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Preferential segmentation of restaurant attributes

through conjoint analysis

L.C. Koo
Associate Professor, International Management Centres, Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong
Fredrick K.C. Tao
Professor, Hong Kong Centre for Management Studies, Hong Kong
John H.C Yeung
Deputy Managing Director, Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co. Ltd, Hong Kong

Keywords operators to devise effective business strate-

Conjoint analysis, Hong Kong, Introduction gies best suited to serve their specific market
Market segmentation,
Restaurants, Segmentation Eating is a daily necessity. In a fast paced and segments. Conjoint analysis measures how
affluent society, eating out in restaurants has much customer satisfaction a change in
Abstract also become an important social and busi- product or service attribute will offer relative
Conjoint analysis has emerged as to another kind of change. It helps determine
ness occasion. The consumers usually have a
a contemporary research techni-
wide range of options to choose from. which of the two potential changes is the
que to reveal consumers' prefer-
ence towards choosing a Depending on the purpose of going out to more valuable and effective (Toombs and
particular restaurant. Through dine, consumers subconsciously evaluate a Bailey, 1995).
some focus group discussions, a complex set of attributes before making their Conjoint marketing research studies have
list of restaurant attributes was
``buying'' decision. The importance of various been made in various specific business
identified as important for restau-
rant-goers in deciding where to restaurant attributes are unique to the sectors, e.g. credit card (Kara et al., 1994),
dine. While the research was individuals concerned. grocery and candy products, life insurance,
based on Hong Kong experience, Apart from serving the local community, retailing (Toombs and Bailey, 1995), health
the research technique can be
restaurants have made an important contri- club service retailers (Amirani and Baker,
generalised to restaurant choices
in other countries. It is possible to bution to the success of tourism in Hong 1995), eggs (Ness and Gerhardy, 1994), prop-
segment the restaurant market by Kong. In Hong Kong tourists can find a huge erty (Levy, 1995), wine (Gil and Sanchez,
different meal purposes (i.e. family variety of cuisines. 1997), financial service (Arias, 1996), and beef
meal, business meal and tourists) retailing (Hobbs, 1996). This current research
A brochure prepared by the Hong Kong
and employee groups (i.e. service
sector, hotels and floating restau- Tourist Association (1997) says:
applies conjoint analysis to measure utilities
rants). The concept of decentring The city's resplendent dining tables offer of various restaurant attributes among dif-
was applied in the study to help something for every taste and budget, from ferent customer segments in Hong Kong.
reveal restaurant preferences as European haute cuisine with a spectacular Knowing which utility cues are most impor-
perceived by the respondents view of the harbour, to regional Chinese
standing in the shoes of others.
tant to a particular customer group, the
specialities in tiny two-table establishments
restaurant operators can determine what
frequented by loyal connoisseurs. Some
should be promoted in order to lure these
dishes are centuries-old classics served in
unassuming surroundings, others are inno- desired customers from their competitors.
vative multi-ethnic adaptations presented They can also make predictions about con-
amidst the very latest in architecture and sumers' purchase intentions in responses to
interior design. changes to these utility cues. Using these
utilities in conjunction with other customer
There are restaurants by the thousands information (e.g. demographics, psycho-
offering a full range of food varieties and graphics) the restaurant operators can more
services. As the number of restaurants has effectively segment the market (Amirani and
mushroomed, so the business has become Baker, 1995).
much more competitive. Being able to meet
consumers' basic expectations in today's
situation at best can ensure business survi-
val. To be successful and outstanding, a
Conjoint analysis technique
restaurant has to be able to exceed consu- Traditional research techniques in assessing
mers' expectation by really understanding consumer preference tend to treat each
customers' reasons for selecting a particular attribute independently and very little infor-
type of dining experience. mation on how consumers are likely to make
International Journal of The use of conjoint analysis is appropriate a favourable or unfavourable buying deci-
Contemporary Hospitality
Management in measuring the importance level a custo- sion is unearthed using old techniques.
11/5 [1999] 242±250 mer segment attaches to a particular restau- Consumers do not consider each attribute of
# MCB University Press rant attribute. Knowing these utilities for a meal experience singly and independently
[ISSN 0959-6119]
different customer groups enables restaurant when making a choice. Instead they consider
[ 242 ] Koo, L. C., Tao, F. K. C., and Yeung, John H.C. (1999) “Preferential segmentation of restaurant attributes
through conjoint analysis” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 11/5 pp.242-250
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao the whole range of product attributes in According to Ness and Gerhardy (1994) con-
and John H.C. Yeung totality. The conjoint-based approach can joint analysis helps identify consumer seg-
Preferential segmentation of
restaurant attributes through help understand how customers trade off one ments with similar preferences. Arias (1996)
conjoint analysis product attribute against another. Conjoint suggests that the conjoint-based method of
International Journal of analysis which engages the respondents in a preferential segmentation outperforms other
Contemporary Hospitality more realistic judgement stance than do techniques in that it provides a higher level
11/5 [1999] 242±250 other research methods, can better predict of intra-group homogeneity and inter-group
the overall consumer preference through heterogeneity as far as the most preferred
aggregating the utility scores of all indivi- product/service design is concerned.
dual product attributes (Levy, 1995). It has
become a popular method for identifying and
understanding the combined effects of pro- Approaches to conjoint analysis
duct attributes on preferences for a product/
There are two general approaches to data
service (Hobbs, 1996). It enables not only the
collection for conjoint ± the two-factor-at-a-
assessment of product attributes in a multi-
time trade-off method and the multiple factor
cue setting, but also the quantification of the
full-concept method. The two-factor-at-a-time
effect in terms of dollarmetric (utility)
trade-off method is now seldomly used. The
values. The incorporation of customised set
full-concept is more realistic as all factors are
of attributes for different respondents en-
considered and evaluated at the same time.
ables the impact of different product attri- In the full-concept (or full-profile), the
butes to be analysed in the context of cues respondents are asked to rank or score a set
directly relevant to particular market seg- of profiles according to their preference. On
ments (Diamantopoulos et al., 1995). each profile, all factors of interest are repre-
Conjoint analysis is also known as ``trade- sented and a different combination of factor
off analysis'' or ``utility analysis''. Two basic levels (i.e. features) appears. The factors are
assumptions are made in conjoint analysis the general attribute categories of the pro-
(Gil and Sanchez, 1997). First, a product/ duct/service such as colour, size, or price.
service can be described as a combination of The factor levels (i.e. product/service fea-
levels of a set of attributes. Second, these tures) are the specific values of the factors,
attribute levels determines consumers' over- such as red, small, and expensive. The
all judgement of the product/service. possible combination of all factor levels can
The attraction of using conjoint analysis is become too large for respondents to rank or
that it asks the respondents to make choices score in a meaningful way. The full-concept
between products defined by a unique set of approach in SPSS categories conjoint uses
product attributes in a way resembling what fractional factorial designs, which uses a
they normally do ± by trading off features, smaller fraction of all possible alternatives.
one against the other. When asked which This reduced size subset (orthogonal array)
attributes they would like, most customers considers only the main effects and the
will choose everything on the wish list. interactions are assumed to be negligible.
Conjoint can establish the relative values of The factor levels can be specified as DIS-
particular attributes and identifies the trade- CRETE (when factor levels are categorical),
offs the customers are likely to make in LINEAR (when data are expected to be
choosing a product and service and the price linearly related to the factor), IDEAL, or
they are willing to pay for it (Toombs and ANTI-IDEAL (for quadratic function models).
Bailey, 1995). The relative importance of each The SPSS conjoint procedure can calculate
attribute can be calculated as the utility- utility scores (or part-worths) for each indi-
range (i.e. difference between the highest and vidual respondent and for the whole sample.
the lowest utility for that attribute) divided These utility scores, analogous to regression
by the sum of utility ranges of all attributes coefficients, can be used to find the relative
(Okechuku, 1993). Conjoint analysis produces importance of each factor. SPSS permits the
two important results (Levy, 1995): use of simulation profiles to represent actual
1. Utility of attribute. [It] is a numerical or prospective products to estimate or predict
expression of the value consumers place market share of preference.
in an attribute level. It represents the Three simulation cases were created in this
relative ``worth'' of the attribute. Low study. One case simulated the worst scenario
utility indicates less value; high utility by combining the lowest utility scores for all
indicates more value. attributes (factors). One simulated the best
2. Importance of attribute. [It] can be calcu- scenario case which combined all the highest
lated by examining the difference between utility scores across all attributes. The last
the lowest and highest utilities across the case simulated the floating restaurant from
levels of attributes. which some respondents came.
[ 243 ]
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao 1 For family meal.
and John H.C. Yeung Research design 2 For business entertainment.
Preferential segmentation of 3 As a tourist in Hong Kong.
restaurant attributes through In order to generate an orthogonal design for
conjoint analysis the appropriate restaurant factors and factor Other demographic data were obtained for
International Journal of levels, some rounds of focus group discus- this study, i.e. gender and employer of the
Contemporary Hospitality sions were held. The focus group consisted of
Management respondents.
11/5 [1999] 242±250 six persons from different occupational Respondents were briefed about the con-
backgrounds. They all had overseas travel- cept of utility and they were promised a copy
ling experience and were frequently enter- of their respective utility scores as incentive
taining business counterparts in restaurants. to complete the form. Respondents were
The focus group members were selected on asked to repeat scoring the 27 profiles three
the basis that they had plenty of dining and times, i.e. one for family meal, one for,
business entertainment experiences. The business entertainment and one as a tourist
focus group members discussed in detail to Hong Kong. When completing the ortho-
their dining experience, both good or bad, gonal array form the respondents were asked
from many different perspectives and occa- to think in the appropriate mind set for that
sions. specific purpose of selecting a restaurant. In
Table I presents the factor and factor levels other words they were asked to move away
identified as important by the focus group. from an egocentric mode (i.e. seeing things
Despite a careful selection of factors, there from own point of view) and to decentre into
were still too many (36362656263636 that particular role (i.e. seeing things from
363 = 14,580) possible profiles for the re- the viewpoint of others). This is known as
spondents to choose from. The SPSS gener- ``decentring'' ± a term taken from the child
ated a parsimonious orthogonal array of 27 development psychology literature (Webster
profiles. and Hung, 1994). Decentring (or decentering)
It was decided it would be useful to study is recognition that things look different to
the utilities for the following three purposes different people (Gordon, 1969). Decentring
of going to a restaurant: implies the ability to move flexibly from one

Table I
Factors and factor levels used
Factor Type of data Factor level
Location Discrete Outlying island
Type of food Discrete Chinese food
Western food
Variety of food Discrete Unique speciality
Traditional choice
Uniqueness Discrete Floating restaurant
Famous tourist spot
Luxurious Chinese palace
Chinese cultural dance
Traditional restaurant
Car park Discrete With car park
No car park
Price Linear Expensive
Quality or taste of food Linear High quality
Average quality
Low quality
Decoration Linear Good decoration
Average decoration
Poor decoration
Service Linear Good service
Average service
Poor service

[ 244 ]
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao point of view to another ± and back again ± so segmentation purposes. The relative impor-
and John H.C. Yeung as to come closer to an ``objective'' view of the tance levels of the various factors for choosing
Preferential segmentation of a restaurant are summarised in Figure 2.
restaurant attributes through whole (Donaldson, 1978). The respondents in
conjoint analysis the current study were mature and experi- One-way ANOVA analysis with least sig-
International Journal of enced enough to decentre from one role to nificant difference (LSD) Test at 0.05 signifi-
Contemporary Hospitality another flexibly. cance level was performed (Table V). The
Management symbol (~) in Table V signifies no statistical
11/5 [1999] 242±250
difference at 0.05 significance level. ``AB''
signifies difference in means at 0.05 level for
Research findings
family meal and business entertainment.
The orthogonal array forms were adminis- Similar symbols like ``AC'' and ``BC'' are used.
tered on three separate occasions. The first The one-way ANOVA results can be inter-
batch of respondents was from a group of preted as follows:
executive participants from a leading hotel . Constant ± In general the respondents
group in Hong Kong. The second batch was attach lower utility scores for family meal.
from a group of staff working in a floating Compared to business entertainment and
restaurant and the last group was from the as a tourist, they have less preference to
service sector. They all had many years of go to restaurants. (The value of ``constant''
working experience and went to restaurants is unique to a specific respondent. Analo-
regularly. They were assumed to be repre- gous to the ``constant'' in regression
sentative of the restaurant-goers in Hong equation, it is used to calculate the score
of the particular profile.)
. Outlying island location ± For family
There were a total of 30 respondents. Each
meals, people are less willing to go to
of them would complete the orthogonal array
outlying island.
forms for family meal, business entertain- . Urban location ± Compared to tourist,
ment and as tourists, respectively. Because of
family meal customers prefer to go to
some missing values, only 86 cases were
restaurant located in urban areas.
available for analysis (Table II). According to . Rural location ± Compared to business
Akaah and Korgaonkar (1988) sample size meals, family meals are more preferred.
below 100 are typical for conjoint analysis . Price ± They are all statistically different
(SPSS, 1994). Thus the sample used in this among all different ``purpose'' subgroups.
study is acceptable. Consumers are more concerned with price
These demographic data (outlined in when they take family meals. They are
Tables II, III and IV) facilitate ANOVA or least concerned with price when taking
t-test analyses on the utility scores (as shown business meals. This is understandable as
in Figure 1) to discern utility values among most business meals are paid for by their
different customer groups for market employers.
. Service ± They prefer to get better service
Table II for family meals than business meals.
Breakdown of purpose of going to restaurants . Western food ± Western food is more
preferred for business meals than family
Purpose Counts
Family meal 29 . Seafood ± Seafood is more preferred for
Business entertainment 30 family meals than business meals.
Tourist 27 . Famous tourist spot ± This is distinctly
preferred by the tourists.
. Chinese cultural dance ± Compared to
Table III family meals, tourists prefer to watch
Breakdown of employers of respondents dance performance show while taking
their meals.
Employer Counts
Interpretation of one-way ANOVA results as
Service sector 30
shown in Table VI:
Hotel 35 . Constant ± Compared to service sector
Floating 21
employees, hotel employees had a lower
constant value.
. With car park ± Hotel employees per-
Table IV
ceived lower utility on the availability of a
Breakdown of gender of respondents
car park at the restaurant.
Gender Counts . No car park ± Hotel employees had higher
Male 51 utility on restaurant without a car park.
Having noted that, the utility score for a
Female 35
car park is relative low. This suggests that
[ 245 ]
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao Figure 1
and John H.C. Yeung The conjoint summary results
Preferential segmentation of
restaurant attributes through
conjoint analysis
International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality
11/5 [1999] 242±250

[ 246 ]
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao the availability of a car park is not a major quality of food than service sector
and John H.C. Yeung consideration. employees.
Preferential segmentation of Service ± Floating restaurant employees
restaurant attributes through
. Decoration ± Compared with service sec- .

conjoint analysis tor employees, the hotel employees had higher expectation for service than
International Journal of preferred better decorations. service sector employees.
Contemporary Hospitality . Famous tourist spot ± Service sector
. Quality of food ± Floating restaurant
11/5 [1999] 242±250 employees had a higher utility value than
employees had higher expectation for
the floating restaurant employees.
. Utility scores for worst scenario ± Em-
ployees of the floating restaurant had a
Figure 2 higher score for the worst case. They were
Graph of averaged importance of various factors more tolerant than the others.
. Utility scores for best scenario ± Hotel
employees had lower scores for the best
scenario than those from the service
sector. This suggests that hotel employees'
expectation was much higher.
. Utility of the floating restaurant ± Prob-
ably because they were employed by the
floating restaurant, the employees had
higher scores than the hotel employees.
For means comparisons between two groups,
t-test should be used instead of ANOVA as
shown in Table VII:
. The female respondents had a higher
constant value than the male respondents.
. The female respondents gave a higher
score to a ``best'' restaurant. The ladies
attach a higher utility for the best choice
than the male respondents.

Table V
Comparison of means and ANOVA results for different meal purposes
[A] Av. util. [B] Av. util. [C] Av. util. ANOVA LSD
Overall average scores for scores for scores for Test at 0.05
utility score family meals Business meals Tourists significance
Items (n = 86) (n = 29) (n = 30) (n = 27) level
Constant 81.42 68.38 91.85 83.83 AC AB
With car park 1.22 1.24 1.31 1.09 ~
No car park -1.22 -1.24 -1.31 -1.09 ~
Decoration -3.07 -2.50 -3.73 -2.94 ~
Outlying island -0.68 -2.85 0.06 0.83 AB AC
Urban (HK/Kowloon) 1.45 2.59 2.10 -0.51 AC
Rural (New Territories) -0.77 0.25 -2.16 -0.31 AB
Price 3.67 7.20 0.52 3.38 AB AC BC
Quality/taste of food -11.05 -11.03 -11.30 -10.82 ~
Service -8.12 -6.25 -10.14 -7.88 AB
Chinese food 1.21 0.65 1.70 1.26 ~
Western food -2.04 -2.95 -1.20 -1.98 AB
Seafood 0.83 2.31 -0.50 0.73 AB
Floating restaurant 0.84 2.12 1.21 -0.95 ~
Famous tourist spot 3.00 1.69 1.79 5.74 AC BC
Luxurious chinese palace -0.11 0.77 -0.33 -0.79 ~
Chinese cultural dance 0.34 -1.55 0.86 1.79 AC
Traditional restaurant -4.07 -3.03 -3.52 -5.79 ~
Unique specialIty -1.72 -1.73 -1.81 -1.61 ~
Traditional choice 1.72 1.73 1.81 1.61 ~
Utility scores for worst scenario 8.56 7.58 6.86 11.50 ~
Utility scores for best scenario 78.77 78.11 76.95 81.49 ~
Utility of floating restaurant 65.46 62.34 69.52 64.31 ~

[ 247 ]
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao Table VI
and John H.C. Yeung Comparison of means and ANOVA results for different employee groups
Preferential segmentation of
restaurant attributes through [A] Av. util. [C] Av. util.
conjoint analysis
scores for [B] Av. util. scores floating ANOVA LSD
International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Overall average service sector scores for hotel restaurant Test at 0.05
Management utility score employees employees employees significance
11/5 [1999] 242±250 Items (n = 86) (n = 30) (n = 35) (n = 21) level
Constant 81.42 88.24 75.64 81.30 AB
With car park 1.22 1.85 0.34 1.78 AB BC
No car park -1.22 -1.85 -0.34 -1.78 AB BC
Decoration -3.07 -4.37 -2.10 -2.82 AB
Outlying island -0.68 0.24 -1.72 -0.25 ~
Urban (HK/Kowloon) 1.45 0.00 2.56 1.66 ~
Rural (New Territories) -0.77 -0.25 -0.83 -1.40 ~
Price 3.67 4.93 3.31 2.48 ~
Quality/taste of food -11.05 -12.78 -11.67 -7.57 AC
Service -8.12 -10.41 -7.82 -5.34 AC
Chinese food 1.21 1.57 1.40 0.38 ~
Western food -2.04 -1.67 -2.42 -1.92 ~
Seafood 0.83 0.11 1.03 1.54 ~
Floating restaurant 0.84 0.52 0.23 2.32 ~
Famous tourist spot 3.00 4.44 3.21 0.59 AC
Luxurious Chinese palace -0.11 -1.42 0.78 0.29 ~
Chinese cultural dance 0.34 0.92 -0.45 0.81 ~
Traditional restaurant -4.07 -4.46 -3.77 -4.01 ~
Unique speciality -1.72 -2.15 -1.46 -1.54 ~
Traditional choice 1.72 2.15 1.46 1.54 ~
Utility scores for worst scenario 8.56 0.12 5.38 25.92 AC BC
Utility scores for best scenario 78.77 85.45 72.93 78.94 AB
Utility of floating restaurant 65.46 65.93 60.05 73.81 BC

Table VII
Comparison of means and t-test results for gender groups
Av. util. scores Av. util. scores
Overall average for male for female T-test at 0.05
utility score respondents respondents significance
Items (n = 86) (n = 51) (n = 35) level
Constant 81.42 76.82 88.11 Yes
With car park 1.22 0.88 1.70 ~
No car park -1.22 -0.88 -1.70 ~
Decoration -3.07 -2.66 -3.66 ~
Outlying island -0.68 -1.05 -0.14 ~
Urban (HK/Kowloon) 1.45 1.92 0.76 ~
Rural (New Territories) -0.77 -0.87 -0.62 ~
Price 3.67 3.36 4.13 ~
Quality/taste of food -11.05 -11.13 -10.95 ~
Service -8.12 -7.89 -8.45 ~
Chinese food 1.21 1.00 1.51 ~
Western food -2.04 -1.70 -2.53 ~
Seafood 0.83 0.70 1.02 ~
Floating restaurant 0.84 0.17 1.82 ~
Famous tourist spot 3.00 3.14 2.79 ~
Luxurious Chinese palace -0.11 -0.02 -0.23 ~
Chinese cultural dance 0.34 -0.23 1.16 ~
Traditional restaurant -4.07 -3.06 -5.54 ~
Unique specialIty -1.72 -1.72 -1.72 ~
Traditional choice 1.72 1.72 1.72 ~
Utility scores for worst scenario 8.56 6.91 10.96 ~
Utility scores for best scenario 78.77 73.87 85.91 Yes
Utility of floating restaurant 65.46 60.44 72.77 Yes

[ 248 ]
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao . The female respondents gave a higher paired. Therefore proper research planning is
and John H.C. Yeung score to a floating restaurant. The ladies vitally important before administrating the
Preferential segmentation of
restaurant attributes through attach a higher utility than the male conjoint profile cards on the respondents. The
conjoint analysis respondents. other issue relates to the choice of respon-
International Journal of dents. They should be representative of the
Contemporary Hospitality population. The sample size should be large
11/5 [1999] 242±250 Discussion and conclusions enough to give meaningful data analysis.
Combining other research techniques such
This research illustrates the usefulness of
conjoint analysis in determining the utility as cluster analysis, multi-dimensional
values of restaurant attributes. The utility scaling, the application of using conjoint
are subjective measures to each respondents, analysis offers extremely interesting aca-
who without the assistance of conjoint demic as well as business research
analysis would not know them. Yet in reality opportunities.
consumers make decisions based on the
implicit utilities they attach to each factor. References
The study demonstrates how marketers can Akaah, I. and Korgaonkar, P.K. (1988), ``A conjoint
use this powerful research technique to investigation of the relative importance of
reveal and measure the hidden needs of the risk relievers in direct marketing'', Journal of
customers. It also shows that utilities can Advertising Research, August-September.
vary for the same factor under different Amirani, S. and Baker, J. (1995), ``Quality cues
circumstances (i.e. the purpose of going to a and retail target market strategy: a conjoint-
restaurant) for the same individual customer. based application'', International Journal of
Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 23
In other words, utility scores are situational.
The concept of decentring was discussed No. 5, pp. 22-31.
Arias, J.T.G. (1996), ``Conjoint-based preferential
and applied in this study. With the use of
segmentation in the design of a new financial
decentring, respondents flex their views
service'', International Journal of Bank
from a different perspective. This approach
Marketing, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 30-2.
has important implication for future mar-
Diamantopoulos, A., Schlegelmilch, B.B. and Du
keting researches. Internal colleagues who
Preez, J.P. (1995), ``Lessons for pan-European
know the customers well can be used as a
marketing? The role of consumer preferences
powerful and effective source of customer
in fine-tuning the product-market fit'',
information. This is particularly important
International Marketing Review, Vol. 12
when information is needed speedily and
No. 2, pp. 38-52.
Donaldson, M. (1978), Children's Minds, Croom
The research findings provide much
Helm Ltd, London.
needed information for restaurant operators
Gil, J.M. and Sanchez, M. (1997), ``Consumer
in Hong Kong. The segmentation of custo-
preferences for wine attributes: a conjoint
mers into different groups according to the
approach'', British Food Journal, Vol. 99 No. 1,
purpose of going to a restaurant has much pp. 3-11.
practical application. Many restaurants tend Gordon, I.J. (1969), Human Development: From
to cater for some special customer groups by Birth through Adolescence, Harper & Row
finding a suitable market niche for their Publishers, New York, NY.
operations. Yet very often when asked Hobbs, J.E. (1996), ``A transaction cost analysis of
whether they know what their customers quality, traceability and animal welfare
``really'' need, they have no confidence and issues in UK beef retailing'', British Food
lack reliable answers. Even if they want to Journal, Vol. 98 No. 6, pp. 16-26.
develop their business strategies, they have Hong Kong Tourist Association (1997), ``Hong
no relevant data to work against. Many Kong wonders never cease'', The Official
managerial decisions to make improvements Dining and Entertainment Guide, April.
are based on hunch or on past experience. Kara, A., Kaynak, E. and Kucukemiroglu, O.
They cannot reliably predict the likely out- (1994), ``Credit card development strategies
come arising from their decision and action. for the youth market: the use of conjoint
A word of caution in using conjoint analysis'', International Journal of Bank
analysis is the limitation on the selection of Marketing, Vol. 12 No. 6, pp. 30-6.
factor and factor levels. Even with the help of Levy, D.S. (1995), ``Modern marketing research
orthogonal array design, the number of pro- techniques and the property professional'',
files can still be very large. The Property Management, Vol. 13, pp. 33-40.
researchers need to choose the appropriate Ness, M.R. and Gerhardy, H. (1994), ``Consumer
factors and factor levels. If important factors preferences for quality and freshness
are omitted then the application of the con- attributes of eggs'', British Food Journal,
joint analysis findings would be greatly im- Vol. 96 No. 3, pp. 26-34.

[ 249 ]
L.C. Koo, Fredrick K.C. Tao Norusis, M.J. (1993), SPSS for Windows Base SPSS (1994), SPSS Categories 6.1, SPSS Inc
and John H.C. Yeung System User's Guide Release 6.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, p. 209.
Preferential segmentation of Chicago, IL. Toombs, K., and Bailey, G. (1995), ``How to rede-
restaurant attributes through
conjoint analysis Okechuku, C. (1993), ``The importance of sign your organization to match customer
product country of origin: a conjoint needs'', Managing Service Quality, Vol. 5 No. 3,
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11/5 [1999] 242±250 Journal of Marketing, Vol. 28 No. 4, service quality and promoting decentring'',
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[ 250 ]

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