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SL paper 2, section C, sample F

Assessment criteria Marks awarded Marks available

Criterion A 4 4
Criterion B 4 4
Criterion C 3 4
Criterion D 4 4
Criterion E 4 4
Total 19 20

Examiner comments

Criterion A

The candidate shows a good understanding of the two concepts of innovation and ethics (defined early in
the essay) and of relevant business management theories and tools (e.g. the four Ps framework, the Ansoff
matrix, promotional strategies). The discussion of the M-PESA product innovation could be linked even
more closely to marketing (vs. product development).

Criterion B

The candidate applies the concepts of strategy and ethics as well as marketing theories and tools well to the
chosen organization (Safaricom), providing plenty of appropriate and illustrative examples.

Criterion C

The candidate makes relevant arguments and there is a good logical flow in how ideas are developed. The
concrete examples offered justify the arguments effectively. However, for most of the arguments, the
candidate does not bring the reasoning to a close; the ‘so what?’ is missing.

Criterion D

The structure has all of the required elements with an introduction that sets the scene and defines the
concepts, followed by paragraphs focusing on one point at a time and a particularly effective conclusion.
Ideas throughout the essay are organized clearly.

Criterion E

The candidate duly addresses perspectives of various groups of consumers, small businesses, local
communities and Safaricom in a balanced way.

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