiling
it was great to learn about Aikido, you did an excellent job, keep up the good work

 You're brilliant Una. I was really impressed with your performance today. You are
a fluent reader who has impressive intonation and speaking skills and well on your way
to becoming a fluent English speaker with continued dedication. Your sentence
construction abilities are also fascinating. Today we read weird stories involving
animals. It was fun and engaging. You are very qualified to the next level. Keep up the
great work. See you again.
 MM
Una Kuo's English ability is impeccable. Her reading and pronunciation are excellent.
Her understanding of the lesson materials is really great. She also pronounced words
very clearly. Today's lesson was about: Living with Pets. She has no problem learning
all the vocabularies in the lesson and practice making sentences out of it. I would
recommend to challenge herself to a higher level of English lessons because she is so
close to really becoming an excellent English speaker at a young age. Keep up the good
work, Una. I hope you're not too physically tired for your next English class.
 PV
Una, you participated very well. Today we talked about Venice. During the lesson, you
showed that you have excellent English comprehension and you were easily able to
answer all of the questions during the lecture. You are a very impressive student and
you are well on your way to become an English speaker with continued practice and
dedication. I hope you enjoyed this lesson as much as I did. You did a really good job
today, so keep up the fantastic work by practicing and see you next time! :) Ps. You
can follow and like me as a teacher by giving me a heart in the feedback report so that
we can see each other again. :)

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