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Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a coaching and therapeutic technique that helps clients;
 Identify what's going well in their life
 Examine why these things are going well
 Set a strategy for doing more of these things

AI requires asking questions that enable the client to analyze the things that are
already going well - the things that serve them.
Practice asking the sample questions provided

Practice developing your own relevant questions

specific clients

What went well this week?

What aspects of your career do you excel in?

What's going well in your social life?

What strengths do you rely on when you're functioning at your very best?

What can you continue doing that works well for you?

Can you tell me about a peak experience that made you feel most engaged and alive?

Imagine it's two years in the future and your life is just as you'd like it to be. What's taking place
in the life of your future-self?

How can you alter your future thoughts/behaviors/emotions to make things even better in the here and now?



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