Eng12 q3 Creative Writing Melc1-Converted-edited

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Senior High School

NAME: ____________________________________________ STRAND/GRADE & SECTION: _________

Creative Writing
Quarter 3 – Module 1
Imagery, Diction, Figures of Speech
and Variations on Language


1 Use of Imagery, Diction, Figures of Speech

People are drawn to reading masterpieces that are creatively written. As they
assert, ―writers aren't born, they're created. They bounce back after they browse a
lot of books and acquire a lot of information and experiences‖.
Once perfected the art of using mental imagery, diction, and figures of
speech, you're one step nearer in crafting a literary masterpiece!

What’s In

Read the following pairs of sentences.

1. a. Anna‘s hair was long.

b. Anna‘s hair was like the threads of gold.

2. a. The test is a piece of cake.

b. The test is very easy.

3. a. I could not tolerate the pungent smell of jackfruit.

b. I hate the smell of jackfruit.

What’s New

Read the selection. Answer the questions on the space provided.

When the House is Empty

By: C.S Lewis

No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I am not afraid, but the
sensation is like being afraid. The same fluttering in the stomach, the same
restlessness, the yawning. I keep on swallowing.

At other times it feels like being mildly drunk, or concussed. There is a sort of
invisible blanket between the world and me. I find it hard to take in what anyone
says. Or perhaps, hard to want to take it in. It is so uninteresting. Yet I want the
others to be about me. I dread the moments when the house is empty. If only they
would talk to one another and not to me…

There are moments, most unexpectedly, when something inside me tries to
assure me that I don‘t really mind so much, not so very much, after all. Love is not
the whole of a man‘s life. I was happy before I ever met H. I‘ve plenty of what are
called resources‘…One is ashamed to listen to this voice but it seems for a little to be
making out a good case. Then comes a sudden jab of red-hot memory
and all this common sense‘ vanishes like an ant in the mouth of a furnace… And
no one ever told me about the laziness of grief…
Not only writing but even reading a letter is too much. Even shaving. What
does it matter now whether my cheek is rough or smooth? They say an unhappy
man wants distractions – something to take him out of himself. Only as a dog-tired
man wants an extra blanket on a cold night; he‘d rather lie there shivering than get
up and find one.

1. How does an empty house describe grief in this piece?

2. The selection relates grief with fear. Explain the connection.


3. Identify some sensory images in the piece. Are they visual, auditory, olfactory,
gustatory or thermal?

4. If you will write about the same theme, what images object will you use as a
descriptive detail?

What is It
Imagery is language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create images in
the mind of the reader. Imagery includes figurative and metaphorical language to
improve the reader‘s experience through their senses.

The use of imagery appeals to how you see, hear, smell, taste, touch and feel the
things that you are writing about.

Imagery that focuses on something that is concrete and can be seen.

Examples: dilapidated shanty, fair complexion, lengthy essays

Imagery that uses sounds

Examples: screeching wheels, the irritating cry of a baby, the birds chirping

Imagery that uses scent

Examples: The aroma of the freshly brewed coffee, the stench of the week-
old garbage in the bin

Imagery that uses taste

Examples: Luscious whipped cream, bitter dark chocolate, bland vegetables

It is something that you can touch through your mind‘s skin.

Examples: soft, velvety feel of silk, his calloused rough hands

It is something that depicts temperature.

Examples: scorching heat of summer, a sudden gush of December

Diction refers to the choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or

The following are things that will help you use words effectively in writing:

1. Use strong and exact verbs.

Avoid linking verbs and verbs used in the passive voice.

(Linking verb): Athena‘s Halloween costume was terrifying to the
children. (Action verb): Athena‘s Halloween costume terrified the

(Passive): The sun was covered by big, lonely clouds.

(Active): Big, lonely clouds covered the sun.

2. Use specific words.

Use specific words to convey meaning. Choose the right word, particularly
when choosing a synonym for a word.

Look (watch, stare, gaze, ogle, squint, observe, glare, glance, gape, scrutinize)

a) The teacher stared (to look intently) at the students who were not paying
attention to the discussion.
b) The child squinted (to look with difficulty) at the sun, which was a little
painful to the eyes.
c) The cooperating teacher observed (to look as to examine) how his
cooperating student taught the lesson about tenses of verbs.
d) I glanced (to look hurriedly) at the wall clock to check if it is already time
for lunch break.

3. Select words with best connotations.

Connotation refers to what a word suggests or implies.

Denotation refers to the direct specific meaning of a word.

4. Avoid clichés.

Use new and direct expressions.

Cliché: When Marithe finally said ―yes‖ to his proposal, Charles was on
cloud nine.

Revised: When Marithe finally said ―yes‖ to his proposal, Charles was overjoyed.

5. Avoid wordiness.

Write simple sentences. Do not make lengthy

statements. Examples:
Wordy: To reach our goal, we need suggestions that are fresh and at the
same time effective.
Concise: To reach our goal, we need fresh and effective ideas.

Figurative Language
A figure of speech is a word or phrase using figurative language—language that has
other meaning than its normal definition. Figures of Speech rely on suggested
meaning, rather than a definition from the dictionary.
Figures of speech are used both in oral and written forms of communication.

1. To clarify a vague idea or thought

2. To highlight important point
3. To stimulate unlikely associations
4. To evoke powerful feelings and emotions
5. To embellish dull paragraphs and stanzas

Types of Figures of Speech

1. Simile – It compares two objects belonging to different classes. It is usually

connected through the use of the words ―like‖ and ―as‖.

Example: Our new teacher is as fierce as a lion.

2. Metaphor – It makes a direct comparison between two unlike things or ideas

without using the words ―like‖ and ―as‖.

Example: My mother is an angel in disguise.

3. Personification – It gives human qualities to non-living things or ideas.

Example: The leaves danced gracefully with the wind.

4. Hyperbole – It is the deliberate exaggeration of a fact or truth for the sake of


Example: I am thirsty that I could drink a tank of water!

5. Metonymy – It is the substitution or replacement of the name of a concrete

object or thing that is closely associated for the word or concept itself.

Example: I could not do this alone. I need a hand.

6. Synecdoche – It is the naming of a part to signify the whole.

Example: I live with my parents in one roof.

7. Oxymoron – It is the juxtaposition or combination of adjacent words that have
meanings that are opposite, contradictory, or incongruous.

Example: I could not take this deafening silence anymore!

8. Irony – It occurs when there's a marked contrast between what is said and
what is meant, or between appearance and reality.

Example: How thoughtful of you to forget my birthday!

9. Euphemism – It is a mild, indirect, or vague term that often substitutes a

harsh, blunt, or offensive term.

Example: 'A little thin on top' instead of 'going bald.'

10. Understatement – It occurs when something is said to make something

appear less important or less serious.

Example: It's just a scratch - referring to a large dent

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Choose correct connotation. Replace the underlined words with better synonym.
You may use a dictionary or thesaurus. Write your answers on the space

1. Brownie barked happily when it saw Henry opening the gate.


2. Life is an interesting teacher because it gives you the tests first; the
lesson afterwards.

3. The varsity player asked the registrar about the changes made in his curriculum.

4. You should be fast in jotting down notes if you want to write everything about
the discussion.

5. The autumn motif is okay in this room.


Independent Activity 2
Identify the TYPE OF IMAGERY utilized in each phrase and/or statement. Write
your answers on the space provided.

_________________ 1. The bittersweet chocolate and slightly sweet but salty

caramel blended together on her tongue.
_________________ 2. The night was dark as ever, but bright, glimmering stars lit up the sky.
_________________ 3. The rumbling sound of clouds indicated the start of monsoon.
_________________ 4. The sweet scent of maple syrup wafted through the room.
_________________ 5. She served a bland sea shell pasta with sweet marinara sauce.
_________________ 6. The rooster crowed at early dawn, a sign that it was time to start the
_________________ 7. The comfort of a nice fuzzy blanket on a rainy weather is what I really
_________________ 8. I was awakened by the inviting aroma of the freshly brewed coffee.
_________________ 9. I don‘t want to get out because of the scorching heat of the sun.
_________________ 10. Have you ever experienced running your fingertips on satin fabric?

Independent Assessment 1
Describe the following using the given type of imagery enclosed in parentheses.
Write the descriptions on the space provided.

A. Angel Locsin (Visual)


B. Thunder (Auditory)


C. Durian (Olfactory)

D. Coffee Jelly (Gustatory)


E. Baguio Stroll in February (Thermal)


Independent Activity 3

Identify the figures of speech used in each of the following statements. Write
your answers on the space provided.

_________________ 1. You‘re such an excellent student! You‘re the only one who did not
pass the test.

_________________ 2. My brother who was convicted for 8 years was just released from the
big house.

_________________ 3. The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition.

_________________ 4. I have a ton of things to do when I get home.

_________________ 5. The world is a big stage and we are the actors.

_________________ 6. Reymark was as white as a sheet of paper when he walked

out of the cinema after watching ―The Nun ‖.

_________________ 7. Charles is driving his new wheels.

_________________ 8. Pregnancy termination is illegal in the Philippines.

_________________ 9. The comedian was seriously funny.

_________________ 10. The weather is cooler today, as she refers to sub-zero temperature.

Independent Assessment 2

Narrate and describe the “New Normal” using DICTION, IMAGERY, and
FIGURES of SPEECH. Write your answer on the space provided

Note: It must be written in at least 3 paragraphs with a total of 12 to 15 sentences.


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