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Faculty ‘culty of Engineering, O.U With effect from Acasemic Year 2018 - 2019 Co Course Code Course Title eee Bst02M11 Wiathematies =I ve r (Common to All Branches) oe Prorequisito Contact Hours per Week cn sep we a ee oe E 3 1 [- | - | 0 4 Course Objectives > To study matris algebra and its us. value problems > To provide an overview of ordinary differential equations > To study spocial functions like Legendre and Beta Gamma functions “ > To learn Laplace Transforms and its properties ~ Course Outcomes: a The students wil! able to y Ls > solve system of linear equations and eigenvalue problems > solve certain first order and higher order differential equations > solve basic problems of Beta Gamma and Legender’s Function. >_ apply Laplace Transfoms , solve o.cinary Differenetial Equations by using it. solving system of linear equations and in solving eigen Unit-l Matrices: Rank of a matrix, Echelon form, System of linear equations, Linearly dependence and independence of vectors, Linear transformation, Orthogonal transformation,Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Properties of eigenvalues , Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Quadratic forms, Rectuction of quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation , Nature of quadratic forms. Unit Differential Eqrations of First Order: Exact differential equations, Integrating factors, Linear differential equations, Bernoulli's, Riccati’s and Clairaut’s differential equations, Orthogonal trajectories ofa given family of curves. Unit-IL Differential Equations of Higher Orilers: Solutions of second and higher order linear homogeneous ‘equations with constants coefficients, Method of reduction of order for the linear homogeneous second order ferential equations with variable coefficients , Solutions ‘of non- omogencous linear differntal equations, Me ic of variation of parameters, solution of Euler-Cauchy equation. unit 1V ; Spec F ans , Relation Betweer Beta and GommeFunction, La ge *'s Difverential Equations and Legender’s Polynomial PACs) » Ro Unit-V Poles Teansfirms: Laplace Transforms, fnvere Laplace Transfoms, Properties of Laplace verse Laplace Transforms, Conval oP gforms and inverse L ; Be ‘ons using Laplace Transforms, Differential Eq! ion Theorem went proof), Solution of ordinary ee ab se Qo’; Oke a Ln WENS Lf) ve ere rs Ta pada iy Scanned with CamScanner Code No. 15010/AICTE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING BE, (AICTE) Il-Semester (Backlog) Examination, July 2021 Time: 2 hours Subject : Mathematics — 11 ropes Note: Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed, A PART-A nsWer any five quo: ns, (6x2 = 10 Marks) 1) Define rank of a matrix, Find the rank of the matrix ae ha . D5 Retermine the nature ofthe quadratic form g = 2¢x! «2» «y% y Solve Find the orthogonal trajectories ofthe family of curves » « Obtain a particular integral of y=. y = sin’ x. If 91 = sis a solution of «1y+— asy"- 4y =o find the gecongglinearly independent solution. SM} the value of mc). 8 Show that erf(x) + erfc(x) = 1. 9 Find the Laplace transform of 7.) ««~' coon ye <7it 10 cerca} oor as find poy. © WN s Organs (4x18 = 60 Marks) . 1,1), (2, 3, 1, 2), (4, 6, 2, 1) are linearly dependent. Oaron Answer any four questions. 11 (@) Determine whether the ve (i oy nth (b) If 4=|0 -1 0} , then fintythe matrix A%? using Cayley-Hamilton theorem, bool y 12 (a) Solve ¢y (b) Solve ae ect ayray 20 3 ~' + ify = is a solution. z 13 (@)SoWve y*~4y'+ 4y =8x'e" sin 22, fon of #22426 y esas = (0) Find the general solution of =* + 22+ y=shike ="), Tn Ta Fontan)" (b) Find the power series solution of the differential equation y-+ y= 0 aboutx= 0, 44 (a) Show that (mn) ' 46 (a) Find the Laplace transform of /¢ \ ii i find of — |. {6 Using convolution theorem, fd 1 {3 a a d the corresponding eigen vectors of ind the eigen values an‘ 16 (a) Find an asjou tl lo oi) + =e" by the method of variation of parameters, Ive y= (p) Sol te) ansform, SONE y*+2y'+5y ee sint, 90) 0,7%(Q) ~ NO 47 using Laplace # Scanned with CamScanner Code No. 2882/AICTEIM FACULTY OF ENGINEERING B.E. Il-Semostor (AICTE) (Main & Backlog) Examination, November 2020 i Subjoct : Mathomaties - I Time : 2 Hours Max, Marks: 70 Note: Answer Any five Questions from Part-A & Any Four Questions From Part-B. PART ~ A (8x4=20 Marks) Examine whether the vector (1, 2), (3,4), (3, 7) are linearly independent. 2. IF 1, ~1, 2 are the eigen values of a3 x3 matrix A, find the determjmant of tho Define exact differential equation. 3 4 Find the singular solution of the Clairant’s equation y+.» 5 Find the complementary function of (D? + D + 1)?y = . eyo S Solve x24 -0 xe . ? 7 evaluate r(-2). » 8 State Rodrigue's formula and hence fi can) 9 Find L{e* sint cost} py a — v Soh 10 Evaluate {24a using Lapis epsom a ~ B (4x15=60 Marks) rence solve the following system of equations. Qayeh Axj-3uj- x23, 28,449,422, = 4 4300 oO) eager ‘equation of 4=|2 1 =2| and hence find A Wie hy 1209 Gondor sere sar 0. 40 y Find the’ general stun of the equation x” y’ Scanned with CamScanner

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