QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension Version 2.2, Release Notes

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QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension

Version 2.2, Release Notes

September 2013
These release notes include information about the latest QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions fixes
and changes. These changes may affect the way you implement and use the QAD Brazil
Internationalization Extensions package.
Review this document before proceeding with any phase of a QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions
QAD highly recommends that you implement the latest QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions
release available. Check the QAD Store site to make sure you have the latest QAD Brazil
Internationalization Extensions release notes, installation guide, and installation media.
Use the following list to find a specific release:
Release Notes for Current Release 2
Release Notes for Previous Releases 7
Release Notes for Current Release
QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions Version: 2.2
Release Date: September 2013
QAD Product Suite Compatibility: QAD 2012 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials Patch
18 and QAD 2013 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials Patch 4.

Documentation Updates
The following documents have been updated for this release:
• Installation Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension
• User Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension

New Features
The following new features have been added for QAD 2013 Enterprise Edition:
• DDA Process
• Import Electronic Bill of Lading
• Withholding Tax AR Report
• Debit Notes
• Multiple Simultaneous Legal Documents
• NRM Numbering
• Separate Carrier Legal Document

The following new feature has been added for QAD 2012 and QAD 2013 Enterprise Edition:
• Fiscal Transactions

DDA Process

You can now import a Boleto Bancario list from the bank and match Boleto to supplier invoices.
• DDA Import Control ( enables you to specify the settings for matching Boleto Bancario
with supplier invoices.
• DDA Import File ( enables you to import a file provided by the bank that contains a list of
Boleto Bancario with a particular Federal Tax ID.
• DDA Browse ( enables you to search for an uploaded line from a file.

Import Electronic Bill of Lading

You can now import a bill of lading XML file and the system can create a Fiscal Receiving automatically.
Use Import MBOL file ( to import the bill of lading and select whether to create the bill of lading
as an unplanned receipt or as a logistics charge linked to the original legal document.

Withholding Tax AR Report

You can now compare customer calculations of withholding tax on transactions using Withholding Tax AR
Report (29.15.15). This report identifies differences between company and customer calculations. You can

QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension Version 2.2, Release Notes

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then use the Sales tax Absorbed field in Tax Rate Maintenance to identify taxes that are withheld and Open
Item Adjustment Create to account for differences.

Debit Notes

For accounts receivable, you can now create a debit note in the purchasing flow and the legal document
type is automatically set to DN.
• Debit Notes Print (5.20.3) enables you to print and a debit note.
• LD Complementary/DN Browse ( helps you to do the periodic costing adjustment by
displaying all legal documents that are of type complementary and debit note.

Multiple Simultaneous Legal Documents

For a complex scenario with several companies involved on the supply chain, you can now issue more than
two legal documents simultaneously. A new field—Custom Legal Document—has been added to
Simultaneous Operations Maint (7.10.13). Select this field to enable the functionality.

NRM Numbering

You can now have the same legal document NRM numbering for multiple sites in the same domain. It is
now possible to have independent numbering with the same NRM segments and different datasets.
Previously, you were allowed only one NRM dataset for legal documents.

Separate Carrier Legal Document

A separate legal document is generated for the ship-to carrier containing the pallets used in the sales
shipping. Although it is not a sales operation, it does require creation of legal document records in addition
to tax related transactions.

Fiscal Transactions

You can now create a transaction in Fiscal Ctrl Trans Maint (29.11.4) with a beginning balance without
requiring an existing legal document. A message is displayed asking whether the user wants to create a
new legal document.

The following table lists the tickets that have been corrected in QAD Brazil Internationalization
Extensions, version 2.2:
Issue Number Description Applicable Versions
ILMS-18 If a legal document has left the company, you cannot cancel the document in QAD 2012 EE
Sefaz. However, you can now cancel the legal document in QAD. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-2314 In Non-Sales Shipper Unconfirm (3.15.2), you can now unconfirm a legal QAD 2013 EE
document that has been created using the DRP process.
ILM-2307 In Fiscal Receiving (5.20.1), you can now enter the Invoice Number, Invoice QAD 2013 EE
Date and Importation Process Number. This information serves as a reference
for the Supplier Invoice created.
ILM-2304 When a shipper has separate lines for items with lot/serial, taxes in the legal QAD 2013 EE
document are now summarized by lot/serial number in one single line.

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Issue Number Description Applicable Versions
ILM-2278 The error during posting of legal documents in Invoice Post and Print (7.13.4) QAD 2013 EE
has been fixed.
ILM-2275 Mod 3 and Mod 7 Reports have been merged to the I19 reports and core QAD 2012 EE
programs have been updated. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-2174 If the message Insufficient Balance was displayed during Unplanned Issue, a QAD 2012 EE
legal document was not created because the application returned to the QAD 2013 EE
complementary data frame. Now, the message is displayed at the end of the
process and the legal document is created.
ILM-2172 Sales order posting was generating the wrong accounting transaction in the QAD 2013 EE
Rounding Difference GL account when tax method is not 11 and tax is
included. This has been fixed by adding the program sosoglb.p in QAD 2013
ILM-2167 The NFe Access key field is now disabled when the system generates its own QAD 2012 EE
legal documents for sales order returns. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-2122 An NFe XML File is rejected by SEFAZ when the Carrier ID and State fields QAD 2012 EE
in the shipper are left blank. The relevant tags are no longer sent in the XML QAD 2013 EE
file so this issue is fixed and the fields can be left blank. In addition, the
Vehicle State ID field is no longer mandatory.
ILM-2005 The Fiscal Interface no longer returns an error when the Fiscal Type is set to QAD 2012 EE
DN and supplier invoices created for the specific Daybook Code will be QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1971 You can now send accurate WHT tax payment data to the accounts receivable QAD 2013 EE
side when doing a partial payment. The audit file reflects the correct amount in
IMP-RT block.
ILM-1964 BG tax method did not calculate taxes for sales returns at 4% ICMS according QAD 2012 EE
to Senate Resolution 13/2012. This issue is now fixed. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1946 You can now see RelationShipCode in the Fiscal Interface in the PART block. QAD 2012 EE
QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1945 An issue with the date and time provided in the xml file was preventing the QAD 2012 EE
cancellation of a legal document being approved by Sefaz. This issue is fixed. QAD 2013 EE

ILM-1944 The Serie field in the fiscal interface Regional Accounting/Tax data search QAD 2012 EE
criteria is now spelled correctly as Series. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1768 The Detailed Legal Document Report ( browse now contains a Ship- QAD 2013 EE
to field.
ILM-1742 In Import NFe File (, the lgdd_phy_mov field was not storing the QAD 2013 EE
default value from the related tax usage field. This field now replicates the
value used in the tax usage maintenance.
ILM-1741 In Import NFe File (, after creating the legal document, the program QAD 2012 EE
locked nf_mstr. This issue is now fixed. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1739 When you run the PO vs LD Divergence Report (5.20.6), you can now search QAD 2012 EE
for issues by their received date. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1735 In PO vs LD Divergence Report (5.20.6), validations have been added for QAD 2012 EE
currency conversions. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1653 [DANFE Print] ( performance has been improved. QAD 2012 EE
QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1535 The Relationship Code for the Company is now in the Accounting Interface - QAD 2012 EE
MasterData. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1380 In Shipper Unconfirm (7.9.21), all transactions are reversed when an QAD 2012 EE
electronic legal document is rejected in Sefaz. QAD 2013 EE

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Issue Number Description Applicable Versions
ILM-1287 In the fiscal interface, you can now send project code at item-level. QAD 2012 EE
QAD 2013 EE
ILM-853 You can now issue and receive debit notes in the purchasing flow, handle them QAD 2013 EE
in the system to adjust a Nota Fiscal, print the debit note if necessary, and run
LD Complementary/DN Browse ( to help you do the periodic
costing adjustment.
ILM-2368 When an XML file had an item from a Purchase Order and there was a UM QAD 2012 EE
conversion for the supplier item code, an error was displayed when trying to QAD 2013 EE
import an NFe XML file. This issue is fixed.
ILM-2319 When you create a DRP shipper, the container unit price is now validated to QAD 2012 EE
make sure it reflects the setup in Ship-To/Container Charge Maint (7.22.5). QAD 2013 EE
ILM-2181 During container creation, when the Taxable field is selected, a frame is QAD 2012 EE
displayed enabling you to input GTM data. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-2180 When confirming a DO Shipper in DO Pre-Shipper/Shipper Confirm QAD 2012 EE
(12.19.13), the correct accounting data is now created. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-2179 The default item price is now loaded in the Unit Price field during the DO QAD 2012 EE
Shipper Creation in DO Pre-Shipper/Shipper Maint (12.19.3). QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1952 In DO Pre-Shipper/Shipper Maint (12.19.3), the Tax Usage, Tax Environment, QAD 2012 EE
and Tax Class fields now enable you to provide fiscal data. You can also insert QAD 2013 EE
the unit price or it is displayed by default when configured.
MFGS-4140 When confirming a legal document type LC in Fiscal Confirmation (5.20.2), QAD 2012 EE
the RCT-LA transaction is now created. QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12546 The default exchange rate is now correct for fiscal documents. QAD 2012 EE
QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12129 In Unposted Transaction Register (25.13.14), the related legal document QAD 2012 EE
number in the respective GL records for the second DO line is now displayed. QAD 2013 EE

MFG-11648 The Up and Down arrow keys to switch records in Received LD QAD 2012 EE
Unconfirm/Cancel (5.20.23) now function as expected. QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12028 The date format is correct after successfully running Received Legal QAD 2012 EE
Document Report (5.20.4). QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12837 In Purchase Order Returns (5.13.7), in the Item Data frame, the shipper line is QAD 2012 EE
now found after you enter the order number and line. QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12973 You can reopen a received legal document that was incorrectly canceled. QAD 2012 EE
QAD 2013 EE
CRMFG-2601 The Mod7 register of inventory report has been modified to look at the ending QAD 2012 EE
balance from location detail multiplied by the cost of the cost calculation QAD 2013 EE
period for WAVG method PC calculation.
CRMFG-2576 When you run the periodic cost calculation, all the standard cost variances are QAD 2012 EE
now reversed, including subcontract rate and usage variances. This means that QAD 2013 EE
all costs associated with the work order can be evaluated for calculating the
new periodic cost.
CRMFG-2519 When Inventory accounts are defined on item site and location in Inventory QAD 2012 EE
Account Maintenance (1.2.13), those accounts are used in transfers. QAD 2013 EE
CRMFG-2442 The Mod3 and Mod 7 reports have been modified to match the latest QAD 2012 EE
requirements. QAD 2013 EE
CRMFG-2032 Changes for Takata/Zodiac are included in this release. QAD 2012 EE
QAD 2013 EE

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Issue Number Description Applicable Versions
CRMFG-426 The correct exchange rate is now used for PO receipt GL transactions and QAD 2012 EE
pending vouchers created in Fiscal Receiving. QAD 2013 EE
CRMFG-425 When pending vouchers are created for logistic charges during fiscal receiving QAD 2012 EE
confirmation, the pending vouchers now take into account discounts entered at QAD 2013 EE
fiscal receiving line level.

QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension Version 2.2, Release Notes

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Release Notes for Previous Releases
QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions Version: 2.1
Release Date: July 2013
QAD Product Suite Compatibility: QAD 2012 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials Patch
14 and QAD 2013 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials Patch 2.

Documentation Updates
The following documents have been updated for this release:
• Installation Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension
• User Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension

The following table lists the tickets that have been corrected in QAD Brazil Internationalization
Extensions, version 2.1:
Issue Number Fix Applicable Versions
ILM-367 You can now run transactions and master data for multiple entities with the QAD 2012 EE
same federal tax ID. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-500 To enable the reduction of substitution tax for some Brazilian states, the nota QAD 2013 EE
fiscal XML has been adjusted. The field MVastST enables the margin percent
to be calculated and the tax base reduction percent in the field BCredST is
used to reduce the tax base to calculate the tax amount.
ILM-813 During fiscal and physical receiving, the ship-to is now verified to ensure the QAD 2012 EE
ship-to site has the same Federal Tax ID as the PO line ship-to. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-815 You can now calculate ICMS substitution tax by using the Reduction Percent QAD 2013 EE
field in Tax Rate Maintenance (29.4.1).
ILM-842 A new report has been added, PO vs LD Divergence Report. This report QAD 2012 EE
enables a user to validate divergences between legal documents and purchase QAD 2013 EE
ILM-855 A new field has been added to Tax Rate Maintenance. The Markup % field in QAD 2013 EE
the Additional tax Data frame enables you to enter a percentage by which to
reduce the tax base. The reduced tax base is then used to calculate the tax
amount included in the nota fiscal XML file.
ILM-856 A new Physical Movement field in Tax Usage Maintenance (29.1.9) enables QAD 2013 EE
you to specify whether an operation is related to physical movement in receipt
ILM-861 You can now calculate CFOP codes in Fiscal Receiving and Shipper QAD 2012 EE
Maintenance/Confirm (Complementary Data Frame) with a custom program QAD 2013 EE
called by a hook. Previously, Tax Usage defined the default value.
This change simplifies GTM setup and prevents you from creating multiple
tax rates in Tax Rate Maintenance (29.4.1) with the same combination of tax
types and tax rates.

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Issue Number Fix Applicable Versions
ILM-1056 When performing fiscal receiving unconfirms and shipper unconfirms, there is QAD 2012 EE
now a validation for NFe cancellations. The Reason Code Reason description QAD 2013 EE
field rsn_desc must contain more than 15 characters. This validation takes
place in the following programs:
• NFe Cancel Send (
• NFe Issue Type (
• NFe Unuse (
• Shipper unconfirm (7.9.21)
• Received LD Unconfirm/Cancel (5.20.23)

ILM-1186 A new block has been added to the Fiscal Interface. The WHT Payment field QAD 2012 EE
enables you to send blocks that contain payment information from AP and AR QAD 2013 EE
for customer and supplier invoices created that are subject to withholding tax.
ILM-1187 There is now a process to validate NFe key code in SEFAZ before fiscal QAD 2013 EE
receiving. The NFe XML file is sent to the supplier. The file represents the
legal document that is received by the company. A DANFE form, which
represents an NFe in paper format, has an NFe access key code that can be
validated by a government web site. This validation can be provided by a web
service from the same web site.
ILM-1188 A new field has been added to Tax Rate Maintenance (29.1.9) The Physical QAD 2013 EE
Movement field enables you to specify whether tax usage involves physical
ILM-1191 A new tag has been added, enabling you to view the Modified Date on the QAD 2012 EE
Accounting Interface. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1192 Added GL Modified Date on Fiscal Interface. QAD 2012 EE
QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1268 When a sales order has trailer expenses, the total amount on the legal QAD 2012 EE
document was being calculated incorrectly. As a result, the NFe XML File was QAD 2013 EE
being rejected by SEFAZ. The total amount is now being calculated correctly.
ILM-1269 The detailed Legal Document Report was not printing invoice information and QAD 2012 EE
accounting transactions correctly. The print is now working correctly. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1326 For RND Export (35.4.12), the NF7 record was not being created. The record QAD 2012 EE
is now created correctly. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1327 The RND Export field especie-nf from record AE1 was not being populated. QAD 2012 EE
The field is now populated with the content set in the Trading Partner QAD 2013 EE
Parameters Maint - Property Nota Fiscal Type.
ILM-1328 In RND Export, the field data-venc-doct from record AE1 was not being QAD 2012 EE
populated. The field is now populated correctly. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1330 In RND Export, the record AE9 was not being populated. The record is now QAD 2012 EE
populated with the relevant information. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1333 In Fiscal Receiving (5.20.1.), the Legal Doc Nbr field has been separated into QAD 2012 EE
two fields: one for the legal document number and one for serial number. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1340 Programs that convert characters in NFe programs now explicitly use the QAD 2012 EE
ISO8859-1 character set, which prevents incorrect character conversions. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1343 The Legal Document Number is now displayed in the email subject when the QAD 2012 EE
operating system is UNIX/LINUX. Previously, this was only working on the QAD 2013 EE
Windows operating system.
ILM-1371 During the PO process, memo items received were being displayed incorrectly QAD 2012 EE
on the Model 7 Inventory Register Report ( The item code to be QAD 2013 EE
reported is now checked against the codes in Item Master Maintenance. If the
code does not exist, the item is not printed.

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Issue Number Fix Applicable Versions
ILM-1373 Credit notes are no longer added to the Fiscal Books. Credit Notes are only QAD 2012 EE
shown if “CH” is specified as the Document Type. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1374 In Shipper Confirm, an error message is now displayed to indicate that the QAD 2012 EE
shipper cannot be confirmed because of role security. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1451 An incorrect error message was being displayed for invalid tax usages in QAD 2012 EE
Import NFe File ( The correct error message is now displayed. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1480 In Model 7 reports, completed work order transactions were being displayed QAD 2012 EE
as WIP transactions. Now, only WIP transactions are displayed. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1481 When you issue an entry nota fiscal in the NFe XML program, the <IE> Tag QAD 2012 EE
from <enderemit> is now populated correctly. QAD 2013 EE
ILM-1483 In Inventory and SF Movement Report (, transactions involving QAD 2012 EE
overhead that affects the average cost of items were being calculated QAD 2013 EE
incorrectly. MFGS-3743 Merge.
ILM-1493 A fiscal user can now import an XML file and have the PO shipper created QAD 2013 EE
automatically. The flow is as follows:
• When PO shipper data is created, it can be maintained in PO Shipper
Maintenance (5.13.14).
• Created PO shipper data can be confirmed in PO Shipper Receipt (5.13.20).
You can run RCT-PO inventory transaction inquiries in Transactions Detail
Inquiry (3.21.1).
• A message displaying whether or not to copy the PO can be enabled or
• Only fiscal receiving lines related to purchase orders are copied to PO
ILM-1508 An error occurred in Invoice Post and Print (7.13.4) and Shipper Confirmation QAD 2013 EE
(7.9.5) when GTM setup has more than one tax rate and the Sales Tax
Absorbed field is selected. The customer invoice is now created correctly
following the GTM setup. MFGS-3854 Merge.
ILM-1055 Fiscal Control Report by Effective Date (29.11.13) was displaying legal QAD 2012 EE
documents in order from newest to oldest. The legal documents are now QAD 2013 EE
displayed in order from oldest to newest.
FIN-11613 The Supplier Invoice View of ERS Processor created Credit Note was QAD 2012 EE
returning an error. This issue is now fixed. QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12522 Non-Sales Shipper Confirm (3.15.1) and other PO-related shipper confirm QAD 2012 EE
programs now accept RCT-PO and ISS-PRV transactions and create pending QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12860 Previously, the system sometimes displayed a permissions error when you QAD 2012 EE
confirmed a shipment using Pre-Shipper/Shipper Confirm (7.9.5). QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12942 For both received and issued legal documents, the system must default the QAD 2012 EE
ICMS CST code from the ICMS-ZF legal tax group if no ICMS tax type is QAD 2013 EE
defined for the tax environment.
MFG-12944 You can now calculate CFOP codes in Fiscal Receiving and Shipper QAD 2012 EE
Maintenance/Confirm using a custom program. QAD 2013 EE
MFG-12978 A new field was added to the Tax Usage Maintenance, which is used to QAD 2013 EE
indicate whether an operation involves the physical movement of goods.
CRMFG-149 If a legal document was unconfirmed, modified, and then re-confirmed, the QAD 2012 EE
unit price was set to the base currency when it should have been in the QAD 2013 EE
transaction currency. When the supplier invoice was matched in receiver
matching, the unit price was in base currency and the matched price was in
transaction currency, which created a large variance.

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Issue Number Fix Applicable Versions
CRMFG-528 Periodic Costing calculations now support advanced repetitive where the QAD 2012 EE
Transfer WIP setting is activated. QAD 2013 EE
CRMFG-805 For a discrete work order or cumulative order, if the actual pay rate of the QAD 2012 EE
specific reported employee has not been specified or it is same as the periodic QAD 2013 EE
costing (PC) work center rate, then the rate variance between standard work
center rate and PC work center rate (actual pay rate of the specific reported
employee) is reversed during Periodic Costing calculation.
If the Actual Pay Rate of the specific reported employee is different than the
PC work center rate, the variance between Actual Pay Rate of the specific
reported employee and PC work center labor rate is also reversed. The
reversed GL transactions is displayed in Operation Transaction Detail Inq.

QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions Version: 2.0

Release Date: May 2013
QAD Product Suite Compatibility: QAD 2012 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials Patch
13 or QAD 2013 Enterprise Edition

Documentation Updates
The following documents have been updated for this release:
• Installation Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension
• User Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension

The following table lists the tickets that have been corrected in QAD Brazil Internationalization
Extensions, version 2.0:
Issue Number Fix
ILM-738 The following changes have been made to the Detailed Legal Document report:
• The length of the Purchase/Sales Order field was increased
• Amounts are displayed in both the base currency and the transaction currency
• Intercompany transactions are now displayed

ILM-821 You can now export legal documents in ASN layout (RND 004) from the EDI module.
ILM-1073 Reports, interfaces, and UI frames for legal documents now use the Fiscal Type field
(lgdd_fiscal_type). This change is applicable for QAD 2013 EE only.
ILM-1258 Previously, for received legal documents, the value N was incorrectly displayed in the third
position of the XML file, even if the legal document was generated by the receiving
ILM-1259 Received legal documents that were cancelled were not being exported in the Fiscal
Interface extract.
ILM-1265 Previously, the ship-to and ship-from were inverted for purchase order return legal
documents. Now, they are correctly assigned.

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QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions Version: 1.6
Release Date: April 2013
QAD Product Suite Compatibility: QAD 2012 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials Patch

Documentation Updates
The following document has been updated for this release:
• Installation Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension

The following table lists the tickets that have been corrected in QAD Brazil Internationalization
Extensions, version 1.6:
Issue Number Fix
FIN-11540 Non-recoverable taxes for logistic charges must generate a credit apportioned to the
inventory account for the item. Previously, the ERS Processor (28.10.13) did not correctly
use the value recorded in the Recoverable Percentage field in Tax Rate Maintenance
(29.4.1) for the tax rate.
ILM-674 The nr_mstr file locked if one user confirmed shippers in Non Sales Shipper Confirm
(3.15.1) while another user simultaneously created an inbound legal document in Fiscal
ILM-687 Correction Letter Create ( did not send the correction letter XML to SEFAZ.
ILM-721/ILM-719 Tax method 82, developed for QAD SE, is now available in QAD EE in order to facilitate a
new tax rate for ICMS.
ILM-722 The DANFE Print report ( now prints a specific subset of header information.
Previously, all NFe header information was printed.
ILM-723 When you copy a legal document in Fiscal Receiving, only a specific subset of data is
copied and not all data, as was the case previously.
ILM-724 When you created a nota fiscal with ICMS CST code 40, the XML was rejected with an
error that stated that the content of element ICMS40 was not complete.
ILM-725 In the DANFE Print report, changes were made to the positioning of the right margin and to
the positioning of the box on the bottom right of the report.
ILM-726 In the DANFE Print report, the labels for the NFe key/authorization are now correct.
ILM-731 In Fiscal Receiving (5.20.1) , the NFe Access Key code field now accepts a blank value if
the Document Model field is set to 00 for service legal documents.
ILM-733 After running any function that communicated with SEFAZ, the language detail for the
system stopped working.
ILM-730/ILM-735 The DANFE Print report now displays detailed information for logistics charge legal
ILM-736 You can now use the DANFE Print report to print reports for a range of legal documents
instead of a single legal document.
ILM-742 Receipts-Sales Order Return (3.10) created XML files even if the legal document was not
issued by the company.
For sales order returns where the legal document was issued by the customer, the system
does not need to create an NFe key and send the XML file to the government.
ILM-743 An XML schema error displayed during Shipper Unconfirm (7.9.21) if the legal document
was not authorized and the Serie field contained a single character.

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Issue Number Fix
ILM-744 The following issues concerning the DANFE Print report have been rectified:
• The invoice was not printed
• No comments were printed on the DANFE Print report
• The ISSQN was printed on the DANFE Print report and should not be displayed
• The substitution state tax ID (Inscricao da Substrituicao Tributaria) was not printed

ILM-751 When recording legal document details in Sales Order Shipper Maintenance (7.9.8), you are
now prompted to enter the net weight and gross weight for the line items.
The fields display in a new pop-up frame after the system has prompted you for the PIS,
COFINS, and CST in the Legal Doc Detail Main frame.
ILM-752 When you import a legal document of type LC using Fiscal Receiving, the Receiving Date
field is mandatory.
ILM-753 For the Fiscal Interface audit extract, the following changes were made to the BlockOut
lines for all issued invoices:
• If the Document Type (position 4 in the header) is blank, the field must contain the value
• If the Document Model (position 8 in the header) is blank, the record has an NFe key and
is authorized, the field must contain the value 55
• If legal document number is blank, the fiscal interface record is not sent

ILM-761 For the Fiscal Interface audit extract, changes have been made to the HEADER and IMP
For the importation process, the legal document can have two COFINS taxes for the same
line. In the exported files, the two lines must be summarized.
In the header, field 63 - EMIS_CTG was calculated incorrectly. The correct values are:
• Blank for non-contingency issues
• 02 when the contingency mode is 02
• 01 when the contingency mode is 05

The Fiscal Interface header now contains four new fields:

• 64 - SER_CTG
• 65 - SSER_CTG
• 67 - NUM_AUT_CTG

ILM-835 Taxes for logistics accounting charges were created twice in Fiscal Receiving and in the
ERS Processor. This issue is rectified and the taxes are now created by the ERS Processor
ILM-841 The Fiscal Interface audit extract now contains a new field called Inventory Block. If you
select this field, the audit file only contains a header and an INVENTORY block.
ILM-850 NFe Protocol Inquiry ( now reads the city code from the business relation address
table instead of the ad_mstr table.
ILM-862 The Model 3 report now includes logistics account receipt transactions (RCT-LA).
ILM-866 Programs that issue legal documents now update a log file.
ILM-868 Previously, when a purchase order line listed a memo item that was not defined in Item
Maintenance and if the item unit of measure was not blank, Fiscal Receiving incorrectly
recorded the item price as zero.
ILM-888 For the NFe, the system did not correctly retrieve the tax rate percentage from tx2_mstr.
ILM-894 The DANFE Print report displayed tax amounts incorrectly in the header.
ILM-895 The tax rate percentage calculation used in many programs now correctly calculates
amounts to the number of decimal places required by Brazilian business practices.
ILM-896 The performance of the Customer Invoice Update Bank API was improved.
ILM-900 Previously, the system displayed a Lote em Processamento error when you tried to process
the authorization receipt in SEFAZ

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Issue Number Fix
ILM-976 All reports and interfaces now retrieve the tax rate percentage from the tx2d__dec01
Import NFe File ( now saves the tax rate percentage in the tx2d__dec01 field.
ILM-977 Previously, the tax percentage was retrieved from either the tx2_mstr table or calculated
as needed when printing the DANFE or issuing a legal document.
From now on, all interfaces and reports will read the tax rate percentage from the
tx2d__dec01 field.
ILM-979 When importing an electronic nota fiscal in Fiscal Receiving, if a line contained more than
one tax with the same tax type, the XML file contained an incorrect tax rate percentage.
ILM-981 If a sales order was created with a discount at line level and taxes were included in the price,
the AR posting created an additional rounding difference posting.
ILM-983 Previously, when you generated legal documents from Fiscal Receiving, the net weight was
not saved in the header of the legal document (lgd_nwt).
ILM-992 The DANFE Print report now correctly displays dates in the European date format.
ILM-1050 Legal documents created as credit notes from credit sales orders used the NFe functionality
even though the Elec field was cleared in Legal Document NRM (
ILM-1057 Previously, an error displayed if you attempted to create a debit purchase order with a tax
usage of Purchase Returns.
ILM-1063 The performance of the Customer Invoice Update Bank API was verified.
ILM-1066 In Import NFe File (, the base recoverable amount was incorrect when the tax rate
percentage used in the XML was different than the tax rate percentage defined in the
ILM-1116/ILMS-8 When using Send NFe to Customer ( to send electronic nota fiscal XML files to a
customer through e-mail, the XML structure was not validated correctly.
ILM-1119 The UpdateCInvoicewithNewBank API, used to update the bank account for an invoice,
must now receive the ID of the customer bank number.
ILM-1126 The Fiscal Interface passed a blank Document Model value if the electronic nota fiscal was
not authorized. The Fiscal Interface now supplies a Document Model value of 9 if the
electronic nota fiscal is not authorized.
ILM-1129 In Received LD Unconfirm/Cancel (5.20.23), the system generated an error if you attempted
to cancel a legal document.
ILM-1133 When there was more than one lot/serial in a sales shipper, the legal document was incorrect
because the legal document lines were separated by lot/serial. Legal documents must
summarize the lot/serial in a single line.
ILM-1141 In Fiscal Receiving Unconfirm (5.20.23), the Reason Code field displayed for received legal
documents, which is incorrect. The reason code is used only for issued legal documents.
MFG-11585 The Address field in Receipts-Unplanned (3.9) is now validated using the Address table
when the inventory movement code references an external process.
MFG-11922 You can now use Non-Sales Shipper Unconfirm (3.15.2) to cancel legal documents created
from purchase order returns.
MFG-12146 When creating and confirming a shipper that generates a legal document, the legal
document unit price was incorrectly rounded for both sales and non-sales legal documents.
MFG-12188 The option to add comments is now available in Fiscal Receiving.
MFG-12211 Previously, when confirming a logistics charge legal document in Fiscal Receiving, the
system generated an error.
MFG-12301/MFG-12278 If you tried to confirm a fiscal receipt in Fiscal Confirm (5.20.2), the screen locked if
another user recorded a fiscal receipt in Fiscal Receiving for another legal document at the
same time.

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Issue Number Fix
MFG-12324/MFG-12280 Fiscal Receiving can use Number Range Management (NRM) to generate number a legal
document number if you leave the Legal Document Number field blank. If you did not
finalize the creation of the legal document in Fiscal Receiving, the system locked all
programs that use NRM to generate legal document numbers, such as Pre-Shipper/Shipper
Confirm (7.9.5) and Non-Sales Shipper Confirm (3.15.1.)
MFG-12334 When you confirmed a fiscal receipt in Fiscal Receiving and Fiscal Confirm, the system
created incorrect pending vouchers, which caused incorrect values in the GL posting.
MFG-12359 In Fiscal Receiving, you could previously confirm items with incomplete physical quantities
without receiving an error message.
MFG-12369/MFG-11653 In Fiscal Receiving, when the Item Total field was modified (for example, due to rounding
differences), the modified value was not used to update the Legal Document Goods Amount
field at the end of the legal document.
MFG-12601 Tax postings for logistics accounting charges were created twice in Fiscal Receiving and in
the ERS Processor. The taxes for logistic charges should not be posted at fiscal
MFG-12656 Previously, non-recoverable taxes for the item and for the logistic charges were not
considered in the periodic costing item cost.
MFG-12657 For logistics accounting receipt transactions (RCT-LA), the legal document number is now
updated in the glt_det table.
MFG-12803 Previously, SEFAZ rejected imported electronic invoices with non-inventory items.

QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions Version: 1.5

Release Date: January 2013
QAD Product Suite Compatibility: QAD 2012 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials Patch

Documentation Updates
The following document has been updated for this release:
• Installation Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extension

The following table lists the tickets that have been corrected in QAD Brazil Internationalization
Extensions, version 1.5
Issue Number Fix
MFG-11494 Included and recoverable taxes were considered in the purchase cost amount in periodic
costing. The purchase cost amount must be net of included and recoverable tax. The issue is
now rectified.
MFG-11683 A compiler warning for the colon position of the Fiscal Confirm with Discrepancies field in
Fiscal Confirmation (5.20.2) has been rectified.
MFG-11651 In Non-Inventory Shipper Maintenance (3.15.1), the system was not prompting for the
description of memo items on the item line. This issue is rectified.
MFG-11087 Previously, when you unconfirmed a legal document for both material and logistics charges,
the pending voucher was not reversed. This issue is rectified.
MFG-10992 Global Tax Management Control (29.24) now blocks you from defining transaction types

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Issue Number Fix
MFG-10945 For pre-shippers created in Pre-Shipper/Shipper Workbench (7.9.2) where Assign Shipper
Number is selected in the last frame, an error was subsequently displayed for the pre-shipper
in Shipper Confirmation (7.9.5) stating that the legal document did not exit. This issue is
MFG-10537 A new report was created that displays shop floor transactions with cost and totals by work
MFG-10281 Periodic costing now includes the inbound trailer expenses apportioned from Fiscal
Receiving during periodic costing calculation.
MFG-10057 Some issues were recorded with legal documents created as a result of purchase order
• If you changed the exchange rate during the purchase order return, this change was not
reflected on the legal document.
• The legal document price value was incorrect because it used the transaction currency
amount, and not the base currency amount.
These issues are rectified.
MFG-9892 Previously, foreign currency supplier invoices for receipts and returns that had auto
generated legal documents displayed the base currency amount as the foreign currency
amount. This issue has been corrected.
MFG-9885 Data was missing from the legal document master table for purchase order returns.
The following data is now populated to the legal document master table for purchase order
• Order number (lgd_order)
• Transaction currency (lgd_trans_curr)
• Credit terms (lgd_cr_terms)
• Due date (lgd_due_date)
• Tax date (lgd_tax_date)
• Various tax parameters (lgd_tax)
• Primary document type (lgd_prim_doc_typ)

FIN-10339 After a purchase order return where the base currency and the transaction currency were
different, the TC and BC amounts in the supplier invoice were calculated incorrectly. This
issue has been corrected.
FIN-10756 Previously, after a PO return that used a currency other than the base currency, the TC and
BC amounts in the supplier invoice were incorrect. This issue was rectified and retrofitted to
QAD 2012 EE.
FIN-10662 When running ERS, if the tax usage for a material order is different than the tax usage for
the associated logistics charges and the invoice is non-taxable, the Tax Info tab did not
contain the correct details on the supplier invoice. This issue was rectified.
FIN-7130 The following periodic costing enhancements were made to Financials:
• A validation was added to Mass Layer Transfer-PC Execute to check whether pending
vouchers exist for the GL period. If pending vouchers are found, the program stops
processing and an error message is displayed.
• An API was created that lets you update the previous period’s cost adjustment for FIFO.

ILM-694 The issued legal document was overwritten when the item was transferred from one site to
another and NFe Import File ( was used to receive the item. This issue is rectified.
ILM-693 For electronic notas fiscais, taxes were duplicated in the inbound XML file generated when
there was more than one apportioned item. This issue is rectified.
ILM-691 The Fiscal Interface (qad_i19ai_br_legal_interface.p) now selects company
addresses correctly using a combination of the domain, entity, company address, and
business relation.
ILM-690 In Fiscal Receiving (5.20.1), the length of the Importation Document Number field has been
increased from 10 to 12 characters.
ILM-689 NFe Cancel Send ( returned an error because the date format was sometimes
converted wrongly in the NFe Cancel Date field. This issue is rectified.

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Issue Number Fix
ILM-688 Tax method B8 now calculates the correct tax amount when a tax class is specified in the tax
ILM-686 Previously, NFe Cancel Send did not correctly consider the legal document type and some
documents were not cancelled. This issue is rectified.
ILM-684 The Shipper ID search criteria only accepted values that start with “s” such as
“sEMB000000989”. The correct format is “EMB000000989”, and this issue is rectified.
ILM-683 Tax method B8 now calculates the correct tax amount when more than one tax applies for
the same legal tax group.
ILM-682 In Non Sales Shipper Confirm (3.15.1), an error message was displayed if you did not
provide the item detail in the complementary fiscal data. This issue is rectified.
ILM-681 The Currency field was re-added to the Stages block of the Legal Document Report.
ILM-680 In Fiscal Receiving, the description of the volume unit of measure is now correctly
ILM-679 In the Importation flow, the receiving date must only be populated after fiscal confirmation.
To meet this requirement, the Receiving Date field in Fiscal Receiving (5.20.1) is only
enabled when legal documents are created. In Purchase Order Receipt (5.13.1), the system
now accepts a receiving date that is different than the receiving date for fiscal receiving.
ILM-678 Previously, in Fiscal Receiving, the system locked if you tried to authorize a legal document.
This issue is rectified.
ILM-677 In Fiscal Receiving, the Effective Date in the Legal Document Sequence ID frame now
defaults from the Effective Issue Date in the header.
ILM-675 In Non-Inventory Shipper Maintenance, the system now prompts you to enter an item
description for memo items.
ILM-666 When you copy a legal document in Fiscal Receiving, the system now assigns a new NFe
key. Previously, the system incorrectly assigned the key from the original document copied.
ILM-665 The Legal Document Detailed report now displays data for the carrier invoice and for the
foreign supplier invoices for legal documents of type ML.
ILM-652 Send Correction Letter to Cust/Supp, Send NFe to Customer, and NFe confirmation now
send emails to the carrier and to the ship-to/ship-from addresses using the following rules:
• If the lgd_type field is Yes, the email is sent to the ship-to address and the carrier
• If the lgd_type field is No, the email is sent to the ship-from address and the carrier
ILM-649 Tax method b8 now calculates taxes correctly if the user language is Portuguese.
ILM-645 Previously, the DANFE report printed negative amounts if the legal document was issued
from a purchase order or sales order with a negative amount. This issue is rectified.
ILM-644 Previously, when an NFe was rejected and you attempted to unconfirm it, the system did not
generate the XML file for the unused legal document number in the correct format. This
issue has been rectified.
ILM-639 For electronic notas fiscais, several changes have been made to the generated XML files due
to changes in the legal requirements for this area. These changes are:
• Special treatment in the tax base amount for COFINS tax when there is an additional
complementary COFINS tax.
• Several different CFOP exceptions for the Manaus Free Trade Zone.
• An additional rule for inbound legal documents for the Manuas Free Trade Zone.
• An additional message rule for cancelling a nota fiscal when the cancellation was
authorized, but is now out of date.
ILM-633 Pre-Shipper/Shipper Workbench and Sales Order Shipper Maintenance now return to the
first frame if no item is specified for the shipper. Previously, a blocking error was displayed.
ILM-629 In NFe Event Maintenance (, a browse lookup was added to the Event Code field
to display language detail information.

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Issue Number Fix
ILM-619 During the NFe import process, logistics charge codes are now set correctly in Fiscal
ILM-618 In Pre-Shipper/Shipper Confirm, the Vehicle ID State field is now optional and the field
accepts blank data.
ILM-609 In order to send an email during shipper confirmation or using Send NFe to Customer
(, you must define a business relation contact with the title NFe.
Previously, if you had more than one contact with the title NFe, the email was only sent to
one of those contacts. Now, the email is sent to all contacts with the title NFe.
ILM-601 Previously, Import NFe File ( displayed errors when importing XML files. This
issue has been rectified.
ILM-599 Non-Sales Shipper Confirm (3.15.1) displayed errors regarding mismatched parameters for
certain NFe file versions. This issue has been rectified.
ILM-586 In Fiscal Control Acc ID Maint, the tax usage frame now updates correctly if you change the
tax usage.
ILM-533 Browse lookups have been added to the following fields in the Accounting Interface Master
Data extract:
• Federal Tax ID
• Layer From/To
• Alternate COA
• COA Cross Reference

Browse lookups have been added to the following fields in the Accounting Interface
Transaction Data extract:
• Federal Tax ID
• Layer From/To

ILM-495 The Detailed Legal Document report now includes trailer expense tax details.
ILM-456 When Authorization Receipt (sonfrcbr.p) makes a call to the sonfr1br.p program, it
now uses the BLF data object.
ILM-455 When NFe Service Status Inquiry (sonfstbr.p) makes a call to the sonfs1br.p
program, it now uses the BLF data object.
ILM-454 When Send Correction Letter to Cust/Supp (sonfcebr.p) makes a call to the
sonfeb1.p program, it now uses the BLF data object.

QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions Version: 1.4

Release Date: November 2012
QAD Product Suite Compatibility: QAD 2012 Enterprise Edition with a minimum of Financials patch 9

Documentation Updates
The following documents have been updated for this release:
• User Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions
• Installation Guide: QAD Brazil Internationalization Extensions

New Features
• Logistics Charge Codes and Tax Types

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Logistics Charge Codes and Tax Types

In Brazil, logistics charge codes are not taxable for all tax types.
You can now define a link between tax types and logistics charge codes, which is then used by the tax
calculations in Fiscal Receiving. Use Log Charge Code Tax Detail Maint (2.15.21) to link logistics charge
codes to tax types.
You can view all defined tax type and logistics charge code combinations in Log Charge Code Tax Detail
Browse (2.15.22).

The following table lists the tickets that have been corrected in QAD Brazil Internationalization
Extensions, version 1.4
Issue Number Fix
MFG-10652 Issues with the unit of measure conversion in Fiscal Receiving have been corrected.
MFG-10650 When you tried to confirm a pre-shipper in Pre-Shipper/Shipper Confirm an error message
was displayed stating that the legal document record did not exist. This issue has been
MFG-10349 Previously, the location address was not considered in item transfer receipts in Fiscal
This issue has been corrected. Now, when a transfer is performed at location level (the ship-
from and ship-to sites are the same), the system considers the location address for the ship-
MFG-10282 For AP retained tax, the legal document total amount is now calculated correctly and adds
the retained tax amount.
MFG-10266 During the automatic creation of legal documents for purchase order returns, the tax usage
was set on the legal document records using the tax usage from the purchase order, instead
of the tax usage from the purchase order return.
This issue has been fixed. The system now considers new tax parameters from purchase
order returns instead of those from the original purchase order.
MFG-10140 Previously, when you tried to confirm a pre-shipper in Pre-Shipper/Shipper Confirm, an
error message was displayed stating that the legal document record did not exist and you
could not confirm the pre-shipper.
This issue has been rectified, and the validation is now only called to validate shippers and
not pre-shippers.
MFG-9734 When using purchase order receipts with negative quantities to issue an outbound legal
document for purchase order returns, the behavior of the following fields has been
The Legal Document Amount field (lgd_amt) now displays the total amount.
The Ship from Address field (lgd_shipfrom) is now populated by the site that is
returning the material. Previously, it was incorrectly populated by the supplier address site.
The Ship to Address field (lgd_ship) is now populated by the supplier address to which
material has been sent. Previously, it was incorrectly populated by the address site.
FIN-10338 When purchase order returns with legal documents are created, tax detail records are also
created for the legal document. The tax reference is normally created with a string
consisting of the ship-to address and the legal document number, separated by a single space
character. However, in some instances, two space characters were used instead of one. This
issue has now been rectified.
FIN-10337 Tax detail records for purchase order returns with legal documents were created in an
inconsistent way.
The ERS Processor now correctly parses the ship-to address and legal document number
from the Tax Reference field for legal documents for purchase order returns.

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Issue Number Fix
FIN-10011 The ERS Processor now creates supplier invoices with the correct tax amount, including in
cases where the invoice is created using a purchase order return and in cases where the tax is
FIN-9697 Taxable base differences for the foreign currency in legal documents led to a variance in the
supplier invoice amount.
A rounding issue was corrected and supplier invoices are now created with the correct
FIN-9692 Issues were encountered with included tax when the ERS Processor created supplier
invoices based on purchase order returns. In the supplier invoice, taxes were calculated as
non-included when they should be included.
The ERS Processor tax issues were corrected.
FIN-9668 Taxable base differences for the foreign currency in legal documents led to much larger
variances than expected.
A rounding issue was corrected and supplier invoices are now created with the correct
FIN-9665, FIN-9666 Previously, tax bases were calculated incorrectly for PO returns.
This issue was rectified when issue MFG-10266 was resolved.
MFG-10489 A new Fiscal Receiving importation process has been provided that integrates with logistics
accounting and legal documents.
MFG-10381 When you automatically generate a legal document number for legal documents for logistics
charges in Fiscal Receiving, the system displays an error.
This issue has been rectified.
MFG-10340 When the Received Legal Document report was run after the nota fiscal importation
process, the report displayed incomplete data.
Trailer expense taxes are now printed, logistics charges are now printed on the item line, and
effective date information is included.
MFG-10305 In cases where a legal document was unconfirmed and then modified before being re-
confirmed, the unit price was incorrectly set to the base currency value when it should have
used the transaction currency. This issue has been resolved.
MFG-10304 When you confirmed a fiscal receipt, the system displayed a warning if ERS had not been
configured for the supplier, site, and item number. The system should display an error, not a
warning. This issue has been corrected.
In addition, you are now blocked from proceeding with fiscal confirmation if the ERS
option is set to 2 (initial invoice).
MFG-10246 Tax transactions for logistics charge legal documents linked to logistics charge expense lines
were incorrectly created three times: at logistics charge expense and logistics charge cost
Fiscal Receiving and during ERS processing.
This issue has been corrected, and the ERS Processor no longer creates duplicate tax
MFG-10245 Previously, a logistics charge expense (LE) transaction updated the inventory and logistics
accrual accounts. This issue has been fixed and a logistics charge expense LE transaction
does not update the inventory and logistics accrual accounts because no pending invoice is
created at this time.
MFG-10013 A ValidateComponentPost error was displayed in the ERS Processor for logistics charge
legal documents. This issue was caused by a problem with unrounded amounts, and has
been rectified.
MFG-9949 Taxes were calculated in Fiscal Receiving for a nontaxable logistic charge legal document.
This issue has now been rectified and taxes are only calculated for taxable logistic charge
legal documents.
MFG-9526 Pending vouchers created by Fiscal Receiving had incorrect values for the accrued amount.
In addition, the pending voucher currency was not the same as the legal document currency.
These issues have been rectified.

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Issue Number Fix
MFG-9498 In Fiscal Receiving, logistic charges are not taxable for all tax types used in the item
apportionment. This facility has been provided as described in "Logistics Charge Codes and
Tax Types" on Page 18.
MFG-9207 GL postings for logistics charges created in Fiscal Receiving did not post to the inventory
The apportioned amount of the logistics charge for the item is now debited against the
inventory account. Purchase price variances on logistics charges now post correctly also.
MFG-8610 When legal documents were enabled, taxes were created incorrectly in the tax detail records
for purchase order returns. In this case, tax records were created for both the purchase order
and for the purchase order return process.
The fix for MFG-10266 also resolved MFG-8610.
ILM-619 When NFe files were imported, the logistics charge code was not set correctly in Fiscal
Receiving, and displayed the code, but not the description. This issue has now been
ILM-602 In Authorization Receipt, the system now generates an XML file in the correct format for
logistics charge legal documents.
ILM-601 Import NFe File displayed errors during XML file import. This issue has now been rectified.
ILM-596 In Authorization Receipt, the nFat XML field was blank for an imported NFe file. This issue
has been corrected, and the nFat XML field now displays the legal document number for
imported NFe files.
ILM-594 In Non-Sales Shipper Confirm, the window locked after the prompt to enter the vehicle ID.
This issue was caused by a missing condition, and is now fixed.
ILM-589 Purchase order returns for receipts with negative quantities now reverse the ship-to and
ship-from addresses. Tax parameters and prices are now reversed correctly.
ILM-586 When creating a new fiscal control ID in Fiscal Control Account ID Maint, the tax usage
frame now updates correctly when you set a new tax usage.
ILM-585 In Fiscal Receiving and Pre-Shipper/Shipper Confirm, the system allows you to proceed
with entering data if you leave the Document Model field blank.
This issue has been fixed, and now you can only proceed if you enter a document model
type of 55.
ILM-583 In Fiscal Receiving and Pre-Shipper/Shipper Confirm, the Vehicle ID field returns Progress
errors if you click Back or F4.
This issue has been fixed, and the system now prevents you from clicking from the Vehicle
ID field without specifying data.
ILM-582 In Shipper Unconfirm and Non-Sales Shipper Confirm, the system allows you to proceed
with entering data if you leave the Reason Code field blank.
This issue has been fixed, and the system now prevents from clicking from the Reason Code
field without specifying data.
ILM-581 In Non-Sales Shipper Confirm, the PIS and COFINS CSTs did not default if the fiscal data
line was blank.
The procedure to retrieve default CST codes has been moved to the program header, and the
CST codes now default correctly.
ILM-562 When creating a complementary purchase order, the Tax Usage field does not accept a tax
usage with an operation type of Purchase.
To rectify this issue, a new number range has been created for complementary purchase
orders. The system now accepts tax usages with the operation type of Purchase when used
for complementary purchase orders.
ILM-561 The DANFE report is not printed in Non Sales Shipper Confirm and Pre-shipper/Shipper
This issue was rectified by applying changes in the QRF report to the procedure that runs the
DANFE report.

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Issue Number Fix
ILM-560 Some hook programs were missing from Custom Program Entry Point Maint (
and Custom Program Detail Maint (
To fix this, gpinvdat.p (Sales Order Status Change program) and ponfupbr.p
(Customer Program for XML Import) have been added to Custom Program Entry Point
Maint ( and Custom Program Detail Maint (
ILM-559 Previously, the Fiscal Control Account Browse did not display the corresponding tax usages
for each fiscal control account ID.
This issue has been fixed, and the Fiscal Control Account Browse now displays the tax
usage, associated operation, and the FIFO setting.
ILM-550 The Detailed Legal Document report now contains the currency code in the stage block.
Previously, only the currency amount was displayed.
ILM-543 As a result of this ticket, the DANFE Print report now includes comment information for
imported legal documents.
ILM-535 Logistics charge codes are not taxable for all tax types. This facility has been provided as
described in "Logistics Charge Codes and Tax Types" on Page 18.
ILM-530 When information was updated in NFe Issue Type Maintenance, the nfecs_dets table
was not updated with the relevant values.
This issue has been fixed, and the nfecs_dets table is now updated correctly.
ILM-529 As a result of this ticket, the comp_sit field in the fiscal interface file now indicates if a
legal document is complementary.
ILM-525 As a result of this ticket, the Detailed Legal Document report now includes the following:
Matching posting information.
A new filter that lets you print tax detail information for each line.
An invoice reference in the Supplier/Customer Invoices area.
The “Ship Dt” label on the report has been updated to “Receive/Ship Dt.”
The “Invoice” label has been updated to “Document Type ML, MA, MC.”
ILM-516 The NFe block of the Detailed Legal Document report now contains an NFe Status field.
ILM-495 The Detailed Legal Document report now includes trailer expense tax details.
ILM-480 In the Detailed Legal Document report, withholding taxes are now correctly displayed for
logistics charge legal documents.
ILM-465 Previously, if a logistics charge legal document related to more than one purchase order line
in a material legal document, tax details were displayed in the Detailed Legal Document
report for each purchase order and not for the sum of the purchase orders. This issue is now
ILM-464 The Detailed Legal Document report displayed stage information for all entities.
The report now only displays stage information for the entity associated with the invoice.
ILM-454 Send Correction Letter to Cust/Supp ( has been updated to use the BLF data
object instead of the BLF query.
ILM-423 NFe Cancel Send ( and Shipper Unconfirm (7.9.21) have been updated to use BLF
data objects instead of BLF queries for the following include files: sonfm1br.p,
sonfc1br.p, and sonfd1br.p.
ILM-274 The Total Section of the Detailed Legal Document Report now contains the following
The ISS amount if the tax legal group is “ISS”
The IRRF amount if the tax legal group is “IRRF”
If taxes are withheld, the amount is added to withholding tax total.

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