Describing Trends and Change in Graphs

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Describing trends and change in graphs

Graph of change

Data in charts, graphs or tables is often used in writing reports or assignments to illustrate or
support an argument or a particular conclusion. Such data is often used to indicate changes
that take place over time, or trends that are revealed by different sets of figures. Using graphs
or tables to show change can have a strong impact on readers, and interpreting and describing
data correctly is an important research skill to learn.

In these activities you will study some of the vocabulary used to talk about change, and then
you will examine how this vocabulary is used.

Activity 1: Understanding the term 'trend'

In this activity, you are going to check your understanding of the term 'trend' and how it
relates to describing data in a graph.

Look at the three graphs depicted below. Decide which graph best fits the description and
then choose your answer from the drop down list. Then read the feedback.


This graph shows a general upward trend in the sales of mobile phones since the start of the
new millennium.
Select your answ er

This graph indicates that sales of chocolate have stayed roughly the same over the last ten
Select your answ er
The data in this graph reflects the negative trend in the purchase of newspapers since the
introduction of online news.
Select your answ er

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Activity 2: Vocabulary to describe changes and trends

We use certain words to describe changes and trends in data. You are now going to focus on
some key language which is useful for describing movement or trends.

The words below can be used to describe movement upward ('increase'), no
movement/staying the same ('no change') or movement downward ('decrease'). Decide what
the words mean and select the appropriate button for each. Then read the feedback.


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease

remain the same

Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease


Increase No change Decrease

upward trend

Increase No change Decrease

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Activity 3: Vocabulary to describe size, extent and speed

of change
When describing a movement or trend it may be useful to comment on how large a change is
or how quickly it occurs. Again, there is some specific vocabulary which can be used to do
this. In this activity, you are going to study this language by looking at a graph showing
annual sales of hardware and software for an IT company.

Look at the graph below. Then read the sentences and choose the adjective which best
describes the size, extent or speed of change shown in this graph. Then read the feedback.

Select your answ er

Between 1992 and 1995 there was a increase in software


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Select your answ er

There was a growth in hardware sales from 2001.

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Select your answ er

1995 to 1998 saw a increase in hardware sales.

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Select your answ er

Between 1998 and 1999, there was a decline in software


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