Pandora's Box Brand Style and Voice Guide - 99 Designs

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Pandora’s Box Brand Style Guide


Colour Palette

Use feminine colors


These fonts are noted as being the most effective in eCommerce stores, and across
multiple browsers, platforms and devices.

Palatino / Verdana

Use images of pieces being worn by our demographic 45+

Use close up images of pieces on different fabrics and textures and white background.
Use props to compliment the jewelry/product and not take away from the product.
Nothing too cluttered and the product is the center of focus, and eye-catching.
Images below are examples but are by no means perfect.
Colour and feel
Voice & Tone

Attitude towards the audience is that of a friend.

Respond to praise gracefully, and complaints with concern.
Tell compelling, relatable, and memorable stories.
People buy from people they like, know, & trust based on relationships cultivated over

Brand Description
1. Warm
2. Passionate
3. Authentic
4. Magical/Mysterious

Voice Description Do Don’t


Warm We care about our Use positive, Be sarcastic

customers & they uplifting language Belittle others
come first

Passionate We’re passionate Use strong verbs Use a passive voice

about empowering Be cheerleaders Use slang or jargon
woman to feel &
look their best

Authentic We want our Be honest & real Overpromise

customers to know Own any
they are getting the issues/mistakes
best deal, customer Keep promises
service & best

Magical/Mysterious We like to surprise Use curiosity Exaggerate

our customers with Wonder Be secretive
a magical Show excitement
experience Create a sense of
pleasure & delight

Character/Person Tone Language Purpose

1. Cheerful 1. Honest 1. Simple 1. Engage

2. Friendly 2. Personal 2. Witty 2. Entertain
3. Respectful 3. Conversational 3. Informative 3. Educate
4. Caring (Empathetic) 4. Positive 4. Warm 4. Sell
Brand Story

Our story
Well over a decade ago, we fell in love with Greek Mythology at college ...

The romance and tragedy stirred our emotions …

And grew our passion to do something great ...

And a few years later Pandora's Box Inc was born …

We are obsessed with jewelry and accessories!

We love feel-good stories but ...

We also believe a little glitz and glamour can make the world a better place.

Pandora’s Box specializes in statement jewelry and must-have accessories.

Our mission is to offer high-quality, gorgeous pieces at unbeatable prices!

Our customers can shop guilt-free …

Knowing that they're getting the best pieces at the best prices!

Why Pandora’s Box?

The reason we combined the mythology of Pandora’s Box with our love of jewelry and
accessories …

Is because we love the anticipation of giving and receiving a gift …

The rush of excitement …

The anticipation …

And the moment the mystery is unboxed …

Is like no other!

Pandora was the first woman on earth ...

She was created by the Greek gods …

And she possessed ...

Great beauty ...

Extraordinary grace ...

Immense wisdom ...

Endless kindness ...

Overwhelming generosity …

Deep love ...

And she was filled with curiosity just like us …

She was given a beautiful box that she was warned never to open …

Of course, curiosity and anticipation got the better of her (I wouldn't have lasted a
minute) …

She opened the box and all its contents escaped …

Except for HOPE ...

And she chose to release HOPE willingly to the world.

Hope is the basis of all growth …

It is the seed of the Tree of Life!

With HOPE we can achieve anything!

And just like Pandora we all love the sense of anticipation and magic you feel when
opening a gift box …

Our products are chosen to bring joy, pleasure and excitement to both the giver and the
receiver …

When you gift one of our magical pieces ...

You will feel a great sense of generosity knowing you are encouraging women to feel
their best.

Receiving one of our pieces will let you know that you are appreciated and loved ...

Your confidence and sense of self-worth will soar …

You will feel even more desirable and seductive ...

You will possess a mysterious, magical power of attraction.

We invite you to look through our store …

We are sure you will find at least one piece that speaks to you …

Join the Pandora's Box Family where HOPE abounds …

And mysteries are revealed.


“She had this way of always finding the good and believing in everything despite all that
she had seen. And that is what I loved the most - the pure magic of her undying hope”
~ Becca Lee

“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know
what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen,
almost like magic.” ~ Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone

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