Daisy Scouts' Own Ceremony Samples

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Daisy Scouts’ Own Ceremony Samples:

What is a Scouts’ Own Ceremony?

A Scouts’ Own is a quiet type of ceremony with a theme. It is called a Scouts’ Own because girls and
their leaders plan it themselves. It is not a religious service or ceremony and does not take place of going
to church, temple or synagogue. It is an occasion in which girls express their deepest feelings about
subjects, which are meaningful to them. Scouts’ Own can be held at any time, indoors or outdoors, at a
troop meeting, inter-troop gathering, or in camp. It is difficult for Girl Scout Daisies to plan a Scouts’ Own.
However, being present at one, Daisies may begin to sense the deeper values of Scouting as they hear
girls express their feelings, convictions, and aspirations.

First Step:

 First, choose a theme. Examples of themes: friendship, sisterhood, beauty of nature, the life of
Juliette Low, the first day of spring, flags, senior citizens, the spirit of a special day like
Thanksgiving, citizenship, service, or the world of tomorrow.

Second Step:

 Choose a place to hold a Scouts’ Own ceremony. If you are going to hold the Scouts’ Own
outdoors, choose a special place, one with a view, or under a special tree. If indoors, you might
choose a symbol, such as, a flag or special picture.

Third Step:

 Only choose one major theme. After choosing that theme, make a list of different ways you can
tell or show your theme. Examples: songs, poems, a choral rendition, a story, a legend, a show
play, music played on an instrument, or thoughts about what the theme means to her, spoken by
each Girl Scout. From your list choose one idea to open the Scouts’ Own.

Fourth Step:

 Decide who will perform or lead each part and who will lead the girls to the place for the
ceremony and back again. It is a Girl Scout custom to walk quietly to the place where this
ceremony is held and leave quietly after it is over.
 Keep the ceremony short between 10-15 minutes in length, but in an atmosphere of quiet
expression and free exchange of earnest feelings, allow the girls their full share, both in planning
and in carrying out the ceremony.

Final Step:

 Decide how to end your ceremony. The plan for every Scouts’ Own should provide definite,
thoughtful leadership-quietly maintain the essential qualities of reverence and aspiration.
Daisy Scouts’ Own Ceremony Samples:

Rainbow Scouts’ Own

The theme of this ceremony is candle light. Materials needed: three white candles, and ten colored
candles-one each of blue, gold, green, yellow, pink, silver, orange, red, brown, and white.

First Step:

 The leader will speak-let us light three white candles symbolic of the three parts of the Girl Scout
Promise, and let us say our Girl Scout Promise; all recite promise together. The first candle-this
candle represents duty of the Girl Scout to God as the creator of all things. The second candle-
this candle shows love of country and love of people no matter what nationality, religion, or color
of skin. The third candle-shows the basic code of Girl Scouting that is the Girl Scout Law. A Girl
Scout lives by this Law.

Second Step:

 Light candles in order of the Girl Scout Law- girl speaks the following Girl Scout Law line one at a
time then inserts candle into holder:

1. Honest and Fair: BLUE the color of the sky. A Girl Scout’s honesty in dealing with her
family, her friends and her country should be as dependable as the blue of the sky.
2. Friendly and Helpful: Watching the PINK in the changing sky at sunset gives us a sense of
peace and reminds us to be friendly and helpful to everyone.
3. Consider and Caring: GREEN the color of nature, useful and helpful to all, reming us of our
Promise to be considerate and caring of others.
4. Courageous and Strong: YELLOW is a symbol of strength and courage, like the flowers of
the field that lays dormant during winter and return each spring.
5. Responsible for What I Say and Do: GOLD represents the sun’s rays. They shine on
everyone regardless of color creed or race. And to
6. Respect Myself and Others: WHITE representing clean falling snow, reminds us that Girl
Scouts should show respect for themselves and others through words and actions.
7. Respect Authority: ORANGE represents the sunset. Even the sun must obey nature’s
orders as it rises and sets each day.
8. Use Resources Wisely: RED is the color of fire, we must use fire with great care, just as we
must be thrifty with all our resources.
9. Make the World a Better Place: BROWN makes us think of the color of the earth. We must
protect, improve, and keep our planet healthy.
10. Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout: SILVER symbolizes a beautiful calm lake, as we think of all
the Girl Scouts around the world.

Final Step: Girls choose a closing.

Daisy Scouts’ Own Ceremony Samples:

Chain of Life Scouts’ Own

The theme of this ceremony is All God’s creations fit together like a chain, each with its own job to do.
Each form of life depends on another part of the chain to survive. What happens if one part of the chain
of life is destroyed?

First Step:

 Make small index size pictures one each of the following items-plants, grasses, trees, insects,
animals, birds, humans, and bacteria. Glue each picture on a small strip of paper. Leaders can
start and end the chain. As each girl says her part, link the strips making a chain circle; combine
or divide the different parts of the chain to fit the number of girls in your ceremony. Blank strips
can be used so that every girl is included in making the chain.

Second Step:

 Girl One: Plants-are necessary for life. There are many different kinds of plants on Earth and
they are all important. They clean the air and make oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.
The roots of plants help keep soil from being blown or washed away. Plants are used to provide
food or homes to insects, animals, and humans. Humans use plants to make many of the items
that they use every day, including the products used to make the clothing and shelter that they
need to survive. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are the parts of plants that are eaten by humans
most often. Eating these parts of plants helps provide vitamins and minerals that are necessary
for good health.

 Girl Two: Grass-is a plant that covers much of the Earth’s surface. Grass is good for holding the
soil in place. Grains that humans eat, such as wheat and rice, are a grass. Animals that humans
raise for food often eat grasses. Wild animals and insects also use grass for food and shelter.

 Girl Three: Trees-are another kind of plant that has many uses for different living creatures. Like
all plants, trees clean the air. Many animals and insects get their food from trees. Some
creatures make their homes in trees. Trees also provide shade from the sun. Humans use trees
to make things such as paper and wood.

 Girl Four: Insects-often are needed to pollinate plants so that more plants can grow. Many fish,
birds, and other animals eat insects.
Daisy Scouts’ Own Ceremony Samples:

Chain of Life Scouts’ Own Continued

 Girl Five: Animals-some animals eat plants, some eat insects, and some eat other animals.
This allows for balance, so that there is not so many of one kind of creature that there is not
enough food for it. Animals also fertilize the soil with their waste, helping plants grow. Animals
put out carbon dioxide when they breathe, which plants make into oxygen. Many humans use
animals to provide meat and dairy to eat and drink. Humans may also use animals to make
products such as leather and wool.

 Girl Six: Birds-like other animals, birds help keep the balance of nature. Most birds feed on
plants or insects, while other eat smaller animals. Many animals, including humans, use the meat
and eggs of birds for food. A very important part that birds play in the chain of life is eating and
scattering seeds so that new plants can grow.

 Girl Seven: Humans- need plants and animals for sources of food, clothing, and shelter.
Humans differ greatly from other animals because their brains make them the most complex
living creature yet know. Because of the brain, humans can reason, letting them unlock many
secrets of the universe. Humans have more knowledge about the balance of the chain of life
because they have studied and learned about each link of the chain. Working together, humans
have the greatest power to make good decisions to help keep this important balance so that life
on Earth can continue.

 Girl Eight: Bacteria- are tiny, but very important. Bacteria helps break down organisms such as
waste or dead creatures so that they are made into chemicals that are necessary for new life to

Final Step:

 Girl Nine: Closing- everything on Earth has a certain job to do. Every living thing on Earth fits
together like a chain. What happens if one part of the chain of life is destroyed?

Thank You Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois for allowing our council to adapt these Scouts’ Own Ceremony

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