Science: Checkpoint

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Values Education July 16, 2021

CHECKPOINT: What does “Science” mean to you?

On a piece of paper, write the word “Science” at the center. Then draw branches
representing connections, with each branch containing a word or a group of words describing what “Science”
means to you. Make your diagram free-flowing and open. Just list what comes to your mind.

Study of behaviour
of physical and
natural world
through observation
and experimenting.

It can be
nature and It is area of
man made. study.


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It would be
that can be
study of the

It is study of every
It involves the
event happens to
intellectual and
individual or it is a
practical activity.
lifetime process.

CHECKPOINT: What do you think of the divide between the “Natural” and the “Social”

What do you think of the divide between the “Natural” and the “Social” Sciences?

“Natural science is a branch of science that deals with the natural world whereas social science is a branch of
science that deals with human society and social relationships”, according to some articles that I read of these 2
definitions of Sciences. You can see the differences between them and the definition itself, but there is a division of it
because of such an explanation generally and specifically.
Natural science, for example the biology which is the study of living organisms where you can observably on
how they are living and survive in this physical world. Again, like earth science, it is the prediction of natural phenomena
using observable systematic methods and evidence. Studying how it will affect humankind and what is the cause, and how
these appeared. Thus, where you can see the observation and shreds of evidence that concerned objects of nature and the

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physical world. However, it is obviously a major chosen in every student to their academic disciplines because it is a
scientifically study where your professions where related by this our simply called natural science.
Social science is concerned with human society and relationships among individuals. Like in the field of the
economy, where we can be measure, and observable the human populations and their necessities. Society can prove,
observe and do some experiments in another way of methods aside from scientific methods. Another one is the law,
implementing the law to have a peaceful society, good communication, and as well to have a moral relationship in every
individual. Therefore, there is a lot of bases that natural science and social science are separated because of some clear
reasons and purposes in every single way on how it used to be and have the same outcome to have a better history and our

Home Mission: Who is your favorite social scientist?

Base on my research, that Plato and Aristotle alike were two men who had ideas on ways to improve existing society.
Plato is a political philosopher, was in the pursuit of philosophical truth. Aristotle was concerned with the citizen and the
design of political institutions. They both had well-thought-out ideas and plans on how to build a better society.
I have a lot to study of Aristotle because he is my favorite scientist in any aspect. Thus, I always see that his contribution
is incredibly significant to individuals from any part of sciences from history to the future. According, to him “the highest
good must be acted upon because if one does not act to achieve any aim then they will never achieve it”. In his view,
when a person acts in unity with virtue he will do good and be content. Thus, doing wrong would fall into unhappiness,
frustration, failed goals, and poor life. This is what I get inspired by his works especially when it talks about the human
values, importance, and morality, of what humans think rationally. A person had composed of a combination of vice and
virtue. It gives me more courage to live in this world, trust, love, appreciate others, give importance, and live in
accordance to be a better person, wife, and mother. Therefore, the essential as a person is the one who knew of what he is.

What is your understanding of the relationship among the three disciplines?
Why is their relationship important in studying culture, society, and politics? Write an essay on this.

These 3 disciplines explain how we know their relationships and what is the significance in our history, life, and
future and how it affects to the world. Anthropology is that a human origin, and world history while on the other hand
Sociology it focuses social connections, organizations, and systematic study of societies that people build and how they
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affect their behavior, lastly Political science is also the systematic study of political and government institutions and

There is an interconnection between the 3 disciplines that elements of one could be found in another. Mostly, we
study bits of anthropology in sociology. We study culture in sociology and anthropology, we learn how people behave, the
way to think, desire, and defend, we want to know the difference between the other tribes, we want to know what makes
separates the Maranao and other tribes of Muslims. Both sciences attempt to understand the way of life of various cultures
or various societies.
Between anthropology and political science, we learn power. We learn that in our Spaniards that there is a
Datu(king) and his chiefs, and we learn their monarchy and their powers and position from the top of control which
people gain, use or lose power, in one culture and that in some cultures, and it is vice versa. The political processes in
countries all over the world are responsible for the mindset of the countries’ respective constituents.
Lastly, in sociology, we also learn how power is delivered in society. We learn democracy, anarchy, and a state of
cultural norms. It is the study of the nature of humanity, which also leads to examining our functions within the society
where organized of facts of human interactions and living in interdependence. These things are also repeated and
systematic in political science.

These disciplines in the social sciences and humanities are interconnected we cannot separate one from another.
They are significant to study our history, humanity, and the value in society, it is just because these 3 are deeply
dependent on imposing processes, to those that govern human households, the forming and implementations of ideas, and
the authority methods or systems that ensure a prosperous civilization.

CHECKPOINT: What is our Cultural Heritage?

Based on the lesson about the cultural heritage, draw five tangible and five non-tangible cultural heritage of Filipinos that
still exist until today. Draw your answers in separate sheets.


Manmade built heritage:

Cultural landscape

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 Archeological sites

 Historic urban sites/heritage groups

 Monuments, Buildings or Structures

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Values Education July 16, 2021

CHECKPOINT: The Future of Human Society

Given the discussion on the origins and development of cultural evolutionism, it can be concluded that culture evolves as
the productivity of human labor increases. If we can harness our more energy than what we are doing right now, what do
you think will happen to our society? To our culture?
Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

Cultural evolution, also called sociocultural evolution, is the development of one or more cultures from simpler to more
complex forms. In the 18th and 19th centuries the subject was viewed as a unilinear phenomenon that describes the
evolution of human behavior. It describes the evolution of individual cultures or societies (or of given parts of a culture or
“Cultural evolution” is the idea that human cultural change––that is, changes in socially transmitted beliefs, knowledge,
customs, skills, attitudes, languages, and so on––can be described as a Darwinian evolutionary process that is similar in
key respects (but not identical) to biological/genetic evolution. It is true enough, that as we continue to exhaust the
richness of our own resources, desires and capabilities into whatever creative output and discoveries, it will also impact
our ways of life and the culture of our society in the larger scale. And so if we harness our more energy than what we are
doing right now, chances are we might end up transforming many of our cultures in our society or be filled with many
nuances in our ways of life. This is as we venture to explore the many expressions of our skills and capacities that may
contribute to the progress of our culture.


Do you believe in the critique to Neo-evolutionism? Why? Why not?

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Values Education July 16, 2021

CHECKPOINT: What do you think?

What do you think of Historical Particularism? Do you agree with its core tenant?

This approach claims that each society has its own unique historical development and must be understood based on its
own specific cultural and environmental context, especially its historical process. Its core premise was that culture was a
“set of ideas or symbols held in common by a group of people who see themselves as a social group” (Darnell 2013: 399).

Yes, I agree to it since as what the very famous saying would say, “ A journey of thousand miles begins with a single
step” so therefore every society went through its own unique historical and cultural development just as each country is
formed through its long rich history. Society and its culture, therefore, is not formed just overnight but is gradually created
over a long period of time as people in a particular society kept on repeatedly and collectively doing those many practices
for a long period of time until it becomes acceptably and habitually done by people.

Give ten examples of instances where culture is “diffused”. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

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Structural Functionalism views culture a system – an interrelation of parts and functions. What is your opinion
about it?

Structural-functionalism's core concepts are, in harness, structure and system. Structural functionalism then focuses on the
formal ordering of parts and their functional interrelations as contributory factor to the sustainable needs of a structured
social system. The function of any institution was the part it works in the preservation of the larger structural whole.
Our society, then, is a global social ordering that is based on an integrated value system wherein each person participates
in the social system by interacting with others in conformity with the various roles and positions he or she holds in that
system. It is indeed true that a particular culture is shaped by various members who are collectively and similarly
following a pattern of lifestyles, practices and activities. It follows the principle of unity in diversity where in everyone’s
expressions of his or her uniqueness contributes to the greater wholeness of the culture of the society. The global social
system itself consists of hierarchically ordered subsystems that are characterized by corresponding institutionalized
norms. On the one hand, these norms are supposed to be congruent with society's integrated value system and, on the
other hand, they determine the expectations and rules attached to specific positions and roles.
Structural functionalism holds that human societies tend to evolve toward increased differentiation, in which institutions
become increasingly specialized in the functions they perform. Some scholars – most notably Alexander (1981) – have
argued that the development of journalism should be seen in this light.

CHECKPOINT: What is your stand on our fellowmen looking for work abroad?
What do you think are the roles of networks both here in the Philippines and abroad in including this migration?

This approach claims that each society has its own unique historical development and must be understood based on its
own specific cultural and environmental context, especially its historical process. Its core premise was that culture was a
“set of ideas or symbols held in common by a group of people who see themselves as a social group” (Darnell 2013: 399).

Yes, I agree to it since as what the very famous saying would say, “ A journey of thousand miles begins with a single
step” so therefore every society went through its own unique historical and cultural development just as each country is
formed through its long rich history. Society and its culture, therefore, is not formed just overnight but is gradually created
over a long period of time as people in a particular society kept on repeatedly and collectively doing those many practices
for a long period of time until it becomes acceptably and habitually done by people.

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Home Mission

Create a matrix summarizing the core features and critiques to each approach. Follow the format below:

Critique of this Critique of this

Name of Approach Core Approach to other Approach to other
Features/Tenents Approaches Approaches
The core idea of cultural It viewed societies that Cultures evolve from
evolution is that cultural were technologically “primitive” ones to
Cultural Evolutionism change constitutes an simple as “less human”. “civilized”, and that will be
evolutionary process that Cultures evolve because of the direction of every
shares fundamental the interaction of the culture.
similarities with – but also people and their
differs in keyways from – environment.
genetic evolution.
societies develop naturally
along a single line from
“primitive” to “civilized,” and
Unilinear Perspective that all societies were obliged
to these rules.

Process consisting of some

forward paths of different
styles and lengths. Concerned
Multilinear Perspective with establishing sequences
of parallel development and
studies them empirically.
It focuses on long-term emerged as critique of Neo-evolutionism approach to
Neo-Evolutionism culture change of cultural evolutionism, view of cultural evolutionism is that it
seemingly different, the latter that cultural pays too much attention
unrelated cultures adapting evolution is unilinear. particular cases, which leads
to like environments.
Cultures are likened to traits, This approach criticized Evolutionism is that it is non-
Historical each has a complex past, Unilinear Evolutionism that scientific. This approach is
written, unwritten, and all cultures will reach to dominant trend in
Particularism rewritten over time. Study of civilization. anthropology, and it achieve
anthropology and culture. is removing the “racism” and

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Process by which information Alternative to evolutionism. Evolutionist focus innovation

Diffusionism is disseminated through The mechanisms through as the cultural evolutionist,
population typically which adopters and potential this approach focuses on
exchanges among population adopters communicate with diffusion.
members. each other.

"a framework for building This approach looks at society Structural Functionalism is
Structural theory that sees society as a through a macro-level estimated as incompatible in
complex system whose parts orientation, which is a broad understanding the modern
Functionalism work together to promote focus on the social structures advanced society.
solidarity and stability". that shape society as a whole
and believes that society has
evolved like organisms.

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