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salesforce CRM integration

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Get More From Your Communications
There’s an old saying that goes something like, “Sales don’t actually begin until after the first, ‘no.’” That may be
a bit cynical but there is truth in the concept that sales have never been an immediate, not drawn out proposition.
The concept of a drawn-out and combative sales process is unattractive to both the buyer and the seller, and
fortunately modernity has addressed many of the challenges that had plagues this process. The result of the
injection of technology into the sales cycle has not been without its learning opportunities. Telemarketers calling
during dinnertime represent the less-popular sales innovations, whereas adaptive marketing techniques that
leverage big data are bringing more relevant, useful, and ultimately successful advertisements to consumers
everyday. Similar to the increased precision that advertisers wield using the behavioral information of their
target audiences, there are increases in efficiency that sales teams themselves use, as well.

The New Consumer

According to the Forbes Insights Report, “A Split Screen: Online Information and a Human Touch,” 82% of consumers
conduct online research prior to making a purchase 1. And because it’s known that personal consumption habits
heavily influence the purchasing habits of those same individuals in their professional lives, this means that more
enterprise sales are being conducted with informed purchasers than ever before. In spite of the spike in online
research preceding a purchase, however, it seems that modern consumption still relies on a human interaction.
This is supported by the fact that over half of all shoppers who conduct online research still prefer to conduct the
actual sale in person with sales professionals 2. Definitely welcome news to sales teams everywhere, this fact
means that modern sales organizations are faced with a new challenge that caters to the current sales cycle.
Without an organized method of balancing the online, content-centric research habits with the persistent need
to close sales by way of a human element, companies that are unprepared for the omnichannel sales process
risk falling behind their competitors.

Customer Relationship Management

Having a new customer calls for a new way to relate to them. Customer
relationship management (CRM) software is the shining example of
when technology works well to cater to both buyers and sellers alike.
CRM’s help to give interested parties the types of information they need
as they learn about a product or service. Also, by educating buyers and tracking their behavior, CRM’s tend to
send more-qualified leads to sales teams, too. Automating these aspects of the buyer’s journey is terrific and
cost-effective, but it also relies on the ability to track all of the contacts. Thusly, CRM software was developed
primarily to track and thereby better nurture leads as they enter into and advance through the sales funnel. This
tracking process provides specific, relevant, and timely content shares to the contact, which results in a more
informed customer and a more appropriate product selection. Clearly a CRM’s value of successfully managing
the dichotomous digital and analogue needs of the modern customer is what is chiefly responsible for the spike
in adoption of software from companies like Salesforce. Of course, now that there is a preponderance of CRM
use that permeates the majority of the enterprise sales ecosystem, companies are once again being pressed to
differentiate themselves from customers and employees alike. That is where the world of CRM integrations is
drawing the lines from well-equipped, agile companies from those without the modern tools to adapt to an
ever-changing marketplace.

Learn more at or call us at 888.825.0800 © 1998-2017., Inc. All rights reserved.
Softphones, Sales, And Job Satisfaction
One of the most remarkable technologies that enables companies to disrupt their markets and stay ahead of their
peers is a hosted business telephone system. Unlike traditional phone lines that rely on physical, on-site wiring, a
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system is, just like CRM software, hosted entirely in the cloud. Just like
all other cloud-based applications, this platform allows for all of the same types of flexibility and reduced overhead.
This level of savings is typically enough for companies to switch to a hosted phone service, but the features that
come standard with an advanced VoIP system are even more compelling than the savings alone. Many of these
features revolve around a desktop softphone, which is the digital equivalent of the traditional physical phone
businesses are accustomed to, only in virtual format on their computer’s desktop. Some of the most commonly
used features that rely on a hosted phone that leverage a softphone include the following-

• Universal Device Compatibility – By leveraging an all-digital telephone service, that means that sales teams
can employ whatever hardware they work best with to get the job done. Furthermore, by partnering with the
right telecom supplier, that means that Macs, PCs, Android, iPhones, and even Windows phones and tablets
are all possible options for staying connected to prospects.
• Follow Me Calling – By cutting the actual cord of the old guard telephone companies, sales teams also get
to cut the figurative restraints of being tethered to their office chairs, too. The added connectivity across
mobile devices and the nearly endless amount of options that accommodate a hosted phone service all
equate to a more unrestricted way to work.
• CRM Integrations – Some leading hosted telecom providers have even begun to integrate the same tracking
and lead-nurturing programs that are powering the modern sales team into their softphones. The VirtualPBX
Desktop Softphone, for example, is completely integrated with Salesforce CRM software and can generate
every dynamic report that is necessary to track sales progress and lead conversion.

Technology is making the world a smaller, more connected place today than ever before. These features unique
to VoIP are accelerating that process, which is why, according to Edgewater Networks, over 70% of all businesses
plan to switch to VoIP in the next two years 3. As margins for error continue to get thinner in the digital marketplace,
every advantage that a company can gain over its competition, specifically like those provided by an integrated
VoIP and CRM system, is going to be crucial for sales organizations to survive.

More Than Mobile

To accentuate the case for a hosted phone service that have a fully integrated CRM system as a definite advantage
for a company, there is another, lesser-known aspect about VoIP that needs to be considered. More than the savings
and convenience that hosted phone system has to offer, being able to work remotely is an entire paradigm shift for
companies that offers benefits beyond the simple pleasure of not having to commute to work each day. According
to research from the Harvard Business Review, remote employees not only report higher job satisfaction than their
in-office counterparts, but most surprisingly, they also were reported to outperform them as well. According to the
study, management noticed that remote workers who were operating on a hosted phone system outperformed their
coworkers in the office by almost 14% 4. In a margin-centric world that meets operational efficiencies of 3% with
applause, a boost in performance output in the 13-14% range represents a colossal, game changing improvement.
With these gains also representing just one aspect of the entire tapestry of advantages that a VoIP with CRM
integration has to offer over a traditional phone system, businesses are faced with a new, unforeseen challenge.
Specifically, savvy companies will not struggle with whether or not to switch to VoIP, but rather they will be
inundated with a host of new telephone options that all are superior to a traditional phone system.

Learn more at or call us at 888.825.0800 © 1998-2017., Inc. All rights reserved.
VirtualPBX Desktop Softphone and Salesforce CRM Integration
Integrating the VirtualPBX Desktop Softphone and Salesforce CRM into one, cohesive system was more than just
a feat of computer engineering. What was most important to achieve, beyond simply linking the two platforms, was
a preservation of the individual benefits of each platform while presenting them in an intuitive, combined package.
The end result is a series of intuitive, one-click or automated processes that are vital to the daily operations of a
sales team. One-click calling right out of a contact’s information in Salesforce and automatically capturing call
traffic to a contact or lead from the VirtualPBX Desktop Softphone is all just part of the total sales ecosystem
available with this integration.

Incoming Calls
A notification will pop-up in Salesforce with the incoming caller’s contact or lead details displayed. Once the call is
established, you can:
• Place the call on hold
• Transfer the call
• Start recording
• Mute/unmute
• Input the call’s outcome

Click to Call
Connect to your customers and leads more quickly with intuitive call shortcuts:
• Click any phone number in Salesforce
• Hover over contact/lead name
• Open dial pad by clicking the phone icon in sidebar

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After the Call
Track results for more robust reports and greater insight into your team’s activities:
• Input call outcomes
• Customize lists of outcomes based on roles like Sales Representative, Billing Representative, etc.
• Schedule follow-ups
• Create leads from new incoming callers
• Customize one-click follow-up emails
• Save number to a new or existing contact or lead

View Activity History for Your Team and Leads/Contacts

Keep an eye on the days activities with:
• View all calls and their details made on an individual’s record
• Monitor team calls and outcomes

Learn more at or call us at 888.825.0800 © 1998-2017., Inc. All rights reserved.
Built-In Reports
Right out of the box, the VirtualPBX Desktop Softphone and Salesforce CRM Integration provides the following
Salesforce reports:
• Average Time to Respond to Leads
• Weekly Lead Call Activity
• Lead Response and Conversion
• Calls by Time of Day
• Time to Respond by Source
• Call Duration by Representative
• Total Number of Calls
• Number of Calls by Lead Source
• Number of Calls by Representative
• Call Outcome
• Time Spent by Lead
• Activities Completed This Year
• Neglected Opportunities
• Neglected Accounts
• Activity Completion
• Activity Logging
• Opportunity Activity Analysis

Build Your Own Reports

Need more reports? No problem! The following data is available in Salesforce reports for each call:
• Call type: inbound/outbound
• Caller and recipient
• Phone number
• Call duration (in seconds)
• Time of the day when the call is made
• Call outcome - populated by representative
• Comments - populated by representative
• First time and last time the contact/lead was contacted
• Total number of inbound and outbound calls with the contact/lead
• Total talk time with the contact/lead
• Time to respond to a lead: the time between when a lead is created in Salesforce and the lead is contacted first

Easy Setup
Once you and your intended users are all set up with their VirtualPBX Desktop Softphone, we will work with one
of your Salesforce administrators to install a package from the Salesforce AppExchange. After the package is
installed, a brief setup call with VirtualPBX will complete the account and user configuration. We will also be on
hand to discuss any features or customization options to get your team ready to roll.

Learn more at or call us at 888.825.0800 © 1998-2017., Inc. All rights reserved.
Letting the Market Choose the Best VoIP Option
While there are many ways to vet a new telephone provider, the best way is typically to allow the market to have
done the research for you. Online reviews of enterprise phone systems provided on sites like Consumer Affairs
aggregate B2B telephone system reviews for the benefit of business that are interested in switching to VoIP 5.
Additionally, these platforms are good to compare various prices, plans, and features of the top VoIP companies.
One of the most helpful ways to review a service, however, is much like test-driving a car. Business phone system
offerings that provide free demos of their products or money-back guarantee trial periods are especially reassuring
and strong indicators of reliability and trustworthiness. Look for companies that offer a combination of the best
feature set, with compelling reassurances, ideally over a free trial, and with a statistically significant amount of
positive user reviews for the best options in VoIP. Only by switching to such a reliable and customizable telephone
system will any company be able to combine the potency of CRM and VoIP software together. And only those
companies that have the latest tools at their disposal will be poised to thrive in their markets and differentiate
themselves from their competition.
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Learn more at or call us at 888.825.0800 © 1998-2017., Inc. All rights reserved.

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