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Many organizations find it challenging to

develop and deploy a truly integrated

strategic plan — particularly one that ties
to performance management efforts.
Here’s a case study that shows how one
organization—a federal agency —used the
Baldrige criteria to assess its strengths and
identify opportunities for improvement.

Using the Baldrige

Criteria to Assess
Strategic Planning:
A Case Study
Mary-jo Hall and his case study describes a concern that work force planning
Jacqueline Lawson T project at the Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) to
was not integrated with the
development of strategy. The
assess strategic planning using the contractor recommended that
Baldrige criteria. Strategic planning PBGC assess the overall strategy
was formalized at PBGC in 1998; development and deployment
however, as of 2002 a process was process in light of all aspects of
in place, but no formal written performance management.
description of the approach Members of the assessment team
existed. In an earlier effort, an included six internal consulting
independent contractor had staff members plus a manager from
conducted a study of PBGC, and a major organizational unit who
the contractor’s report expressed provided an operational perspective.


An external consultant with experience as a senior measures and information for planning, tracking,
Baldrige examiner designed and facilitated the analysis, and improvement at three levels:
assessment process. organizational, key process, and work unit.
To enhance
Assessment Scope organizational-
The primary objective was assessing the PBGC level alignment Malcolm Baldrige
strategic planning process based on a macro-view of and integration
its outcomes. Secondarily, the PBGC team learned there are several
about the 2002 Baldrige Performance Excellence elements to
Criteria. The senior executive team used the results of consider when Award
this macro-view to modify and guide the subsequent determining the
PBGC strategic planning cycle. critical path.
This includes
Process knowing the
The work sessions were designed for team learning, strategic direction or focus, understanding the
using a variant of the modality referred to as action customers and their requirements, having internal
learning. In this approach, intentional learning is processes to support customer requirements, and
combined with organizational problem solving or issue using measurements to monitor progress toward the
analyses. Action learning emphasizes team learning as desired state. These elements are anchored in a clear
much as the solution or end product that results from understanding of organizational challenges, strategic
team activities. goals, performance targets, and actual results.
During the assessment, the team learned the The first part of the critical path exercise is
Baldrige criteria by “using them” rather than by identifying key customer segments and prioritizing
listening to lectures or reading about the criteria. these customers. “Customer-driven excellence” is a
Tools used as part of the action learning process core value of the Baldrige criteria. The third Baldrige
included preparing “learning logs” and using outside category, “customer and market knowledge,” contains
reading to stimulate fresh ideas. Team members three items that address building relationships,
also benchmarked actual Baldrige and Presidential determining requirements, measuring satisfaction,
Quality Award applications and reviewed Baldrige and retention strategies.
publications, such as the 2002 Baldrige Performance After determining the key customer segments, the
Excellence Criteria. A storyboard of the assessment second phase in determining the critical path is listing
process and findings was also developed. requirements. This is followed by listing the internal
value-creation processes for the requirements and ends
Work/Content Tasks with the satisfaction measures.
The assessment started with an overview of After completing the critical path, the team:
the proposed process, expectations, deliverable • Completed the PBGC organizational profile. The
products, and some teaming strategies. These organizational profile was a high-level description
included using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator of the business environment; the key relationships
(MBTI), developing operating agreements, defining with customers, suppliers, and other partners;
roles and responsibilities, and developing a schedule the competitive environment, including the key
for the 15-week process. strategic challenges; and the performance
The first content task involved developing a critical improvement system.
path for alignment, a necessary step toward integration • Assessed PBGC against the seven Baldrige categories:
of processes that helps produce excellent organization- leadership, strategic planning, customer and market
wide results. In the 2002 criteria, “alignment” refers to focus, information and analysis, human resource
consistency of plans, processes, information, resource focus, process management, and business results. The
decisions, actions, results, analysis, and individual assessment used the item-level criteria as its basis.
learning to support key organization-wide goals. • Determined strengths and opportunities for
Effective alignment requires use of complementary improvement for each of the categories/items.


Findings/Recommendations While we now have many output measures, we need
The findings included overall organizational to incorporate both leading and lagging outcome
strengths and opportunities for improvement (not measures. These measures need to be balanced in
at the category level). The strengths are considered terms of financial, customer satisfaction, internal
leverage points and need continual evaluation for operations, and learning and growth of employees.
change and improvement. The opportunities for “A systematic approach to process management
improvement provide a guide for further aligning (assessment using outcome metrics) could complement
organizational systems, thereby increasing the customer-focused climate. This requires formal
integration and performance results. cycles of improvement (a standard continuous
The following strengths of PBGC were reported: improvement model) that are systematic throughout
1. People — including collaborative leadership styles, the corporation.
a team approach to work, and superb employees “There is a need to develop and implement a
who always get the job accomplished. human capital plan aligned with the strategic plan.
2. Processes — including many listening and learning It encompasses work force planning, succession
posts, extensive training, a quality assurance management, training and development,
program, and an operational monthly reporting performance management, labor-management
process (the Executive Information Report). relationships, and employee satisfaction.
3. Products—providing assurance for customers through “While we are data rich, we lack an integration
the continual and consistent collection of data and tool or model that fosters the collection, analyses,
information to improve products and services. sharing, and decision-making capability for our
4. Focus — including a clear mandate from Congress, data. This type of IT analytic tool forces the use of
as well as a customer-first way of thinking about quantitative data to assist in decision making and
the organization. contributes significantly to getting desired results.
5. Culture—including a healthy internal competitiveness “To improve collaboration and decision making, an
for success, an inherent flexibility that contributes understanding and active use of conflict management
to adjusting to changing customer requirements, techniques is required. Not having a corporate
and being proactive regarding organizational systematic approach that intentionally recognizes and
improvements. resolves conflicts delays progress toward our vision.”
The opportunities for improvement were determined The assessment as well as the opportunities for
in the context of criteria areas that did not score as improvement story indicated that PBGC managers
well. There was extensive would need to implement
discussion on what to multiple management
change in order to …self-discovery encouraged more practices (including
improve performance. ownership and commitment to process management and
Rather than prioritizing improvement, systems
and selecting two from change. …the team concluded that the thinking, strategy
a list, the team chose a process was an extremely effective development, value-stream
more systematic view and mapping, continuous
and efficient way to conduct the
connected the ideas via a process improvement,
story format. This story assessment. …the assessment project conflict management,
of enhancing performance was not an additional duty, but the use of quantitative
results by addressing data and planning and
the opportunities for
instead, demonstrated a better way to budget integration, and
improvement at PBGC was continually improve their daily work. performance management)
summarized as follows: to enhance performance.
“In order to provide With training and
assurance to our customers, we need to focus application in these areas, PBGC can move closer
strategic outcomes to enhance alignment with toward becoming a model high-performing
budget and incorporate human capital components. organization.


Next Steps workers and retirees in more than 32,000 private-
Because the team assessed the product of their sector defined benefit pension plans. It receives no
own work within the organization, they were able funds from general tax revenues. Operations are
to produce some suggested improvement actions financed largely by investment return and insurance
immediately. One immediate action was publishing premiums paid by companies that sponsor
a standard strategic development and deployment pension plans.
process that integrated the budget cycle, calendar • The Baldrige criteria are the international standards
year, and human capital initiatives. Another involved for assessing results-oriented organizations from a
developing and publishing a standard process for systems perspective. Members of the PBGC team
continuous improvement. The team also changed wanted to learn this approach in order to determine
the monthly reports format to use charts and graphs its applicability and effectiveness for corporate-
similar to those described in Category 7 of the 2002 wide assessment of PBGC. For information on
Baldrige Performance Excellence Criteria. the Baldrige National Quality Award see or call 301-975-2036.
Summary • Action learning has been extremely successful in
One of the major responsibilities of the team was organizations such as General Electric and Shell
preparing the leadership for its annual leadership Oil Company.
conference. This included briefing the leaders on the • The opinions expressed in this article are those of
assessment process and providing all of the assessment the authors and not necessarily of the organization.
products (the organizational profile, critical path
matrices, and findings/recommendations). All of these
products contributed to guiding the thinking around Mary-jo Hall is a professor at Defense Acquisition
future strategies.
University, where she addresses the human side of
An outside contractor could have completed the
program management, individual development, teaming,
entire assessment and given similar results; however,
leadership, and organizational performance/results. She
self-discovery encouraged more ownership and
also directs work force development and guides the
commitment to change. Based on their learning and
human capital strategies. Hall has served as an examiner,
engagement in the project, the team concluded that
senior examiner, and alumni examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National
the process was an extremely effective and efficient
way to conduct the assessment. They also agreed Quality Award program. She can be reached at 703-805-4943.
that the assessment project was not an additional
duty, but instead, demonstrated a better way to Jacqueline Lawson is a senior management and program
continually improve their daily work. analyst at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
(PBGC), a wholly-owned federal corporation. She has
Notes spent most of her 28 years at PBGC in management,
• PBGC is a federal corporation created under the and in the past five years in a group of internal
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. consultants that provides strategic planning, survey,
It currently guarantees payment of basic pension customer focus, change management, and facilitation services. You
benefits earned by nearly 44 million American may contact Lawson via e-mail at .


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