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1. MAKING PRIESTHOOD SAFE!---------------------------------------- 3
2. CONTRADICTIONS!----------------------------------------------------- 4
3. 'GODIFICATION'!!------------------------------------------------------- 5
4. REBIRTH!------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
5. WHY PARTISAN?-------------------------------------------------------- 7
6. THOUGTS – HAPHAZARD!-------------------------------------------- 8
7. QUESTION INNOCENT!------------------------------------------------ 10
8. FAITH!----------------------------------------------------------------------11
9. CHEATING TACTICS!--------------------------------------------------- 13
10. ‘FOOLOLOGY’!--------------------------------------------------------- 14
11. IS HE INSINCERE?----------------------------------------------------- 15
12. IS QUESTION THE ANSWER?--------------------------------------- 16
13. EGG OR HEN THE FIRST?-------------------------------------------- 17
14. PROSTITUTION OF RELIGION!!!----------------------------------- 18
15. RIGHT OR WRONG?-------------------------------------------------- 19
16. ‘BIUE BABY’!------------------------------------------------------------ 20
17. CHALLENGE!------------------------------------------------------------ 21
18. THE NEW MILLENNIUM TEMPERAMENT!---------------------- 22
19. SECRET OF LIFE!--------------------------------------------------------23
20. LIFELESS REPRODUCTION!!!---------------------------------------- 24
21. COMPUTER CONFIRMS DARWIN’S THEORY!------------------- 25

This hoarding wrought and put up by KELVA NAGARI Police Station of

Maharashtra, India, is indeed very conspicuous!
20 – 11 – 1998
Evidence historical makes it certain,
Born around six B.C. was Jesus patron
In Judea, and when thirty, started preaching
About the Kingdom of God; roused it pinching
Opposition of the Jewish high priests
Who, Him accused of blasphemy, and streets
Witnessed cruelties unmatched inflicted
On Him under orders, executed,
0f Roman Governor Ponius Pilate,
And finally crucified without being late!

So, see, already we are in the year

One thousand nine hundreds and calamities-fear
None predicted by the lunatic cults-
Various, occurred, but to a few, date faults
And so disputes - the lively-hood earners
Care of God, the sanctimonious mourners!

Man knows, priests were responsible for Christ's

Death; whatever be the religion, it's -
No wonder, they are the sane everywhere!
When there is a threat perception to their
Earnings and position, intelligently
They would mastermind a plan urgently
To do away with hindrance creators!
None would understand who the tricksters!

What conscienceless parasitic creatures-

They are, is amply proved by their features!
When found public opinion was against
Crucifixion, they themselves, amongst
The protesters mingled and feint praying -
The killed, and made safe their priesthood vying!

15 – 05 – 1998
Religions many say God created Man
Both ‘XOME' and’ YOME’: seeing of all we do, He can!
Here questions few arise and religion none
Gives answer any, but skipped them, is fun!
Scripture s' writers might not have envisaged
Questioning but blindly believing caged
If God created Man, why He created some
As believers and disbelievers some!
Isn't it God who gave Man thinking power?
He gives life, causes death, He has power
Over all things - then why didn't, He cover
All Men alike!? Can the God, be ever
Partisan, giving the-God-believing-
Ability to few, and denying-
It to some, and feeling, that, to Him
All men should hearken and believe in Him?

It's said God loves not the disbelievers!

Does it make sense, disliking disbelievers?!
After He Himself made disbelievers?!
Isn't it hypocritical disbelievers -
Punished for God's own fault - inimical
For, God will punish hypocritical
YOMES and hypocritical XOMES, for cause!
Whatever Man does, is it not because
God gave him such a brain to think in that way?
He's the knower 'f the unseen and seen, say -
The Scriptures, but it seems He knew never
That Man some would disbelieve Him ever!

But, why God created XOMES and YOMES arduous

Hypocritical and adulterous?!
Why these contradictions? Many of mankind
Are heedless of His Signs - so, vexed, God's mind!
Why? The answer is: though God has power
Over all things, created He, Man, sour!

God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing: He Knows


What you disclose, and what you conceal, flows

To Him, knows He full well all that's in breasts!
But, find we, the use of that knowledge, rusts!
The terrorists, indiscriminately
Fire and kill innocents and babies cruelly!
Though in advance knew God, what was going
To happen, Protector didn't stop firing!
He has power over all things, yet why?
God has made everything perfect! It's lie!
If correct, Man would have been perfect one
Without having the deficiency none!

If the creation of Man was perfect

There would not have been necessity to direct
Messengers, Prophets, or Messiahs, or
The God to take some 'incarnations' for -
Making the Man enlightened and save him!

So, isn't incongruity to the brim -

In the creation of Man?! Sees flaw in!
No incongruity canst we see in -
The creations by the Gracious God, says -
Scripture; if He is the Creator, ways
Are clear, Satan too is His creation!
Or else, agree without hesitation,
Satan too existed with God, meaning
God not Supreme! Isn't it embarrassing?


01 – 01 – 1999
Great men few saw, sufferings, ignorance,
Immoral activities and violence
Of man, and wanted to enlighten them.
Dedicated they their lives to teach them
Morals, good deeds, helping, mentality
And loving each other humanity!
In due course, Man started them worshipping
And transformed them into God in the making!
Time elapsed, some were upgraded to status

Of full God, rest kept Semi-God status!

History tells, Buddha, Christ, Confucius,
Muhammad, Mahavira and Moses,
Mikado, Nanak, Rama and Krishna,
New one in Kerala, Narayana,
Were all human beings, with ideals great.

Religion new, opportunities great

For new priests, so priesthood yearners do split
Religions, like politicians do split
Parties political, to turn leader
And to grab minister-ship to plunder!

Which God of which religion gave warrant

To religion to split into different!
Kind ethnic and sectarian groups, kindling
Animosities: licensing killing?

When did God ask, believers to form groups

Roman Catholics, Protestants and such flops
To mar the Christianity: Buddhism.
Into Hinayana and Mahayanism;
The Islam into Shiya and Sunni;
Hinduism into lot of castes funny!?

21 – 07 – 1998
It is not only in name God, Man cheated!
Idea of Man's rebirth too is suited!

Aghast, you might have stood looking at girl

Who thought and spoke of her past birth, in a whirl!
Place of birth beyond the seas, name of parents,
Position and details of home - in torrents!
Once you are mesmerized she will begin
To tell your past and future, seconds within!
For popularity or for money
The modus operandi is thorny!
Journeys bless opportunities ample
For villain to make friendship to gamble!
If you have a relative or a fried
In France and he has one 'A’ in England,
Let him collect full details of one 'B' dead-
There, known to 'A’ and the same is handed
Over to you through France, can't you teach your
Girl, that and make her speak with innocence pure?
To confirm, take people few to the address
And enquire truth, rebirth stands like fortress!

Through our senses we gather the knowledge,

That is recorded and stored in brain that pledge
To recall whenever necessary!
Recording involves two things primary,
Electrical impulses and chemical
Changes: so, is it not ironical
To talk of again memory-recall -
In rebirth, for, after death, the brain fall -
Prey to decomposition chemical?
Brain new-blank: rebirth-stunt: inimical!


12 – 08 – 1998
Scriptures all written and Religions started,
Are by YOMES ad so, XOMES' progress thwarted!
In one case it says God created YOME
And from his rib taken, created XOME!
And not YOME from XOME, as the scriptures were
Written by a YOME: another one, care -
To say: created YOME from a single
Soul, and created there from, its mate, to mingle!
And XOMES have rights similar to YOMES in
Equity; but YOMES a rank above XOMES, win!
A statement direct, which we can't expect -
From God, God can't be partisan suspect!
That can't happen if God is Mighty and wise!
YOME is the writer and not XOME, that's the case!
No God ever from a XOME created-
A YOME is a wonder; so, concocted
May be scriptures few, so as to perpetuate
YOMES' superiority over mate!
Why all main Gods, YOMES; not a single XOME?
Why no God ever sent His daughter come,
Or any XOME as Messiah or Prophet
To earth to refine Man and him protect?

Denying, opportunities equal,

To entry to places of worship, and sequel
XOMES' sentiments! Right to divorce denying -
To XOME, but not to YOME confirms conniving!
Equal with YOME, why priesthood not allowed -
At public worship places where worship's followed?

Some priests, just after Messiah and Prophet

Might have tampered with scriptures, we do bet!



(1) Suicide! 07 – 01 – 1999

Despite sorrows and sufferings Man faced,
Life still has thrills and pleasures interfused
And so it's worth living as long it lasts!
Disgusted with life, one's own life one blasts!
Suicide isn't answer for Man's agonies!
Health problems, difficulties for pennies,
Love failures, death of one beloved most,
Life, meeting situations such are vast.
Don't fall prey to misfortunes and get lost
In life, we have to do a lot, too fast!
Oh! Coward is the One, who commits suicide,
For, One tries to run-away from life-side!

No indecision, no vacillation,
Be courageous with determination!
Come what may, face them, don't waver; fight out.

Result of not success, don't worry, putout -

Your desperation, aim high and work hard,
Result! Never mind, suicide not God's award!

(2) Luck! 07 – 01 – 1999

We hear they say, "He has luck, so he got
Lottery first prize!", to it, let's give thought
It's actually sheer absurdity,
Isn't it the other way, credibility?
“He got the lottery first prize!" and so
He is lucky! Why our thinking so-so?

(3) Man with pig parts! 28 – 04 – 1998

Oh Pig's hearts could soon be beating inside-

Human breasts, nothing to be petrified:
It's an Australian break through, medical,
Breeding transgenic donor pigs, actual
With the type O blood-group universal
That would make it one not inimical!
No more waiting for a human donor
To replace your heart, diseased forever!
Pray scientists, if you can't without praying
Get consolation to your mind, yearning!

(4) 'Made To Order' Babies! 03 – 12 – 1997

Sells a New York fertility clinic
"Made to measure" embryos to public,
Embryos that match characteristics
Physical, race and even social yard-sticks
Of prospective parents, couples childless,
That helps "adopt" fetus with very less
Differences with themselves seen revealed!
"A Supermarket for babies", enthralled!
Boon, God denied Man fulfilled! What marvel!

(5) Skin Artificial! 15 – 01 – 1999

Epidermolysis bullosa, farewell!
With rare and deadly skin disease, baby born-
Was given bio-engineered akin that's known
As 'Apligraf', that could prolong her life!

Miami University feels safe -

The skin: and they could grow two lakh units
Apligraf from stamp-size piece for the grafts!


Every day greets us with inventions new

To benefit man in things not a few!
Let's not use them for the Man's destruction
Shall be prudent in their utilization!



25 – 03 – 1998
"Mamma, mamma: who made this doll, mamma?"
Question inquisitive, no dilemma!
The mother dealt, "Papa", came reply prompt.
“Who made Papa?" never did she dreamt -
Of question such from a child; puzzled, yet
Came reply sudden, "God", somehow she met!
“Who made God?" Now not mere puzzle but shock!
Unable to find answer, tried she to lock-
The child's mouth, "It's sin, don't ask so, darling.
God was there from the very beginning!"
Much hurt the child was utterly confused.

Priests do trick same, though somehow get diffused!

When chocked of answers sensible, they would -
Pose 'Sin' to fight you out: do or die could -
Be their problem: for, their existence rests
In His existence: if someone protests-
If we can suppose the God's existence

From the very beginning, why presence

Of earth and living beings including
Man, also can't be there from beginning?
Why Man created a God to create
Universe; with all those it incorporate!?"

When get old some people turn panicky

Unable to accept laws of tricky -
Biology: thinks there is a black hole -
In their life; so, must exist God the sole
Creator, destroyer and protector
Egoistical way of looking better
At the world! The culprit here is the age!
There are conscienceless creatures too, so huge!


27 – 09 – 1998
Believing something without proof is FAITH!
Very few are they with unflinching faith!
So, faith in God is something taken granted!
None is sure about existence painted!
Somebody says something and you believe,
Without bother, you are helping connive!
Hesitate you: to conduct a research,
For, proponent uses selected speech,
Similes, stories, quotations, poems
And all tactics that forces, at forums,
You to swallow them at their face value!
Problems- suffering-man, believes in lieu.
Without ferreting out the truth there in,
Consolation he finds, to appease his sin!

Long back when men of intelligence were few

To refine Man, the genius found plan new!
Introduced the all powerful one, God
Just to create fear in Men, unrefined in broad!
Soon priests stepped in to, exploit situation,
Framed rules to suit self, without hesitation!

Declared opponents religious outcast


Or crucified them to get the line clear fast!

If felt scheme failure, turned a somersault
To cheat Man and hold the reins without fault!
There are priests many who are atheist
But, feint believer staunch, not to manifest!
Why the religions all insist on faith?
They lack proof to prove beyond doubt the filth-
Compelling the Man into belief blind -
The only way to parade Man behind!

To make Man believe, they try hard, even

To use Science in crooked way, common!
"You believe electromagnetic wave
Exists, though you can't see any of them move!
You believe existence of atom, the great
Storage of energy, that can help right
Man or make them suffer throughout their life!
You can't see or hear them in nature safe:
So is the power of God, though directly
You can't see, you see His work perfectly -
In nature; germination of the seeds,
Larva, after prayers in cocoon God heeds,
Comes out boasting butterfly! Wonderful!
Metamorphosis for: a life joyful.”

Examples many they would before you-

Place, to make you believe what's in their view!
In quoting examples too, God-mongers
Do manipulate relevant matters!

Scientists make, electromagnetic -

Waves do some work that is scientific
And thus prove its existence beyond doubt,
Whereas, God-mongers, only just point out
Something and say that: that is because of
The Almighty's ability, a bluff,
Proof none; when a Man gets cured of illness-
Doctors couldn't, "It's because of the Godliness
He didn't die", they would claim, but when so called
His Holiness dies of prolonged and untold-
Miseries, they would claim, "Got he; salvation
By God's grace! It wasn't poor death!" Prostitution!

05 – 10 – 1998
How simple did Christ dress then in His days
Not like the present day senior priests' ways
Your robes luxurious silky flutters
And your crowns golden glitters!
All your deeds defeat the purpose for which
He did live and die! Your, cheating a hitch
You learn and recite the Scriptures only -
To cheat common Man, that too cunningly!
Did He ask you to live in palaces?!
Eat and drink things costly, when poor collapses?
You are fooling the Man, the Innocent!
In God's name you drink their blood, we resent!

The difference lies only in the dress

Priests are priests everywhere: do not impress -
The intelligent; the thinking human,
Now well knows, you are a tribe inhuman!

Hindu Gods, mostly kingly or queenly

Priests wear clothes very little openly!
While Gods lead lives the luxurious kind
In palaces, god-men many do find
Profession quite rewarding than the rest
To lead life luxurious that is best!
Learning and teaching the Scriptures on one hand
And doing opposite on other hand!

If suddenly appears sun one mid-night

And the camera clicks, a lot of fright
Would well be revealed and the believers
Would aghast, stand seeing naked connivers!

Sincere blind believers are also there

But, astonishingly, they are rare!

19 – 02 – 1999
Astrology is the prostitution
Of mathematics, gives explanation
How, for wrong purposes too, it is used
Anybody could frame a rule and misused!

Say, your father's age minus age your own

Plus your mother's, divided by your born
Date numbers added and those again added
To form one digit number, graded
As Prime-umber if you get, lottery
First prize or some gain pecuniary
Is awaiting you! (Leaving all fractions)!
Always that will give an answer that mentions
Something about your future, in all cases!
If X, Y, Z calculate, devices -
Being same, all will get the answer same
The science of predicting luck earns fame!

This is astrology that deals with Man's luck

Birth, death, opportunities, turning sick,
Marriage, everything you can know
Even what the Almighty God can't know!

Some other day someone intelligent

May invent a novel cheating agent,
Based on the colour of one's excrement
First, early in the morning experiment!

If brown, everything soon would turn constant;

Black pure, death sure; green gives treasure instant;
Blood-red, disease fed; white, marriage in haste!
Smell and flow-rate added may enhance taste!

Astrology is hundred percent fooling

The ‘fool-able’ man, the great following!

(1) Pumpa 18 – 01 – 1999
On January fourteen ninety nine
Fifty one lives on visit divine
Earned salvation viewing light auspicious
On horizon; first lighted by vicious
Plotters long back when the temple was first
Started and still continued till date, just
Lighted at place and time same and date same
A make believe exercise to grab fame
That's proved by Scientific Awareness
Group for Elimination of Madness!
Crushed to death were they all for the great sin
0f visiting to pray at holy shrine!

No God to their help came, perhaps God might

Have collected all the sinners that night
Together, at place same to punish all
At stroke single, for they had their own fall
By their actions foul in life previous
According to God-mongers dubious!
To white-wash pilgrims' death cruel, they have
Excuse another too, pilgrimage gave
Them, salvation and not death ordinary!
What more do believers blind need, honorary?!
Why, 'Makaravilakku' tragedy?

(2) Peshawar 27 – 12 - 1998

Helpless God witnessed Mosque-killing-comedy!

Five in Pakistan mosque, gunman killed
Chief priest and four other persons were felled!
For the evening call, waiting were they
For prayers announcing breaking the day -
Long Ramadan fast, in North West Frontier -
Province in ‘Takhtbhai’ near town Peshawar!

18 – 01 – 1999
Rejected by medical profession
And proclaimed, patient in helpless condition,
But, mere prayer to God saves the patient!
Can you answer the question?" It is patent
Question that the God mongers often fire
To dumb you answerless - that is their ire!

To diagnose disease and detect concealed -

Recovering, profession might have failed!
Means it not, that it is God his saviour!

Stopped heart, Doctor revives its behaviour,

Patient regains life, but you won't agree
Doctor is God! Lakhs of prayers high degree-
Wouldn't have flattered God enough to do wonder,
Pooh! Even vacuum can create thunder!

When questions very much important

Asks, kindly don't get loose your temperament!
If answer none comes up, better keep quite.
Don't try to ask patent questions right
To save face and escape revelation
0f your, cruel, Man-cheating temptation!

It's the known tactics of all religious

Fanatics and all the Sanctimonious!
When could not find answer one: quite correct,
Putting a counter question to distract
And escape from getting publicity -
To situation and duplicity -
Exposed to public, it's the character
Of the priesthood, whatever its charter -
Be, no matter which ever religion!
Is question, the answer in that religion?!

26 – 02 – 1999
The Intelligent threw the question towards
The Inferior, who found beyond words
The answer correct; imagination,
Introspection, even intuition
Couldn't rescue him, though possibilities
Mary he thought without realities!

Intention of the question we all know

Is to create confusion, man do owe!
What came into being first, egg or hen?

Science has answer now, there was none then

When no one thought of it seriously
But, now we have arguments profusely!

The question itself is absurd in a way,

For, no single egg or a hen could play -
The role; without two eggs or fowls -
Of opposite sexes, creation fouls!
Either ‘one hen and one cock’ or ‘egg one
Hatching, into a XOME and other one
Into a YOME’, highly necessary
For the species existence to carry
Forward, proves the question a great blunder!

Hen itself can't give eggs fertile under

Circumstances any, without mating!
At least with one hen and one cock, rating
May be correct; so, it's evolution
That made the species and not creation.
Doubtlessly hen and cock, into being came-
First, for evolution can make the flame,
A number of the same species, both sexes
Could evolve simultaneously, that mixes!

07 – 02 – 1999
Lord asked Noah to make an ark and take wife,
Sons and wives, and of everything of all flesh with life,
Two of every sort, YOME and XOME, with him safe-
In it, when it floods, to preserve the life.

God incarnated Fish, to Manu asked

To collect sperms of living, beings packed
And with that, he and the seven sages
Save life in a boat, from floods' ravages!

Creation of a flood to kill Man bad

Wasn't necessary, instead if God had
Just said, "Let all bad Men and living beings
Die," would have been sufficient, His blessings!

Similarity in Scriptures could mean

One author stole ideas, - isn't quite mean?
Who the real culprit we will know never
Even if known, not going to change fever!

Water splitting into two parts, giving

Way to Hero, by God's grace too having
Similarity; creation of life
And universe in two Books is still rife!
Religious-isms so many, resemble -
In principles, but the Men do crumble!
They vie with one another for place first
And they do even connive for the worst.

Exists religions of two different kinds

Man made and fear made religions, one finds!

Their Aims were good till the priests hijacked them

And then they transformed it into an item
Lively-hood- earning- business, lucrative
Politics, prostitution effective!
11 – 03 – 1999
For having His father killed by the sons
Of a king, and for no other reasons
If God had taken an incarnation
To annihilate the whole caste faction
The ethnic group, 'Kshathriyas', travelling
Twenty one times: throughout nation, killing;
Then even Hitler might have been great Lord's
Incarnation: it is heard Man mad lauds
Taking vengeance: ruthless how can; it be
God-deserving-quality, a bit wee!
Of bankruptcy this kind in the Scriptures
Reveals well, the Scriptures are not mixtures
0f something from God's mouth mingled with whims
Of the authors, but entirely full brims
With only his own imaginations
And so, are nothing more than creations -
By a literary wizard, some flops
Sometimes somewhere and the quality drops
This particular case declares author
An: anti ‘Kshthriyan' altogether!
In some Scriptures the XOMES are considered
Quite inferior to YOMES, when pondered
We could see, to pray they given no right
Along with YOMES in prayer places straight!
YOMES could marry any number of XOMES
And could divorce to suit his whims and norms!
God seems to be one sided here because
Scriptures’ authors YOMES, selfish for own cause!
God can't be partisan fact is revealed
Came, they not from God, but Man, writer up-scaled!

16. ‘BIUE BABY’!
17 – 07 – 1999
Born a Blue Baby and with dextrocardia
(The heart in the right side of the chest) news-media
Described, Faizal Bari's survival,
Medical feat, actual revival -
Of life, marvel real, Doctor Naresh Kumar
Of the Harvey Heart Hospital's fervour!

Improper positioning of pumping

Chambers of heart, artery to lung narrowing,
Lack of inter-ventricular partitions
And mixing of pure and impure blood are additions
To congenital poverty of Faizal!

Science and philanthropy intervened, Pal

Underwent unique form of surgical
Correction Cavo Pulmonary Total!
Based on 'Fontan Principle’, the surgeons
Working over ten hours, the two regions,
The veins carrying impure blood and the lungs
Were connected directly, thus heart rings -
In a two-chamber pump, separating
Impure and pure blood streams; blue baby ceasing
To be 'blue', turned healthy 'pink'! Amazing!

0ff was he from support systems - vying

Usual recovery in the post -
Operative phase - after two hours just!

Prayers by the Men all over the world

Or joint efforts by all Religions' cold -
Gods couldn't have saved child then, now two-years-old -
From death immediate; but doctors bold
Could give him a fresh lease of life 'normal'

01 – 04 – 1999
Born are all to die one day anyhow
Even God can't stop death, so to death bow.
Whatever wealth one amass one can't take,
So, help the needed, try them happy make.
I am born, so I'll also meet the same
I did all I could to help, but there came
Affection scanty, but quite satisfied
My conscience is and not a bit horrified.

After death too, I want to help others,

So, I do pen, Will, that really matters.
Give my eyes one each to two Blind, new sight
Give kidneys to two needed future bright
If heart usable, implant to one poor
(Science to wait, even if there's giver
Of brain.), use whatever parts usable
For the benefit of Man livable.

To College Medical, the rest be sent

Where unknown I am, lest kith and kin spend
Tears, seeing the corpse; or in electric
Crematorium cremate specific,
Avoid fumes noxious, foul order harm Men.
Of cremation, no bath to corpse be given
No garland, no wreathe, or flowers be placed
No rituals or lights to please diseased.

Challenge I throw to priests, all the so-called

God's assistants, to donate body, bold-
As I do; leave all, your praying to cheat Man.
Ex tend I the challenge to all who fan
Hysteria, oh so-called believers
Instead prayers, do deeds: that delivers.
05 – 08 – 1999
Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey
Leader of world's seventy million very
Faithful Anglicans, in his new message
To be given in few months time will assuage
Church's record through history that "defamed
The name of Jesus," quoted report claimed!
“I can tell you frankly that while we can
Be absolutely sure, "Archbishop, plan
“That Jesus lived and that he was certainly
Crucified on the cross, "Bishop plainly
Says, we cannot with the same certainty
Say that we know he was raised," the scanty
Statement continues: "by God from the dead!"
Bishop's "Jesus two thousand" message read.

Words these not from a lay man, but master,

Blind believers all must courage, muster.

The Hindu dated two eight ninety nine

Reported, August one London news fine
By 'Reuters', that adds, establishment of Church
Played "a part in the victimization," torch
Of progress in the thinking, of Bishops
Of Jews in the middle ages," Bishop hopes
“And in Nazi-Germany" Meanwhile church
Officials hurried to reassure, preach,
That their leader really believed in Christ's
Resurrection, dismissing the reports
As "mischievous," that Bishop doubted it.
The report in The Mail said, Bishop hit
At and triggered a great religious storm.
Incredulity-full religion's form!

05 – 08 – 1999

Decoded completely stands the human

Chromosome twenty two; scientists can,
Proved Sanger Centre, Cambridge, by its feat!
Complex chemical structure, once knot-treat!
Genetic code in chromosome concealed
Not nightmare now, for it has been revealed!

Information vital, on several

Hereditary conditions, enthral
Scientists invent treatments new for conditions
Previously incurable tensions!
Schizophrenia and deafness could be dealt
With effectively now by doctors' belt!

A key immune system too, the smallest -

But one of all twenty three chromosomes' list!
If in print ever published, its forty -
Seven million characters, reality
Is, more than fifty volumes it would fill
Exact sequence of tiniest, unknown till,
Chemical constituents of chromosome
Constructed from four protein compounds blossom -
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine,
Greatest wonder one could not imagine!
Complete analysis of it, really
Achievement epoch-making; finally,
Computers massive recorded; and its
Internet-dissemination it awaits!

These "bases" are part of three billion in all

Twenty three chromosomes; aims decode all,
Make data usable and accessible
To whole world, conditions incurable -
Previously would soon turn curable!
Human Genome Project did wonderful
Work and cracked recently code of one billion

Bases and Sanger expects, two billion

Remaining codes be revealed by May next

Leading to a revolution the best

In healthcare - U.S. Project is Genome.
(Man need not worry Genetics as venom.)

“Improved, diagnosis of disease and

Stratification of patients will fend.
What appear disease same might have reasons
Different in patients different!" reasons
A director of one pharmaceutical
Company and these subsets critical
Can be understood through the genetics
And require different types of prophylactics"

When, genetics' potential, once reveals

Differences between individuals,
Prescriptions inappropriate prescribed
Nowadays will never again prescribed,
As genetic variation between -
People is known, suitable medicine
Only will find a place, for, some patients -
Have effects adverse, for, each one fashions,
Metabolize drugs differently!
Scientists, just away months six only
To unlock clue to secret of human life
Completely - and that would prove human life
Just lifeless chemicals' combinations,
Proving meaninglessness, the RELIGIONS!!!!!.....



19 – 12 – 1999
A chemical, the British scientists created
Can replicate itself, it's reported
In New Scientist, it does so without
Help any, from catalysts' nursing bout!

At University of Birmingham
Douglas Philip and colleagues made it, not sham,
A simple molecule organic they -
All R1 copy itself, as if they -

Are alive, efficiently, though lifeless,

For, metallic machinery less -
It is, what is associated with things -
Living, but it does underline and sings
Possibility, life rose from simple
Molecules organic that were able
To copy themselves: have use in practical,
In production of pharmaceutical -
Important, more effectively, Philip
Hopes, to adapt his system as fillip!

Chemicals two, small - one called C1, charged

Nitrogen atom positively, merged -
When with a smaller molecule c2
With an acid group, are well added to -
R1 containing solution; all three
Molecules combine and form a complex and free
Two R1 molecules that breaks apart
As C1 and C2 bond to form R1 smart!
The cycle can then repeat like the cells -
Live, duplicate and multiply - that thrills!
Not like systems catalyzing their own -
Synthesis; no catalysts here, yet grown!


15 – 09 – 1999
(The New Indian Express dated 13 – 09 – 1999)
As digital-organism-generation-
Life-span, only seconds few, evolution
Researchers use them for experiments.
Succession quick of generations presents
The virtual creatures more suitable
For observation and adjustable
Than real species any to find solution!
In computer, mechanism of evolution
Can be thus well visible made, over
Generations many the course cover!

At Michigan State University

Richard Lenski and his team's sincerity

Succeeded in simulating real world -


Conditions, created programmes unfold,

Competed for processing time on the -
Computer; while random changes in the
Programme represented the mutations,
Each of the programme honestly fashions
An individual single and each
Improvement in processing time did perch
A successful use of present resources,
Or an 'advance' in evolution courses!

Experiment revealed mutations in

Programmes had similar results here in
The Nature to mutations actual!
Mutations two, with results beneficial
In programme code not only added up
But, multiplied their benefits, lot up!

In British science journal ‘Nature', published

They their findings, DPA London news said.



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