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When Christmas Rhymes

I’ve wondered for so many times, in Christmas vibes, when jingles rhyme, how many days, how
many ways does Christmas feel different in cheers, fiestas or dinners in our big world’s each corner?

So going round and round the world I’ve found that gifts are a tradition and family time is almost like
an intuition but in all these worldly matters food is still on top of all.

Food is fun, food is gone when united with our loved ones – because food unites and inspires the
deepest talks and the greatest gifts of all: human interaction

So let’s go with the ho ho ho and see what the world eats for Christmas treats


As a nosy Santa Claus I’ve found that Australians have a special Christmas cake which they usually
like to bake and then a coin is being placed in it.

Then, Canadians enjoy their stuffed turkey and Danish people enjoy sweets more than everything – I
guess we’re a bit Danish too then, aren’t we? Still they have a special pancake recipe …I feel we
could be their best friends, couldn’t we?

Finish people prepare a special ham for Christmas but what they enjoy the most is fish on Christmas
day – anyway – we can use a little diet after these holidays!

French? Well the French spend Christmas eating sea food and fish but what they would mostly miss
are the 13 different types of desert they end the Christmas dinner with.

In Hungary there’s a fish soup and Italy has panetone. English people have their turkey and Spanish
go for lamb or goose. In the USA they eat a variety of things – they don’t seem to have a specialty of

Us Romanians? Well, you know us. Pork is like an appetizer, soups and salads come up next. Sweets
go hand in hand with whatever else you want and drinks? Well, wine sound like a good idea if you
stick to city life – if in change you visit elders – wine is like a cup of tea – palinca is more often used,
instead of colebil of course.

Now that we went for a walk into the food paradise of our amazing world let’s all sit down for a
Christmas Story.

Do you guys remember how this club started?

You probably sat down for coffee and discussed things and started planning. Then the first meetings
started and we used to stay for socializing while eating and having a good drink, right?

Later we spent time with each other at someone’s place while sharing a great homemade recipe and
even the conferences in other locations were well spend over a coffee in between sessions or a great
lunch or dinner to close the experience.
So you see, while people all over the world spend Christmas once a year, enjoying great moments
with family and friends, to me it sounds like in Toastmasters, especially a Latin Toastmasters Club,
Christmas is all over the year, and don’t we miss those joyful moments?!

Therefore how do we know when Christmas Rhymes?

Well, it surely rhymes with friendship and joyfulness.

It rhymes with supportive environments and great discussions over food.

Christmas times rhyme with calm and collected vibes

And Christmas shines in all of us who want to work on ourselves day in and day out.

This being said, Christmas is all around but mostly it has to be kept all year long in our heart. Food
connects us in very interesting ways but food will never replace the ideas we exchange. Have a holy
jolly Christmas now and all year long, from the bottom of my heart to yours.

Merry Christmas all along!

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