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ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE AN INTERNATIONAL CODE MATERIALS THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS NEW YORK, NEW YORK By ee ter ny aL) Rods, TCC oe EUs eI Pen aT Rc ONS asia ae tas SUBCOMMITTEE CELE Date of Issuance: July 1, 2001 oclades all Aden dated Tuly 2000 and een) ‘This imtemational code or standard was developed. under procedures accredited as meeting the siteia for American National Standards and i¢ © an American National Standard. The Standards Commits that approve the cade or standard was balanced to assre that individ rom competent and concerned ineress have hid sn oppetinty to ptipae. The prop cove ne saad ‘was made avallable fr public eview and comment dat provides an opportutity for adiional public inp rom industry. academia, regulatory agencies, and the publica age "ASME does not “approve,” “rte” or “endorse” any item, consiniction, proprietary device, or activity [ASME does not ake ny position with respect tothe valiity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any Kems mentioned sn this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone wining staard against hail for infringement of any applicable er patent, not assume ay such Habiy. Users of 4 code oe standard are expressly advised that deterination of the vay of any such patet rights, andthe risk of infringement of such rights, is entiely thee on responsibility. Participation by federal agency representatives) or person(s) afilited with industry isnot tobe iterpreted as government oe industry endorsement ofthis code or standard ASME accepis responsibility for only those interpretations ofthis document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of iterpretations by individuals ‘Tre footnotes in this document are part ofthis American National Standard ‘The shove ASME: symbols are registred inthe US. Patent Office ‘ASME ts the tradomuk ofthe Amencan Society of Mechanical Engine. ‘The Specifications published and copyrighted by the American Welding Society ae reproduced withthe Sacitys permission [No pat ofthis dacument may be repose in any frm, an elstonic retrieval system oF ‘otherwise, with the por writen permission nf the publisher Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-3934 Print! in the Unite States of Americ Adopted by the Council of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer, 1914, Revised 1940, 191, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001 ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Three Park Avenue, New York NY 10016-5090 Copyright ©2001 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AIL Rights Reserved 2001 ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE ‘SECTIONS 1 Rules for Construction of Power Boilers We Materials Part A — Ferrous Material Specifications Part B — Nonferrous Material Specifications Past C — Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes. and Fil Part D — Properties IML Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division | and Division 2 HM Division 1 ‘Subsection NB — Class 1 Components Subsection NC — Class 2 Components Subsection ND — Class 3 Components Subsection NE — Class MC Components ‘Subsection NF — Supports Subsection NG — Core Support Structures ‘Subsection NH — Class 1 Components in Blevated Temperature Service Metals Appendices ML Division 2 — Code for Conerete Reactor Vessels snd Containments IIL Division 3 — Containment Systems for Storage and Transport Packagings of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Material and Waste IV Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers V_ Nondestructive Examination VI Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers Vil Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers VIN Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels Division 1 Division 2 — Altemative Rules Division 3 — Altemative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications X __ Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels XI Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components ADDENDA Colored-sheet Addenda, which include additions and revisions to individual Sections of the Cove, are published annually and will be sent automatically to purchasers of the applicable Sections up to the publication of the 2004 Code, The 2001 Code is available only in the loose-leaf format; accordingly, the Addenda will be issued in the lonse-leaf. replacement page format. INTERPRETATIONS, [ASME issues written replies to inguiies concerning interpretation of technical aspects of the Code. ‘The Interpretations for each individual Section will be published separately and will be included as part of the update service to that Section, They will be issued semiannually (July and Devember) up {o the publication of the 2004 Code, Interpretations of Section Il, Divisions I and 2, will be included with the update service to Subsection NCA. CODE CASES “The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regularly to consider proposed ations and revisions to the Code and to formulate Cases to clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide. when the need is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not covered by existing Cade nutes. Those Cases ‘which have been adopted will appear in the appropriate 2001 Code Cases book: (1) Boilers and Pressure Vessels and (2) Nuclear Components. Supplements willbe sent automatically to the purchasers ofthe ‘Code Cases books up to the publication of the 2004 Code, Foreword vii Statements of Policy x Guideline on Approval . xii Personnel . w AWS Personnel wy Preface ce wxic Appendix I — Mandatory Preparation of Technical Inquires tothe Boiler and Pressure ‘Vessel Committe. wei SI Units wai Summary of Changes wow SPAS. Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Are Welding 1 SFA.S2 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Rods for Oxyfuel Gas Welding 45 SFAS3 ‘Aluminum and Alumiaum-Alloy Electtodes for Shielded Metal Are Welding 3 SPAS Stainless Steel Flectrodes for Shielded Metal Are Welding or SPA-SS Low-Alloy Steel Blectrodes for Shielded Metal Are Welding 9 SFAS6 Covered Copper and Copper Alloy Are Welding Electrodes 149 SPAS? Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes 169 SFA-S8 Filler Metals for Brazing and Brave Welding 179 SFA-59 Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods 203 SFA-5.10 Bare Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Welding Electrodes and Reds 29 SPAS.UL Niclel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Electtodes for Shielded Metal Are Welding 257 SPA-S.12 ‘Tungsten and Tungsten-Alloy Electrodes for Arc Welding and Cuting.... 289 SFA-S.13 Solid Surfacing Welling Rods and Electrodes 303 SPA-S.14 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bure Welding Electrodes and Rods 27 SFA-S1S Welding Electrodes and Rods for Cast Iron 37 SPA-S.16 ‘Titanium and Titaniuen Alloy Welding Rods and Electrodes: 365 SPAS.IT Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Are Wel 315 SFA-S.IS Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding 403 SFA-5.20 Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Are Welding 433 SFA-S21 Composite Surfacing Welding Rods and Blectrodes 467 SPA-S.22 ‘Stainless Steel Blectrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and Stainless Steel lux Cored Rods for Gas Tungsten Are Welding 487 SFAS.23 Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Ace Welding sor SFA-S.24 Zinconivin and Zirconium Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods, S61 SFAS.25 ‘Carbon and Low-Alloy Stee! Blectrodes and Fluxes for Blectoslag Welding, . 569 SFA-5.26 ‘Carbon and Low-Alloy Stee! Electrodes for Electrogas Welding, 593 o SFA-S.28 SEA S29 SFA-5.30 SFA-S3I SFAS.32 SFA-501 Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Are Welding Low Alloy Steet Electrodes for Flux Cored Are Welding Consumable Inserts Fluxes for Brazing and Braze Welding Welding Shielding Gases Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines 67 619 685 697 707 m3 FOREWORD ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers set Lup a committee in 1911 for the purpose of formulating standard rules for the construction of steam boilers and other pressure vessels. This committee is now called the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committe. The Committee's function is to establish rules of safety governing the design, fabrication, and inspection during construction of boilers and pressure vessels, and to interpret these rules when questions arise regarding their intent. In formulating the rules, the Committee considers the needs of users, manufacturers, and inspec- tors of pressure vessels. The objective of the rules is to afford reasonably certain protection of life and property and to provide a margin for deterioration in service $0 as (0 give a reasonably long, safe period ‘of usefulness. Advancements in design and material ‘and the evidence of experience have been recognized, ‘This Code contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for construc- tion! activities. The Code does not address all aspects fof these activities and those aspects which are not specifically addressed should not be considered prohib- ited. The Code is not a handbook and cannot replace education, experience, and the use of engineering judg- iment. The phrase engineering judgment refers to techn cal judgments made by knowledgeable designers experi- enced in the application of the Code. Engineering uddgments must be consistent with Code philosophy and such judgments must never be used to overrule mandatory requirements or specific prohibitions of the Code ‘The Committee recognizes that tools and techniques: used for design and analysis change as technology progresses and expects engineers to use good judgment in the application of these tools, The designer is respon- sible for complying with Code rules and demonstrating compliance with Code equations when such equations fare mandatory. The Code neither requires nor prohibits the use of computers for the design or analysis of components constructed to the requirements of the Code. However, designers and engineers using computer " Conzruction, 6 sed in this Foreword, isan alli comping. materia, design, faricaon, examination, inspection. fesing,cerileation, and pressure rei programs for design or analysis are cautioned that they are responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the programs they use and they are responsible for the application of these programs to their design. ‘The Code does not fully address tolerances. When dimensions, sizes, or other parameters are not specified with tolerances, the values of these parameters are considered nominal and allowable tolerances or local variances may be considered acceptable when based fon engineering judgment and standard practices as determined by the designer. ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee deals ‘with the care and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels in service only to the extent of providing suggested rules of good practice as an aid to owners and their inspectors. The rules established by the Committee are not 10 be interpreted as approving, recommending, or endors- ing any proprietary or specific design or as limiting in any way the manufacturer's freedom to choose any method of design or any form of construction that conforms to the Code rules. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regularly to consider revisions of the rules, new rules as dictated by technological development, Code Cases. and requests for interpretations. Only the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee has the authority to provide official interpretations of this Code, Requests for revi« sions, new rules, Code Cases, or interpretations shall be addressed to the Secretary in writing and shall give full particulars in order to receive consideration and action (see Mandatory Appendix covering preparation of technical inquiries). Proposed revisions 10 the Code resulting from inquiries will be presented to the Main Committee for appropriate action. The action of the Main Committee becomes effective only after confiema- tion by letter ballot of the Committee and approval by ASME, Proposed revisions 10 the Code approved by the Committee are submitted to the American National Standards Institute and published in Mechanical Engi- neering to invite comments from all interested persons. Afler the allotted time for public review and final approval by ASME, revisions are published annually in Addenda to the Code. Code Cases may be used in the construction of components to be stamped with the ASME Code symbol beginning with the date of their approval by ASME, After Code revisions are approved by ASME, they may be used beginning with the date of issuance shown fon the Addenda, Revisions, except for revisions to material specifications in Section Il, Parts A and B, become mandatory 6 months after such date of issuance, except for boilers or pressure vessels contracted for prior to the end of the 6 month period. Revisions to ‘material specifications are originated by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and other recognized national or international organizations and are usually adopted by ASME. However, those revisions may or may not have any effect on the suitability of material, produced to earlier editions of specifications, for use in ASME construction. ASME material specifi cations approved for use in each construction Code are listed in the Appendices of Section II, Parts A and B. ‘These Appendices list, for each specification, the latest ‘dition adopted by ASME, and earlier and later editions considered by ASME to be identical for ASME con- struction, Manufacturers and users of components are cautioned against making use of revisions and Cases that are less restrictive than former requirements without having assurance that they have been accepted by the proper authorities in the jurisdiction where the component is to be installed Each state and municipality in the United States and each province in Canada that adopts or accepts one or more Sections of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is invited to appoint a representative to act on the Conference Committee to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel ‘Committee. Since the members of the Conference Com- mittee are in active contact with the administration and enforcement of the rules, the requirements for inspection in this Code correspond with those in effect in their respective jurisdictions. The required qualifications for an Authorized Inspector under these rules may be obtained from the administrative authority of any state, ‘municipality. or province which has adopted these rules, ‘The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in the formulation of its rules and in the establishment of maximum design and operating pressures. considers materials, construction, methods of fabrication, inspec tion, and safety devices. Permission may be granted to regulatory bodies and organizations publishing safety standards 0 use a complete Section of the Code by reference. If usage of a Section, such as Section IX, involves exceptions, omissions, or changes in provisions, the intent of the Code might not be attained, Where a state or other regulatory body, in the printing of any Section of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, makes additions or omissions, it is recommended that such changes be clearly indicated ‘The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors is composed of chief inspectors of states and municipalities in the United States and of provinces in Canada that have adopted the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This Board, since its organization in 1919, has functioned to uniformly administer and enforce the rules of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The cooperation of that organization with the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee has been extremely helpful The Code Committee does not rule on whether a component shall or shall not be constructed to the provisions of the Code. The Scope of each § hhas been established 10 identify the components and parameters considered by the Committee in formulating the Code nules. Laws or regulations issued by municipal- ity, state, provincial, federal, or other enforcement or regulatory bodies having jurisdiction at the location of an installation establish the mandatory applicability of the Code rules, in whole or in part, within their jurisdiction, Those laws or regulations may require the use of this Code for vessels or components not consid ered to be within its Scope or may establish additions or deletions in that Scope. Accordingly, inguiries regarding such laws or regulations are to be directed to the issuing enforcement or regulatory body. Questions or issues regarding compliance of a specific component with the Code rules are to be directed to the ASME Certificate Holder (Manufacturer). Inquiries concerning the interpretation of the Code are to be directed to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, ASME is 10 be notified should questions arise concerning improper use of an ASME Code symbol, ‘The specifications for materials given in Section I are identical with or similar to those of the Specifications published by ASTM, AWS, and other recognized na- tional or international organizations, When reference is made in an ASME material specification to a non- ASME specification for which a companion ASME specification exists, the reference shall be interpreted as applying to the ASME material specification, Not all materials included in the material specifications in Section II have been adopted for Code use. Usage is limited to those materials and grades adopted by at least one of the other Sections of the Code for applica- tion under rules of that Section. All materials allowed by these various Sections and used for construction within the scope of their rules shall be furnished in accordance with material specifications contained in Section II or referenced in Appendices A of Section , Parts A and B except where otherwise provided in Code Cases or in the applicable Section of the Code. “Materials covered by these specifications are acceptable for use in items covered by the Code Sections only to the degree indicated in the applicable Section. Materi- als for Code use should preferably be ordered, produced, and documented on this basis; Appendix A to Section TM, Part A and Appendix A to Section II, Part B list ‘editions of ASME and year dates of specifications that meet ASME requirements and which may be used in ‘Code construction. Material produced (© an acceptable specification with requirements different from the re- ‘quirements of the corresponding specifications listed in Appendix A of Part A or Part B may also be used in accordance with the above, provided the material manufacturer or vessel manufacturer certifies. with evi- dence acceptable to the Authorized Inspector that the corresponding requirements of specifications listed in Appendix A of Part A or Part B have been met Material produced to an acceptable material specification is not limited as to country of origin, When required by context in this Section, the singular shall be interpreted as the plural, and vice-versa; and the feminine, masculine, or neuter gender shall be Iweated as such other gender as appropriate. Publication of the SI (Metric) Edition of the ASME. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code was discontinued with the 1986 Edition. Effective October 1, 1986, the SI Edition was withdrawn as an ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code document STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF CODE SYMBOLS AND CODE AUTHORIZATION IN ADVERTISIN' ASME has established procedures to authorize quali fied organizations to perform various activities in ac~ cordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. It is the aim of the Society to provide recognition of organizations s0 authorized, ‘An organization holding authorization to perform vari- ‘ous activities in accordance with the requirements of the Code may state this capability in its advertising Titerature. ‘Organizations that are authorized to use Code Symbols. for marking items or constructions which have been con- structed and inspected in compliance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are issued Certificates of Authorization. Itis the aim of the Society t maintain the standing of the Code Symbols for the benelit of the users, the enforcement jurisdictions, and the holders of the sym- bls who comply with all requirements. Based on these objectives, the following policy has been established on the usage in advertising of facsimiles of the symbols, Certificates of Authorization, and refer- ence to Code construction. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers does not “approve.” “certify,” “rate,” oF “endorse” any item, construction, or activity and there shall be no statements or implications which ‘might so indicate. An organization holding a Code ‘Symbol and/or a Certificate of Authorization may state in advertising literature that items, constructions, or activities “are built (produced or performed) or activities conducted in accordance with the requirements of the ASME. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,” or “meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.” The ASME Symbol shall be used only for stamping and nameplates as specifically provided in the Code However, facsimiles may be used for the purpose of fostering the use of such construction. Such usage may be by an association or a society, or by a holder of a Code Symbol who may also use the facsimile in advertising to show that clearly specified items will carry the symbol. General usage is permitted only when all of a manufactur- er's items are constructed under the rules. ‘The ASME logo, which is the cloverleaf with the letters ASME within, shall not be used by any organiza- tion other than ASME, STATEMENT OF POLICY ON THE USE OF ASME MARKING TO IDENTIFY MANUFACTURED ITEMS ‘The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code provides rules for the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, and ‘nuclear components, This includes requirements for mate- rials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, and stamping. Items constructed in accordance with all ofthe applicable rules of the Code are identified with the official ‘Code Symbol Stamp described in the governing Section of the Code. ‘Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” or any other marking including “ASME” or the various Code Symbols shall not be used on any item which is not constructed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements of the Code. Tiems shall not be described on ASME Data Report Forms nor on similar forms referring to ASME. which tend to imply: that all Code requirements have been met when, in fact, they have not been. Data Report Forms covering items not fully complying with ASME requirements should not refer to ASME or they should clearly identify all exceptions to the ASME require- GUIDELINE ON THE APPROVAL OF NEW WELDING AND BRAZING MATERIAL CLASSIFICATIONS UNDER THE ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE Code Policy. It is the policy of the ASME Boiler land Pressure Vessel Committee to adopt for inclusion in Section Il, Part C, only such specifications as have been adopted by the American Welding Society (AWS), land by other recognized national or international organizations It is expected that requests for Code approval will normally be for welding and brazing materials (hereafter termed “consumables”) for which there is a recognized national or international specification, For consumables made {0 a recognized national or intemational specification other than those of the AWS, the inguirer shall give notice to the standards developing organization that a request has been made to the ASME for adoption of their specification under the ASME Code, and shall request that organization to grant ASME permission to reprint the standard, For other consumables, a request shall be made to the AWS, or 4 recognized national or international organization, to develop a specification that can be presented to the Code Committee It is the policy of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee to consider requests to adopt new consumables for use by boiler, pressure vessel, or nuclear power plant component Manufacturers or end users, Further, such requests should be for consumables for which there is a reasonable expectation of use in ‘or nuclear power plant component constructed (© the rules of one of the Sections of this Code. Application, The inguirer shall identify to the Committee all product forms, ranges, and specifications for which incorporation is desired, and sale whether or not the comsumable is covered by patents, whether or not it is licensed, and if licensed any limitations on its manufacture. yy/Brazability, The inquirer shall furnish data on procedure qualification tests made in a boiler, pressure vessel, VESSEL CODE accordance with the requirements of Section IX. Such tests shall be made over the full range of base metal thickness in which the consumable is to be used, Pertinent information on deposited metal. such as effects from postweld heat treatment, susceptibility 10 air hardening, effects of joining processes, expected notch toughness values, and the amount of experience in use of the comsumable shall be given Physical Changes. For new consumables, ‘important to know the structural stability characteristics and the degree of retention of properties with exposure ‘at temperature. The influence of welding or brazing ‘and thermal treatment operations on the mechanical properties, ductility, and microstructure of the deposited metal are important, particularly where degradation in properties may occur, Where particular temperature anges of exposure or heat treatment, cooling rates. combinations of mechanical working and thermal treatments, fabrication practices, exposure to particular environments, ete, cause significant changes in the mechanical properties, microstructure, resistance to brittle fracture, etc. it is of prime importance 10 call attention to those conditions that should be avoided in service or in manufacture of parts or vessels using the consumable. Requests for Additional Data. The Commitee may request additional data, including data on properties or deposited metal behavior not explicitly treated in the construction Code in which adoption is desired. Code Case. The Code Committee will consider the issuance of an ASME Code Case, to be effective for ft period of three years, permitting the treatment of a new welding or brazing material under an existing ASME IX grouping for qualification purposes, provided that the following conditions are met (a) The inquirer provides evidence that a request for coverage of the consumable in a specification has it is been made to the AWS or a recognized national or international organization: (b) the consumable is commercially available and can be purchased within the proposed specification requirements; {c} the inquirer shows that there will be a reasonable demand for the consumable by industry and that there exists an urgency for approval by means of a Code Case: (d) the requests for approval of the consumable shall clearly deseribd it in specification form, including applicable items as scope, process, manufacture, conditions for delivery, heat treatment, chemical and tensile requirements, testing specifications and requirements, workmanship, finish, marking, inspection, and rejection: {e} all other requirements identified previously under Code Policy and Applications apply; and (P) the inquirer shall furnish the Code Committee with all the data specified in this Appendix: Requirements for Requests for ASME Acceptance of Welding and Brazing Material Specifications (o Recognized National or International Standards Other Than the AWS. The Committee will consider ‘only requests in accordance with the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Operating and Administrative Procedures, OP-8.6 (English language: U.S. or SI/ metric units). The Committee will consider accepting specifications of recognized national or international ‘organizations in accordance with OP-8.6 such as, but not limited to, AWS, CSA, CEN. DIN, and JIS. Consumable specifications of other than national or international organizations, such as those of consumable producers and suppliers, will not be considered for acceptance. Requirements for Recognized National or International Specifications. Acceptable consumable specifications will be identified by date or edition, Approved edition(s) will be stated in the subsitle of the ASME specification. Minimum requirements. that ‘must be contained in a consumable specification for which acceptance is being requested include such items as name of national or international organization, scope, reference documents, process, manufacture, conditions for delivery, heat treatment, chemical and. tensile requirements, testing specifications and requirements ‘workmanship, finish, marking, inspection, and rejection Publication of Recognized National or International Specifications. Specifications for which ASME has not been given permission to publish by the originating organization will be referenced on a coversheet in appropriate Appendices in Section Il, Par C, along. with information on where to obsain a copy of those documents, Documents that are ceferenced in accepted non-AWS consumable specifications will not be published by ASME. However. information on where {0 obtain a copy of those documents will be maintained in Section II, Part C. Additions and exceptions to the consumable specification will be noted in the subtitle of the specification, New Welding and Brazing Materials Checklist. To assist inquirers desiring Code coverage for new consumables, or extending coverage of existing consumables, the Commitice has developed the following checklist of items that ought to be addressed by each inquiry. The Committece reserves the right to request additional data and application information when considering new consumables, (a) Has a qualified inquirer request been provided? (b) Mas @ request for either revision to existing Code requirements or for a Code Case been defined? {c) Has a leter to the AWS been submitted requesting coverage of the new consumable in a specification, and has @ copy been submitted to the Commitee? ‘Alternatively, is this consumable already covered by a specification issued by a recognized national or international organization, and has an English language version been provided? {d) Has the Construetion Code and Division coverage been identified? {e) Have mechanical property data been submitted (ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, reduction of area, and clongation) for cach intended joining process? (f) Have toughness considerations required by the Construction Code been defined and has appropriate data been submitted? (g) Have joining requirements been defined and has procedure qualification test data been submitted? (i) Has influence of fabrication practices on deposited ‘metal properties been defined”? PERSONNEL ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Subcommittees, Subgroups, and Working Groups As of January 1, 2001 MAIN COMMITTEE D.A.Ceronieo, Chair W. Mt. Lundy 6. Karcher, Vice Chair. MacKay 1.8. Bizustkiewicz, Secretary 1. G. McCarty RW. Bares ULR Miller FP. Barton G.C. Millman D.L. Berger RA Moen M.D. Berstein PLA. Molvie MN. Bressler CC. Neely PI. Conisk TP. Pastor RE, Feiget C1 Pieper J.G Felestein RF Reedy RE Gimple 8. W, Roberts M. Gold FJ. Schaat Je ©. F Hedden A Selz AL lstin D.£ Tanner DF. Landers EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (MAIN COMMITTEE) G.G. Karcher, Chair ©. F. Hexen D.A.Canonico, View Chair A.J. justin J. S. Breusehiewicz, Secretary JR. Mackay 1G. Feldsein| TP. Pastor M, Gold HONORARY MEMBERS (MAIN COMMITTEE) R.D. Bonner RC. Grin J. Bosnak BE) Hemzy HM. Canavan VE Laman J. Chockle K betoft K's. Clarke FN, Meschini W. E, Cooper WE, Somers WD. Doty LP. Zick Ie HONORS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE JR Mackay, Chair M. Gold ALJ. Spencer, Vice Chaie FE. Gregor MR. Antenciano, Secretary D. P. Jones FP, Baron TP. Pastor M.D. Bernstein C) Pieper 1G. Feldseia| (MARINE CONFERENCE GROUP J. Tiato, Chair LW. Douthwaite JL Jones G.F, Wright ‘CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ‘A L-lustin — Ohio. Seeretary RI. Aben, fe — Michigan ELA. Anderson — Chicago, Tinos J, Anderson — South Dakota RB. Barkdoll — Washington R Bavlen — Arizona FP, Barton — Virginia DE, Bums — Nebraska €. Castle — Nova Scotia, Canada RR Cate — Louisiana L. Chase — Nodhovest Tetito ries, Canada R.A. Coomes — Kentucky I. Corcoran — Connecticut .A. Douin— illinois D. Eastman — Newioundland ‘and Labrador, Canada G1. theyer — New Olean, Louisiana E, Fverett — Georgia PC. Hacklord — Utah D-H Hanrath — North Car ‘lina J.B. Harlan — Delaware ML. Holloway — Ovlahoma K. Hynes — Prince Edward Islan, Canada . Tagger — Ohio D_ J Jenkins — Kansas >M. Kot — Quebec, Canada KT, lay — Albena, Canada J. Lemire — California Luan — Oregon SE Lyons — Arkansas M.A. Malek — Florida G. F Manke! — Alaska LEW Mault — Manitoba, Canada HT, Mctaven — Misissippi A.W. Meiring — Indiana. R. Mile — Ontario, Canada MF: Manney — Maseachu Y. Nagpaul — Hawaii J.D. Payton — Pennsylvania . K. Peetz — Missouri M.R. Peterson — Alaska D.C. Price — Yokon Territory, Canada RS. Pucek — Wisconsin C.D, Redmond — Michigan RD. Reet? — Nomth Dakota . E, Rose — New Brunswick, Canada (M4, Shutf — West Virginia NN Sunees — Saskatchewan, Canada MLL Verhagen — Wisconsin -M. Washington — New fersey RB. West — lowa M. [Wheel — Vermont RK. White — New York TF, Wickham — Rhode island C5. Withers — Colorado INTERNATIONAL INTEREST REVIEW GROUP V. Flix US. Hung P. Williamson SUBCOMMITTEE ON POWER BOILERS (SC 1) JR. Mackay, Chair 1. MeGough M.D, Bernstein, Vice Chair RE. McLaughlin JN. Shih, Secretary PA Molvie DL. Berger 0K. Parish E Bveret 1.7 Pillow FR. Gerety RG. Presnak J. Haiesworth 8. W. Roberts TE Hansen RD. Schueler, Ie 1.8. Hunter RV. Wielgoszinsk C.F. Jeerings RL. Williams WL. Lowry Subgroup on Design (SC M.D. Bersein, Chair J.D. Fishburn RD. Schueler, It, Vice Chair C.F. Jeerings PLA Molvie, Secretary IN. Surtees ML. Coats RV. Wielgoszinsk Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination (SC ©. Berger, Chaie S.C. Peitgout RE. McLaughlin, Secretay J.T. Pillow 1) Hainswoath RD. Schuele,f TE Hansen RV. Wielgoszinsk TC. McGough Subgroup on General Requirements (SC 1) TC. McGough, Chair C.F Jeerings MLD. Bernstein, Vice Chair -M.Lyons W. L. Lowry, Secretary RE McLaughlin DLL. Berger DK. Paresh E Everett 1.7. Pillow FR. Geeety RL Willams J. Hainsworth Subgroup on Materials SC 1) 8. W. Robes, Chair F. Masuyama I.S. Hunter, Secretary I-A. Tanzost IF Henry HN. Titer J 1. P. abbeecht ‘Subgroup on Piping (SC TE Hansen, Chair WL Lowry DL Berger 1. C, McGough M.D. Bernstein RG. Presnak PD. Edwards EA Whitle ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON MATERIALS (SC 1) M. Gold, Chair RK. Nanstad RA. Moen, Vice Chair ML. Nayyar NN Lobo, Secretary E.G. Nisbett D.C. Agarwal 1-T. Parsons W.& Apblet Ie DW. Rahoi M,N, Bressler 3. W. Rabens J. Cameroo J.T. Parsoas W.D. Doty D.W. Raho! D.W. Gandy BW. Robers MH, Gilkey R.R. Seeley J.J, Heger Shapira J. Henry CE. Spaeder, I CL. Hotimann KW. Swindeman GC Hw JM, Tanzosh F Masuyama 8B. E. Thurgood 1. Maurer B.S. Vecchio Honorary Members (SC 1) AP. Abend W. D. Eda R. Dircher! A.W. Zesthen Subgroup on External Pressure (SC Ml & SC.D) RW. Mikika, Chair DLL Kurle B.R. Morelack, Secretary. Michalopoulos D.C. Agarwal D, Nadel D.). Green DLE Shaw D.S. Grifin CE. Spacder, I M. Katcher CH, Sturgeon Subgroup on Ferrous Specifications (SC 1) E.G. Nisbett, Chair WC. Mack KL. Aber 1. Maurer A Appleton ASS. Mell BM. Dingman KE One 1. Graham E Upitis WN. Holliday R.Zawierucha D. Janikowski ‘A.W. Zeuthen D.C. Krouse RH, Zong JF. Longenecker Subgroup on International Material Specifications (SC I) RR. Seeley, Chair 1H Masahisa W. M. Lundy, Secretary F Ovweiller D.C. Agarwal LT. Parsons J. Cameron RD. Schuler, W. . Doty RC. Soin D.M. Fryer EA. Stece 1. P. Glaspie E Upitis M. Gold Subgroup on Nonferrous Alloys (SC 11) 1. W. Raboi, Chair G.c. Hea D.C. Agaewal, Secretary M. Katcher WR. Apbiet, Jr AG. Kiet, J LG. Cofee R Kissell A. Cohen Shapiro MH. Gilkey LE, Shoemaker 3B. Heuer RC. Sutherin Subgroup on Strength, Ferrous Alloys (SC I) 8. W. Roberts, Chair F, Masuyama JM. Tanzosh, Secretary RA Moen WR Apblet, 1D. W. Rabo! M, Gold CE, Spaede, J.J. Heer RW. Swindeman CL Hotimana BLE. Thurgood Kino T.P. Vassallo Subgroup on Strength of Weldments (SC I & $C 10) 1.4, Tanzash, Chaie DW. Rahoi €. Robino, Secretary 8B. W. Roberts W. D. Doty CE Spaeder, J LF Henry WI. Sperko. Subgroup on Toughness (SC Il & Vl W. 8. Jacobs, Chair 7.7. Philips R. | Basle M.D. Rana J. Cameron R.R, Seeley W. D. Doty J.W, Stokes HE, Gordon E.Upitis 6. 8. Komora B.S. Vecchio K. Mokhvarian S. Yukawa RK Nanstad R. Zawierucha €.C. Neely SUBCOMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR POWER (SC tI C1. Peper, Chair D-H. Hanvath RM. fessee, Vice Chair RS. Hill CA, Sanna, Secretary CL Hotfmann Y¥. Asada KH Hu RW. Bares Ce Kim W. Hi. Bon DF Landers EB. Branch W. C. Lakochelle MLN, Bressler W.N. Mctean F.C. Chery R.A. Moen G. B. Cooper D.B. Nickerson R.P. Deublee RF. Pern W. D. Doty RF. Reedy F.. Drahos B.B. Scot K Ennis MW. Smith B.A Euler 1D, Stevenson GM. Foster KR Wichman Subgroup on Containment Systems for Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste Transport Packagings (SC 1) G.M. Fostee, Chair TJ. Neider GI. Solovey, Vice Chair RE, Nickell DK. Morton DT. Raske W.H4. Boner T. Snogusa IT. Conner NM. Simpson RR. Doggart RH, Smith ELL Farow K.B. Sorenson. FM. Floyd ILD. Stevenson D.R. Heath C1 Terms WH. Lake P.Turula H.W Lee 5. Yukawa P. cConnell ‘Subgroup on Design (SC I) RP. Deubler, Chair 8. Jarman EB. Branch, Vice Chair Rb etter ALN. Nguyen, Secretary JT hand Ta. Adams DF Landers ¥. Asada W.N. Mckean RW. Barnes J.C. Miniciello MLN, Bressler D.B. Nickerson CW. Bruny W. Z. Novak DLL. Calewell F.C. Rodabaugh 1. Cole 1 sito .D. Cooper I,K, Santangelo RE. Corman, J. G.€. Slagis D.H. Hanvath 1D. Steverson ROW. Haupt KR. Wichman RSH Working Group on Administration [G-D) (SC EB. Branch, Chale D.F Landers RW, Barnes, Vice Chair WN. MeLean RS. Hill, Secretary D.B. Nickerson CW. Bruny W. Z, Novak RP. Deubler J-R. Santangelo 1 To tand Working Group on Supports (SG-D) C1) RJ. Masteson, Chair AS. Laurenson RM.Dulin, Je Secretary AE. Melig U. S. Bandyopadhyay G.C. Mok FI Birch ALN. Nguyen IR Cole sate RP. Deubler 1. Suinson FG. Finneran, Ie CL We 1G Heanat| Working Group on Core Support Structures (SG-D) $C MN) 1.7. Land, Chair RH, Hansen K. B Larsen LF. Mallooly Working Group on Dynamic and Extreme Load Conditions (SGD) (SC ID 1D. L.Calewell, Chir W. 8. LaPay P-L. Anderson, Secretar ——-H, Locket MK AvYang ALE. Melig R.D. Blevins PR. Olson Py. Chen RF Peny A Hadj Working Group on Piping (SG-D) (SC mt) J. Cole, Chair J. F McCabe P. Hirschberg, Secreta 1.€ Minichiello TM, Adams 5. Moore GA. Anak ALN. Nguyen 1.1. Conner ©. 0, Oyamada A.B, Glickstein RD, Patel RJ. Gusdal EC. Rodabaugh RW. Haupt JR. Santangelo IC. Hennart MLS. sils Rs. Hill GC Slagis R.D. Hookway VK Verma RB. Jenkins EA Wais DF. Landers CnWu KA. Manoly Working Group on Pumps (SG-D) (SC Mh) RE Comman, fe, Chair 4. isingson HL. Brammer D.B. Nickerson ALA. Fraser RA Schusler M. Higuchi D.B. Spencer Ie. G.R. Jones H.Tafarodi HW. Leasi GK Vaghasia Working Group on Valves (SG-D) (SC IN) W. No McLean, Chair S.N. Shiels RR. Brodin H.R. Sonderegger R. Kosster J. Tsacoyeanes 1D. Page RG, Visa Working Group on Vessels (SG-D) (SC 1H) CW, Bruny, Chair ©, Mackawa .D. Cooper KA, Manoly D-H Haneath DF, Matthews M Harzman GK Miller W. | Heiker W. Z. Novak A. Kalnins E Pelling TM. Kha HS. Thoratoa Special Working Group on Environmental Effects (8G-D) (SC 1) W. Z. Novak, Chair CL. Hotimann Y. Asada RA Moen, W. | Heike S. Yukawa RS. Hill Special Working Group on Seismic Piping Rules (SG-D) (SC Ml) EB. Branch, Chair V. Matzen T. M4. Adams I.-C, Minichietlo G.A. Aniaki M8. Sills K. Hasegawa Y. Urabe Toga EA. Was Kobayashi T. Yamazaki ‘Subgroup on General Requirements (SC I & SC 3C) W.C. LaRochelle, Chait RM K Ennis, Secreary MR. Minick 1K. Appleton RF Pertin BH Berg B.B, Scot C.tizote DM. Vickery RP. Melnyre D.V. Walshe ML Meyer Subgroup on Materials, Fabrication, and Examination (SC 11) CL, Hoffmann, Chair RM. Jesse G.P. Milley, Secretary CC Kim CW. Allison R.A. Moen, BH. Berg Hi. Murakami WH. Boner Co. Peper D. Doyle IN.M. Simpson FR Drahos RC. Soin GM. Foster WJ. Spero. G.B. Georgiev KB. Stuckey JE Haws Yukawa RW. Jackson Subgroup on Pressure Relief (SC 1) S.F. Haris, Ir, Chait AL. Szetin F.C. Chery. D.G. Thibout EM, Petrosky 8.5 York M.W. Smith Special Working Group on Editing and Review (SC Il) RF. Reedy, Chair BA. Free W. H. darter 1. H. Haneath MON. Beesler W. C. LaRiochelle D.L. Caldwell M.W. Smith RP. Deubler J.D. Stevenson JOINT ACLASME COMMITTEE ON ‘CONCRETE COMPONENTS FOR NUCLEAR SERVICE (SC 30) MF. Hescheimer, Chair D.C. teng 5. J. Ross, Secretary 1. Johnson I-P.Allen th NeH Lee. IF Anuso SF. Putman RM.Attar 8.6. Scon A.C. Eerhard RE, Showmaker BLA Euler J.D. Stevenson DJ. Haavik AY. Wong 1. inman SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEATING BOILERS (SC IV) FP, Barton, Chair Rt Matlican PA. Molvie, Vice Chair EA, Nordstrom MCR Argenziano, Secretay JL. Segle TL. Bedeaux DE. Tanner WL Haag, Ie 5. V. Voorhees W. M. Hidleston RH. Weigel 1.0. Hoh RV. Wielgoszinsk D. Hi Mapes 11 Woadwoth KOM. McTague RB. Dugan, Honorary KR, Moskwa Morber Subgroup on Care and Operation of Heating Boilers SC IV) J. Woodwonh, Chair KM. MeTague MR. Argenziana, Secretary P. A. Molvie TL. Bedeaue RL Mallican KI Hoey TF. Wickham 1-0. Hoh Subgroup on Cast Iron Boilers (SC IV) KM. MeTague, Chair RH. Weigel CP. MeQuiggan TF. Wickham KR, Moskwa J. Woodworth Subgroup on Water Heaters (SC 1V) WL Haag, Ie. Chair KM. MeTague TL. Bedeaux RL Mullican T. D. Garit D.E, Tanner WM, Hidleston M.A. Taylor FM, Lucas TE Teant ‘Subgroup on Welded Boilers (SC 1V) P. A. Molvie, Chair I. Seigle TL Bedeaux RP. Sullivan D.L Mapes: D.€ Tanner EA. Nowdstom RLV. Wielgoszinsk SUBCOMMITTEE ON NONDESTRUCTIVE PXAMINATION SCV) 1. G, MeCady, Chair FB. Kovacs JE Batey, Vice Chair RW. Kruzie EH. Maradiags, Secretary JF, Manning SL Aknin W. C. McGaughey AS. Bitks RD. McGuire W.T. Clayton FJ Sater N.Y. Faransso EF, Summers 0. Hedken MJ. Wheel 6.1, Hembree Subgroup on General Requirements/ Personnel Qualifications and Inquires (SCV) K.D, MeGuite, Chair H.C. Graber JE. Batey GW. Hembree W.T. Clayton FR Mackay N.Y. Faransso Subgroup on Surface Examination Methods (SC V) ALS. Blinks, Chae G.W. Hembree SJ. Akin RW. Kruz T. Alexander FJ. Sater BH. Clark, EF, Sunes H.C Gaber M1. Wheel Subgroup on Volumetric Methods (SC V) J.E.Batey, Chair EK. Kietman S.I. Akin FB. Kovacs W.T. Clayton RW. Kauri N.Y. Faransso IF. Manning H.C. Graber W. C. McGaughey G.W. Hembree JR Michel B.Kellerhal Working Group on Acoustic Emissions (5G-VM) (SC V) BH Cake P.M, Horrigan anning Me JR Michel ‘Working Group on Radiography (SG-VM) (SCV) G..W, Hembree, Chair N.Y, Faransso So), Akin HC. Graber T. Alexander FB. Kovacs Ee Batey RW. Kauai Working Group on Ultrasonics (6G-VM) (SC V) W.T. Clayton, Chair W. C McGaughey (0. . Helden Pailaman 8. Kellethall, f.. Satler EK. Kietzman ML. Shakinovsky J.-F. Manning ‘SUBCOMMITTEE ON PRESSURE VESSELS (SC Vit TP. Pastor, Char KT. Lau K Mokhtatian, Vice Chale R. W. Mikitka AJ Roby, Secreta’ U.R Miler V. Bogosian CE. Newly 1. Cameron M.D, Rana S.C.Gr S.C. Roberts RM. Elliot C.D. Rosey RE Feige KI. Schneider I.G. Felstein A. Sel M1 Houle JR Sis, I W. S. lacobs ALL Spencer GG Karcher ELA. Steen 8. Komora EL. Thomas, Subgroup on Design (SC Vil) Special Working Group on High-Pressure Vessels (SC VII 1. R. Siow, Je, Chai J.A, Kopp UR. Miler, Chae RW. Mikitka PLA, Reddington, Secretary 0. B. Kendal! R.E Knoblock, Secretary ——_K. Mokhvaran LP. analy AK Khare RL Basle TP. Pastor Le Baxter SC. Mordke MR Bauman M.D. Rana RC bel Gh Mae MR 7.8. Boyd S.N.Pagay s D1 Burns EH. eres p PN. Chak DT. Peters 1 RE Feigel LM. Pcquewr 6 Do. Fer E-.Roll FL Hee, Ie WL, Stewart AH. Honza 1, Savan MM, James FW. Tatar P Jansson SUBCOMMITTEE ON WELDING (SC 1X) ©. Rodey, Chae R.A. Johnson 1.6. Feldstein, Chair AH Miler EA Steen, Vice Chair DLA Ket Wel. Sperko, Vice Chair BR. Newmark PC Amol F.C. Ounang IN. Sih, Secretary PP Nowis W. I. Bees MJ. Pisce RB Barkdal AS. Olivares He Gordon ML Rice D.A. Bowers 4.1 Pisehke MI Houle W.P. Webb 4. L. Capenter S-D. Reynoids W. S. Jacobs LP. Connor M1. Rice W.D. Doty G-W. Spb I .D. Fenner ‘J. Stanko M4. Houle P.-L. Van Fosson R.A. Jobson RR Young Subgroup on General Requirements SC VII) W. Mt. Lundy WK, Scatergood, Honorary RD. McGuire ‘Member S.€. Robes, Chair WE. Laveck Ie V. Bogosian AS. Mann Subgroup on Brazing (SC 1X) Mt Coats CC. Neely aie oom 1M}. Pischke, Chae C.F eesings zi ML. Carpenter AH Miler 1. Glaspie KJ. Schneidee ML Came a KTa0 AL. Spencer ae chino Subgroup on General Requirements (SC 1X) 1. Newmark, Chir D.W. Mann on RB. Barkcol AS. Olivares mad sewn PLR Evans HB. Pore PC Filean RA Wess 1, Cameron, Chae W.M. Lundy RM. ese KR wills KL Aber FE Morgencag D.C. Agarwal E.G. Nisbett ricioa It Pasors ‘Subgroup on Materials (SC IX) ©. A Franklin DW. Rahoi ML. Carpenter, Chair HA Sadler 8. Hever Ups LP. Connor CE Sains M, Katcher PD. Flemer CE Spacder, I RM. lesiee Wo. Sperko Ce kim M4. Stanko AHL Miller RR Young Special Working Group on Heat Transfer Equipment (SC VII} Subgroup on Performance Qualification (SC IX) G.8. Komora, Chair T.W. Norton DLA. Bowers, Chair MI. Houle RP. Zoldak, Secretary F Osweiller VA Bell W.M. Lundy SM Caldwell S.C. Roberts LP. Connor R.D, MeGuice Ma} Holtz RJ. Siasiny R.A, Comes PP. Nomis R. Mahadeen 5. Yoke PD, Flenoer W.. Seatergood UR Mile G. Herrmann G.W, Spottt Subgroup on Procedure Qualification (SC IX) D.A Bowers, Chair S.D. Reynolds, I. RK, Brown, Ie NM.) Rice R.A. Johnson WK. Scattergood DW. Mann Woh. Sperko AH. Miler P-L, Van Fosson P,P. Now TC. Wiesner 1S. Olivares PR Wilk FC. Ouyang SUBCOMMITTEE ON FIBER-REINFORCED PLASTIC PRESSURE VESSELS (SCX) P.5.Conlsh, Chair DJ, Painter 1D. Eisberg Vice Chair Df Pinel ‘AI Roby, Secretary J.B. Riche FL Brown 1A Rolston LL Bustllos V. Sanches T.W. Cowley BF. Shelley TJ. Fowler 1H Skaggs LE Hunt PR Wik 1. Murphy D.O. Yancey, fe. ALL Newbery SUBCOMMITTEE ON [NUCLEAR INSERVICE INSPECTION (SC XH) RE. Gimple, Chair DF, Landers R.L, Oyle, Vice Chair TF Lente ©. Maninez, Secretary J.T. Kindberg WH. Barton, Gc Milman RL, Beverly GC Park J.-M. Bloom PLC. Riccardetla €.D. Cowier AT. Roberts DD. Davis L Sage T.N. Epps it FJ. Schaaf Je EL Fartow RI. Scott FE Gregor I.E Statiera ©. . Hedsen RW. Swayne W. C, Holston RA. Yonekawa Kida KK Yoon RD. kerr WE. Nomis, Alternate Honorary Members (SC XI) 5.H. Bush LR. Katz UI. Chockie RR, MacCary JP. House ‘Subgroup on Evaluation Standards (SC XH) W.H.tamford, J, Chair S. Ranganath 1M, Bloor P.C Riecardlla RC Cipolla D.A. Scath RM. Gamble WoL Server 11. Greshach CA Tomes K, Hasegawa A Var Der Sluys PL). Hijeck KR Wickman D.N. Hopkins GoM. Witkowski Kida K.K. Yoon Y. Imamura Yukawa, 1G. Merkle ‘Working Group on Flaw Evaluation (SG-£5) (SC X1) R.C. Cipolla, Chair 1G. Merkle G.H. De Boo, Secretary 4. S. Panesar WH. Baro It S. Ranganath M. Basol DLA. Sear JM. Bloor TLS, Schurman) E Friedman W. L. Server TJ Griesbach FA, Simonen FD, Hayes KR. Wichman DIN, Hopkins GM. Wilkenski Kota KK. Yoon Y¥. tmarra 5. Yukawa M. Kupiaski A. Zehoor HS. Mehta VA. Zilberstein Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria (SG-E5) (SC X1) 1.) Griesbach, Chair HS. Meta W. H. Baron, R Pace H. Behnke 1.5. Panesar B.A. Bishop W. E. Pennell W.F. Brady S. Ranganath E. Friedman ST. Resinski 5. R. Gosselin WL Server FM. Hacker EA, Siegel PI. Hijeck FA. Simonen M. Kupinski G.L. Stevens S.D. Leshnoff KK. Yoon P. Manbeck S. Yukawa ‘Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (SC X1) DLA, Scarth, Chair DN. Hopkins G.M. Witkowski, Secretry Kida W. H, Bamiord KK. Kashima RC. Cipolla HS. Mehta NG. Cote 1.5. Panesar SK Daftuar K.K. Yoon G.H. De Boo 5. Yukawa Friedman A. Zahoor LF Goyette VA. Zilberstein K Hasegawa Subgroup on Liguid-Metal-Cooled Systems (SC X!) ©... MeCargar, Chair R. Hundat W. L.Chase RW King 8. Hantos Ww. Kwant Working Group on Liquid-Metal Reactor Covers (SG-MCS) (SC XD) WL. Chase, Chair 5. Hato R. Hundal Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination (SC XI) ©.D. Cowies, Chair D.©. Henry NR Bentley, Secretary MR Hum D.C. Adamonis G.A Lotus 2. Bevine M,C. Modes FT. Car FJ. Schaat, Ie CB. Cheeze MF. Sherwin W. T. Clayton I.-C. Spanner, I Fj. Dodd Ch Wine TN. Epps Working Group on Personnel Qualification and Surface, Visual, and Eddy Current Examination (SG-NDE) (SC XI) 1.€. Spanner, Chase Je} MeArde tt CL Wins, Secretary MF. Sheewin BL. Cunt D. Spake D.O. Henry D.S. Whitcomb HE, Howserman Working Group on Pressure Testing (SG-NDB) (SC XD D.W. Lamond, Chair RJ. Cimoeh T.M. Anselm’ GL Fechier JM. Boughman PK MeClanahan T.R. Bugelholl ‘Working Group on Procedure Qualification and Volumetric Examination (SG-NDE) (SC X0 MC. Modes, Chair S.R. Doctor 8. Bevins, Secretary FJ. Dodd D.C. Adamonis T.N. Epps i FL Becker 8. Kellerhal N.R. Bentley G.A.Lothus FT. Carr M. Saporito C8, Cheezem 5M. Walker W.T. Clayion Subgroup on Repairs, Replacements, and Modifications (SC XI) W. C. Holston, Chair RD. Kerr D.E Waskey, Secretary DF Landers MLN. Bressler RS. Lewis RE Cansell M.S, McDonald RE Gimple R. . Stevenson Ce Hae RW. Swayne RA, Hermann R.A. Yonekawa, TE Hise ‘Working Group on Design Reconciliation (SG-RR&M) (SC X1) T.£. Hiss, Chair EV. Imbro J.T. Conner, Secretary D.F. Landers 5.8. trown RW. Swayne W. C. Holston AH. Taufique ‘Working Group on Responsibilities and Program Requirements (SG-RRAM) (SC XD) R.A. Yonekawa, Chair RS. Lewis R.R. Stevenson, Secretayy M.S. McDonald S.K. Fisher SM. Swilley| GM, Foster AA Waleut R.D. Graham J. Ghergurovich, Alternate Ce Hane ‘Working Group on Welding and Special Repaie Processes (SG-RRAM) (SC XD D.E. Waskey, Chair B.D. Kerr RE, Cantrell, Secreta 8. R Newton PD. Fisher PP. Norris ALL Giannuzzi 1-£.0ullivan ROA. Hermann K.R. Willers RP Indy Subgroup on Water-Cooled Systems (SC XI) G. Path, Chaie D.W, Lamond KB. Thomas, Secretary TF Lenz JM. Agold J.T. Lindberg G.L Belew MP. Lintz W, } Briggs WE. Norns 1. Bugelholl . Perdlton D.D. Davis E Throckmorton RL Dyle SM, Walker EU Farrow RA. West (0. F Header J Whitman ML Herrera H. Graves, Atermate T.C Hinkle ROM. Kenneally, Alternate S.D. Kolat Working Group on Containment (SG-WCS) SC Xt) J. €. Stairs, Chair RD. Hough HLM. Stephens, Secretary CN. Krishnaswamy HG. Ashae MP. Linte W. | Briggs D.Navs KK.N, Chao S.C. Petigout MJ. Feds G.W. Robin H. Graves RT. Zak Holl W, E. Noms, Alternate Working Group on Implementation of Risk-Based Examination (SG-WCS) (SC X1) S.D. Kulat, Chair 1.7. Lindberg IM. Agotd, Secretary 1. Mach S.AAl ROK Matty B.A. Bishop A. Meni LW. Connor P.1, O'Regan H.Q. Do 1H Philips R. Faugerousse FA. Simones 5. R. Gosselin TV. Vo MR, Graybeal RA West ML. Herrera Working Group on Inspection of Systems and Components (SG-WCS) (SC XI) C.D. Cowler, Chair 1. Mach Whitman, Secretary TK Mctellan G.L. Belew Pendleton HQ. Do CM Ross RR. Fougerousse D. Song TC Hinkle K.B, Thomas MR Hum Thvockmorton 5-0. Kulae RA West 1.7. Lindberg ‘Working Group on General Requirements (SC X1) AT, Roberts tl, Chair RK, Matty RG. Ed, Secretary Sage B.A Graham RI. Scott B.A. fackson Special Working Group on Editing and Review (SC X0) RW. Swayne, Chair 1. State RL. Beverly C1. Wire MP Line Special Working Group on Plant Life Extension (SC XD) FF, Gregor, Chair D.L. Harrison (Lint, Secretary P-T. Kuo T.M. Anselm: TA. Meyer WF Brady D.W. Pelola D.D. Davi D.A.Piccione D.A. Graham VIN. Shab SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT TANKS (SC XI A. Sel, Chae JW. Rader PD, Stumpy, Secretary M.D. Rana AN. Antonio CM. Serrtela ©. Becht 1M. Mennemand 5 Staniscewski G.R Stoockinger GH. Hochman IN Surtees G.G.Kaccher AP. Varghese PP. Lalue SV. Voorhees G. McRae CH Walters M.R, Minick WL White Subgroup on Design and Materials (SC XIN) M0. Rana, Chair TP. Pasor C. Becht iv I. L Rademacher D.A. Canonico TA. Rogers W. D. Doty CM. Sertatela G.G. Karcher |. Varghese PP Laluc MR Ward 1M. Marukkars EA. White S., MeWiliams Subgroup on Fabrication and Inspection (SC XIN) 5.¥, Voorhees, Chair LD. Holsinger M. Buren DL kre D.A.Canonico G, McRae ML Coats MR Minick BL Gent N. Surtees M. Hlennemane Subgroup on General Requirements (SC Xt) CH. Hochman, Chair 1.€ Keenan T Alexander TB. Lee ALN, Antoniou FA. Lica 1. Cannon G.R. Stoeckinger LL Freier CH. Walters MLA, Gare Ww. L White KL Gilmore L Wolpedt SUBCOMMITTEE ON BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL ACCREDITATION (SC-BPVA) ALL Spencer, Chair RL. Willams CE. Ford, Vice Chair W, | Bees, Alternate K | Baron, Secretary VA Bell, Alternate MB. Doherty V. Bogosian, Alternate D.A. Duin M.A. De Vries, Alternate PD. Edwards PD Fenner, Aernate RM. Ellon LL Kuchera, Atemate RG. Faend W. C. LaRochelle, Alternate RC Howard KM. MeTague, Alternate AL tostin G.P. Milley: Alternate BB, MacDonald P-G. Scheckermana, Alteate MLL. Sisk N. Suntes, Alternate SUBCOMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR ACCREDITATION (SC-NA) TE Quaka, Chair ALL Spencer R.R. Stevenson, Vice Choir —-R.E, Cemiewicz, Atemate FE, Zesman, Secrtary 5. Dasgupta, Alternate V.Rogosian PD. Edwards, Altornate MLN, Bressler SM, Goodwin, Alternate G. Delly D.H.Hanath, Alterare FR, Drahos RC. Howadd, Alornate JE Haris KA Huber, Alternate M. Higuchi ALJ destin, Alternate M. Kot N.C. Kis Alenate W. C. LaRochelle ALA Lott, Alternate RP. Melniyee 0. € Trapp, Staff Reprose: HB. Prasse tative AT. Roberts i SUBCOMMITTEE ON DESIGN (SC-D) DLP. Jones, Chair RW. ata ELH. Maradhaga, Secretary UL R, Miller RW. Bares W. |. O'Donnel C Becht IV RD. Schuler, J. G.G. Graven Sele Subgroup on Design Analysis (8C-D) M.R Breach | Kalnins J. Conlise We J. Koves J. Hechmee ©. Mackawa G.L Hollinger EL, Thomas, Ie D.P. ones R.A. Whipple Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design (SC-D) Becht IW, Chair W. |. ODornell ILM Corum, Seeretary D.A. Osage CR. Brinkman 1.5, Porowshi RD. Campbell CC. Schatz, fe D.S. Gain LK Severed RA eter D.F Shaw Lawton AL Snow Subgroup on Fatigue Strength (SC-D) WJ. ODoneell Chair C. Lawton P.R. Donavin S. Majumdar LA Hayward M.). Manjoine IL. Hechmer |. Muscara D.. Jones HoH Ziada G. Kharehafjan Subgroup on Openings (SC-D) RW. Mika, Secretary J.P. adden G.G. Graven! D. R, Palmer VT Hwang M.D. Rana RB Laney EC. Rodabaugh Special Working Group on Bolted Flanged Joins (SC-D) RW. Mikika, Chair PG. Seheckermnann G.D Bibel RW. Schneider E.Michalopoulos RD. Schocler, J: SN. Pagay A Sele SUBCOMMITTEE ON SAFETY VALVE REQUIREMENTS (SC-SVR) M.D. Bernstein, Chair W.F Hart U.DUrso, Secreta 1.0. Michaet 1. Ball CA/Neumana. 5. Cammetes D.K. Peetz LA Cox IW. Reynolds RD. Danzy . J. Seallan DB, De Michael A) Spencer R. J. Doelling I.-C. Standiast RG. Friend 1A West H.1. Gregg To. Feaigan, Alternate S.F: Harison, Ie Subgroup on Design SC-SVR) 8G. Friend, Chair S.R vin, Sr RD. Danzy ALL Spencer DB. De Michae! TR Tarbay RI, Doelling 1A West HL Gregg Subgroup on General Requirements (SC-SVR) M.D. Bemstein, Chair CA. Newman 1-F. Ball D.K. Poets RE Cellemme, Ir 1.W. Reynolds J.P. Glaspie JW. Richareson H.D. Michae! 1. Sandfast Subgroup on Testing (SC-SVR) 5. F, Harrison, Je, Chair W. F. Hat S. Cammeres DJ. Seallan 1A. Cox B.S. Yor PERSONNEL Officers of AWS Committee (Cooperating in the Development of the Specifications Herein) As of December 31, 2000 |AS COMMITTEE ON FILLER METALS AND ALLIED MATERIALS 1. W. Ebest BA. Swain fA LaFave, Chr .H. MacShane 4 Gombach B.D. Thomas D.A, Fink, Ist Vice Chair W. A. Marta ne ; D. Ketek M.D. Tumulora J. Stee nd Vice Chair” Menon eer G1 Vytanonyeh Gupta. Seceary MT Merlo AH ile 8 Bateman AR Mores JM. Blackburn M.D. Morin 45. Blam CL Nall er Mipteee AASB SUBCOMMITTEE ON CARBON AND LOW ALLOY STEEL Reece tee ELECTRODES AND FLUXES FOR SUBMERGED ARC WELDING. 8.) Choe M.A Quinana D.D. Cocke Chair ©. Meyer G. Cais 5. D. Reynolds, I R. Gupta, Secretary 1.C. Meyers D.D. Crockett LF. Roberts G.C. Barnes M.D. Moin R.A Daemen Saleen ioc CUNa DeVito A. P. Seidler W. D. Doty DM. Parker DLA. Delsignore W.5. Severance HW. toon FA. Rhoades H.W. Ebert ER Stevens Rosen Menace 1.6. Feldstein €5.Sunan by ke RA Swan 5S. E. Ferree R.A. Swain RA LaFave RD. Thomas, I. RD. Fuchs B.D. Thomas, wt Malo Statue CE Forsenau K.P. Thombery A Henning 5 Tausum 1. Bune LT. Vernam fa a eons [ASC SUBCOMMITTEE ON ALUMINUM ALLOY FILLER METALS RB. Kadlaye TR Watten 1.7. Vermam, Chai R.A LaFave SD. kiter H.D. Wer N.Dietren Vice Ch 1S. tee P| Kenko FI. Winsor R. Gupta, Secretary GH. Musselman Daj. Koteki KG, Wold 8. Anderom Cu Nal D.¥. Ke rec Wu S.A Colins ER Pickering 1S Laurerson #8. Dickerson RO. Thoma S. Gedeon D. A. Wah RM Henson van det Mee Asx EXECUTIVE SUBCOMMITTEE CM Hergenather 8 A.Lafave, Chir RD. Fuchs DLA Fink st Vice Chait. J, Koeck WS. \ee, dnd Vee Chair Menon ASD SUBCOMMITTEE ON STAINLESS STEEL FILLER METALS R. Cupra, Secretary reese D.A. Delsignore, Chair GA. Kurisky D. A. Delsignore LT. Verna D. J. Kotecki, Vice Chair R.A. LaFave: HAW. et Gupta. Seceary FB take RS Brown GH. Macshane {ASA SUBCOMMITTEE ON CARBON AND Low attoy sree, RE Gael Paes ELECTRODES AND RODS FOR SHIELDED METAL ARC AND hustle L¢ Mev ‘OXYFUEL GAS WELDING aS oe LF Robes, Chae LN A Heong B.D. Thomas. Gut Tanke Vice Chair MiP. Paebh EP. Hune Ss Tausuri B Gupia, Secretary UU}. Prvoamik S.R ana 1G. Wallin RM But #.K. Saleen 8. , Kadiaya HD. Wet I. Detoach M.S, Slerdziosk D. Kamins [ASE SUBCOMMITTEE ON NICKEL AND NICKEL ALLOY FILLER METALS. RD. Fuchs, Chair .D. Killunen 1S. Lee, 18 Vice Chair S.D. Kiser R. Gupta, Secretary GA kursty D.C Agarwal RA Lafwe FS. Bash FB, Lake RS. Brown R Menon RE Cantrell CL. Null DA, Delignore RA Swain P. Ditzel RD. Thomas, Ir D.L Duncan 5. Tsutsum IF. Frawley J. F Tuner VW. Hamann V. van der Mee 1. Huet HD. Wehr RB. Kadilaya 18. Wu ASE SUBCOMMITTEE ON COPPER AND COPPER ALLOY FILLER METALS K.P Thomberry, Chir ALR. Memtes R. Gupta, Secretary Ct. Null CW. Daalle SD. Reynols, D.B. Holliday MLN. Rogers 1.P. Hunt RD. Thomas, I RA Lafive 1 Tori [ASG SUBCOMMITTEE ON HARDFACING FILLER METALS R. Menon, Chair S.J. Mewick R. Gupta, Secretary ALR. Metes F. Broshjet CL Null D.D. Crockett 1G Postle G.L Fillion V. 8. Rajan S.P. tee G.C. Schmid SR Jona E.R. Stevens RA LaFave R.D. Thomas Ir WE Layo IBC. Wu G.H Macshane ASH SUBCOMMITTEE ON FILLER METALS AND FLUXES FOR BRAZING CE. Fuerstenau, Chair CL Natt R, Gupta, Secretary RL Pesslee GA. Andreae CW. Philp Y. Baskin C8; Pollock RE Cook W. D. Rupes TP. Hirthe IL Schuster TA Kem A. Severin RA LaFave Ie}. Stephens MJ. Lucas Ie RD. Thomas, La Maller K.P. Thornberry [ASI SUBCOMMITTEE ON TUNGSTEN ELECTRODES, W. 5. Severance, Chait RA LaFave R. Gupta, Secretary CL Nutt S.G. Caldwell G.R Pateck RI. Chest RD. Thomas I ME. Gedgaudas M.D. Tumuluns Heinzman it W. D. Watson rE K. Kyne AS] SUBCOMMITTEE ON ELECTRODES AND RODS FOR WELDING CAST IRON. 5.D. Kiser, Chaie RA LaFave R. Gupa, Secretary A. HL Milles RG. Baniiay LW. Myers RA Bisel .L Null R.A. Bushey W. F. Ridgway RO. Drosaman B.D. Thomas, I. ER. Kuch [ASK SUBCOMMITTEE ON TITANIUM AND ZIRCONIUM FILLER METALS A.P. Seidler, Chair RA LaFave RoC. Sutherlin, Viee Chair 8. Luckawsk R. Gupta, secreany CC. Null SG. Caldwell J. Richardson D.D. Harwig I. Scheltens S-Kleppen RD. Thomas, I Kotak ME Wells ASL SUBCOMMITTEE ON MAGNESIUM ALLOY FILLER METALS, K.P. Thomberry, Chair .B. Dickerson R. Gupla, Secretary RA Larave JF Blown Je Ct Null AT. DiAnnessa RD. Thomas Fr [ASM SUBCOMMITTEE ON CARBON AND LOW ALLOY STEEL. ELECTRODES FOR FLUX CORED ARC WELDING MT. Merlo, Chaie M.Q. Johnson D. D. Cracket, Ist Vice Chair R.A. Lafave R, Gupta, Secretary CH. Maeshane 1. Bundy CL Null JE Campbell MP. Parekh ‘A Chatteree LF. Rohess D.D. Childs K Sump EF. Caaig RA. Swain UA. Craig RD. Thomas Ir), Detoach S. Toutsumi SE. Feree TR, Warten G.L Franke [ASMILSPEC AD-HOC COMMITTEE ON CONVERSION OF MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS TO AWS FILLER METAL. SPECIFICATIONS, CL. Null, Chair 5.) Gullo 1}, DeLoach, Ist Vice Chair W, Hanzalek R, Gupta, Secretary J. Konkol HER, Casinee 1.8. Manuel SE Ferre M4 Saw DLA. Fink T.R. Warren [ASN SUBCOMMITTEE ON CONSUMABLE INSERTS HD. Wee, Cha R. Gupta, Secretary RA Lafave AS. Laurenson CL Null RD. Thomas ASO SUBCOMMITTEE ON CARBON AND LOW ALLOY. STEEL ELECTRODES AND RODS FOR GAS SHIELDED ARC ‘WELDING DLA. Fink, Char DM, Parker 1. Bundy, 150 Vice Chair LJ, Prvoznik MT. Merla, 2nd View Chair PD. Reprut, R. Gupta, Secretary LF Roberts PLR Grainger RB. Smith RB. Kadilaya RD. Thomas, I J. Koakol 5. Tsutsumi RA LaFave CR Webb CL Null D.A. Wright Sc MP, Parekh [ASP SUBCOMMITTEE ON CARBON AND LOW ALLOY STEEL [ELECTRODES FOR ELECTROSLAG AND ELECTROGAS. WELDING DLA Fink, Chair I, Lee R. Gupta, Secretary CL Null JH. Devletian LF Roberts RH. Juers 8.1, Shue W. M. Kavicky LD. Smith. DLY. Ku B.D. Thomas I RA LaFave [ASS SUBCOMMITTEE ON GASES FOR GAS SHIELDED ARC WELDING AND CUTTING |. Devito, Chair CL Null R. Gupta, Secretany LR Pate Colin ER Piene IF. Donaghy 1.8. Ridenflat 1-R. Evans D.M. Saitivan Harvey RD. Thomas Ie RA LaFave J. Zawodny M. McKeown [AST SUBCOMMITTEE ON FILLER METAL PROCUREMENT (GUIDELINES R.A Lafave, Chair C.-C. Paquette . Gupta, Secretary CF Roberts J. Capravola, Je LK, Salvesen DLA. Fink RA. Swain ACL Mehta RD. Thomas Ir M.T. Merlo V. van der Mee CL Null [ASU SUBCOMMITTEE ON SURFACING MATERIALS FOR ‘THERMAL SPRAYING 1. B.C Wu, Chair D.D. Lewisen R. Gupta, Secrevany CL Null Wi. Ata S. Rangaswamy G.A.Crooprick E.R. Sampson! IM. Doriman FL Seon RA. Douty E.R, Stevens G.L Fillion RA. Sul FJ, Hermanek RD. Thomas Ir RA Lafave LT, Verna ASW SUBCOMMITTEE ON MOISTURE AND HYDROGEN 1M, Blackburn, Chae CL Null R. Gupta, Secretary M.P. Parekh AE Comeau MA. Quintana DM. Fedor M.S. Slerdzinski D.A. Fink K. Smith G.L Franke RD. Thomas Ie DD. Harwig Ma Weare R.A. Lafave HD. Wehr 1S. bee [ASY SUBCOMMITTEE ON FLUXES FOR GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING AND WELDABLE PRIMER COATINGS M.Q. fobnsan, Chair R. Gupsa, Secretary PREFACE (On January 3, 1919, ASME participated with several ‘other organizations in a meeting to discuss the continua- tion of wartime research in welding. Out of that meeting, the American Welding Society was established and since that time there has been a constant and interwoven record of development by the American Welding Society and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers fof the techniques of welding. Through all of these ‘great years of growth, many of the leaders in the field ‘of engineering had the common interest of pressure ‘equipment design and manufacture and the development of welding as a powerful tool in that manufacture. The evolution of this cooperative effort is contained in Professor A. M. Greene's “History of the ASME Boiler Code,” which was published as a series of articles in Mechanical Engineering from July 1952 through August 1953 and is now available from ASME in a special bound edition. The following quotation from this history based on the minutes of the Committee notes the cooperative nature of the work done in the area of welding ‘During 1919, a nwnber of cases involving welding were referred by the Boiler Code Committee to the Subcommittee on Welding, “As the National Welding Council was 10 be discon- tinued, a new organization was to be formed to be known as the American Welding Society with which the American Bureau of Welding was to be affiliated. This was to be a body representing the entire industry and would eliminate commercial aspects, undertake research and standardization, and act as @ judicial body providing a medium for advancing the science ‘and art of welding. In 1935 the AWS-ASTM Joint Committee on Filler Metal was organized to provide standard specifications for welding rods, electrodes, filler metals, and fluxes for this developing U.S. industry. In 1969 these two sponsors agreed to dissolve this joint activity and to permit the American Welding Society to assume sole responsibility for the family of ‘welding rods, electrodes, filler metal, and flux specifica- tions then in being In 1992, the ASME Board of Pressure Technology Codes and Standards endorsed the use of materials produced to other than AWS specifications. It is the intent of ASME to follow its procedures and practices ‘curently in use t0 implement the adoption of material specifications of AWS and other recognized national or international organizations Section I, Part C, contains material specifications, most of which are identical to corresponding specifics- tions published by AWS and other recognized national or international organizations. All adopted specifications are cither reproduced in the Code, where permission to do so has been obtained from the originating organiza- tion, oF so referenced, and information about how to ‘obtain them from the originating organization is pro- vided. The ASME Committee reviews all material specifications submited to it and if it is felt that there is any need to adapt them for Code purposes, revisions are made to them. However. there is constant liaison between ASME and AWS and other recognized national or international organizations, and there will be continu- ing effort to see that the specifications as produced by AWS and other recognized national or international ‘organizations and those printed in the ASME Code are identical ‘To assure that there will be a clear understanding ‘on the part of the users of Section Il, ASME publishes both the identical specifications and those amended for Code usage in three parts every three years, in the same page size to match the other Sections of the Code, and Addenda are issued annually to provide the latest changes in Section Il specifications. ‘The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code has been adopted into law by 48 states and many municipalities in the United States and by all of the Canadian Provinces APPENDIX I — MANDATORY PREPARATION OF TECHNICAL INQUIRIES TO THE BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL COMMITTEE 100 INTRODUCTION ‘The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Commitee ‘meets regularly to consider written requests for interpre- tations and revisions to the Code rules, and to develop new rules as dictated by technological development. ‘The Committee's activities in this regard are limited strictly to interpretations of the rules or to the consider- ation of revisions to the present rules on the basis of new data or technology. As a matter of published policy, ASME does not approve. certify, rate, or endorse lany item, construction, proprietary device, or activity, and, accordingly, inquiries requiring such consideration will be retuned. Moreover, ASME does not act as a consultant on specific engineering problems or on the general application or understanding of the Code rules. If, based on the inquiry information submitted, it is the opinion of the Committee that the inquirer should seek assistance, the inquiry will be returned with the recommendation that such assistance be obtained. All inguities that do not provide the information needed for the Committee's full understanding will be returned, 200 INQUIRY FORMAT Inquiries shall be limited strictly to interpretations of the rules oF to the consideration of revisions to the present rules on the basis of new data or technology. Inquiries shall be submitted in the following format, (a) Scope, Involve a single rule or closely related rules, An inquiry letter concerning unrelated subjects will be retumed, (b) Background. State the purpose of the inquiry. which would be either to obtain an interpretation of Code rules, o t© propose consideration of a revision to the present rules. Provide concisely the information needed for the Committee's understanding of the in- ‘quiry, being sure to include reference to the applicable Code Section, Division, Edition, Addenda, paragraphs, figures, and tables. If sketches are provided, they shall be limited to the scope of the inquiry (c) Inquiry Structure. Prepare statements in a con densed and precise question format, omitting superfluous background information, and, where appropriate, com- posed in such a way that “yes” or “no” (perhaps with provisos) would be an acceptable reply. This inquiry statement should be technically and editorially correct (a) Proposed Reply. State what it is believed that the Code requires. If in the inquirer’s opinion a revision to the Code is needed, recommended wording shall be provided. 1-300 SUBMITTAL. Inquiries shall preferably be submitted in typewritten form: however, legible handwritten inquiries will also be considered. They shall include the name and mailing ‘address of the inquirer, and be mailed to the following address: ‘Secretary ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990

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