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Materials Needed
• Poster board, paper, anything to write/draw on.
• Crayons, markers, colored pencils/ anything to write/ draw with.
• Imagination

ACTIVITY: “I”magination

1. Sit down and brainstorm what you believe a safe space is. Kindly draw it on a paper
2. Create an illustration of your safe space. There should be no restrictions as to what your
safe space is.
3. After drawing, they will be asked to share their drawings with the class. Please be
reminded that whatever things that will be shared on this class must only stay on this

While the students are sharing, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. Is the safe space that you drew, a place that you’ve been?
2. What makes this place special to you?
3. Why is this your safe space?


A safe space a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel
confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other
emotional or physical harm. It is a place where you can be yourself and you will not be judged
by others.


● RESPECT – We hold respect for one another and respect for ourselves. We
respect each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We respect our collective ability
to bring about positive change.
● LISTEN – With respect as our foundation, we learn to listen with our ears, our
heads, our hearts, and all of our senses.
● UNDERSTAND – From listening comes understanding. To understand is to go
beyond listening, to process what we have heard and reflect on the new
knowledge we receive. If we truly understand who others are and who we are, we
can work together as equals, valuing differences and building upon similarities
and common goals.
● COMMUNICATE – When people truly understand each other, then they can
communicate clearly. With communication, we can create action plans and
implement them using practical projects that make a positive difference. When
we communicate, we also continue to reaffirm the respect and trust we have for
each other, create healthy relationships with others, and help each other achieve
our goals.

Teachers may find it useful to co-create classroom community agreements with

their students at the start of the learning in order to help establish a safe and inclusive
environment in which students can feel comfortable participating and learning.

The teacher will ask the students to hang their drawing up in their room, or
somewhere they will see frequently. Explain that whenever they feel sad, anxious or
overwhelmed that they can go to their “safe space”. If their safe space is a place in their
imagination, encourage them to go to a quiet area where they can imagine them being
in their safe space. There are no limitations as to what a safe place is, as long as the
student feels as though they can “go” to this place when they are feeling overwhelmed.

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