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The Phandalin Job

The Ghoul Sorceror Kazgar Blackfang strengthens his hold on the lands around Phandalin
The guild adventurous have failed to stem the flow of undeath flowing from the old silver mine
The Lords Alliance have demanded action, but offer one last chance for a determined group of adventurers
Failure this time will force the Lords to summon its levies and send a battering ram to deal with Blackfang and his cohort. This is
a time sensitive mission and such draws extra pay upon successful completion

10,000 GP for the head of Kazgar Blackfang
+5000 GP if complete within 2 weeks

Once the Mine is up and running, party will receive a 10% profit share for 2 years [approx 500-900GP per quarter] paid directly
to your Guild accounts. If the party are successful in dealing with the Ghouls, the mine will be up and running in 3+1d6 months

Equipment available before departure

10 x Healing Potions 35Gp each
5 x Greater Healing 75Gp each
2 x Superior Healing 350Gp each
1 x Supreme Healing 1000Gp each

1x Keoughtoms Ointment [3 doses] 270Gp

1x Keoughtoms Ointment [5 doses] 450Gp
1x Keoughtoms Ointment [2 doses] 180Gp

Journey Times & Incidents

City Without to Thornhold: 5 days

Thornhold to the ruins of Leilon via the Mere of Dead Men: 4 days. Mere is ½ day from Thornhold to ½ day away from Leilon

Leilon to Phandalin: 1 day

Incident: City Without to Thornhold

Pretty safe, 1 random encounter roll 10-11-Eye. Coastal Table

Incident: Thornhold to the ruins of Leilon via the Mere of Dead Men
Encounter undead
Zombie Troll, use Laketroll [TOB 389] Radiant Damage stops Regen
Some ghosts/wraiths

Incident: Leilon to Phandalin

Skill Challenge getting to the Mine 6 Successes required, you will get there, but what happens along the way
DC 14 DC 16 DC 18 DC 20
Nature Religion Arcana Animal Handling
Perception Acrobatics Insight History
Stealth Intimidation Deception Medicine
Survival Persuasion Investigation Performance
Athletics Sleight of Hand
Pass ⃝⃝⃝⃝⃝⃝
Fail ⃝⃝⃝
If they fail, the party will be ambushed in the ruins of Phandalin by a an Iron Ghoul, 2 Imperial Ghouls [TOB 220-221]
A Dwarf built fortress that has weathered many assaults stands on a low hill overlooking the High Road. Since the Blue Fire a
small walled village has grown up around the base of the formidable walls of Thornhold. Clan Stoneshaft run this impromptu
caravan stop for traders and travellers who brave the High Road through the Mere of the Dead

Marata Stoneshaft, Female Dwarf Battle Master, leader of Thornhold
Kek Stoneshaft, Male Dwarf Cleric of Vergadain, Husband of Thornhold

Wildreth, Male ½ Elf, proprietor of the Drunken Troll

Killi Brightblade, Male Dwarf, proprietor of the Brightblade trading Hall

A number of refugees from Phandalin are here, the party can pickup some useful info
 Phandalin fell about 5 weeks ago
 There was a number of assaults of undead from the mine, which were repulsed, but eventually Ghouls and Ghasts
began to appear leading the undead
 The Leader, Blackfang gave an ultimatum, leave or perish, we left!
 Those that stayed are most likely dead, any survivors might be at Leilon
Phandalin NPC's: Brisco, Ormen, Kolas, Andor, Uvo, Zaria [F], Kaitlin [F], Andra [F], Willow [F]

The ruins of Leilon

This once thriving village fell to raiders some 10 years ago and never recovered. It became stopover for caravans and travellers
on the High Road. An enterprising Halfling merchant financed the building of a fenced stockade and ditch to offer respite from
the road. Now with the coming of the undead, its become a forward Battle Camp for troops of the Lord Alliance from Never
Winter and the City Without. A small number of "mercenary personal" have set up camp here, assisting the regular troops

A small number of survivors from the final days of Phandalin are here, they can corroborate the info the players [should] have
from Thornhold, mostly miners and support staff.

Lord Alliance NPC's

Sir Tristain Duvak, Male Human Champion, Field Commander of the 3 rd Foot and lance
Shi Hieng, Female Human, Wizard, Arcane Support Lead

Captain Illithwith Ammerkyl, Male Elf, Eldrich Knight

Adjutant Rumathan Moonstar, Female Elf, Bard

Quarter Master Croft, Human


Mercenary NPC's
Andavar, Male Fighter/Cleric of Red Night
Hoeth, Male Elf, Ranger and leader of the Green Ward

Phandalin NPC's:
Illias, Giles, Warder, Helman, Syvon, Cartan, Merry [F], Eleth [F] Sarra [F], Kat [F], Mera [F]
A mining town now under the sway of Kazgar Blackfang

Phandalin Mine
A mining now under the sway of Kazgar Blackfang

Map of above ground workings

Map of mine

Map of Old Temple

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