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The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

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The information presented in this manual represents the insights of the author as at the time of publishing.
The author reserves the rights to update or alter his opinions to reflect any change in information.

This manual is for the private use of those participating in the Sam Adeyemi’s Coaching Program. The author
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The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY… ............................................................................................................................ 6
PERSONAL TO YOU ................................................................................................................................................. 7
I'M HAPPY FOR YOU ............................................................................................................................................. 10
HOW TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THIS MANUAL............................................................................................... 11
MODULE 1 : CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 13
LESSON 1: YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM SHAPES YOUR WEALTH .....................................................................................................13
KEY TEXT TO PROVOKE YOUR THOUGHT .....................................................................................................................................13
WEALTH STRATEGY 1: CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................15
CASE STUDY 001 : DIFFERENT FINANCIAL STROKES ................................................................................................................20
THE QUESTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................................21
EXERCISE 1 A ..........................................................................................................................................................................................22
EXERCISE 1 B ..........................................................................................................................................................................................22
PUTTING IT TO WORK ..........................................................................................................................................................................23
REVIEW OF MODULE 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................23
FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................24
MODULE 2 : HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL ............................................................................................................ 25
LESSON 2: HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL TO BECOME WEALTHY ............................................................................................25
WEALTH STRATEGY 2: HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL ..................................................................................................................25
EXERCISE 2A ...........................................................................................................................................................................................31
EXERCISE 2B ...........................................................................................................................................................................................32
PUTTING IT TO WORK ..........................................................................................................................................................................32
REVIEW OF MODULE 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................32
FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................33
MODULE3 : DEVELOP ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE PEOPLE’S NEEDS .................................................................... 34
KEY TEXT TO PROVOKE YOUR THOUGHT .....................................................................................................................................34
EXERCISES 3A .........................................................................................................................................................................................41
EXERCISES 3B .........................................................................................................................................................................................42
EXERCISES 3C .........................................................................................................................................................................................42
EXERCISES 3D ........................................................................................................................................................................................43
FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................44

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

REVIEW OF LESSON 3 ..........................................................................................................................................................................44

MODULE4 : HAVE A SPENDING PLAN ................................................................................................................. 45
MONEY YOU ARE EARNING. ..............................................................................................................................................................45
KEY TEXT TO PROVOKE YOUR THOUGHTS...................................................................................................................................45
EXERCISES 4A .........................................................................................................................................................................................51
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................................................52
REVIEW OF MODULE 4 ........................................................................................................................................................................52
MODULE 5 : MANAGE YOUR MONEY WELL ........................................................................................................ 54
KEY TEXT TO PROVOKE YOUR THOUGHTS...................................................................................................................................54
EXERCISES ...............................................................................................................................................................................................61
REVIEW OF LESSON 5 ..........................................................................................................................................................................61
MODULE 6 : BUILD A SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 63
KEY TEXT TO PROVOKE YOUR THOUGHTS...................................................................................................................................63
EXERCISE .................................................................................................................................................................................................70
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................................................71
REVIEW OF MODULE 6 ........................................................................................................................................................................71
MODULE 7 : LEARN TO SHARE YOUR WEALTH .................................................................................................. 72
LESSON OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................................................72
KEY TEXT TO PROVOKE YOUR THOUGHTS...................................................................................................................................72
PLAN YOUR GIVING. GIVE WILLINGLY. ..........................................................................................................................................76
GIVE SACRIFICIALLY .............................................................................................................................................................................76
CASE STUDY 002: JOURNALIST IN FINANCIAL DISASTER ........................................................................................................78
QUESTIONS: ............................................................................................................................................................................................79
EXERCISE 7A ...........................................................................................................................................................................................79
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................................................79
REVIEW OF LESSON 7 ..........................................................................................................................................................................80
LESSON ONE: WORRY WON’T SOLVE ANY PROBLEM ...............................................................................................................81
LESSON TWO: SUCCESS IS NOT A DAY’S JOB ..............................................................................................................................82
LESSON THREE: WITHOUT DISCIPLINE, MORE MONEY WON’T MAKE YOU RICH .....................................................82

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

LESSON FOUR: LOCATION WILL NOT CHANGE WHO YOU ARE. ...........................................................................................83
LESSON FIVE: SUCCESS ALWAYS COMES WITH A BALANCE ..................................................................................................83
LESSON SIX: ACCEPT PEOPLE THE WAY THEY ARE....................................................................................................................84
LESSON SEVEN: YOU NEED YOUR BODY TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS ..................................................................................84
HOW TO APPLY THESE LESSONS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE ......................................................................................................85
SELECTED ARTICLES ............................................................................................................................................................................86
MONEY AND YOUR MIND (1)............................................................................................................................................................86
ESAU AND JACOB .................................................................................................................................................................................87
BREAK IN TO BREAK THROUGH .......................................................................................................................................................87
MONEY AND YOUR MIND (2)............................................................................................................................................................88
ASSOCIATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................89
MENTORING ...........................................................................................................................................................................................89
MONEY AND YOUR MIND (3)............................................................................................................................................................90
ATTEND SEMINARS ..............................................................................................................................................................................90
BOOKS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................90
DIGITAL RESOURCES ...........................................................................................................................................................................91
MONEY AND YOUR MIND (4)............................................................................................................................................................92
VISION ......................................................................................................................................................................................................92
GIVING TO CHARITY .............................................................................................................................................................................93
FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE .................................................................................................................................................................94
MOVE TO THE NEXT LEVEL .................................................................................................................................. 97
ACT NOW! .............................................................................................................................................................. 98
OVERCOME FEAR .................................................................................................................................................. 99
MAKE THAT MOVE .............................................................................................................................................. 100

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

What Others Have To Say…

This coaching program has helped others move from a life of mediocrity to
unimaginable success. Because of their amazing transformation, success is no
longer a dream, but a reality.
They have discovered the key to success few people comprehend and even fewer
have implemented, placing them miles ahead of their peers.
Find out what others have discovered!

"This coaching program has been amazing and of tremendous

benefit to me. It has awakened my dreams, aspirations and vision.”

- Nkasiobikaka

"Thank you sir, since I started this coaching program, I have been
blessed greatly. I even started my ministry and God has been faithful
to me."

- Pastor Timipere

There you have it. These two individuals are earning success beyond their wildest
dreams by taking three steps: 1). They took the leap and invested in themselves by
enrolling in this program; 2). They committed themselves wholeheartedly to
learning the proven steps to ensure financial success; 3). They implemented the
knowledge and changed their lives. If you’d like to see results like theirs manifest
in your life today, Join the coaching program.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Personal to You
In this manual, I pull back the curtain and show you my proven system that will
move you from an existence of struggle and lack to a life of property and more
than enough!
Have you ever woken up not sure where the next meal is coming from? With your
stomach growling and frustrating brewing, you’ve feverishly searched through all
the compartments in your wallet, searched through the pockets of all your clothes
and flipped through all your books hoping to miraculously stumble on a few dollars
you may have forgotten about.
Have you ever had to rely on unpredictable public transit to get to work, school or
church, turning any simple errand or commute into a marathon because access to
your own transportation wasn’t readily available?
If you have, you are not alone.
May I share a secret with you? I have been there, too. In fact, it’s exactly why I
know I am qualified under God to take you by the hand, from your present state of
financial despair to heights of financial freedom you’ve been imagining, working
hard and praying for.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I have experienced poverty at a level better left to
the imagination. I’ve had to do things like like squeeze my tube of toothpaste to
the extent of slashing the tube with a knife to get the remnants. I was really at a
low point in life where I wasn't sure if it could get any worse.
I know some of you are here currently. The good news is you do not have to stay
there. In fact, I’d venture to conclude that such a place is not your divine destiny,
and neither should it be.
Thankfully, my story has a happy ending. By God’s grace I have moved from that
miserable stage in life to the place God had for me. Over two decades have passed
since that time, and I know if I can do it, surely you can, too.
I’m thrilled to share with you exactly how I was able to break free from the chains
of poverty and move toward a place of amazing abundance. This entire program
is all about helping you take the steps to move from where you are to where you
want to be and this manual is an important that transformation.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

After I began to get a taste of real success, there has been one question on my
mind for the past 14 years and since that day, I've been working tirelessly to
uncover the answer. Why do so many people with wealth potential (equipped with
education, power, and skills) remain in the same position year after year, totally
helpless and poor?
So, I began to think of all the scenarios that could make this possible. Could it be
because of an unhealthy economy? Then, I thought, “no, it can't be, because in the
midst of unfavorable economies are thousands of ordinary people generating cash
and making something great out of their lives.”
Then, I wondered: could it because they were born into poverty? I don't think so,
because there are many people I happen to know who were not born with a silver
spoon in their mouths, but are accumulating wealth legitimately.
Finally I pondered whether it was because of a lack of formal education. But, that
couldn't be because there are people who are not educated who are generating
tons of legitimate wealth.
What, then, is the problem? Thankfully, I have been able to crack the code! It took
me almost seven years of endless research and consultation within my network of
The answer is in this statement: Most people are not self-motivated to pursue
success and to succeed. They need a system that can take them through a definite
roadmap to realize their dreams.
But the question then remains, how do people access such a system that can lead
them step-by-step from where they are to where they want to be, from abject
poverty to financial abundance?
The good news is, those years of intense research and after reaching into my
depths of accumulated experience, I have been able to create a comprehensive,
step-by-step program, containing everything you would ever need to move from
where you are regardless of how hopeless it might seem at the moment, to
wherever you desire to be.
Now, what I’mabout to share with you is not just another book. It's not merely
another seminar. It is not a workshop. It is not even about motivating you. In your
hands is a solid system that has been proven and is designed to give you just one
result: financial success in all its dimensions. With the audio material and the
accompanying manual in your hand, your life will never remain the same!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I'm excited to share with you Secrets To Financial Success. If getting out of the rat
race has been a challenge, then I suggest that you drop everything else you are
doing at the moment and concentrate on studying this document in your hands
and follow the instructions I'll provide so you can change your life!
Before I share with you the steps myself and others have used to move from a
miserable existence to a fulfilled life of abundance, I want to share my own story
of struggle with you.
I grew up in a middle-income family that went from middle-income to low-income,
and sometimes… no-income. My father was a civil servant. When he went into
business, things seemed to be looking up for our family. But somewhere along the
way, the business was not just working anymore. It was then we began to
experience lack and deprivation. We could not buy the things we used to buy. We
could not have the kind of clothes that we used to have.
I even remember how we would wake up sometimes and not know where the day's
meals would come from. I remember very clearly the day we woke up in the house
and there was absolutely nothing to eat until a neighbor gave us a big loaf of bread
which we shared, and and chased down with water.
I also remember a time when we had to go with a neighbor to help him work on his
cassava farm. We helped him to harvest the cassava, and eventually, in exchange
for our help, he gave us cassava. We made that into flour and made a whole meal
out of it. It wasn't what we were accustomed to eating, but we had food.
So, I know what being trapped in poverty feels like. It's a denigrating experience. I
know what it means to not have enough of what you need - even the basic
necessities. I know what it is like for to not have enough money to afford toothpaste
brush my teeth. I know what it is like for Christmas to come and go without the
means to purchase the gifts I wanted to give my friends and family.
Thankfully, things have changed and in phenomenal ways, both personally and
professionally. Today, I’m honored to lead an organization that generates millions
in revenue, and I can't wait to tell you exactly how I moved from where I used to
be to where I am now.
What I am going to be doing in this coaching program is take you by the hand and
guide you step by step until you achieve your financial dreams.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I'm Happy For You

I am both happy and excited that you are one of the few people that have access
to the secrets I am about to share in this ground-breaking financial coaching
system. Whether you are currently working for others or you are your own boss,
the formula WILL work for you all the same.
These are basic principles that I have applied. These principles can and will work
for anyone, at any stage of life and in any geographic location. If you will apply
these principles in the way I'll show you, they will help you produce exactly the
same results.
I have tested the formula:

◉ To move you from where you are now to where you see yourself in your
◉ To create a financial system that guarantees your prosperity - for life.
◉ To create a financial system that brings creates continuous revenue for you,
whether you are working or sleeping.

There is so much in store for you in this program! Get ready. Fasten your belt.
To your success,

Sam Adeyemi

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


The modules (7 in all) contained in this manual have been strategically designed
in sequence. I ensure that by following the instructions from beginning to the end
without skipping any, you are bound to achieve the results promised in each to
ultimately achieve financial success. So, I encourage you to please follow these
instructions carefully and completely.
1. Apply one principle at a time. We have designed this modular coaching
system and instructions in such a way that you will need approximately 35
hours to complete all seven modules. We suggest that you do not rush. Start
with one principle, do all the exercises and put it to work before you move
to the next one.
2. Have a simple plan. You need to have a specific financial goal you want to
attain and possibly the time frame within which you want it actualized. For
example: do you want to increase your monthly salary? Do you want to
create other streams of income? You need to state specific goals. Without a
goal that is realistic, specific, time bound and achievable, you are not likely
to move with speed. Goals have a way of motivating you.
3. Read the selected articles. Go to the end of the manual to the ‘Selected
Articles’ section and read the one that applies to the principle you are
working on so that it can further illuminate your path. You may even choose
to read all the seven before you attempt the exercises in each module.
4. Make the time. If poverty and lack are not a virtues you want to be
associated with, then you need to create the time to work on a system that
will help you to eliminate these things from your life. This system only works
if you put it to work.
5. Have an accountability partner. There is magic in getting someone who
can help hold you accountable and encourage you when necessary to keep
this commitment you have made to yourself. Your accountability partner can
be your husband or wife, but he or she also must be on this coaching
program. Otherwise, the best option would be to go with another fellow
participant in this coaching program.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

6. Apply what you are learning. Knowledge alone does not confer wisdom.
Intelligent application of what you have learned brings benefits. Go a step
ahead of just acquiring knowledge. Practice what you are learning in each
module and systematically apply them to the relevant areas of your life.
7. Keep Quiet. There is value in keeping your plans for change to yourself most
of the time. I advise that you do not share how you are applying what you
are learning to your life with anyone other than your spouse or your
accountability partner. You can tell people about the coaching program and
persuade them to join but do not share with them the specifics of what you
are doing. Once you release information on what you are trying to
accomplish, you have reduced the possibility of it being fulfilled by 80 per
8. Commit your participation in this program to God. Pray before you attempt
any exercise and ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes of understanding so
that you can make the best of these tools.

A Few More Things Before We Get Started...

There are five sections in each of the modules (two of them have case studies
built into them). Ensure that you follow them in the order they are arranged:

◉ Opening Kicker
◉ Module Objectives o The Text
◉ Exercises
◉ Review of the Lesson

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


It is not easy to change your thinking or to change your belief system.

It is a fight; it is war. It is your decisions, not your condition, that
determines your destiny. When you believe that you are poor, that
belief system actually keeps the wealth away.

Lesson 1: Your Belief System Shapes Your Wealth

Lesson Objectives

◉ To show you that you have everything in you or around you to create wealth.
◉ To show you how to discover your unique ability, which you can use to
generate income.
◉ To illuminate the ultimate source of enduring wealth (your passion).

Key Text to Provoke Your Thought

Have you ever noticed something about wealthy people? They are not different
from us. They are not superhuman. They do not have two heads; they do not have
four legs. In fact, the one thing you will find out about wealth creation is that it can
be a systematic thing, with repeatable principles. Once you have a good handle
on it and you know exactly what to do; it is just the same thing that you repeat over
and over and over as you grow your wealth.
What I am simply trying to say this: if it ever happened for anybody before, it can
(and will) happen for you.
Now, before we begin to discuss these principles, let's first define what wealth is.
You see, I have come to have a basic understanding about money. Money has not
always been in existence. Man created money. There was a time when people
traded without money and they did it through something called bartering. You
came to the market with something you had produced with your skills.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

For example: maybe you grew potatoes on your farm and I grew tomatoes on my
farm. I needed what you have and you needed what I have. We determined their
relative values and we exchanged them at the market. So, I went home with your
potatoes, you went home with my tomatoes. That's how bartering worked.
With time, it became cumbersome to carry out all transactions that way. How do
you take potatoes around town to pay for every single product or service that you
want? Can you imagine paying your landlord your rent with tomatoes or going to
your children’s school to pay school fees with tomatoes? Or what if you had to
board a taxi and pay the taxi driver with tomatoes or with potatoes? That system
no longer worked for the modern transformations societies began experiencing.
So, people invented money to represent the value of those goods at home. Money
made transactions easier. Those selling got the money and then they could use
the money however they pleased. The money was portable and also the
conversion was easier.
People invented money to represent the value of ‘potatoes’ (or other goods to be
sold) at home. Therefore, money is only a means of exchange of value. The real
value is not the coin or the paper; it is in the goods. Today, we mistakenly focus on
the paper, coins and plastic cards alone instead of focusing on the real thing. And
that real thing is value- you must bring something that will meet a need in
somebody’s life, something that has value, before you can go home with money
which you get in exchange for the value you give. This means you must have a
product or a service.
Today, I hear some people of the faith believe that if they only pray for money
(without the willingness to offer anything else of value to the marketplace) to come.
To their surprise, rarely are their prayers answered. This is because you must bring
something to the market that has value.
Real wealth, therefore, is more than money. It is more than the material. When we
define wealth only by what is material, our definition is deficient. It is not complete.
It is not well-rounded and it is unrealistic. We need to focus more on wealth than
on money. The major part of a truly rich man’s wealth is intangible. There are
dimensions to our wealth that we may not be able to quantify in terms of cash.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I also want to point out the need for us to have very strong values. Values are
standards of behavior that we have adopted or the things that are most important
to us. They may be principles, they may be preferences. If you value honesty, for
example, or integrity, those are powerful values to have.
If you do not have values, you will not have value or worth as a person. Integrity is
a very important value. If you are an honest person who keeps your promises, you
can buy goods without cash and obtain such things off the strength of your word.
For example: If you need the goods that I sell at wholesale rate so you can retail
them and you promise to bring back the money to pay me in five days, and if you
have never lied to me before and I trust you, I would give you the goods right at
that moment. What you invested in your business or in this business transaction is
not cash, it is your integrity.
Integrity is as good as cash. Lack of integrity can cost you money and cash. When
you lose your name, your reputation and your integrity, the money also goes with
it. Therefore, we need strong and powerful values. When you are honest, you are
rich. You may not see your wealth yet in terms of cash manifested, but you are
rich. A fraud is a fraud and it does not matter the amount of money that person has,
if the person is dishonest, if the person is a thief, this person is not truly rich or
wealthy. It is good for us to lay this basic foundation together and then we can
move on to the basic steps for creating wealth.

Wealth strategy 1: Change your belief system

Many people are trapped in poverty because they are unable to

change their belief system. Real wealth is more than money; it is
more than the material. Your dominant belief is like an invisible code
that either repels wealth from you or attracts it to you. Now read on
as Sam Adeyemi shows you how to remove all those limiting beliefs
in your life.

We've established that the first key to changing your financial well-being is
changing your belief system. This was what happened to me. I changed my belief
system after I discovered that real wealth is not only tangible, it is intangible.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

When you have that intangible wealth then it means that you believe you are rich,
which is where real wealth starts. In order to change my financial condition, I had
to change my belief.
Truth is, I used to believe that I was poor. Now, if you have experienced deprivation
like I did, it is just natural for one to think that they are poor.
Think about it: we did not have money and did not have food to eat sometimes.
We did not even have toothpaste. Sometimes, it was a struggle for my parents to
pay my school fees. Sometimes I would search for money everywhere. I mean, I
would go through the pockets of all my shirts and pants. I would go through all my
books, looking for some money that I didn't have. It was not like there was a
specific amount of money that was missing; I was just hoping that I would come
across something, anything. That's how broke I was. I lived in a house where there
was no running water.
When you have experienced all that, how will you not believe you aren't poor?
That's the dangerous part because it's your belief system that controls everything
about your life. If you don't think positive, wealthy thoughts, wealth will not come.
Remember the principle, “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”
You cannot afford to allow your natural circumstances or your physical situation,
to control your inner situation. So, if you have experienced deprivation like I have,
and you have grown up believing and saying any of the follwing: “Oh, I’m a failure,"
"Oh, I’m poor,” “Oh, I am broke.” You must change that belief system before your
circumstances can change.
It is not the physical first before the spiritual; it is the spiritual first before the
physical. That is how human nature works, that is how our world works. What you
believe is what you become.
Many people are trapped in poverty because they are unable to change their
belief system. So how do you go about changing it?
Whatever you hear and whatever you see consistently over a period of time will
enter your heart. When I became intent on changing my circumstances, I
discovered that what I was seeing and hearing everyday were creating the
thoughts that made me believe the truth about where I was in life.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Remember, some of these experiences that we have with poverty can be very
emotional. Sometimes we experience rejection just because of our poverty. People
who should not talk down on us disparage us and hurt us, just because of where
we may come from. Those things run deep. So I changed what I was seeing and
what I was hearing every day. How?
I must be very candid here and share with you the book that had the greatest
impact on my thinking was the Bible. I was able to read and to see in the Bible that
the Creator Himself did not make me poor. I saw there that there is enough wealth
for everyone on this planet to be prosperous. I saw that God never made a failure.
However, I understood that since He made those provisions, we also have to make
our own choices. I saw there that though providence has made the provision for all
of us to be successful and prosperous, it is actually our choices that will determine
our outcomes.
The first step I took to build wealth was making a choice. I had experienced poverty
and now I knew this was not the way I wanted to live my life.
I felt that there was potential inside me, I felt that I was better than where I was. I
made a choice not to be poor; I made a choice to be rich. You see, it is your
decision, not your condition, that determines your destiny.
Many people think that rich people are rich because they are lucky. In other words,
many people believe that it is a game of chance. However, I have come to realize
that success is not a matter of chances; it is a matter of choices. I made a choice
and you can, too.
Some may say: “But do I really have a choice… I’m born into a poor country… I’m
born into a poor family… I don’t have an education… do I really have a choice?”
I’m saying here, yes you do!
The thing about decision-making is that you cannot afford to wait until everything
is perfect before you make your decision. You cannot afford to wait until you have
answers to all your questions before you make your decision. Actually, it is when
you make your decision that all the answers come to you.
So my first step to creating a wealthy life was making the decision. The other thing
that I did was to read books written by prosperous people. You see, the mindset of
the rich man is different from the mindset of the poor man.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

The major difference between the rich and the poor is the way they think. I wanted
to learn how the rich think. The very situation that makes one person rich is what
makes the other person poor. The difference is how they think and how they see
the situation.
I will always remember the day I bought Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I
will always remember the day somebody loaned me the book The Fourth
Dimension by the pastor of the largest single congregation in the world with
hundreds of thousands of members in his church, Pastor David Yonggi Cho. The
first time I heard a message by Dr. David Oyedepo, who has one of the largest
churches in Nigeria, Africa was life-altering. The first time I read Awaken the Giant
Within by Anthony Robbins was unforgettable.
These were the books I read. They fired me up. They opened up my mind to
What else did I do to change my thinking? I wrote goals on sheets of paper and
stuck them on the wall in my bedroom. What you see and what you hear
consistently over a period of time will enter your heart.
What is your income today? Let me ask you, what would you want your income to
be ideally? What do you want your income to be one year from now? You need to
write it because you need to see that figure again and again and again and again.
I cut pictures from magazines and stuck them on the wall to help me envision where
I wanted to be.
If you dare to do the same, then when you wake up in the morning or when you go
to sleep at night, and something like that is the first thing you see it will eventually
become part of your subconscious mind.
You need to distract your mind; you need to give your mind something else to work
on. That was the impact of those pictures and goals on the wall. I wanted to see
something different from what I was living in as my reality.
The other thing that I did was to get close to wealthy people. I had to get a financial
mentor (actually, I got more than one). Getting close to people who had already
become what I wanted to be gave me the opportunity to see it as a reality. It gave
me the opportunity to experience their environment and to stay motivated to
achieving my dreams.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

One of my financial mentors had a private jet. You know what I did? I asked him if
I could go on a trip with him. What I wanted to do was to fly in the jet. It was a very
moving experience for me. When we got on the flight, he took a nap and I told
myself, “you can't sleep!” I wanted to process the whole thing; I wanted to take in
I looked at him. I thought about his background, where he came from, which was
very similar to mine. And I told myself there is no reason in the world why I should
not be as prosperous as this person. Getting close to wealthy people and having
a financial mentor can change your life.
There is no point asking a fellow poor person how to become rich. If he knew, he
would be rich. Ask the wealthy person the question so you can get practical
The other way I changed my belief system was through traveling out of my
environment. My horizons were broadened when I saw new realities different from
my own. I grew up in Africa but I travelled to Europe and the U.S., and what I
thought was luxury I realized were simple necessities of life.
I visited some hotels that I had never visited before. I visited car shops that I had
never visited before. I walked around and asked questions as if I had a lot of
Why? I had the money in my heart. I did not have it in my pocket but I took bold
steps and doing so took the limits off life for me.
Experiencing these things changed my thinking. When I returned, I discovered
whatever I had been able to tolerate before, I could not tolerate anymore. I began
to raise the standard for my life.
Now finally, let me say that it is not easy to change your thinking or your belief
system. It is a fight, it is war. The reality may be that you are living in poverty, you
do not have the money and life is hard. How do you then leave all of that and
believe that you are rich - something totally opposite from your current reality?
Well, that is the point. Your belief is just a way of thinking that is not fixed; you can
change your thinking. You may not be able to change your physical situation, but
you can change your thinking. Whenever those thoughts of poverty come to you,
fight them; run them out of your mind.
Say to yourself over and over and over, I am prosperous; I am rich; I am wealthy.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


Akin and John picked up full time jobs in a Lagos-based public relations firm 10
years ago, shortly after their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program (NYSC
is a mandatory one-year national service program for all Nigerian graduates). Each
of them was placed on an annual salary of N120,000 (that’s about $680 USD or
£430). Incidentally, both Akin and John had been friends from their university days
and, thankfully everything worked out so they were employed by the same
Both of them seemed to have a lot in common. Both were living with their parents
who were gracious enough to accommodate them until they were able to sort
themselves out. Both were also bachelors and there were no indications that any
of them would be hitting the altar soon.
As time went by however, both began to make different choices. After about three
months of earning his salary, Akin took a soft loan from his company. With
additional support from friends, he decided to move into a self-contained two
bedroom apartment. Within two years after that decision, Akin had got his
apartment fully furnished; he was able to buy a very good sound system and also
got each of his two rooms and the living room installed with three DSTV-enabled
television sets. In about six years, Akin negotiated to buy a car fitting his new status
with the assistance from a bank. Of course with improved standard of living, Akin
became a center of attraction for ladies. He was hooked in no time.
John, on the other hand, stayed for three more years with his parents. In those
three years he devised a personal finance principle which he got from a mentor
and he followed it very strictly. He called it the 50:10:10:10:10:10 formula.

Here is how he applied the principle:

The first 10 percent of every salary he earned was set aside as a tithe to his church.
The next 10 percent was put in a savings account which he regularly put into
investments once it was built up.
The next 10 percent was devoted to what he called personal development, and
was used to buy books and attend personal development seminars.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

The next 10 percent was put in an account he described as an emergency account

where he committed to never withdraw money from unless something serious
And the last 10 per cent was set aside to support his parents and friends who
needed help.
The remaining 50 per cent was what John depended on to finance his living
expenses. Interestingly, John found a way to invest an additional portion of that
50 percent to boost up his investment accounts.
Last year, John left paid employment to set up his own investment advisory firm
financed solely from the returns on his investment which came to about N15million.
Unfortunately, Akin is back in the job market as his employment was terminated
just as John was leaving the company.

1. Why was it that the two friends who started work at the same time with equal
advantages ended up with different results 10 years later?
2. What are the principles at work in the case of John?
3. If you find yourself in Akin’s position, what would you do?
4. Reflect on and list all the financial errors you have made in the past five
5. Put them down in your note and think of what steps to take to correct them.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Take a blank sheet of paper where you are now and come up with seven
statements you regularly make that are not empowering.
(Example: I have been unfortunate in my entire life. My dad died while I was 10. My
mother abandoned me for another man. I had to drop out of school. You can now
see why I am poor.)

Take a sheet of paper now and come up with seven empowering statements that
suggest you are no longer limited by those circumstances you have identified.
(Example: My parents were just channels God used to bring me into this world.
What I become is totally dependent on me. I am in control of my circumstances.)

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


1. Memorize each of the seven, empowering statements you are able to come
up with and read one statement aloud per day until it is ingrained in your

2. Beginning from today, any time you catch yourself making any of the seven
negative statements you identified, do something to serve as a punishment.
Maybe you should skip lunch or dinner. Make effort to replace the limiting
beliefs with the empowering beliefs.

In the exercises contained in Module 1, you were able to learn the following truth:
1. It is not easy to change your thinking or to change your belief system. It is a
fight, it is war.

2. The books you read will motivate you. They open up your mind to

3. Success is not a matter of chances; it is a matter of choices. Make a choice.

4. It is your decision, not your condition, that determines your destiny.

5. What you believe is what you become.

6. When you believe that you are poor, that belief system prevents you from
experiencing wealth.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

◉ Make a choice. Make a decision to be wealthy, and prosperous.

◉ Read books written by prosperous people to learn how the rich think.

◉ Write goals on sheets of paper and stick them on the wall in your bedroom.

◉ Get close to rich people and have a financial mentor to experience their
environment and get fired up.

◉ Travel out of your environment to see new realities and to raise the standard
for your own life.

◉ Take practical steps to visit places you have never been to - car dealerships
and five-star hotels, as if you have a lot of money.

A key nugget for this lesson:

Whether you are poor or rich is a matter of your belief!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


The word “currency” is derived from the word “current”, which means
something that flows. Money flows; money is never stagnant. When
you understand this, you will position yourself accurately in the
direction in which money flows. Money flows from those who buy
goods and services to those who sell them.

Lesson 2: Have something to sell to become wealthy


◉ To demonstrate that money comes in exchange for value given out.

◉ To encourage you to develop your skills and cultivate your gifts
◉ To show you that being excellent in your skills attracts more money.

Wealth Strategy 2: Have Something to Sell

The second key for financial success is, you must have something to sell.
Remember, money is simply a means of exchanging value.
I remember there was a time when I had very little money but eventually, I started
earning larger amounts. I remember the first time I got seventy–five thousand Naira
(about $450 USD or £270).
It was a lot of money to me. It was probably the most money I've ever received in
once single check.
Back when I was poor, I would have been happy if the story behind obtaining that
money would have gone something like:
“Oh, somebody just ran after me. He saw me at the car park and just ran after me
and asked, ‘Are you Sam Adeyemi? Oh, I had a vision and in that vision an angel
appeared to me and said I should write you a check for seventy–five thousand
Naira, (N75,000).”

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

As ridiculous as it sounds, I used to think that was how it would happen to me. Now,
obviously, that was not how this happened. Instead, I was invited to speak at a
conference and little did I know that afterward, I would earn a fat check!
This scenario illustrates the principle of value and earning money when you offer
it to the world. By adding value to the lives of the individuals who attended that
conference and by helping them solve some problems through this presentation, I
earned this large amount of money in exchange.
To be completely transparent, I used to believe that the answer to my financial
woes and poverty was leaving my country and flee to a Western country, like the
U.S. or the United Kingdom. As someone who experienced devastating poverty, I
truly believed that my breakthrough relied on this idea. I made so many attempts
to go over to the United Kingdom. Each time I applied, something went wrong and
they refused my passport.
I remember a particular instance where I was supposed to attend a program in the
UK. It was a 9-month course and my plan was to escape to the U.S. during the
course of that program. I would be gone. I would be gone from Nigeria; I was not
coming back. That was the plan.
I was told that in order to sustain a life in the UK, I’d have to work menial jobs, and
I was willing!
Long story short, I did not go anywhere. My hair-brained scheme never worked out
until I began to learn the principles of success and the keys that I am sharing with
you in this program. It wasn’t until I applied the principles of success that I saw my
life change.
Eventually, some years later, I did visit the United Kingdom. By then, things had
already begun to change for me.
On my first visit to the United Kingdom, I went to speak at a seminar. I spoke for
four days and you know what? I was able to stay in a five-star hotel with a
chauffeur. After the seminar, I spent a whole day shopping because when I was
done, they reimbursed my first class flight fees , as well my other necessary fees
and finally an honorarium.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

So alone in the hotel room, I remembered I once wanted to come to the same place
to do menial jobs to survive. When I didn’t adopt a success mindset, I was willing
to settle for less, not thinking about how I could add substantial value, comfortable
with the idea of becoming a liability to the system and struggling to make ends
meet. But because I decided to practice principles of success I learned, I didn’t
have to settle for those things.
If you want to break free from poverty, you must break free from the survivalist
You have to be someone who has the capacity to add value to people’s lives, the
capacity to solve problems for people. When I did so during my time in the UK and
came back, I was compensated in direct proportion to the value I gave, which
enriched me.
Remember, money is only a means of exchange of value. Prior to the days where
money was exchanged for value, and the barter system was still in place, one still
had to bring something valuable to the marketplace that could meet a need in
someone else’s life. If you came to the market with nothing, you left with nothing.
So today, when you come to the marketplace, do you have something to sell?
Remember, money is only a means of exchange. Money flows, money is never
stagnant. When you understand this principle, then you will understand the
direction money flows and you can position yourself accurately.
Money flows from those who buy goods and services to those who sell them. And
the question I will like to ask you is, what are you selling? If all that you are doing
is buying, then money will always flow away from you. But if you have something
to sell, money will always flow back to you. If what you sell is more than what you
buy, then you have more money flowing to you than you have flowing away from
you. That’s the difference between only being a consumer and being a producer.
But in order to have the capacity to meet needs in people’s lives and to solve
problems for people, you must have skills. You must know how to do something of
value. For example, it may be designing clothing or cooking food. That skill may
be construction or teaching. Whatever it is, there is value tied to your skills.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Your ability to earn money is tied directly to the skills you acquire or hone. What
you earn is a function of what you learn. So, you must be willing to invest in
yourself: to attend a seminar, take a course, get a new qualification or serve as an
apprentice to someone so you can learn how to do something, master it and then
offer it to the marketplace.
Someone once said, “I will rather put ten men to work than do the work of ten men”.
Whatever your technical skills may be, eventually, your opportunities will be much
more than what you can handle as a person. You will need to get other people to
do the job with you to help you meet the demands of the market.
Your accomplishments will multiply when you can get other people to work with
you to achieve the same goal.
However, leadership is a skill. Many people believe that leaders are born. But all
over the world now, others have demonstrated that that leaders are not born, they
are made.
Leadership can be learned. I have learnt leadership; I have taken courses in
leadership, right up to postgraduate level. Effective leadership is about skill
Our world is controlled by the law of cause and effect. The money you want to
earn is an effect. The cause is the capacity to solve problems, your capacity to
meet needs.
Let me challenge you: not only should you acquire skills, you must develop
expertise. You have to become a specialist in your field. You have to seek to be
the best on your job.
That is the goal I have set for myself. I set my intention to become part of the top
one percent in my country, in my area. That is a tall order, but it is achievable.
If massive success and achievement are your goals, you must shoot to be the best
of the best. Why? Because most of the money will always go to people at that top,
so you must master your craft.
I remember this proverb from King Solomon in the Scriptures: “Do you see a man
that is an expert in his craft, he will not stand before ordinary men, he will stand
before kings.”

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Think about it: the depth of your excellence is in direct proportion to the rewards
you will receive for such mastery. You can never be too excellent.
That was what I sought to do as a speaker and teacher and that is what you should
seek to be in your respective field, as well.
I told myself, if I ever had the opportunity to stand before the president of my
country or the president of one of the greatest countries in the world, and had no
opportunity to prepare, if I am ever asked to speak for three minutes or five
minutes, I must have something to say that will make sense.
Success is when opportunity meets preparation. So, not only am I teacher or a
speaker, I have read books on speaking, I have read books on communication. I
have tried out the things that I read in the opportunities that I have had to address
different groups of people.
You can start small. As a matter of fact, that’s how you must start. For instance, I
started out small. I started out speaking to the mirror in the bathroom in our house
when nobody knew me. I would stand before the mirror and I would speak several
times. But it was not long before friends began to ask me to speak at their birthday
I began to speak at my friends’ birthday ceremonies. Then I moved on from there
to speak in front of student groups at schools. And the opportunities only grew
from there.
You know what? I believe you create opportunities for yourself depending on how
well you use the opportunities at hand.
One opportunity used very well will produce at least one other one. The mistake
many people make is they trivialize their opportunities. They are waiting for the
big breaks, the big breakthrough. But you know what? The big breaks are found in
the small breaks in life.
They say practice makes perfect. I see every opportunity to speak as a rehearsal
for the next one and I want to improve every single time. That’s how you should
view your opportunities. Each opportunity is a chance to exercise your muscles.
I challenge you to make up your mind that you will not be mediocre, that you will
not be at the bottom of the ladder. Determine that you will be among the best in
whatever your career or profession may be. Excellence is the possession of good
quality in an unusual degree. So first, you must value good quality.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I met someone a few years ago. He challenged me and I adopted his approach.
All he had was a high school diploma.
But he really wanted to rise. He asked himself, “Which industry do I really want to
work in?” He decided it was advertising. Then he set a goal for himself. He said
within the next five years, I will be on the management board of one of the foremost
advertising agencies in this country.
So, he began to buy magazines from the United States. He subscribed to them. He
told me that he had piles of them. He would look through the magazines and mark
out all their ads in the magazines. He would look at the copy lines, the messages
in the advert, and then give himself an assignment to beat each of those adverts
that were designed and produced in the United States.
He said he had files. He would look at an ad for Coca-Cola, an ad for cars, and he
would then compete with them. He would try to create something to beat them.
Not long after that, he applied for a job at an advertising agency as Assistant
Creative Director.
By default, the average person that occupied that position in advertising agencies
was a university graduate. He was not. But the day he attended the interview, he
got the job right away. His creative abilitywas phenomenal and he did it through
self-guided discipline and practice. He developed the skills and got the job.
At the time I met him, he was an assistant creative director. Not long after that, he
became the creative director in that agency. He has a small in stature but his
imagination is phenomenal. In fact, he became so valuable to the organization that
sometimes, when they forged contracts with clients, the clients’ terms would make
his participation a part of the contractual agreement. He became so valuable to
that organization because what he was producing was phenomenal. So much so
that at one particular point in time, he was holding a position that only people with
master’s degrees could hold. He had no university degree at all. He developed the
skill through putting the principles of success to work, through practice, through
setting goals for himself.
Eventually, he travelled to the United States and started working for a motor
company there. Then, when he returned to Nigeria, he was employed by one of
the foremost advertising agencies. He is priceless in the industry today.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Therefore, if you think that money is something that falls out of the sky or
something that shows up mysteriously, or that becoming rich is something that
happens mysteriously, perish the thought.
I pity people who sacrifice their values and integrity in exchange for money. If you
ever do that, your value system will not allow you to get the money because you
value money over human life. On this planet, human life is the most valuable asset.
What you should do with your skill is to serve people to improve the quality of their
lives, because human beings deserve the best. I tell you, if you want to produce
the best clothes for human beings or the best shoes, or build the best quality
houses for human beings, you will never lack money.
Develop expertise; develop excellence and start, then money will flow towards
you. Anyone who enjoys your products or services will definitely tell at least one
other person. And it is absolutely guaranteed that with time, your financial dreams
will be fulfilled.

Conspicuous Consumption LEADS TO POVERTY
State in descending order seven ways you can get paid to add value to the lives
of others.
Example: House help (Household chores)


The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

State the skills you’ll need to practice in order to accomplish the tasks you
brainstormed above.

Example: Cleaning skills for house help.


1. Choose three of money-making ideas you identified that you are willing to
adopt or implement over the next 12 months.

2. Identify specific seminars and short-term certificate or diploma courses that

you will pursue in the next 12 months to hone your skills in the three areas,
so you can increase your earnings.

In the exercise contained in module 2, you were able to learn the following truths:
1. Add value to people; solve people’s problems.
2. Money is only a means of exchange of value.
3. Money flows from those who buy goods and services to those who sell them.
4. Break free from the survival mentality.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

◉ Develop skills by attending a seminar, learning a trade, or getting a new

◉ Develop excellence. Excellence is the possession of good quality in an

unusual degree.

◉ Use opportunities well. One opportunity used very well will produce at least
another one. The big breaks are in the small breaks in life.

◉ What you earn is a function of what you learn.

◉ Become a specialist in your job.

◉ Practice on your own. Practice makes perfect.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


If you can identify your own needs, you can identify other people’s
needs. Of all the things that are needed in your city, which one are
you selling? Identify the problem you are best suited to solve. This is
your key to wealth.

Lesson 3: Ability to Recognize and Harness People’s Needs Determines

Your Wealth

◉ To illustrate that you do not see money with your physical eyes; you see it
with your mind.
◉ To show that human needs will never be exhausted.
◉ To learn that to earn money, you have to be a problem solver.
◉ To learn that the big shift in your life relies on you becoming the one who is
offering what people need by leveraging your gifts and skills.

Key Text to Provoke Your Thought

Three: Develop the Ability to Recognize People’s Needs
The next key for financial success is developing the ability to recognize people’s
Remember, money is only a means of exchange of value. I ask people often, “What
is the population of your city?” Some time ago, I was at a seminar where I asked
this same question. Currently, I live in Lagos, Nigeria. We agreed on a conservative
population estimate of 15 million. Then I asked, “How much does the average
person spend on food in a day?” We came to an estimate of N500. So I asked the
people to multiply the population by the average amount spent on food daily. 15
million multiplied by N500 gave us N7.5 billion. Depending on the exchange rate,
that could come to about 47 million US Dollars. That is the minimum amount that
is spent on food in a day in my city, 47 million US Dollars!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

If each of those 15 million people puts on two items of clothing on a day, that is 30
million items of clothing worn every day in my city. Now, I see that as an
opportunity that exists for someone to make clothing. Also, it is an opportunity to
sell clothes and all the other accessories that go with them. On the other hand,
you must remember that those clothes will need to be washed and maintained in
some way.
Those 15 million people will use 15 million toothbrushes. Those toothbrushes will
use toothpaste every day. 15 million people need to bathe every day. They need
at least 15 million pairs of shoes. These 15 million people also need houses to live
in. Those houses need furniture- they need beds and chairs. They also need
electronics like TV sets, air conditioning units or fans. The beds need mattresses,
the mattresses need bed sheets, they need pillows, and the pillows need
pillowcases. A good fraction of the 15 million will move from one part of the city to
the other every day. They need to buy cars if they want to drive their own vehicles.
Then, they need to buy fuel for those cars, the cars need to be maintained, they
need spare parts. The fact that others will need public transportation means
millions of people will move from one part of the city to the other every day.
A fraction of the 15 million is made up of children. These children need schools to
attend, they need to buy uniforms, they need to buy school bags, they need text
books, they need notebooks, and they need stationery supplies such as pencils,
erasers and sharpeners.
Wow! If anybody ever told you that there was no money anywhere, that there was
no money in the city, and that things were hard, I am sure you realize now, that
person has lied. There is money in the city but this person has not been able to
see the money. Why?
You do not see money with your physical eyes; you see it with your mind. What I
have just done is to help you to develop the ability to see the opportunity to earn
money. Of all the goods and services that are needed in your city, which of them
are you selling at a particular point in time?
To earn money, you have to be a problem solver. Money and promotions come to
you as reward for the problems that you solve. Some people want money but
rather than be problem solvers, they are problem creators. They create problems
for people and they wonder why money is not coming to them.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

The person who sells food is solving the problem of hunger and the problem of
thirst. The person who sells clothes is solving the problem of nakedness. The one
who sells shoes is providing protection for the feet. The one who sells houses or
rents them out is solving the problem of exposure to the elements.
Let me ask you once again, what are you selling? This is your key to wealth. What
I’m illustrating here is that you must develop the ability to recognize what people
need. If what you offer or sell is what people need, it will not matter what your
skills, gifts and talents are.
As long as there are human beings in our planet, human needs will never be
exhausted. In other words, opportunities for you to make money will never be
What are the needs of the people around you? I will give you a clue. If you can
identify your own needs, then you can identify other people’s needs because other
people are exactly like you. You need to eat food; everybody else in the city needs
to eat food. But the question is, why aren’t you the one selling the food to them?
If you need to drink, they also need to drink; you need to sleep comfortably, they
also need to sleep comfortably; you need entertainment, they need entertainment;
you need transportation, they need transportation.
The big shift here, however, is to adjust your mind to become the one who is
offering what they need. There are many poor people who never think about this.
When they see their friends or contemporaries beginning to sell things, and it may
not seem dignifying, they begin to criticize, or make fun of their friends.
I did that when I was in school. If I saw a schoolmate who was trimming people’s
hair or selling bread to fellow students in the hostel, I teased them. I did not know
that they were better off than I was. They were beginning to develop the ability to
identify and meet people’s needs.
Invariably, most of those who did are in big business now. Thus, if you can identify
your own needs, they will tell you what other people’s needs are. All you have to
do is make up your mind that you will be a problem-solver.
Learning to identify and to meet people’s needs transformed my work as a pastor.
I remember how in the early days of the church that I pastored, there were not
many of us and then I observed that there were only a few people in the
congregation that we could call rich.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

And rich at that time actually did not mean that they had a surplus of money. In
fact, a good number of the people we called rich were employees of financial
institutions who enjoyed certain perks. There were very few of them in our church
at that time.
One day, I asked myself, what is the point of asking these people to give to support
the church when I can see clearly that they do not have the money? If they have
the money, they would give it. But they do not have it. So, I was able to identify the
need. They did not know how to make money. Most of our people were not rich,
they were poor. And I began to seek solutions.
I asked myself: how could I, through my sermons empower them to create wealth?
I prayed about it and I got inspiring ideas. I began to teach people in my
congregation how to start with what they had because I saw that these were not
people who had access to a lot of capital. I told them, as long as you believe that
what you do not have is what you need to start, you will never start. This principle
encouraged many people to start their businesses. It gave them the courage to
step forward even when they did not have all the money that they needed, either
to rent premises or to get goods to sell.
Many of them were met with surprising success. You know, when you act boldly,
unseen forces come to your aid. When many of them attempted to start their
businesses, they enjoyed favor. What their money could not do (they did not even
have enough money anyway) favor made up the difference. They got exemptions,
they received discounts and today, there are a number of them who are multi-
I went further to teach on the power of ideas. I told the congreation that all things
are created twice. I told them that the poor man is not the one who does not have
money; he is the one who does not have ideas because real money is intangible.
I went on from there to teach money management principles. And then I began to
teach entrepreneurship. I taught people how to start and run businesses. And you
know what? Their lives changed. They brought in their friends and family and the
church started to grow. As a result, the church’s finances were impacted positively.
How did that happen? I identified and helped meet the needs of the congregation.
In this case, it was identifying ways to create wealth. It worked.
Allow me to share with you an experience I had once as I prayed.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I was asking God to bring more people to grow the church very quickly. And God
asked me the question, “Why do you want the church to grow?” He said to me,
“You want the church to grow because you want to be more comfortable.” He said
further, “However, you will never find the definition of success for your ministry until
you help those people that I sent to you to succeed.”
Once again, my mind was being shifted from being that of a “go-getter” who was
focused only on my success. But God helped me focus on others’ needs instead.
It was when I started being intentional about helping others meet their own needs
that my needs started being met.
If you are not a problem solver, you do not expect money to come to you. The
starting point begins when you successfully identify the needs of the people
around you. When you have identified their needs, then take stock of what you
want to offer. What are your skills? What are your gifts or talents? Leverage them
to solve problems for people.
I want you to know that no gift is unimportant. You must value yourself first in order
for others to see the value in what you have to offer. The mistake people often
make is they trivialize what they have to offer and instead keep wishing to have
what someone else has.
Listen, if you do not have a gift in music, there is no point trying to sing. Your friend
or your brother may be doing well and making a lot of money in music but do not
bother because that area is not necessarily where your best skillset lies. I
encourage you to find out what yours is. It may just be the ability to organize
people very well. Somebody needs your services. It may be people skills or
marketing skills. Maybe you like to talk, make friends and you are very persuasive
when you speak. Why don’t you go and try to sell thosengoods or services?
I discovered my gift. I love information. I am passionate about knowledge and the
power of the human mind. And as I began to study success, I found out that you
actually never rise beyond the level of your thoughts. Knowledge is potential
power. When it is applied, it makes a tremendous impact upon a person’s life.
Now understanding that I have the gift of arranging and organizing knowledge into
a state or format that is usable. I also have the gift to communicate it.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I have also identified the problem that I am called to solve. It is the problem of
ignorance and as a believer, I have read in the Scriptures where the Creator
Himself said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” If the Creator said so, it
means that ignorance is one of man’s greatest problems.
So, I am in the business of solving problems around the lack of knowledge. Trying
to solve this problem has taken me all over the globe. Aligning my skills and talents
with the problems I have identified in people, mainly ignorance, has opened doors
for me all over the world. As a result, I have gotten invitations to travel to different
countries. Because of the demand, I have to turn down most of the invitations
because I simply do not have enough time to accommodate them.
How did I get to this point? How did things change this much? They changed simply
because I identified the problem that I am best suited to solve.
I challenge you today: sit down right after you read this and take stock. Do for
yourself what I have done for myself. Ask yourself what people need in your city
and country. And then ask yourself: “What are my skills? What are my gifts and
talents? What do I have experience in? What training or experience do I have that
can be useful to somebody else?” Take stock of those things. Then, try to find an
alignment between people’s needs and your skills, experiences and gifts. Finally,
and perhaps most importantly, specifically itemize the steps that you are going to
take from here on to meet people’s needs. How will you make people aware of
your specific problem solving skill? For those who need your services, where can
they find you? Can you go seek employment somewhere?
You may be reading this and saying to yourself, “I have been trying to get a job.
The problem is, I can’t find one!”
Let me share with you a very powerful principle that has worked for me. You can
force this principle to work for you by offering services for free somewhere. They
may not be willing to pay you but just make an offer.
Why am I suggesting this? As long as you remain stagnant, you’re not offering any
value to the world and there is no problem you are solving. So, you can’t expect
financial situation to change at all.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Once you activate this principle, you put the the law of cause and effect into
motion. Understand that what you sow determines what you reap. So go
somewhere, knowing that even if they do not pay you, you want to offer your
services for free. Once you begin to offer your services, once you begin to give out
value, you will be surprised at the doors that will be opened for you.
Just a while ago, I heard the story of a young lady in my city. She studied in law
school, and had not been able to get a job. But, she went to a colleague of mine.
She said to him, “I want to help you read through your legal papers because I see
you sign a lot of contracts. I will do it for free.” Then he said, “Come over to the
office to discuss. Take a look at our papers and let us see whether we’re a fit for
each other.”
When she came, she pointed out the areas where she could actually be of help to
them. You know what happened? They decided to employ her. She got a job on
the spot. She did not go to apply for a job, she went to offer her services for free.
I am talking about sure life-changing principles that guarantee results anywhere
on this planet. If you give, you will receive. If you sow, you will reap. If there is a
cause, you will see the effect.
Offer your services for free. I’ll share with you how I did.
I was home for twenty months. I did not have a job after my graduation. Suddenly,
it occurred to me that I could offer my services for free. I walked up to my pastor
and told him I was coming to the church office, and that whatever administrative
work they had, they should give me. I said this to him on a Thursday. On Friday,
he took me to the office and introduced me to the office staff. On Sunday, someone
came and told me that they were searching for a site engineer and asked if I would
apply. I applied and got the job.
An opportunity was waiting for me. It was my responsibility to seek it out and seize
it. Just four days after I offered my services to the church for free, a job came
Here’s another example of this: a young man came to our home many years ago.
He said that he wanted to do the laundry in our house. He was a university
graduate. I said, “I’m sorry, we have someone who takes care of the laundry so
there is nothing for you to wash or iron.” He said, “This is a divine idea for me, it is
a divine idea. I believe it is God that said this to me.” Then I said, “Oh, if that’s it,
okay, we will find something for you to do.” We had to gather some clothes for him.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

He washed the clothes, spread them out to dry and then said, “Sir, I’ll be back in
two days’ time to iron the clothes.”
The day after he came to our house to do the laundry, he added value and he got
a letter from a bank inviting him for an interview. The date for the interview
happened to be the same day he had promised to iron the clothes he washed. He
went for the interview, they employed him on the spot and told him to report the
next day.
He never came back to do the ironing and I am not complaining!
The young man activated a very powerful principle. Identify someone around you
who has a need and become a problem solver. Poverty does not stand a chance
to impact your life negatively when you put this strategy to work.
Welcome to the dawn of a new day in your finances.

Some people want money but rather than be problem solvers, they are problem
creators. They create problems for people and they wonder why money is not
coming to them.
Critically assess your contributions at home, work, in your neighborhood, church
and business. Identify seven areas you have been a problem instead of a problem

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

State how you intend to be a problem solver in the areas stated above.

Sit down right after you read this and take stock. Do for yourself what I have done
for myself. Ask yourself what people need in your city and your country. Identify
seven of them.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Then ask yourself, “What are my skills? What are my gifts and talents? What do I
have experience in? What do I have that can be useful to somebody else by my
training and experiences?”
Take stock of those things and zero in on just three of them.

Then try to find an alignment between people’s needs and these three skills and
gifts, plus your experiences, by specifically itemizing the steps that you are going
to take from here on to turn each skill into money in the next calendar year.
1. State three ways you will make people aware of your skills to solve their

2. For Those who need your services, where can they go?

3. What do they read?


4 . For those who have been job hunting and have been unsuccessful, ask yourself:
Can I go seek employment somewhere where my skills are needed? Or can I offer
to work for free?

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

◉ See money with your mind.
◉ To earn money, be a problem solver.
◉ Leverage your skills and talents to solve problems for others.
◉ Identify your own needs to identify others’ needs.
◉ Offer your service for free.

In lesson 3, we learned that real money is intangible. Here are a few of the lessons
that should stand out:
1. Focus on people and their needs. It is in meeting their needs that our own
needs will be met.
2. If you can identify your own needs, you can identify other people’s needs.
3. There are needs begging to be turned into wealth all around us.
4. Mastering the act of problem solving is the fastest way to earn money.
5. Inside every problem is an opportunity for wealth building.
6. Money is tied to people’s needs.

A key nugget for this lesson:

Money and promotions come to you as reward for the problems that
you solve!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


Planning is winning. People who plan always succeed over than those
who do not. You must have a plan for how you will spend the money
before the money comes. More money will not make you rich if you
do not have a plan Continue reading to learn how to create a budget
to meet your needs.

Lesson 4: Whether you will grow rich or poor will be determined by

what you do with the money you are earning.
Lesson objectives:

◉ To show that the first part of a budget is planning how the money will come
and where it will go.
◉ To help you follow your spending plan.

Key Text to Provoke Your Thoughts

Our next key for financial success is this: You must have a spending plan.
Once you begin to meet people’s needs, money will start to come to you in
exchange. However, whether you will grow rich or poor will be determined by what
you do with the money you are earning.
I remember the day I received a large amount of money and at the end of the
month, my wife asked me, “So what happened to all that money that you made
last month?” I immediately became defensive. I said, “No, I didn’t waste it, I didn’t
squander it. Everything that I did with it was reasonable.” She said, “No, calm down.
It’s not an argument; it’s just for the sake of discussion, just so I have an idea of
how the money went.” So I calmed down and took a sheet of paper. I tried to
remember what I did with the money. I was able to itemize most of what I did with
the money, but you know the human mind or the brain is not perfect. There were
just some things I could not recollect.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Anyway, when I was done listing the things I did with the money, I became instantly
ashamed of myself. Though my income had been about three times my normal
monthly income, I had not spent one extra dime on our home.
It seemed like the moment I got that extra income something told people around
me that I had money. They were coming to me with all kinds of desperate needs
in their lives and being a kind person, I started giving it away. I did not even spend
an extra dime on myself but all the money was gone. That struck me. That shocked
me. It embarrassed me and I had to find a solution. It was then I realized that you
must have a spending plan for your money before the money arrives.
Many people develop their spending plan or what we call a budget after they have
spent their money. That was what I did after my wife asked me what I had done
with the money. I was writing down what I had done with the money but the money
was gone. It doesn’t matter how much money you earn, you cannot be rich if you
do not manage your money well. You can’t spend everything that’s coming in.
Some people even actually spend more than they earn because they have not
planned how to spend the money. More money would not make you rich if you do
not have a plan.
Can you build a house without drawing up a building plan? Without a plan,
whatever you build will actually become a coffin - it is destined to crumble. The
same can be said about your financial house. If you do not have a plan, something
is going to go wrong somewhere and everything is going to be destroyed. So you
must have a plan for how you will spend the money before the money comes.
I remember how trying to meet other people’s needs just left me financially
imbalanced. I always found a good excuse, a good justification for giving people
money, but sometimes I did it in such a way that I could not even meet the basic
needs in our own house.
When you do not have a plan, you may have resources, but the resources will not
be channeled to achieve the goals most important to you. There is power in a plan.
Planning is winning. People who plan always succeed more than those who do
My weakness was that I was always moved by the needs of people around me
and I was giving away most of the money I was earning. But one day, I had an
experience with God.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I was praying for my finances because things were not just adding up and He said,
“You are pretending as if your middle name is El-Shaddai.”
El-Shaddai is a Hebrew name that describes God and it means the All Sufficient
One or the Big-breasted One. He said, “Your middle name is not El-Shaddai. You
don’t have the capacity to solve everybody’s financial problems. If you keep
pretending that your middle name is El-Shaddai, you will soon find out that it is
actually, ‘I shall die.’”
Many people don’t realize it, but when you live in a poor environment, there is a
culture of mutual impoverishment and codependency. Most of the time, it is
unconscious. Out of sympathy, those who have little give everything away, trying
to solve other people’s problems. Eventually, they never develop the capacity to
solve problems for people at a higher level.
I experienced a turn-around when I began to draw up a budget for spending
money. However, in the process of developing a budget, I discovered that the
purpose of a budget is not just to plan how to spend the money- the first part of a
budget is to plan how the money will come.
The first part of a budget is planning the income. There has to be income before
there can be any spending. Now, I have adopted the habit of setting income goals
at the beginning of each year. Next, it’s important to break down the target figure
and itemize all the ways you can earn money. Then, I allocate realistic figures to
each of those categories.

Let me give you an example:

If you earn a salary, that should come first. If you earn speaking fees or honorarium
like I do, that is another category. If you are an author like I am, you are entitled to
royalties. If you have investments, let’s say, maybe real estate and you get rent
every month, or probably once a year, that is another category. If you have
investment in stocks and you reap dividends, that is one. And if like me you are
actually working where you serve people without charging any fees, the likelihood
is that some people will experience dramatic changes in their lives, and they want
to give you gifts once in a while. That happens to me, and that is one category I
plan for also. Finally, you add up the figures and see if it matches your total figure.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

You have got to see your target income for the year that includes ways for you to
earn that figure, or else you are living an unrealistic life. It has to work out on paper.
With that you have an idea of the volume of products or services that you will offer
in the course of a year in exchange for the income that you expect. If you find out
that what you have the capacity to earn is nowhere near what you will love to earn,
then you know you must make some definite shifts in your life.
Several years ago, a young man came to me. He said, “I have been working for
several years but I am still broke. I want to marry; I don’t have the money to marry.
I can’t even feed my wife if I marry now. I need a change, pray for me.” I said,
“Before I pray for you, we need to do some thinking together. When you get home
today, sit down and ask yourself, how much am I earning now? How much will I
like to earn?” I said further, “Write the amount of money you would like to earn on
a sheet of paper, stick it on the wall in your bedroom and make it part of your
prayer point every day. Ask God, ‘How can I earn this amount of money?’ What
you are looking for are ideas and what you can give in exchange for that amount
of money. There are people who are earning that amount of money already. Ask
yourself, what do they do? The likelihood is they are offering services or products
at a higher level than you are. So if you need to acquire some new level of skill to
be able to earn that amount of money, then go and take a course. If you need to
change the kind of work that you do, change it. You need to clearly state how you
will earn that amount of money and make the changes that you need to make in
your life.”
So you must have a plan and the first part of the plan has to be how you will make
the money.
Then your spending plan should include your your budget, or the plan you have
in place to spend the money you’re earning. What are you going to spend your
money on? I recommend that the first item on your spending plan should be what
you will give to God or to charity. How you spend your money is a reflection of
your values as a person. If you really want to know what is important to someone,
check the person’s bank account. So giving to God or to charity should come first.
Next to that should be what you will save. You need to fix the amount of money
you are going to save before the money arrives. Why are we putting this next to
what you are giving to God? Someone said once, it is actually what you pay
yourself after your income.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

The likelihood is you will spend everything else paying other people for the
products and services they created. They will make profits off you. In fact, those
things that you buy from sustain industries and their organizations from what you
pay them. What you save is what you can grow. Think of it as your seed money
and that is what determines the measure of your wealth in the future. What are you
going to save? Specify that. The experts advise your savings should be at least ten
percent of your income. Maybe you are just getting started and if you you owe a
lot of money already, you save do five percent instead. The important thing is that
you start.
You know that there are basic needs that must be met. They are priorities - food,
mortgage and rent. So, next to savings is what you are going to spend for food.
Then, itemize what you are going to spend for rent or for your mortgage.
Then you have utilities in your house. You enjoy electricity and water supply and
you have to pay for them. You also need to pay telephone bills. There are many
people who have no control over how much they spend on the phone and they
wonder why they are broke. It is because they did not plan or limit how much they
were going to spend.
Next to that, if you have children, plan for the expenses associated with them. This
is a priority and is very important.
Next, I recommend that you budget for transportation. If you travel to work every
day by public transport and you allow yourself to run out of money, you run out of
the ability to go to the place where you earn money. You are creating big problems
for yourself, so you need to plan and provide enough to cover for a month.
Transportation is important. If you have a vehicle, you provide for the insurance,
the maintenance and the fuel.
Next to that, you need to budget for your clothes. Some people walk through the
shopping mall, they say they are window shopping. They do not realize that when
you look through the window, some things may catch your eyes and drag you
through the door. You need to specify and fix how much you are going to spend
on clothes and on accessories. That is one area where many people run into debt
and throw their finances out of balance.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

First, make monthly provision, and then you can buy your clothes and shoes
gradually. Thus all the clothes in your wardrobe would not grow old at the same
time. Some people would not buy for a long time and then they go on a binge and
they buy so much and they do not know where to stop. This is why you need to
budget for clothes.
I will recommend also that you budget for gifts. How much are you going to give
out to people? It has to be budgeted. Do not kill other important areas of your life
because you are trying to help people. Be generous - do not be stingy, but plan
your giving. Plan your generosity. Are you going to buy a birthday gift? Some
people get depressed when Christmastime comes. They get depressed when it is
their brother’s or sister’s birthday or it is their parents’ wedding anniversary. Why?
They did not plan for the gift. So, if you have family members that you are
supporting, parents or siblings, budget how much money you are going to spend
on gifts for them. Remember, you want to stay away from mutual impoverishment.
One other thing I often encourage people to do is to budget for your library. You
have seen how important it is for you to upgrade your thinking. It is one of the
greatest investments that you are going to make.
I know it may not be easy. I know it may be work. I know it will take a little bit of
thinking. However, remember one thing about life, when you do the hard things
first, things get easier from there. If you avoid this hard part and you do the easy
ones first, things get harder from there.
Doing this has changed my life. Not only has it transformed my finances as an
individual, it has transformed the organizations that I lead. Why? We have financial
budgets for each of the organizations I oversee. You can create the future through
After you have done all of this, the only thing that’s left is discipline. Stick to your
budget and don’t make the mistake others often make by creating a budget, but
never implementing it. They do not refer to it and they just and spend excessively.
It is only after they are done spending the money that they come back and say,
“Oh, let me even see the budget.” Then lament saying, “Oh my God, I spent too
much money on this, I didn’t spend enough on that!” Then, they become

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

But where they went wrong in the first place is they did not use their budget to
control their spending. That is the essence of a spending plan. You use it to control
your spending and once you hit the limit for a particular item, stop there.
Remember, next month is not far away. Be disciplined enough to follow your
spending plan.
I will like to remind you that the major difference between the rich and the poor is
the way they think. Being rich is a habit, being poor is a habit. The habits, lifestyles
and behaviors of many poor people influence their poverty.
When you change your habit, you change your life. We human beings are
creatures of habits. And you need to break free from the habits that keep you
down. Cultivate these habits I suggest and like I mentioned before, you will find
out that it is not difficult to be rich.
With this principle, you can enjoy your new status. Welcome to the club of the rich.

When you do not have a plan, you may have resources, but the resources will not
be channeled to achieving the goal that is most important to you.
State three resources available to you now that you are not channeling into your
goals. (e.g., internet and phone bills)

State how you intend to plan these resources to achieve your goals with a plan for
each resource.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

◉ Listen to How To Manage Money by Sam Adeyemi. Available @
◉ Read the book Parable of Dollars
◉ Pay particular attention to chapter three, the workbook section.

Can you see what we have been able to do together? We have been able to show
a. The first part of a budget is planning how the money will come

◉ Set a target for your income for the year.

◉ Break down the target figure and itemize all the ways you earn
◉ Allocate a realistic figure to income source.
◉ Ensure the target income for the year works out on paper or else you
are living an unrealistic life.
◉ If need be, increase your capacity to earn more or change the kind of
work that you do.

b. Your plan should include how much you’re spending. Each item should have
a specific figure. The following is an example of a spending plan:

◉ Tithing or give to charity

◉ Savings (or, your seed money). It is what determines the measure of
your wealth in the future.
◉ Food
◉ Mortgage or rent
◉ Utilities- electricity, water, telephone etc.
◉ Children- school fees and other expenses

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

◉ Transportation-enough to cover a month on public transportation or

car maintenance and fuel
◉ Clothing
◉ Gifts – birthdays, anniversaries, parents, siblings, relatives
◉ Library

c. You must be disciplined enough to follow your spending plan.

A key nugget for this lesson:

Building a house without a plan is a coffin!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


It does not matter the amount of money that you give to someone
who does not have sound money management principles. It will not
make him prosperous. It will not make him better. What that person
needs is to learn how to manage money well. When you are truly rich,
the income from your investments will be able to pay your bills. Let
Sam Adeyemi show you how.

Lesson 5: More money will not make you rich if you cannot manage what
you are currently getting.
Lesson objectives:

◉ To show that how you make, manage and spend money is a habit.
◉ To show that everyone has the opportunity to be prosperous but many
people eat up their seed money.
◉ To help you decide how to increase your passive income via savings and


Our next key for financial success is this: Manage your money well.
If you remember one of the most famous parables of Christ is the parable of talents.
A wealthy man gave his money to three of his employees. To one he gave a talent,
to another one he gave two talents, to the third he gave five talents. It is said that
he gave to each one according to their abilities. Now if you’re wondering what kind
of ability that is, you will see it in the story.
The wealthy man travelled for a long time and when he returned, he asked each
of his employees to make presentations on what they had done with the money
given to them. The man with five talents had made one hundred per cent profit. He
now had ten talents. The man with two talents also made a hundred percent. He
now had four talents.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

The man with one talent came and gave a dramatic report. He said, “I observed
that you are a difficult man who likes to earn where you have not worked and I
saw that it was not convenient for me to do anything, so I went to hide the money
so that you will get at least the exact thing that you gave me back.” The boss said
to him, “You are a lazy and wicked servant. You knew that I like to make my money
Now, that is a very important mindset there that rich people have: they do not like
to keep their money the way it is; they like to make their money grow. The rich man
said, “The least that you could have done was to give my money to the bankers
and when I came back, I would have received some interest.” Then he added,
“Take the talent from him and give it to the man who has ten.”
I like to paraphrase that principle this way: Money will always flow from those who
do not manage it well to those who manage it well. So, in that story, it was the
ability to manage money that the boss recognized when he was giving the men
talents. The boss gave five talents to one person, two talents to another person
and only one to this young man. What the young man did with the one talent was
proof that the boss’s assessment was correct to start with- the young man had
never been a good manager of money. There is a principle established by Christ
in the scriptures that says, he who is faithful will little can be trusted to be faithful
in more.
Remember, how you make, manage and spend money is a habit. It does not matter
the amount of money that you give to someone who does not have sound money
management principles, it will not make them prosperous. It will not make their
lives better. In order for their lives to change, they need to learn how to manage
money well.
I attended a seminar several years ago. At that seminar, somebody spoke for only
ten minutes on a verse from the book of Proverbs, written by the famous King
Solomon who was one of the wealthiest men who ever lived. Proverbs 21:20 says,
“here is much treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise but the foolish man
spends everything”.
The man who spoke at the seminar said if you spend everything that is coming to
you, you are a fool. What he said struck me like a ton of bricks. I had not heard
someone tell me so bluntly that I was a fool for many years because I was
spending everything.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Inside me I began to protest. I was thinking to myself, “come on, you shouldn’t be
so emphatic. That’s too hard. What if the money is not enough anyway; how do
you save when the money is not enough?”
Interestingly enough, it was like the man was hearing what I was thinking. He said,
“I know there are some of you right now who are saying to yourself that the reason
why you spend everything is because the money is not enough.” He continued,
“Let me tell you, the fact that you are spending everything is not because the
money is not enough, it is proof that your wisdom pipe is blocked.”
It was like someone took a pipe and hit my head with it. My wife was sitting right
behind me at that seminar. I turned around to look at her and she nodded her head
as if to say that was the truth. It shook me. It was just ten minutes but I will never
forget. That was over a decade ago, but I will never forget it because it changed
my life. I did not know that my money management habits were affecting my
prosperity. I did not have anything in savings. That day, when I got back to the
office (it was a morning session at the seminar), I sent someone immediately from
our office to the bank to get a savings account form. I opened a savings account
and I started saving that day.
The first month I started this habit of saving money, something dramatic happened.
After taking care of all my bills for the month, the money that I had in savings was
three times my salary. I could not explain it. My income shot up. When you enact
on a powerful principle like that and you get some dramatic results usually you
think that something happened by chance. You want to watch if it is going to
happen again. The next month, my income went even higher. The third month, my
income went soared. Then I said to myself, “hold on, something is happening in my
life that I need to understand. What is going on?” In fact, it was something I had to
pray about because I wanted to understand it. If you do not understand a principle,
it is difficult for you to apply it.
I discovered that the money in savings was impacting my thinking. The scriptures
declare, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” I discovered that, before, when I
was broke, I was acting broke. I did have any money anywhere. I felt the lack and
the powerlessness. But I discovered that when I began to save money, I felt more
secure. Just when I thought I was broke, with no cash left, I would remember what
I saved. The feelings of lack and despair immediately left. And because there was
money in my mind now, I was attracting money into my life. It is remarkable how
these principles work. Sometimes they are so simple that people don’t take them
seriously, but when put into action, they do work.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

As the amount of money in my savings went up, my income went up. A year after
I began saving, I had far surpassed where I was before. I discovered that after the
money got to a particular level, I could discuss with the bank and put the money
in fixed deposit. When I put the money in fixed deposit, it earned interest for me. I
found out that I could make money from the bank. Now, the money I was saving
created a new source of income for me. It was exciting. I landed on something
So, because it was working so well for me, I opened a savings account for the
church. We began to set money aside and as the money in the savings account of
the church increased, the income of the church increased, too. It is a powerful
So, I want to challenge you to begin to develop money management habits that
create wealth for you in the future.
Now some people do not even have bank accounts. They do not understand the
importance of having a bank account. I want to challenge you today, if you do not
have a bank account, open one. If all you have is a current account, please open
a savings account. You need to set money aside and you can make it easier by
making automatic deposits into your account.
Some people ask, “Should I have a joint account with my husband or wife?” That
is a big question and a good one. In the first place I think that husband and wife
should have the basic understanding that they are one, and so is their money. If
you are not one in your thinking, if you are not one in vision, it would not matter if
you put your money in the same account. If your thinking is diverse, eventually you
will have to split that account because you would not go in the same direction. So
the first thing is just the basic understanding - we are one, our money is one.
Now, should you have a joint account? Yes, I will encourage that husband and wife
should have a joint account. You can operate in different ways. Some people want
to put all the money in the same account so that they can be jointly responsible
for how the money is spent. If that suits you, fine. Some other couples say, “Let’s
keep independent accounts and then have a joint one into which we put in agreed
amounts of money regularly to fund these specific projects for our family.” It may
be building a house. It may be the children’s school fees. It may be joint investment
to start a business.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I think this appeals to many couples because it gives both the husband and wife
some discretionary amount of money to spend as they deem fit, especially when
they want to buy gifts for each. One joint account and separate, individual
accounts makes doing this more convenient.
But I want to emphasize that more money will not make you rich if you cannot
manage what is coming to you. There is a law called Parkinson’s Law. It is an old
law that Parkinson identified. It says, “Expenses will always rise to meet income.”
It is a law. In other words, if they increase your salary this month, within the next
two to three months, it would be like nothing happened. Your expenses are going
to rise. Remember, it is a law; it is not a suggestion. It is not an idea, it is not
something that happens to some people but does not happen to some others. Even
the Scriptures recognize this law saying, “When riches or goods are increased, so
are those that eat them.” So, it is there, it is a law.
Let me explain how I think it works. Say your salary has just been increased by
fifty per cent. Now you are walking through a supermarket or shopping mall. As
you walk through the shopping mall, you look at the items and it feels like they are
talking to you, you are drawn just that strongly to them. Some of them will make
you aware that you could not afford to buy them before, but they will let you know
you can buy them now.
And you know what? You will be tempted to prove your power, to prove the point
that you are free from one level of poverty. It is very tempting. However, if you will
be prosperous in the long run, you must fight Parkinson’s Law. I emphasize the
word “fight” because it is going to be a struggle.
Can you keep your expenses the same, even though your income has increased?
It’s important because think of it this way: if you save the increase in income, you
can build wealth faster. So, fight Parkinson’s Law. Fight the temptation to change
everything about you and to increase your expenses just because your income
has increased.
Listen, if you’re not careful marketers will take all the increase in your money.
Why? Because they want to let you know that there is a new model of the car you
are driving. They want to make you feel sorry and feel poor for driving the old
model of the car. This old model may be a car you bought only two or three years
ago with new mileage still on it, making it a practically new car.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

They make you feel sorry for yourself. They make you feel that You have to buy
the new one or else you are broke or something is wrong with you.
Some will want to tell you: “Look, your income increase means you can get a
bigger house!” Or, “you should start shopping in more expensive places for
If you do not have a vision and a plan for your life, other people will make you feel
like you have to adhere to their standards.
What are your goals in the long run? Save your extra income for as long as you
can. To manage your money well, apart from having a spending plan, I will
emphasize that saving and investing are important ways to do so.
First, the experts tell us that you should have between two to six months’ living
expenses saved, in case of emergency.
Beyond that, begin to put your money in investments. Do you remember what that
young man with one talent said to his boss? He said, “I discovered that you are a
man who likes to reap where you have not sown.”
The major difference between people who are wealthy and those who are poor is
rich people make their money to work for them. I developed a habit of taking
money from my savings account and investing in shares. I have been doing that
for over a decade now. I bought life insurance, invested in real estate and began
to buy plots of land.
Sometimes, young people who are starting new businesses have ideas and the
energy, but they do not have the money. Your money is likely to multiply faster if
you invest in these young businesses than if you invest in an existing conglomerate
or large business. You know why? Young businesses turn around their income very
quickly because they are hungry and their overhead is lower. They do not have
all those huge expenses that large companies have. Large companies have large
buildings to maintain, expensive equipment and a large number of staff. The young
companies do not have the same expenses so their profit margins have the
potential to be very high.
I should warn you though, that you need to be sure that the people behind the
companies you’re investing in are trustworthy and they have a good track record.
The last thing you want to do is give your money to anyone who does not have
experience in the area where they are doing business. Do not give your money to
someone who does not have the capacity to multiply it or to manage it well.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

When a bricklayer shows up to you and says he wants to make some investments
in oil and gas or in gold, be careful. Sometimes, you need to ask even the
professionals themselves, the stock brokers and the insurance brokers, what they
have invested their own money in. Some of them are just out to make a
Let me add that you can invest in some pension plans because even though
overtime they may not make a high level of interest, they are usually relatively
stable things to invest in.
Finally, let me encourage you to use the law of compound interest to your
advantage. It is one of the most powerful principles in the world. If you invest
money today, you get interest on it over the next year. If you take both the principal
and the interest and you invest them back and you keep turning it around like that,
eventually your money will increase exponentially
Let this principle work for you, especially if you are young. The earlier you keep
your money in investments, turning around both the principal and the interest, the
more your money grows over a period of time. Make sure you are consistent with
your saving and with your investing.
Everyone has the opportunity to be prosperous but many people eat up their seed
money. This is your chance. Improve the way you manage your money today and
the future will be exciting for you.
Let me redefine being rich for you. If you earn a large salary and you can afford to
buy many things today, that does not mean you are rich. If you lose that job, is
there a potential that you will be broke in six months’ time? Then you are not rich.
You only have the potential to be rich.
When you are truly rich, the income from your investments will be able to pay your
bills. Imagine if you were to start earning rent, royalties and other passive income.
Even if you do not have to work another day, there is money coming in for you and
that money is enough to pay your bills.
This is when you are truly rich.
I challenge you to make earning passive income that is enough toyou’re your bills
your goal. Not only will it give you peace of mind, it will give you the opportunity
to leave a legacy for those coming after you- your children, your grand-children
and your great grand-children. Anytime they think about you, long after you have
gone, they will always be grateful that they came through your lineage.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Think of three ways you have been mismanaging your money – (e.g. giving out
gifts without a budget to impress people.)

State how you intend to correct these habits in the next six months, giving yourself
two months to address each wrong habit.

We have learnt the following:
a. Everyone has the opportunity to be prosperous, but many people eat up
their seed money.
b. Our goal should be that our passive income, the money from our
investments, is enough to pay our bills.
c. How to develop money management habits that can create wealth for us in
the future. They are:

◉ Open a savings account

◉ Transfer your money as it grows from savings into fixed deposit
accounts and earn interest from the bank- another source of income!
◉ Save any increase in income to build your capacity for investing and
for creating wealth in the long run.
◉ Save between two and six months’ expenses as an emergency fund.
◉ Invest in shares, life insurance, real estate, businesses, pension plans,

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

d. Be consistent in saving and investing, using the law of compound interest to

your advantage.

A key nugget for this lesson:

Money will always flow from those who do not manage it well to
those who manage it well.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


Develop the ability to manage, grow and lead people. It is very critical.
The higher you rise, the more you must master these skills for
managing systems and for leading people. If they can do it the way
you do it, your organization will grow in phenomenal ways.

Lesson 6: Building a system is absolutely critical to building wealth

that spans generations!
Lesson Objectives

◉ To show that building a system is absolutely important.

◉ To show that you can leverage other people’s skills, expertise and
experiences to create a wealth-building, life-changing system
◉ To demonstrate that when you work within an organization, if you do not
develop your leadership and management skills, you will be trapped along
your journey to the top.


Six: Develop the Ability to Build Systems
When I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, The Cash Flow Quadrant he described how
we make money on four levels. He said we can make money as employees, we
can make money as self-employed people, we can make money as business
owners and we can make money as investors. We can make money in two or three
or all four categories at the same time. Kiyosaki pointed out that the mindset used
to make money in each category is different.
What caught my attention more was the difference between the self-employed
category and the business owner category. People in both categories are in
business and I was wondering why he should separate them. He explained that
being self-employed means that you have started a business quite alright but you
are the only employee of that business. So he said being self-employed is a little
better than being employed by other people.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

He explains that there are some advantages to being self-employed. You now
have control over your time and your resources and you can make money at your
own rate. Still, there are several disadvantages to being only self-employed. One
of them is the inability to take time off. For example, if you go on vacation, the
income of your business will also go on vacation.
Usually people who work at that level cannot increase the income of their business
unless they increase the number of hours they work. He pointed out that many
self-employed people tend to work very long hours and eventually it impacts on
their health. Unfortunately, if they fall sick, the income also goes on break.
Then, he described the business owner as the one who owns a business, but has
broken down the business into different departments. Under each department, he
has employees, and there are different assignments for each role. He has job
descriptions. So the business owner is the one who has employed other people to
come and help him with different aspects of the work he has been able to sell to
others. He manages those people.
The advantages of this quadrant or way of earning money are manifold. When you
are a business owner, you are able to build what we call systems - leveraging
other people’s skills, expertise and their time. So instead of depending only on
your own brain to make decisions, you now have many other people to contribute
their ideas. Instead of depending only on your own training and experience, you
have people who are experts and professionals in different areas who are even
better than you in those areas, who bring in their expertise to help the quality of
your work.
Apart from that, instead of one person doing the job, you have 10, 20 or 50 people,
helping you to do the job. The output is significantly higher than what you would
achieve alone.
Then Kiyosaki drew an organizational chart with boxes to represent the roles that
people will occupy from the CEO down to the heads of the different departments.
He included the managers, the supervisors and the artisans. Kiyosaki said, when
you are the only one working in your business, you are the only one occupying all
those positions.
One of my friends introduced me to Kiyosaki’s book and he said it helped him
understand why he was having health challenges while running his business. He
was suffering from a psychosomatic illness which cannot be cured by drugs
because it is an illnesses of the mind.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

My friend at that time was driving the pick–up van that used to belong to his late
dad. He managed to repair the vehicle to get it back to working condition after it
had been down for a long time. Running the business was so stressful because the
business was still young. He and his wife started the business together and he
would go all over the city, trying to do this and that. He was trying to start two or
three businesses at the same time. He was wearing himself out.
There was a large hole on the floor of that pick-up van. He could see the floor
when he was driving. I saw him one day trying to start that van, he had to open the
hood to connect some wires. Then he went back in, turned the ignition and had to
use a spanner which he put somewhere in the engine before the car was able to a
I could tell he was stressed out. One day, as he was driving on the road, something
strange happened. He said that the road suddenly turned upside down, he saw
himself and the car turning upside down and he was scared. He slammed on the
brakes right in the middle of a four lane highway and there were cars going past
him. He said he was feeling dizzy and thought he was going to pass out. He opened
the door of the car, quickly came out, and started to undress, starting first with his
tie and then his shoes – right there on the side of the road. He said people thought
he was going crazy. He went to see the doctors afterwards. They ran tests on him
but did not find anything wrong with him.
Turns out it was just stress. He was wearing himself out. He was working too hard.
The doctors did not allow him to drive for years because his heart palpitated
whenever he drove. Then he read the book, Robert Kiyosaki’s The Cash Flow
When he saw the organizational chart and the different positions there, he saw
where he was on the chart. He was the CEO, the manager purchasing, the
marketing officer, the accountant, and he was the secretary. He was occupying all
the positions that could be occupied in an organization. Then he saw why he his
health had been failing – because he was self-employed rather than a business
The business owner has gone beyond technical skill. Maybe you are a lawyer, an
accountant, or a doctor and you have started your business. After sometime, the
opportunities that are coming will demand resources that are beyond what one
person can provide. At that point in time, if you do not know what to do, you will
either put your health at risk or your business will remain stagnant.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

From my experience, this affects all kinds of organizations. It affects businesses

and even churches. When you get to that critical point, there are new skills you
must acquire- management and leadership skills beyond your professional
experience and skills. That’s why it’s imperative that you develop management
skills, leadership skills, and the ability to build systems.
Look at the human body. It runs like a system. A system is a group of parts that
carry out specific functions. In the human body, you have the respiratory system,
the nervous system, the digestive system, the excretory system and the skeletal
system. The respiratory system for example has the lungs, the windpipe, and the
nostrils. They all work together to ensure that oxygen goes into the body and that
carbon-dioxide comes out. The digestive system starts from the mouth and ends
up in the anus. All the parts along that line that carry out the same function make
up a system.
It is the same thing for an organization or a business. If you lead an organization,
you have got to be able to run systems. Break the job down to sales and marketing,
maybe human resources or office management as some people call it,
administration, finance and production, depending on the kind of organization you
are running.
In order to run a successful business that uses systems, you must develop the
ability to recruit people. You must develop the ability to manage and lead those
people. You need to have the ability to clearly define the vision of your
organization: to define your core values, standards of behavior and be able to sell
this vision you have in your heart for your organization to the people who work
with you. People do not get the vision in one day. So this means you have to
interact with them and you have to say it over and over again.
Additionally, you should have a system for appraising or evaluating people’s
performances so they can receive promotions and salary increases.
Financially, you have to be able to read financial statements because that is
absolutely critical to the life and health of your business. It does not matter the
number of opportunities you have for your organization, if the business is
hemorrhaging money and you cannot track it, your business will not last.
So develop the ability to build systems- draw an organizational chart and list job
descriptions for each role that you define in your organization.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Let me mention that there are other basic management skills that you need, like
knowing how to run a meeting. A meeting is a powerful tool for a manager or a
leader because it’s during these times where you are able to pull minds together.
What five or six or seven minds will produce will always be far more than what one
mind can produce. But many people get tired of meetings because the meetings
are boring. A meeting will be boring if you do not define the purpose of the meeting
before you start and if you do not clearly state an agenda for the meeting.
Everybody should know what the meeting is about and what you are going to
discuss and there should be a time limit for the meeting. As the chair of the meeting,
you must guide the discussion so that people do not digress or stray away from
the topic at hand.
I have discovered from experience that the products of our meetings are always
creative and innovative, and that we are able to manage our operations better.
However, to make decisions, you need to have a meeting and this is the reason
why many entrepreneurs do not like to build systems. When you build systems,
you have to run meetings with all the people heading the departments, and that
slows you down. When you are not yet at that level, you make your decisions
quickly. There is nobody to ask if you are the only one in the business. If there are
only two of you, there is no point calling any board meeting, you make your
decisions quickly and therefore actions are taken quickly. So it does seem like a
disadvantage when you have to conduct a meeting before a decision is made.
However, let me say that the principle of leverage is working for you when you
have that meeting. You have the opportunity to get ideas beyond your own limit
as a human being.
In order to be a successful business owner, you must learn how to potential
problems better. When you make a decision, it impacts four, five or six different
departments at the same time. So as a leader, when you introduce an idea, the
people at the meeting are able to tell you how it will impact their departments,
then everybody can discuss together. You overlook fewer things. Your decisions
are more accurate. And because more people are involved in the decision making,
more people are involved in the execution. It helps a lot.
Let me tell you one of the advantages of building systems. You make money even
while you are sleeping. You make money even while you are on vacation on an
island somewhere in the Caribbean. Why? You leverage other people’s time, skills
and talents.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

The fact that you can continue to make money even when you are not around is
one of the greatest advantages of building a system. It is absolutely important. It
gives you the ability to focus on the things that are most important to you. Maybe
you would like to spend time with your spouse to build your marriage. With systems
in place, you can take time away, go on holiday and celebrate your wedding
anniversary, or just take a weekend away and it will not hurt anything. You can go
on vacation with your family and what you have built that is bringing in the money
for you will continue to bring in the money while you are on vacation, having a nice
time bonding with your spouse and children, and doing the things that are most
important to you.
Also, think also about the health advantages. Heading up a well-run organization
with systems means you can rest and take a break occasionally. If you need to
attend to your health, you can go ahead and do that. You can attend to
relationship issues and attend to your family members or friends when they need
help. It is phenomenal when you develop the ability to build systems.
I emphasize this principle because most people get trapped. They hit a wall in their
ability to make money, either when they do business on their own or when they
work in an organization. When you work within an organization, if you do not
develop your leadership and management skills, you will be trapped somewhere
along your journey to the top.
I remember I read about a research study somewhere. They were trying to
measure the factors that determined people’s success at different stages in their
career. They discovered that when you are a factory floor level worker, 75% of
your success is determined by technical skill and only 25% people skills. When
you become a supervisor, the factors that determine your success are evenly split:
50% technical skill and 50% people skills. Then they discovered when you hit
upper management level, 75% of your success depends on people skills and only
25% skill. The higher you rise, the more you must master these skills for managing
systems and for leading people.
Let me state that even though you may draw the organizational chart and design
the job descriptions, at the end of the day, systems do not run themselves, people
run systems.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

You must develop the ability to motivate people who do the job, manage them to
get the best out of them. Leadership can be learned. You never rise beyond your
leadership ability. The moment you cannot manage five people, the moment you
are leading a group of ten people but there is a lot confusion and tension and there
is an inability to get people on the same page with the goals and visions of the
company, that’s the time to take an assessment of whether those people are a fit
for your organization. There may be some hard choices to make.
You cannot do the job of 20 people if you are managing 20 people. There is no
way to compensate for it. You need to have the ability to manage people. So this
key is important. You want to be a manager and you want to be a leader. You are
designed for the top. The people who manage the highest volumes of resources in
our world have management skills and they have leadership skills. But I will tell
you that the key factor is the ability to build systems.
I learned this through implementing systems in the church I pastor. We broke the
job down into different departments. Then, we placed different people in different
departments and we began to employ people who will work under them. I found
out that as we broke each job down, shared it among different people, I began to
have peace of mind. I began to have the time to focus on the part of the work I was
able to do nest.
Interestingly, I discovered that my job was to create new levels for the organization
and I needed time to do that. I discovered I could delegate the operations (the
practical activities) to other people but I could not delegate vision, thinking and
planning strategically for the future of the organization.
Every organization grows in the heart of the leader of the organization. So you
must learn to delegate. This is the essence of systems. There are other people to
help you do the job and some parts of the job that they do, they can do better than
you. So today, I have over a hundred people that I manage in one organization
alone. What makes it possible is, I can design the systems, I can employ people,
and they can do the job.
If you ever want to become a Richard Branson, you cannot be the one sweeping
the floor, doing all the paperwork or going to the bank to deposit the revenue you
make. You have to employ people to do that and you just supervise those people.
But the one thing you must do is to see new levels and dream new dreams. See
yourself growing bigger.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

So I encourage you today, develop the ability to build systems and the ability to
grow human beings. When individuals come to work with you, see them as raw
materials. Then begin to train them and transfer the capacity that you have into
them. If they can do the work the way you do it (or even better), your organization
will grow in phenomenal ways.
I have had the pleasure of working with all kinds of people in the last fifteen years.
I have seen them grow, and I have seen them change. I have made it a goal for
myself to grow CEOs and I have seen many people leave the organization that we
lead to start their own. The reason why is because together we built system. Now,
they are building systems where they are and it is just phenomenal because it
redefines your level of success.
Develop the ability to build systems; it will take you to a new level to reach not just
multi-millions in revenue, but billions!

Are you an entrepreneur or intend to be one? Draw the the organizational chart
of your business.
If you are an employee, could you do the same for where you are currently?
Imagine yourself as a manager/leader in your current place of work (if you are
not one already). List three things that you can improve upon when leading your
Now, state how you intend to correct all of them within the next six months, giving
yourself item two months to correct each.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

◉ Listen to the CD again
◉ Review all the steps you have taken so far in this manual.

We have learned:

◉ How to be a business owner.

◉ How to draw organizational charts.
◉ To have vision and mission statements, core values and corporate
◉ To develop the ability to communicate the vision that our staffs will embrace.
◉ To be able to hire, appraise, evaluate, and reward staff.
◉ To develop the ability to read financial statements, delegate and run

Key nuggets for this lesson:

1. Every organization grows in the heart of the leader of the


2. a system is essential for the establishment of organizations that

will transcend their owners.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


As we increase in our capacity to create wealth, we must develop and

hold on to strong spiritual values as our foundation. The purpose of
wealth is to create equality in the society. So we have to use our
wealth to influence positive policies that can change and improve the
welfare of those less fortunate.

Lesson Objectives
◉ To show money that money should not take the place of God in our hearts.
◉ To show that if you do not monitor it, greed will kill.
◉ To show that some of the greediest people in the world today are really the
poorest people.


Seven: Giving
Our next key for creating financial success is giving. Several years ago, I read from
Glenn Bland’s book, Success, the Glenn Bland Method, about nine men who were
some of the most powerful men in America at the time. But several years down the
line, when they checked on each of these nine men, most of them were broke and
destitute. Some of them were in jail, some had been to jail, and the rest had
committed suicide. All nine seemed to end up badly.
This made me curious. What is it about wealth or power that can influence one to
discard their values? I realized that money should not be an end in itself. It is a
means to an end that is spiritual because we human beings are not only physical,
we are also spiritual.
While we have physical needs and money will enable us to meet those needs, we
also have spiritual needs. Material things will never fully satisfy our spiritual needs.
Sometimes poverty is not physical- it is not only the lack of money- it is a spiritual
thing. In other words, poverty can cause rejection; it can result in hurt self-esteem
or stunted spiritual growth or development.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

When we try to heal those spiritual pains by amassing material things, we discover
that those things just never cure our inner hurts. They never quench our inner fears.
Then, the temptation is for us to want to acquire more. And to do so, we sometimes
break the rules, we compromise our values and take shortcuts because of greed,
hoping that it will make us more successful.
Some executives get hooked on drugs just to get that feeling of pleasure,
satisfaction and success. Unfortunately, the drugs destroy their lives and impair
their judgment.
As we create wealth, we must develop and hold on to strong spiritual values as
our foundation. Let me remind you of what the scriptures say. When money comes
into your life, there is only one role that it wants to play: it wants to play the role of
God. Money wants to become your God. It wants to become your source of
security, safety, and your source of provision, because money solves many
problems for us. But we must remind ourselves that money cannot solve all of our
problems. Therefore, it is better for us to use money as a tool.
When we depend on money to solve all of our problems as human beings, we want
more and more and the result of that is greed. Those who lived ahead of us warned
us and it is in the Scriptures, that those who want to be rich in this world should be
very careful, or else, they will cause themselves sorrow, because the love of
money is the root of all kinds of evil.
I must emphasize here that most people who say that money is the root of all evil
are wrong because the Scriptures never said so. It is the love of money, the
emotional relationship that we have with money, the place that we give money in
our lives, that is evil. We must never allow money or material things to become the
ultimate or to occupy the ultimate place in our lives. We must beware of greed…
that insatiable desire for more.
Have you ever read a sign on the road that said, "Speed kills"? I like to tell people
also, greed kills. We must learn the secret of contentment. I found out that as my
income began to increase, I was getting excited. Then I observed that there were
things that I had to pray for before but now, there was no need to pray because
there was money to deal with the issue, there was money to solve the problem. I
saw an eventual danger there. My dependence on God was reducing. I was
beginning to shift my trust from God to the money. It meant also that I could not
afford to be without the money because it was giving me a sense of safety and
security. I saw that the money wanted to take the place of God in my life.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

We must learn contentment and that is the ability to make do with whatever we
have at any given time. I must emphasize that wealth creation is a process. It is not
a day’s job, it is a daily job. It is a journey, not a destination.
I discovered that in my early years, I was focusing only on what I could make in a
month or what I could make in a year. But I discovered that the more time I allowed
myself to reach my goals, the more restful and peaceful I became. When I
calculated regular increments in my income over ten years, over twenty years,
over thirty years, it became obvious that things were going to get better, and that
I was going to become very prosperous. So there was no need to try to have a big
breakthrough or get everything within a short time. I had to learn contentment.
Let me also share about the need for us to understand the purpose of wealth. Dr.
Myles Munroe once said that where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.
When you begin to have more money than you need to meet your basic needs, if
you do not understand the purpose of money, you are likely to abuse that money.
In fact, money that should give you the opportunity to empower others and add
value to people’s lives on a new and different dimension, could become a curse.
I discovered that the purpose of wealth is to create equality in the society. I
discovered in reading the Bible that God expects those who are rich to take care
of the poor and the lowly. In fact, in reading the Scriptures, I saw that some of the
things that made God angry the most were the oppression of the poor, wickedness
and the lack of equality in the society. I saw where the people of God behaved as
the people of God, some would even sell their lands and sell their houses, so they
could ensure that nobody went to bed hungry in the community. I saw the purpose
of wealth, which is also the purpose of power, is to create equality in the society.
A very wealthy man approached Christ and asked, “How do I inherit eternal life?”
Christ told him, “Keep all the commandments.” He replied, “I’ve been doing that
since I was young.” Then Christ said, “You lack one thing. Now, go and sell all your
goods, distribute them to the poor and then come follow me, you will have eternal
life.” It is recorded that the young man went away with sorrow because he had
great possessions. I have since come to the conclusion that it was not that he had
great possessions, great possessions had him. Money was his god. There were
poor people around him and he could not even take care of them. Christ was trying
to draw his attention to that.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I emphasize again, if you come into a large amount of money without strong
spiritual foundations, the money will take you to a wrong direction entirely. It is
easier for you to make costly mistakes in your life when you have become rich
than when you are poor. This is because when you do not have a lot of financial
means, you will realize that that absence of means prevents you from making
some mistakes. There are bad things that some of us have not done simply
because we cannot afford to do those things. So not having money has its own
advantage. But what will you do when you have the money to commit those
atrocities that can break your values? What will you do when you have the money
and can afford expensive hard drugs? What will you do when you have the money
and can afford to pay people for sex?
If you do not have strong moral values, if you do not have strong discipline, if you
have not developed character, the presence of riches could take you on a road
that you may not want to travel on.
Therefore, do not let the money control you; you need to control the money.
The purpose of wealth is to create equality in the society. We must learn to defend
the weak and the vulnerable and we can do this in different ways. We can give
directly to the poor. We can give food, clothes and shoes. We can build hospitals
for the poor or pay bills for them. We can pay school fees for those who cannot
afford to send their kids to school. And we can do it at another level, at the policy
When you become wealthy, you have access to people who influence and make
the policies. You can influence politics. Use your wealth to influence the making of
positive policies that can change and improve the welfare of the poor.
And there are wealthy people around the world today who are showing us good
examples. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are two of the wealthiest people in our
world today. They have been great examples by committing to give away half of
their wealth. That is phenomenal. It tells me that they have discovered the purpose
of wealth and that is why their wealth will not run them crazy or hurt them.
If you want to break the hold of greed, give the money away. This is how you
exercise your power over it. In following great examples that I have seen both in
scriptures and in real life, I have become a committed giver. Now, note this, if you
do not give when the money is little, you will not give when the money is much. So
you can break the hold of greed even when you think that the money is not much.
Some of the greediest people in the world today are actually the poorest people.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Remember again our basic principles- instead of looking forward to get from
others, look for value to add to people and money will always come to you. So
even in your assumed poverty, take some of your food and give to someone who
does not have at all. Maybe you have five pairs of shoes, you can take that pair
that you do not use often and give it to someone who does not even have any pair
of shoes at all. In doing that, you are demonstrating that you are mature enough
to handle more money and God will ensure that more money will find its way to
What will you do with the money when you get it? Give the money sacrificially. I
have become a committed giver. Sometimes I tell people, I am a crazy giver.
However, I have a little bit of wisdom to give in this respect because some people
have given their way back into poverty. You need to plan your giving.
Obey some of these basic rules:

Plan your giving. Give willingly.

There is a blessing for you when the giving comes from your heart. This is because
when you give, it is not only the physical thing that you give, you also give
spiritually and there is a great blessing that comes with the giving. Give to God and
to his work. Give to charity: any organization set up to help the weak, the poor and
the disabled; people who cannot help themselves. Give to them because for each
of these organizations that you give to, you are touching all the lives that they also

Give sacrificially
When you give, let it be something that touches you. Do not only give what is
convenient. Give in such a way that you feel the giving spiritually. While you give
sacrificially it is also important to give only what you can afford to give at the time.
Do not try to impress people with your giving.
Some people say that they are compelled to give by preachers. My advice is this:
give only what you can afford to give and make sure other important areas of your
life are covered.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

It’s true that sometimes we feel the inspiration to give as a sacrifice to hit another
level entirely. That happened to me and my wife. We were challenged to give our
first Mercedes car away and I knew that I got that by inspiration. As a
demonstration of our victory over greed, we did. I saw the blessing coming after
we did it. And within a space of two months we got three cars in return.
Some months later, we were inspired to give one of those cars to someone who
was a preacher. That again defined a complete shift in our level to a new
dimension entirely. So I am encouraging you, do not give because someone put
you under pressure. Give, maybe because you are divinely instructed to do so or
because you have planned for it and can afford what you’re going to give over
Do not give your way into poverty; give your way into prosperity.
Finally, let me emphasize that at the end of the day, it is God that gives the power
to create wealth. And we need the power greater than ourselves to manage our
thoughts and our emotions when the money finally arrives.
I have shared with some of my protégés in recent times that many people who
pray for success do not know what they are praying for because I have come to
realize that a lot of pressure comes with promotion.
Think of it this way: when an aircraft flies at 39,000 feet above sea level, the force
of the wind that it contends with is much more than that of an aircraft flying at
18,000 feet above sea level. Notice that the air traffic controllers will not permit a
single engine plane to fly beyond a particular level. Why? The winds will blow it
It is the same thing with us human beings. The higher we rise, the more promotion
we get, the more wealth we acquire, the greater the temptations that come to us.
We must have our faith deeply rooted in God, we must develop godly character
and we must always pray to God to help us to manage the strong thoughts, ideas
and the strong emotions that we experience when promotion has come.
I believe that as God promotes you, he will not promote you into disaster, he will
not promote you into failure, he will promote you into greater success.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

I encourage you to be generous and to be global in your thinking. Our world is in

crisis. There is a lot of poverty, sicknesses and diseases around us. The schools
are run down in many places. Let God use you as an agent of restoration to build
up other people’s lives, but more importantly to build up the community, and to
build up your nation. Once there is no limit to how much you can give, there will
be no limit to how far God will bless, promote and lift you.



Julius studied and graduated in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos
in 1987. He was among the lucky few in his cohort. Not only did he get good
grades), he did not wait for a single day after his mandatory Nigerian National
Youth Service program before he picked up an editorial job in one of the leading
newspapers in the country. In less than 10 years, Julius rose rapidly and his rapid
rise made others jealous.
His publisher had a special liking for him. He organized several trips abroad for
Julius where he made extra money. In a particular year, Julius had over N10 million
in his bank account.
Here is what he did with the money:

◉ He bought two additional cars, making his fleet of cars equate to a total of
4. His plan was to use one for his office, one for special occasions, one for
his wife and one for long distance trips.

◉ He also felt that he needed to do a renovation on his rented apartment. So,

he changed everything by redecorating and painting.

◉ He had his first baby during one of his trips and when he returned home, he
made a big statement with the naming ceremony because he got a popular
musician to be on stage. Wine and food were in excess supply.

◉ Julius lived big and left no one in doubt that money was really not his
problem but how he spent it was.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Eventually, Julius made a lot of mistakes and he lost his job. Now, he has no clue
what to do.

1. What would you describe as Julius’ single major problem?
2. If you were in Julius’ position, what would you do differently?
3. What principles of money did Julius violate?

How have you been selfish with your money? State three ways you have been
doing so:

State four ways you intend to incorporate giving into your financial life from here

◉ Listen to this CD again
◉ Review all the steps you have taken so far.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

What we have learned…
a. Do not give your way into poverty; give your way into prosperity by:

◉ Planning your giving

◉ Giving willingly
◉ Giving to God and His work
◉ Giving to charity
◉ Giving sacrificially
◉ Giving only what you can afford to give. Do not try to impress people
with your giving.
◉ Giving as inspired by God

A key nugget for this lesson:

Once there is no limit to how much you can give, there will be no
limit to how far God will bless, promote and lift you.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


Mistakes are inevitable in life. Although I have come quite far in my journey to all-
around success, I made some really costly mistakes along the way. I don’t want
you to make the same mistakes. Wise people learn from their mistakes, but wiser
people learn from the mistakes of others.
I have put together the 7 costly mistakes I made on my journey to all-around
success in a free e-book for you. All you need to do is download it.
So many people have already and their testimonies are powerful. Download it
today, so that you can learn and avoid the same mistakes I made.
Success grows best out of the ashes of failure. Your potential for success increases
each time you fail. If you will truly succeed, you must not be afraid to fail.
Below are some of the lessons I learnt from my 7 costly mistakes.

Lesson One: Worry Won’t Solve Any Problem

No amount of worrying you do today will make God do today what He has decided
to do tomorrow.
1. Write all the things that are working positively in your life now.
2. Be confident that God’s plan for your life will come to pass despite current
3. Tap into joy willingly; it attracts positive people and opportunities.
4. Break free from sadness; it attracts wrong people and repels miracles.

It is not because things are bad that you are sad; it is because you are
sad, that is why things are bad.

-Sam Adeyemi

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Lesson Two: Success Is Not a Day’s Job

Success is a daily job. It is a journey; not a destination.
1. Align with success principles.
2. Success comes through the law of process. Give it time.
3. Learn how to manage what you have first in order to be prepared for what
God will eventually give you.

There is no amount of heat that can make a block of ice to melt


-Sam Adeyemi

Lesson Three: Without Discipline, More Money Won’t Make You Rich
The ultimate test of character is what you do when presented with opportunities or
1. If you spend everything, you would become broke or poor.
2. No excuse is strong enough for breaking rules or compromising your values.
3. Do not spend money that is not yours. Do not spend money that you do not
4. Do not lose your character in the pursuit of money.

Wisdom is knowing what the consequence of an action will be before

you take that action.

-Sam Adeyemi

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Lesson Four: Location Will Not Change Who You Are.

Your fortune will not change just by moving to a developed country.
1. You have to start with where you are, with what you have in order to make
2. Successful money principles are true everywhere in the world.
3. If you really want to change your life, change your thinking right where you
4. You’re sitting on a goldmine of opportunity where you are right now.

A lizard in Nigeria will not become a crocodile in America….

- Archbishop Benson Idahosa

Lesson Five: Success Always Comes with a Balance

Do not throw your life out of balance.
1. Do not try to make money at the expense of other areas of your life.
2. Make time for your family- spouse and children
3. Live a value-based life
4. Set yearly goals on all areas of your life – spiritual, family, health, finance,
education, etc.

If you do not have values, you will not have value.

-Sam Adeyemi

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Lesson Six: Accept People the Way They Are

Accept your spouse because usually in marriage opposites attract.
1. Every person is wired differently.
2. Each person has strengths and weaknesses.
3. Do not compete but complete others and let others complete you.
4. We get better when we work together with others.

We never succeed in building relationships when we try to force

people to become exactly like us.

-Sam Adeyemi

Lesson Seven: You Need Your Body to Achieve Your Goals

1. Make sure to eat the most important meal of the day - breakfast.
2. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
3. Take multivitamins with breakfast.
4. Get an annual check-up.
5. Go on vacation.

However lofty your dreams may be, if there is a breakdown in your

health, you will have nothing else to do.

-Sam Adeyemi

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


1. Forgive yourself. It is human to make mistakes.
2. Take each mistake, the lesson learned from the mistake and the commit to
change one day at a time.
3. It usually takes around 1 month to change a habit.
4. You will see yourself changing, growing in character, in values and in your
capacity to succeed. And...
You will succeed!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom



Real money is not physical: the process for accumulation of wealth starts from your
mind. What you are thinking about right now can form the basis for your wealth or
poverty. Read the articles below to beef up your thought process.


A young man was on his way home from a conference when he was attached by
armed robbers. “Your money or your life,” they barked at him. “I am sorry, I don’t
have any,” he replied. “I am just coming from a conference where they asked us
to give an offering. I gave all the money on me. Also, at the end of the conference,
the preacher asked us to give our lives to Christ, which I did.”
I have often tried to establish that there is a connection between your money and
your mind, that you do not really see money with your eyes, you see it with your
It is what is in your head that determines what is in your hand.
It is good for us to work with our hands. It is also good for us to work with our minds.
But those who work with their hands will always be slaves to those who work with
their minds.
Unfortunately, some cultures relate more with the material than the intangible.
That is why money is more about paper and coins than ideas to some people. Still,
we must understand that poverty in certain countries is not a function of lack of
money; it is mostly poverty of the mind.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


This subject reminds me of the biblical story of Esau and Jacob. Jacob has a
reputation of being a fraudster who cheated his older twin and claimed his
birthright. But a close look at the story is very revealing.
Esau was a hunter. He was described as a man of the field but Jacob was a mild
man who loved to dwell in the tents. Most people assume that Jacob was lazy and
Esau, being the hunter, was better off. Yet, every time Esau wanted to eat meat, he
had to run into the bush to kill an animal. He created wealth through physical
exertion and derived benefit from his resources.
On the other hand, Jacob was a livestock farmer. Rather than going into the bush,
he was breeding animals under tents. While Esau did the work himself, Jacob used
the animals he had to produce other animals while he did strategic thinking. In fact,
Jacob became sophisticated in mental manipulation to the extent that he made
plain colored animals to produce spotted offspring which eventually made him
richer than his employer some years later.
While their father Isaac was dying, he asked Esau to prepare meat for him, after
which Isaac would pronounce the blessing. Esau took off to the bush once again
but Jacob moved quickly and prepared two animals for his father. He got the
You see, those who work with their minds move through life at a faster pace than
those who work with their hands.


It is mental sophistication and the ability to manipulate thoughts that has put the
developed world ahead of the undeveloped world. We must not avoid mental
exertion anymore. We must re-define laziness. King Solomon who had a reputation
for wisdom once said, “The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting…” You
see, this man works hard physically but he does not “process” the resources at his
My dear reader, decide that you will use your mind as your number one asset.
This is your season for a financial turn-around.
You will succeed!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


It was a sunny day; everybody seemed to be excited except Aaron. He was
brooding over his predicament. Only ten months before, he had $30,000. Now
nothing was left except a $10,800 debt.
But the story was different for Adam, his friend and colleague.
Adam and Aaron had worked at the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. While
Adam served as general manager in the maintenance division, Aaron was the
controller in charge of road works in the Northern Region. Fortunately, or
unfortunately, depending on how one sees the situation, they both retired on the
same day. The retirement came as a surprise because they had not put in the
mandatory years of service required for retirement.
It was a mixture of sadness and joy. There was a measure of relief because their
retirement was a result of government’s decision to downsize the civil service. The
retirement came with a juicy severence package that added up to thousands of
dollars for each of the two friends.
For Aaron, that money is gone. It seemed he had just woken up from a bad dream.
He had always wanted to build a house, so he began building a mansion. The
mansion, which had twelve bedrooms and four sitting rooms, was nearly done. The
only thing needed was the roof. But there was no money to complete it. He owed
the suppliers of building materials and some of the construction staff. He was also
due for a large promotion in his city’s government, but that was now put on hold.
He was about to get married, as well – something that he was excited celebrate
was on hold as well. Aaron had to pinch himself to be sure he was not having a
nightmare. Then he remembered Adam. Someone had told him a few days before
that Adam was now “swimming” in millions. He decided to go meet his friend.
The two friends were excited to see each other. But what Aaron saw made him
more depressed. Adam had become a wealthy man. When Aaron asked, Adam
explained what happened after they were retired. Adam had gone to his old
schoolmate, Joseph, a millionaire who owned a chain of businesses. It was Joseph
who had warned Adam to be careful what he did with his money. He told him that
there were two kinds of people when it came to the handling of money. When you
give the first group money, it multiplies. On the other hand, whatever you give the
other group will eventually reduce in quantity.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Joseph told Adam that the difference was in the mindsets of those two kinds of
people. Those who multiply money have the mindset of the rich. The other group
has the mindset of the poor. Joseph went ahead to teach his friend how to develop
the mindset of the rich.

Take a sheet of paper and write the names of the seven people who are closest to
you. If you are married, write your spouse’s name first. If you have children, write
“children” in the second slot. Then, fill the remaining spaces. Take a good look at
that list. You are looking at your future. “He who walks with the wise will be wise
and the companion of fools will be destroyed.” You see, whoever influences your
thinking has influenced your life.
When you change one name on that list, you literally change the direction of your

This is closely related to the first principle. Identify one or two people who are
successful in the area of finance and get close to them. Ask them questions.
Learning from them will save you months or years of frustration. Of course, it is
easier for poor people to relate to other poor people but all that your poor friends
will give you is sympathy. You need much more than that. You need wisdom. Your
mentor is a picture of your future. The more you relate with him or her, the more
you will be convinced that what God has done for your mentor, He can and will do
in your own life too.
You will succeed!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


In the last article, we shared the story of Adam and Aaron who both retired from
the Civil Service on the same day. However, ten months later, Aaron was broke
while Adam was a comfortable millionaire.
What was Adam’s secret? He sought counsel from someone who was wise, by the
name of Joseph. That strategy is what allowed him to accumulate so much wealth.
Joseph told Adam that the amount of money he had did not matter, if he had the
mindset of a poor man, he would still end up poor. He said that the major difference
between the rich and the poor was the way they thought. He taught Adam the
steps to think rich so he could be rich. The first two were ASSOCIATION and
MENTORING. Now let us consider some of the other steps.

Attending financial success seminars eventually turns out to be a worthwhile
investment. You have the opportunity to learn from experts on how to invest in
stocks, real estate and create small businesses. These are subjects that are
largely not taught in formal schools. The question to ask is not whether a seminar
is worth the cost but whether you are worth such investment. Truth is, you will get
your money back many times over.
This was the kind of advice Adam acted on with positive results to show for it. It
cost him $140 to attend a particular seminar. The topic was around how how to
make money from real estate. He spent another $22 buying relevant books and
digital resources. As a result, he bought a run-down house, renovated it and sold
it. He made a profit of $2,200. All this happened within six months of his attending
the seminar.

To experience rapid change in your thinking and improvement in your finances,
you must make it a habit to read books on finances. In fact, Dr Mike Murdock, a
motivational speaker and author, says if you are serious about achieving financial
success, the number of books you have on finances in your library should not be
less than your age.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

In other words, if you are 40 years old, you should have at least 40 relevant books
on the subject of finances. By reading books, you capture what’s in the minds of
successful people. They have solved the kinds of problems you have now ten,
twenty or thirty years before you. Experience, they say, is the best teacher,
especially if it is someone else’s experience.
One other wealth strategy Joseph shared with Aaron was reading through the
Bible at least once each year. Since the story of the creation of the earth is in the
book, he can apply the principles of creativity to create wealth. Also, the Bible
contains stories of individuals and nations that moved from poverty to prosperity.
Those stories contain valuable nuggets of wisdom that can be applied today- like
the story of Joseph who advised Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to save 20 percent of
Egypt’s agricultural produce for seven years. That singular act saved a country’s
economy from collapse. In fact, while famine ravaged other countries, Egypt sold
its stored products at very high rates. The story emphasizes the importance of
saving part of one’s income.

“Listening to digital resources on financial success is like going to the university
at your own leisure,” Joseph said to Adam. “There is power in the spoken word.
God shaped this world with words. Your world is shaped by the words that you
hear and internalize. The good thing about digital resources is that you can listen
to them while engaging in other activities like cooking or driving. When you listen
to a lecture on audio CD, the thoughts of the author soon become your own
thoughts. With time, you realize your life is changing. To get the best out of a
message you need to listen to it at least six times.”
After Adam told his friend Aaron all the things he learned from Joseph, Adam stood
up to signal that his discussion with Aaron was over for the day. Aaron requested
some books that could be of help to him. Obviously, Adam had changed a lot since
they both retired. He would not mind following his footsteps. Adam gave him three
books: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason, Rich Dad, Poor Dad by
Robert Kiyosaki, and The Parable of Dollars by Sam Adeyemi. Then, they
scheduled a time to meet and discuss the readings in the next couple weeks.
Now, like Aaron, you can get Parable of Dollars at
You will succeed!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


On the day of their second meeting, Adam asked if his friend had learned any new
thing from the three books he borrowed at the end of their first meeting. Aaron said
he did. He learned from Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad, that man’s greatest
asset for wealth creation was his mind. He also learned that poor people work for
money but rich people make their money work for them.
He gleaned some wisdom from The Richest Man in Babylon. He discovered how
to save and invest a tenth of his income, and how to pay off his debt systematically.
And from The Parable of Dollars, he realized the fact that money flows from those
who do not know how to handle it well to those who know how to manage it.
Adam was quite impressed that Aaron had learned so much within a short time. He
reminded Aaron of a statement made by a philosopher named James Allen: “You
cannot travel within and stand still without.” This, Adam said, agrees with a biblical
statement: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Our circumstances will always
conform to our thoughts. When we change our thoughts, invariably, our
circumstances will change. Aaron nodded in agreement.
His thinking had changed in just two weeks. He thought being rich was living in a
big mansion, driving expensive cars and throwing expensive parties. Now his goal
was different. He was going to start a business and gradually build up investments
in stocks and real estate so that his income from dividends, rents and profits could
pay his bills.
Now, Adam offered to give Aaron a few more tips on how to change his thinking to
that of a rich man.

“Real money is not paper and coins,” Adamu said. “There was a time when people
traded without currencies. It was called trade by barter. You bought goods with
your own goods that had equal value. Currencies were invented to represent the
value of goods so people would not have to carry goods like yams and beans
around town all the time for transactions. Therefore, you cannot see the real
money (value) with your eyes; you can only see it with your mind.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

“This ability to see with your mind is called vision and vision is the key to provision.
Eyes that look are common but eyes that see are few. You must begin to see
people’s needs as your own opportunities. Since human needs are endless, your
opportunities for making money will never end. Really, it does not take paper
money to make money, it takes ideas. When you have identified specific needs
you want to meet, design solutions for them. Then design means of getting the
solution across to as many people as possible at a reasonable price. Paper money
will begin to flow in your direction.”

Adam continued: “God has promised that when you give to His work and to the
poor, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that you would
not have enough room to contain. Really, furniture, cars and money do not drop
from heaven. What God pours out is invisible. It is ideas. Make it a habit to give out
a minimum of one tenth of your income.”

“Make it a habit to ask God for direction,” Adam added. “Dr Robert Schuller, a
motivational speaker and author once said, “ When you sow a prayer, you reap an
idea.” Through prayer, you get God’s perspective on a situation. That literally
results in miracles because the things that are impossible with men are possible
with God.”
My dear reader, I have shared this story with you to prepare you. Things are
changing rapidly in the world. Poverty thinking is becoming a big liability. But your
mind can be a wonderful asset. Change your thinking from that of a poor person
to that of the rich, and from that of a victim to that of a victor. Begin to take
commensurate steps. Dream big and act big. If you fail, try again. There is a place
for you at the top.
Like Napoleon Hill wrote, think and grow rich.
You will succeed!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Without vision, there is no provision. To get wealth, you must pray and capture a
divinely inspired dream. The vision God shows you most of the time is the picture
of the end point. All that’s left is for you to go from where you are to where God
wants you to be. If you cannot locate how you will get there in your mind, you will
get lost in-between.
Planning was Joseph's major asset in the Bible. Interpreting Pharaoh’s dream was
not Joseph's key to breakthrough. Interpreting Pharaoh's dream was just the
identification of the problem. It brought him out of prison but did not secure the
seat of a prime minister. Joseph went further by offering the solution. That was
where Joseph's skills, training, development and preparation came in. He learned
how to plan strategies. Joseph had superior management ability. So, it easy for
him to suggest the plan for dealing with famine. He suggested a plan of saving
20% in the time of plenty and building storehouses and warehouses in the city so
that the nation would survive the years of famine.
The world goes round in circles. The dream Pharaoh saw was not just for Egypt.
The years of plenty and famine apply to everybody especially our own world at
this time. The wise one who plans ahead will always master and dominate famine.
When other countries were going poor and broke, Egypt was exploding in wealth.
With accurate planning, you can be on top, even 20 to 30 years from now. At a
time when some of your contemporaries would be broke, if you plan ahead, with
the help of God, you will be on top.
I noticed that in the time of plenty, Egypt saved just 20% for seven years, yet when
the years of famine came, there was abundance to the extent that they could sell
to other countries. The issue here is that the law of compound interest increased
the value of their savings.
Let us define practical steps to applying this to our lives:
1. Decide what your expenses will be at your retirement age.
That is the age you hope to achieve financial freedom. Financial freedom means
that you have gotten to a stage where your expenses will be met even when you
have stopped working. Some people put this age at 45, it could be 30. Try and
estimate how much you will need to spend at that age. I have discovered from
studies that most millionaires had plans like this. I also discovered that the longer
people planned their lives, the higher they rose in their careers.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

This is referred to as the law of time perspective. If you would not be broke at 60,
it is almost too late to start planning at 55. But with God, all things are possible.

2. Determine how much you need to have in investments to yield that amount
at a realistic interest rate.
If you have decided to spend a particular amount at age 60, what you will need to
meet those expenses could be the interest of the money you have in a fixed
deposit. Being rich means the dividends from your investment can meet your
expenses. We generally believe that the person on salaried employment with an
expensive, luxury car is rich. However, if such people lose their jobs, after six
months they usually become broke. This category of people are not rich, they only
have the potential to be rich if only they will plan their resources.

3. Calculate how much you need to invest at compounded interest rate to

achieve the required amount.
God designed for things to increase in geometric progression and not
arithmetically. He said we should multiply. That is why you get hundreds of ears
of corn from just one seed. When you work by the law of compound interest, you
are making time work for you. If you do not understand the law of compound
interest, you will eat your harvest including the potential seed that could have
brought more multiplication overtime. Eat the bread because it is God that gives
seed to the sower and bread to the eater. But, please do something worthwhile
with your seeds.
Consider this simple example. If you save up $10,000 in a year and invest the funds
at an interest of 12% per year, at the end of the year you have accumulated
$11,200. Time has worked for you and increased your money.
Remember also our law of time perspective. The longer the time, the more your
compound interest multiplies, so it makes sense for you to start early in life. When
you do calculations like this, you will realize you have just been assuming that
things were okay when they were not.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

Let’s crunch some numbers. $10, 000 at 12% annual interest compounded over 30
years yields $299,599. Time has worked for you to turn your $10,000 into about
$300,000. If you invest $10,000 every year for the next 30 years at the same rate,
you would have invested $300,000 but your money would have grown to
$2,702,925. That means we can all become millionaires in 30 years. I can assure
you that by the time you have accumulated about $2. Naira, your financial adviser
would definitely help you invest at a good interest rate. If you invest this
$2,702,925 at 15% annual it will yield $405,438.75 in a year. Note that this
$405,438.75 is just your interest and the principal sum of $2, 702,925 is still intact.
If you only decide to spend the interest, you get an average allowance of about
$34, 000 monthly.
At the end of the day, the higher your investment, the greater your returns.
You will succeed!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


There are several advantages enjoyed by those who cultivate the habit of saving
part of their income.
First, it helps to create a cycle of wealth. Money obeys the law of the farm. It is not
reasonable to eat all of your harvest; you should keep some for sowing during
another season. And just like you keep only a fraction of your harvest for planting
again, financial experts advise that saving and investing just 10% of our income is
enough to build a good investment portfolio. I advise that you start from 10% and
increase the percentage as your income increases. In order to make it easier to do
this, you should work to avoid increasing your expenses as your income increases.
Second, saving some of your income makes you better prepared to handle
emergencies. It enables you to sustain yourself in the event of the loss of job or in
the event that you choose to leave a job. Many people are trapped in their jobs
because of the fear of being without money. You should have enough funds to
cover two to six months expenses in your savings account.
Also, saving part of your income is a very important source of funding when you
want to start a business of your own.
Then, saving prepares you to take advantage of unusual opportunities. It can be
very frustrating when you have an exceptional opportunity but cannot find the
resources to take advantage of them.
I believe also that having funds you have saved will help when you need to raise
funds from friends. A prudent person will be interested in knowing your habits in
money management before committing his or her funds to your care. If you have
been in paid employment for five or ten years but have nothing in savings, wisdom
would suggest to your creditor that you would do to his money what you have
done to your own. If he gives you his money, he may as well kiss it goodbye.
Finally, when most of us who earn money in our country save some, there will be
a large pool of funds in the financial system. That should eventually drive down
the interest rates.
Now, if you suddenly get a windfall, some unexpected income what would you do
with it?
You will succeed!

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

If you are reading this article now, I presume that you are very interested in
financial freedom; and if you have already achieved it, you want to take it to a new
level. You have a worthwhile desire.
Let me remind you that just as your quest for a large harvest begins with the
cultivation of a seed, your quest for financial freedom must begin with a dream. A
dream so big and beautiful it would make you salivate and cause blood to rush
through your veins. A new picture of a new you, free from lack and financially
empowered to enjoy the comfort you desire while rendering a helping hand to
those in dire need.
However, that is not the thrust of this article. My desire is that you snap out of your
dream and turn it into the reality of your life. You need to act now. Start that
business. Rent that shop or office. Submit that proposal. Go and meet that person
that can help. Learn that skill. Whatever you were planning to do tomorrow, do
now because today is the tomorrow you spoke about yesterday.
Dreams hardly come true by themselves. The test of your desire for financial
freedom lies in your action. Desires are very different from wishes. Like they say, if
wishes were horses, even beggars would ride. God grants desires not wishes. And
the proof of desire is pursuit. If you really want it, go for it with passion and
persistence. Do not just talk about starting a business or investing. Do it now.
“Words without actions are the assassins of dreams.”

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom

To be able to take action, you must overcome fear. You must overcome the fear of
failure. To do this, you must have a proper perspective on failure. Actually, failure
is an important factor in your success equation, especially as an entrepreneur.
Failure is never final. You are not a failure until you have given up and you refuse
to try again. What most people call failure is just a temporary setback.
Successful people are those who have learned to turn failure into a learning
experience. The person who tries and fails is better than the one who does not try
at all, waiting for favorable conditions.
“He who waits for perfect conditions will never get anything done.”-King Solomon.
Actually, success grows out of failure. To increase your success rate, be willing to
increase your failure rate.
Another fear to overcome is the fear of rejection. The question we usually have to
deal with is, “What would people say?” Well, I should let you know that if you
succeed, they would talk. If you do not succeed, they would talk. So go ahead and
succeed anyway. Opinions are cheap; it is convictions that are rare. Once you
passionately believe in your dream, pursue it. If you insist on getting everybody’s
approval before you act, you may wait forever.
In my country, Nigeria, our environment is largely controlled by fear. That is one of
the major reasons development is slow. People tell you all the time, “Take care.”
That is fine. But once in a while, do not take care, take a chance. Jump from the
cliff, the wings will grow out when you desperately need them. We hear also,
“Don’t bite more than you can chew.” That is wisdom. However, if you want achieve
success that is worthwhile, you must move beyond your comfort zone. Once in a
while, bite more than you can chew. God will help you to chew it. When you take
bold action, unseen forces will come to your aid.

The Road to Wealth : A Simplified Manual to Achieve Financial Freedom


One of Isaac Newton’s laws of motion states that all objects remain at a state of
rest until a force is applied. You see, things do not move by themselves. We have
to move them. Get aggressive and go after opportunities. Do not procrastinate.
Action delayed is destiny delayed and destiny delayed is the devil’s delight. Do
not sing “Standing on the Promises” while sitting on the premises. If customers are
not coming, go after them.
This is your season of good news.
You will succeed!


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