Assignment of English Liaquat

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Assignment Of English

Pakistan and the modern world

Author: Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, was the right
hand man of Quaid-e-Azam, during the Muslim's struggle for the creation of
Pakistan. He was a capable statesman and good orator. He was sincere good
tempered patriot. He worked day and night for the welfare of Pakistan. In
October 1951, he was assassinated by a fanatic, at a public meeting in
Rawalpindi. He worked for the  achievement of Pakistan tirelessly. He had
profound love for Pakistan. Undoubtedly he was the great hero of Pakistan.

"Pakistan and the Modern world" is a Liaquat Ali khan's speech that he
delivered at Kansas University, during his visit to U.S.A, when he got an
honorary degree from the university.
Liaquat Ali khan, in his speech says that, Pakistan is a new country which
came into being on 14th August 1947. Before partition Pakistan was a
longing. It was the part of the vast sub-continent which was inhabited by a
hundred million Muslims and three hundred million Hindus. The Hindus were
in domination majority in the undivided British India. The Muslims feared
that if India got freedom, they would perpetually had to lives as a minority
they keft that under the animating majority of there to one, freedom from
British rule would mean to them no freedom but just a change of masters.
So, they demanded a separate state for the Muslims of sub-continent. There
were religious and cultural differences between the Muslims and the Hindus.
They feared that would never be able to pass their lives according to their
religion and culture under the domination of Hindus. Moreover, the Muslims
were backward economically. The economic system of Muslims was different
from Hindus. So under these circumstances, Muslim's demand for a separate
country was very reasonable. In most of the countries of Asia, there is
constant discover and dissatisfaction, but Pakistan stands unified among
these countries, for its people are free from mental confusion. They believe
in the supreme sovereignty of God, democracy, universal peace, individual
liberty and liberty of expression but equally strong belief in resisting
aggression explosion. They established Pakistan for practicing there beliefs.
When Pakistan came into being, it had no resources. It had no capital and
military equipment. It was allotted an army whose personal was spread far
and wide. Its share of military equipment was not delivered to it. Within a
couple of months of the creation of Pakistan, seven million homeless
refugees were drive out of India. The Problem of rehabilitating then was also
a big one. Had it not been the unity of Pakistanis , they would have
floundered. Due to the unity and determination of the people, these
problems were solved and Pakistan made surprising progress. The Pakistanis
have some duties to themselves. As a free nation, they must maintain their
freedom. Freedom has no true value for common man, if it does not mean
freedom from want, from disease and from ignorance. This is the man task
which they must perform, if they want to take rightful position in the world.
Having firm faith in the ideology of Pakistan, they must take make progress
in the field of science and technology. Backward nations of Asia want to
progress in every walk of life, so the western world must demonstrate that
true democracy is international and it must allow them to share the great
fund of knowledge, skill and experience. Without their progress world will
not be able to walk properly. So Liaquat Ali Khan hoped that the Americans
regards the emergence of the democracy of Pakistan and its progress and
future development, as being of great importance in Asia, and strength of
Pakistan is a happy augury for peace.

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