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Local governments need to understand their potential role in supporting private sector development

and creating an environment for economic growth. Investment in physical infrastructures, such as roads,
water, telecommunication services, and electricity is an important pre-condition for economic growth.
In discussing the first implication, local governments should create a somewhat action plan on how they
would be able to support the further development of private sectors which in turn will create economic
growth which favors the whole population. Not being able to comprehend their status and condition in
future development will affect the economy, which either may be their downfall or their survival. For
further growth of the economy, investments in infrastructure may undoubtedly raise the economy of a
certain area/country. Improved water supply, where there are still places wherein clean water is not
available to the masses. Better telecommunication services offer the following, Improved Efficiency in
Communication, Boosts Flexibility in Working Place, Improves Team Work, Boosts Customer Relations,
Services, Saves Time, Costs, Office Space, Boosts Economy, Encourages Education, Enhanced Flexibility,
and so much more. All of these are stepping stones to achieve higher economic growth and to further
solidify the basis of a decentralized economy may it be on the topic of business or education.


5 Advantages of Telecommunication_Unified Communications_ezTalks_Video Conferencing, Webinar,

Online Meeting, Screensharing Tips and Reviews. (2021). Retrieved 6 August 2021, from

The impact of decentralisation on economic growth - GSDRC. (2011). Retrieved 6 August 2021, from

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