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A project of Beaconhouse School System

Satellite Town Rawalpindi
Distance Learning Programme
Term 11
Session 2020-21
Name Group
Subject Science T. Marks 25
Time 70 min Class II
 Kindly follow the instructions given in syllabus.
Q1(a): Fill in the blanks with suitable words. /3
i. ______________ is a layer of air surrounding the Earth.

ii. _____________ is our home.

iii. ___________ is one of the many stars in space.

iv. ____________ moves around the Earth.

v. __________is a very large object that moves around a star.

vi. Sun and its eight planets form the _____________.

(b) Circle “T” for true and “F” for false statement. /3
i. Moon takes a year to take one round around the Sun. (T/F)
ii. Sun is not a star. (T/F)
iii. There are nine plants in our Solar system. (T/F)
iv. Like Earth, the Moon doesn’t give out its own light. (T/F)
v. Sun is made up of hot gases. (T/F)
vi. Moon has river, oceans and lakes. (T/F)

Q2. Using the given clues identify the planets of our solar system. /6
Clues Planet
It is closest to the Sun.

It is farthest from the Sun.

It is the hottest planet of our Solar

It is the largest planet of our Solar
It is the coldest planet of our Solar
It is the smallest planet of our Solar

Q3. Complete the following fact files by looking at the pictures below.
I am the Planet __________________.
I support life because I have ____________ and
It takes me _____________ days to take one
round around the Sun.
I am _________ times smaller than the Sun.

I am the _______________.
I give out _____________ and _______________
Plants use my energy to __________________.
Animas use my energy to _________________.

I am the ________________.
I am _________ times smaller than the Earth.
It takes me ____________ days to take one
round around the Earth.
I reflect the light of the ___________ and so I
appear bright.
The regular changes in my appearance are
called my ____________.

Q4(a) What helps an astronaut to survive on the Moon? How? /2.5


(b) Identify and write uses of the following instrument. /3

Name of instrument:

Used for:



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