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1.1: Definition of Online Learning

Online learning is defined as "the learning experience in a synchronous or asynchronous

environment using various devices (eg, mobile phones, laptops, etc.) with Internet access.
In these environments, students interact with instructors and other students anywhere to
learn and interact”. Synchronous learning environments are structured in the sense that
students participate in live lectures, there is real-time interaction between teachers and
learners, and there is potential for immediate feedback, whereas asynchronous learning
environments are not structured properly. In such a learning environment, learning
material is not available in the form of live lectures or classes; It is available on various
learning systems and forums. Immediate response is not possible in such an environment.
Synchronous learning can provide lots of opportunities for social interaction (. Amidst
the spread of this deadly virus, there is a need for online platforms where (1) video
conferencing with at least 40 to 50 students is possible, (2) discussions can be held with
students to keep classes organized, (3) have good internet connection, (4) lectures are
available even in mobile phones and not just in laptops, (5) possibility to view pre-
recorded lectures, and (6) get immediate feedback from students and the assignment can
be taken (Singh and Thurman, 2019).
The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a global public health concern, but also a political
economic, cultural, religious and educational one. We can see cracks everywhere on the
surface and far deeper. One of the widespread defects is a fracture in the learning system
of more than one billion students around the world. According to UNESCO, the COVID-
19 pandemic has caused most history’s education systems messed up and affected nearly
1.6 billion students across the country. Continent in more than 190 countries. 94% have
been affected by the closure of education. The country's student population, up to 99
percent poor and low-middle income country. Due to the economic fallout of the
pandemic alone, approximately 23.8 million. Whether additional children and youth will
leave school next year. This difference, for example, there was a huge loss of $148 billion
annually for low-income countries and low-middle-income countries, and may now
increase to a third (UNESCO, 2020). The tragedy of COVID-19 and the unprecedented
destruction of education is not far away.
Online learning is a form of distance learning or education that has recently become a
part of the US education system due to COVID-19 (Baumert, 2006). Find out about
students' online learning experience and how it brings advantages or disadvantages to
them in this study. As explained in the Steam article, online learning, is one of the types
of distance learning where teachers and learners can be placed anywhere. There are
several types of distance learning today: correspondence courses (conducted through
regular mail with little interaction), telecourses (where the material is delivered via radio
or television broadcasts), CD-ROM courses (where computers with static computer
content). students), online learning (Internet-based courses offered synchronously and/or
asynchronously), and mobile learning (via devices such as cell phones, PDAs, and digital
audio players such as iPods or MP3 players) (Albirini, 2006).
Online learning is often referred to as the deliberate use of network information and
communication technology in teaching and learning. Online learning generally defines
the unique technological tools and resources used for communication created to store and
control information in the educational process. Online learning involves electronic
devices that are interconnected with human communication objects. Online learning
allows users to use these tools in the learning and teaching process. It offers a wide range
of communication facilities to meet the special needs of students. Online learning is about
touching the screen in a dynamic learning style with the fingers. Various tools such as
mobile phones and laptops are used for online learning through video conferencing with
smart boards and holograms for traditional classrooms. Online learning integrates the
facilities of hardware and software tools for large-scale teaching and communication
between learners and teachers (Dignathet al., 2013).
Online learning plays an important role in Covid and proves its benefits. When students
are imprisoned at home but e-learning provides access to education through online
classes. E-learning forced teachers to change their pedagogical approach. Online learning
brought a big change in the teaching and learning process. Many apps for e-learning
students like WhatsApp, zoom, goggle class room, and many other audio-visual aids, and
thus all learning systems shift from traditional learning to e-learning and these apps are
helpful. In managing attendance, curriculum, assignments and more, parents of children
can often use these apps and connect with teachers (Anthony et al., 2020).

Information Technology (IT) is intentionally said to be the most fundamental institution

for change in various spheres of human life. The modern era is the time to save the skills
and energy of the students which motivates them to study online and earn valuable
degrees from reputed educational institutions. As a result, many electronic devices
promote courses under the online learning system, which saves time and energy for
students living in remote areas from the universities or colleges where they study. Online
learning is on the rise in most universities and institutions of higher education around the
world. Online learning, also known as web-based learning, provides flexible and
convenient learning with the help of the Internet to support individual learning or
organizational performance goals (Bonck, 2009).
The concept of online learning is widely understood by students and teachers for its
comprehensive and universally accepted information. Online learning information
integrated electronic devices integrate enterprise software and hardware data. Online
learning tools include computers, laptops, scanners, projectors and software programs.
The wide spread of counseling education in different communities requires the wealth of
online learning (Gushmidt, 2012).

Online research offers a great way to deliver unlimited items based on time or location,
allowing you to access directions from anywhere at any time. Online eco learners find a
way to integrate education into their busy lives. There are some benefits to using online
learning from some researchers. Some of the key benefits of online learning (STEM) are:
enhanced collaboration and learning (which improves understanding of course material,
and meaningful discussion, writing skills, technical skills, time management,
independence and self-discipline), playgrounds Balancing, and engaging (with students)
improves student communication and discussion, students are more active than passive),
innovative learning (OL is student-centered focused on increasing student diversity and
creativity), and better management (student work); Capacity control), savings
(accommodating more students; increasing student satisfaction), increasing physical
resources (reducing the need for limited campus infrastructure; lots of campus and
parking), retreat (giving students options; Access new student markets; ask existing
students to enroll) (Duberkeit et al., 2008).

Online learning lessons help individuals achieve their learning goals or perform company
tasks in a way that enhances the core goals of the organization. In short, 'e' in online
learning refers to the digitization of 'how-to' lessons so that it can be stored electronically.
Online learning is an Internet-based learning process that uses Internet technology to
design, implement, select, manage, support and extend learning that enhances the
effectiveness of education without replacing traditional education systems (Gross, 2006).

Apart from this, there are various online educational institutes like Blackboard and Letter
Life. Similarly, Blackboard and beyond lifestyle speakers are used in a variety of
services, including online education, in a variety of contexts including online learning,
reserve education, holistic training, and online education. , Space Education, Network
Education and others (Goroshko, 2011).
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) online education for instructors and
learners to exchange information for research that is separated by distance, time, or both,
to retrieve their academic knowledge and presentation. Interprets online education as the
place of instruction provided by all electronic media such as the Internet, Intranet and
Extranet. Therefore, by defying the constraints of time and space, individuals will know
how to take responsibility for their lifelong education. The online learning environment
reduces the rate of learning and therefore increases revenue for educational institutions
(Gallon, 2015).
It is in this way that the most attractive teaching method LMS creates a variety of ways to
communicate education and provides electronic assets designed for the learning of
learners. Several methods, such as using web pages to take e-books to the masses, are
identified as serious underground topics for education officials. However, the major
advantage is that it supports Internet distribution and uses smaller disc components such
as vibration, recording and interactive hypermedia (Gallon, 2015).
Teaching student’s performance, is use as a professional development, cost-effectiveness
in countering the rising cost of secondary education, the benefits of online learning
related to secondary credit equity and the ability to provide. With a broadband connection
(Lorenzetti, 2013). As online study has become a way of educating the teacher, here are
some advantages of online study compared to traditional teaching methods: Online study
is cheaper than traditional teaching methods as it does not require paper or pencil. Yes, it
can be done anywhere, anytime.; Online study is a very flexible environment for
students; Customization means that in online learning the training material is not selected
by the teacher or any organization and helps the students to acquire their own knowledge
(Greenhob, 2009).

Aimed to demonstrate the form and revenue of a comprehensive and fast online learning
demonstration, online school education facilitates the pharmaceuticals and basics of
automotive ubiquitous vehicles that make the learning process more accurate. And
support the calculation of fast fundamentals, many theories that can be explained in
general. These principles are about how to judge the performance of an organization and
highlight the interrelationships that occur within a rigorous online course, so the
company's potential and vast offer time, effort and allocation for exams is astonishing
(Marguerite, 2008).
The researchers believe that online learning should be useful in the facts that emerge
immediately after the learning, designed for all subjects and in all contexts. Education in
Pharmacology is the most suitable instructional system for pharmacists and
pharmacology students. The advantage of universities supporting their online learning
system on campus is that it makes every student's attendance attractive everywhere,
making them disappear into the entire workstation system that students have to pay for
their online learning. Identifying and receiving clarifications, as well as sending and
receiving clarifications through online learning appeal obligations (Hatty, 2009)

1.2: Online Learning in Pakistan

According to the Human Development Report 2019, Pakistan is ranked 152 out of 189
countries in the Human Development Index (HDI). Unfortunately, unlike regional
countries, Pakistan has not seen an increase in key education metrics such as literacy rate,
total enrolment ratio and education expenditure. Pakistan's 57% literacy rate is far behind
its neighbouring countries. The dropout rate in primary schools is 22.7 percent (third
highest in the region after Bangladesh and Nepal), which is worrying considering it is in
the early learning stage. During 2017-18 academic year 522400 teachers were employed
in 172.5 thousand primary schools and 448100 thousand teachers in 46700 secondary
schools and 31400 in secondary schools. There are 5800 higher secondary schools/inter-
colleges with 123200 teachers while there are 3700 technical and vocational institutions
with 18200 teachers.
There are 211 universities with 51,500 teachers in both public and private sectors during
2018-19, a total of 1,659-degree colleges with 41233 employees as seen in the Economic
Survey. Enrolment increased to 1.86 million in 2018-19. In 2018-19, a total of 53.6
million students are estimated to be enrolled in schools, colleges and universities, with
56,3300 teachers employed across the country (Pakistan Economic Survey 2018–19).
Pakistan has one of the largest advanced education infrastructures on the planet. Online
training goes beyond formal education. It also includes competitive testing courses and
courses, improved technical skills and other non-academic subjects. Online education is
developing rapidly in Pakistan. Statistically, in January 2020, as in Pakistan's Digital
Study 2020, 76.38 million. Challenges to Online Education in Pakistan Internet users in
Pakistan during COVID-19 and the road ahead, an increase of 11 million last year, by 17
percent and Internet access in Pakistan by 35 percent (Digital Report of Pakistan, 2020).

If looking at the current situation of COVID-19, university, college or school is the place
that gathers thousands of persons every day, making them susceptible to the spread of
this disease. Campus closure was an important step in controlling the spread (Bajaj,
2020). But colleges, universities, and research centres are places where knowledge is
consolidated and it is a place where answers will be found. No society can afford to close
down a university for a long time. Pakistanis had already paid a high price due to the
disruption of academic activities in the past (Marcus 2020).
1.3: Importance of Online education

Nowadays most of the economic online education is given to the students to improve the
quality of education. The best and innovative methods of online learning have a great
impact on the decision-making process of HEC. Lessons from past studies can provide
guidelines for future policies. Difficulties in the use of online learning tools create
worrying situations about achieving educational goals. HEC has launched Laptop
Scheme for Students so that students can easily access their learning assignments with
quick access to laptops. But the tedious and tedious process of getting a laptop reduces
the value of basic instructional equipment in the eyes of the students. Due to the
constraints faced in installing the laptop. Many students give up on their struggle to get a
laptop (Dallymore, 2008).
The Government of Pakistan took meaningful steps in 2001 to improve access to
information for all students of Pakistan. Various incentive programs like educational
subsidies in the form of laptops, tabs and projectors are given by the Government of
Pakistan for the best literacy rate. The government, in collaboration with international
countries and international educational institutions, formulated several policies to achieve
targeted educational rates. Educational incentives for the participation of minorities and
economically privileged people are necessarily provided for the growth of education in
society (Danjuma, 2015).
Funding to improve the quality of education Now online education is being offered to
students. The best and latest methods of online learning have a huge impact on the
decision-making process of HEC. Lessons from past studies can provide guidance for
future policies. Difficulties in using online learning tools create a frightening situation
with respect to achieving educational goals. HEC introduced the Laptop Program for the
students so that they can easily access their laptops and carry out their learning tasks
easily. But the tedious and tedious process of getting a laptop reduces the value of basic
instructional equipment in the eyes of the students. Because there are barriers to using a
laptop. Many students give up struggling to get a laptop (Young, 2003).
In 2001, the Government of Pakistan took effective steps to improve access to
information for all students in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan provides various
incentives like education grants in the form of laptops, tabs and projectors for better
literacy rates. To achieve the target education rate, the government has developed several
policies in collaboration with international countries and international educational
institutions. Educational incentives are essential for the contribution of minorities and
economic forefathers to improve education in society (Cullinet et al., 2018).
In 2003, the Government of Pakistan launched several information programmes. The
main objective of these smart board projects is to improve the education in the country to
increase the literacy rate in Pakistan. The education sector is making great progress for
the development of the country by providing a large number of laptops in the field of
education. Those who learn these instruments should never leave school (Miller, 2011).
In the first year, the Government of Pakistan announced funding for education programs,
electronic learning laboratories, and higher education. National and international
educational institutions are now employing new information and instructional equipment
laboratories in all areas of education. The Government of Pakistan has already announced
a plan to meet the educational requirements. Net based net cafes should be set up in all
universities so that students can easily access computers and quench their thirst for new
This program is considered very useful for the students. The private education sector is
also committed to its efforts to increase the number of smart boards in the education
sector in Pakistan. In Pakistan, the State Bank of Pakistan has announced interest-bearing
loans for the supply of ICT equipment (Young, 2003).
In Pakistan, a lot of money is being used for education to increase the literacy rate and
provide smart board to the students. The availability of smart boards for student
education in Pakistan is increasing day by day. In 2015, the government of Pakistan spent
Rs 577.60 billion on smart boards, tabs and laptops due to rising investment literacy rates
(Greenhoe, 2016).
Crystal provides clear evidence of the economic value of online learning in the
development of the country. Large sums of money are invested in the online learning
practice, teaching-learning process. The financial benefits of smart boards have been very
clear over the past decade. Every education requires new innovations in teaching online
learning programs. Innovation in development and critical capabilities of innovative
companies. Online learning serves the community and attracts a wide range of freelance
prospects. Online learning approaches are important for better student outcomes and
academic development (Judd et al., 2010).
Diversity in online learning and its various effects reinforce the use of modern education
with the help of online learning tools. The logistical benefits of online learning are
evident in the efficient performance and results of the students. The opportunities
provided by computer courses and skills are usually offered for a healthy refinement of
the skills of the students. Computer laboratories in public places provide academics with
detailed information and identify low-cost aspects of politics (George and Delcega,
Many studies show that the latest facilities for online study in Pakistan are not up to date.
In the 1970s, sophisticated electronic machines were used in offices for better
performance in mathematics. The evaluation of powerful and sophisticated
communication technologies is in line with the achievements of academics (Nash, 2020).

1.4: Online education during COVID 19

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was detected in China in December 2019, which
spread to the whole world within a few months and was declared a pandemic by the
World Health Organization on 11 March 2020. Universities around the world had to close
their campuses. in the spring of 2020 and move all your academic programs online (Bao,
2020). Universities were not prepared for such a transition from classroom-based learning
to completely online education. Most universities initially lacked infrastructure and
strategies (Zhang, 2020).

Educational technology has made great strides over the past few decades and has proved
to be extremely useful during this pandemic. There were many online platforms available
to support online education. Still, it was a challenge for universities to map their
educational activities into an online space. Additionally, professors and students faced a
wide range of logistical, technical, financial, and social problems (Peters et al., 2020).
The pandemic and the lockdown to contain it have affected the mental health of people
around the world. Many students suffer from stress and COVID-19 pandemic has
exposed this digital divide (Jger and Blaabæk, 2020).

Netaji Subhash Technological University is a reputed university in India that offers

undergraduate and graduate programs in Technology, Design and Management. The
university has three sophisticated urban campuses located in New Delhi and attracts
students from different parts of the country and many international students. The
university suspended the regular classes from 13th March 2020 and later on 25th March
2020 the nationwide lockdown started in India. The university's academic programs are
based on intensive classroom- and laboratory-based activities. It was difficult to do all
these educational activities online immediately. Furthermore, it was assumed that the
situation would soon return to normal and the campuses could be reopened within weeks.
As a temporary measure, professors recommend students join Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs) and study other online resources. Meanwhile, the university
rescheduled its teaching-learning process and moved the academic activities to an online
platform with some modifications. University professors and students slowly embraced
the scenario. Professors now use Google Classroom to deliver course materials and
information related to their courses, and give live lectures via Google Meet. Professors
typically use presentation programs such as PowerPoint and Prezi, and note-taking
programs such as OneNote to disseminate information. In addition, depending on the
nature of their courses, professors use online tools to support problem solving,
programming and designing activities. Professors give lectures using their own computer
which is often augmented with a digital pen. We surveyed university graduate students
and tried to understand their opinion on online education during the COVID-19
pandemic. In particular, we were interested in content delivery and interaction in online
education and students' opinions on the health and social impacts of online education.
In 0nline classes, students engage with teachers and institutes thr0ugh the 0nline system.
In 1990’s the online s0ftware devel0pers transf0rmed the meth0d 0f web 0nline
c0mmunicati0n f0r students int0 teaching pr0grams such as WebCT, Milliard, and
Pi0neer. As techn0l0gy progressed, higher educati0n instituti0ns reformed their
curriculum which was based on online and began to use these technologies (Allen and
Seaman, 2014).
Learning is the way t0 m0ve fr0m ign0rance t0 mentality by kn0wing things with
a certain number and statistics. Online learning is an important means of importing and
receiving knowledge anytime, anywhere. This is the delivery 0f c0ntent thr0ugh all
electr0nic media, including the Internet, satellite br0adcast, audi0 / vide0 tape, interactive
televisi0n and CD-ROM (Akhter and Mahmood, 2018).
In traditional education, there is an interacti0n between teachers and students.
Teachers engaged students verbally 0r non-verbally pr0viding and delivering the
material. In this type 0f educati0n, teachers and students are physically present in b0th
classes (Fisher, 2013).
Online educati0n was pr0m0ted using the p0stal system f0r sending written
material t0 students and teachers. Many pe0ple benefited fr0m 0nline educati0n,
especially physically handicapped w0men. W0men wh0 cann0t participate in instituti0ns
as regular students, are empl0yed and th0se wh0 live in far areas. The author explained,
in t0day's age, y0uth are described as the tech savvy and internet generati0n that has
everything t0 d0 with the internet and the web (Stewart, 2010).
Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is an applicable which d0es n0t free y0u
fr0m time and age, place 0r regi0n, h0wever and techn0l0gy is b0und. This phenomenon
can be seen all 0ver the w0rld which including the training 0f instruct0rs. In Pakistan,
Allama Iqbal 0pen University, Virtual University, Sirhad University and n0w s0me dual
m0de universities, f0r example, University 0f Peshawar, G0mal University as well as
distributi0n m0de are c0mpeting f0r training. When participating in a c0mp0und learning
c0urse, students spend m0st 0f their time in 0nline. The study 0utc0mes 0ften depend 0n
many different fact0rs. Previ0us studies have sh0wn that interactive activities are 0ne 0f
the fact0rs that affect students' learning 0utc0mes (Khan, 2019).
E-learning and their educati0nal implementati0n am0ng students. Research 0n
0nline educati0n and pedag0gy suggests that interacti0n with 0nline educati0n in student-
centered educati0n increases, pr0m0tes student engagement and the purp0se 0f the
applicati0n 0f inf0rmati0n techn0l0gy in educati0nal ref0rm is t0 impr0ve students'
learning 0utc0mes. Students' learning 0utc0mes are an assessment 0f the quality 0f
learning g0als. There are tw0 common ways t0 evaluate student perf0rmance: summary
assessment and initial assessment. Analyze the relati0nship between learning 0utc0mes
fr0m 0nline learning activities, t0 spend as much time as p0ssible in seminars, regularly
interacting with c0urse c0ntent (Davies and Graff, 2015).
Objectives 0f the study
 T0 identify the learning tools which are used in online system
 To identify the effects of e-learning on students’ interest towards learning at
secondary level
 T0 analyzed the problems face by student in online learning during covid-19
 T0 c0mpile suggesti0ns 0n the basis 0f results

Chapter 2


Ndou (2010) explained that online learning integrates essential communication materials
that are used in the training of teachers as well as us students. It trained the teachers to
teach the students with full confidence. All aspects of online learning help students to
develop their academic achievements as it enables students to become a valuable citizen
of the society by nurturing their ethical skills. Online learning helps students in equal
allocation of collaboration work as teachers can easily find the list and in no time, they
can access the formula and assign projects to the students. Online learning sets the
criteria for the students to complete the learning tasks, which is why it enables the
students to complete the tasks in the given time.

Liu (2010) found that online learning is a common way of using ICT to educate learners
on and off campus. He argued that Pakistan's backward higher education institutions did
not provide evidence and there was no evidence to support e-learning. In fact, online
learning requires more than technology, and ICT requires well-trained teachers to use
online learning methods and develop learning materials that meet the needs of Pakistani
learners. Locally operated technicians are also needed to maintain equipment, electrical
learning systems, and equipment. In addition to telecommunications and collaboration,
ICT uses new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning
and teaching by providing facilities and services.

Hwang and Masood (2010) hypothesized that C-ROM recommends an online learning
algorithm with content that includes material intended for computer learning via the
Internet or intranet; Use teaching methods that include examples and training to support
learning; Spread the use of words, images, content and media elements with new
knowledge and skills related to individual learning goals or organizational performance.

Sadiq (2008) defined online learning as the delivery of training or learning materials
electronically as a delivery method for a research or training program to a computer or
electronic device (eg, a mobile phone). Online learning has evolved from a full-fledged
online course using technology to change selected areas or move independently from a
specific place or time. This means students can study at home or on the go or at any
Kamaruzman et al., (2010) commented that the success of online learning methods in
higher education can only be measured by the effectiveness of delivery. Hence the online
learning efforts among the trainees are declining significantly, which is indeed a big
challenge. It is recognized that many faculty members are reluctant to adopt aspects of
technology in the teaching process. Unfortunately, well-trained teachers find the app
difficult to use. Furthermore, to be successful, speakers from higher education institutions
need to recognize, implement and recognize the technological advancements that online
education offers. Such a new educational approach is needed to maintain the quality of
the courses. The main focus is not on using hardware and software, but on using online
learning to improve teaching methods rather than modifying formal and systematic
teaching methods and techniques.

Swart (2011) suggested that online learning systems do not replace tasks in a higher
education environment. Web-based learning environments have their uses and
limitations. Therefore, they conclude that the two systems can complement each other if
the complete model for blended learning is followed. Opportunities for workshop
activities related to the workshop are vital to the learning experience of students,
especially in business education. The online review synchronization workshop provides
students with learning exercises, peer learning and manual concept learning space, while
the virtual asynchronous workshop provides a constructive discussion and perspective on
personal or peer development.

Balakrishnan and Gan (2011) found that the traditional education delivery system in
universities and colleges has been a classroom for a relatively long time, with a professor
giving lectures to students and alumni, sometimes asking for quotes. Communication
between professor and student is considered an important learning component of this
distribution system. However, innovative interactive and reflective thinking in education
delivery systems has challenged traditional approaches to education.

Sarkar et al., (2011) explains that online learning has entered an important path in the
world of education and the corporate world, completing traditional distribution systems.
It certainly helped traditionally complex educational models such as adult learning and
distance education. Online learning can be seen as an alternative or complement to direct
teaching. Online learning usually allows the student to make better choices and be
responsible for their own learning.

Kitsantaset al., (2011) explored the need for education planners to restrict their efforts to
improve the quality of student command learning, design web-based programs, and
integrate curricula with computers and the Internet. Therefore, the conclusion is that
using online learning as a knowledge tool can help improve students' learning quality.
The use of online learning programs improves students' cognitive and psychological
skills. The use of electronic learning helps students to understand ideas, problem solving,
computational skills and computer skills.

Pau et al., (2011) argues that online learning is a powerful tool for improving knowledge
sharing and improving the quality of education by rapidly replenishing global educational
resources, expanding the scope of university educational services, improving educational
conditions, and enhancing the attractiveness of learning materials. It provides
comfortable conditions (workplaces, time freedom, choice for training), increases
students' independent work at their pace and enables functional evaluation of acquired
knowledge and promotes self-responsibility, accountability and self-discipline.

Chinn et al., (2011) explained that the digital transformation of education systems at all
levels has allowed the inclusion of a new teaching-learning ecosystem called e-learning.
The COVID-19 epidemic has closed classrooms around the world 1.5 billion students and
63 million teachers were forced to reform face-to-face education systems. This situation
showed the strengths and weaknesses of education systems facing the challenge of
digitalization. Digital infringement is still a fact.

Balakrishnan (2011) found that the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,

Threats) model was developed to determine the current stage of an organization's online
learning performance. A fourth year student at the University of Tripoli School of
Engineering uses a user-centered design and functional research approach to design, build
and implement an online learning package. Online learning packages play a vital role in
delivering the selected modules, so a blended learning approach can improve the quality
of teaching and learning processes.

Kafyulilo et al., (2011) suggested the use of novel models for the development of
teaching-learning activities in the digital age. Sources of information from the proposed
model: quantitative and qualitative analysis of the responses of the people involved;
(SWOT) results for analysis; Views of the researchers on the design, development and
implementation of the online learning package, study of related educational publications
and personal experience of the researcher. There are several general ideas about the
factors influencing successful online learning so that participants' perspectives can be
interconnected and embedded surfaces in the I-Cube model.

Rahman et al., (2011) suggested the benefits of using online teaching methods in modern
educational institutions. Compared to traditional education, online learning significantly
reduces the time spent searching for information. It provides access to online resources,
databases, journals, intelligence and other products. If it is difficult for a student to
understand a section of course work, getting suggestions on the topic is not as easy as
getting immediate access to unlimited and often topic-based online material. These
features actually increase the learning time instead of finding the information. This is the
first achievement of e-learning. In addition, there are many benefits such as training cost;
The speed of quick access to educational packages without waiting for a training
representative. Plus, it will give you instant information about training.

Chang (2011) argues that online education is the result of the rapid development of
campuses and distance learning, which are still integrated with the institutional and
educational systems of higher education institutions. However, this does not change the
fundamentals of companies, as most HEIs adopt information technology not as a general
strategy for returning to e-learning, but as a more rational approach to responsive
technology. Identifiable needs or opportunities.

Cargi (2011) found that without mentioning the technological advances of educational
tools, the development of online learning performance cannot be underestimated as the
two are intertwined. Technology has grown rapidly over the past four decades with the
invention of the personal computer (PC), the invention of the Internet, the establishment
of networks and the World Wide Web and the widespread use of ICT.
Melonashi (2011) evaluated whether the multi-delivery system of online learning helps
all to improve the effectiveness of basic education information technology, especially to
serve private and government students. Technology and information technology
effectively turns into a public school for the educated raising the level of education. This
significantly affects the completion and progress of students from primary schools to
tertiary online learning. This is because index increases in student enrollment led to
increased deficits and poverty.

Chavinga (2011) pointed out that various studies show that the number of students in
many disciplines is increasing due to information and communication technologies. It
directly links the access of the students to the best learning standards. The education
system of the country can be developed to improve the academic achievements of the
students. The students do not leave the educational institutions for middle education
which attracts the attention of the drop out students. Research in Malaysia clearly defines
the importance of important tools and the ways to use the tools for educational purposes.

Burden (2011) pointed out that students' desire for education is based on two
fundamentals. The first is to instruct students to attend classes and develop conscious
learning through various educational websites that remove barriers such as transportation
access and transportation costs. Furthermore, the online education system is seen as an
incentive to attend classes that link academic achievement both internally and externally.
There are two levels of online education which enhance the academic achievement of the
students. It encourages students to never miss classes in schools, and then it directly
protects students from failure.

Wyche et al., (2011) found that the reason for the declining attendance in Pakistan was
the lack of latest teaching educational equipment in the institutions. Modern technology
is compelling and compelling to inculcate social and moral values among the students.
The Government of Pakistan should make special efforts to provide online education
facility to the students. Provides guidance to Public Reach Schools to carry out best
teaching practices in educational institutions. The government should provide electronic
books to researchers and students. This automatically affected the learning habits of
distance learners. Adjustment to create online learning tools to create web-based learning
materials to improve efficient operation of education system.

Yong et al., (2011) suggested the use of various teaching techniques in addition to
communication and instructional techniques to better pedagogical skills for acceleration.
The online education system does not use specific and validated teaching techniques as it
has flexible capabilities that can be used across all teaching techniques. It helps in giving
a detailed explanation of philosophical thought. It quickly changes the thinking process
of the learning process and those who facilitate it.

Cheston et al., (2011) suggested that it is necessary to use specific teaching methods to
best accomplish the specified curriculum. There is a textbook with visual books on paper,
and this written and visual text can be better expressed through the use of multimedia.
Manual and concepts are systematically exchanged through online learning in various
subjects. The program can be completed through live classes without any problem in
teaching methods. The flow of information in teaching methods can be replicated through
recorded lectures.

Gikas and Grant (2011) explained that students are correctly taught four basic approaches
to teaching technology through the online learning process. Students learn to teach other
languages in a grammar system. In this system the online education system provides
excellent audio clips to the students, as well as makes it easy for the students to
understand the correct pronunciation. In a functional setting, students should pay
attention to grammatical rules when speaking different and foreign languages. Online
education helps in reducing grammatical errors of the students through various
educational websites and learning forums. A guide to developing students' knowledge of
what to talk about and what not to talk about in direct communication.

Milky (2011) administered that as a result of this situation, poor students have to drop out
of education. Under these circumstances online teaching and learning is a boon for poor
students to pursue higher education, so online education is also reducing the dropout rate
in the country. Thus, SMART gives lasting positive results to the students in all walks of
life. Online education has established continuity in good education. It is very important to
be successful in the educational understanding of the beneficiaries of online learning. If
students are from rich families then one can easily get higher education, but students
coming from poor families find it difficult to get higher education.

Oluvalan et al., (2011) noted that online learning trains students to control their angry
feelings during any difficult time of study. With political support and assistance, students
can be provided with adequate access to online learning facilities. The government has
taken special steps in Italian universities to make education attractive through tools.
However, the guarantee of online teaching and learning in universities makes students
more willing to have a successful education. Moreover, the cost of tuition can be saved
by using smart board, which is the best and beneficiary in the education of the students.
In this way it provides alternative financial aid to the students, and students can learn
anything at any time through the use of mobile phones. Voluntary contribution of online
education system helps students to fulfill their educational needs. Long-term educational
support profoundly affects students' emotional effectiveness.

Najmul Kashif et al., (2011) discovered that in Pakistan, education is promoted through
smart boards as this phase aims to motivate and motivate students towards education. To
increase enrollment in education, the government is continuously making special
education schemes. Students now always prefer smart boards for their efforts to get new
education. Many inverters, parents and teachers are constantly striving to improve the
ease of education. Best explanation is necessary to get proper basic of online learning.

Rida (2011) suggested that the physical aspects and features of computer labs create new
avenues for students as easier paths motivate students to pursue their education. In order
to meet the student government's goals to enhance learning activities, special measures
should be taken to identify the number of student operations of online learning websites.
Involvement of students increases the rate of education to improve and improve
education. Balance and proper education are indispensable in a society of distribution of
means of communication. Allowing computer labs near the residence of the students
increases the literacy rate in the country.

Hourney et al., (2011) found that students who spend maximum time studying through
smart boards get better results. It removes the difficulty of achieving development in the
required curriculum. Poor students can access the important material related to various
subjects very quickly without any hindrance. Lack of informational and educative
technologies causes students from poor families to drop out of school. Application of
latest communication technologies is important for achieving various academic
achievements in all disciplines.

Fuchs (2011) assessed that technology and information technology make people literate
which increases the level of education that makes public school effective. This
significantly affects the completion and improvement of students in online learning from
primary schools to tertiary level. This is because a symbolic increase in student
enrollment leads to deprivation and poverty. Basic education for all through multiple
delivery system of online learning helps in promoting activities of Information
Technology to serve especially for private and government students.

Mei-Yan et al., (2011) explained that the education system in the country can be
developed to improve the academic achievements of the students. The students do not
leave the educational institutions for middle education which attracts the attention of the
drop out students. Research in Malaysia clearly defines the importance of critical tools
and the ways in which the tools can be used for educational purposes. Various studies
show that the number of students in many disciplines is increasing due to information and
communication technologies. It directly links the access of the students to the best
learning standards.

Afzal et al., (2011) reported that online education systems are a motivation to attend
classes that accommodate academic achievement both domestically and abroad. There
are two levels of online education which enhance the academic achievement of the
students. It encourages students to never miss classes that are not in schools and protects
students from direct failure. Students' desire to receive education is based on two
fundamentals. The first is to instruct students to attend classes and engage in conscious
learning through various educational websites that remove barriers such as transportation
access and transportation costs.

2.1: Effects of on-line learning on students’ academic achievements

Bolaji et al., (2012) explained that online learning is an integral part of the advanced
education setting. Online learning in schools, colleges and other institutions of higher
education is known to be the backbone of the learning process. The main function of
online teaching is to provide instructional tools for training and teaching. It helps to
conduct lessons in deep mind or difficult thoughts. Difficult learning practices can be
facilitated by learning and establishing verbal relationships. It provides important tools
for better management of office knowledge as a student document.

Maria and Ana (2012) demonstrated the effects of online learning through a number of
specific approaches that included computers, tabs and the Internet in classrooms and
increased outcomes in high reviews. Online learning establishes a fundamental link
between student academic achievements and achievement viability as it highlighted the
positive relationship between smart board use and general student reviews. Smart Board
gives students and staff learning assets and administration which helps to educate and
learn. Smart boards provide satisfactory data to students to help them finish academic
modules on time.

Julian Michael Bass (2012) examines the relationship between online learning websites
and scholarly viability, finding a number of factors. The principles of using online
websites can make the impression of electronic devices as teaching tools. Online teaching
and learning not only develops the habits and skills of the student but also enhances the
teaching of the teacher. Teachers can critically evaluate all the informational data before
going to class and then they can teach the subjects with complete command over the
information. The full expansion of online websites contributes and enhances the value of
the organization and fulfils the goal of higher education with great ease. Many
researchers consider online learning to be important in evaluating curriculum utilization
and scholarly achievement. Many exam topics can be considered with the use of online
study tools in colleges.

Christine et al., (2012) recognized that online learning does a remarkable job in arranging
informational data for all learners from a network of information and communication
technologies, where they get all kinds of basic information. Computer accepts data in
various forms which enhances the learning material used by the students to achieve the
educational goals. Educational websites have the potential to support the provision of
sufficient data to students to complete their assignments.

Tabitha (2012) pointed out that online learning creates comfortable conditions for the
students as it enhances the learning capacity of the students. Many students wish to adorn
themselves with learning abilities and skills for better utilization of educational resources
in the learning process in their important subjects. With the help of smart board, there is a
change in the personality of the students by changing the behavior of the students. It
removes anxiety and problematic disorders in students as students can get cognitive
solutions in one go.

Florence et al., (2012) discovered that online learning intellectually motivates students
for school work. Online study affects the efficiency and productive capacity of the
students making it easy for the learners to study. Online study progress is focused on the
way to long term goals for the satisfactory work of the students. Many students stress
about not having quick access to instructional tools which greatly affect their academic
achievements. Online study picks up students with explanations of new educational ideas.
In the long term it also plans the future of the students by absorption of new teaching and
communication tools.

Charles (2012) explained that the strong correlation between academic achievement and
student performance is very clear. The wide association of online learning websites leads
the students to study. It specifically focuses on the best performance of the student's
active performance. It makes the community to compete with the domestic
responsibilities and to remove the sad theoretical load.

Jingyan Lu et al., (2012) expressed that the development of learning websites can
motivate students to be the most useful factor of study. All fundamental aspects of
education require the effective application of instructional tools to acquire and advance
general information that meets the needs of students. It gives leisure to learning and
pervades good work. Online learning is considered a very important gadget for
information management in all levels of education. Online learning empowers the proper
use of digital tools in the teaching and learning process.

Steven (2013) analysed how best use of online teaching and learning in the academic
session could meet the current educational demands of students. Interaction between
teachers, learners and latest educational tools is very essential. Informative and
instructional tools play an important role in this effort. Smart Board provides the best
solution to a specific problem with the help of the best channels power of these
instructional tools.

Charles (2013) stated that higher education institutions have now come up with several
online learning programs to generate confidence and abilities so that students can handle
difficult tasks on their own in a given amount of time. Online learning is a center of
excellence where all kinds of problems can be easily tackled by the students. Students
become consistent in the learning process with the help of learning websites. Students in
the field of computer science and engineering programs can calculate basic topics to
make electronic systems run smoothly.
Stephanie (2013) discovered that the current education system in Pakistan lacks financial
support and the necessary electronic equipment. The main factor for the use of
compatible smart boards is the removal of barriers to the adopted instructional
educational program. The diversity of educational instructional and communication
technologies refers to the ongoing process of providing a fundamental structure of
knowledge. The application of Smart Board in Pakistan acquaints teachers with the needs
of prospects and complements the pedagogy specialization features.

Dana et al., (2013) found that the importance of online learning and its impact on
students' learning is anecdotal and shown in several investigations. It guides the students
towards learning without any drama. Online study offers high command potential and
value should be considered essential as a center place in the learning process. The
allocation of online learning improves the overall learning outcomes of the students. Free
access to online websites reduces the dropout rate in education. Due to this the quality of
coaching is increasing with the help of teaching websites. It reduces the low rate of
education in every society and removes the issues of barriers to access to learning

2.2: Impact of e-technology on students learning

Maureen et al., (2013) stated that the latest technology has traditionally changed
the learning lifestyle of students. Electronic technology provides students with different
learning ideas that enable them to learn better and equip them with the best written and
oral communication skills. The learning habits and environment of students are greatly
influenced by the listed and sharp effects of online study tools. It developed the students
in new style and reduced the habit of playing to ruin the life of learning
Macho (2013) found that modern technology increases the daily routine and hours of
learning of students. Online study is very important in making connections between the
best academic achievements by the use of modern technology during their learning life.
Students' skills and communication ability increase when they use web sites during their
learning. The absolute essential effect of smart online learning is to be exposed to a safe
and relatable learning environment. An inter-racial learning activities and learning
environment can be developed using educational technology. The impact of modern
educational technology such as holograms and smart boards has never faded the
expanding learning style of adolescents. Student learning has been progressively
declining with advanced hologram incorporation in the 1970s.

Gulbahar and Guven (2013) hypothesized that the most important in online learning is a
sense of responsibility for learning independently. Students should use educational
technology during learning as it establishes special network between student's academic
achievements and learning purpose. Online study is the main source of permanently
storing information related to temporary purpose. It is commonly said that online learning
has integrated the master techniques of the Internet into learning activities. It is mainly
used in learning and teaching activities that enable teachers to deliver engaging lessons to
students.Dikici&Yavuzer (2013) assessed that smart boards had a lasting impact on
academic learning activities and its achievement. ICT should be used successfully in
schools for better learning conditions. Students' feedback can be seen consistently in their
results after using mobile phones in learning. In the pattern of student’s mobile phone is
considered as a weapon for best learning performance. Many Internet websites defend
certain types of student learning activities that expand students' performance during
academic sessions. Learning tasks at large are rarely and significantly affected by the
ability of students to learn through mobile phones. It opens up new ways of learning that
removes cruelty and anxiety among students, coaches, parents, government officials and
the overall population.
Hermans et al., (2013) indicated that the most emergent and intimidating learning habits
of students can be fruitfully tested through online learning. Internet exposures can
provide many continuous learning opportunities that are so essential to the development
of fundamental success of students. Students can access basic information and then apply
this knowledge to support their learning activities. It leads the students to the best
vocational learning activities. It fulfils the basic needs of the students as the students can
conduct their life with the definite use of modern electrical technology.

Hosseini (2013) discovered that the existence of progressive success helps new
educational ICT students in sophisticated ways. The accepted opportunity of
administered education can be done by informational and instructional technologies that
lead students to educational opportunities. In the fight to achieve useful learning with
ICTs, new technologies are used over and over again, saving students valuable time.
Additional dimensions of real online learning address the difficulties of the new learning

George (2013) explained that the logical features related to the inclusion of the
foundations of learning are developed through the online educational process. An area of
quality education and ethnic interactive learning has been developed significantly through
e-learning. The new learning style with websites developed the relevant qualities of
progressive research of those clear proposals. Teachers from all sectors can sustain their
learning activities through all educational institutions even from low financial sectors.
The relationship between online learning and students' learning habits and experience
with educational technology is very strong. It has a broad concept in the field of learning
achievement. It was being discussed for centuries. It leaves a positive impact on the
behavior of the teachers so that the teacher manages the classes effectively. There are
some basic implications of online learning which are essential for classroom management
while teachers impart knowledge in live or recorded class room.

 Behavior of the students

 Engagement of the students

 Achievement of the students

Barrow & Woods (2013) explained that student achievements can be developed
significantly by engaging on online websites. Students can be appropriate when they
engage in acquiring new learning skills with the help of the Internet. It successfully
inculcates positive behavior in the students which is considered as the fundamental factor
in the management of learning.

Gail and Densmore (2013) discovered that an important aspect of online learning is
making students aware of educational tasks during the study. Generally complaining
students are not complicit in the electoral process but their failure. Clearly, skill-related
learning disabilities are overcome by smart boards in the learning area for adequate
learning. Smart board indicates to encourage students for higher learning abilities. The
ability to learn more new skills online plays an important role. Online learning removes
the fear of failure by eliminating the rigors of temptation and punishment..

Pring, (2013) found that online learning and teaching is regarded as a technological tool
that provides basic portable goods to students. Online websites connect students to the
Internet immediately available. Students can take advantage of informational guide lines
by using informational communication technology which improves their performance
during their academic session. It is considered to be a very helpful complete tool which
increases the level of learning as the smart board emphasizes on timely learning. By
using various websites and electrical tools students can find out to the best of their
abilities which are very helpful in their professional life. The scope of online learning,
both in quality and quantity, has been developed to improve learning in all areas of

Owando et al., (2014) suggested that online learning promotes a desire to pursue more
higher education. All sources of communication and information are developed and
offered in education through the consumption of online learning. Interactive competence
is fostered through conference learning as it combines range of learning with supportive
individual competence. It concludes, evaluates and evaluates the educational process with
the evaluation of education, we can get command over the academic achievements of the
students. The booming online educational process replaces the needs of successful
individual characteristics that are beneficial in the setting of the best higher educational

Ghavifekar et al. (2014) administered that online education established continuity in good
learning. The understanding of the beneficiaries in online learning is very important to
achieve success in education. Online education plays an important role in getting their
child's education. If the students are from a rich family, they can easily get higher
education but if the student is from a poor family, it may be difficult for the students to
get higher education. goes. This situation results in poor students giving up their
education. Online teaching and learning is a blessing for poor students to pursue higher
education in these circumstances, so online learning also reduces the dropout rate in the
country. Thus, SMART has an everlasting positive impact on the students in all aspects.

James (2014) stated that the voluntary contribution of the online education system helps
students to meet their educational needs. Long-term educational support has a profound
effect on students' emotional effectiveness. Online learning trains the students in such a
way to control the feelings of anger during any difficult period of learning. With political
support and help, online learning facility can be provided adequately to the students. In
Italian universities, the government has taken special steps to make education attractive
through tools. However, the guarantee of online teaching and learning at universities
makes students more willing to pursue successful education. Moreover, the cost of tuition
can be saved through the use of smart board which is a great and most beneficial thing in
education for the students. In this way it provides alternative financial aid to the students
and students can learn anything at any time through the use of mobile phones.

Abdul Rahim (2014) discovered that a lot of inverters, parents and teachers are trying to
provide their sustainable efforts to improve the mitigation of education. A proper
foundation of online learning is essential for the best interpretation of education. In
Pakistan, education is promoted through smart boards as the move aims to motivate and
motivate students towards education. The government constantly creates different
educational contradictions to increase registration in education. Now students always
prefer smart board for their efforts to get new education.

The GOP (2014) suggested that online learning websites should take special steps to
recognize numbers to manage student counts in order to meet the student government's
objectives of enhancing learning activities. Involvement of students for improvement and
betterment of education increases the educational rate. Distribution of informative
learning tools is essential for balance and proper education in the society. The allotment
of computer labs to the students near their residence area increases the literacy rate in the
country. The physical aspects and features of the computer lab create new ways for the
students as the intuitive methods motivate the students to pursue further education.

Prevet and Kelly (2014) found that a lack of informational and instructional technologies
provides a reason for dropping out students from poor families. The use of latest
informational instructional technologies is vital for achieving various academic
achievements in all the important areas. Students who have spent their maximum time on
their studies through smart board, they get good results. It removes the difficulties of
achieving development in the required curriculum. Poor students can access important
material related to various subjects very quickly without any hindrance.

Lean and Colucci (2014) elaborated the belief or hypothesis to increase interest in
students to receive the best academic observations, noting the imperative of online
teaching and learning. Online learning services are better in western countries so the
literacy rate is higher than in any other country. Further, the education system is
dependent on the assumptions of equipping the institutions with the latest informational
communication instructional technologies. Students must participate in compulsory
education laws with the help of educational websites as it effectively manages the routine
and behaviour of the students.
Fortin et al. (2014) found that students from urban and rural areas have the ability to
acquire education to help them pursue their future serviceable careers. Better online
learning conditions lead to an increase in education wages, which has a direct impact on
the education and immune system of students. With the rising inflation in society,
education has become expensive. The availability of online learning to achieve very high
ranks is responsible for the high rank of educational items.

Faulkner (2014) stated that modern educational technologies can provide students at
different levels in different ways such as recruitment, income and pay, to upgrades
associated with different educational things that serve them in different ways. Huh.
Online study is considered as behind the institute which carries out various functions and
responsibilities to achieve the institutional goals. Educational performance and the
outcome of these demonstrations are influenced by the distribution of these tools without

Chi and Rao (2014) discovered that online learning increases viability in the use of the
Internet and integrates essential access to information. Educational websites are widely
used in online enrolment of students in educational institutions. Online learning increases
the desire to access every bit of information. It helps students and teachers to integrate
complex teaching and learning materials into professional life. If students use electrical
equipment’s in their learning life, then the learning life of the students becomes very
luxurious and easy.

Rani (2015) showed that online educational process saves students from making their
learning life boring and bullish. It never spoils the mind of the students as it provides
quick skills and experience to the students. The different dimensions of online learning
develop a variety of global competencies among teachers and students. Online learning
opens a whole new educational door for wonderful students so that they can attend
college with great confidence. If the distance between some needs of family education
and understanding continues to widen, blessed students are willing to work harder and
better. The total number is 26 or 27, which refers to them in about 20 percent of the
country. Online study attracts students from other countries. Therefore, we see that the
U.S. and UK With so many students in the U.S. competing with a better university, it's
hard to imagine how many talented students can be enrolled in renowned universities
every year. In some countries students are better at a subject than in native classes. Thus,
better education can be done away from the best talent in the world.

Polello and Molefe (2015) suggested that informational and instructional tools should be
designed in such a way as to develop the educational abilities of students. Smart boards
help a lot to enhance their skills when students take their step in the professional field and
start their work, in this era it is common to get a good job through smart boards. It
provides great economic benefits; Specialized educational websites are specially
designed to attract students from the beginning of their work as a student. However
online learning opens up personal access to various educational and employment
opportunities. Some colleges engage in student exchange programs via video conference.
This is one way to improve collaborative instructional laboratories. It helps students to
access laboratories in educational institutions by non-power sources. It includes various
resources such as diversity of culture and languages, environment, agriculture, animals,
birds, minerals etc. For the government, research is a way to get better technology and
qualified workers.

Zarif (2015) assessed those educational challenges to students in colonies or educational

areas also require informational and instructional technologies. Lack of latest knowledge
creates educational problems and these problems can be avoided by operation of smart
boards. It becomes even more difficult for students and their families to get the latest
information without the latest instructional tools. But having informational and
instructional tools can help students take care of all of their useful lectures. To apply to a
popular and acclaimed instructional program students can access recorded information
which helps them to choose these programmes. Students can experience learning around
the world and develop their academic skills.
Shabbir et al. (2015) stated that sometimes, the value of education is defined by the use of
informative, instructional and communication tools in educational programs. Adequate
and comprehensive media programs help students to manage the selection process of
academic subjects. The online educational process typically involves financial and
economic benefits to the students that directly affect the cost of education for the
students. The curriculum is greatly influenced by the allocation of importance of ICT to
individual academic discussions. Student's academic life is devoted to informational and
communication programs as students have to work hard for better grades.

Etile (2015) explained that the online examination system identifies the strengths and
weaknesses of the students thereby improving their educational status. This is a huge
advantage in the general discussion of smart board effects. Implementation of online
assessment system in priority areas maintains the roles and responsibilities of teachers
and students. The design, nature and purpose of Smart Boards is largely based on the
behavior and knowledge needs of American society focused on the changing global
education, economic and social environment. The impact of the online education system
on the political and global economy of students indirectly affects the economic research
of scholars around the world. The impact of online learning is routinely investigated by
most researchers.

Jia (2015) found that major changes in the online educational system alter the research
process, study, teaching knowledge, quality and role of higher academic students in the
educational community. Online websites in particular have emerged as a cluster of e-
tools to power diversity in the university. It focuses on the investigation of the
educational field. The acceptance of online learning is specifically designed to recruit and
develop students' academic thinking, intellectual and civic academics. Promotion through
online learning promotes electronic teaching, learning and research methodology. Trendy
inquiries of tailored current knowledge influence the research and development of the
mentioned teaching area.
Aguilar (2015) indicated that students' success in national writing is only possible
through online learning. Many trainers try to develop new important learning
characteristics, such as patience, fatigue and perseverance, with the help of e-tools.
However, there are important issues regarding careful review of student's practical
process due to strong participation in completion of colleges and beneficiaries with good
level of professionalism.

Adeyemi (2015) suggested that the modern scenario related to the transformative effects
of online learning alters the learning process. Flexible contribution to the removal of
barriers by providing expert experimental material through educational websites. It
periodically monitors the learning process and learning material and its effects on the
student's academic achievements. It provides students with potentially helpful duplicate
scholarly learning materials. Power tools are used as a powerful tool for online
collaborative and interactive learning.

Bonus (2015) stated that online study promotes student-centered learning that enhances
the learning experience of students. It maximizes the learning resources that create
learning empowerment in educational institutions. It enables the students to get better
grades by using the latest tools of the online educational process. Students can access best
and professional data through e-books and internet and these facilities can be availed
through electrical devices.

Laghari et al. (2015) found that problems related to mobile phone use can lead to
increasingly bad behavior such as unethical activities. The availability of erotic websites
motivates students to attend classes regularly and learn better. Motivation through online
learning is linked to human learning needs which transform the quality education of the
students. The ability of students to attend class at a time is a basic priority for school
teachers, which is why teachers use smart boards along with various teaching methods.

Habibullah and Ashraf (2015) assessed that basic education for all through multiple
delivery systems of online learning helps in promoting information technology activities
specially to serve private as well as government students. Technological stream and
information technology make people literate which promotes the quality of education
which makes public school effective. Online learning significantly impacts students for
the fulfillment and growth of students from primary schools to tertiary level. Enrollment
has symbolically increased for the development of students, even increasing poverty and

Shahzad et al. (2016) explained that various studies prove an increasing number of
students in many disciplines just because of information and communication
technologies. This is directly related to the student's access to the best teaching grades.
Students can improve the educational achievements, develop the educational system of
the country. For medium education which really reduces the attention of the students
leaving the class and then the students will not drop out of the educational institutions.
The research conducted in Malaysia clearly defines the importance of critical tools and
ways of using tools for educational achievement.

Chidibere, (2016) indicated that students' desire to receive education is based on two
fundamentals. The first is to direct students to attend classes and promote intentional
learning through various educational websites that remove barriers such as transportation
access and transportation costs. In addition, the online educational system is considered
as a motivating device to participate internally and externally in classes that improve
academic achievement. There are two dimensions of the online education system which
make the academic achievements of the students flourish. It motivates students to never
miss classes which reduces absenteeism in schools so it directly saves students from

The United States General Accounting Office (2016) found that the reason for the low
attendance in Pakistan is the lack of the latest educational equipment in the institutions.
Modern technology is imperative and coercive for the students to inculcate social and
moral values among the students. The Government of Pakistan is making special efforts
to provide online education facility to the students. Provides the school with the means of
instruction for the pursuit of best teaching practices in public exceptional educational
institutions. The government should supply electronic books to researchers and students.
This automatically influenced the learning habits of distance learning students. Terms of
manufacturing online educational tools develop web-based learning materials to improve
the effective management of the educational system.

2.3: Education skill on online learning process

Azam (2016) indicated that various teaching techniques should be used along with
information communication and instructional techniques to accelerate best academic
skills. Online education system does not use fixed and concrete teaching techniques as it
has flexible capability so it can be used with all teaching techniques. It helps in giving
comprehensive descriptions of philosophical ideas. It quickly changes the teaching
process and thinking of teachers.

Haider (2016) suggested that the use of specified and specific teaching techniques is
essential for the best completion of the curriculum. A text book is contained on paper
along with visual books and this written and visual text can be best expressed through the
use of multimedia. Manual and standardized transmission of concepts through online
teaching is formally prevalent in the teaching of various subjects. The action plan can be
completed by live classrooms without any complications in teaching techniques. The
flow of information can be replicated in teaching methods through recorded lectures.

Addis, (2016) explained that four basic approaches to teaching techniques emerged
appropriately from the use of the online educational process when lecturing students. The
grammatical system focuses on learning how to teach other languages to students. In this
system online education system provides best audio clip to the students because of this
facility while teaching students can easily understand the correct pronunciation. In the
functional system, students have to focus on the rules of grammar while speaking in
different and foreign languages. Online education helps students to reduce their
grammatical mistakes by using various web sites and learning forums. In the role
relationship system, students are guided to develop knowledge about what to say and
what to speak in live communication.

Walsh and Peel (2016) stated that in the audio-visual method, information is conveyed
through various audio and visual objects such as radio, television, multimedia and
projectors. This teaching method can be used effectively by informational and
communication tools as the focus is on teaching the language and not on teaching the
language. The Smart Board helps them in teaching the language by providing multimedia
and clips on television. The practice and repetition of various pronunciations is possible
through the use of electronic devices during teaching and learning.
Types of social media in online learning
There are many types of social media like
1. Social review sites
2. Image sharing sites
3. Video hosting sites
4. Community blogs
5. Discussion sites
6. Sharing economy networks
7. Social networking sites

2.4: Social networking sites

Somer and Pilisky (2016) described social networking sites as defined as public web-
based services that allow users to develop personal information, identify other users with
whom they interact, read and respond to submissions from other users on the site.
website, and send and receive messages privately or publicly. These web-based services
allow individuals to create public or semi-public profiles within a limited system.
Facebook and LinkedIn are among the most popular.

Vitaro et al. (2016) pointed out that social networking is an aspect of social media where
everyone shares ideas and interests, or seeks to meet people with similar views and
interests in the community. “Social media is one of the most powerful tools on the
Internet today. These services bring people together with interesting things, experiences,
and familiar activities that people can share their commonalities with.

Peguero et al. (2016) reported that social networking sites help people to talk, share
documents, discuss ideas, email, etc. Social networking technology helps users to
communicate and share their views on specific topics. In addition, these social
networking sites are used for social and entertainment purposes. They help people
connect with friends and family.

Duberke et al. (2016) Social networking systems are becoming very popular now and
they are attracting a lot of people. They're used by all kinds of people, and advocates of
social media say that "you're not alive unless you're on social media." Many institutes try
to use such technology to communicate with their teachers/students and students as well
as parents in order to provide better services..

2.4.1: Facebook

Townsent et al. (2016) stated that Facebook is one of the most popular social networking
sites used for communication and helps people connect with friends and others who
work, learn and live around them. Huh. The first six components of Facebook are
personal information, status updates, networks (geographic regions, schools, and
businesses), groups, apps, and fan pages. People all over the world, regardless of age, are
eager to use Facebook for various purposes. Students and teachers rely on Facebook to
conduct classes and attend meetings. This study also revealed that students use Facebook
to meet other teachers and students.

2.4.2: Twitter

Schonkoff& Garner (2016) reported that Twitter is a microblogging service that allows
users to post and read messages about 140 characters long. In microblogging, it is one of
the most popular social networking services. His motto to draw people to himself is "The
best way to find out what's new in your world.
Tramontina et al. (2016) explained that users can also follow updates from their friends
by "following" them, sending them direct messages, publicly replying to their friends, or
simply asking questions or comments because of their status. send, thereby helping
teachers and students build their own learning networks. It gives them the time to
discover and connect with the lives of people around the world who can help them take
their education and education to the next level.

2.4.3: YouTube

Andrei et al. (2017) suggested that YouTube provides the infrastructure for its users to
download or upload video files. At the same time, it allows its users to interact with
others by commenting. This social networking tool helps users to find and know their
favourite videos. As with ordinary users, classmates can use YouTube videos to learn
more about various topics by listening to lectures and expert classes from different parts
of the world.

2.4.4: WhatsApp

Hunt (2017) pointed out that WhatsApp is an online community that allows you to meet
your friends and share your photos, diaries and interests. The site promotes social
networking by gaining access to established blogs and allowing people to meet friends
and connect with experts from all over the world. Although used in simple conversations
with friends and others, it promotes and coordinates various arts, economic and artistic
events and endeavours in which users can participate. Studies show that people use social
media for their work, their work. Education, etc., other than just communication.
Education is one of the platforms that has embraced social media and new technologies to
enhance the effectiveness of teaching.

2.5 Status update services

Jagger, (2017) noted that this type is also known as a micro-blogging service, an update
service like Twitter that allows people to share brief updates about a person or event and
view updates posted by others. allows. There is a limited list of people who definitely
want to revolutionize rapidly, perhaps because of our personal involvement in this field.
Social media and educational life for students in higher education Academic life in these
situations is defined as an activity related to the work done at the university and the
university where the study is located. and thinking rather than skills or techniques. Higher
education on the other hand is an educational field which mainly defines the education
after 18 which is conducted in universities as well as other universities and institutions
which confer academic and professional degrees.

Doput, (2017) found that one aspect of most social media discussions that is considered
straightforward or truly philosophical, among educators investigating and engaging in
this field is beginning to consider what it might mean. and its impact on social media in
education and the special distribution of higher education requirements. Social media is
shaping up to be an increasingly important event in everyday school life. In fact, some
critics refer to social media as a social network that is accepted as a path to society and an
acceptance of identity in the lives of many people.

Training (2017) explained that more precisely, the reason with young people in relation
to these evolving technologies is related to the social media self-reliance that allows
students to have more control over nature and the nature of their actions, as well as
where, when and how they do it. Young people ‘are not satisfied with just passing
shopping, and give more satisfaction to their desire to choose, have time, decorate and
control themselves in designing, producing and distributing products themselves’. For
many educators, the presence of social media in the field of higher education is necessary
if the university wants to connect with these students.

Henry (2017) said that community space and group relationships are a great measure of
what young people are excited about and should contribute to their persistence and
motivation to learn. Technology has enhanced the new culture of learning which says that
learning is based on the principles of research, play and innovation rather than specific
guidelines, arguably the social media supports aspects of knowledge consumption and
construction that are very different from the epistemological principles of formal
education and individual guidance as well as coexistence with theoretical learning culture
of contemporary culture and modern society. These ideas are most clearly reflected in the
connoisseur’s view that learning in the social media era depends on access to and use of
information shared in a “timely manner”. ". Simply put, learning can be considered as an
individual’s ability to connect to specific nodes and resources and when necessary.
Therefore, knowledge skills require the maintenance and maintenance of these

Bask, (2017) found that learning can be acquired in terms of ‘knowledge to know more’
through social media rather than the dependence on gathering previous knowledge about
what is currently known. The impact of social media on student life for student’ssocial
media provides a new system for students to engage in regular physical activity. It
provides students with intermediaries in a world to evaluate and comment publicly on
their university environment, institutional policies, teaching, faculty and student partners
to him in real time. Social media barely penetrated our campgrounds, and they were
burdened by the burden of social injustice and complex Jurisprudence met with decades-
old student discourse.

Carrns, (2018) suggested that given the potential impact of social media on its positive
impact, no one is suggesting that we pull it off, and in many ways the technology is
already beyond our comprehension. Students are now communicating through
technology, and if you say there is no Facebook or texting, you are severing significant
technological connections for students using technology teachers online using various
tools such as Skype, text, email, Facebook and twitter. Social media is opening up new
avenues of collaboration and discussion in the sense that, offering a wide range of content
publishing, engagement, sharing and search skills through the use of Internet search tools
always easy. Students now use social media everywhere and whenever there is an
Internet connection to meet their educational needs.

Bilquees (2018) said that students use social media to connect with their teachers as a
group outside the classroom and to plan school activities and what not to do, this also
allows students to get help with teacher work from the teacher during the evenings,
weekends and vacations so that they never fall. Mobile phone numbers and WeChat are
also used similarly to communicate quickly with teachers during their school days, in
case students are late or absent from school during emergencies. As for the number of
complaints of inappropriate communication on social media, the potential threat is too
great. Students who engage in personal relationships outside of the classroom area are
asked to initiate inappropriate behaviour.

Sabateset al. (2018) explained that there is a risk of users being rude and disrespectful to
others such as profanity, obscene language, obscene language or language that is
disturbing, demeaning, or inappropriate in the school environment sometimes circulating
in these areas. Users may display, post, download, or download any material that is
sexually explicit or user-friendly, without the notice of a teacher, school administrator or
their peers at the event. This in turn may lead students to admit that they have no right or
expectation to have a privacy policy regarding their use of school technology and
therefore do not want to participate full.There is always the possibility of something
wrong, and that is true before technology as well. So critics should stop worrying about
what might go wrong and realize that there is a great deal of time spent on social media
that expands what students are learning.

Farooq (2018) said that teacher consultation is the basic element in all teaching methods.
Online educational system is the strong bridges for the best consultation among the
teachers and students. It motivates the students for self-proceeding in the learning
method. It associates the disseminate learning material to the manage information that’s
why it is considered as a diverse tool of learning. Online learning enhances the quality of
comprehensive learning materials for the universal access of these informational
instructional technologies to the learners and researcher. In the educational process
teaching techniques are known as the back bone and in this advance era smart board
helps this back bone for standing straight and everlasting.
Chevalier et al. (2018) explained that online learning implies the electronic tools which
are not additionally and definitely used along with the teaching techniques. Its consent is
to increase the participation of learners during the lecture and demonstration method. It
helps in setting the best teaching goals which are also attained through the use of these
tools during lecture and demonstration method. Research goals can be accomplished by
the effective and timely use of e- tools in the learning and teaching process. If the
teachers have quick and immediate access to the informational tools during the teaching
process then the teachers leave ever lasting effects on the memory of students.

Hahs- Vaughan (2018) resulted that online learning make the provision of curriculum
during teaching flexible and acceptable. For the productive result regarding the teaching
process national values should be integrated in this effort online learning provide the
separate mutual as well as isolated function. Construction of integrated curriculum
includes planned activities along with the informational instructional communication
technologies in the teaching methods. Online learning gives wholesome program for the
best behaviour patterns while teachers provide experiences to the students for best
academic achievements. Material and equipment of learning are also known the tools of
online study now the modern world without these tools educational process and the basic
element of this process (teaching techniques) cannot become successful. These materials
transport the learning utterances to the students during teaching process that save the
class from disturbance.

Miller (2018) showed that in the communicative teaching approach teachers have the
firm believes of developing the practical knowledge of language in their professional and
communicative society. The extends in the teaching methodologies are functionally
imperative just because of the use of smart board in the educational process. To pay
particular attention to the structural and functional aspects of teaching materials use of
smart board according to the maximum advantages of students is crucial.

McLean and Conor (2018) said that heuristic method means that train the students in the
systematic way that they can able to discover new ideas by their own. Teachers use
different schemes during pedagogies and in these techniques online study takes first
priority for teaching the students. In this method teacher use different online websites for
encouraging students. The grappling information can be easily availed by the students if
teachers use different online websites while teaching values and experience. The aim of
online teaching in the heuristic method is to develop self-reliance and self confidence
among the students. Teachers can actively engage the students in the teaching process by
giving them different learning tasks that can be completed. Field projects, laboratory, role
playing stimulating games and drills are the essential activities of heuristic method. All
these activities can be effectively accomplished through the use of electric tool.

Hussain (2018) explored that the project method is used with the combination of online
study and heuristic method. In this method self-centred and experience centred activities
are assigned to the students by giving special consideration to the informational tools in
the teaching pedagogies. The inter-disciplinary knowledge can be transmitted to the
students with the fine participation of online educational websites in the project method.
It evolves the divergent thinking and cooperative conducive environment which can be
maintain by computers and electronic informational labs. The correlation between the
subject matter and democratic spirit is possible with the smart board.

Oigara and Keenge (2018) showed that the eclectic method means gaining different ideas
from different sources. The proponent of smart board makes the teaching approaches
effective and value able. Eclectic method is the combination of different teaching
techniques in the teaching process. This combination becomes strong if teachers use
smart board in this effort. It emphasized on the training of skills along with the
application of smart board in the teaching and learning process. Online learning rapidly
combines the audio-visual aids with the teaching and academic achievements of students.
For best and success full combination of new tasks with the teaching methods smart
board is crucial.
2.6: Attitude of students towards on-line learning

Levy (2018) resulted that student take great interest and eagerly participated in the use of
websites during their study. Online websites are critically and dimensionally used in the
enrolment of students in the educational process. In this era where the education has
distinguished effects on the personality and financial benefits of students online learning
interconnect the students to the education. Students provide positive response to the
electronic tools during teaching and learning process.

Gasparovic (2018) explained that students are now more amused to the online learning
for the advance studies. Online educational procedure depends on the material of learning
as well as entertaining information. Online education provides extreme knowledge and
relic directly to the students that are why students mostly prefer the use of smart board
while searching new information. Students depend on the previous knowledge for
improving their experience and gaining dispersal things. Student’s brain actively
participates in the study because of the functioning of electronic websites. Students
choose different websites for creativity and conciliate execution of academic

Archambault (2018) said that online study removes the risk of failure initiation and
develop creative competence. Online study is now considered most preferable equipment
because it makes the students active for attending the learning classes. Online study never
annihilates the will and learning skills of students. It has marvellous impacts on the social
transformation and information interaction. Students give significant impression to the
educational online conferencing for increasing performance. Almost 72 % adolescent
students use educational websites all the time for learning activities. Students become
able to distinguish the learning position and initiation after attending the university
conferences, seminar and online workshops.

Cataldi, (2018) explained that the collision of fraternity and meta more phase online
educational program is considered the basic program. It enhances the ethical and creative
behaviour of students and discloses the extreme connection of students to the study. It has
very subordinate variety in the mechanical advancement and reinforcement of students’
personality and academic personality. The network of different technologies of online
educational process creates the cause of powerful learning. The extensive and spectacular
arrangement of innovative attitudes of students. The unbalanced life style of learning can
be balanced by reducing disarray of fractious sectional.

Herroro (2019) described that online education is definite “like the procedure of online
education, particularly throughout the Internet and email”. Online education is definite as
“an online education way where a learner can study at any moment or place in excess of
the internet. Online education has two types; synchronous and asynchronous.
Synchronous education needs the attendance of both parties at the similar time for
instruction and education to take place. Therefore, it is also suggested to as ‘exist’ or
concurrent training. Owing to the restriction of system bandwidth and a smaller amount
difficult skill concerned with asynchronous education.

Ingumn (2019) said that in spite of the expansion of online education in learning and its
supposed payback, the competence of likewise tackle will not be completely used if the
users tending to not admit and exploit the system. Consequently, the winning completion
of online education tools lies on whether or not the learners are ready to accept and
recognize the tools. Therefore, it has turn into essential for practitioners and educationist
to know the factors moving the client getting of web-based education systems in order to
develop the educational experience of learners.

Kearney (2019) Asynchronous education is comparable to synchronous education which

is a student-centred process exploit online education assets to make easy information
distribution despite of the constraint of moment and position between a network of
community. Asynchronous education takes benefit of computer- based statement to get
the promises of education “anytime and anyplace” through asynchronous online
discussions. Asynchronous online study is on the base of constructivist assumption, a
student-centred method that highlights on the significance of students’ communications
with each other. These methods together self-learning with asynchronous
communications to encourage education, and it can be second-hand to make easy
education in customary on-campus or usual instruction, space tutoring and continuous
learning process. This seems a joint system of students and the system in which they
exchange a few words are suggested to as an asynchronous online education network.
The circumstances and factors motivating the Asynchronous online education are
dissimilar so, this technique is definite by an additional element. On the base of these
mechanism mentioned that “Asynchronous.

Hammond, (2019) Individuality into highly developed representation of Constructivism

in online education situation. The three mechanisms determined are:
1. Purpose of education tricks, which includes teamwork, teamwork, numerous
representations of thoughts, and societal discussions;
2. Teacher’s Roles, which are mentoring, giving knowledge, giving reaction, and
assessing student education;
3. Educational appraisal, also conducted by the teacher, throughout group effort, or by the
learner himself education suggest to teaching that is not forced by natural features or

Khan, (2019) explained that the trainer’s role in an online education concludes actions
associated to set up the cooperation spot, increasing and disseminating understandable
education for goal achievement, and providing educational actions through the lessons.
The preliminary role of the teacher is to facilitate learner with understandable information
and completion of the work in a way like that learner know their potential and are ready
for the information they are available to be predictable to study. In reaction, students are
predictable to manage of their own education and use their preceding experience to
inclusive lessons responsibilities.

European commission Education (2019) said that a significant donation of the

dissemination of digital medium in advanced learning make education feasible. The
learners originate that the comprehensive investigation of the regularity sharing in excess
of the seven years reflects the strength of technical conversation towards online education
advancement, and conclusions about the scientific potentials of innovations can be
identified. Particularly, they originate the improvement prospective of education
organization, mobile instruction, essential worlds, collection, communal medium and
considerable Open Online Courses are basics for online education in German advanced

Korhean, (2019) analysed the relationship among online education and learner’ academic
accomplishment in higher education. The learner originate that Information
Communication Technology had a statistically significant positive manipulate on online
education-based students’ academic achievements. The results also included that
Information Communication Technology had an important optimistic impact on students’
educational in general academic success.

Mohsinet al. (2019) founded the facts of movable education (m-learning) methods which
can be exploit for activity source preparation organization. The technology acceptance
model (TAM) was useful to review the receipt, value and apparent no difficulty of the use
of the mobile instruction. The learners create that the mobile instruction system was
connected certainly for apparent simplicity of apply and supposed convenience as such
conclusion long-established other studies which stressed out the consequence of the
excellence of way satisfied in online education. Many studies conducted on online

Quiroga (2019) resulted those three institutions (21%) well-known that is chance to
increase technical skills. Single academic confirmed this was a “possibility to up skill and
include choice software and narrative assets into our education.” These unexpected jumps
in up skilling and improvement by a big percentage of academics have the possible to
convert remedial learning by giving information on online education to all aspects of the

Locher, (2019) suggested that new assets produced and industrial by academics consist of
videos, practical dissections, decisive quizzes, and new sensible classification comments
with the purpose of obtainable to learners through implicit educational Environments.
Preceding studies have elucidated those students be grateful for anatomical videos and
they have the possible to get better assessment scores. Adjusting the trainer-learner
association was well thought-out a risk (21% of responders) as online assets lead to
apparent development in the online teacher communal existence.

Minday and Crain (2019) described that online learning was promoted by means of postal
systems that throw written objects to students and teachers. Greater part of people take
benefit of online teaches particularly actually disabled women who cannot contribute as a
usual learner in institutions; the one is unavailable in jobs and those who survive in
isolated areas. Defined that now-a-days youth is explained as tech-savvy and internet
conception that have each and every one to do by means of internet and web.

Zhang (2019) described that online work are often connected through extensive apply of
skill. Some searchers believe that the understanding of a way challenges or effect learner
achievement. These researchers are mostly anxious by way of knowing the most
excellent method to use for victorious education in online tasks and disagree that student
technical and non-academic skills are at the back their achievement in online courses.In
most modern generation lacks creativity because way in of generous skill. The interaction
among knowledge and wisdom is indivisible in the 21st century. It is decisive to
appreciate the influence of technology in learning which leads to concentration in school
presence and consequently to education and imagination. Students can help out one
another in exploit of knowledge as well as trained study in universities.

Rotermundum (2019) explained that in skill online education is a dominant instrument,

which provides direct access to get information and facts by themselves. Online
education leads to autonomous education. Trainers have the liability to lead learners as
they investigate and get knowledge in order to additional extend to skills. Then, with no
even significant it students “study how to be trained” and extend their own educational
strategies that can previous a life time.
Fall and Robert (2019) illustrated that technology rapidly evolves and its innovations
contain have an optimistic collision on our everyday life. Moreover, it brings revolt in the
ground of learning and study. Inventiveness and improvement in skill brings changes in
instruction and education owing to skill. From diverse virtual channels students can
observe the actual humanity throughout their own online practice as videos can be
efficient way of examine authentic life troubles and come up to up with solutions.
Throughout multimedia device to amplify learner’s presentation and inspiration to study
through cheering conversation, teamwork, difficulty solving, improvement, promoting
rational processes and developing information.

Alexander et al. (2019) narrated that modern Learning Environment (MLE) is tenure to
facilitate entire part on information supported by means of digital expertise instrument in
the method that is a contemporary element in education and instruction procedure. MLE
is intended to maintain educational styles which know how to accurately create the
educational situation to be contemporary. In this observation, it is obvious with the
purpose of MLE has a separate seem particularly as of the method on procedure and

Strom and Robert (2019) said that MLE refers to improve facts investigation rooted in
pedagogical and technological approach. As a result, MLE is a kind of educational circles
requisite in schools and in advanced education approximately the humanity to maintain
the educational styles, mainly joint communiqué styles. Concerning behind educational
strategies in information investigation, attempts to allow learner to admit the education
and moreover to obtain way in to online source be able to facilitate with such
incorporation. It is to believe in originating such intense which might motivate
classrooms to provide such depiction into unlock and flexible educational places.
Volery and Lord (2000) indicates that interacti0n thr0ugh discussi0n f0rums is 80% in
the 0nline learning envir0nment. H0wever, the impact 0f activities thr0ugh the f0rum 0n
learning 0utc0mes has n0t been menti0ned in the studies. The writer suggests that
students get better academic results by participating in discussi0ns with each 0ther
instead 0f m0ving f0rward with teachers.
M0han (2010) viewed that with the help 0f learning t00ls, the design 0f c0ntent
f0r learning is diverse in many shapes and meth0ds. The ways in which the interest
created f0r learners f0r learning varies in ways 0f c0mmunicating.The w0rking gr0ups
have positive effect on students learning 0utc0mes. The bird suggests that s0cial
netw0rks have a direct impact 0n the final learning 0utc0mes 0f learns.
Sidman at al. (2011) conducted that the best m0tivati0n f0r 0nline training is that
it c0nnects with every0ne in the w0rld wh0 can access this inn0vati0n 0r techn0l0gy.
An0ther benefit 0f 0nline instructi0n is that y0u can learn time management 0pti0ns by
adjusting jobs and responsibilities. When d0ing to web c0urses, the maj0rity 0f learners
are able t0 c0pe with their sch00l w0rk as well as web exercises. They take hold of the
0pp0rtunity f0r their w0rk.
Oye at al. (2012) described the online system helps t0 design and devel0p c0urses
easily and m0re c0nveniently in the f0rm 0f 0nline learning. By pr0viding learning
activities such as less0ns, f0rums, quizzes, wikis, the survey helps students interact with
the learning envir0nment m0re easily. Steele and c0lleagues f0und that the relati0nship
between frequency0f access t0 the LMS system (by the number 0f frequency clicks)
affects student sc0res. They c0nsider that LMS systems 0r technical fact0rs play an
imp0rtant r0le in pr0m0ting interactive learning activities of student.

Tsai (2013) elaborated that Cooperative interacti0ns in 0nline learning activities include
the types0f interacti0ns: learner self, learner instruct0r, and learner interface. In-c0urse
learning activities are an f0rm 0f interacti0n between the subject’s inv0lved in teaching
and learning activities that include: student c0ntent, student instruct0r, and student-
student interacti0n.
Zhang and Espinoza (2014) showed that 0nline training is effective when it comes
to teaching. The student’s wh0 get 0nline training sh0uld c0ntr0l themselves. Web-based
learning lacks cl0se and pers0nal c0llab0rati0n, and self-sustaining pr0spects make it
difficult t0 ensure students' abilities impr0ve, despite the c0nstructive results 0f
c0mpetency impr0vement expressed that 0nline instructi0n impr0ves pr0cessing skills
and it is a self-integrated learning. Every pers0n t0 use computer as a part 0f their n0rmal
life that is why every individual needs t0 learns the basic registrati0n aptitude that can
only be done with online training. Online training can be effective way to learn
processing skills.

Singh (2014) explained that 0nline teachers are primarily in charge 0f

inc0rp0rating creativity int0 their 0nline learning pr0gram. Online educat0rs need t0
expect a facilitat0r rather than a teacher. There are a number 0f media f0r teaching
inn0vati0n t0day. This was a time when 0nline instructi0n was c0nsidered l0w quality,
yet the time may c0me when individuals can supp0rt 0nline training meth0ds t0 devel0p
the required skills. T0day we feel that b0th channels f0rmal training and e-learning are a
great way t0 learn. Online learning is also an important way to learn and put information
into practice and exchange information at any time.
Chang (2014) said that teaching a student is als0 an easy way f0r teachers because
it c0vers time and distance. Students were enc0uraged t0 c0mpete with 0ther students.
This c0mpetiti0n increases the level 0f m0tivati0n in the students. Student’s wh0 are
m0re kn0wledgeable ab0ut the Internet can perf0rm better than th0se wh0 are less
kn0wledgeable. 0nline educati0n is helpful during exams. The student enhances his
kn0wledge by interacting with vari0us sch0lars, teachers and phil0s0phers. Students clear
their minds in which they face difficulties. Student’s bec0me self-sufficient t0 achieve
Urdan and Weggen (2015) sh0wes that students have better results and need less
time t0 learn when they interact with the online system. H0wever, research has n0t been
d0ne with any 0ther interactive f0rms. Similarly, acc0rding t0 research findings the
directi0n 0f time spent 0nline and p0sitive results have a p0sitive effect 0n the results
0btained by students, especially th0se in the ab0ve-average gr0up. Preliminary research
has sh0wn that 0nline interactive activities in a blended learning c0urse affect students'
learning 0utc0mes.
Asterhan and Hever (2015) defined that reading material had a p0sitive effect 0n
learning 0utc0mes. This material is als0 sh0wn in the study when they analyzed h0w the
number 0f pages is maintained, discussi0n letters, and reading c0nversati0ns 0n students'
learning 0utc0mes. As the number 0f p0sts increases, students have t0 submit
assignments 0r take exams, while students have better academic results 0nline 0ver a
l0nger peri0d 0f time.
Lens (2015) described that what are the variables that m0tivate individuals t0 seek
0nline instructi0n rather than 0ffline training? The resp0nse t0 this inquiry reflects the
p0tential 0f the learners and there are numerous g0als 0f this m0tivati0n such as
adjusting and emp0wering learning. Pers0nal c0mputers help individuals learn 0r p0lish
individual learning skills.
Lieberman and Linn (2018) stated that the imp0rtance 0f 0nline educati0n is
undeniable as every0ne, including students, has g0ne thr0ugh a busy schedule and that is
why they prefer 0nline c0urses s0 that they can guide themselves in learning while
managing their time. There is a str0ng p0ssibility that 0nline training is n0t 0nly
adaptable but als0 a viable appr0ach t0 acquisiti0n.
Str0mmen (2019) expressed that the am0unt 0f success 0r ability achieved in
academic w0rk is interpreted as success / perf0rmance. E-learning expands the learning
pr0cess am0ng learners. Due t0 the rapid devel0pment 0f web devel0pment, e-learning
has l0gically bec0me a p0pular meth0d in higher educati0n instituti0ns.
Abdullah, A. M. 2011. Individual and technological factors effecting perceived ease of
use of web-based learning technologies in a developing country. Elec. J. Inf. Sys.
Dev. Count. 6:146-158
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turn encouraging greater participation from students improving their motivation.

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