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Name : odendo calistus

Course : craft certificate in fashion and design

Index : 741105|663
Chapter one

1.0 business description

1.1 the sponsor

The proposed business will be owned by Odendo Calistus, 20 years of age and a Christian who is a
Kenyan by birth and single. The business owner attended St Peters Primary Boarding and Day School
from 2006 – 2013. He later joined Butula Boys High School from 2014 – 2017 where he completed his
secondary studies. He is currently at the Kisumu National Polytechnic doing his Craft Certificate in
Fashion and Design.

1.2 nature of the business

1.2.1 business name and address

The proposed business will be named Odendo’s Shoe and Clothe Designs and will deal with selling of the
latest clothes and shoes. The business will be located in Nairobi town near Railways past the Nairobi
Railway Station. The contact of the business owner is 0705465281 and as
the email address.

1.2.2 business purpose

The proposed business will be essential in creating more business opportunities for the youth who will
help in the delivery.

1.2.3 form of the business ownership

The proposed business will be owned by an individual thus making it a sole proprietorship. The reason
for choosing sole proprietorship is to enable the owner run the business with much ease

1.2.4 business location

The proposed business will be located in Nairobi town on your way to the Nairobi Railways Station. The
reason for choosing the above location was its accessibility to the town hence will enable easy delivery
to different clients. The proposed business being near a police station will act as a boost to security
hence enable the smooth running of the business.

1.3 the industry

The business will fall under the Textile Industry since it’s based on clothing and designs. Being new in the
business has short comings such as stiff competition from individuals with the same business. Getting of
a government work permit is costly and considering the fact that the Business is new. The rates of
returns are also likely to be minimal because of being new in the business.

1.4 products or services

The proposed business will contain designer clothes and the latest shoe designs for both men and
women. There will be customization of goods on a client’s request to enable clients buy more of our
products. The products delivered will always be original and new for the clients to enjoy the best

1.5 business goals/objectives

1.5.1 short term goals

The business will be able to identify its customers hence making it much easier to improve on the
products. The business will be able to have an improved customer care for its clients. The business will
have at least one branch in another town to enable more accessibility to the products.

1.5.2 long term goals

The business will have a variety of new and latest products to attract more customers to buy our
products. The business will have different branches in some parts of the country to make accessibility of
the products more easier. The business will employ individuals who will help in the facilitating of

1.6 justification of the business opportunity

The reasons for choosing shoes and clothe designs is because the owner has acquired skills that will be
essential in running the business with much ease. The skills have been acquired due to the fact that the
owner has done a course in fashion and design.

1.7entry and growth strategy

1.7.1 entry strategy

The proposed business wil use different platforms i.e facebook, Instagram, twitter etc to advertise its
products. This will enable people form different parts of the country to have access to our products.
There will be offers on certain products to enable customers buy more. The products will also be
affordable to all the clients.

1.7.2 growth strategy

The business will offer high quality products to attract customers. Skilled employees will also be
employed to help in selling of products. Delivery will be done in just a day depending on the client’s
Chapter two

2.0 marketing plan

The products will be sold in different types of customers depending on the demand. Potential customers
will always get their products ready. The institutional customers will only get their products on order to
avoid losses.

2.2 competition

Trend designs and lucky drift designs are the competitors of the business. Trend designs have their
products in four major towns in the country while lucky drift designs are located in Nairobi and Kisumu.
The mentioned competitors have a good record on their goods hence makes it trustworthy and
preferred by a lot of people. The proposed business will offer goods at a cheaper price and there will be
plenty of offers at different intervals depending on the number of products the clients has purchased.

Name of the Business Strength Weakness

Trend Designs Have a good number of clients Too expensive
Sell original products Takes time to deliver
Lucky Drift Designs Has offers for clients who Too expensive
purchase many products
Odendo’s Designs Affordable prices for clients Few clients

2.3 market size or share

proposed business will have a population between 10,000 – 20,000 people.

2.4 pricing strategy

The prices of the products will be determined by the labour used to get the products. The prices will still
favor the client. The client’s location will also influence the price of the product since a client will have to
pay for transport fee incase he/she is not around the towns the businesses is located. The higher the
demand of the product will lead to increase in price of the products. However, the prices will still be set
on the client’s budget.

2.5 sales tactics

The proposes business will start by selling products directly to customers by advertising them on
different social media platforms. The business will later use brand names to attract more customers.

2.6 advertising and promotion strategy

2.6.1 advertising program

The business will use advertisement to enable customers have a better knowledge of the business and
encourage people to buy the products.

2.7 distribution strategy

There will be wide distribution of the products all over the country. Clients within the business premises
will enjoy free delivery while those not close to the business premises will be required to pay parcel fee.
New customers tend to have insecurities of their products getting delivered. The business will always
have the receipt of the product delivered to avoid loss of products of the client. There will be different
branches that will sell same products as the one located in the city’s headquarters.

2.8 customer services

Clients will have warranties of at least two weeks to return products that they feel are not satisfying
them. They will have an option of taking other products that have similar price as the one they don’t like
or have their money refunded. The products will be packed in special boxes designed by the business to
enable easy delivery of the products

Chapter 3

3.0 organizational and management plan

3.1 organizational structure

Assistant manager



Store keeper

3.2 key management personnel

Title Qualifications Duties| responsibilities

manager Degree in fashion and design Head of the business
Assistant manager Diploma in fashion and design  Helps the manager in the smooth
running of the business.
 In charge of the business in the
absence of the manager
Treasurer Degree in accounting In charge of accounts and keeping transaction

3.3 support staff

Title Qualifications Duties| responsibilities

Driver KCSE certificate Deliver parcels within the
Gone to driving school and acquired a business premises
driving license
Store keeper Diploma in business management Keep records of the number of
products in the store
3.4 recruitment, training and promotion

3.4.1 recruitment policy

More employees will be recruited to help in the easy running of the business. The employees will work
closely with the manager to ensure the business runs smoothly. The employees will be recruited
according to their academic qualifications i.e must have must have completed secondary education.

3.4.2 training policy

The employees will be trained further to make them get familiar with the business. The employees will
be asked questions about the business to make sure they have better knowledge of the business.
Employees who have been trained will have better knowledge of the business thus enabling its smooth

3.4.3 promotion policy

Workers with a good work rate will get a chance to get promoted and have an increase on their salaries
hence encouraging commitment and hardwork in the business. Workers who have been promoted will
work harder to get to the top which will help in the massive growth of the business.

3.5 remuneration

TITLE NUMBER SALARY (per month Ksh) SALARY (per year ksh)
manager 1 60,000 720,000
Assistant manager 1 40,000 480,000
Treasurer 1 30,000 360,000
Driver 2 30,000 360,000
Store keeper 3 30,000 360,000
TOTAL 2,280,000

3.6 Legal requirements

3.6.1 licensing/permits

The business will acquire a single permit from the government which will cost Ksh.20,000 and will last
for two years.

3.6.2 compliances

The business will strictly adhere to all government regulations such making sure the business is not
running past 9 pm.

3.7 support services

The business will be insured by an insurance company to avoid losses during accidents such as fire. After
the Business becomes stable, a loan from a bank will help the grow the business.

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