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Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Paclasan, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Beca turn's 18 Beach Party

An Event Management Plan presented to

Ms. Mary Elaine M. Gabayno

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

in Introduction to MICE
for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management


Jeny Rose Montoya -2C

Jay ann Montoya -3B
Fathima Obciana -3B

June 2021

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

I. Company Name and Logo

II. Company Vision and Mission
III. Organizational Chart
IV. Event Title
V. Concept Paper
VI. Feasibility Study
VII. List of Tasks with Assigned Personnel
VIII. Schedule
IX. Financial Report
X. Permits
XI. Venue Selection
XII. Marketing Strategies
XIII. Program
XIV. Onsite Activities
XV. Risk Management Plan
XVI. Monitoring and Evaluation
XVII. Letters

A.Company Name and Logo

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

"Turn your vision

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Mission and Vision


Jeny Rose Montoya

A. Company Vision and Mission

is to provide highest quality of service possible to our valued clients
by giving outstanding event management and planning servicesFatima Obciana
Jay Ann Montoya

Our vision is to be one of the most established and most trusted events
management company through providing quality services and remarkable event.

C. Organizational Chart
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Catering Manager Set up team and

And Staffs

Sound Operator
Food Attendants

Light Operator

D. Event Title Security

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Beca turns
Beach Party

E. Concept Paper


Title and type of Beca's turns 18, Beach Party.

the Event

Purpose and To celebrate the coming of a young lady into legal age of
Objectives maturity, and also to have family togetherness as it is also
a family tradition. This will also benefit both our personal
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
and the clients satisfaction, as well as to enhance the
company skills and knowledge in this field.

Planners,Organizers This event will be attended by the planners and organizers

, Family,friends, of the event, Beca's family and close friends, host, and the
Sponsors,Host performers.

This event is to be held in Kamayan Beach Resort and all

Venue of the Event attendees are required to wear hawaiian attire.

Date and time of the

Event August 27, 2021
The event is going to lasts for 6 hours starting 3:00 pm to
9:00 pm.

Estimated Cost
Based on the tentative computation the event would cost
82,000.00 with the following expenses:
Venue Rental 10,000.00
Service 10,000.00
Decorations 10,000.00
Service 10,000.00
Services 10,000.00
Giveaways 2,000.00
Expenses 5,000.00
Fund 25,000.00
Total 82,000.00
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

F.Feasibility Study


Beca turns 18 Beach Party

August 27, 2021
Kamayan Beach Resort, San Jose Dalahican Roxas Oriental

It is the 18th Birthday celebration of Hazel "Beca" Talamisan, her family wants her
birthday to be such a memorable one, this is also to have family togetherness and
part of their family tradition. This beach themed party will be attended by Beca's
family, close friends, sponsor and there will also be a host and performers. The
event will be held at Kamayan Beach Resort on August 27, 2021 at 3:00 pm to 9:00
pm. The estimated cost of this event is 82,000.00. The two months preparation of
the event will surely be more than enough to make this event a big success.
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
The chosen venue has sufficient capacity and facilities as well as other
equipments in case there will be needing of alternative equipments. The
company will also make sure that there will be enough securities to minimize
risk as for as possible.
Celebrating 18th birthday is one of the most memorable and
unforgettable moment may that may happen in one's life,and also most
awaited time for young girls who are turning 18.Celebrating it is not for
everyone to impress them but to thank God, family and loved ones for their
undying love, guidance, support and everything for the the whole 18 years of
being in your side.Everyone will surely enjoy for this is going to be a fun party
with entertainments and fun activities indoor and outdoor of the event
venue.The light operators will be instructed to use the light strategically to
create certain mood as well as the music.Not every birthday needs to be
classy or grand as long as your loved ones are there to celebrate it with you,it
is more than special.


Beca turns 18 Beach Party is about celebrating the most awaited day of
Hazel,this is to make her day extra special and also part of fulfilling their family
tradition.This event is a great chance to have a family togetherness,as well as to
have bonding with friends.This will also be a great opportunity for the company
to gain more knowledge and skills in managing and organizing an event.

This event will be attended by the event organizers,

planners, family, friends, sponsors and the host.The event is to be held at
Kamayan Beach Resort and all attendees are required to wear hawaiian
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
attire.The event will be on August 27,2021 at exactly 3:00 pm to 9:00
pm.The tentative computation of the event would cost 82,000.00


These are the following events that the company had successfully managed:

* Kc lyn's 18th Birthday

The event was attended by more than 100 visitors from relatives,
friends and some of her classmates, and was sponsored by the family and some
relatives abroad.

* Youth Summer Camp 2018

This event was a gathering for a religious purpose ,over

five hundred youths along with their parents participated in the event
including the organizers and the Sponsors which are the parents of the
youths.More than five hundred tickets were sold on the even for their
registration fee. The marketing channel used in this event was social
media , email and video.The event was held at Angel's Hills Retreat and
Formation Centre,Tagaytay City.

Market Characteristic:
The people invited in this event are the celebrants, relatives , family and
friends around different municipalities of oriental Mindoro,most of the visitors
will come from Roxas her birthplace.There are 50 to 100 attendees that will
participate on the event.The team will use flyers and social media for the
promotion of this event as well as invitations and giveaways.The company
created a facebook page for the advertisement of the coming event,this
advertisement is to inform the selected or invited attendees to attend on the
coming event .Recorded videos and photos will be uploaded on team's
facebook page and YouTube account . Having a high technology contribute a
lot in promoting this event . The Possible revenue sources of this event will
come from the sponsors which are the families, godparents and relatives of
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
the celebrant ,and by the use of these sponsors the event will be well planned
and going to be successful.

There will be no similar events that will happen on this date of the event.


The chosen venue ,the Kamayan Beach Resort has a large space and has a capacity to
accommodate 50 to 100 persons.The place is an open area in which visitors can swim where
they preffered to swim either in the pool or on the sea . It also has a spacious function hall
that fits for large gatherings .The event has two months preparation.

This event will require people with their assigned task, such as the
food attendants, event decorators ,technical operators, security staffs and the
host.The event will be on August 27,2021 that will start at 3:00 to 9:00 pm.
Technical materials supplies and equipment needed for this event includes
lights,sound systems, projector for the video presentation, extension wires ,
signage and other party supplies. On this event protocols are badly needed to
follow, attendees should wear face mask . Only with those invitations are
allowed to enter and drinking alcohol is prohibited as well as bringing sharp


Projected Revenue:

Sponsors 50,000.00

Family 50,000.00

Total 100,000.00

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
Venue Rental 10,000.00

Catering Services 10,000.00

Decorations(venue set up) 10,000.00

Technical services 10,000.00

Additional Manpower Services 10,000.00

Giveaways 2,000.00

Other expenses 5,000.00

Contingency fund 25,000.00

Total 82,000.00

Projected Profit 18,000.00



The venue is spacious and the attendees have options after the
main event whether they stay in the function hall or enjoy the pools or
even at the sea. The venue can also provide some technical equipments.
The company has an experienced event team and are focused on
customer service, plus the natural scenery is a great bonus.


The event needs more time to organize. The event team might be encounter
some technical problems, and lack of security personnel will make the event

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
There is no possible competition on the event. The company will also
have the opportunity to gain more valuable experience from this event to
be applied for future event.


Unpredictable weather may cause some challenge on outdoor

activities. Injuries while doing physical activities can also be a potential threat.


Based on the study conducted this event is feasible, to address the
following weakness and threats it is recommended that the event team should book
the venue month early before the event day. Follow up transactions from partners,
ready alternative equipments like sound system, lights, extensions wires, as well as
generators in case that there will be electric shortage, and add enough security
personnel for the safety of all the attendees throughout the entire event. The team
will also prepare medic, first aid kit and emergency vehicle service for emergency

G.List of Tasks with Assigned Personnel

Event manager : Jeny Rose

-Planning and Budgeting

-Ocular of potential venue

-Booking venue

-Create guest list

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
-Enlist party helpers

Or hire event staffs

-Make invitations

-Distribute invitations

-Choose partners

-Select team

-Finalize theme venue

Asst. Manager: Jay Ann

-Secure transactions/Handle follow up transactions

-Assist client

-Coordinate with catering manager and staffs

-Ensure the security

-Maintain party tables

-Make risk management plan

Event Coordinator: Fatima

-Create event proposals

-Responsible for setting up decorations/ stage design

-Coordinate with event entertainers.

-Direct sound and light operators

-Coordinate with security/ staff

-Order party supplies

-Secure equipments
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
-Secure approval

-Secure video presentation

H. Schedule

WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Planning and X
Assist client X
Create event X
Ocular of X
potential venue
Book a venue X X
Enlist party X
event staff
Select team X
Choose partners X
Make invitations X
Finalize theme X
date and venue
Coordinate with X X
Create guest list X
Secure X
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
Coordinate with
Sponsors 50,000.00 50,000.00
Family 50,000.00 50,000.00 Make risk
TOTAL 100,000.00 100,000.00 plan

EXPENSES : Distribute

Venue Rental 10,000.00 10,000.00 Order other

party supplies
Catering Service 10,000.00 10,000.00
Ensure security
Decorations and Set -up 10,000.00 10,000.00
Technical Sevice 10,000.00 10,000.00
Secure approval
Manpower Serviced 10,000.00 10,000.00
Giveaways 2,000.00 2,500.00 Coordinate with
light/ sound
Other Expenses 5,000.00 4,500.00
Contingency fund 25,000.00 25,000.00
Secure video
Total 82,000.00 82,000.00 presentations
Projected Profit 18,000.00 18,000.00
Double check
Set stage design

I. Financial Report

J. Permits
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Address: Sitio Dalahican Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Contact Details: 09171692377/ 0988124538

To whom it may concern,

This is to authorize Elysian event management to hold and celebrate an 18

birthday celebration here at Kamayan Beach Resort on August 27, 2021 at 3pm-
9pm. As a proof of our approval, you may see our signature below.

Your's sincerely,

( Owner of Kamayan Beach Resort)

K. Venue Selection
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

The Elysian event management Planner and Organizers chose

Kamayan Beach Resort to be the venue of this event because it is price -
friendly . The venue offers a big and spacious function hall which can
accommodate 50 - 100 people or more.
The event venue has also plenty of parking to accommodate vehicles .
The parking lot is also well- lit and safe essential for night time events. The
venue has its inhouse facilities, table, chairs, accessible bathrooms, outlets
and AV capabilities for the team to use. In house generators are also
available in case of electric storage and clean up crew that can help to
maintain the cleanliness of the venue.
The Elysian events management can ensure that the attendees can
have a great time because the venue has relaxing ambiance, the beach has a
great view which also help the venue to achieve the perfect ambiance. The
venue has a very welcoming and comfortable waiting lounge/recieving area
as well as prepared walk ways, available wheelchairs for who have special
needs. The venue is a perfect option because of its accessible environment,
sufficient amenities and also suitable for all kinds of attendees.

Floor Plan/ Stage Design

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Ocular visitation
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

L. . Marketing Strategies
The Elysian event management created facebook, Youtube account,
Flyers and Invitations . Recorded videos/photos will be uploaded on the
team's facebook page this following channels will serve as a tools to promote
further information about the company as well as for the coming events.
Marketing channels/Marketing tools
 Video
 Social Media(facebook Page)(Youtube account)
 Inv
 Fly
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Sponsorship letter



Dear, Mr./Mrs. Sponsor

Have a great day!

I sent you this letter to inform you on my 18th birthday this coming August 27, 2021.
You are one of my chosen sponsor on my birthday. With your presence and support
my birthday would become extra special for me. And I would take this opportunity for
us to bond together, so as our family.

I am counting on you and your response. Thank you!

Sincerely yours,
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology


Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

N. Onsite Actvities

 Check the condition of the whole venue
 Set up stage/design and decorations/ set up the whole venue.
 Rehearse the team/briefing.
 Ensure the safety of all the equipments and the whole venue from possible
threats and risks.
 Prepare the guest list
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
 Check all the party supplies/ technical equipments
 Prepare first aid kit and emergency vehicles
 Check the availability of parking area.
 Divide team and the Personnels according to their assign tasks.
 Prepare alternatives
 Double check everything

 Invocation Prayer
 Introduction of the Debutante, her escort, her cotillion court
 Toast in honor of the Debutante
 Welcome remarks (By the parents)
 Father and Daughter dance
 Dining
 Grant Cotillion Waltz Dance
 Audio Visual Presentation of Debutante from infancy to present
 18 Roses Dance
 18 Candles Presentation
 18 Gifts Presentation
 Singing of traditional debutante's Birthday song
 Blowing of the candle/ cutting of cake
 Games
 A word from the Debutante
 Time to party

 Clean the whole venue
 Sort and Organize all the materials used
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
 Send thank you's
 Encourage feedback
 Debrief as a team
 Pay Manpower services
 Acknowledge all partners and team for being part of the event that made it

O. Risk Management Plan

Name of event:Beca turn's 18 Organized by:Elysian events

Venue: Kamayan Beach Resort Date:August 27, 2021

Risks Description What should you do?

What to do to To mitigate or To mitigate losses

prevent the risks. lessen losses after it happened.
when the risks
Trip and Falls/ Ready or put Make sure that Provide medical
possible injury signage on wet emergency assistance, if
areas, mop and vehicles are ready severe, bring the
sweep debris and ensure that injured person to
floors, clean all their is immediate the nearest
spills immediately . assistance of hospital .
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
Technical Make sure that all Unplug all cables Develop
malfunction/ technical and consider any comprehensive
electrical shortage equipments are electrical as live plan, always ready
not faulty,check all during an power alternative
the wirings to outage as power equipment during
avoid technical can return at any power outage and
challenges . time or use check all electrical
alternative power wirings to avoid
supply like damage of
generator. equipments.
Fire Ensure that the Make sure to have Bring all the
fire alarms are all contacts with fire attendees to safer
working and fire department and place, check and
extinguishers are check all the save undamaged
always ready. equipments that equipments.
could easily cause

P.Monitoring and Evaluation

These monitoring and evaluation is a process that will help improve the
company's performance to achieve the desired results. It will provide details
and information when improvements can be made.

Evaluation form

Event attendees evaluation and feedbacks

Kamayan Beach Resort ,Dalahican Roxas Oriental Mindoro

August 27, 2021, 3pm - 9pm

Thank you for taking time to help evaluate the event,

Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
Event: Beca turn's 18 Beach Party Date: August 27,

1= Outstanding 2= Very Good. 3= Average. 4= Ok





_FACILITIES(Appropriate for the event, room size, set up, temperature,






Comments and Recommendations:

Terminal Report

Elysian Events Management

Terminal Report

This terminal report shows the studies that should be conducted to fulfill the
necessary requirements in planning an event when the subject Introduction to
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology
Every team members has some specific skills, to complete diffirent tasks for
the organization of the event plan.

Roles and Responsibilities of each team member:

 Company's mission  Event title (estimated and

and vision  Listed the task with actual)

 Made the concept assigned Personnels  Handled permits

 Made the marketing (clearances)
strategies and  Made the
 Assigned to
created the sponsorship
scheduling (Gantt
promotional Letter
materials  Created risk
 Selected the venue
 Listed the Onsite management plan
in terms of cost,
activities.  Made the thank
charm and
you letters.
 Created the
invitations and
program ( Event
 Made the
monitoring and
evaluation form.

The whole team also conducted the step by step process of the feasibility
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

Q.Thank you letter

June 11, 2021

Dear, Ms. Mary Elaine Gabayno

The Elysian event management team would like to thank you for this feasibility
study and event management planning project, in this way the company are looking
forward on what adjustment and preparation the company should do in the future.
This study that we had conducted will be very useful as a guide just in case that the
team will handle same event or even different event. Study teaches the team on how
to plan and make an event become successful. The team are thankful for having an
idea in managing event.

Sincerely, Jeny Rose Montoya

Jay ann Montoya

Fatima Obciana
Paradigm Colleges of Science and Technology

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