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Guide lines for Erection of

VerticalLift Gates

Control of water and its regulation is most important for

development of drinking water, irrigation power generation and
other purposes. Apart from construction aspects the Hydraulic
gates are playing major role in water regulation. Hence it is the
fundamental responsibilities of Engineers who involve in job to
take care of them, use them in fit condition to store the water and
supply the same to meet the demand without crisis creation.

As seen from the past executed projects, the accuracy

performance of civil construction and erection of embedded metal
parts plays predominant role in achieving the results. Hence after
visiting number of projects to solve their problems the undersigned
brought few guide line to help the engineer in charge to achieve
good erection, so that life time achievement can be gained.
I. General information to be collected:
The erection in charge should be conversant with the following
(with respect to the project). The following should be collected
by him and kept in his possession.

 Purchase order and purchase order reference and details of
the work order number etc.,

 Agreement number and its details

 Scope of work

 Delivery period

 Payment terms

 Details of concerned officer and their addresses, phone

numbers etc., to be contacted at site
1.1 List of drawings relating to the following are to be

Details of blockout and first stage inserts

Details of embedded parts Assembly

Details of gate leaf

Details of roller assembly

Details of hoist blockout

Details of hoist assembly

Details of electrical control circuit

Details of general installation.

After going through the scope of work and the
details of drawings, Resident Engineer i.e., erection in charge
shall be conversant with the parts details of the equipment,
tonnage involved and the max. size of part, max. weight of parts to
be handled and transported and unloaded at site.

He should have the list of the parts required for the

erection as per sequence, and ensure their availability of part at
site. A programme of erection is to be drawn to the suit agreed
period, and taking into account the facilities available and the
availability of civil construction fronts etc., In case civil front is
getting delayed necessary pressure is to be brought on the to
complete within the stipulated period.The programme of erection
of embedded parts procedure and method of erection shall be
written down clearly as agreed with the client.
2. Site Inspection:
During site inspection the following points are to be kept in
view to speed up the erection without any hindrance.

A. At Project Area:

➢ Approach to site keeping in view the maximum size and

weight of part and the type of vehicle to be used for
➢ Drinking water facilities.
➢ Availability of power.
➢ Communication facility.
➢ Transport facility.
➢ Availability of gas, electrodes and other consumables etc.,
➢ Medical Facilities etc.,
B. At Erection Site:

 Location of Place for storing parts and temporary store at site

keeping in view the floods and safety etc.,

 Availability of handling facilities for loading and unloading the

parts at site.

 The min. handling equipment required for completing the

erection as programmed.

 The minimum man - power requirement both skilled and

unskilled for completing the job.

 Reference axis and bench marks availability.

 Time of flood occurrence and max. flood level to decide the

location machinery and parts to be placed.
C. Apart from the above Resident engineer must be conversant
with the provision in the agreement or tender specifications
and provisions in latest IS codes generally used for design,
manufacture and erection of vertical lift gates such as the

 IS 4622 : 2003 – Code of practice for recommendation for the

cultural design of fixed wheel gates.

 IS 6938 : 2005 – Code of practice for design of rope drum

and chain hoist for hydraulic gates.

 IS: 7718 – Recommendation for inspection, testing and

maintenance of fixed wheel and slide gates.
3.Guide lines for erection of vertical lift gates:

3.0 Guide lines for erection of embedded parts:

The procedure given for erection of embedded parts

should be read along with the drawings already furnished under
the general information to be collected.

3.1 Before starting installation the following details are to

be obtained from the department. i.e., the client:

➢ Centre line of sill beam with reference to dam axis or

reference axis

➢ Centre line of vent opening along the flow

➢ Elevation of bench mark

3.2 The Size of blockouts are to be verified with reference to
the blockout given in the drawing provided. The position of
first stage inserts and their respective dimensions are to be
inspected duly cleaning the same i.e., to removal of
concrete over it. If necessary the chipping of additional
concrete is to be arranged so that there will not be any
problem to weld the second stage anchorage to the first
stage inserts.

Care also shall be taken to verify whether the dowel

bars have been left as shown in the blockout drawing to
achieve the bondage between first stage concrete and
second stage concrete. In case no dowel bars are provided,
department is to be insisted to provide some additional
anchorages for welding to the existing reinforcement rods to
achieve the bonding.
3.3 Installation of Sill beam:

➢ After cleaning the groove before starting the installation the

following reference lines are to be marked.

➢ Centre of sill beam based on reference axis

➢ Centre of vent opening

➢ Elevation of bench mark i.e., sill level.

The sill beam is to be positioned inside the blockout by installing

the supporting angle with a pair of anchor rods at left and right
and aligning the centre line of sill beam surface to the centre line
from reference axis.
3.4 Install the sill beam on the supporting angles and bring the top of
sill beam seal seat surface with reference to vent top line.
➢ After checking the levels before concreting the levels are to be
tabulated in the tabular form

➢ Weld the sill beam on the supporting angle/ base plate.

➢ Using a leveling instrument bring the sill beam top surface to the
required elevation within the tolerance as shown in the general
tolerances as per IS 4622

➢ Before concreting protect the sill beam machined surface.

➢ Proceed with the concreting of sill beam centre portion leaving

groove portion on either end free to enable locate & connect the
roller track, seal seat and side guide.

➢ After 14 days of concrete curing, check the sill beam position,

elevation and alignment. Fill the column after concreting of the sill
beam inspection report.
3.5 Erection of roller track, side guide and seal seat etc.,
3.5.1 The bottom matching parts of roller track, side guide and
side seal seats are to be identified and lowered in the vent after
establishing the reference lines.

3.5.2 The track, side seal seat and side guide is to be erected
considering he centre line of sill beam as reference.

3.5.3Adjust with the double nut the verticality of roller track, the
side guides and side seal seats to achieve the critical dimensions
in elevation at intervals of 500mm, so that the necessary critical
dimensions can be maintained with in the tolerances given. The
diagonal is to be verified, after checking the alignment using
plumb with paunchier and accoustometer, the dimensions are to
be tabulated in the tabular sheet enclosed. Similar procedure is
to be adopted for side seal seat, side guide and top seal seat.
By providing temporary supports for the embedded parts care is to
be taken such that they will not distort while second stage
concreting is done.
3.5.4 The Top seal seat:
First stage blockout is to be checked and reference lines are to
be established with reference to the centre line of sill beam. Centre line
of vent and face of roller track. The elevation also is maintained from sill
to top of vent and also the centre line of top seal seat.
Once the reference points are established, the second stage
anchor bolts are to be welded to the first stage inserts and the parts are
to be lowered and aligned to the side seal seats maintaining the critical
After alignment the nuts are to be fully tightened and the details
of connections between side seal seat and top seal seat is to be made
perfect as required and levels of surfaces are to be maintained ground
flush without any scratches.

➢ Check the dimensions and tabulate in the tabular form.

➢ For adjusting the top seal seat establish a piano wire reference
line and check the dimensions with accoustometer and tabulate
the same.
➢ Similarly after completing the second stage concrete the
dimensions are to be rechecked and tabulated for reference.
3.6 Inspection of Gate:

3.6.1 The gate which is received on site duly inspected in

workshop should be re-inspected on site before lowering it
in the gate groove. Overall dimensions should be
checked to ensure that the gate fits correctly in the gate
groove. It should be ensured, before lowering, that the
gate has been painted according to the specification.

3.6.2 The following critical dimensions shall be checked at

an interval of atleast 500mm where ever applicable: with
reference to the centre line of vent

a) Centre to Centre distance between wheel treads.

b) Centre to Centre distance between side seals/ bases.
c) Face to Face distance between guide shoes / rollers.
d) Face of seal base to wheel tread, and
e) Centre line of guide shoes/ roller to wheel tread in zero position.
3.6.3 The seals and seal bases (wherever Possible)
should, be checked to ensure that they are coplanar. All the
wheels should be adjusted to ensure that wheel treads are in
their proper alignment. Wheel pins should be locked after
making this adjustment.

3.6.4 The seal bolts shall be tightened adequately and


3.6.5 The gate wheels should be checked for free rotation

to ensure that they are not jammed during transport /
handling. To check effectiveness of the seal actual seal
interference should be noted and compared with that
provided in the design, because on this aspect will depend to
great extent the efficiency of sealing arrangement and easy
operation of gate.

3.6.6 In Case of counter weight gate or gates with ballest it

should be ensured that correct weight has been added and
CG of gate is to be checked.
3.7Inspection of complete Gate Installation:

3.7.1 It should be ensured that the installation of

various parts of the hoisting arrangement has been done
to specified location and alignment particularly in respect
of correct positioning and attachment of rope/stem of the
gate as well as hoist.
3.7.2 There are several types of hoisting arrangement and the
important considerations are mentioned below, though by no
means exhaustive need be looked into by engineer in charge.
 Connections like shafts couplings, connections of wire ropes to the
drum and to the gate, connection of stem rod to the gate and hoist,
connection if stem links, connection of hoist components to the
base, etc., have been properly made.
 Intermediate supports for stem rods are provided at the required
levels and permit free movement of stem rod for the entire gate
 In case of double stem hoist both the hoists are properly
 The ends of wire ropes are properly looped and sufficient clamps
have been provided.
 The rope is not loose, has been tightly wound over the drum, has
no kinks and is properly lubricated;
 The wire ropes of chains at both ends of the gate and counted
weight if provided have equal initial tension;
 Electric installations have been properly earthed; and
 The limit Switches have been properly adjusted.
3.7.3 It should be ensured that the gate groove, sill
and the embedded parts are thoroughly cleaned and no
foreign material is present in the groove. Before
lowering the gate it is advisable to check the gate
passage either with the help of a template representing
the cross section of gate in plan or by an other means
to ensure that the gate groove is free from any

3.7.4 The hoist provided for the operation of the gate

should first be independently tested when it is not
connected to the gate to ensure its satisfactory
working. The hoist should be kept running for sufficient
period so as to satisfy its independent working,
bushings, bearings, etc., should be checked for the
temperature rise to satisfy that there is no undue
4.1 The gate should be tested preferably in a dry condition (with the
hoist duly connected) for its smooth working. The gate should be
moved up and down in the groove and it should be ensured that
there is no obstruction and no undue efforts required for its
operation. If the gate is not going down of its own weight or found
tight in some position, reasons should be investigated and
remedied instead of forcing the gate down.

4.2 The testing of the gate seals in dry condition should be done
by suitable means such as by viewing the contact surfaces against
a light source. It should be ensured that the top seal rides
smoothly over the top seal seat at the time of its approach to the

4.3 In case of rubber seals, water should be poured over the seals
so that there will not be dry friction of the seals. In case of metal to
metal contacts, oil or grease is to be used. No grease or lubricant
is to be used for rubber seals.
4.4 There should be noise of friction, any other noise, no sings
of excessive friction, no jerks performance, no dug in any
position, no dangling of the gate, no twist in rubber seals, top
seal does not leave its plane and the rubber seals are not over

4.5 The gate is to be first kept resting on sill beam, which is

in close position. The leakage test can be taken in this position
by using suitable pump with necessary arrangements of jetting
water as 1.5 times the designed pressure on sealing positions
from bottom to top. Particularly all corner joints and other
joints, if any, are to be tested to ensure perfect working of the

4.6 The gate should be fully opened and closed to ensure

full opening and satisfactory closing. The time needed for
300mm opening or closing of the gate is to be recorded.
4.7 In case of rope drum hoists, it is to be tested that the
gate is going down of its own weight, or with ballast
provided, and no additional force is needed. The gate is
also going down or coming up vertically and there is no
uneven pull to the gate. Also winding of rope over the drum
is uniform and is according to the design provision.

4.8 In case of hydraulic hoists, it should be ensured that oil

pressures are within the designed limits.

4.9 Tests indicated from 4.1 to 4.8 would also be performed

against water load when conditions permit.

4.10 The torque required for movement of the gate on

load shall be measured and checked against the designed
4.11 When the gate is operated under water load, it is
to be ensured that there are no vibrations to the gate, hoist
or civil structure at various gate openings.

4.12 By pass arrangement made for the water should

be checked to ensure the proper working of the system/

4.13 Air vents when provided are to be tested for their


4.14 Finally all electrical wiring and its protections,

sequence of operation, functioning of limit switches etc.,
is to be checked for its sequence of operation
IS: 4622 : 2003
Recommendation for Structural Design of Fixed Wheel Gates:
Annex H
Tolerances for embedded parts and in components of gate
Components Classification
(1) Low and High
Medium Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
A Embedded Parts
1 Track Plates
1.1 Alignment in plane parallel to flow  1.0 0.5
1.2 Distance between centre line of 1.5 1.0
opening and track 1.0 0.5
1.3 Coplanerness
2 Guides
2.1 Alignment in plane parallel to flow 1.0 1.0
2.2 Distance between centre line of 1.0 1.0
opening and face of guide
IS: 4622 : 2003
Tolerances for embedded parts and in components of gate:-Contd.
Components Classification
(1) Low and High
Medium Head
Head in mm
in mm (3)
3 Side Seal Seats
3.1 Alignment in plane parallel to 2.0 1.0
3.2 Distance between centre line of 1.5 1.0
opening and side seal seat
3.3 Coplanerness 1.0 0.5
4 Top Seal Seat
4.1 Alignment 2.0 1.0
4.2 Height above sill 3.0 2.0
4.3 Coplanerness with side seal 1.5 1.0
IS: 4622 : 2003
Tolerances for embedded parts and in components of gate:-Contd.
Components Classification
(1) Low and High
Medium Head
Head in mm
in mm (3)
5 Critical Dimensions
5.1 Centre to Centre distance between 3.0 2.0
track plates
5.2 Centre to centre distance side seal 3.0 2.0
5.3 Face to face distance between 2.0 2.0
guides -1.0 -1.0
5.4 Face of track to face of side seal +0.0 +0.0
5.5 Face to track to centre line of guide 2.0 2.0
IS: 4622 : 2003
Tolerances for embedded parts and in components of gate:-Contd.
Components Low and High
(1) Medium Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
B Gate
1 Wheels
1.1 Alignment of treads in zero 1.5 1.5
eccentricity position
2 Side and Top Seal Base
2.1 Alignment 1.0 0.5
2.2 Coplanerness 1.0 0.5
IS: 4622 : 2003
Tolerances for embedded parts and in components of gate:-Contd.
Components Low and High
(1) Medium Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
3 Critical Dimensions
3.1 Centre to Centre distance between 2.0 1.0
Seal bases
3.2 Centre to Centre distance between 2.0 1.0
centre line of wheel treads
3.3 Face to Face distance between faces 3.0 2.0
of guide shoes or guide rollers
3.4 Face to face distance between wheel +2.0 +1.0
tread to side seal base -0.0 -0.0
3.5 Distance between faces of wheel tread 2.5 1.5
and Centre line of guide shoe/ roller
IS 4623 : 2000
Recommendation for structural Design of Radial Gates
Annex E
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates
Components Tolerances
i) Embedded Parts
a)Distance between centre line of opening and +0.00mm
face of wall plate at sill end -2.00mm

b) Distance between centre line of opening and + 2.00mm

face of wall plate at top end -0.00mm

c) Straightness of face of wall plates and sill Offset at joints to

plates be ground smooth

d) Normally of face of wall plates to gate sill and +0.01

centre line of trunnion bearings -0.00

e) Alignment of sill plate in horizontal plane 0.25mm

Recommendation for structural Design of Radial Gates
Annex E
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates: - Contd
Components Tolerances
ii) Components of gates
1) Guide roller/ Guide shoe:
Distance between centre line of gate and face of +1.0mm
side seal -2.00mm
2) Side Seal:
Distance between centre line of gate and face of 1.0mm
side seal
3) Trunnion Bearings:
a) Colinearity of centre lines of both the trunnion 0.25mm
b) Horizontality of centre lines of both the trunnion 0.25mm
c) Parallel distance of centre line of both the trunnion 3.00mm
bearings from upstream bottom edge of skin plate
d) Tolerances in diameters of pin, bush hub and bracket To suit diameters
of trunnion assembly and required fits
IS 9349: 1986
Recommendation for structural design of medium and high
head Slide Gates
Annex E
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates
Components Medium High
(1) Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
A Embedded Parts
i Side Seal Seat:
a) Alignment in plane parallel to flow  0.50 0.25
b) Distance between centre line of opening 1.50 1.00
and seal seat
c) Coplanerness 1.50 0.25
IS 9349: 1986
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates - Contd

Components Medium High
(1) Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
ii Top Seal Seat:
a) Alignment parallel flow 0.50 0.25
b)Height above sill 1.50 1.00
c) Coplanerness with side seal seat 1.50 0.25
iii Upstream Guide track:
a) Alignment in plane parallel to flow 0.50 0.25
b) Distance between centre line of opening 1.50 1.0
and guide track
c) Coplanarness 0.50 0.25
IS 9349: 1986
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates: - contd
Components Medium High
(1) Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
iv Side Guide track:
a) Alignment in plane normal to flow 1.0 0.50
b) Distance between centerline of opening 1.0 0.50
and guide track
c) Alignment in plane parallel to flow 1.00 0.50
v Bottom seal seat:
Bottom in horizontal plane 0.25 0.25
IS 9349: 1986
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates: - contd

Components Medium High
(1) Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
vi Critical Dimensions:
a) Centre to centre distance between side 3.00 2.00
seal seat
b) Face to face distance between side 2.00 1.00
guide tracks
c) Distance between face of upstream 1.00 0.50
guide track and side seal seat
d) Centre to centre distance between 3.00 2.00
upstream guide track
IS 9349: 1986
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates: Contd:

Components Classification
(1) Medium Head High
in mm Head
(2) in mm
A Gate Leaf
i Side and top seal seat:
a) Alignment parallel to flow  0.50 0.25
b) Coplanerness 0.50 0.25
ii Side Guide:
a) Alignment parallel to flow 1.00 0.50
iii Upstream Guide:
a) Alignment parallel to flow 0.50 0.25
IS 9349: 1986
Tolerances for embedded parts and components of gates: - contd
Components Medium High
(1) Head Head
in mm in mm
(2) (3)
iv Gate leaf Bottom Edge:
a) Alignment in horizontal plane 0.25 0.25
v Critical Dimensions:
a) Centre to centre distance between side 1.00 0.50
seal plates
b) Centre to centre distance between 1.00 0.50
upstream guides
c) Face to face distance between side 1.50 1.00
d) Face to face distance between side seal 1.00 0.50
plate and upstream guide

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