Case Study Week 5 82589861

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The purpose of these assignments is to provide opportunities for students to analyze business

decisions and identify quantitative techniques to resolve business problems.  Students are
expected to submit original work for this case study. Students should refer to the case study
outline below to determine how to best approach it and what to include:
Cases assigned for this week: Chapter 9 – Case 9.2 Westhouser Paper Company
The Case Study Report should include:
Report Outline (Use boldface terms/phrases below as section headers)
 Summary – In your own words, discuss the critical components of the case (up to 10%
of possible points)
 Key Concept/Problem Statement, Techniques, and Models – What is the key
concept related to this case and how could a) the problem be solved or b) situation be optimized
for better operations? What Operations Management/Management Science techniques and
models will be used and why? (up to 30% of possible points)
 Question Answers – Provide complete answers to all questions, referring to computer
printouts when appropriate. Printouts may be incorporated into the text of the report or as an
Appendix (up to 50% of possible points) 
 Conclusion – What did you learn by doing this case that helped you either understand
the material better or enable you to see how this topic does or could benefit your organization
(up to 10% of possible points).
The report should be no less than 2.5 pages, maximum length based on student’s writing ability. 
All papers should be typed, double-spaced, and APA formatted. If data readouts are necessary
from Palisade DecisionTools to answer the questions, data can be embedded in the paper
(creating longer paper, so included as appendices. 
Papers should be individually written. Cases should have a cover page that includes: Case Title,
Student Name, and Date of Submission.
Due Sunday, 11:59 p.m.

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