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Questions Responses field

1. Does your country have a strategic plan

(e.g., cMYP)?

2. How frequently are strategic plans

3. When was the current strategic plan

4. What is the period for which the current Start Year:

End Year:
strategic plan will be used?
5. Who leads the strategic plan development process? Please select one option.

6. How collaborative is the strategic plan

development process?
Please select one option.
7. Is a stakeholder map developed before
the strategic planning process begins?

8. How often is the stakeholder map

Please select one option.
9. Are there SOPs for the strategic plan
development process that defines the role
and responsibility of each stakeholder?
10. If there is an SOP, how often is it
disseminated to all stakeholders before the
planning process begins?

11. Is a refresher training on plan

development conducted before the plan
development process begins?

12. If there is a refresher training, are all

stakeholders required to participate in it?
13. What areas of support are each - Ministry of Health
--Situational Analysis --Priority setting
stakeholders engaged in to ensure --Options appraisal --Programming &
alignment of resources and information for Budgeting --Implementation & Monitoring
the strategic plan development process?
- Vaccines Program/Department within
Please select all options that apply. Ministry of Health
--Situational Analysis --Priority setting
--Options appraisal --Programming &
Budgeting --Implementation & Monitoring
- Planning Program/Department within
Ministry of Health
--Situational Analysis --Priority setting
--Options appraisal --Programming &
Budgeting --Implementation & Monitoring
- Other Ministries (e.g., Finance/Treasury,
Education etc)
--Situational Analysis --Priority setting
--Options appraisal --Programming &
Budgeting --Implementation & Monitoring
- Non-governmental organisations
--Situational Analysis --Priority setting
--Options appraisal --Programming &
Budgeting --Implementation & Monitoring
- Civil society organisations
--Situational Analysis --Priority setting
--Options appraisal --Programming &
Budgeting --Implementation & Monitoring
14. How is recent program data reviewed
and analyzed for the strategic plan
development process?
Please select the option that applies.
15. Are the following elements considered
in the strategic plan development procesS?
Please select all options that apply:
Please select all options that apply.
Review of previous program performance data/
Review of data/evidence from various
evaluations and technical assessments
(undertaken in the last planning cycle)
Review of immunization coverage and AEFI
Review of immunization demand generation
Review of immunization of new vaccine
Review of surveillance data
Review of human resources
Review of vaccine supply quality, and logistics
Other (Please specify)
None of the above (If you select this option,
please explain)
Does the strategic plan indicate either
what entity is responsible for or what type
of staff are required to execute the key

16. Are plans costed?

17. If yes, does the costing tool/template Please select all options that apply:

consider the following elements: - Trainings and workshops

- Social mobilization, advocacy, and
communication activities
- Surveillance and monitoring
- Cold chain equipment, maintenance,
- Vaccine and injection supplies
- Operational/management costs
- Personnel costs
- Transportation costs
- Mapping/tracking of different sources of
funding (domestic and foreign)
- Service delivery
- Other (Please specify)
18. In order to reduce the duplication of
activities, do processes exist to ensure
activities and priorities of all stakeholders
are captured in the strategic plan?
19. Is the strategic plan disseminated to all
Please select all that apply.
EPI staff Partners Subnational authorities District level authorities Leaders a
Are there any requirements (e.g. protocols)
or incentives (e.g., legally binding
regulations) that require the appropriate
adherence for implementation of strategic

For the strategic plan, how is the execution - Program performance dashboards - Quarterly review meetings - Metho

of activities or progress routinely

monitored or tracked?
Select the mechanisms that apply.

For the strategic plan, how often are

findings from program performance review
meetings disseminated to all meeting
20. Does your country develop operational
immunization plans?

21. Who leads the operational plan development process?

22. How collaborative is the operational

plan development process?
23. What areas of support are each - Ministry of Health
-Define annual goals/targets -Identify
stakeholders engaged in to ensure key activities/strategic actions -Assign
alignment of resources and information for resources e.g., people, budget etc. -
Monitor implementation and progress -
the operational plan development process?
Adjust elements of the plan (e.g., areas linked
Please select all that apply. to weak or low performance)
- Vaccines Program/Department within
Ministry of Health
-Define annual goals/targets -Identify
key activities/strategic actions -Assign
resources e.g., people, budget etc. -
Monitor implementation and progress -
Adjust elements of the plan (e.g., areas linked
to weak or low performance)
- Planning Program/Department within
Ministry of Health
-Define annual goals/targets -Identify
key activities/strategic actions -Assign
resources e.g., people, budget etc. -
Monitor implementation and progress -
Adjust elements of the plan (e.g., areas linked
to weak or low performance)
- Other Ministries (e.g., Finance/Treasury,
Education etc)
-Define annual goals/targets -Identify
key activities/strategic actions -Assign
resources e.g., people, budget etc. -
Monitor implementation and progress -
Adjust elements of the plan (e.g., areas linked
to weak or low performance)
- Non-governmental organisations
24. Are there SOPs for the operational plan
development process that defines the role
and responsibility of each stakeholder?

25. If there is an SOP, how often is it

disseminated to all stakeholders before the
operational planning process begins?

26. Is a refresher training on plan

development conducted before the
operational planning process begins?
27. Are there activities in the operational Please select all that apply and add 'other' :

plan that relate to the following elements? Coverage and monitoring trends
Surveillance standards
Access and equity (e.g., interventions to ensure
access to high risk or marginalized populations such as
pastoralist , refugees, geographically hard to access
communities, marginalized populations)
Strategies and policies
Human resources
Coordination and communication
Other (Please specify)

Are all identified activities included in the

operational plan organized by priority
Are plans costed?

If yes, does the costing tool/template Please select all options that apply:

consider the following elements: - Trainings and workshops

- Social mobilization, advocacy, and
communication activities
- Surveillance and monitoring
- Cold chain equipment, maintenance,
- Vaccine and injection supplies
- Operational/management costs
- Personnel costs
- Transportation costs
- Mapping/tracking of different sources of
funding (domestic and foreign)
- Other (Please specify)

Does the operational plan indicate either

what entity is responsible for or what type
of staff are required to execute the key
28. What mechanism is most effective for - Pre-planning sessions
- Annual planning workshop
aligning the operational plan with other - Performance review meetings
plans (e.g., strategic or across stakeholder - Technical working group meetings
plans ) so existing resources across levels - Other (Please specify)
(national and subnational) are streamlined?

Please select all that apply.

29. Is the operational plan disseminated to

all stakeholders?
Please select all that apply. EPI staff Partners Subnational authorities District level authorities Leaders a
Are there any requirements (e.g. protocols)
or incentives (e.g., legally binding
regulations) that require the appropriate
adherence for implementation of
operational plans?

30. For the operational plan, how is the - Program performance dashboards - Quarterly review meetings - Metho

execution of activities or progress routinely

monitored or tracked?
Select the mechanisms that apply.

For the operational plan, how often are

findings from program performance review
meetings disseminated to all meeting

31. In the last year, did the country receive 1. Health system strengthening (HSS) support Yes or
Gavi support? 2. Vaccine support Yes or No
3. Cold chain equipment optimisation platform
(CCEOP) support Yes or No
4. Targeted country assistance (TCA) - Yes or No
32. In the last five years, has the country 1. Health system strengthening (HSS) support
Application Year: Received
applied for any of the following Gavi Funds: Yes or No
support and received it? 2. Vaccine support Application Year:
Received Funds: Yes or No
3. Cold chain equipment optimisation platform
(CCEOP) support Application Year:
Received Funds: Yes or No
4. Targeted country assistance (TCA) -
Application Year: Received
Funds: Yes or No

33. Within the last year, was a new vaccine

34. Has the EPI program declared any plans
to introduce a new vaccine(s) in the coming
one to three years?
35. Does the EPI program plan to introduce Measles second dose: Yes or No
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV): Yes or No
any of these vaccines (these vaccines Japanese Encephalitis: Yes or No
are exempt from co-financing ): HPV: Yes or No
Measles Rubella: Yes or No
Meningococcal A: Yes or No
Yellow fever vaccines: Yes or No

36. Over the last three years, has the

country had an average GNI per capita
equal to or below Gavi’s threshold ($1,045
USD), making it eligible for Gavi transition?

37. If the country has been eligible for Gavi 1. Initial self financing (Phase 1)
2. In preparatory transition (Phase 2)
transition support, at what phase of 3. Accelerated transition (Phase 3)
transition is it currently in? 4. Fully self-financing
5. Not applicable
Please select one.

38. If the country is in transition, has the

government led the process to develop a
Gavi transition plan to address key
bottlenecks and leverage opportunities
towards successful transition?

39. To date, is there an approved Gavi

transition plan for your country?
40. Who is responsible for implementation
of the transition plan across levels?
Sub-component 2 - Financing

1. What is the national budget cycle? Start date:

End date:

2. Are the national budget cycle and

planning cycle aligned?
3. Is the national health strategy used to
develop the annual health budget across all
4. Do the annual health budget activities
align with the priority activities identified in
the operational plans across all levels?
5. Is the immunization program budgeted Separate line item: Yes or No
as a separate line item or is it budgeted as Part of overall health budget: Yes or No
part of the overall health budget? Amount:

6. Is there a maximum ceiling for the

immunization budget e.g., as a % of the
total health budget awarded by the
7. At the national level, is resource
mapping done for all health partners to
account for resources allocated to different
health programs (e.g., RI, MNCH, HIV, TB

8. How much of the health budget is made

up of domestic funding?
9. Is there a resource map that identifies
the different sources of available funding
for immunization programs?
10. Is the resource map updated before the
immunization budget development process
11. Does the resource map including the - Funding flows across levels (national, subnational, district) - Priority/critica

following components?
Please select all that apply:
12. Is the health program's financial data
accessible to the public?
13. At the national level, what percentage
of health program directors and managers
develop proposals for non-domestic funding
for their program activities?

14. Do SOPs exist to help program directors

and managers apply for and manage non-
domestic funding?

15. Who leads the immunization budget

development process?
16. Who is involved in the immunization Please select all that apply:

budgeting process? - Ministry of Health

Please select all that apply. - Vaccines Program/Department within Ministry
of Health
- Planning Program/Department within Ministry
of Health
- Other Ministries (e.g., Finance/Treasury,
Education etc)
- Non-governmental organisations
- Civil society organisations
- Private sector entity
- Local government
- Donors/ Partners
- Others (If other, please explain)

17. How collaborative is the immunization

budgeting process?
18. Are there SOPs for the immunization
budget development process?
19. Please select all components that the - Minimum checklist
- Budget forecasting/costing template
SOPs include: - Roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders
- Processes for requesting domestic funds
- Processes for requesting foreign funds (e.g.,
developing + submitting grant proposals)
- Processes for allocating domestic funds
- Processes for allocating foreign funds
- Processes for disbursing domestic funds
- Processes for disbursing foreign funds
- Other

20. Is there a tool (e.g., a monthly dispersal

schedule) that shows whether or not funds
are disbursed on time?
How often are funds disbursed on time, as
per schedule?
21. If funds are disbursed on time, how
much of the fully requested amount is
22. Who monitors and tracks the
disbursement of funds?
23. Are there SOPs for how to monitor and
track disbursed funds?
24. Are these key financial performance - Description of funded activity
- Implementation status of activity
indicators included in the mechanism for - Key cost drivers
monitoring and tracking of disbursed funds? - Amount of funds requested
Please select all that apply. - Amount allocated/approved budget
- Amount received
- Dispersal date
- Source of funds
- Opening balance
- Amount spent/Expenditure
- Delays in fund dispersal
- Reallocation of funds
- Remaining balance
- Burn rate
- Other (Please explain)

25. Is there a process for reporting and

verifying the use of funds?
Is there a means (e.g., a monthly alert or
notification system) by which program
managers at the national level are able to
identify over spend within their program

26. In the last quarter or year, have any of - Planning: Yes or No

- Budgeting: Yes or No
the critical immunization activities listed - Trainings: Yes or No
been cancelled because of a lack of funds? - Program performance monitoring: Yes or No
- Supportive supervision: Yes or No
-Cold chain management: Yes or No
Please select all that apply.
- Supply chain logistics: Yes or No
- Procurement: Yes or No
- Coordination and communication: Yes or No
- Advocacy/ Social mobilization: Yes or No
- Other (Please explain)

27. At the national level, are program

managers allowed to reallocate unspent
funds from one activity to another activity?

28. Are there SOPs that define the process

for how unused funds can be reallocated to
meet program needs?
29. How often are financial performance
reports prepared?
30. Who receives copies of financial
performance reports?

Please select all that apply.

Sub-component -3 Accountability and Measuring Performance/Impact

1. Are there mechanisms to collect

accurate immunization data?
2. Are data collection templates aligned
with existing plans?
3. Please select all tools that are used to - HMIS
- Program performance review/data review dashboard
collect immunization data: - Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
- Immunization register
- Tally sheets/target setting
- Monthly report forms
- Monitoring chart
- Vaccine stock book
- Other (If other, please explain)

4. Are there SOPs that define the process - HMIS

Yes or No
and responsibilities stakeholders should use - Program performance review/data review dashboard
with the data collection tools? Yes or No
- Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
Yes or No
- Immunization register
Yes or No
- Tally sheets/target setting
Yes or No
- Monthly report forms
Yes or No
- Monitoring chart
Yes or No
- Vaccine stock book
Yes or No
- Other (If other, please explain)

5. Do the RI program staff receive training Ask across all levels

on how to use the data collection tools? - HMIS
Yes or No
- Program performance review/data review
dashboard Yes or No
- Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
Yes or No
- Immunization register
Yes or No
- Tally sheets/target setting
Yes or No
- Monthly report forms
Yes or No
- Monitoring chart
Yes or No
- Vaccine stock book
Yes or No
- Other (If other, please explain)
6. How often do the RI program staff
receive trainning on the data collection

7. How often are data collection tools National (Repeat question across levels)
available? 100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Program performance review/data review
dashboard 100% of the time, 75% of the
time, 50% of the time, 25% of the time, Less
than 25% of the time
- Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Immunization register
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Tally sheets
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Monthly report forms
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Monitoring chart
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Vaccine stock book
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
8. How often are the tools used to report Ask across all levels
up to date and accurate program data? - HMIS
Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Program performance review/data review
dashboard Monthly, Bi-monthly,
Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Immunization register
Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Tally sheets/target setting
Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Monthly report forms
Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Monitoring chart
Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Vaccine stock book
Monthly, Bi-monthly, Quarterly, Bi-anually
- Other (If other, please explain)

9. Is data for all relevant tools - HMIS

Automatic or Manual Entry
automatically or manualy entered? - Program performance review/data review dashboard
Automatic or Manual Entry
- Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
Automatic or Manual Entry
- Immunization register
Automatic or Manual Entry
- Tally sheets/target setting
Automatic or Manual Entry
- Monthly report forms
Automatic or Manual Entry
- Monitoring chart
Automatic or Manual Entry
- Vaccine stock book
Automatic or Manual Entry
- Other (If other, please explain)

10. Who is responsible for validating the

reported data?
11. Is there a mechanism to verify and - recording practices: Yes or No
- storage/reporting: Yes or No
check the quality of the reported data - monitoring and evaluation: Yes or No
across the following components?
12. How often are completed data reports - HMIS
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
submitted on time? 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Program performance review/data review dashboard
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Immunization register
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Tally sheets/target setting
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Monthly report forms
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Monitoring chart
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Vaccine stock book
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Other (If other, please explain)
13.How often are inconsistencies or data Ask across all levels
quality issues identified arcross the - HMIS
following sources? 100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Program performance review/data review
dashboard 100% of the time, 75% of the
time, 50% of the time, 25% of the time, Less
than 25% of the time
- Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Immunization register
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Tally sheets/target setting
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Monthly report forms
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Monitoring chart
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Vaccine stock book
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
How is data and learning shared at the
national, sub-national, and facility levels?

14. Do program or data review meetings

happen at the national level?
15. How often program or data review
meetings happen?
16. Who leads the program or data review
17. Which stakeholders are engaged in the A: MOH
program or data review meetings? C: Other programs under MOH (e.g., RMNCH)
Please select all that apply. D: Subnational authorities
E: District authorities
F: Partners
G: Political or civil leaders
H. Community leaders
I: Others: __________________________

18. How often are all stakeholders engaged

in program or data reviews?
19. Are SOPs for review meetings
disseminated to ensure all stakeholders
understand their roles and responsibilities ?

20. What resources are used during review - HMIS

- Program performance review/data review
meetings to evaluate program dashboards
performance/progress towards - Supportive supervision checklist for feedback
- Performance Scorecards
achievement of priority RI targets ?
- Data Quality Assessment Reports
Please select all that apply. - Other

21. At the national level, how often do RI

program staff receive trainning on how to
conduct program performance reivews?
22. During performance review meetings,
how often are bottlenecks identified or
contributors to poor performance used to
develop corrective action or improvement

23. Is there a mechanism that checks - Service delivery

- Vaccine supply, quality, and logistics
across the following components to ensure - Surveillance and monitoring
corrective action plans are implemented - Advocay and communication
and monitored in a timely fashion? - Program management
- Other (If other, please specify)
Please select all that apply.

24. Who is responsible for ensuring

corrective action plans are used for
continuous systems improvement?
25. How often are findings from quarterly
performance review meetings shared with
all meeting stakeholders?
26. Do findings from quarterly performance - Summary of results across priority indicators
- The most serious problems identified, including
review meetings include the following underlying problems or contributing factors
information? - Areas of substantial improvement or good
Please select all that appy. performance
- Actions taken or that are recommended and request
for assistance if needed
- Copies of supportive supervision reports
- Other (If other, please specify)

27. Does an accountability framework

(e.g., for immunization program
deliverables) exist?
28. At the national level, what percent of
stakeholders were involved in the
development of the framework?
29. Has the accountability framework been
published or widely disseminated to all key
stakeholders and decision makers?
30. Who monitors the implementation of A: MOH
the framework to ensure all key C: Other programs under MOH (e.g., RMNCH)
stakeholders, across levels, adhere to it? D: Subnational authorities
Please select all that apply. E: District authorities
F: Partners
G: Political or civil leaders
H. Community leaders
I: Others: __________________________

31. Does the framework include the - Standard operating procedures for use which explain
roles and responsibilities
following features? - Indicators that cut across different program areas so
Please select all that apply. program performance and staff performance can be
- Requirement to produce feedback reports (e.g.,
either monthly and quarterly) on program and staff
- Based on reported performance, rewards and
sanctions for all stakeholders involved in implementing
- Other (If other, please specify).
32. Are supportive supervision activities
33. How frequently are supportive
supervision activities conducted at the
national, subnational, and district level?
34. Is there secured funding for periodic
supportive supervision?
35. Are there SOPs that define the process Detailed instructions/rules for conducting supervision
Yes or No
and responsibilities for stakeholders Checklist for supervisory visit
conducting supportive supervisions? Yes or No
Work planning action sheets
Yes or No
Do’s and don’ts of supervision
Yes or No
Self-assessment of supervisors’ competencies
Yes or No
Tips on delegation
Yes or No
Feedback mechanism
Yes or No
Conflict resolution
Yes or No

36. Are supervisors trained on how to

conduct supportive supervision visits?
37. How often are supervisors across levels
trained on how to conduct SS visits?
38. Before a new supportive superivision
visit, are supervisors required to review
previously submitted feedback from the
last supportive supervision visit?
39. How often are supportive supervision Detailed instructions/rules for conducting supervision
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
tools available? 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
-Do’s and don’ts of supervision 100%
of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time, 25% of
the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Checklist for supervisory visit
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Work planning action sheets
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Self-assessment of supervisors’
competencies 100% of the time, 75% of
the time, 50% of the time, 25% of the time,
Less than 25% of the time
- Feedback mechanism
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Conflict resolution resource
100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the
time, 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the
- Other (If other, please specify)

40. How often do supervisors prepare - Work planning action sheets

feedback and share it with supervisees at 100% of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time,
the end of each supportive supervision 25% of the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Feedback mechanism 100%
visit? of the time, 75% of the time, 50% of the time, 25% of
the time, Less than 25% of the time
- Other (If other, please specify)

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