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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Nueva Ecija

City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

Learning Objective/s: 1. What is abnormal psychology
2. approaches in Abnormal Psychology
3. categories of Mental Abnormalities
4. classification of Mental Abnormalities
Time Allotment: 4 hours
Mode of Delivery: Online/ Take Home Activities/Face to Face
Human Behavior and Crisis Management – Dr. Oscar G. Soriano ,
References: Eliseo DC. Cruz

Pre-Printed Notes/ Memory Aid/Lecture Proper

Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal psychology

Abnormal psychology is that branch of psychology that studies unusual patterns of

behaviour, emotion and thoughts which may or may not be understood as precipitating a
mental disorder.

Approaches in Abnormal Psychology

1. Statistical Approach

Statistical approach defines abnormal behaviour as those which deviates

substantially from the average person. Individuals are also deviant from one another
on certain dimension.

2. Biological Approach

Biological approach proponents of the biological approach believe that abnormal

behaviour is due to some physical malfunctioning in the body

LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Ecija
City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

3. Psychological approach

Emotional turmoil, inappropriate leaning, distorted thoughts and inadequate

relationship, are of interst in the psychological approach rather than brain processes
or genes.

4. Socio-cultural Approach

Advocates of socio-cultural approach criticize the medical model because they

believe it encourages labelling of mental disturbances.

5. Interactionism Approach

Abnormal behaviour is influenced by so many factors. Today, there are

contemporary areas relative interactionism approach that studies normal behaviour.

Categories of Mental Abnormality

1. Anxienty disorder

Anxienty is usually defined as defuse, vague, and highly anpleasant feelings of fear
and apprehension.

a. Generalize anxiety disorder

Generalized anxienty disorder consist of persistent anxienty for atleas one

month without specific symptoms.

b. Panic disorder

The main feature of panic disorder is is recurrent panic attacks marked by the
sudden onset of intense apprehension or terror.

c. Phobic disorder

A phobic disorder, commonly called as phobia, is an overwhelming fear of a

particular object or situation.

d. Obsessive disorder

Obsessions are anxiety- provoking thoughts that will not go away.

LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Ecija
City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

e. Compulsive disorder

Compulsions are repetitive, ritualistic behaviours that are usually carried out
to prevent or produce future situation.

2. Somatoform Disorder

Somatoform disorder are mental disturbances in which psychological symptoms take

a physical orr somatic form even though no physical causes can be found.

a. Hypochondriasis

Sometimes called health phobia or health anxiety, it refers to excessive

preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness.

b. Conversation disorder

Conversation disorder also known as hysteria is where patient suffer

apparently neurological symptoms such as numbness, blindness, unfit of
paralysis but without a neurological cause.

3. Dissociative Disorder

It is defined as condition that involve disruption or break downs of memory,

awareness, identity or perception.

a. Amnesia

It is a condition in which one’s memory is lost

b. Fugue

It is a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for

personal identity, including the memory, personality and other identifying
characteristics of individuality.

c. Multiple personality

It is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having at least one “alter

personality” that control behaviour.

4. Affective Disorders

The affective disorders are disturbances of mood.

LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Ecija
City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

a. Major depression

It is more intense and long lasting than the mild form.

b. Bipolar disorder

An individual with this disorder might be depress, manic or both.

5. Schizophrenic Disorder

These are characterized by distorted thought and perceptions, odd and inappropriate
communication, abnormal motor behaviour, and social withdrawal.

a. Disorganized schizophrenia

Those suffering from disorganize schizophrenia have delusions and

hallucination that have little or no recognizable meaning, hence the label

b. Catatonic Schizophrenia

The central feature of catatonic schizophrenia is bizarre motor behaviour.

c. Paranoid Schizophrenia

The primary characteristic of schizophrenia is delusions.

d. Undifferentiated Schizophrenia

This is the fourth form of schizophrenia and which features disorganized

behaviour, hallucination, delusion, and incoherence.

6. Personality disorders

Developed when personality traits became inflexible and thus maladaptive.

7. Substance abuse disorder

A problem associated with drugs use.

8. Psychosexual disorder

It is characterized by individuals with sexual problems mainly caused by

psychological factors.

a. Paraphilia

LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Ecija
City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

It refers to sexual arousal inanimate objects, situations, or individual that

are not part of normative stimulation.

b. Psychosexual disfunctions

It is the inability of a person to experience sexual arousal or to achieve

sexual satisfaction under appropriate circumstances as result of either
physical disorder or more commonly, psychological problems.

Activity 1: Reaction paper (one (1) whole of yellow paper)

1. Differentiate Paranoid Schizophrenia from Substance Abuse disorders

-In paranoid personality disorder, the person is distrustful and suspicious of others. No
actual delusions or other symptoms of schizophrenia are present. Substance abuse .

2. Define the following:

abnormal Psychology -Abnormal psychology is that branch of psychology

that studies unusual patterns of behaviour, emotion and thoughts which may or
may not be understood as precipitating a mental disorder.

statistical approach-Statistical approach defines abnormal behaviour as those

which deviates substantially from the average person. Individuals are also deviant
from one another on certain dimension.

anxiety disorders-Anxienty is usually defined as defuse, vague, and highly

anpleasant feelings of fear and apprehension.

LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Ecija
City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

somatoform disorders-Somatoform disorder are mental disturbances in which

psychological symptoms take a physical orr somatic form even though no physical
causes can be found.


Activity 2: WEB LECTURE

1. Students are asked to download Zoom app and have an individual zoom id.

There are 3 ways to join a Zoom meeting:

 With the Zoom app on your desktop

 Through a link via your email invitation
 From the Zoom website

Note:  The host will have to start the meeting first so you can join or the host enables 'join
before host'.

From the Zoom app:

1. Open the Zoom app on your desktop, Start button, Zoom folder, start Zoom 

2. Click on Sign in
3. On right side menu Select "Sign In with SSO"
4. Enter your USQ username and password if prompted 
5. Click on Join
6. Enter the Meeting ID (this is displayed in the email invitation)
7. You can then choose  whether to come into the meeting with your audio or video
enabled or disabled

Email link:

1. You will receive an email invitation from the meeting host

2. Click on the link in the email (join via PC, Mac, iOS or Android)
3. You will be taken to the meeting

From the Zoom website:

1. Go to the zoom website (
2. Click on Zoom Account Sign On (SSO) button

LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Ecija
City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

3. Sign in with your USQ username and password if prompted 

4. Click on the My Meetings tab
5. Click on the Meeting link that you want to join

2. The instructor will discuss the topic “ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY” via Zoom.


1. One on One Recitation on Abnormal Psychology


Check the responses that best describe your feeling about this module

1. I learned relevant and important lessons from this module

( ) Agree
( ) Somewhat Agree
( ) Disagree

2. I enjoyed doing this module’s learning activities.

( ) Agree
( ) Somewhat Agree
( ) Disagree

3. My learnings from this module have empowered me as a Filipino citizen.

( ) Agree
( ) Somewhat Agree
( ) Disagree


LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Ecija
City of Gapan

LEA 213 : Law Enforcement Operation & Planning with Crime Mapping Wee 14-15

1. Please submit all the assignments/evaluation tasks during the face to face assessment
date set by your instructor.
2. Prepare for a Long Quiz. (face to face)

LEA 213 : Law enforcement Operation & Planning With Crime Mapping

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