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Summer 2020-2021

Section: A , Group: 04


To determine the acceleration due to gravity by means of a

compound pendulum.
Supervised By

Shahadat Hossain
Submitted By

Name ID Contribution

1.Monayem Hasan 20-42222-1 Apparatus, Procedure, Graph

2.Mosa. Nusrat Jahan Mahinur 20-42108-1 Data Table, Experimental Data

3.Nibraz Nasiha Oishee 20-42735-1 Result, Discussion, References

3.Nushrat Jahan 20-42192-1 Cover page, Theory, Analysis and


Date of Submission: 30/05/2021


TOPICS Page no.

I. Title Page 1

II. Table of Content 2

1. Theory 3

2. Apparatus
3. Procedure
4. Experimental Data
5. Analysis and Calculation
6. Result
7. Discussion
8. References
9. Appendices

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1. Theory
Bar Pendulum:

The bar pendulum consists of a metallic bar of about one meter long. A series of circular holes each
of approximately 5 mm in diameter are made along the length of the bar. The bar is suspended from a
horizontal knife-edge passing through any of the holes (Fig. ). The knife edge, in turn, is fixed in a
platform provided with the screws. By adjusting the rear screw, the platform can be made horizontal.

τ = -mg l sinθ

I= moment of inertia of the body

For small amplitude of vibrations,

Sin θ= 0, so Iw= Mglwθ

Hence, the motion is simple harmonic , with a period of vibrations,

T= 2π �/���

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�2 +�2
2 2 �
I=M(K +l ) and so T=2π
2 2
(� + � )/�� =2π � (1)

Since the pendulum periodic time of a simple pendulum is given by, T=2π �

So L=(k2+l2)/l (2)

Thus from (2)

L2+l L+k2=0 (3)

From the theory of quadrate equations,

L1+l2 =L and l1.l2=k2

As the sum and two roots are positive, the two roots are both positive. This means these are two
positions of the centre of susposition on the same side of C.G about which the periods (T) would be
same. The distance between two such points, situated on either side of the C.G be the length (L) of
the simple equivalent pendulum.

If this period of oscillation is T. then from the expression

T= 2π � and g= 4π2(L/T2)

2. Apparatus
(i) A bar pendulum
(ii) A knife–edge with a platform
(iii) A precision stopwatch,
(iv) A meter scale and
3. Procedure
(i)Suspend the bar using the knife edge of the hook through a hole nearest to one end of the bar.

(ii) Allow the bar to oscillate in a vertical plane with small amplitude (within 40 of arc).

(iii) Note the time for 20 oscillations by a precision stopwatch by observing the transits of the

vertical line on the bar through the telescope. Make this observation three times and find the mean
time t for 20 oscillations. Determine the time period T.
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(iv) Measure the distance d of the axis of the suspension, i.e. the hole from one of the edges of the bar
by a meter scale.

(v) Repeat operation (i) to (iv) for the other holes till center of gravity (C.G) of the bar is

approached where the time period becomes very large.

(vi) Invert the bar and repeat operations (i) to (v) for each hole starting from the extreme top.

(vii) Draw a graph with the distance d of the holes as abscissa and the time period T as ordinate.

The nature of graph will be as shown in Fig

4. Experimental Data
Table 1: Observation for the time period and the distance of the point of suspension
from CG for End- A.

Distance Time for 20 Mean time Period

From CG Oscillations
Hole no.
t T = t / 20
(s) (s) (s)

24.495 1.633
(1) 25.27
1 45
(2) 23.72

23.06 1.588
(1) 23.03
2 40
(2) 23.09

22.905 1.517
(1) 22.90
3 35
(2) 22.91

22.545 1.503
(1) 22.76
4 30
(2) 22.33

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22.665 1.511
(1) 22.48
5 25
(2) 22.85

22.725 1.545
(1) 22.34
6 20
(2) 23.11

22.78 1.583
(1) 22.06
7 15
(2) 23.50

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Table 2: Observation for the time period and the distance of the point of suspension

from CG for End- B.

Distance Time for 20 Mean time Period

Hole no. From CG Oscillations

t T = t / 20
(s) (s) (s)

23.37 1.558
(1) 23.34
1 45
(2) 23.40

22.87 1.524
(1) 22.92
2 40
(2) 22.82

22.485 1.499
(1) 22.52
3 35
(2) 22.45

22.15 1.483
(1) 22.36
4 30
(2) 22.14

22.85 1.475
(1) 23.19
5 25
(2) 22.51

23.01 1.505
(1) 23.45
6 20
(2) 22.57

23.145 1.535
(1) 23.23
7 15
(2) 23.06

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Data table:

length Period

45 1.633

40 1.588

35 1.517

30 1.503

25 1.511

20 1.545

15 1.583

-45 1.558

-40 1.524

-35 1.499

-30 1.483

-25 1.475

-20 1.505

-15 1.535

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5. Analysis and Calculation


From the T vs L graph:

Length AC = 51 cm, Length BD = 62 cm.

Mean length, L = 2
= 56.5 cm.

Equivalent length of compound pendulum, L = 56.5 cm.

Equivalent time period of compound pendulum, T = 1.52 sec.


4�2 � 4�2 ∗56.5

g= �2
= (1.52)2
=965.4 cm/s2

6. Result
The acceleration due to gravity is 965.4 cm/s2

7. Discussion
1) In measuring time an accurate stopwatch should be used.

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2) The amplitude of oscillation should remain within 40 of arc.
3) Make sure that there is no air current of the vicinity of the pendulum.
4) Ensure that the pendulum oscillates in a vertical plane and that there is no rotational

8. References
1) Fundamental of physics: Resnick & Halliday
2) Practical physics: R.K Shukla, Anchal Srivatsava, New Age International(P) Ltd,
New Delhi
3) Eric J. Irons, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 15, Issue 5, pp.426 (1947)

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