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Philippine Politics
and Governance
Quarter 2 - Module 12
Philippine Politics and Governance
Grade 11/12 Quarter 2 - Module 12: The Roles and Functions of the Local
Government Units
Parties in the Philippines
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Bernadette A. Aspiras, T-I

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, PhD, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, PhD, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Mario B. Paneda, Ed.D., EPS in Charge of Araling Panlipunan

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

Philippine Politics and
Quarter 2 - Module 12
The Roles and Functions of the
Local Government Units

In the previous discussion, you gained additional information about the

judiciary. You have learned that the judicial branch of the government of the Philippines
was instituted not just to be in-the-waiting but as an essential partner of the executive
and the legislative bodies. The 1987 Philippine Constitution has prescribed its functions
as made evident in Article VIII and for sure there are documentary evidences to prove
that the judiciary, through the Chief Justice and the 14 Associate Justices and the lower
courts judges are performing its functions to the letter.
We shall leave the branches (executive, legislative and judiciary of the
government for the meantime and take on the local government units in the Philippines.
Are these so-called LGU’s as essential as the three branches of the government? Do
these LGU’s play a pivotal role in terms of governance? These are just two of the several
questions we would probably ask regarding the LGU’s.
To try answering those queries about the local government in the Philippines,
in this learning material, I will be intimating to you the nature, roles and functions of
each of these LGUs.
Towards then the end of this topic, you are expected to attain the following:

Learning Competency:
Explain the roles and functions of the Local Government Units

Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the nature of the Local Government Units.
2. Identify and describe the different local government units in the Philippines.
3. Conduct a study about the performance of your respective barangays in
terms of its functions.

LGU’s! Does it interest you at all? But, if I were you,

There should be that enthusiasm to learn the peculiarities of the
LGU’s, particularly our barangays and municipal governments!!


As in a boxing bout where the main event is fought last, let us have
the easier challenges first. May I know if to the least, there is a little something
that you know about your barangay or your municipal government.

Activity 1: Arrange Me!

Directions: Arrange the words listed in the first column, and after reading its
description or definition in the third column, write the word in the second column.

Jumbled words Correct words Description/ definition

1. YETCSERA An appointed barangay or
municipal official who takes minutes
of barangay or municipal council
2. YNICULMIAPIT Colloquially referred to as the
3. YMARO The head of the executive office
in number 3.
4. USERTRAER An appointed barangay or
municipal official who is charged with
the financial affairs.
5. YANBARGA The smallest local government
unit in the Philippines.
6. CVIE RAYOM Usually, the alter ego of the
7. NCEPVORI The local government unit
which covers the barangay, city, or
8. VRGERNO In La Union, this title of an
elected official is synonymous with
the name Pacoy Ortega.
9. SSERSSAO A municipal or city or
provincial official charged with the
affairs of the lands.
10.YITC An example of local government
unit is San Fernando, in La Union.

That was well-done. Your information bank is working very well.

Let us then proceed to the discussion proper and please have the patience to read.

As mentioned earlier, you have learned about the three branches of the
government in the previous learning materials and we are going to integrate whatever
descriptions or roles and functions to those local government officials occupying those
positions. Add to that, we shall include the other local government officials and their
offices in our discussion.
When we talk about the local government units, we are referring to the agencies
dispensing of government functions under the umbrella of the national or central
government. They are the provinces, municipalities or cities and the barangays. A
thorough discussion of the complete details pertinent thereto is provided for by Republic
Act 7160, otherwise called the Local Government Code of the Philippines of 1991. W
Supervision and monitoring of these LGUs, however, is taken charge of by the
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).
Below is a simple illustration of the flow of authority from the national
government down to the smallest political unit.

Fig. 1. Hierarchy of Authority following the Unitary System of government.

National government


City or Municipality


Nature, and Role of the Local Government Units

The Province
As per the Local Government Code, Title IV, Chapter I, Section 459, a province
“composed of cluster of municipalities, or municipalities and component cities, and as
a political and corporate unit of government serves as dynamic mechanism for
developmental processes and effective governance of local government units within the
territorial jurisdiction.” The manner of its creation, according to Section 460 of the
same title and chapter, depends upon an Act of the Congress. A province could not
become a province unless it satisfies the population requirement of not less than
250,000 inhabitants as certified by the Philippine Statistics Authority or in general, a
contiguous territory with an area of at least 2,000 square kilometers as certified by the
Bureau of Lands Management and a Department of Finance-certified annual income of
not less than 20,000,00000 pesos.
The provincial officials are either elected or appointed. The Provincial Governor,
Vice-governor and members of the Provincial Council occupy elective posts. The officials
who hold an appointive post are the following: Secretary to the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan, the provincial treasurer, assessor, accountant, engineer, budget officer,
planning and development coordinator, legal officer, provincial administrator, heath
officer, social welfare and development officer, general services officer, agriculturist and
a provincial veterinarian. In addition to these, the Provincial Governor has the option to
appoint a population officer, a natural resources and environment officer, a provincial
cooperative officer, a provincial architect, and a provincial information officer.

The Municipality
According to Title II, Chapter 1, Section 440, a “municipality, consisting of a
group of barangays, serves primarily as a general purpose government for the
coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct services and effective governance
of the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction.” Further, according to Section 441
of the same Title and chapter, a municipality may be “created, divided, merged,
abolished or its boundary substantially altered only by an Act of Congress.” Besides,
its creation is subject to the satisfaction of a population requirement of at least 25000
inhabitants as certified by the Philippine Statistics Authority; territorial requirement of
at least 50 square kilometers on a contiguous scale as certified by the Bureau of Lands
Management; and annual income requirement of 2,500,00000 pesos as certified by the
Provincial Treasurer.
This municipality could only function well with the presence of its officials who
are either elected or appointed. They are the Mayor, Vice-mayor, and the members of
the Sangguniang Bayan (Municipal Council) who hold elective positions. Those who are
appointed are the Municipal Secretary, Treasurer, Assessor, Civil Registrar, Engineer/
Building Official, COMELEC officer, Accountant, Budget Officer, Planning and
Development Coordinator, and Health officer. As deemed necessary, the mayor may
appoint the following: a municipal administrator, legal officer, agriculturist,
environment and natural resources officer, social welfare and development officer and a
municipal information officer.

The City
As stated in Title III, Chapter I, Section 448 of the Local Government Code of
1991, the city “consisting of more urbanized and developed barangays”, serves the same
purpose as the municipality. Its creation follows that of a municipality because they
are of the same level in the hierarchy, the difference lies in the urbanization issue. With

regards the creation requisites that must be satisfied, under the population
requirement, there has to be at least 150,000 inhabitants therein, as certified by the
Philippine Statistics Authority; with a Department of Finance-certified annual income
of 20,000,000 pesos; and, a contiguous territory comprising of 100 kilometers, as
certified by the Bureau of Lands Management.
The city has the same set of electives as well as appointed officials with that of
the municipality, but with the inclusion of a general services officer and a city
cooperatives officer. Accordingly, the appointment of a city population officer shall be
optional where there exist population offices.

The Barangay
As provided for in Book III, Title I chapter I, Section 384, “as the basic political
unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government
policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in the community, and as a forum
wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed, crystallized and considered,
and where disputes may be amicably settled.” For its creation (LGC BK3,Title 1, CH1,
Sec.386) as a barangay it has to satisfy the population requirement of at least 2000
inhabitants in areas outside of the Metro Manila area or not located within an urbanized
area or at least 5,000 people, in the latter, and this shall be certified by the Philippine
Statistics Authority.
It could not dispose of its functions sans the elective as well as the appointive
officials. The elected officials are the Barangay Captain, the 8 members of the
Sangguniang Barangay, the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman, and its council
members. The appointive officials are the Barangay Secretary, Treasurer, and the
members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa, the Barangay Health Workers, and the Peace
officers who are colloquially called the Barangay Tanod.
In addition to the above-mentioned officials, there shall be local councils and
local boards (RA 7160 Book 1 Title IV,V, VI, VII) to be created in each of these LGUs
like a school board, health board, development council, and peace and order council.

Functions of the Local Government Units

After learning of the nature and role of the local government units in the
Philippines, let us now look into their functions. Since these LGUs are government
entities, they carry with them the powers of the government thus their functions are
anchored from such powers. I am giving you a consolidated version of their functions.
1. Legislative function. The barangay, municipal/ city, and provincial
councils are charged with the disposal of this function through the
enactment of ordinances and preparation of resolutions. In the
municipality, city and province, the council, headed by the vice-mayor or
the vice-governor, is convened to perform this function.
It is different in the barangay level because the barangay captain
presides over the barangay council.

2. Executive function. The head of the local government unit performs this
function, where the barangay captain, the municipal or city mayor and the
provincial governor is charged with the execution or implementation of the
laws of the land and the ordinances or resolutions enacted by their
respective legislative bodies.

3. Quasi-judicial function. Generally, this function is performed by the

council of the LGU. It could be attached to the legislative function where
an agreed solution to an issue could be reduced to a barangay or municipal
or city or provincial resolution or ordinance. However, in the barangay
level, it becomes a function of the barangay captain together with the
appointed members of the ‘lupong tagapamayapa.’ An example of how this
function is performed in the barangay level is an instance where the lupon
would be convened to resolve land boundary conflicts or even to arrive at
an out-of-court and first level settlement of cases brought by individuals to
the courts of law.
It is called quasi-judicial because this function is a mere vested judicial
authority to the LGU as the governor or mayor or barangay captain or the
members of the councils are not members of the judiciary.

4. Taxation function. This function is as well dispensed of by the council of

each LGU with the concurrence of its executive. Owing to the
decentralization of governmental powers to the LGUs, the barangay,
municipality or city and the province are now given a hand in generating
their own local income through their own taxation schemes, like imposing
tax on sand and gravel extracted from the local quarry site or imposing tax
on local businesses, clearances or permits and others. The tax imposed on
the so-called community tac certificate commonly known as the cedula)
may be done by the city or municipality.

5. Local Budget Preparation. After collating the budgetary

recommendations of the different offices or departments, the local chief
executive shall prepare the executive budget for the fiscal year subject to
the concurrence of the local legislative body for a legislative enactment,
most likely in the form of a resolution.

6. Exercises the power of eminent domain. Under this function, the LGU
has the authority to take private properties for public use as deemed
necessary with the payment of just compensation. It is incumbent in the
LGU to take a privately-owned piece of land for road widening and the
property owner must be compensated justly.

7. Maintenance and Protection of Public Property. Public property refers
to government-owned or state-owned infrastructures like public
markets, amusement parks, government offices etc. The LGU, through its
officials, are responsible in keeping these buildings and infrastructures in
an A-1 condition.

An old adage goes ‘The reading of all good books is like a

Conversation with the finest minds of past centuries (Rene Descartes).”
This may not be a book, but it serves the same purpose, so I hope you had
a great conversation with a great mind!


Let us now have some enrichment activities as well as an

assessment to find out how well you have read and understood
our topic for this week!

Enrichment Activity 1: Fill Me Up!

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Choose from the word box below
for the appropriate word/s.

executive legislative taxation

eminent domain private public
quasi-judicial local budget preparation judiciary

1. The power of ______________ is exercised when there is a need to construct a

public cemetery or public market.
2. Amusement parks are examples of ________ properties which must be maintained
and protected by the local government units
3. The authority to resolve issues on their level as LGUs is a function which is
________ in nature.
4. The chief executives of the LGUs are duty-bound to collate the budgetary
recommendations from the different departments in their jurisdiction and this is
in line with their ____________ function.
5. When an LGU wishes to grant honor or tribute to a significant person, this is
done through a resolution and this is a realization of its ________ function.

6. The Governor religiously performs his duties particularly the implementation of
provincial ordinances which is the meat of his _________ function.
7. Sand and gravel have become a common source of income in the different
municipalities of a Union, evidence that local ________ obtains herein.

Enrichment Activity 2: Modified True or False

Directions. For an incorrect statement, write M and beside it write the word/s which
make/s it wrong and write the word/s which would make it correct and T for a correct

1. RA 7610 is a law which gives a full account of the local government units.
2. The Department of Interior and Local Government has direct charge over the
3. Before a province is created, a population requirement of at least 200,000
inhabitants therein as certified by the PSA must first be satisfied.
4. Of the local government units, the creation of a city does not ask for an income
5. The creation of a municipality requires a contiguous territory of at least 75 square

Assessment: Justify Me!

Directions: Below are scenarios or situations which you must read and understand
first before writing your answers. A categorical yes or no will not merit a point. Justify
your answer with a three-liner explanation for each number. Each number is assigned
14 points.

This activity shall be evaluated using the rubrics below.

Content (6) Mechanics (4) Originality (2) Neatness (2)

Relevant to the topic. Use of correct Statements or Minimal
Related or connected spelling or sentences are not erasures.
statements. vocabulary. copy-pasted. Use of one color
Grammatically Use of proper or of ball pen ink.
correct sentences. correct punctuation

1. A solar dryer was agreed during the barangay assembly to be constructed near
the barangay center of Barrio Kairikan. This concurrence was reduced into a
resolution which was prepared by the barangay executive, Kapitan Maso Rune
himself. In line with legislative function of the LGU’s, did Kapitan Maso? Rune
act in accordance with what is lawful?

2. During the Kabagoan City Council session, the members of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod tackled the proposal of remodeling the century-old City Museum to
cope with the community’s dynamism. They then enacted City Ordinance 04-
07-2020 and mandated the City General Services office to implement the project.
The City Council did not involve anymore the City Mayor in this legislative act.
Would the ordinance be legal when it did not pass through the office of the city
3. In the previous session of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, it was agreed upon
that a Provincial Information Officer be appointed. They drafted the resolution
then asked the Governor to look into the document, after which the latter signed
in concurrence with the body. After the publication of said resolution, the
Provincial Administrator appointed Mr. Ma Daldal as the PIO. Was the procedure
for the appointment followed?

So far, do you already understand the nature, roles and

functions of our local government units? Here, then, is
a more in-depth activity where your newly-acquired knowledge
about the topic at hand would be put into practice.


Activity 4: Case Study

Directions: In your respective communities, select one local government official or any
person in the private capacity, whom you have known for some time, to become your
subject for a case study. The case study shall focus on the performance of function by
your chosen subject. Be guided by questions like, “What function/s is/are performed
by the barangay official?; “Is the barangay official capacitated to perform such a
function ?; Is she/he performing his/her function with utmost discretion?; Does the
performance of his/her function contribute to the good of the community?;
You may, however, construct your own questions for the study. Conceptualize
your own title for your study, like, “My Barangay Secretary, Performance level-up!”

Mechanics for the case study.

A. Technical requirements:
1. The case study must be composed of five (5) pages.
2. May be encoded and saved in a flash drive or hand-written on an A4 bond
paper or long pad paper.
3. If encoded, use Arial font style and 11font size.

4. Refer to APA standard for margin and spacing.
B. Content requirements:
1. Introduction.
2. Overview of the situation.
3. Analysis.
4. Recommendation/s.
5. Conclusion.

This activity shall be evaluated according to the rubric below:

Category Points assignment

Content Comprehensive Lacking in Not presented in
presentation presentation. logical manner.
Ideas as are logical Insufficiency of No evidences
and well-supported by related ideas and presented.
evidences lacks evidences. Unnecessary ideas
Unnecessary ideas are Unnecessary ideas are excluded
excluded are excluded (1-4pts.)
(10-15 pts) (5-9pts.)
Originality Demonstrates Insufficiency of Copy pasted
sufficient personal personal (1-3)
interpretation or interpretation or
insight insight
Demonstrates in depth Lacks in depth
critical thinking. critical thinking.
(7-10pts.) (4-6 pts.)
Mechanics Followed the technical Not all of the Not all of the
requirements. technical technical
Grammatically correct requirements are requirements are
sentence structure followed. followed.
and use of appropriate Minimal grammatical Grammatically
language. errors and some erroneous sentence
(7-10pts.) words used are not construction and
appropriate. some words used
4-6 pts.) are not appropriate.

Ooops, please do not stop with that activity! There is one last
activity left before this module shall be done and over with.
Congratulations for the perseverance!


Activity 6: Essay
Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, please write a one-paragraph reflective essay
of your most significant learning about the topic, with emphasis on your perspective
about how the barangay front liners have performing (their functions) in the face of the
pandemic. Write your answers on a one-half piece of paper, composed of not less than
100 words and not more than 120 words.

Rubrics for the activity

Content (10) Mechanics (10) Originality (6) Neatness (4)

Relevant to the Use of Proper Statements or Minimal
topic. Language sentences are not erasures.
Related or Use of correct copy-pasted Use of one color
connected spelling or of ball pen ink.
statements. vocabulary.
Grammatically Use of proper or
correct sentences. correct punctuation
Follow the prescribed
number of words.

Activity 1 Enrichment Enrichment
Activity 1 Activity 2
1. Secretary 1. Eminent domain 1. M RA7610- RA 7160
2. Municipality 2. Public 2. T
3. Mayor 3. Quasi-judicial 3. M 200,000-250,000
4. Treasurer 4. Local Budget 4. M city- barangay
5. Barangay Preparation 5. M 75-50
6. Vice-mayor 5. Legislative
7. Province 6. Executive
8. Governor 7. Taxation Note:
9. Assessor The answers to the assessment,
10.City deepen and gauge vary because
of the nature of the activities.
Answer Key
Printed Materials
Pawilen, R,A. (2017) Philippine Politics and Governance. Manila, Philippines. Rex



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