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AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves ASME B16.10-1992 (REVISION OF ASME/ANSI B16.10-1986) ee a nse Bigs - 1168 \ Ya lus Fuser ae Las 52 ee Ganyg_ The American Society of Mechanical Engineers {______________ 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 — FOREWORD (tris Foreword is not pat of ASME B16.10-1992. tn 1921 the American Engineering Standards Commitee later the American Standards ‘Autosation (ASA). organized Sectional Committer B16 to unity and further develop na- eee standards for pipe flanges and fisting (and, late, for valyes. gaskets, and valve actu- tors). Cosponsors of the B16 Committee were the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Heating and Piping Contractors National Association [(now the cre veaieal Contractors Association of America (MCAA)), ond the Manufacturers Mechatalation Society ofthe Valve and Fitings Industry (MSS). Cosponsors Weis later designated as cosecretariat organizations. Sanaa ger on standardization of end-to-end dimensions of valves Degas 19\Tunder nedhrestion of J, A. Stevens, It was putaside at the end of World War and interest did not ae sreuntil 1926, ASA and ASME agreed to include the topic in the ss0Pe of the B16 Com- series and Subornitte 5 (now Subcommittec E) was establishes or ‘the purpose. Work began in 1928 and covered ferrous flanged-end gate, globes ‘angle, and check valves. ean pment of a national standard was hindered by the diversity 08 sO practices and by adverse economic conditions in the early 19305. proposed 1933 American Stan- ar eye faee-to-tace dimensions of ferrous flanged valves did not gain ‘acceptance, even hovgh it was largely based one 1931 Standard Practice of MSS. Further work andindustry vvelypments led to a meeting in May 1937, which undertook (0 reconcile differences aevong the draft ASA standard, two American Petroleum Institute (API) standards (5-G-1 arpipeline valves and 600A on langed OS&Y steel wedge gate valves andanewly updated MSS SP-32. ia revised B16 proposal was voted favorably in June 1938, was approved by ASA, and was published in 1939. The standard was reaffirmed in 1947. Work ‘began on a revision in Tost to include buttwelding end valves, plug valves, and control valves jn both castiron and esl That edition was published as ASA B16. 10-1957, Further revision 22% ‘begun in 1964. ‘After reorganization of ASA, first as the United States of Amott Standards Institute (USASD, then as the American National Standards Insitute (ANSD, with the Sectional (CaaS tee being redesignated as an American National Standards ‘Commitee, a new edi Gon adding ball valves was approved and published as ANSI BIG. 10-1973. in 1982 American National Standards Committee BI6 was reorganized as an ASME Committee operating under procedures accredited by ANSI. In the 1986 Edition, ductile corr ahe alloys covered by ANSI B16.34 were added to the materits covered. Wafer typegate and check valves, Class 150 Y-pattern globeand check vales, ‘and several patterns OF paterfy valves were added to the types covered. Inch dimensions were converted from ‘common to two-place decimal fractions. in 1991 Subcommittee E — Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensiom, of Valves, was covvsined with Subcommittee N— Steel Valves. In this 1992 Edition, ste! offset seat and frooved end butterfly valves were added, Globe and flangeless style control valves, which previously had been included, were removed from the ‘Standard. Information regard- Jag control valve dimensions may be obtained from Instrunery Society of America, 67 ie vendria Drive, Research Triangle Park, North Carotina 27709. ASME B16 COMMITTEE standardization of Valves, Flanges. Fittings, Gaskets, and Valve Actuators she folowing isthe zoster ofthe Committe athe time of approval ofthis Standard OFFICERS WLAN. McLean, Chairman A.A. Schmict, Vice Chairman ‘J. Yacmush, Secrey COMMITTEE PERSONNEL |W. Ball, Columbia Gas Distribution Co.. Columbus, ONO se Betey, Union Carbide Corp, South Charleston, West Virginia XCM. Bol, Uncerwriter’sLaborstory, ne., Northbrook, Hinois ML. Blot, US Coast Gusrd, Washington, D.C. Fa Brodin, Fisher Contratelternational, Inc.. Marshalltown lowe IR. Cohen, Copper Development Association, New York, New York ‘Farrel, Je, Consultant, Birmingham, Alabama 'E Floren, Muslor Co., Decatur, inois BR. Frikken, Monsanto Co., St, Louis, Miscou 'W. Garland, Fick Co., Waynesboro. Pennsyivenia 'B Htagan, ABS Americas, New Orleans, Louisiana . Inch, Mueller Brace Co., Hartsville, Tennessee Jon, Square Engineering Co., Houston, Texas A 6, w. c. 0. M. a a ny G. A. dolly, Henry Vogt Machine Co., Loisvle, Kentucky WG. Knecht, Anchor Dating Valve Co., Witiamspor, Pennsylvania FR. Koester, The Wiliam Powell Co, Cieinnati, Ohio ik MeCauley. Jr. James H. McCauley, Inc. Chicago, Minis W.N.BeLean, Neweo Velvas, Palos Park linc IR.F. Rhodes. Arnco Technology Trust, Houston, Texas e R * * E Rosch, de Technieon Enterprises, nc. ley, Pennsylvanis 1A. Schmidt, Ladich Co., Russalile, Arkensas W.-M. Stephan, Flentalic Inc.. Pennsauken, New Jersey yr Shroud, Ductile on Pipe Research Association, Birmingham. Alabama RCE. White, Repairs, Inc., South Bend, Indians DA. Wiliams, Southern Company Services, Bimingham, Alabam2 PERSONNEL OF SUBCOMMITTEE N — STEEL VALVES |W. N. MeLean, Chairman, Newco Valves, Palos Pak, Iinois TA kocater, Vice Chatman, The Wiliam Powell Co, Cincinnati, Obio tock, Secretary, ASME, New York, New York FA. Boke, Eeward Valve ne. Raleigh, Norh Caroline M. L. Bla, US Coast Guard, Washington, 0 .Frikken, Monsorte Co., St. Louis, Missour! Pe eaanrnhmmmocher, Handschumacher Associates, Saunderstown, Rhode island A. loenogle, Fisher Controls International, Inc., Marshalltown, lowe 8. iA a John, J Square Engineering Co.. Houston. Texas “Jlly, Honey Vogt Machine Co., Lovisvil, Kentucky . R. s. 4 6. Fd. Kiesoel, US NAC, Washington, D.C. CONTENTS Foreword r Standards Committee Roster. - ‘Scope..+++++ Definitions Facings of Flanged Valves eae eae ‘Variations of Length Within a Class of Valves Tolerances Figures 1 Flange Facings and Their Relationships 2. Welding Ends ..... Z Tables 1 Class 125 Cast Iron Flanged and Class 150 Steel Flanged and Buttwelding End Valves, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions - 2 Class 250 Cast Iron Flanged and Class 300 Steel Flanged and Buttwelding End Valves, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions 3 Class 400 Steel Flanged and Buttwelding End Valves, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions .....+.+++-- 4 Class 800 Cast Iron Flanged and Class 600 Steel Flanged and ‘Bu:twelding End Valves, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions .-. 5 Class 900 Steel Flanged and Buttwelding End Valves, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions ee 6 Class 1500 Steel Flanged and Buttwelding End Valves, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions ......-- 7 Class 2500 Steel Flanged and Buttwelding End Valves, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions .. mane 8 Classes 125 and 250 Cast Iron and Classes 150 to 2500 Steel Wafer Type Valves, Face-to-Face Dimensions ..... 9 Classes 25 and 125 Cast Iron and Classes 150 to 600 Steel Butterfly Valves, Face-to-Face Dimensions ...+4+++--s0resresstsees 10. Determination of Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Flanged Valves Having Various Flange Facings.......+.++ 11. Classes 150 to 2500 Stee! Valves Having End Flanges With Ring ‘Joint Facings, End-to-End Dimensions....-..-..00+0+r0++ Annex A. References... Interpretations ... 10 4 16 4 25 26 29 ASME 818 10-1992 buttwelding end valves in rating classes 150 through 2500are included in this Standard. Dimensional tables pes and sizes of valves are as follows. for various ty 1.5.1 Gate, Globe, Angle, Check, Plug, and Ball Valves Class 150 — Tablet Class 300 — Table 2 Class 400 — Table 3 Class 600 — Table 4 Class 900 — Table 5 Class 1500 — Table 6 Class 2500 — Table 7 1.5.2 Y-Pettern Globe and Y-Pattern Swing Check Valves Class 150 — Table 1 1.5.3 Wafer Knife Gate Valves Class 150 — Table 8 1.5.4 Wafer Swing Check Valves Classes 150 to 2500 — Table 8 1.8.5 Butterfly Valves Class 150 — Table 9 Class 300 — Table 9 Class 600 — Table 9 1.6 Exclusions ‘This Standard excludes threaded and socket weld- ing end valves, and all types of copper alloy and alumi- ‘num alloy valves. 2 DEFINITIONS 2.1. Nominal Valve Size 2.1.1 Nominal Pipe Size (NPS). The size of a valve js the corresponding nominal sizeof pipe in which itis, used, The stated number is used for designation and is not necessarily the same as the valve inside diameter or port diameter. 2.1.2 Reduced Port Sizes. Venturi gate valves ‘conforming to API 597 and reduced port gate and ball, valves conforming to API 6D are designated for size by two numbers, the first being the NPS of the valve ends, the second being the NPS of the port (seats, moving parts, ete.)s¢.g., NPS6 x 4 designates a valve of end size NPS 6 with a port to match NPS 4. These valves, conforming to the referenced API specifica- tions, shall have face-to-face or end-to-end dimen- sions corresponding to valves having the same size end FACE-TO-FACE ANO END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES connections; e.g., an NPS 6 x 4 valve shall have the face-to-face or end-to-end dimensions of an NPS 6 valve. 2.2 Pressure-Temperature Rating Number Valvesare designated as one of the following classes of pressure-temperature rating numbers: (a) Cast iron — Classes 25, 125, 250, 800 (b) Ductile iron — Classes 150, 300 (@) Steel? — Classes 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500 2.3 Flanged Valve Dimensions 2.3.1 Face-to-Face. The face-to-face dimension for flanged valves is the distance between the extreme ends which are the gasket contact surfaces (see Fig. 1). Face-to-face applies to flanged valves having the fol- lowing flange facings: (@) flat (©) 0.06 in. raised (© 0.25 in. raised (@ large or small male* (© large or small tongue* 2.3.2 Installed Face-to-Face. The installed face- to-face dimension of certain butterfly valves {see Table 9, Note (1)] may include allowances for gasket of resilient-facing compression. Refer to MSS SP-67 for definitive illustrations. 2.3.3 End-to-End. For those flanged valves where the gasket contact surfaces are not located at the ex- treme ends of the valve, the distance between the ex- treme ends is described as the end-to-end dimension and applies to flanged valves having the following flange facings: (2) ring joint (2) large or small female (©) large or small groove 2.4 Buttwelding End Valve Dimensions (Also See Section 4) For buttwelding end valves, the end-to-end dimen- sion is the distance between the extreme ends (root faces) of the welding bevels (se Fig. 2) Tipetade all ferrous and nonfecrous materials in ASME/ANSt 216.34 “Eacetocface dimensions in Tables | 07 mus be adjusted asin cated in Table 10. [ASME 816.10-1852 (3) Plain Gove GENERAL NOTE: FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES ee Encsowend simersion {b Compound Bove “Typical bowels ae snow for istration only FIG. 2 WELDING ENDS 2.5 Grooved End Valve Dimensions ‘The end-to-end dimension for grooved end valves is the distance between extreme ends. 2.6 Angle Valves For flanged angle type valves (those in which the ends are at an angle of 90 deg to each other), the center-to-face dimension is the distance from the cen~ terline of the port to the extreme end which is the g ket contact surface. For flanged angle type valves which the gaske: seating surface is not located at the extreme end and for angle type valves having butt- welding ends, the phrase center-to-end denotes the istance from the centerline of the port to the extreme end. 3 FACINGS OF FLANGED VALVES Figure 1 shows facings for flanged ends. 3.1. Facings Normally Furnished 3.1.1 Flat Face. Flanges for Classes 25 and 125 cast iron valves are flat faced. 3.1.2 0.06 in. Raised Face. Flanges for Class 250 cast iron and for Classes 150 and 300 steel valves have 0.06 in, raised faces, which are included in the face-to- face (or center-to-face) dimensions. When Classes 150 and 300 valves are required with flat faces, either the full thickness of flange or the thickness with the 0.06 in, raised face removed may be furnished, unless oth- cetwise specified by the customer. Users are reminded that removing the 0.06 in. raised face will make the face-to-face dimension nonstandard. 3.1.3 0.25 in, Raised Face. Flanges for Class 800 cast iron and for Class 400 and higher steel valves have 0.25in, raised faces, which are included in the face-to- face (or center-to-face) dimensions. 3.2 Other Standard Facings ‘Table 10 summarizes data on all flange facings and can be used with Tables 1 to 7 in calculating face-to- face and end-to-end dimensions of flanged valves having standard facings other than those described in para, 3.1 3.3. Ring Joint Facings ‘The X dimension given in Table 11, when added to the face-to-face dimension of a valve having raised face flanges in Tables 1 to 7, establishes the end-to-end dimension for the valve having flanges with ring joint facings. 4 VARIATIONS OF LENGTH WITHIN A CLASS OF VALVES 4.1. Buttwelding End Valves (Also see para. 2.4) Tables 1 to 7 include end-to-end dimensions for valves having buttwelding ends. In many cases, the dimensions are different from those of face-to-face dimensions of flanged valves, as evidenced by the dif- ferences between dimensions A and B of the tables. ‘ASME 816.10-1992 aac | fo] Rel pa — ; clase 125 cast Iron Class 160 Stet clase 150 Steet FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES TABLE 1 CLASS 125 CAST IRON FLANGED AND CLASS 150 STEEL FLANGED AND BUTTWELDING END VALVES, FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS coiiste Sota ares olen tn al 1 maT | oe wa { | Globe, Sold check, Sold Wedge, Wedge Reguar | Round | and | Angle | Wedge Double Double | shore | ventut | Ful | Check | ttt | Double ‘and | Shor Disc | Pattern | Patter | Bore | (1) | Check | Disc | Conduit | Conduit | Patten 00 |... | 400 400 | <1: | 400 425 462 5.00 sso | ssor| 8:50 wets... sso | 600) ... |... | sso te fo | es | eso | aso] Ba taro, 2° | 700 | 760 | 7800 | 750 | sco | 300 | 7.00 2i‘|5720 | 750 | azsc| a25| aso | sas | 7.50 3 | 00 | &00 | soom| s00| so | 425 | 8.00 : 4) |-9.00 | 9.00 | 9.01 | 12.00 | 11.50 575 | 9.00 | 9.00 |1200 | 200 81 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 14.00(@ | 18.00 | 13.00 eso | 1000 | ... | 1800 | 10.00 6 <| 1050. | 1050 | 15580 | 18.00 | 14.00 7.00 | 1050 | 1050 | 1588 | 10.50 81°) 4150” | 11.80 | 18.00 | 22.00 | 19.50 a7s | 11.60 | 11:60 | 1660 | 11.50 18) [9m -| taco | zoo | ae00 |zeso | s2as | 1200 | i300 |se00 | 1200 2750 | 1378 | 1400 | 1400 | 19.75 | 14.00 31.00 | 3550 | 1500 | 15.00 | 22.60 36.0015) | 18.00 | 16.00 | 16.00 | 24.00 5 17.09 | 17.00 | 26.00 36.00 g ‘ 18.00 | 18.00 | 28.00 12, 21400 | 14.00 | 24.00 14, 2] 46.002) 27.00 16| °]-16.00 (2) sa) °}-17.00 (2) 20° | 18.0012) : 20.00 | 30.00 20.00 | 20.00 | 32.00 22.00 | 22.00 | 24.006) 5 iL | 2a00 | 24:00 | 36.0016 51.00 14) 24.00 | 26.00 | 36.0006) 24° | 200012) 42.0014) 26 i 28 : 28,00 | 38.0006) 30.00 | 40.0016) | 40.00 32.00 | 40.006) 36 63.00 14) [ASME 816,10-1992 FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES TABLE 1 (CONT'D) GENERAL NOTES: {e). Dimensions ae in inches. {2) Orman shannon to abled imesions which may be equted for certain fang cng NOTES: NOTES enone sre rctinendedtocaverth type check ave having the stetani a aprxinatl 48 egzo he runofthe Teese dene orurter Patt,” ov eter paiterns wher arg ceerances ar requites (2 Solid wedge only. (21 Sold wedge omy. Te face-ttace dimension of NPS 4 maybe 12.00 atthe manufactir'sopon- (4) Ventun patter ony {6} Globe and horizontal ifs check only {6} Double cise and conduit only, 16) Doshi des or cert ezkonly. The faceto-tace and ond-o-end dnenion for las 150 etal ange and buteldng ed cette check valves ia NPS 6 is 13.00 and in NPS 6 js 14.00. cay a Shah a cock ony The taceo-face ond ond to-ond dmnenson for Class 160 tel fanged and burweing end ‘Swing check valves in NPS 16 is 34.00. {ay Swing check ony. FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES, ASME B16.10-1992 (class 250 Cast Iron a | spd Clase 300 Steet (ass 300 Stoo! CLASS 250 CAST IRON FLANGED AND CLASS 300 STEEL FLANGED AND BUTTWELDING TABLE 2 END VALVES, FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS 7 2 3 ‘ 5 6 7 @ ° ‘las 250 Get ron Cis 900 Sel Fangod End (0.06in. Raised Fecal Flanged and Wading End os a ate Globe, Sete ur Weee check, | Angle Nom. | and ane | and Vane | osule | shor | oguer | vensat | swing | ttt | tong | stor | Long “eve | OS | panam | Pater | Param | Check | Check | Paterm | Patiem | Petern ws | 4 a 4 4 a > a | awa | 8 * r E sso | 560 x 4 800 | 600 1 : as eso | 580 wee | = : : 700 | 700 |... Wale ce ; tao |: L 730 | 780 | 750 2 -| eso | 728 | 860 . | 1050 | s2e | eso | 250 | sso mm | $30 | e00 | 950 | - itso | £25 | oso | sso | 280 3 |owaa | 92s | siz yzso | 625 | auaz | maz | ante & | i200 | 050 | 1200 ‘| Yao0 | 00 | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 8 | 1800 1525 yall (165g ee 222 ahwest (ate © | ssa | 1408 | 1675 | rse0 | 1750 | 675 | ssee | 1500 | 1800 8 | wes | | to7s | tes0 | 2100 | 1050 | 1875 | 1250 | 2050 10 «| 1800 | 2238 too | 2480 | 1225 | 2238 | 1800 | 2200 iz || 1875 | 26850 tay | 2000 | 1400 | 2550 | 1275 | 2500 [ago | Oe 30.00 * | 3000 | 2250 | 3000 1s | 2600 3200 | za00 | 200 | 3300 18 | 2600 pe00 |: 1 | 2600 | 2500 | 36.00 20 | 2800 sooo | 2. | i! | 3800 | 2800 | 3900 2 is | S| eos | asco | Oo" | 43.00 2 | siso | 1 | as00 5] | 4800 | 3240 | 45.00 25 49.00 43.00 28 53,00 53.00 20 $5.00 58.00 2 0.00 £0.00 3 : soo | 64.00 38 : | 3.00 62.00 ASME 818.10-1992 FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES | rete 2 conro1 GENERAL NOTES: {@)_Dimentions ae in inches. Bom 36 for agjasements to tabulated dimensions which may be required for certain flange facings. notes: (i) Solid wedee only {2} Plug — shor patter only. (G)_Vertur pattern only. FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES ASME 618.10-1882 ised face Foo z pill Oa erg cl Ao TABLE 3 CLASS 400 STEEL FLANGED AND BUTTWELDING END VALVES, FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS. jx >} 1 ee ee 4 3 6 7 Case 400 Steet Flanged End 0.25 in. Raised Face) and Welding End Plog Ball Gate, Sotd Wedge, | Regular | Double and Round Round Nominal Dize, and | Vertu | Por, Por, ‘Angleend | Long luttcheck | Pattern Dende | Aands Conduit. | Pattern | FullBore | Full Bore Aenis | Aands a 8 3.25 6.50 275 750 425, 8.50 450 9.00 475 9.50 %D 65012) | x 7:80 (2) a) 850 aso | 10.00 rec 9.00 2.004) rt 9.50 eso(si | 1250 | 20 11.50 11.50¢4) | 13.00 ‘ 11.50 7s | 1180 zea 13,00 13,00 (4) | 18.00 is 13.00 sso | 1300 a0 14.00 14.0014) | 17.80 f 14.00 700 | 14.00 4 16.00 t6.0014) | 18.00 22100 16.00 8.00 | 16.00 5 14.00 i 18.00 9.00 - 6 18.60 19.50 24.00 28.00 19.60 975 | 1950 8 23.60 23.50 23.00 33.25 23.50 175 | 2350 10 26.50 26.50 35.00 35.00 26.50 1325 | 26.50 2 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 | 3000 15.00 | 20.00 4 32.50 32.50 » | 35.0016) 35.60 35.50 36.50 (6) E 35.50 38.50 38.50 (5) 40.00 (6) 41.50 a1s0i) | | 41.50 (6) 41.50 45.00 45.00 (8) ! 45.00 (6), 45.00 48.50 48.50 (5) 4 55.006) id 48.50 sxso | 515018 55001) ssi) | ss001 | a 00) 30, 60.00 (3) 60.00 15) i 65.00 (6) wee 60.00 & esoots) | es.0018 + | Bte0 s Yooots | 2018 y.c0 x Teootsl | t2008) | 220016 re00 (See Notes on p. 151 a niereneeeninineeniomenrnenin._ sont naneenet a2 8 Bs 8 FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES [ASME B16.10-1992 ONIGTAMLLNG ONY GIDNVTd 7431S 009 toms 009 0 ue ‘our 889 008 8819 ‘SSV10 GNV G3ONVId NOH! LS¥9 008 SSvIO yTTaVL to01g 009 e819 sujplownang | st pe uo Bujpromning Fe21s 000 st819 pus wos 889 08 #819 fal oss | ooo | cos 00°02 ‘ coz | ove | oo oe 00 oot co ©] oz | coor o'r 00 oor co's =| ove | ove one 00 coer avy | ace | oo Ost 08 ost scr | oo” oss ose | ave 00's sy | S79 oss sce ose 059 apwy v v tuoneg omg | ota u07 eignoa ryooug | ue Sums | punoy | punoy | stow stpem, pue Pues. ape “owe ur 09019) ‘ous owe) wa {903 pesrey “4 $z°0) a ‘Pug pobiwe.s 'pua Suprema pus (e2ea pesreu “4 62-0) Pua pabueLy ois 009 #819 ‘vou 3669 008 #6810) et z a ot @ 8 £ ° 3 * e z t SNOISN3INIG GN3-O.L-GN3 GNV 39V4-O1-30Vs ‘SIA TVA GNA 16 [ASME 816, 10-1882 FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES 1 Faia tac: FP beewetcing Boceneing end I od on & NG | Paes Lo pees | : TABLES CLASS 900 STEEL FLANGED AND BUTTWELDING END VALVES, i FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS i 7 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 2 | ‘lass 900 Stel Valves | Flanged End (0.25n,Ralted Face) and Welding End | ate ag bat - tobe, ] ure check, poate and | Angle | and swing | and | ur and Reguloe Check, | ute | Check, ior. | conduit. | short | ond Shon | Check, | Shor Vane | ting | Patt | vents pattem | tong | Pater | tong Sze, | Patan | Ci) | Pate (| pare | i | Pacem ne | Aenea | oe | Aande 2 | onde | © |Amae ual. fe 450 1 | wso@ | sso | 100008 5.00 10.00 twa} | teow | eso | tx00m | 2) | i100 F 5.50 11.00 rH} | 12001 | 7.00 | 12.00% | 13.00 | 12.00 : 6.00 12.00 2-@ | 1450 | aso | 145001 | 1800 | 14.50 725 13.80 zn | 1680 | 1000 | reso | 1700 | 1680 | 1000 | ea | ... | 1680 3 1800 | 1200 | isoot@ | 1e60 | 5.00 | 1200 | 750 | 600 | 18.00 + too | 1400 | i200 | 2200 | 1800 | i200 | 00 | 7.00 | 18.00 5 zo | 1700]. | 2200 | 47.00 | 11.00 | 850 6 ze00 | 2000 | 2800 | 2860 | 2400 | 2000 | 1200 | 10.00 | 2400 8 2200 | 2600 | 2900 | 2.00 | 2200 | 2600 | 1480 | 1200 | 29.00 10 3300 | 3100 | 3300 | 30.00 | 3200 | 3100 | 1650 | 1580 | 33.00 12 | 3800 | 3600 | 3.00 | 44.00 | 38.00 | 3600 | 1800 | 1800 | 38.00 1 | 4as0 | 3000 | soso | asco | 2025 | 1950 | 4050 re | 480 | 43.00 | 44.8015) aac | 4300 | 2600 | ... | 40 sz je | 4800 42.0061 29.00 48.00 F224] 20 | s20 52.0016) 52.00 (61 22.50 52.00 282 | 22 E . = : 283 [Lz 61.00 61.0061 39.60 61.00 ib {See Notes on p. 131 235 192 veh ‘ASME B16.10-1992 1 = Burning end -TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES TABLE 6 CLASS 1500 STEEL FLANGED AND BUTTWELDING END VALVES, FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ‘tags 1500 Steet Flanged End (0.28 in, Reised Face) and Welding End Gate Plug Ball Globe, Sofa Giobe, ike Woda tite heck, Double Check, and | Angle Disc, | ‘and swing | end and Reguar | Round | swing | check, | Lit tom. | Conduit, | Short and Port, Check, | Shor | Check, valve tong | Parem | Ventut Full tong | Patter | tong | tong Size, arom a Pattern Bore Pattern (| Pertem | Patter wes | Aandi 2 And 8 a And 8 a | donde | Aone % : 85016) 425 x £ 3.00 450 1 10.002) | 580 | 10.0001 10.00 5.00 t% | 11002 | eso | 11.000 11.00 5.50 ve | 12002 | 700 | 120001 12.00 6.00 . 2 1480 eso | isso | 1538 | 1450 8.50 725 | 1450 2h | 1650 10.00 | i650 | 17.88 | 1650 1000 | 32s | 1650 3 18.50 42.00 | 18802) | 2082 | 1850 1200 | 925 | 1850 4 21.50 te00 | 2180s | 2462 | 21.50 1.00 | 1075 | 2150 5 26.60 18,00 ; 28.50 13.00 | 13.25 6 2775 2200 | 27.75 at.0o | 27.78 2200 | 1388 | 2775 8 32.75 ze00 | 32.75 36.00 | 3276 23.00 | 1628 | 2275 10 39.00 3400 | 39.00 42.00 | 30.00 34.00 | 1950 | 38.00 2 44.50 39.00 | 44.50 48,00 | 44.50 39.00 | 2225 | 4450 4 49.50 42.00 =. | 49.80 4200 | 2675 | 49.50 16 4.50 47.00 | 54.5016 545016) | 47.00 " 84.50 18 60.50 53.00 60.50 6) 3 2 65.50 58.00 65.506) 24 78.50 78.50 6) (See Notes onp. 21) 2 } [ASME 816.10-1882 FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES iced face 7 suxcneing Besimeing end | na | | i | i \ j en Y [epee al 2— Lp] 2] TABLE 7 CLASS 2500 STEEL FLANGED AND BUTTWELDING END VALVES, FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 Glass 2600 Stel Flanged End (0.26 n, Raised Face and Welding End Gate ] Glebe, uit Bal Giote, uit | Check, end Sotd Wedge Check, end | Swing Check. | Angle and ieminat | ‘endDoutio | Shot | Pg, | Swing Check, | Shor | | Lit Check. Wave | Die, tong | Paton | Regular | Long Pater Lone Long Sue, |. Patem ti | Pattem | Peter a rare | Pate nes | Aonde 2 | Ame | Aende 2 Danse | AandB % | tose ae 1038 r 519 % | wa |: 2 1075 538 1 12312 yey | saz | ize 6.06 tm | sam | a |... 1375 6.88 te | assa@ | 912 | sei 1512 756 Sa 2 1775 ri0o | i775 | 17.75 11.00 eas Tis 2% | 2000 1200 | 2000 | 2000 13.00 1000 | 2000 a: | 275 vaso | 2275 | 2275 14.80 ane | 22.75 2550 eco | 2650 | 2550 18.00 1325 | 2650 31.25 zoo | s125 | 31.28 21.00 15.62 “ 36.00 za00 | 3600 | 36.00 24.00 1800 | 36.00 4025 3o00 | 4025 | 4025 30.00 zor. | 40.25 10, = | sooo 3s00 | s000 | 50.00 36.00 25.00 2 56.00 ai00 | 5600 | 5600 41.00 28.00 1% 400 |. : 16 49.00 18 55.00 GENERAL NOTES: {2) Dimensions ae in inches. (b) See Teble 10 for acjustments to tebuleted dimensions which may be requires for corn lange facings. Notes: (11 These dimensions epply to ps with flanged bornets. (2) Sold wedge only. sameness emneneneaentmanmne eto 2 re sea or flangeless bonne: valves. They may be applied atthe manufacturer's option to valves 182 swe 616.10-992 FACE-TO FACE AND ENO 70.END DIMENSIONS OF VaLves TABLE 9 CLASSES 26 AND 125 CAST IRON AND CLASSES 150 TO 600 STEEL BUTTERFLY VALVES, FACE-TO-FACE DIMENSIONS 7 2 3 3 5 * [7 3 3 Sea Grooved Steal OFS ast om ad lass 150 Steel 298) trates | tag and Water Syn) om, Vee | ged nd tug ond Wofer Sty eet a = Gloss | class | cissa | class _ | SS [awow [wan [toro | wade [erwawie| iso | 1s0. | 200° | 00 3 Powe.” 131 vas | 1.50 3.38 é 2 vl 1.69 1.75 1.81 3.19 ose tar | tae | 200 | ae S 8 3 5.00 5.00 1.81 1.94 2.00 3.81 1.88 1.88 212 E12 | $8 | too | zoo | ata | fas | ase | ase | are | 200 i oP Spleteen ie (Mais fem fea tee fig: ||. aS 6 sco | 800 | 219 275 2.81 sar | 225 231 3.08 igi 8 6.00 8.50 2.38 281 2.94 5.25 2.50 288 4.00 i= 10 8.00 15.00 2.69 3.00 3.12 6.25 281 3.28 4.62 HEE [12 | seo | ts00 | soo | az | ase | eso | aso | ae2 | seo igs Ju 800 | 1600 | 3.06 362 | 378 zoo | 362 | 462 | 12 122 [ts -| 00 | te0o | anz | too | siz | 700 | 400 | s2s | 700 1E2 fe | coo | 100 | «00 | «so | sez | oo | aso | ses | 728 A 3 | eco | tao | sss | soo | siz | aso | S00 | sas | oso TeE gi. | 800 | joo sos | eis | 1000 | 0s | maz | sie 152 9 a0 | 1200 | 2200 8.80 = sous ee spose on fa | ieee | atc aes Bas 15.00 26.00 10.88 see Ls | to. | 2800 : : t | 1500 | 3000 bts | tao | 3e00 Sales SENERAL NOTE: Oimensions are in inches. Gores: ) The instaled face-to-face dimension isthe dimension of the valve face-to-face ater installation inthe pipeline. t does not include “g. the thickness of caskets whore soparate gaskets are uted, It does include the compeessed installed) thickness of gaskets or seals 'B | that are an intogral pat of the valve. = 2) Those burertiy valves oe of the design generally heving concentie location of dae and seat, covered by MSS SP.67, rom which Si] these data are extracted § 3) Thee valves ere dnensonalycompatble wth flanges conforing to ASME/ANS! B16.1 Class 25 or Class 128, ASMEIANS! Ef) BIE Class 160, ASME SIE-24 Class 180, ASME/ANS! B16.42 Cate 150,” ANWA C207 3 £ & : ) Forthese buttery valves, tolerance of +0.06in. shal be allowed on face-to-face cmensions of valves of NPS 6 end smaller, and _2tolorance of + 0.13 in, on NPS @ and larger, except that for single lango anc fangeless valves of NPS 20 andlarger tolerance of £0.25 in. shal be slowed 5) For these valves, # tolerance of +0.13in,shallbe allowed on the face-to-ace dimoncions forall sizes and pressure classes. ; 24 Class 600, which are : ) The data or offset eat valves, columns 7-8, ae extracted from MSS SP-68 and API 608 (except 16 conly in MSS 5P-68) sone compatible with flange (3) vate m4 | 10-1992 FACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES J asueore | 2 wo | zt | zo seo | avo | sto leo | avo | oto teo | avo | oro zo | sco 880 290 880 a0 zoo aco os0 a0 avo | oso zV0 avo | eco 5a) zo | azo zo zvo | azo ee zo | zo zo zo | zv0 eileen zo | zv0 5 [Beee ovo ° ale sro. o 0 | 90 90. ° leer a x s ¥ 0082 s8t19, ‘00st #8019 £5 Lae Lf keeway) ame wo bury sabiish LL aTavs, 310-1992 | cACE-TO-FACE AND END-TO-END DIMENSIONS OF VALVES Eoie erence e2 ANNEX A REFERENCES ‘is Annex is an intagral part of ASME B16, 10-1992 and is placed after the main tex for convenience.) ‘The following is alist of standards and specifications referenced in this Standard, show- ing the applicable edition or year of approval. ‘API Publications API 6D, Twentieth Edition API $94, Fourth Edition API 609, Fourth Edition ASME Publications ASME/ANSI B16.1-1989 ASME/ANSI B16.5-1988 ASME B16.24-1991 ASME/ANSI B16.34-1988 ASME/ANSI B16.42-1987 ASME B16.47-1990 AWWA Publications AWWA C207-86 ISA Publications ISA $75.03-1985 ANSI/ISA $75.04-1985 MSS Publications MSS SP-44-1991 MSS SP-67-1990 MSS SP-81-1981 (R 1991) Pipeline Valves (Stee! Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves) Wafer and Wafer-Lug Check Valves Lug-and-Wafer-Type Butterfly Valves Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25, 125, 250 and 800 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500 ‘Valves — Flanged and Buttwelding End — Steel, Nickel Alloy, and Other Special Alloys Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 150 and 300 Large Diameter Steel Flanges NPS 26 through NPS 60 Steel Pipe Flanges. Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe Style Control Valve Be Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flangeless Control Valves Steel Pipe Line Flanges Butterfly Valves Stainless Steel Bonnetless, Flanged Knife Gate Valves » vatves i INTERPRETATIONS TO ASME B16.10 (These imerpretations are net par of ASME 816.10-1992 and ere included for information ony.) INTRODUCTION ‘Asa service to persons who use the B16 Standards, the B16 Committee renders interpretations of the requirements upon request. The procedure for requesting an interpretation is described in the follow- ing paragraphs. ‘The interpretations include all replies which have been approved by the B16 Main Committee in response to inquiries concerning interpretation of this Standard. ‘An interpretation applies either to the Edition and Addenda in effect on the date of issuance of the interpretation or the Edition and Addenda stated in the interpretation. Subsequent revisions to this Standard may supersede the interpretation. PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING INTERPRETATIONS. On request, the B16 Commitiee will render an interpretation of any requirement of this Standard. Interpretations can only be rendered in response to a written request, which should be addressed to: Secretary, BI6 Main Committee ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 “The request for interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. Iti further recommended that the inquirer submit his request using the following format: (a) Subject. Cite the applicable paregraph number(s) and/or give a concise description of the subject. (®) Question. Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation of a specific requirement suitable for general understanding and use, not as request for an approval of a proprietary design or uation. The inquirer may also include any plans or drawings which are necessary to explain the ‘Question; however, they should not contain proprietary names or information. Requests which are notin this format may be rewritten inthis format prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the original intent of the request. ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of an interpretation when or if additional informa- tions available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. 31

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