Sabroso, Lea Marie M. LDM 2 Practicum Portfolio

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Learning Delivery

Modalities (Course 2)



Master Teacher I

Master Teacher I


Principal II
• Individual Learning Monitoring Plans
 3.1 – Learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
interests and experiences

• Lesson Plans (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP,

WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes)
 3.4 – Learners in difficult circumstances
 4.1 – Planning and management of
teaching and learning process
 4.2 – Learning outcomes aligned with
learning competencies
 5.1 – Design, selection, organizations
and utilization of assessment strategies

• Teacher-made/modified learning resources

 4.5 – Teaching and learning resources
including ICT

• Certificates of participation in any professional

development (PD) activities
 7.3 – Professional links with colleagues
 7.5 – Professional development goals
• Reflective Summary
7.4 – Professional reflection and
learning to improve practice


• MOVs on engaging learners for their progress
and achievement
 5.2 – Monitoring and evaluation of learner
progress and achievement
 5.3 – Feedback to improve learning

• MOVs on professional engagement with

 7.3 – Professional links with colleagues

• MOVs on engaging key stakeholders in the

teaching learning process
 5.4 – Communication of learners’ needs,
progress and achievement to key
 6.2 – Engagement of parents and the
wider school community in the
educative process
NAME OF ARTIFACT: Individual Learning Monitoring Plans

Professional Standard/Strand: 3.1 – Learners, gender, needs

strengths, interests and experiences

Students in far-flung areas have limited access

to technology; that is why it is pretty impossible to reach
out to them online. Because of this, the teachers must
create ways to help the students learn despite our
current situation. In addition, making parents a part of
this learning journey will definitely produce positive
effects on our learners.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: Lesson Plans (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP,
WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars and the likes)

Professional Standard/Strand: 3.4 – Learners in difficult


Among all the other macro skills in learning,

reading is our students’ greatest enemy. Thus,
motivating them to learn and to improve fuels me to
become a better educator.
Motivating them to be passionate in reading is
an important predictor of learning and achievement.
That is why I gave some of our students a one-on-one
reading tutorial with the approval of their parents.
I believe that students who are motivated to
learn perform better in classes and produce higher
quality effort.
Lesson Exemplars and the likes)

Professional Standard/Strand: 4.1 – Planning and management of

teaching and learning process

The Weekly Home Learning Plan helps teachers

and parents in keeping track of the learners’ day-
to-day learning processes in-school and off-
school. The WHLP is essential to the teaching-
learning process in the new normal modality since
it serves as a feasible alternative plan to the
teachers, students, and parents alike.
Lesson Exemplars and the likes)

Professional Standard/Strand: 4.2 – Learning outcomes aligned

with learning competencies

Learning outcomes are knowledge or skills

that learners will be able to do or accomplish upon
completion of the activity. It is very important that the
teacher has a record of these outcomes in order to
keep track of the students’ progress. Good learning
outcomes focus on the application and integration of
the knowledge and skills by the end of a particular
Lesson Exemplars and the likes)

Professional Standard/Strand: 4.2 – Learning outcomes aligned with

learning competencies

Learning outcomes are any measurable skills,

abilities, and knowledge that students demonstrate
after completing a class. In my classes, summarizing
the lessonand creating a reflection of the lesson
made learning more impactful as this stimulates
experiential learning. This also helps the students learn
to understand the concepts from the module as they
summarize and reflect the content and concept of
each lesson. This is my way of strengthening their skills
in studying.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: Lesson Plans (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP,
WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars and the likes)
Professional Standard/Strand: 5.1 – Design, selection,
organization and utilization of assessment strategies

There are many assessment strategies,

each offering its own strengths and weaknesses.
Now that we transitioned to the new normal
education, making use of online platforms is
necessary. For instance, I asked my students to
send their essays and other video/ photo projects
thru FB Messenger. This mode of assessment
helped me follow the protocols set by the IATF
while allowing my students to earn grades by
submitting their activities online. In addition, I was
working from home during the submission of these
projects because I was pregnant. Thus, making this
a win-win situation for both I and the students.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: Teacher-made/modified learning

Professional Standard/Strand: 4.5 – Teaching and learning

resources including ICT

Teachers who are assigned in far-flung areas can still possibly use
personalize instruction through the use of ICT. Some of our students have
acquired smartphones even before the pandemic started. With that, I made
use of the situation by letting them learn using the advantages of
technology. What I did was, I created a Facebook Group Chat and sent
Youtube links of our lessons. I also conducted a webinar once.
Modernization through the use of technology supports,
enhances, and optimizes the delivery of information. It also helps the
teachers interact with their students especially now that face to face classes
are still not allowed. ICT integration can be done via PowerPoint
presentation, Video call through FB’s Messenger, and the like. Teachers
nowadays are very innovative. This is our way of making learning fun and
meaningful amidst pandemic.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: Certificates of participation in any professional
development (PD) activities

Professional Standard/Strand: 7.3 – Professional links with


When teachers work together, they form

important professional and personal relations. Teachers entic
e support from each other and can delegate tasks that
allow each teacher to feel effective.
Teamwork contributes to school development
and student success.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: Certificates of participation in any
professional development (PD) activities

Professional Standard/Strand: 7.5 – Professional development goals

Education is from womb to tomb. Thus, our

professional development should never stop after
being hired in the Department of Education.
Professional development is defined as the
undertaking that enhances our skills and knowledge.
This includes conferences, courses, seminars, retreats,
workshops, and webinars.
An effective professional development
enables teachers to advance himself/herself so that
he/she can efficiently address the needs of his/her
NAME OF ARTIFACT: Reflective Summary

Professional Standard/Strand: 7.4 – Professional

reflection and learning to improve practice

“A good teacher is first of all teachable himself.”

Technology in education has always been a big part of

making the lives of our teachers easier. In terms of advancement,
technology in education has made learning fun, enjoyable, and
more memorable. However, not all schools are blessed with these
advances. Some schools, especially those in the far-flung, do not
own technological tools such as computers, tablets, and the like.
Some areas struggle with internet reception. At the same time, more
schools do not have electricity.

These are just one of the many problems that we faced

when the pandemic started. Luckily, the Department of Education
had the option of having a modular printed mode of learning. But no
matter how much we try to go away with technology, our students
still need it as some modules require students to check on Youtube
for reference.

Thus, the pressure to make learning meaningful to our

students challenged me. Because of this pandemic, I have become
more communicative with my students through group chats. I
learned to face my fear of speaking with the parents through phone
calls or through limited face-to-face encounters to update them on
the progress of their child/ children. I have learned to use Zoom,
Google Meet, and the like for our Cluster meetings. I have learned
to utilize free phone applications that help me create a video for our
"Buwan ng Wika 2020" presentation. I have developed my skills in
searching online materials, which are helpful for my students in
learning new concepts as this serves as their supplementary

In addition, I have learned to become more confident

with the ability to adjust to my students' thoughts, actions, and
emotions to maneuver changing or uncertain situations. I have
gained a more positive attitude which helped me increase student
engagement in our online "Kumustahan."

With that, the success of this year's new normal of

education depends heavily on the teacher's competence, including
technological expertise and access.

I still have a lot to learn, enhance, develop, and master.

With the help of my colleagues, I know I can be successful in this
endeavor. Well, it is indeed true that a good teacher should be
teachable. Because learning only takes place when we are willing
NAME OF ARTIFACT: MOVs on engaging learners for their
progress and achievement

Professional Standard/Strand: 5.2 – Monitoring and

evaluation of learner progress and achievement

Our success as teachers is dependent on the

heights our students have reached. To help our students
reach their full potential, teachers need assessment tools.
These tools are used to measure their progress. Furthermore,
these tools can be used to identify students who are
performing academically against those who lag behind. In
addition, we need instructional strategies to meet these
students' needs better.
Monitoring our students’ progress helps teachers to
continually evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching. This
aids us in choosing our instructional materials well. Also, our
strategies in administering our lessons will be dependent on
the results of our assessment.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: MOVs on engaging learners for
their progress and achievement

Professional Standard/Strand: 5.3 – Feedback to

improve learning

Feedback supports students to understand what is to be done

and how to improve their performance. Providing feedback helps each
student address their learning “gap” by correcting their mistakes and
making progress. The most effective type of feedback is personalized
and relevant to the subject area being assessed.
Ever since the pandemic has started, giving feedback to
students is one of the many struggles that I faced as a teacher. But
through the use of social media platforms, home visitation, and limited
face-to-face tutorial sessions, giving feedback became possible.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: MOVs on professional engagement with

Professional Standard/Strand: 7.3 – Professional links with


Face-to-face seminars and meetings are

not permitted by the IATF these days. This is due to
the ongoing pandemic. Thus, webinars and virtual
conferences are now being conducted in the
safety of our own homes. This set-up is new to most
of us, and we are still fine-tuning our technological
expertise and competence. This pandemic
teaches us to always engage with our colleagues
in order for us to stay on track.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: MOVs on engaging key stakeholders in the
teaching learning process

Professional Standard/Strand: 5.4 – Communication of

learner needs, progress and achievement to key

It is vital for the school and its stakeholders

to have effective communication and good
partnering skills. The school should always engage
the stakeholders to make the school conducive to
teaching and learning. The stakeholders’ active
participation contributes to the realization of
the desired learning outcomes.
NAME OF ARTIFACT: MOVs on engaging key stakeholders in
the teaching learning process

Professional Standard/Strand: 6.2 – Engagement of parents

and the wider school community in the educative process

Parental engagement
is taking education beyond
the school gate. Both parents
and teachers play an
important role in developing
affirmative attitudes
towards teaching and
learning, building enthusiasm
and self-reliance as learners,
and nurturing students’
enjoyment of learning.

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