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1998 ASME bt) Bolt PRESSURE VESSEL CODE AN INTERNATIONAL CODE Nail UTES Alternative Rules I tjeass) | Cute ancl: Nassats IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE 1998 BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE ADDENDA DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE ‘There isa change in the way the Addenda to the 1998 Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are distributed. The 1998 Edition, published July 1, 1998, incorpo- rates the 1998 Addenda revisions, additions, or deletions. There will be no separate 1998 ‘Addenda issued in a replacement page format. Two additional Addenda to the 1998 Edition, in the form of replacement pages, will be issued on July 1, 1999 and July 1, 2000. ‘The Summary of Changes published with the 1998 Edition lists and describes the revisions that are part of the 1998 Addenda. These changes are identified with a margin note, 98, denoting the affected area, ‘The Addenda for 1999 and 2000 will also have « Summary of Changes and identifiers printed onthe replacement pages. The revisions, additions or deletions will be incorporated directly into the affected pages, It is advisable to retain the tile sheets and all replaced pages for reference. ‘The effective dates for Code Editions and Addenda are described in the Foreword. ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE AN INTERNATIONAL CODE, RULES FOR Taye ei CONSTRUCTION OF PRESSURE VESSELS 1998 Edition July 1, 1998 OSS LRU) eis ak) COMMITTEE Se asa) SU a Sky THE AMERIGAN SOCIBTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS NEW YORK. NEW YORK Date of Ite ly 1. 194 locas all kinda dated Decerer 197 und eae “Tis code oe stand! was develops! unler procedures atid 2s meeting the criteria foe American Notional Standard. The Standards Commitee thit approved he cae ne sind vas Palio (0 assure that individuals tom connpstent aid concerned Interests have ad an oppotnty to parce, The proposed ee ce Mandar was nade avllale for public review and comment tuhich proves an opprtnity ex adn publi pit fom industry avademia epulatory agencies. and the pui-at large TASME dct tat "approve rate” ce "endorses stem, construct. pupa devie, oF aU; "ASME doce mi take amy positon with respect he vay of ay patent righ ayer in connection with any ites mentioned in ts dowurmene and does not undertake to Insore apyse ung sna gains Habiity to sfeingement of aay applicable esters Patent tc sume any such Fai Users of cde o tnd ae expressly aise! that determination othe vat of fy sich patent ht. and the risk of inngerent of such Fights fy ently ther own esponsibility, Partciaton hy fees) agency tepresentatves) o¢ perm) alist with industry foot 10 Be interpreted as goverment or industry enlcescment of ths cede o standard VASME svcepis exp for only thoe interprettions isos im accordance with governing ASME proceduces and picien whieh precade the Ssuance of interpretations by individu woonteer “The atte in tis document ate part ofthis Arerican National Standard SRS set tne rnp ro INNA (Pr iNV(U) UMUV SLE) (MCA) QP).V)H (He HV ‘U2 RP) ojs}ing “The sbone ASME symbols ae roped ip he US. Patent Otte ASME” i the tairh of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer No pat ot this dhcument may he repay frm, in eletrnicreeval sytem thernse- without the prior writen pers of the pisher Airy Congress Calg Card Number: S4-3094 Pn he Unie Stats of Arie opted by the Cows of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1914 Revingd 1040, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1949, 1982, 4955, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1966, 1964, 1971, 1974 1977, BORD, IRR, LOND, 1999, 192, 195, 1998 “The Amica Soviety of Movhanieal Engineers Tre Park Avenve, New York, NY W165 Conyeeht 9 1998 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Rewerved 1998 ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTIONS 1 Rules for Construction of Power Boilers Materials Part A — Ferrous Material Specifications ‘Part B— Nonferrous Material Specifications Part C — Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals Part D — Properties ‘Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 Division 1 ‘Subsection NB — Class 1 Components ‘Subsection NC — Class 2 Components ‘Subsection ND — Class 3 Components ‘Subsection NE — Class MC Components ‘Subsection NF — Supports ‘Subsection NG — Core Support Structures Subsection NH — Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Service Appendices Division 2 — Code for Concrete Resctor Vessels and Containments Division 3 — Containment Systems and Transport Packagings for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High ‘Level Radiouctive Waste Rules for Construction of Hesting Boilers ‘Nondestructive Examination ‘Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels Division 1 Division 2 — Alternative Rules Division 3 — Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels ‘Welding and Brazing Qualifications Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components. 88 ggs¢2 85 ae ADDENDA, Colored-sheet Addenda, which include additions and revisions to individual Sections ofthe Code, are published annually and will be sent automatically to purchasers of the applicable Sections up to the publication ofthe 2001 Code. The 1998 Code is available only in the loose-leaf format; accordingly. the Addenda will be issued in the loose leaf, replacement page format. INTERPRETATIONS 7 ‘ASME issues veritten replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of ‘technical aspects of the Code. ‘The Interpretations for each individual Section will be published separately and will be included as part of the update service to that Section. They will be issued semiannually (July and December) up to the publication of the 2001 Code. Interpretations of Section Il, Divisions 1 and 2, will be included withthe update service to Subsection NCA. CODE CASES ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regularly to consider proposed additions and revisions to the Code and to formulate Cases to clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide, when the need is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not covered by existing Code rules. Those Cases Which have been adopted will appear in the appropriate 1998 Code Cases book: (1) Boilers and Pressure ‘Vessels and (2) Nuclear Components. Supplements willbe sent automatically to the purchasers ofthe Code Cases books up tothe publication ofthe 2001 Code. CONTENTS ‘A Deuiled Contents Precedes Each Part and the Appendices Foreword . vil Statements of Policy x Personnel a xii ‘Summary of Changes ese i Pat AG General Requirements... 1 Pan AM Material Requirements 7 Part AD Design Requirements 8 Pat AF Fabeication Requirements... cece 159 Pat AR Pressure Relief Devices 29 Pet Al Inspection and Radiography coseseeee 268 Pat AT Testing iter) Pat AS Marking, Sumping, Reports, and Records... .--. 293 Mandatory Appendices 305; Nonmandatory Appendices .. 453 Stns eee erect ei do sis Index 39 FOREWORD ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers set up @ committee in 1911 for the purpose of formulating standard rules for the construction of steam boilers and ‘other pressure vessels. This committee is now called the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. ‘The Committee's function is to establish rules deemed necessary for the new construction’ of pressure vessels that will perform in a safe and reliable manner, and to interpret these rules when questions arise regarding their intent. With few exceptions, the rules do not, of practical necessity, reflect the likelihood and conse- quences of deterioration in service related to specific service fluids or extemal operating environments. Rec- ‘ognizing this, the Committee has approved a wide variety of construction! rules in this Section to allow the user or his designee to select those which will provide a pressure vessel having a margin for deteriora- tion in service so as to give a reasonably long, safe period of usefulness. Accordingly, it is not intended that this Section be used as a design handbook; rather, engineering judgment must be employed in the selection of those sets of Code rules suitable to any specific service or need. This Code contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for construe- tion’ activities. The Code does not address all aspects Of these activities and those aspects which are not specifically addressed should not be considered prohib- ited. The Code is not a handbook and cannot replace education, experience, and the use of engineering judg- ‘ment. The phrase engineering judgment refers to techni- cal judgments made by knowledgeable designers experi- fenced in the application of the Code. Engineering Judgments must be consistent with Code philosophy and such judgments must never be used to overrule ‘mandatory requirements or specific prohibitions of the Code. ‘The Committee recognizes that tools and techniques used for design and analysis change as technology Consraction, as used in ths Foreword, is an alt-inchsive tem ‘comprising. materials, design, fabrication, examinuion, inspection, testing, cerication, and pressure reli. progresses and expects engineers to use good judgment in the application of these tools. The designer is respon- sible for complying with Code rules and demonstrating compliance with Code equations when such equations are mandatory. The Code neither requires nor prohibits the use of computers for the design or analysis of components constructed to the requirements of the Code. However, designers and engineers using computer programs for design or analysis are cautioned that they are responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the programs they use and they are responsible for the application of these programs to their design. The Code does not fully address tolerances. When dimensions, sizes, ot other parameters are not specified with tolerances, the values of these parameters are considered nominal and allowable tolerances or local variances may be considered acceptable when based fon engineering judgment and standard practices 2s determined by the designer. ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee deals with the care and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels in service only to the extent of providing suggested rules of good practice as an aid to owners and their inspectors ‘The rules established by the Committee are not to be interpreted as approving, recommending, oF endors- ing any proprietary or specific design or as limiting jn any way the manufacturer's freedom to choose any method of design or any form of construction that conforms to the Code rules. ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regularly to consider revisions of the rules, new rules as dictated by technological development, Code Cases, and requests for interpretations. Only the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee has the authority to provide official interpretations of this Code. Requests for rev sions, new rules, Code Cases, or interpretations shall be addressed to the Secretary in writing and shall give full particulars in order to receive consideration and action (see Mandatory Appendix covering preparation of technical inquiries). Proposed revisions to the Code resulting from inguiries will be presented to the Main Committee for appropriate action. The action of the ‘Main Committee becomes effective only after confirma- tion by letter ballot of the Committee and approval by ‘ASME. Proposed revisions to the Code approved by the Committee are submitted to the American National Standards Institute and published in Mechanical Engi- neering to invite comments from all interested persons. ‘After the allotted time for public review and final approval by ASME, revisions are published annually in Addenda to the Code. Code Cases may be used in the construction of components to be stamped with the ASME Code symbol beginning with the date of their approval by ASME. ‘After Code revisions are approved by ASME, they say be used beginning with the date of issuance shown con the Addenda. Revisions, except for revisions to material specifications in Section IL, Parts A and B, ‘become mandatory 6 months after such date of issuance, ‘except for boilers or pressure vessels contracted for ‘prior to the end of the 6 month period. Revisions to material specifications are originated by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and other recognized national or international organizations, and ‘are usually adopted by ASME. However, those revisions may or may not have any effect on the suitability of material, produced to earlier editions of specifications, for use in ASME construction. ASME material speci cations approved for use in each construction Code are listed in the Appendices of Section Il, Parts A and B. ‘These Appendices list, for each specification, the latest jon adopted by ASME, and earlier and later editions ‘considered by ASME to be identical for ASME con- struction. Manufactures and users of components are cautioned ‘against making use of revisions and Cases that are less restrictive than former requirements without having. assurance that they have been accepted by the proper authorities in the jurisdiction where the component is to be installed. Each state and municipality in the United States and each province in Canada that adopts or accepts one or ‘more Sections of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is invited to appoint a representative to act on the ‘Conference Committee to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. Since the members ofthe Conference Com- mittee are in active contact with the administration and enforcement ofthe rules, the requirements for inspection in this Code comespond with those in effect in their respective jurisdictions, The required qualifications for an Authorized Inspector under these rules may be obtained from the administrative authority of any state, ‘municipality, or province which has adopted these rules. vi ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in the formulation of its rules and in the establishment of maximum design and operating pressures considers, materials, construction, methods of fabrication, inspec- tion, and safety devices. Permission may be granted to regulatory bodies and organizations publishing safety standards 10 use a complete Section of the Code by reference. If usage of a Section, such as Section IX, involves exceptions, omissions, or changes in provisions, the intent of the Code might not be attained, ‘Where a state o other regulatory body, in the printing of any Section of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, makes additions or omissions, it is recommended that such changes be clearly indicated. ‘The National Board of Boiler and Pressure. Vessel Inspectors is composed of chief inspectors of states ‘and municipalities in the United States and of provinces in Canada that have adopted the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This Board, since its organization in 1919, has functioned to uniformly administer and enforce the rules of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The ‘cooperation of that organization with the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee has been extremely helpful ‘The Code Committee does not rule on whether a component shall or shall not be constructed to the provisions of the Code. The Scope of each Section has been established to identify the components and parameters considered by the Committee in formulating, the Code rules. Laws or regulations issued by municipal- ity, state, provincial, federal, or other enforcement or regulatory bodies having jurisdiction at the location of an installation establish the mandatory applicability of the Code rules, in whole or in part, within their jurisdiction. Those laws or regulations may require the use of this Code for vessels or components not consid- cred to be within its Scope or may establish additions or deletions in that Scope. Accordingly, inquiries regarding, such laws or regulations are to be directed to the issuing enforcement or regulatory body. ‘Questions or issues regarding compliance of a specific component with the Code rules are to be directed 10 the ASME Certificate Holder (Manufacturer). Inquiries conceming the interpretation of the Code are to be directed to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. ASME is to be notified should questions arise concerning improper use of an ASME Code symbol ‘The specifications for materials given in Section [1 are identical with or similar to those of specifications published by ASTM, AWS, and other recognized na- tional or international organizations. When reference is ‘made in an ASME material specification to a non- ASME specification for which a companion ASME specification exists, the reference shall be interpreted as applying to the ASME material specification. Not all materials included in the material specifications in Section TI have been adopted for Code use. Usage is limited to those materials and grades adopted by at least one of the other Sections of the Code for applica tion under rules of that Section. All materials allowed by these various Sections and used for construction within the scope of their rules shall be furnished in accordance with material specifications contained in Section II or referenced in Appendices A of Section Tl, Pars A and B except where otherwise provided in Code Cases or in the applicable Section of the Code. Materials covered by these specifications are acceptable for use in items covered by the Code Sections only to the degree indicated in the applicable Section. Materi- als for Code use should preferably be ordered, produced, and documented on this basis; Appendix A to Section IL, Part A and Appendix A to Section Il, Part B list ‘editions of ASME and year dates of specifications that meet ASME requirements and which may be used in Code construction. Material produced to an acceptable specification with requirements different from the re- quirements of the corresponding specifications listed in Appendix A of Part A or Patt B may also be used in accordance with the above, provided the material ‘manufacturer or vessel manufacturer certifies with evi- dence acceptable to the Authorized Inspector that the corresponding requirements of specifications listed in Appendix A of Part A or Part B have been met. ‘Material produced to an acceptable material specification is not limited as to country of origin. When required by context in this Section, the singular ‘shall be interpreted as the plural, and vice-versa; and ‘the feminine, masculine, or neuter gender shall be treated as such other gender as appropriate. Publication of the SI (Metric) Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code was discontinued with the 1986 Edition. Effective October 1, 1986, the SI Edition was withdrawn as an ASME Boiler and Pressure ‘Vessel Code document. STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF CODE SYMBOLS AND CODE AUTHORIZATION IN ADVERTISING ASME has established procedures to authorize quali fied organizations to perform various activities in ac- cordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. It isthe aim of the Society to provide recognition of organizations so authorized. ‘An organization holding authorization to perform ¥. ‘ous activities in accordance with the requirements of the Code may state this capability in its advertising Titerature, Organizations that are authorized to use Code Symbols for marking items or constructions which have been con- structed and inspected in compliance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ae issued Certificates of ‘Authorization. Iis the aim of the Society to maintain the standing ofthe Code Symbols for the benefit ofthe users, the enforcement jurisdictions, andthe holders ofthe sym- bots who comply with all requirements. Based on these objectives, the following poticy has been established on the usage in advertising of facsimiles of the symbols, Certificates of Authorization, and refer- ence to Code construction. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers does not “approve,” “certify.” “rate,” of “endorse” any item, construction, or activity and there shall be no statements or implications which might so indicate. An organization holding 1 Code Symbol and/or a Certificate of Authorization may state in advertising titerature that items, constructions, of activities “are built (produced or performed) or activities conducted in accordance with the requirements of the ‘ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,” or “meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,” ‘The ASME Symbol shall be used only for stamping and nameplates as specifically provided in the Code. However, facsimiles may be used for the purpose of fostering the use of such construction. Such usage may be by an association ora society, or by aholder of a Code ‘Symbol who may also use the facsimile in advertising to show that clearly specified items will eary the symbol, General usage is permitted only when all of a manufactur- e's items are constructed under the rues. ‘The ASME logo, which is the cloverleaf with the Jetters ASME within, shall not be used by any organiza tion other than ASME. STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF ASME MARKING TO IDENTIFY MANUFACTURED ITEMS ‘The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code provides rules forthe construction of boilers, pressure vessels, and. ‘nuclear components. This includes requirements for mate- Fials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, and stamping. Items constructed in accordance with all ofthe applicable rules ofthe Code are identified withthe official Code Symbol Stamp described inthe governing Section of the Code. Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard," or any other marking including “ASME” or the various ‘Code Symbols shall not be used on any item which is ‘pot constructed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements of the Code, Items shall not be described on ASME Data Report Forms nor on similar forms referring to ASME which tend to imply that all Code requirements have been ‘met when, in fact, they have not been. Data Report Forms covering items not fully complying with ASME requirements should not refer to ASME or they should clearly identify all exceptions to the ASME require: ments, PERSONNEL ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Subcommittees, Subgroups, and Working Groups As of December 31, 1997 J. Brauszkiewicz, Secretary J. R, MacKay RW, Bares T.), Mawson FP. Baron 1.6, MeCary DLL. Berger G.C Millman M.0. Bernstein RA. Moen MLN. Bressler C.C. Newly Wil. Ca 1. Peper T.M. Cullen RF. Reedy JR Fae B. W. Roberts RE Folge! FJ. Schaaf, J 1G. Feldstein A Sela M. Gold KK Tam ©. F Hedden ©.€ Tanner AL stn EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (MAIN COMMITTEE) G.G. Karcher, Chair A. usin 1.A.Canonico, Vice Chair}. R. MacKay 4.5. Braustkiewicz, Secrewry 7. G. McCarty FP, Barton 1. Pastor JR Fare TE Quaka 1G. Feldstein RF. Rody Me ALI Spencer OF g HONORARY MEMBERS (MAIN COMMITTEE) RD. Bonner EJ. Hemzy R.. Bosnak EC. Kistner, HM, Canavan VE Latan Lid Chodke 1 LeCot 1.5. Clarke EN. Moschini W. E. Cooper CE. Rawlins W. D. Doty W. E. Somers RC. Gain LP. Zick, HONORS AND AWARDS COMMITEE 1. R. Mackay, Chaie M. Gola ALI Spencer, Vice Chait FE, Gregor FR Lyons, Secretary EC. Kistner FP. Barton T.P. Pastor W. J. Caner RF. Reedy 1G. Feldstein (MARINE CONFERENCE GROUP J. That, Chair JL Jones C.F. Banks C.F. Weight L => Douthwaite ‘CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Tanner — Tennessee _D. T. Jagger — Ohio D: J Jenkins — Kansas R.D. Reetz — North Dakota M. Kotb — Quebec, Canada J.P. Larson — Minnesota ‘National Board K. T. Lau — Alberta, Canada ‘of Boiler and Pressure Vessel), Lemire — California Inspectors (Secretary) . A. Lundberg — Florida RJ. Aben, jt. — Michigan W. C, Lundine — Oregon J.S. Aclaro — Los Angeles, M.A. Malek — Maine California IEW. Maul — Manitoba, EA. Anderson — Chicago, Il” Canada Uinois HT, McEwen — Missi | Anderson — South Dakota, W. Meiring — Indiana R. Barkdoll — Washington. Mile — Ontario, Canada FP, Barton — Virginia T.J. Monroe — Otlahoma Castle — Nova Scotia, _Y. Nagpal — Hawait Canada 4. D. Payton — Pennsylvania RR Cate — Louisiana D. K. Peetz — Missouri Chase — Northwest Terito- D.C. Price — Yukon Tenttoy, ies, Canada (Canada R.A. Coomes — Kentucky R.S, Pucek — Wisconsin 4. Corcoran — Connecticut 7. . Rennie — Arizona M.H, Diehl i. — Maryland L. Roussinos — British Colum= 1. A. Douin — ilinois bia, Canada . Eastman — Newioundland —M., Shutf— West Virginia ‘and Labrador, Canada R. Snyder — New Jersey G. L. Ebeyer —~ New Orleans, N. Surtees — Saskatchewan, Louisiana Canada F. Elis — New Hampshire MJ Verhagen — Wisconsin .Everen — Georgia RB. West lowa PC. Hacked — Utah M. L Wheel — Vermont 1D. Hanvath — North Carolina K. A. White — Nevada 1.8. Harlan — Delaware RK, White — New York K. Hynes — Prince Edward TF. Wickham — Rhode island Island, Canada C.S. Withers — Colorado ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON POWER BOILERS (SC 1 1. R. Mackay, Chait W. L. Lowry M.D, Bemstein, Vice Chair T. C. McGough P.D. Stumpf, Secretary PA. Mole D.L. Berger .K. Parrish E.Everet 17. Plow DIN. French RG. Presnak FR Gerety 8. W. Roberts J. Hainsworth R.D. Schuele, I. 7.€. Hansen R. V, Wielgoszins b 5. Hunter RL Willams ‘Subgroup on Design (SC M.D. Bernstein, Chair R.D. Schueler, jr Vice Chair PLA. Molvie, Secretary M.A, Farugia 1.0. Fishburn C.F. eetings KC. Morison, A Nassif IN. Sunes R. V, Wielgoszinsk ‘Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination ($C 1) D.L. Berger, Chair RE. McLaughlin, Secretary Slack, Sr Me RD. Schvele, J. RE. R.V. Wielgoszinski Subgroup on General Requirements (SC 1 1.¢. MeGough, Chair M.D. Bemsein, Vice Chair W. L. Lowry, Secretary C.F Jeerings 1M. Lyons RE Mclaughlin DK, Parish 17. Pillow W. E. Somers RL Wiliams Subgroup on Materials (SC 1) 1. F. Henry 1. P.Librecht Masuyama 1M. Tanzosh Subgroup on Piping (SC 1) T.C. McGough RG. Presnak E White PL. Ziegler ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON MATERIALS ($C I) Gold, Chair M. Cullen, Vice Chair Lyons, Secretary . Abend IN Bressler rosgreseaet i ao F. Masuyama E, Michalopoulos RA. Moon RK Nanstad E.G. Nisbett J.T. Parsons DW. Rahoi ‘Subgroup on External Pressure (SC 1) RW. Miia, Chair D. I. Green D.S. Grifin E, Michalopoules B. R, Morelock D. Nadel CE Spaeder, J CH. Sturgeon Subgroup on Ferrous Specifications (SC 1) E.G. Nisbet, Chair W. C. Mack 8. M. Dingnan AS. Mall W. D. Edsall 1.7. Parsons 1. Gaham EJ. Rozie. I W. N. Holliday E Upitis EA. Jonas ‘A.W, Zeuthen D.C. Krouse RH. Zong, J. Longenecker J.T, Partons, Chait H, Masahisa D.C. Agarwal 1. F Mishel J. Cameron F. Ovweiller Ri Dirschedt AP. Povilons W. D. Doty R. D. Schuele, J: D.M. Fryer RR Seeley M. Gold EA, Steen MH then E upits W.M. Lundy £.O, Woolridge Subgroup on Nonferrous Alloys (SC I) D.W. Rahol, Chair MH, Gilkey D.C. Agarwal, Secretary GC. Hau WR. Apblet M. Katcher LG. Coffee E. Shapiro A. Cohen LE, Shoemaker R. Ditch RC. Sutherlin Subgroup on Strength, Ferrous Alloys (SC I) B. W. Roberts, Chair A. lseda 1M, Tanzosh, Secretary F Masaya AP. Anrendt R.A. Moen WR, Apblett 1D. W. Rahot 7.M Callen CE. Spaeder, J. M. Gold RW. Swindeman J.) Hoger BE. Thurgood CL. Hoffmann ‘Subgroup on Strength of Weldments (SC Mt & SC IX) CE. Spaeder, jr Chair €. Robino W. D. Daty W. J. Spero 1. W. Rahoi JM. Tanzosh B, W. Roberts B. E. Thurgood ‘Subgroup on Toughness (SC t) JM. Barsom RS. Vecchio DLA. Hansen 5. Yukawa A Seiz . Zawierucha ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR POWER (SC II} Paper, Chair B.A Erler RM. lessee, Vice Chair D. Hanrath C.A.Sanna, Secretary CL Hofmann EP. Allen KH. Hae ¥. Asada D.F. Landers RW. Bares W.C. LaRochelle J. Baysden 1. Mawson W. H. Borter W.N. Mclean E.B, Branch RA Moen MN Bressler D. B. Nickerson F.C. Chery RF Perrin G.D. Cooper RF Reedy R.P. Deubler MW, Smith W.D. Dory J.D. Stevenson FR, Orahes RE Tome K Ennis KR. Wiehman ‘Subgroup on Containment Systems for Spent Fuel and High Level Waste Transport Packagings (SC i) J. D. Stevenson, Chai RE, Nickell HH Chung D.J. Nolan. RR. Doggart D.T. Raske ELL Factow . Saeguse K. Goldmann RM. Smith RH. Jones K.B. Sorenson WH. Lake P Tuvala RW. Lambert N. Urabe H.W. Lee CR wir P. McConnell S. Yukawa ‘Subgroup on Design (SC 1H) Rw To tida £8. 8. larman Rs. DF. Landers Yas W.N. McLean MON. B D.B. Nickerson CW. Bruny EC. Rodabaugh IR. Cole JR. Santangelo C.D. Cooper G.C. slagis RP. Deubler 1.0. Stevenson IN. W. Edwards 1, H. Wawrzeniak RE. Gimple KR. Wichman D. Haneath R. Way RW. Haupt Working Group on Adminitration (SG-D) (SC 1M) £.6. Branch, Chair 1.7. Land R.W. Bares, Vice Chair. F. Landers RS. Hl, Seeretary W.N. Mclean CW, Brun D.B. Nickerson .D. Cooper J.R. Santangelo R.P. Deubler R. Wray Working Group on Care Support Structures ($G-D) (SC It) 1.7. Land, Chair 1. F. Mullooly RH. Hansen 8. Sikerblat KB. Laren Working Group on Dynamic and Extreme Load Conditions ($6-D) ($C Uh ‘A. Hadiian IM, Hartzman W.5.LaPay H. Locker P.R. Olson RF Perry 1. Wallach 0. Landers, Chair 1. Minichiallo RS. Hill I, Vice Chair 5.E Moore P. Hirschberg, Secretary ALN. Newyen T.M. Adams D.B. Nickerson G.A. Anak! 0.0. Oyamada 1-R. Cole R. D. Patel A.B, Glickstein E.C. Rodabaugh RW. Haupt J-R. Santangelo 1. C. Henna M.S. Sills R.D. Hookway G.C. Slags RB. Jenkins EA Wis KA Manoly ‘Working Group on Pumps (SG-D) (SC Ith 0. B. Nickerson, Chair G.R Jones HL Brammer LW. Leavi P. Burchett, 1. €, Livingston RE Comman, J, RA. Schuisler AA. Fraser 1. Taferodi M. Higuchi GK. Vaghasia ‘Working Group on Supports (SG-D) SC 11 RP. 1. Henna RM, Dulin, Jr, Secretary AS, Laurenion U.S. Bandyopadhyay A. Lee FJ. Birch BR.) Masterson MON, Bressler AE Meligi IR Cole ‘AN. Nguyen 1. Finneran JR. Stinson RW. Haupt SN. Shields H.R. Sonderegger J.C, Tsacoyeanes, R.G. Vial J. R. Zahorsky Working Group on Vewels (SG-D) (SC Ml) C.W. Bruny, Chair TM. Khan. TK. Bur, Sr. ©. Maekawa G.0. Cooper KA. Manoty GA. Deaver A. Merend, NW. Behar C.K. Miller D. Hanvath W.Z. Novak W. J Heilker E. Pelling Barman 1H. 5. Thornton Special Working Group on Environmental Effects (86-0) (Cm) R.S. Mill Ul, Chair RA. Moen ¥. Asada W. Z. Novak. W. J Heiker 5. Yukawa CL Hofmann ‘Special Working Group on Seismic Piping Rules (SG-D) (SC I) £8. Branch, Chair J.C. Minichielo TM, Adams Ms. sills GA. Antaki EA Wais R.D, Hookway ‘Subgroup on General Requirements (5C Il & SC 30) W.C. LaRachelle, Chair —C. Lizote K. Ennis, Secretary MJ. Meyer ‘A. Appleton IM. Minick 1. Barbee LC. Oakes JN. Baysden RF. Perrin LM, Beason U. Potapovs 8. H. Beg B.B. Scot RE, Kelley DLE. Tanner G.S.Korin .V. Walshe AS. Laurenson Subgroup on Material, Fabrication, and Examination (SC Ht) CL Hotimann, Chair ©.€. Kim G.P. Milley, Secretary RA Moen: CW. Allison C.J. Pieper Doyle RR Seeley F.R, Drahos: NM. Simpson GM. Fostr RC. Soin G.B. Georgiev W. J Spero 1. Marts KB, Stuckey RW. Jackson S. Yukawa RM. Jesee | Subgroup on Pressure Relie SC IID F.C. Cherny, Chair ALL. Seeglin S.F Harison, J B.S. Yok EM. Petrosky JR. Zahorsky MW. Sent Special Werking Group on Editing and Review (SC 1) RF. Reedy, Chair W.C. LaRochelle W. H. Borter MW. Sith MON. Bresler J.B. Stevenson RP, Doubler £.0, Woolridge A Eile JOINT ACL-ASME COMMITTEE ON CONCRETE COMPONENTS FOR NUCLEAR SERVICE (SC 30) B.A Ele, Chair T.E Johnson CLA Sanna, Secretary G.R. Murphy 1. Allen tt S.F.Puiman RM. tae B.B. Scott A.C. beard RE Shewmaker 4. Gutierez J.D. Steverson D. I. Haavik ALY. Wong M.F. Hessheimer Subgroup on Design (SC 30) D.G. Adams i. E Shewmaker A.C. Eberhardt J.D. Stevenson T.E Johnson ALY. Wang S.F Putman. Subgroup on Materials, Construction, and Examination 630 D. J, Haavik, Chair B.A flee LF anuso J. Gutienez RM. Attar ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEATING BOILERS (SC 1¥) FP. Barton, Chair EA. Nordstrom PLA.Molvie, Vice Chair. L Seigle B.P. Feder, Secretary DLE Tanner RB, Duggan 5. V. Voorhees Wa. Haag, J RH, Weigel W.M. Hiddleston R.V, Wielgoszinsk J.D. Hoh J.1, Woodworth KM. MeTague ToL, Bedeaun, Alternate RL Mallican ‘Subgroup on Care and Operation of Heating Boilers (SC 1V) J.1. Woodworth, Chair PA. Molvie BP. Feder, Secretary RL. Mallican K J. Hoey RH, Weigel J.D. Hoh T.F. Wickham FM, Lucas TU Bedeauy, Alternate KM. McTague ‘Subgroup on Cast Iron Boilers (SC 1V) KM. MeTague, Chair 1. F. Wickham RB, Duggan J. 1. Woodworth RH. Weigel ToL. Bedeaux, Altemate Subgroup on Water Heaters (SC IV) W. L Haag, Ir, Chair RI. Mullican 1.0. Gant D. Seth W.M. Hiddleston DE. Tanner FM, Lucas M.A Taylor KLM, McTague Subgroup on Welded Boilers (SC IV) PA. Mole, Char RE. Slack, 5 ToL Bedeaux RP. Sulivan| 0. H. Mapes DE Tanner EA. Nordstom RV. Wielgoszinsi iL. Seigle ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION ecw 7.6. MeCany, Chait H.C. Graber 1. Batey, Vice Cha (0. F. Hedden FS, Fitzgerald, Secretary. W. Hembree AS. Birks FB. Kovacs BH. Clark, 1 Manaing W.T. Clayton W.C. McGaushey R.A. Coomes DMeGuire N.Y. Foranszo ‘Subgroup on General Requitements/Personnel Qualifications and Inquiries (SC V) RD. McGuire, Char H.C. Graber LE Batey G.W. Hembree W.T. Clayton 1-R Mackey N.Y. Fararsso 1. Swery ‘Subgroup on Surface Examination Methods (SC V) H.C. Graber, Chair 8. H. Clark Si Akio R.A. Coomes T.Alewander G.W. Hembree AS. Birks ‘Subgroup on Volumetric Methods (SC V) LE Bate, Chair EK Kietwman S.J. Akin FB. Kovacs WT. Clayton RW. Kruzic N.Y Faransso| IF Manning HC. Graber W.C. McGaughey G.W. Hemiree |. Mitcell B Kelierhal ‘Working Group on Acoustic Emissions (SG-VM) (SC V) Cat, J Mi. Horrigan JF Manning IR Mitchell ‘Working Group on Radiography (SC-VA) (SC V) G.W.Hembiee, Chae N.Y. Faraneso| Si. Akin H.C. Graber T. Alexander F.B. Kovacs LE Batey Working Group on Ultraronics (6G-VM) (SC V) W.T. Clayton, Chaie W. C. McGaughey 0. F, Hedden R. Paillaman 3. Kellehall FJ. Sater €.K Kietzman MLL. Shakinovsky 1-F Manning SUBCOMMITTEE ON PRESSURE VESSELS (SC 1. P. Pastor, Chair W. 5. acobs K’ Mokttarian. Vice Chair G. G. Karcher AL Raby, Secretany C8. Komera NP. Aten KT tay V, Bogosian RW. Miktha S.M. Caldwell U.R Miler W. J. Canter CC. Neely 5.C.¢yr K I. Schneider R. Ditschest A Sele RM. Elion JR. Sims, 1-8 Farr ALL Spencer RE Feige! EA Steen 1.6. Feldstein KK Tam 6. Hollinger EL Thomas, J M1 Moule Subgroup on Design (SC Vi U.R Mille, Char 6.8. Komora R.E, Knoblock, Secretary RW, Mikitka M.R Bauman K Mokbtanan MR Breach T.P. Pastor 5M. Caldwell M.D. Rana NW. Edwards A.Sele 1. Fare S.C. Shah ILA Hayward JW. Stokes GL, Hallinger Kk Tam W. 5. acobs EL Thomas, fe G.G. Karcher Subgroup on Fabrication and Inspection (SC VII) EA. Steen, Choir M1, Houle K Mokhtarian, Vice Chair W. 5, Jacobs W. | Bees RA Johnson RW. Boyce A'S Lester th S.c.cyr F.C Ouyang RE Feige! Moi Rice HE. Gorden W. P. Webb Subgroup on General Requirements (SC Vi RM. Elliot, Chair J.C. Keenan AP. Ahrendt W.E Laveck, Ir V. Bogosian | AS. Mann WJ Carter C.C. Neely W.P. Cow A'S Olivares 4. ®, Glaspie K. |. Schneider CR Good AJ. Spencer DB. Kadakia Subgroup on Materials (SC Vit) R. Dirsched, Chair W. M. Lundy D.C. Agarwal EE Morgenega ALP. Anrendt EG. Nisbet J. Cameron 1-7. Parsons W. D. Doty 1D. W. Rahot WD. Edsall KK Tam M. Katcher BK Thakur Special Working Group on Heat Transfer Equipment (SC Vill) ©.B. Komora, Chair R. Mahadeen RP. Zoldak, Secretary U.R. Miller C.F. Andreone F. Ovwelle DE Bolt LE Soehrens 5M. Caldwell ALL Soler TK Haldae W.A Teel M. . Holt 5. Yokel W.G. Jandrasts ‘Special Working Group on High-Pressure Vevels (SC Vi J.R. Sims, e, Chaie MMe dames 'A Redington, Secretary P. Jansson LP. Analy JA. Kapp KE. Baer 1. P. Kendall RC. Biel AK Khare T.B. Boyd S.C. More D.). Burns C.J. Mraz PN. Chaka EH. Perez EL Danfelt LM. Prequeur RE Feige ED. Roll LM. Fer W.L, Stewart J. Heck, I 1.F. Sullivan AH. Honza FW. Tatar VAT. Hwang Special Working Group on Toughness (SC Vit) W. Jacobs, Chair K. Mokbiarian |. Cameron 1. Mooney W. D. Doty CC. Neely DLA. Hansen MO. Rana G.G. Karcher JW, Stokes G.8. Komora SUBCOMMITTEE ON WELDING (SC D9, 1.6. Feldstein, Chair RO. McGuire W. J. Sperko, Vice Chair J. Meyer J. Labrador, Secretary AH. Mller R. Barkdol 8. R, Newmark D.A. Bowers PP. Nos: M.L, Carpenter 5. D. Reynolds, Ie W. 0. Doty W. K. Seattergood .D. Flenner G.W. Spohn It M. Houle MJ Stanko R.A Johnson JM. Tanzosh Ww. M. Lundy RR Young Subgroup on Brazing (SC 1X) M. J. Houle, Chair C.F. Jeerngs AS. Anayet AH. Miller ML. Carpenter .Rebino Subgroup on General Requirements (SC IX) 8. R, Newmark, Chair D.W. Mana , Barkdoll A'S. Olivares PR, Evans CE. Wainwright PC. Filean RA. Weiss RM, ese KR Willers ‘Subgroup on Materials ($C 1X) M. L Carpenter, Chair CE. Sainz LP. Connor CE. Spaeder, J. F.. Henner W. J Spero RM. Jesse mM. Stanko AH. Miller RR. Young HLA Sadler JJ. Meyer, Chale M. Houle VA. Bell W.M. Lundy D.A. Bowers RD. McGuire LP. Comoe 5. Nordman R.A. Comes PP. Nomis P.D.Flenner W. K. Scattergood G. Hermann (6. W. Spohn It J.J. Meyer, Chae F.C. Ouyang RK. Brown, J 5.0, Reynolds R.A. Johnson MJ Rice AHL Miller W. K, Scattergood PP. Nore W. | Sperko AS. Olivares 1. Wiesner ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON FIBER-REINFORCED PLASTIC PRESSURE ‘VESSELS (SCX) .J.Conlisk, Chair 5.V, Ho D. Eisberg, Vice Chair LE Hunt ALL Roby, Secretary 1. Murphy KM. Agrawal ALL Newberry FL. Brown D. J. Painter LL Bustllos JA Rolston 7.W. Cowiey B.F. Shelley 1.) Fowler PR. Wik (sc x) ©. F. Hedden, Chair CA ireland T. J. Mawson, Vice Chair RD. Kerr GL Feeher, Secretary DF. Landers CW. Alison TF Lenz W. H. Barford, J J.T. Lindberg RL. Beverly G.C.Millman J. M. Bloom CR Osman R, W. Boyce PC. Riceardella C.D. Cowter L Sage D.D. Davis FJ Schaaf I RL. Dyle 1 Safera TN. Eps RP. Sullivan RE Gimple RW. Swayne FE, Gregor RJ Tammings LB. Gross 1c. Tobia K lida RA Yonekawa Honorary Members (SC XI) 5.H. Bush LR Ka Le. Chockie RR. MacCary 1. Houstup ‘Subgroup on Evaluation Standards (SC XD) W. H. Bamford, Je, Chair, Ranganath M. Kupinski, Secretary F.C. Riccardella 1M. Bloom .A. Scarth RC. Cipolla WL Senver RM. Camble C.A. Tomes 1. J. Gresbach W. A. Van Der Sluys PJ. Hijeck KR. Wichman Kida GM. Witkowski Y. imamura KK Yoon 1G. Mele 5. Yukawa ‘Working Group on Flaw Evaluation ($G-ES) (SC XH) RC. Cipolla, Chair 1.5, Panesar W. H, Barford, Rk Qashu M. Batol S. Ranganath| JM, Bloom D.A. Scarth E. Friedman 1.S. Schurman T. | Griesbach W. L Server FD. Hayes F.A. Simonen D.N, Hopkins KR. Wichman Kida G.M, Witkowski Y. imamura KK. Yoon M. Kupinsi S. Yokawa HLS. Mehta ‘A. Zahooe 1G. Mere V.A. Zilberstein Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria (SG) (SC x1) T.J. Gresbach, Chair 1.5. Panesar W. H. Bamford, W. E.Pennell H. Behnke JH. Philips B.A. Bishop S. Ranganath W. Brady 5.7. Rosinaki E. Friedman W.L Senet 5. R. Goselin EA. Siegel EM Hacket FLA. Simonen PJ. Hijeck 1. D. Spry S.D. Leshnof KK Yoon P. Manbeck 5 Yukawa ‘Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (SC Xt) DLA, Scarth, Chair Kida GM. Witkowski, Secretry HLS. Mehua W. H. Barford, Ie 1G Merkle J.M. Bloom 1.8. Panesae RC. Cipolla . Quinones N.G.Cofe KK Yoon 5.K Daftar 5. Yukawa GH. ‘A. Zahoor E Friedman VLA, Zilbersten D.N. Hopkins Subgroup on Liquid-Metal-Cooled Systems (SC x1) CG. MeCargat, Chait 2 Hundal W.L Chase Ww. kwant 5. Hats J.C. Tobin ‘Working Group on Liquid-Metal Reactor Covers (SG-LMCS) (SC Xt) W. L. Chase, Chair . Hundal S. Hatton W. Kwant ix Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination (SC x1) Beverly, Chair D.0. Henry Bentley, Secretary MR. Hur ‘Adamonis S.N tis Becker RD. McGuire arr M.C. Modes Cheezem CR Osman Clayton FA. Schaal, D. Cowier J.C. Spanner, |. Dodd Ch. Wie ‘Working Group on Personne! Qualification and Surface Visual ‘and Eddy Current Examination (SG-NDE) (SC XI) 1, Wirtz, Secretary 5... Redner BL Curtis MF. Sherwin N. Economos ALL Smith HB. Garland . Spake DO. Henry J.C. Spanner Sr HE. Houserman J.C Spanner, JJ. McArdle TV. Tran RD. McGuire ‘Working Group on Pressure Testing (SG-NDE) (SC Xi) G.P. Alexander C.E. Jensen TM. Anselm W. Ni. Keiser T.B. Basso D. Lamond J. Boughman Fed. Schaaf T.R, Bugetholl D. Tero, RJ. Cmoch Working Group on Procedure Qualification and Volumetric Examination (6G-NDB) (SC XN) C.D. Comer, Chair FJ. Dodd Ce Secretary TN. Epps D.C. B. Kellehal Ru G.A. Lotus NR 1K Meclanahan 8. MC. Modes fT. M. Saporito co 1. Taylor WT. SM, Walker 8. Doctor ‘Subgroup on Repair, Replacements, and Modifications (SC XI) R.E.Gimple, Chair Working Group on Design Reconciliation (SG-RR&M) (SC X0) W. C. Holston, Chair DN ting, J: J.T. Conner, Secretary DF Landers RW. Boyce. RW. Swayne 5.B. Brown F Tehranchi 1. Charley HI Thaler TE Hiss 8. E Tome EV. Imbro. ‘Working Group on Responsibilities and Program Requirements {SG-RREM) (SC XD) R.A, Yonekawa, Chair M.S, McDonald RR. Stevenson, Secretary _U. Potapovs SK. Fisher SoM, Suiley GM. ester AL). Waleutt CE Hae J. Ghergurovich, Alternate RS. Lewis ‘Working Group on Welding and Special Repair Processes (SG-RRAM) GC XD) DE. Waskey, Chair RP. Indap RE. Canwell, Secretary RD. kerr D. A. Delsigaore 8. R, Newion AL Finney PP. Nowts P.D. Fisher 1.£ O'Sllivan A). Gianwuzz! JH. Sodergren RA Hermann KR. Willens| Subgroup on Water-Cooled Systems (SC Xt To, Lente, Chair 1. Hinkle . Christian, Secretary 5.0. Kulat CW. Allison MP. Linte W. 5. rigs 1.6. Safera T.R. Bugelholl .W, Tank 0.0. Davis f.1 Tanmiews AF. Deatdort D. Tee RL Dyle SM. Wate UB. Gros RA We ‘Working Group on Concrete Containment (SG-WCS) (SC XD, WJ. Briggs, Chair RD. Hough 8, Talmadge, Secretary CN. Krishnaswamy HG. Ashar D.Naus S.C, Petitgout CG. Ranganath ‘Working Group on Implementation of Risk-Based Examination (GG-WCS) SC X1) J. Mawson, Chair 5.8. Gosselin A. MeNeill Secretary 1. Lindberg 4. Agold Mach S.AAl BK. Matty B.A. Bishop | O'Regan 1.W. Connor J. Philips AF. Deatdort FA, Simonen H.Q Do T.V.Vo R.Fougerousse RAWest ‘Working Group on Inspection of Systems and Components {SG-WCS) (SCX!) RL. Dyle, Chair M.P. Lintz G.C. Path, Secretary TK McLellan G.L Belew . Pendleton TW. Brombach CM Ross R. Fougerousse CW. Tank TC Hinkle KB, Thomas MR. Hum E. Throckmorton 8.D.Kulat RA. West 1-7. Lindberg Whitman ‘Working Group on Metal Containment (S6-WCS) (SC XI) 1. Staffer, Chair MP. Linke W.E. Noms, Secretary 5.C. Pettgout WJ. Briggs CG. Ranganath K.KN.Chao GW. Robin MJ Feds ROT. Zak RW. Mammelmann ‘Special Working Group on Low-Temperature Heavy Water Reactars (SG-WCS) (SC XD) C.D. Cowet, Chair K.F. Schmidt IM, Momrizan, Secretary. R. Vormaker 8, Awadalla SH. Zaidi Working Group on General Requirements (SC XI) |A.T. Raber li, Chair RK. Mat RG. Fal, Secretary Sage D.A Graham RJ. Scot LB. Gros J.C. Shropshire CA troland RJ Taringa B.A. ackson Special Working Group on Editing and Review (SC X1) R.W. Swayne, Chair MP. inte RL Beverly I. Stafiera LB. Gros C.). Wire Special Working Group on Plant Life Extension (SC X0) FE. Gregor, Chair H.W, Massie, Je LB. Gross, Secretary D.W. Peltola . 0. Davis A. Piccione D.A. Graham cM Re 0. Harrison V.N. Sha MP Line RJ. Taming P. Manbeck ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT TANKS (SC X11) A. Sela, Chair MR. Minick P.D. Stumps, Secretary 1. P. Pastor AN. Antoniou M.0, Rana CM, Serratella K. Emit G.R. Sioeckinger M, Hennemand IN Surtees CH. Hochman J.P. Swery G.. Karcher ALP. Varghese PP. Lac 5.V. Voothees G. McRae WL. White Subgroup on Design and Materials (SC X11) M.D. Rana, Chair 7.8. Pastor D.A.Canonico. T.A. Rogers W. D. Doty CM. Seratl G.G. Karcher AP. Varghese PP. bale © whine ‘Subgroup on Fabrication and tngpection (SC Xi) S.V. Voorhees, Chaie GC. McRae D.A. Canonico MR. Minick M.L. Coats IN Sunees IM. Hennemand 1. P. Sweny DL) Keefe Subgroup on General Requirements (SC Xi) C.H. Hochman, Chair M.A, Garrett T Alexander 1. Keenan ALN. Antoniou FA Lica D. Caner G.R.Stoeckinger K. Ennis WL White SUBCOMMITTEE ON BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL ‘ACCREDITATION (SC-BPVA) A: Spencer, Chair RL. Willams ‘AJ Justin, Vice Chair VA. Bell, Alternate K. Baron, Secretary Bogosian, Altemate 1.8. Doherty M.A. De Vries, Alienate D.A. Douin J. R. Farr, Alternate P.D. Edwards RG. Friend, Alternate RM. Eliot W. C. LaRochelle, Alternate CE. Ford AS. Lester, Alernate 1). Greene KM. McTague, Allemate RC Howard G.. Milley, Alternate 8. B, MacDonald RE Maise, Alemate ML. Sisk PG. Scheckermann, Altemate B.C. Turczynski N. Surtees, Alternate R.V, Wielgoszinse ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR ACCREDITATION (SC-NA) TE Quake, Chait LM, Beason, Alternate R.R. Stevenson, Vicw Chair R. W. Boyce, Alternate S. Grif, Scretary S, Dasgupta, Alternate CW. Allison °.D. Edwards, Alternate MN. Bressler J.P, Elenberger, Alternate .Delly RE. Feiga, Altemate FR. Drahos D. Hanrath, Alteate LE Hams KA. Huber, Alternate M. Kotb ‘A Justin, Alterate W. C. LaRochelle N.C. ist Alternate U. Potapows AA Lott, Alternate HB. Prasse clay, Altemate A. Spencer (0. . Trapp, Staff Represer CM Tolson taive SUBCOMMITTEE ON DESIGN (SC-D) K. Mokbtarian W. J. O’Donnelt R. D, Schueler, I MP. Schwan A Selz TP. Pastor, Secretary W. J. Koves P. I, Conlish THe AG. Eggers (©. Maekawa, J.L, Hechmer ‘A. Merend G.L Hollinger T.V Narayanan 0: Jones EL. Thomas, A Kalning Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design (SCD) Becht IV, Chair W. J. ODonnell JM. Corum, Secretary D.A. Osage E.R Brinkman CC. Schutz, fe. RD. Campbell LK Severud D.S.Gefin DF Shaw RL ener ALL Snow C Lawton 2B. E. Thurgood ‘Sagroup on Fatigue Strength (SC-D) ©. Brinkman G. Kharshatjian P.R-Donavin C.tawton JA Hayward ‘A. Merend 1. Hechmer HH. Ziada D. P. Jones ‘Subgroup on Openings (SC-D) MP. Schwats, Chair J.P. Madden | RW. Mikitka, Secretary. C. Morrison M. R. Breach ©. R. Palmer V.T. Hwang M.D. Rana S.C tow EC. Rodabaugh RB. Luney Special Working Group on Bolted Flanged Joins (SC-D) RW. Mikitha, Chair 5. Pagay C.D. Bibel IR Payne G. Kharehatdjian RW. Schneider DL. Kurle R.. Schuele, I E, Michalopoulos A Sele ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON SAFETY VALVE REQUIREMENTS (SC-SvR) E.G. Kistner, J, Chair HD. Michael M.D. Bemsteln, Vice Chair C. A. Neumann U.D'Unso, Secretary 1.W. Reynolds be ba >M. Robinson JAC DJ. Scallan £.D.Dansy CM. Schroepter R. J. Doelling AAI Spencer 0... Douin 1. Stanafas RG. Fiend EA, Stoen H. Gregg LL Thompson S.F. Hamison, Ie 1A. West C.F. Laitner 7.1. Ferigan, Aherate Subgroup on General Requirements (SC-SVR) M.D. Bernstein, Chae C.A. Neumann 1. Ball JW. Reynotds V.M. Deluca >, Robinson D. A. Bouin 1. Standiast HD. Michael {.L Thompson ‘Subgroup on Testing (SC-SVR) SF, Hartson, Jey Chair 5. Cammeresi 1A. Cox WF Hart xii D.M. Papa Dz Sallan CM, Schroepfer DE. Snyder SUMMARY OF CHANGES. ‘Changes given below are identified on the pages by a ma affected area. note, 98, placed next to the Pose Location a AM-100 2 Am204.2 In subparagraph ‘c, temperature cor- rected by Errata to read -55°F AM-204,3, In subparagraph (b), first cross-reference corrected by Errata 10 read AM 204.20) AM211,3 In subparagraph (a), Fig. AM-211.1 crass reference added by Erata 33 AM-213- In subparagraphs (b\tXc), (b\(2bI, (KT), (€X2Ka), and (c}(2)(b), tempera- tures corrected by Errata a AM218.4 In subparagraph (by, fith line corected by Errata to read NPS 35 (AM-600, ‘Subparagraph (f) added 56 Table ACS-1 SA336 F1, F5, FSA, F9, F12, and F21 Cl. 1 & 3 added 7 Table AHA SA-240 $44660 and SA-336 F321H & FB47H added 38 Table ANF-1.2 (1) $8133 deleted 2) 58-167 added 39 Table ANFA1.3 $8-166 NO«405 added 1 Table ABM-1.2 (0) $8133 deleted (2) 58-107 added 76 AD-151.1 ‘Subparagraph (b\2) revised AD-151.2 Revised ints entirety 107 ADS Revised in its entirety 146 AD-1110 Subparagraph () added 204, 205 Ar-410 Revised Ars103 Revised AFA Revised in is entirety AFH106 Added arsi07 ‘Added APAIS ‘Subparagraph (c) revised 277 ALOT In subparagraph (c), last cross-reference corrected by Errata to read Appendix 8 320 Fig. 33101 In sketch (-2,croeceerence corrected by Errata to read (i-1) 469 Aopendix E Revised in its entirety 507 K-10 Revised NOTE: ‘Volume 42 of the Interpretations to Section Vill, Division 2 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code follows the last page of this Edition to Section Vill, Division 2. Part AG GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Article G-1 ‘AG-100 AG-110 AG-120 AG-121 AG-1211 AG-1212 AG-1213 AG-130 AG-140 AG-150 AG-1S1 Article G2 AG-200 AG-200.1 ‘AG-2002 AG-201 AG-201.1 AG-201.2 AG-2013 Article G3 ‘AG-300 AG-301 AG-30L.1 AG3012 AG-302 AG-302.1 AG302.2 AG-302.3 AG-303, Figures AG-140.1 AG-140.2 Table AG-150.1 PART AG ‘Additional Requirements for Very High Pressures ..... Geometric Scope of This Division. . (Chasifcations Outside the Scope of This Division . Unlired Steam Boilers seer ee eae Oo Sire This Division ‘Combination Units Field Assembly of Vessels. Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by ae ‘Construction Standards Referenced by This Division. tees Units of Measurement. ree Organization of This Diviston Organization... see eeseeseeee oe Appendices... ates Anis snd Pega eEPrerea User's Responsibility User's Design Specification ..... Certification of User’s Design Specification Manufacturer's Responsibility. Compliance With Requirements of This Division Manufacturer's Design Report ....... ‘Ceritieation and Filing of Manufacturer's aap Ro Inspector's Duties... os Some Acceptable Layered Shell Types... Some Acceptable Layered Head Types ‘Year of Acceptable Edition of Referenced Standards in This Division. 3 5 5 3 6 6 6 1 7 1 7 1 2 n ARTICLE G-1 SCOPE AND JURISDICTION AG-100 SCOPE! (a) For the scope of this Division, pressure vessels are containers for the containment of pressure, either intemal or external. This pressure may be obtained from an external source or by the application of heat from a direct or indirect source, or any combination thereof. The rules of this Division, taken as a whole, provide an aliemative to the minimum construction requirements for the design, fabrication, inspection, and certification of pressure vessels falling within the scope of Division 1. (0X11) Except a8 provided in (2) below, these rules ‘cover only vessels o be installed ata fixed (stationary)? location for a specific service where operation and maintenance control is retained during the useful life of the vessel by the user who prepares or causes 0 ‘be prepared the Design Specifications required by AG- 301.1. (2) These rules may also apply to pressure vessels installed in oceangoing ships, barges, and other floating craft provided prior written agreement with the local jurisdictional authority? can be established covering ‘operation and maintenance control for a specific service ‘and where this operation and maintenance control is retained during the useful life of the pressure vessel by the user who prepares, or causes to be prepared, the Design Specifications required by AG-301.1. Then such a pressure vessel as described above may be ‘constructed and stamped within the scope of this Divi- sion provided it meets all other requirements as specified ‘with the following additional provisions. "in those applications where there are laws or regulations issued by ‘municipal, state, provincial, or feral authorities covering presse veel, these laws or regulations should be reviewed to determi sae or service liltalons of the coverage which may be differen ‘or more restrictive than those given In his paragraph, 2 These rales shall nox be used for fabrication of cargo tanks mounted fon wanspon vehicles ‘The local Jursdeional authority consists of the municipal, ste, provincial, federal, or ether governmenal agency enforcing laws of regulations applicable to these pressure vesels (a) Loading conditions imposed by movement of the pressure vessel during operation and by relocation ‘of the pressure vessel between work sites or due to loading and discharge, as applicable, shall be considered 4s part of AD-100 (see Table AD-150.1). (b) The User's Design Specification shall include the agreements which resolve the problems of operation and maintenance control unique to the particular pres- sure vessel (c) Pressure vessels subject to direct firing but which fare not within the scope of Section I, Ill, or [V may be constructed in accordance with the general rules of Division 2. (d) Except for vessels specifically prohibited in this Division, types of vessels which may be constructed in accordance with the rules of Division 1 may also be constructed in accordance with the rules of this Division. (¢) In relation to the rules of Division 1 of Section IIL these rules of Division 2 are more restrictive in the choice of materials which may be used but permit higher design stress intensity values to be employed in the range of temperatures over which the design stress intensity value is controlled by the ultimate strength or the yield strength; more precise design procedures are required and some common design details are prohibited; permissible fabrication procedures are specifically delineated and more complete examina- tion testing and inspection are required AG-I10 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VERY HIGH PRESSURES The rules of Division 2 do not specify a limitation fon pressure but are not all inclusive for all types of ‘construction. For very high pressures, some additions to or deviations from these rules may be necessary to meet the design principles and construction practices essential to vessels for such pressures. However, only in the event that, after application of additional design

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