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Be it childish or whatnot but my favorite book that really inspired me is Bridge to Terabithia, and its

main character, Jesse Aarons and Leslie Burke. Between the two, I much favor Jesse as He and I have
somewhat the same attitude and imagination. Amidst the hardships He had gone through, when He met
Leslie, at first He wasn’t a fan because of her attitude that rivals his, but after getting to know her, they
had fun. Creating the world of Terabithia means having control on what happens, as one may say, your
imagination is your only limitation. For me, Terabithia symbolizes their childhood innocence wherein it is
their ideal world where they can act, imagine, and be free. The somewhat downside to Terabithia being
presented as the innocence of childhood, it also serves as a reminder that there is no escape from the
real world and that Terabithia is not a permanent escape. I also learned that the learning to love those
around you and always cherish the time you currently have with them as your last encounter with them
may be your last for everything must come to an end, even in the fantasy world they made to express
themselves, their dreams, and inner desires.

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