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A Review of Sikh Religion And Sikhs

Sikhism is the youngest and the latest religion among world religions. Sikhism
is not a passive spectator. It advocates active participation in the process of trans-
formations of a better Society.

Sikh Religion is the evolution of simple, saintly life essentials of Ten Sikh Gurus
who dedicated their entire life to the well being of humanity without discrimination
of colour, caste, creed and faith. The name of Ten Sikh Gurus are :-


1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469 - 1539 AD 1469 - 1539 AD

2. Guru Angad Dev Ji 1539 - 1552 AD 1504 - 1552 AD
3. Guru Amar Das Ji 1552 - 1574 AD 1479 - 1574 AD
4. Guru Ram Das Ji 1574 - 1581 AD 1534 - 1581 AD
5. Guru Arjan Dev Ji 1581 - 1606 AD 1563 - 1606 AD
6. Guru Hargobind Ji 1606 - 1644 AD 1595 - 1644 AD
7. Guru Har Rai Ji 1644 - 1661 AD 1630 - 1661 AD
8. Guru Har Krishan Ji 1661 - 1664 AD 1656 - 1664 AD
9. Guru Teg Bahadur Ji 1664 - 1675 AD 1621 - 1675 AD
10. Guru Gobind Singh Ji 1675 - 1708 AD 1666 - 1708 AD

The concept of revelation in Sikhism is unique one. The theory of incarnation

has been rejected outrightly. No Sikh Guru has claimed to be an incarnation of
God. They preached that there is only One God ( Ek Onkar ), which is present
every where in the entire universe.

According to Sikh Philosophy a man can have direct linkage with God through
recitation of Divine Name i.e. Bani (Hymns) is Guru and Guru is Bani (Hymns).

The Sikh Gurus lived like ordinary human beings. They were treated with great
reverence for their preachings. People turned to them for guidance because of their
simplicity, love, wisdom and moral piety.

Guru Nanak Dev ji preached His new gospel in places known as Dharmsals, where
his followers gathered to listen to His discourses on the New Faith. The Institute of
Sangat ( people assembled for meditation ) and Pangat ( all attending devotees
seated in rows on floor ) for free meals from community Kitchen ( langar, a novel
idea ) or to listen to hymns, was originally established at these Dharmsals.

The Gurdwaras ( from Dharmsals ) emerged as a new edifice on the Indian religious
scene, in the seventeenth century. Gurudwara became indestructible symbol of Sikh
Faith with indefinable feelings in millions of believers.

Devotees gathered in the Gurudwara with great fondness, to hear recitation from Shri
Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Also to listen to Shabad Keertan ( soulful recitation of Hymns
rendered in classical style - accompanied by musical instruments ) through out the
day and night.

The founders of Sikh Faith from first Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Tenth master Guru
Gobind Singh Ji, have taught the entire living humanity to “ RECITE THE NAME

Sikh Faith and its followers are known for their selfless service to the humanity
every where in the world, and the same is highly appreciated.

Fifth Guru Arjan Dev Ji collected the hymns of his predecessors, hymns of Saints
( Bhagats ) of different religions of similar belief and compiled a Granth - named
Pothi Sahib which was installed in Golden temple in the year 1604 AD. Baba Buddha
ji was appointed the first head priest by Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Guru Ji himself sat
on the floor with respect, below the seat of Pothi Sahib and recited hymns.

Pothi Sahib was compiled once again by Guru Gobind Singh ji, by including the
hymns of 9th Guru, Shri Teg Bahadur Sahib Ji. This compilation of 1430 pages
was renamed as Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. In 1708 AD , Guru Ji ordained His
Sikhs to “ Recognise and adopt Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as a Living Guru
from this day to eternity.” He further stated “ Consider the Guru Granth as
representing Body of the Guru. From now-on all those who wish to connect with
The Guru, can find the way, in the hymns of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.”

Extreme humility is the dominant tone of all Sikh Guru’s Hymns. All Ten Sikh
Guru abhor the three evils of Greed, Worldly Attachment and Ego.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji revealed the concept of Panj Piarey ( Five Beloveds ) and
Khalsa through baptising ceremony ( of Khanday Bate Di Pahul - AMRIT ) in a
congregation of 80000 Sikh faith followers, in Anandpur Sahib in year 1699 AD.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji, requested these Five Singhs to serve AMRIT to him to
treat him, as their first disciple. The Guru thus passed on the Guru Ship not to
another individual but to the corporate body of the Sikhs ( Five Beloveds ) and
Named it “ GURU KHALSA PANTH.” Tenth Guru himself became the first
member of this body. There was no chance that this Guru Khalsa could ever be
killed or eliminated. A miracle has happened. People divided as Hindus, Muslims,
Low caste and High caste were all united in one Brotherhood - called KHALSA.

The social revolution started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, achieved its desired goal.
Those who took AMRIT from the same bowl, were commissioned as (Sant Sipahi)
Saint Soldiers, for serving the society without distinction by colour, creed or Faith.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave a distinguishing identity to Sikhs, by naming the Sikh
men as SINGH and Sikh women as KAUR. Guru ji asked them to wear a Turban
which was an original concept ( in history ) and helped differentiate the Sikhs from
all other men and women venturing in the world.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji also ordained his Sikhs to carry five essentials, named
Panj Kakars ( Five essentials ) namely :-

1. Kesh i.e unshorn hair considered as the Blessings of the Creator. The hair on
the entire body should not be separated from the self, so as to live with the
nature. This is why Sikhs respect their hair.

2. Kanga i.e a comb of wood - to enable to comb the hair twice on the head daily,
( once in the morning and once in the evening ) to keep them clean and tidy.

3. Karha i.e a steel bracelet to wear on the right side of fore arm. This essential
is also a motivation for bravery and fearlessness.

4. Kachhaira is an under garment tailored in a specific design which helps in

maintaining personal hygiene and high moral character.

5. Fifth insignia of the Sikhs is Siri Sahib-Kirpan ( Sword ) which is to

be part of daily dress code of a baptised Sikh and for self defence.

Tenth Guru coined a new name, Kirpan, in place of sword. This article of faith is
carried for self protection. A Sikh agrees publicly, under oath, in the presence of
Five Beloveds ( Panj Piarey ) for its genuine use, before he is allowed to wear it.
( Kirpan is also referred to, with reverence, as Siri Sahib ).

Kirpan is also used as a ritual in touching the Karah Prashad ( Sacred - Halwa )
after recitation of final prayer, at closing ceremony of a Sikh religious congregation.
The Karah Prashad is then distributed equally to all those present.

Thus started the doctrine of the Guru Granth, Guru Panth and Saint Soldier which
holds up to the benevolence of the Guru, even in the world of today and tomorrow.

Sikhism essentially is a religion of the way of life, i.e. something which must be
lived and experienced and not just to be intelligently grasped and declared.

Some points of unparalleled devotion and introspection) are described here :-

Religion, which recognises One God for entire human race and in it’s daily prayer,
always wishes well for all humanity around the world - Sarbat Da Bhalla.

Religion, which is fifth largest religion in the world.

Religion, which gives due respect and recognition to the women, in their life time,
advocating equal rights to men and women. This reform was introduced for the first
time in the world by Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Religion, which started Langar Pratha ( system of free meal from community
kitchen ) so that no one visiting Sikh temple, remains hungry.

Religion, which is true well wisher and care taker of less fortunate people, through
voluntary contributions of DASWAND i.e one tenth of a Gur Sikh’s income.

Religion, whose worship place i.e. Gurdwaras are always open to every one without
discrimination of colour, creed, caste, faith and belief. Only restriction is to follow
the procedures of removing shoes outside, washing hands and feet ( for up keep of
the place of worship) and also to cover the head as a mark of respect to the Guru.

Religion, whose master gave distinct Turbaned identity to Sikhs so that they stand
out as a unique personality, among all human gatherings and crowds.

Religion, which gives optimistic hope of salvation by Divine Grace and teaches to
always remain thankful to God while accepting that only “His Will Prevails.”

Religion, where institution of martyrdom is an integral part of the New System

enunciated by Guru Nanak. The lead in the matter was given by the Fifth Guru
Guru Arjan Dev Ji who was tortured to death ( for Compiling and Installing a
Granth of Sikh Faith at Golden Temple in Amritsar ) by Mughal Ruler Jahangir.

Religion, from which Ninth Sikh Guru sacrificed his life for Kashmiri Pandits
who came in distress to seek help from Sikh Guru, for saving their Hindu
Population from forced conversion to Islam, by Mughal Rulers of that time.

Religion, which has no system of forced conversion. Call of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
to those who want to join Sikh Faith “ Should you seek to engage in the game of love
Step in my street with thy head placed on your palm” and volunteer yourself.

Sikhism offers many sublime doctrines of universal interest, of moral and

spiritual values, for which Sikhs and their faith is admired all over the world.

Sikhs are extremely dedicated to their religion, and also respect all religions.
Guru Nanak dev Ji preached “ If you are Hindu, be a good Hindu, If you are a
Christian be a good Christian and If your are Muslim, be a good Muslim.”

Sikhs follow diligently the ordained principles and rituals of their Gurus to
become a better human being.They work hard with honesty and dedication.
They recite the name of God - Wahe Guru ( God is Great ) every moment.
Sikhs always volunteer to help the needy and live a life of contentment.

Swami Vivekanand expresses his views on Guru Nanak :-

Guru Nanak was born in the sacred land of India. He gave a message of love and
peace to the whole world and preached the same throughout his teachings. He was
full of affections for every one and his arms were always outstretched as if to
embrace the whole world. There was no difference between a Hindu and Muslim
for him. He was a common Guru to all.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar - the writer of Indian Constitution said :-

Sikh religion is a spiritual home, for those who desire to attain peace with respect.

Late S. Radhakrishnan, past President of India expresses :-

Guru Nanak tells us, “ keep no feeling of enmity for any one. God is contained in
every bosom. Forgiveness is love at its highest power. Where their is forgiveness,
there is God himself.”

William Warbert a High British official praises the Sikh thought :-

The feeling of “No one is my enemy, and no one is a stranger. I get along with
every one ( Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Page 1299 ) has been infused in the heart
of Sikhs by their Guru.”

Acharya Rajneesh- known as Osho replies to a question by a reporter :-

Sikhs are the beautiful people - perhaps in the whole world. The only community
you can rely upon in our country, is community of the Sikhs. Most trust worthy,
reliable, not cunning, simple people, courageous, and not afraid of any thing.”

Historian Falcon in his book ( Titled Hand Book ) writes :-

A Sikh remains the same under all circumstances. He is strong, intelligent, and sober
by nature. He is a highly diligent, dauntless and wise human being. He is not
bothered of getting beaten. Without getting bound in the chains of casteism, he has
a loving attitude towards all.

Dorothy Field Writer ( The Religion of Sikhs ) pays her tribute :-

Pure Sikhism is far above dependence on Hindu rituals and is capable of a distinct
position as world religion, so long as Sikhs maintain their distinctiveness. If judged
from pragmatic standpoint which is a favourite point of view in some quarters,

Qazi Nur Mohammad, an official reporter of General Abdali reports :-

The valour of Sikh soldiers and their courage are undisputedly outstanding. What
is extremely significant about the Sikhs is their conduct towards the vanquished -
for the Sikh soldiers neither loot, nor fire upon or attack the fleeing soldiers. In fact
the self discipline and ethical level of the victorious Sikh soldiers have not been
achieved even in the modern times.
General Bardwood ( Of World War ) relates his confidence in Sikh Ethos :-
I will not be worried or reluctant to leave my wife and young daughter under
protection of any Sikh soldier ( If the situation demands in peace or in war ).

H.L Bradshaw American Writer and Historian comments :-

This religion ( Sikhism ) is in proximity with science, that is why this religion
would be the last resort for the future generations.

Sri Ravi Shankar “ Art Of Living Guru ” fame recommends :-

The Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji should be taught to children, not only in the
country ( India ) but also across the world.

Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya addressing the Hindu community said :-

Each Hindu family should convert at least one child into a Singh, who can
take care of this world which is our family.

Milton Friedman ( Nobel Laureate ) extolls various aspects of Sikhs :-

He says that Sikhs not only fill the hunger of India but keep a watch over
India. They have also played a major role in securing India’s freedom.
According to him, If India comes solely under the authority of the Sikhs,
then the problems of degeneration and poverty will be solved. The fear of
any foreign invasion will cease to exist.

Bertrand Russel ( Philosopher & Mathematician ) explains his vision :-

If some lucky men survive the onslaught of the third world war of atomic
and hydrogen bombs, then the Sikh religion will be the only means of
guiding them.


This work is researched and compiled by :-

Harbhajan Singh Sapra

M.A. Sikh Studies

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