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From: Lee Cary [lee.cary@att.

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 7:00 AM
To: Ballentine, Anne C. []
Subject: further media inquiry
Anne Ballentine
Media Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
400 W. River Woods Parkway
Glendale, WI 53212

Dear Ms. Ballentine,

Earlier this week I sent Lori Holly the e-mail copied below my signature. I haven't received a confirmation of receipt so I'm not
sure if she received it or if she's out of the office. I'd appreciate it if you'd look into this and could get back to me today with the
status of my inquiry.

Thank you for time and for any help.


Dr. Lee Cary

Writer, Andrew Breitbart's Big Government, and the American Thinker
PO Box 1309
Little Elm, Texas 75068
From: Lee Cary
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 6:50 AM
Subject: media inquiry

Lori Holly
Media Relations, St. Joseph Hospital
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
400 W. River Woods Parkway
Glendale, WI 53212

Dear Ms. Holly,

I'm reporting a story about the Save-A-Life Foundation, a Chicago-area nonprofit. According to a November 2007 Wheaton-
Franciscan newsletter:

The Wisconsin Save a Life Foundation, based at St. Joseph, provides basic first-aid education to children ages four through
eighteen throughout southeastern Wisconsin. This summer, the Greater Milwaukee Association of REALTORS® Youth
Foundation donated $2,000 to the St. Joseph Foundation to further these efforts.

The program provides age-appropriate instruction to area schools, clubs and other children’s groups. Young children learn how
to contact emergency personnel. Third to fifth graders find out how to open a victim’s obstructed airway and to safely deliver
the Heimlich maneuver. The curriculum for older children adds rescue breathing techniques. “Bystander Basics” for teens
provides step-by-step instructions on providing emergency assistance until help arrives. The sixteen instructors include
registered nurses from St. Joseph’s Emergency Department, as well as firefighters and police officers.

1) Would you please provide me with a list of all Save-A-Life Foundation training classes which have been co-ordinated and/or
conducted since the inception of the program at St. Joseph? Please include the dates of the classes, the locations where the
classes were held, and the names of the trainers who conducted the classes.

2) Would you also provide me with a separate list with those same details for all classes that were paid for with the $2,000
donation from the Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors?

3) Would you please provide me with the names of the sixteen instructors mentioned in the newsletter?

Thanks for your attention to my request and I look forward to receiving the requested information, preferably by Friday,
December 17. If you require more time, please advise and I'll do my best to accommodate your schedule.

Lee Cary
Writer, Andrew Breitbart's Big Government, and the American Thinker
PO Box 1309
Little Elm, Texas 75068


Mike Ruzicka, President

Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors


From: Ballentine, Anne C.

To: Lee Cary
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: further media inquiry

I will check but I'm curious about the level of detail you are seeking. What is the nature of your story?


From: Ballentine, Anne C.

To: Lee Cary
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: further media inquiry

Lee, I was able to reach Lori and she did receive your request. The person she would get information from is currently out of
town. As I asked earlier today, we would still like to know more about the nature of your story and the request for this level of
detail. Thanks, Anne

Anne Ballentine
Vice President - Communication & Public Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
(414) 465-3605
Fax: (414) 465-3601

From: Lee Cary

To: Anne Ballentine
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 4:40 PM
Subject: Fw: Fw: further media inquiry

Anne: This is one of those stories that I'm not sure yet how it will turn out, partly because it depends on the information you
provide in response to my questions.

Will you also please let me know if Mark Mitchell DO is still employed by any of your offices? If so, what's his job title? If he's no
longer employed there, what were his dates of employment?

Thanks and have a good weekend - Lee

From: Lee Cary
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 3:34 PM
Subject: media inquiry


Happy 2011 and I hope you had a good holiday season.

What's the status of my 12/14 and 12/17 inquiries? Looking forward to your reply, thanks.

Lee Cary


From: Ballentine, Anne C.

To: Lee Cary
Cc: Marquardt, Shelli ; Holly, Lori
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 5:52 PM
Subject: media inquiry

Happy New Year to you as well. I was actually awaiting your response to some of my questions. Here is some info in the
meantime based on your question from the year 2007:
 Save-A-Life Milwaukee (based at Wheaton Franciscan-St. Joseph) has been in existence since 2001.
 Annually, the largest number of presentations done by SAL Milwaukee are to the Milwaukee Public Schools.
Approximately 6,000 students were trained in 2007.
 SAL Milwaukee is loosely related to SAL National – in large part by name. Milwaukee follows American Heart
Association guidelines for CPR and its program.
 The most recent funding received by SAL Milwaukee from the Chicago location was in 2007 for a Scantron machine to
process post-presentation knowledge/retention of participants.
 All Milwaukee presentations are funded through local corporate partnerships or Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
 Mark Mitchell served as Medical Director for the Milwaukee program while he was at St. Joseph. He was an
independent Emergency Department physician whose group was contracted with us at the time. He was on the
National SAL Board out of Chicago.
 The instructors who have been presenting for SAL Milwaukee have remained almost identical since the program began
here. Fourteen are still with the program
1. Doran Kemp Sr.
2. Doran Kemp II
3. Jon Voelz
4. Kurt Harthum
5. Jeffery Beamon
6. Johnnie Tangle Jr.
7. Oshi Adellabu
8. Lessandra Morel
9. Julian Gladney
10. Marvin Coleman
11. Angela Panfil
12. Shane Berry-Wright
13. Connie Skier
14. Erin Thompson

Some of the information you requested is not available at this time. Hope this helps.
Thanks, Anne
Anne Ballentine
Vice President - Communication & Public Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
(414) 465-3605
From: Lee Cary
Cc: ;
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 7:47 AM
Subject: media inquiry cont.


Thanks you so much for the information.

>Annually, the largest number of presentations done by SAL Milwaukee are to the Milwaukee Public Schools. Approximately
>6,000 students were trained in 2007.

1. What are the names of the schools and the dates in which the training took place in 2007? Was there training in the
Milwaukee Schools in other years? If so, which years?

2. When and where was the most recent training class in the Milwaukee Schools? When and where did the the most recent
class that was not in the Milwaukee Schools take place?

3. Are training manuals and/or other written materials provided to students?

>The most recent funding received by SAL Milwaukee from the Chicago location was in 2007 for a Scantron machine to
>process post-presentation knowledge/retention of participants.

4. What was the amount of the funding? Was the Scantron machine purchased? If so, what was the cost of the machine, the
purchase date, and where is the machine located?

>Mark Mitchell served as Medical Director for the Milwaukee program while he was at St. Joseph.

5. What were Dr. Mitchell's dates of employment at St. Joseph? What's the name of the group or locums agency that placed

Thanks for your continued help, and I look forward to receiving the information.




From: Ballentine, Anne C.

To: Lee Cary
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 10:24 AM
Subject: RE: media inquiry cont.

Lee, because our program has just one employee who is focused on her role, we do not have the resources to research your
detailed request. I can tell you that the program has been in existence here since 2001 and yes, we have had training every
year through the present.

Anne Ballentine
Vice President - Communication & Public Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
(414) 465-3605
Fax: (414) 465-3601

From: Lee Cary
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 12:44 PM
To: Ballentine, Anne C.
Subject: RE: media inquiry cont.


In that case, if you would, please provide me with the names of the Milwaukee Schools in which the 2007 training of
approximately 6000 students was conducted.

Thank you for your continued help and I look forward to receiving that information.



From: Ballentine, Anne C.

To: Lee Cary
Cc: Marquardt, Shelli
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 4:15 PM
Subject: FW: media inquiry cont.

We’ll try to have something for you early next week.

Anne Ballentine
Vice President - Communication & Public Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
(414) 465-3605
Fax: (414) 465-3601

From: Ballentine, Anne C.
Subject: FW: media inquiry cont.
To: Lee Cary
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 5:05 PM


Our targeted area in 2006-2007 was the greater Milwaukee area and its surrounding communities including Brown Deer,
Grafton, Wauwatosa, Greenfield, and Germantown to name a few. The focus was on health fairs, after school events, and Boy
Scouts and Girl Scout camps.

*26 Save A Life presentations were given at the above schools.

In August of 2007 SALF partnered with V100.7 and Jam for Peace for a two day event where 4700 were in attendance. Save A
Life did 4 class presentations in the two day sessions.

In June of 2007 Save A Life did training at Olin-Sang Institute Camp for training of both AHA Heartsaver and Bystander Basic.

In 2007 Save A Life worked with Mr. Jim Hunzinger and Troup number 124 Boys Scout in the Brookfield area for Bystander
Basic training.

From: Lee Cary
Subject: media inquiry cont.
To: Anne Ballentine
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 2:22 AM


Thank you for this information. At the moment I'm focusing on the training done in the Milwaukee Schools. The three-column
box list you provided was helpful.

1) What's the name (or names) of the Milwaukee Schools liason employee(s) with whom your office arranged these 2006/07
training classes?

2) Can you provide me with a similar list for the other years in which the program was offered in the Milwaukee Schools?
Your continued help is appreciated.



From: Ballentine, Anne C.

Subject: Re: media inquiry cont.
To: Lee Cary
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 4:08 AM

We need to understand why you are requesting this level of detail. What are you trying to show?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Lee Cary
Subject: media inquiry cont.
To: Anne.Ballentine
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 4:26 PM

Anne, it's dard operating procedure for any good reporter, Anne. I need to verify the information you provided with a
representative of the Milwaukee Schools. I can try to do so via the Schools media rep, but the shortest distance from A to B
would likely be for me to check with the Milwaukee Schools employee(s) with whom your office arranged the program(s). Lee


From: Ballentine, Anne C.

Subject: RE: media inquiry cont.
To: Lee Cary
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 4:49 PM

Please call me to discuss.

Anne Ballentine
Vice President - Communication & Public Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
(414) 465-3605
Fax: (414) 465-3601

From: Lee Cary
Subject: RE: media inquiry cont.
To: Anne C.Ballentine
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 6:12 PM


I'm on the Big Island of Hawaii on vacation where internet service, where I am, is strange (hence "standard" ended up "dard" in
last email I sent). I'm back home on TX the first week in Feb and will then continue conversation then.

Suffice to say, for now, that I, and a handful of other web writers, have been delving into SALF for nearly a year now and are
finding some interesting, let's say, irregularities. I surfaced and reported to the IL AG's office that the organization did not report
$853,709 in state and federal grants during its lifetime. The AG is investigating. I, and others, are following the money.



From: Ballentine, Anne C.

Subject: RE: media inquiry cont.
To: Lee Cary
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 8:50 PM

We do not currently receive funds from the national organization of SALF and never received ongoing funds. In our entire
history we have received a gift in 2007 of $5,528.80 for a Scantron machine we previously told you about. In 2006 we received
a $14,560 grant from the national SALF for educational materials and classroom instruction. This covered a small portion of our
actual expenses for the project that year. Other grants we receive from outside organizations are reported by us on our own
990 and do not roll up to the parent organization.

Anne Ballentine
Vice President - Communication & Public Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
(414) 465-3605
Fax: (414) 465-3601


From: Lee Cary

To: Ballentine, Anne C.
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 12:16 PM
Subject: Final media inquiry


Finally, made it home to Dallas! It's an industrial-strength mess here.

This article
from Western Illinois University last September, should help explain why I, and others, are still pursuing this story. Also, a legal
immigrant from Cameroon, named Annabel Melango remains jailed in the Cook County Jail charged, initially, with having
corrupted SALF's computer records, and then for having taped procedural conversations with a court clerk concerning her
case. This April, she will have been jailed for a year on a $300,000 bail.

First, thanks for the information you've already provided. Just a few final inquiries, Anne.

1) Still hoping to obtain from you the name(s) of the Milwaukee Schools employee(s) with whom your office arranged the

2) Also, what training materials were provided to participants in the classes? Were they given a manual? If so, can you send
me a copy? My mailing address is below.

3) "The most recent funding received by SAL Milwaukee from the Chicago location was in 2007 for a machine to process post-
presentation knowledge/retention of participants" - you stated. What were the results of the data you obtained from the
Scantron cards?

Thanks for your continued help.

Dr. Lee Cary


From: Ballentine, Anne C.

To: Lee Cary
Cc: Marquardt, Shelli
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 5:30 PM
Subject: SALF Final media inquiry

Please see additional answers below.

Anne Ballentine
Vice President - Communication & Public Relations
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
(414) 465-3605
Fax: (414) 465-3601

From: Marquardt, Shelli

Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 9:19 AM
To: Ballentine, Anne C.
Subject: RE: SALF Final media inquiry

1) Still hoping to obtain from you the name(s) of the Milwaukee Schools employee(s) with whom your office arranged the
We do not have names of the employees because the evaluations were sent to Chicago along with the scantron documents for
Chicago to process. The scantron machine was never based at St Joseph; it was always housed in Chicago. At some point
around early 2007, we were unable to get scantron supplies from SALF Chicago, so we eliminated scantron and went to
adding a second follow-up class to determine retention of information.

2) Also, what training materials were provided to participants in the classes? Were they given a manual? If so, can you send
me a copy? My mailing address is below.
Beginning around September of 2006, St Joseph started to transition away from SALF Chicago and utilizing SALF materials
because of changes in American Heart Association guidelines. SALF Chicago had not updated their materials. Prior to going
to American Heart materials, a booklet entitled Save A Life Bystander Basics (30 pages) was provided.
3) "The most recent funding received by SAL Milwaukee from the Chicago location was in 2007 for a machine to process post-
presentation knowledge/retention of participants" - you stated. What were the results of the data you obtained from the
Scantron cards?
We were under the understanding that Chicago needed the information for CDC reporting purposes. Attached are the
questions that students were asked to respond to.

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